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Sameness Freeness Fairness

Equality aims to ensure that everyone gets the same share to fulfill their lives and enjoy
it, it involves understanding what people need. Justice is a responsibility of a free and just society
justice insure that everyone is secure regardless of gender, race, religion and country they are
from. Equity it defines the difference and tries to reduce the gap between the groups, it is a
positive discrimination, people are treated fairy but differently. In the three defined words it
shows similarity but there is a thin line that separates them, equality is for sameness, justice for
freeness, and equity for fairness.

Equality, justice and equity plays a significant role in our daily lives, basically everyday
we encounter it on our own in making decisions in life, an example of it is the life of Maria and
Her family. There was a poor family living in the foot of a mountain, small house made of wood
and a nipa roof, during rainy season they can’t sleep since their roof have leakages. The family
doesn’t have that enough money to buy what their kids want. Maria the mother is so bothered
about the upcoming opening of the school year since her children are so excited to go to school
but there seems to be a problem.

Sunday evening Maria called Talio and her three children’s for dinner, they round in the
ground and pray for the food they have, the house is quiet dark they only have a gas filled lamp
to light the house. They sat in circle with broken spoons and an aluminum plate. Maria prepared
the food but she doesn’t eat together with them she often do it because there is only enough food
for his husband and for the children. That night Maria prepared two fried fish and is only good
for two but there were four of them Talio get a knife and sliced the fish into four making it equal
to everyone. Though they were given a little they don’t mind it since it was sliced equally.

After having dinner Maria calls her children for a talk about going to school. Jessie the
oldest is already at 5th grade, Luna is in 3rd grade while Bert is in 2nd grade. Maria told them that
she and their father can’t afford it anymore to send them all at school together. The children cry
and burst into tears. Jessie understand the situation so he says that “ Mama I’ll stop schooling
this year since I’m already in 5th grade I’ll just help Papa in laboring I’ll just continue to study
when Luna reaches 5th grade” Maria feel sorry for Jessie. Jessie comforted her siblings and
explain the things further to them, he’ll be just waiting for them and he’ll comeback studying
with them soon. That night was full of emotions and tears but Jessie shows how he shows
equality among his siblings.

After a few weeks Jessie went with his father to the farm where his father work on and
introduces Jessie to the owner saying that he want a job. The owner hesitates to take him in but
the owner knows the background of his family. Also Jessie is already 18 years old and needed
the job he got hired regardless he didn’t finished his elementary level. After many years Jessie
return studying with his siblings they study hard until today. Maria and her family shows the
importance of Justice, Equality and Equity with it we can understand how things flow and go,
that if we adopt it within ourselves and understand it it will refresh our minds. We should also
consider we people should also consider Justice, Equality, and equity in our daily life decisions.

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