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Tales of

A highway code
for young road users
Tales of A higHway code
the road for young road
A useful guide to keeping
yourself and others safe
on the road. Contents

Name: ……………… … … … … … …
4 Walking

………………………................. 14 Rollerblading
15 Cycling
20 Riding in cars
Remember 21 Using buses
• Always plan your journey 23 Animals on the road
• Make sure you know where you
are going
24 Road signs and markings
• Choose the safest route 27 Traffic lights
• Leave yourself plenty of time
28 Signals
When words appear in red, it means
that if you don’t follow that rule, 30 Glossary 
you are breaking the law.

2 3

When If you are looking Where there is no

walking... after somebody pavement, walk on
younger than you, the right hand side
always hold their of the road to face
Where there is
hand when the traffic coming
a pavement or
using the towards you.
footway, use it.
Walk one behind the
Take care when
other at bends in the
crossing cycle lanes
road or at night or if
on the road. Cyclists
there is a lot of traffic.
may be travelling
quietly but may be Take special care
faster than other if you can’t see the
traffic. road very far ahead. Help other road users
see you. Wear or
carry something light
coloured or bright.

Be bright, be seen

Fluorescent materials
are good. They show up
in daylight and at dusk.
Reflective materials
are good at night.

4 5
3 Look all 4 If traffic is coming,
around for traffic let it pass
and listen
The Green Cross Code Traffic could come from
Look all around again and listen.
Do not cross until there is a safe gap in
The steps you need to follow any direction. the traffic and you are certain that there
to cross the road safely. is plenty of time.
Listen as well, because
you can sometimes hear Remember, even if traffic is a long way
traffic before you see it. off, it may be approaching very quickly.

1 First find
a safe place 5 When it is safe, go straight
to cross across the road – do not run
Keep looking and listening Look out for cyclists and
and where there is space to
for traffic while you cross, in motorcyclists travelling
reach the pavement on the
case there is any traffic you between lanes of traffic.
other side.
did not see, or in case other
Do not walk diagonally
Where there is a crossing traffic appears suddenly.
across the road.
nearby, use it. It is safer to cross
using a subway, a footbridge,
an island, a zebra, pelican,
toucan or puffin crossing, or
where there is a crossing point
controlled by a police officer,
Try to avoid crossing between
a school crossing patrol or a
parked cars and on a blind bend or
traffic warden.
close to the brow of a hill. Move to
Otherwise choose a place where you a space where drivers and riders
can see clearly in all directions. can see you clearly.
The Green Cross Code
2 Stop just before you get to the kerb 1. Find a safe place to cross
2. Stop just before you get to the kerb
where you can see if anything is coming and
where drivers can see you. Do not get too close 3. Look all around for traffic and listen
to the traffic. If there is no pavement, keep back 4. If traffic is coming, let it pass
from the edge of the road but make sure you
can still see approaching traffic. 5. When it is safe, go straight across the road – do not run,
keep looking and listening while you cross
6 7
Using a crossing with traffic lights
Some pedestrian crossings have
a red and a green man box on the
opposite side of the road (pelican
crossings) and others have the
box on the same side of the road
as you (puffin crossings).

This is
a puffin

Push the button and wait where you Do not start to cross if the green
can see the signal and the traffic. man is not showing. When the
green man disappears there
Once the green man shows and
could be:
the traffic has stopped you can
Parked vehicles start to cross. There may be a • A flashing green man
bleeper sound at this time. You • A red man signal
should still keep looking for the • No signal
Try not to cross between parked cars traffic while you cross.
But if there is nowhere else • Don’t cross near large vehicles.
to cross: You could be standing in a blind Remember
spot, where the driver cannot
 hoose a place where there is Some green men will only work if a pedestrian is waiting
see you.
a space between two cars and by the push button.
make sure that it is easy to get • Walk to the outside edge of the
to the pavement on the other cars and stop. Here you can be You may have to wait a little time. Be patient!
side of the road. seen by drivers and you can look
all around for traffic. Cross the road quickly between the studs. Do not run.
 ake sure neither car is about
to move off – look for drivers •U
 se the Green Cross Code. When
in the cars, lights and listen the road is clear, cross, still looking Some crossings have an island in the middle of the road.
for engines. and listening as you go. Treat each half of the crossing as a separate crossing;
press the button and wait for the green man.

8 9
Crossing at a zebra crossing
Crossing at a junction
• If there is a zebra •A
 fter traffic has • Keep looking all
crossing, use it. stopped from both round and listening
directions, walk in case a driver has
 ait on the
across on the not seen you.
pavement near the
black and white
kerb until all the • Drivers need plenty
traffic has stopped of time to slow down
before you start to and stop, especially
cross. in wet weather.

Crossing where there is an island in the road

Use the Green Cross Code Watch out for overtaking
to cross to the island. Stop vehicles.
there and use the Code again
If there is an island then treat
to cross the second half of
each half of the crossing as
the road. Remember to look If you have to cross at a road junction, look out and listen for traffic turning
separate crossings. Do not
all round and listen. the corner, especially from behind you.
assume that vehicles will
stop. Check that they have
stopped before crossing.
School Crossing patrols,
police or traffic wardens
When school crossing patrols,
police officers or traffic wardens are
controlling the
traffic, wait until
they signal to you
to cross the road.
Always cross in
front of them.

10 11
Railway level crossings
Crossing one-way streets

Always obey the You must never cross Remember, if the lights
instructions shown. when red lights flash continue to flash after
or when you can hear a train is gone, another
Use the Green Cross Code when crossing one-way streets. Check There are many kinds of
warning sounds. train is coming. It is not
which way the traffic is going. If there is more than one lane of traffic, crossings:
safe to cross until the
do not cross until it is safe to cross the whole road. Always stop behind
• They may have gates lights go out.
the STOP line. Never
or barriers or neither.
go past a barrier that If there are no flashing
Pedestrian Trams • There may also be is down, or being red lights, warning
warning lights or bells. lowered. sounds or gates, you
safety barriers Take extra care where trams run should still stop, look
along the road. They move quietly and listen to make sure
If you need to cross the road
and cannot steer to avoid you. Look out for these signs: it is safe to cross.
walk to the gap in the pedestrian
safety barrier and use the Green
Cross Code. Never climb over or
walk outside the barrier.

Crossing bus lanes 1. Level crossing 2. Level crossing 3. Level crossing

with gate or barrier without gate or without gate or
In bus lanes, buses may go faster ahead barrier ahead barrier
than other traffic. Sometimes
they go in the opposite direction.
Cyclists and taxis may also be
using them so take special care
when crossing. Plan each journey Make sure that drivers Use the Green
can see you. Cross Code
• Where do you
when you are
want to go? • What sort of clothes
crossing the
should you wear?
• What is the safest road.
way to get there? • Are you standing
somewhere that drivers
expect you to be?
12 13
Your bike – check it out
When rollerblading or skating, • Avoid busy areas and
make sure you do so safely always take care near other Make sure your cycle is safe When you have to carry anything
and without causing a pedestrians, particularly young to ride – your brakes and tyres on your cycle, use a bike bag or
nuisance to others. children and the elderly. should be working well. Make sure basket. Make sure that you don’t
your front and back lights work wear any loose clothing so that
• Rollerblade only on the • Look out for signs –
well, and nothing can
pavement, never on the rollerblading may be banned
your back get caught
road. Where possible use on certain pavements.
reflector is in the chain
playgrounds, parks or
• Use the Green Cross Code clean. or wheels.
special areas provided.
when crossing the road.

Before you set off

Always wear a cycle helmet that is the correct size and securely
fastened – it will help to protect your head if you fall off.
Help other road users to see you. Wear light coloured or fluorescent
clothing in daylight and at dusk, and something reflective at night.
Do not ride a bike that is too big or small as it can affect
your balance.

Cycling in the dark

Wear reflective clothing and/or accessories (belt,
arm or anklebands) or a backpack in the dark.
You must not cycle at night without
a white front light, a red back light
and a red reflector at the back,
so make sure they are clean
and working.
Remember Remember that if you have a
dynamo on your bike your lights
Respect other can go out when you stop.
road users.
14 15
On your bike You must obey traffic light signals
and road signs and the signals Never ride more than two
Before starting off, turning right Be particularly careful near large
made by police officers, traffic abreast, and ride in single
or left, overtaking, or stopping, vehicles like lorries and buses.
wardens or school crossing patrols. file on narrow or busy
you must look behind and make The drivers may not be able to
roads and when riding
sure it is safe and then give a clear see you. Do not ride in the space You must not hold onto any
round bends.
arm signal to show what you between the vehicle and the kerb, other vehicle or another cyclist.
intend to do (see page 29). because they may be going to
You must not carry a passenger
turn left.
You must not ride on the on your cycle unless it is specially
pavement unless there are special When turning from one road designed to do so.
signs allowing you to do so. to another, pedestrians who
You should never
are crossing that road have
When you get on your bike look lead an animal
the priority, so give way.
all round for traffic. When it is safe whilst cycling.
to move off, cycle away.
Watch out for
Always keep both hands on When you are next traffic doing
the handle bars unless you are out in a car, look at the unexpected
signalling or changing gears. cyclists. Are there times things.
when you can’t see
them? Which ones are
easier to see and why?

If you want to turn right from a busy

road, it is safer to stop on the left
hand side before or after the junction
and wait for a safe gap in the traffic
before walking with your cycle across
the road.
 nly overtake when you are certain it
is safe to do so. If you are overtaking
parked vehicles, watch out for them
starting off while you are doing so,
and look out for car doors opening or
pedestrians crossing near them. You
should also look for traffic coming
towards you.
Remember Use your eyes and ears all the time. Ride far enough
from the edge of the road  ou should not use a personal stereo
to avoid drains and gutters. or a mobile phone whilst cycling.

16 17
Parking Cycle routes Bus lanes Tram tracks
your cycle and crossings
Only cycle in Cyclists should take extra care
Always park your cycle Where available, always use bus lanes if when driving close to tram
thoughtfully so that it is not routes away from busy roads. there is a tracks, especially if the rails are
in  the way of other people. In some areas special cycle cycle shown wet. It is safest to cross the
It is best to use a cycle stand routes, tracks and lanes on the sign. tracks directly at a right angle.
if there is one. are provided.
 ock it to prevent it being
stolen and have the frame
marked with your postcode. Roundabouts
 t roundabouts get off
Pedestrian Crossings your cycle and walk if you
feel unsafe. When entering
You must stop for pedestrians a roundabout you must
at zebra crossings. give way to traffic coming
You must stop for the red light from your right. Look out
at the traffic lights, including for vehicles which may
those at crossings. turn in front of you.

Cycling near animals

 e careful when cycling near
horses and other animals.
Give them plenty of room
as you go by.
Don’t scare them by sounding Don’t Cycle Remember
your bell or horn; they could
injure someone. Look after your bike and make
sure it is safe.
Make sure that you are dressed
These signs show the different routes: in the right clothes:
• Light, bright, fluorescent,
reflective clothes
where you see • A correctly fitted helmet
Recommended route  Cycles Shared with Separate cycle Cycle lane this sign Make sure that you can always
for cycles only pedestrians & pedestrians see and hear well.

18 19
Riding in cars Using buses
When you wait for a bus or tram, and trams
stand on the pavement well back
from the traffic. It is dangerous to
play around at bus or tram stops.
If you do need to cross the road
Wait for people to get off the bus
after getting off a bus or tram,
or tram before you get on.
wait for it to move away first so
Always do what the driver tells that drivers can see you and you
The law says that seatbelts • Do not block the driver’s you and don’t distract them. can see what’s coming.
must be worn at all times. view in the mirror.
Children under the age of • Never lean or wave out of
12 and under 135cms in the window or throw or Remember
height must use the correct hang anything out.
child seat for their size. •A
 lways try to think about what might be happening around you.
• Only open doors or
windows if it is safe.
 ake sure that you are easily going to be seen.
When you get in or out of the car,
• Keep your hands away
use the door on the pavement
from door handles while •D
 rivers need to concentrate on what they are doing. Make sure that you
side. Only get out when you are
the car is moving. do not distract the driver, no matter what vehicle you are travelling in.
sure it is safe.

 here there are seatbelts always use them.

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20 21
Animals on the road
Riding horses or ponies Taking care of dogs
Check that your horse or pony is Make sure you can control Do not let your dog out on its If you have a dog in the car,
properly shod and the saddlery your horse. If your horse is own. Keep it on a short lead when make sure it and any other
and bridle fit well and are in nervous, ride with other less walking on the pavement or road animal is restrained so it cannot
good condition. nervous horses. and keep between the dog and distract the driver or cause injury
the traffic. if there is a collision. Put the
animal on a lead before getting
out of the car.
Before you move off When you lead a It is safer not to ride at
or turn, always look horse, always keep night, but if you have
around to see if it is yourself between it to you should fit a light
safe, give a clear arm and the traffic. which shows white
signal and move off to the front and red
Make sure other road
with both hands on to the rear and you
users can see you
the reins. should wear a band
by day and night.
on your right arm and/
Avoid roundabouts Fit fluorescent /
or leg/riding boot.
wherever possible. reflective legbands
If you have to use and tailguard to
one, keep to the your horse and
left and look out for wear a fluorescent
traffic coming on to reflective jacket
the roundabout from or belt.
other roads. Signal left
before you leave the


If you are under 14 you must wear an approved

• Make sure •B
 e aware •D
 o not take
safety helmet which must be fastened securely. that your of other your animal
Those 14 and over should also wear a helmet. animals road users. somewhere
Wear boots and shoes with hard soles and heels.
are safe. that will
frighten it.

22 23
Road signs
Always obey traffic light signals, Learn the meaning of all road Warning signs
road signs and the signals signs and markings. Circular
given by police officers, traffic signs usually give orders, These are usually triangular
wardens and school crossing triangular signs give warnings and
patrols. rectangular signs give information.

Signs giving orders Road works Slippery Danger – words Children

Road describe going to or
These signs are mostly circular. the danger from school
Those with blue circles usually tell you what you must do.

Steep hill Crossroads Roundabout Uneven Cycle route

downwards road ahead
Keep left Keep right Turn left Turn right Ahead Mini
ahead ahead only roundabout
(give way to
traffic from
the right)
Signs with red circles tell you not to do something
Road narrows Traffic signals Zebra crossing Two way
on both sides ahead ahead traffic

Information signs
No No right No entry No motor No No vehicles These are usually rectangular
cycling turn for vehicles vehicles pedestrians except pedal
including cycles being
pedal pushed by
cycles hand
Recommended route for
One way street pedal cycles to place shown
These two signs
must also be
Give way On approaches
to traffic on Stop and to junctions
Tourist attraction Route for pedestrians
major road give way
to place shown
24 25
Road Markings Traffic lights
Across the road Box junction

Give way to traffic on Stop at the Do not enter the box unless Red Red and Green Amber
the major road STOP line your exit road or lane is Stop amber You may go if it is safe Also means
clear, except to turn right Wait behind Also means to do so. Take special Stop
the stop line Stop care if you mean to turn
Along the road left or right and give way
to pedestrians who are

If there is a green arrow you can

go in the direction shown if it is safe
to do so. You can do this whatever
other lights are showing.

Flashing amber
Means you must give way to
pedestrians on the crossing,
but you may continue if there is
Lane Line Centre Line Hazard Do not Do not Do not nobody on the crossing.
warning cross cross solid enter
line double line if it is marked
white lines on your area unless
side it is safe to Flashing lights
do so
Flashing lights
Zebra and pelican crossings’ zig zag
mean you must
lines. Vehicles must not overtake, wait
stop. They
or park in the zig zag areas. Pedestrians Flashing amber
appear at level
should not cross on the zig zag areas. lights tell you
crossings, lifting
They should always use the crossing. there could be
bridges, air fields,
school children
fire stations etc
SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR Keep school entrance clear crossing ahead.

26 27
Police officers’ signals Signals given by drivers Arm signals
Also given by traffic wardens

I intend to move
out to the right or
turn right. I intend to move out
to the right or turn right.

Stop Stop Stop

Traffic approaching Traffic approaching Traffic approaching from
from the front from behind both front and behind I intend to move in
to the left or turn left
or stop to the left.

I intend to move in
to the left or turn left.

I am slowing down
or stopping.

Come on Come on Come on

Waving on traffic Waving on traffic Waving on traffic I intend to slow down
from the front from the side from behind or stop (particularly useful
I am going
at zebra crossings).
to reverse.

28 29
Here are some of the words used in this book and their meanings: Road junction Traffic
• Where two or more roads • Anything which uses the road.
Bus lane Pedestrian crossing Traffic lanes
• Part of the road marked for • Special places where
buses. May sometimes be people can walk across the
Roundabout • The space between the white
• Where two or more roads lines painted along the road.
used by taxis, cyclists and road safely.
meet with an island in the
Pedestrian island middle. Traffic lights
• Red, amber (yellow) and green
Cycle lane • Part of the road which is
School crossing lights which tell the traffic when
• These are marked by a white raised or marked, where
line (may be broken) along the pedestrians can wait in the patrol to stop and when to go.
carriageway. middle of the road. • A person who helps you cross
the road. They wear a special Traffic warden
Cycle track Pedestrian safety uniform and carry a sign to • A person who wears a uniform,
• These are normally located barriers stop the traffic. and a cap with a coloured band.
• Metal fences at the edge of Wardens sometimes direct traffic
away from the road but
may occasionally be found the pavement to stop people Toucan crossing and tell people when to cross.
alongside footpaths and from crossing that part of • Push-button operated light-
pavements. the road. controlled crossings which Vehicle
allow cyclists and pedestrians • Anything which travels along
Fluorescent Pedestrian subway to share crossing space and the road on wheels.
• Pathway under the road. cross at the same time.
• Coloured material which
shows up brightly in daylight.
Pelican and puffin
Give way • These are signal-controlled
• Give priority to other road crossings operated by
users. pedestrians.

Kerb Priority
• Edge of the pavement. • Who goes first. Priority
is decided by pre-set rules
Pavement or and is indicated by signs or
markings on the road.
• A place at the side of the
road where people walk.
Reflective material
• Special material which shows
up brightly when a light shines
Pedestrian upon it, especially at night.
• Person who walks.

30 31
Further copies can be obtained
from DfT Free Literature:

Road safety professionals and general public

0300 123 1102
0300 123 1743

Published by the Department for Transport

© Crown copyright 2009
Reprinted in the UK March 2010 on paper containing 80% recycled fibre
Product code TINF1305

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