Arabic English Vocabulary For Dars-E-Nizami PDF

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Send! (imperative) ‫اَرسل‬
he regained consciousness َ َ‫ا‬
throw it! (imperative) ‫اَلقها‬
I show you ‫اُرٌكم‬
I entrust ُ‫فوض‬ ِ ُ‫ا‬
Make! Build! (imperative) ‫ِبن‬
ِ ‫ا‬
Make for me! ‫ِبن لى‬ ِ ‫ا‬
became bold ‫اِجترأ‬
they both turned back ‫اِرتدا‬
Return! Go back! ‫اِرجع‬
You return ‫اِرجع‬
it stayed in its place ‫ِستقر‬
َ ‫ا‬
it took possession ‫اِستولى‬
if he were ُ ٌ ‫اِن‬
sneaked ‫ِنس َل‬ َ ‫ا‬
alone, individually ‫اِنفراد‬
champions, heroes ‫ابطال‬
hate ‫ابغض ٌبغض‬
more lasting ‫ابقى‬
son ‫ابن‬
sons, children ‫ابناء‬
to refuse ‫ابى ٌابى‬
took ‫اتخذ‬
finished, completed ‫ات ٌم‬
completed ‫اتمم‬
I lean on ‫اتوكأ‬
instigated ‫اثار‬
responded ‫اجاب‬
dared َ‫اج َت َرأ‬
gathered ‫اجتمع‬
strived ‫اجتهد‬
reward, recompense ‫اجر‬
bodies ‫اجسام‬
You make! (imperative0 ‫اجعل‬
hired one ‫اجٌر‬
to love ‫احب ٌحب‬
one ‫احد‬
parties, groups ‫احزاب‬
he did well ‫احسن‬
more deserving ٌ
dreams ‫احالم‬
brother ‫اخ‬
informed ‫اخبر‬
sister ‫اخت‬
I chose ‫اختر‬
to take, to hold ‫اخذ ٌأخذ‬
take out, expel ‫اخرج ٌخرج‬
other ‫اخرى‬
other ‫اخرى‬
made a mistake ‫اخطأ‬
you stay behind in my place ً‫اخلُفن‬
close friends ‫اخالء‬
close friends, associates ‫اخالء‬
close friends ‫اخالء‬
take off! (imperative) ‫اخلع‬
respect ‫ادب‬
teach, educate ‫ادب ٌؤدب‬
when ‫اذا‬
then ً‫اذا‬
permission, ear, give permission ‫اذن‬
Go! ً‫اذهب اذهب‬
you hurt him ‫اذٌتم‬
he intended ‫اراد‬
suspect, doubt ‫ارتاب ٌرتاب‬
bounced back, turned back ‫ارت ٌد‬
to accept feeding, to breast feed ‫ارتضع ٌرتضع‬
earth, land ‫ارض‬
breastfeed ‫ارضع ٌرضع‬
breastfeed her ‫ارضٌعه‬
I show you ‫ارٌكم‬
teachers ‫اساتذة‬
you hired ‫استأجرت‬
you hire him (imperative) ‫استأجره‬
tyranny, despotism ‫استبداد‬
to feel shy ‫استحى‬
shyness ‫استحٌاء‬
use, utilize ‫استخدم ٌستخدم‬
they considered me weak ‫استضعفونى‬
they bought sought food ‫استطعما‬
she remained steadfast ‫استقامت‬
listen, pay attention ‫استمع ٌستمع‬
took possession of ‫استولى‬
family ‫اسرة‬
committed excess in, transgressed ‫اسرف‬
name ‫اسم‬
counselled, consulted ‫اشار‬
increased, became severe ً
I will be strict, (verb), stricter (adjective) ‫اشق‬
became ‫اصبح‬
origin, principle ‫اصل‬
idols ‫اصنام‬
decayed, wasted away ‫اضمح ٌل‬
Join! (imperative), embrace, join together ‫اضمم‬
children ‫اطفال‬
I view, I survey ‫اطلع‬
fired ‫اطلق‬
I think ٌ‫اظن‬
hug ‫اعتنق‬
hurried ‫اعجل‬
enemies ‫اعداء‬
wiser ‫اعقل‬
higher, highest ‫اعلى‬
dominant ‫اغلب‬
rich people, plural ‫اغنٌاء‬
excess ‫افراط‬
corrupted ‫افسد‬
better, superior ‫افضل‬
succeeded ‫افلح ٌفلح‬
tide, in the form of army ً ‫افواجا‬
I entrust ‫افوض‬
stayed ‫اقام‬
accept, come forward, meet ‫اقبل‬
fight ‫اقتتل ٌقتتل‬
he plucked ‫اقتلع‬
become convinced ‫اقتنع‬
strong ones ‫اقوٌاء‬
many, most ‫اكثر‬
you forced ‫اكرهت‬
why not ‫اال‬
now ‫األن‬
child ‫التقط‬
we picked up ‫التقطنا‬
tongues ‫السنة‬
famous ‫الشهٌر‬
God forbid! ‫العٌاذ باهلل‬
he threw ‫القى‬
threw ً‫الق‬
inspired ‫الهم‬
to, towards ‫الى‬
to the limit, to a limit, as much as possible ‫الى حد‬
mother ‫ام‬
in front of ‫امام‬
protection ‫امان‬
examination, test ‫امتحان‬
he ordered, order ‫امر‬
woman ‫امرأة‬
yesterday ‫امس‬
Stay! (imperative) ‫امكثوا‬
became possible ‫امكن‬
waves ‫امواج‬
that ‫ان‬
indeed we ‫انا‬
to be devoted ‫اناب‬
Prophets ‫انبٌاء‬
wait ‫انتظر‬
all of you ‫انتم‬
finished ‫انتهى‬
He saved her ‫انجاها‬
inclined towards ‫انحدر‬
sent down ‫انزل‬
relationship ‫انساب‬
lineages ‫انساب‬
relationship ‫انساب‬
covered over ‫ان َط َب َق‬
Look! ‫انظر انظري‬
blessed ‫انعم‬
it parted ‫انفلق‬
marry, give in marriage ‫انكح‬
indeed ‫انما‬
types ‫انواع‬
insult, humiliation ‫اهانة‬
paid attention to ‫اهت ٌم‬
people, house hold ‫اهل‬
or ‫او‬
we inspired ‫اوحٌنا‬
we made (them) inherit ‫اورثنها‬ َ
kindle for me fire ‫اوقد‬
kindled a fire َ‫اوقد‬
if ‫اولو‬
first, previous ‫اولى‬
days ‫اٌام‬
your hands ‫اٌدٌكم‬
as well, too ‫اٌضأ‬
firmly believed ‫اٌقن‬
whichever ‫اٌما‬
where ‫اٌن‬
Go to! ‫ائت‬
leaders ‫ائمة‬
interrogative ‫أ‬
was thrown ً‫لق‬ َ ‫أ‬ ُ
You all seek help! ‫أِستعٌنوا‬
she remained steadfast ‫أِستقا َمت‬
forefathers ‫أباء‬
I seek for you ُ‫أبغٌكم‬
bring! ‫أت‬
gave him ‫أتاه‬
they two went to ‫أتٌا‬
coming ‫أتٌة‬
I will bring you ‫أتٌكم‬
instigated ‫أثار‬
baked brick ‫أجر‬
most ignorant ‫أجهل‬
You drove us out ‫أخرج َتنا‬
weak, servile ‫أذِال‬
they tortured him ُ‫أذوه‬
you persecuted ‫أذٌ ُتم‬
you persecuted him ‫أذٌتموه‬
Please show yourself to me ً‫أرن‬ ِ
he showed him ‫أراه‬
your feet ‫أرجلكم‬
legends ‫أساطٌر‬
captivity ‫أسر‬
most compassionate ‫أش َف َق‬
destiny took over ‫أصاب القدر‬
most unjust ‫أظلَم‬
enemies ‫أعداء‬
Help us! ‫أعنا‬
pieces of meat, piece of liver, own children ‫ افالذ كبد‬,‫أفالذ‬
family ‫أل‬
are you not? ‫ألست‬
he turned ‫أناب‬
he turned towards ‫أناب‬
noses ‫أناف‬
He saved her ‫أنجاها‬
rescued, relieved ‫أنجدت‬
I see you ‫أنست‬
established, started doing something ‫أنشأ‬
you disliked َ
I guide you ‫أهدٌكم‬
I drive away, chase away ‫أهش‬
recommend, bequeath ‫أوصى‬
we landed ‫أوٌنا‬
sign ‫أٌة‬
piece of land ‫َب ٌر‬
became cold َ‫َب َرد‬
onion ‫صل‬ َ ‫َب‬
he was made to faint ‫بُهت‬
virgin, an animal on which no load has ever been put ‫ِبكر‬
to spend night ‫بات ٌبٌت‬
desert ‫بادٌة‬
good (showing goodness to others) ً‫بارا‬
state, condition ‫بال‬
harm, wrath ‫بأس‬
search ‫بحث‬
to change ‫ب ٌدل ٌب ٌدل‬
nomadism ‫بداوة‬
he extended love (for them) ‫بذل وّ د‬
cold ‫برد‬
thunderbolted ‫برق‬
blessing, mercy ‫بركة‬
wilderness ‫برٌة‬
simplicity, naivety, naturalness ‫بساطة‬
eyesight ‫بصر‬
after ‫بعد‬
far ‫بعٌد‬
vegetables ‫بقل‬
to cry ً‫بكً ٌبك‬
but ‫بل‬
town ‫بلد بالد‬
calamity ‫بلٌة‬
dull ‫بلٌد‬
misfortune ‫بلٌلة‬
builders ‫ب ٌناؤون‬
daughter ‫بنت‬
with it, with him ‫به‬
house ‫بٌت‬
white (feminine) ‫بٌضاء‬
while ‫بٌنما‬
well ‫بئر‬
it jumps ُ‫َت ِثب‬
(don't) turn away ‫َتر َتدوا‬
you (did not) wait for, you (did not) keep it in mind )‫َتر َقب (لم‬
protects them (from) ‫َتقٌهم‬
you snatch it ‫َتن َت ِزعوها‬
they breath ‫َتنفسوا‬
it raises, it raises up the earth for cultivation ‫ُتثٌ ُر‬
comprehends him ‫دركه‬ ِ ‫ُت‬
(don't) grieve me ‫ُترهِقنى‬
it illuminates ‫ُتنٌ ُر‬
repent ‫تاب ٌتوب توبة‬
misguided, arrogant ‫تائهة‬
you came to us ‫تأتٌنا‬
you work for him ً‫تأجرن‬
regret ‫تأسف‬
you expressed grief and regret ‫تأسف ُتم‬
you order, you command, ‫تأمرون‬
follow ‫تبع‬
she dissociated herself from ‫تتبراء‬
she repudiates ُ ‫تتبرأ‬
you oppose ‫تتعرضون‬
you oppose ‫تتعرضون‬
you plot ‫تتعرضون‬
moving about (of waves) ‫تتالطم‬
she was strolling ‫تتنزه‬
you come, it comes, she comes ‫تجئ‬
beneath ‫تحت‬
talk, discuss ‫تحدث ٌتحدث‬
was amazed ‫تحٌر‬
she fears ‫تخاف‬
estimation ‫تخمٌن‬
to frighten ‫تخوٌف خوف ٌخوف‬
they two drive away ‫تذودان‬
retreated ‫تراجع‬
upbringing ‫تربٌة‬
watching ‫ترقب ٌترقب‬
left ‫ترك‬
you see ‫تري‬
purified ‫تز ٌكى‬
it shook ‫تزلزل‬
infused, infiltrated ‫تسرب‬
it moves quickly (feminine) ‫تسعى‬
it is running ‫تسعى‬
they two give water to ‫تسقٌان‬
got over (them) took control ‫تسلط‬
you afflict (someone) ‫تسوم‬
eats well, eats to the full ‫تشبع‬
gratefulness ‫تشكر‬
complaining ً‫تشك‬
reach, does not reach ‫تصل ال تصل‬
became tired ‫تعب‬
wondered ‫تعجب‬
you advise me ً‫تعظن‬
learnt ‫تعلًم‬
don't be complacent, ‫تغتروا ال تغتروا‬
negligence ‫تفرٌط‬
detail ‫تفصٌل‬
kissed ‫تقبل‬
come forward ‫تقدم‬
her eyes find comfort ‫تقر عٌنها‬
they approached ‫تقربوا‬
it jumps, hopes ‫تقف ُز‬
it plays, you play ‫تلعب‬
turn away ‫تلف‬
it got damaged, spoiled ‫تلفت‬
received ‫تلقٌى‬
in front of ‫تلقاء‬
seize, grab ‫تلقف‬
that (feminine) ‫تلك‬
you demand gratitude ‫تمُن‬
summoning ‫تناد‬
mutual calling ‫تناد‬
calling, crying, mutual calling, summoning ‫تناد‬
you call me ً‫تنادٌن‬
you regret or you show remorse. ‫تندم‬
you regret ‫تندمون‬
spoiled their living ‫تنغص عٌشهم‬
(the frog) croaks ُ
argument, finding fault with someone ‫تنقٌر‬
faced, went to ‫توجه‬
turned back ‫تولٌى‬
they turn back ‫تولون‬
you harm or hurt him ‫تؤذونه‬
wandering ‫تٌه‬
became agitated ‫ثار‬
third ‫ثالث‬
second ‫ثان‬ٍ
earth ‫ثرى‬
snake, serpent ‫ثعبان‬
eight ‫ثمان‬
became anxious, despondent ‫َج ِزع‬
a part ‫َجزء‬
they betrayed him, they showed hardness to him ُ‫َج َفوه‬
body ‫جُث‬
(madness) intensified ‫ج َُن‬
came ‫جاء‬
came to you ‫جاءكم‬
girl ‫جارٌة‬
maker ‫جاعل‬
sitting ‫جالس‬
they both argue with you, put pressure on you ‫جاهداك‬
reward, award ‫جائزة‬
hungry ‫جائع‬
powerful ‫جبار‬
might ‫جبروت‬
very much ٌ ‫جدا‬
dispute, altercation, controversy ‫جدال‬
new ‫جدٌد‬
bravery, audacity ‫جراءة‬
locust ‫جراد‬
try, experiment ‫جرب ٌجرب‬
courage, boldness ‫جسارة‬
companions ‫جلساء‬
group ‫جماعة‬
handsome ‫جمٌل‬
increased in madness ٌ‫جن‬
wing ‫جناح‬
shielf ‫جنة‬
army ‫جند‬
armies, soldiers ‫جنود‬
madness ‫جنون‬
madness ‫جنون‬
the foolish ones ‫جهال‬
openly ‫جهرة‬
ignornace ‫جهل‬
generation ‫جٌل‬
I come to you ‫جئتك‬
you brought, you came ‫جئتم‬
his desire urged him ‫َح َث ُه الشوق‬
people of town ‫َحضر اهل الحضر‬
inability to speak, stammer ‫حُبسة‬
guards ‫حُراس‬
it was rightful (for) ‫حُق‬
dream ‫حُلم‬
it caught up with them, it reached them ‫حاق‬
it caught up with them, it reached them ‫حاق بهم‬
love ‫حب‬
ropes ‫حبال‬
How Lovely! ‫حبذا ٌا‬
grains ‫حبوب‬
until ‫حتى‬
argument, evidence ‫حجة‬
plural of hajj, implying 8 years since hajj is annual ‫حجج‬
lap ‫حجر‬
inclination ‫حدور‬
talk, tradition, narration, story, news ‫حدٌث‬
beware, guard ‫حذر ٌحذر‬
forbade ‫حرٌم‬
free ‫حرة‬
freedom ‫حرٌة‬
guard, memorize ‫حفظ ٌحفظ‬
truth, true ‫حق‬
command ‫حكم‬
settled ‫حل‬
place ‫حل محل‬
patience, forbearance ‫حلم‬
enthusiasm, zeal ‫حماسة‬
praise ‫حمد ٌحمد‬
donkeys ‫حمٌر‬
loving ‫حنون‬
around ‫حول‬
snakes ‫حٌٌات‬
snake ‫حٌة‬
where ‫حٌث‬
he released them ‫َخلصهُم‬
mooing, ,lowing (sound coming from a hollow structure) ‫ُخوار‬
failed ‫خاب‬
mind, idea, thought ‫خاطر‬
mistaken ‫خاطئٌن‬
fear ‫خاف ٌخاف‬
fifth ‫خامس‬
afraid ‫خائف‬
news ‫خبر‬
news, information ‫خبر‬
became ashamed ‫خ ِجل‬
deceive ‫خدع ٌخدع‬
servants ‫خدم‬
Hold! Take! ‫خذ خذي‬
he fell down ً‫خر‬
myths ‫خرافات‬
wood ‫خشب‬
fear ‫خشى ٌخشى‬
argument, enmity, fight ‫خصام‬
greenery ‫خصب‬
mistake ‫خطاء‬
our mistakes ‫خطاٌانا‬
occurred, came to mind ‫خطر‬
you feared ‫خفت‬
release ‫خالص‬
behind ‫خلف‬
leave! ‫خلوا‬
Leave! ‫خلوا‬
Leave! Let go! ‫خلوا‬
by suffocation ً ‫خنقا‬
he frightened them ‫خوفهم‬
option ‫خٌار‬
tents ‫خٌام‬
disloyalty, treason, betrayal ‫خٌانة‬
good, benevolence ‫خٌر‬
pride,vanity, vainglory ‫خٌالء‬
house ‫دار‬
plight ‫دأب‬
you planned َ
entered ‫دخل‬
stations, levels ‫درجات‬
called ‫دعا‬
pulverized ً ‫دكا‬
indicate, point to ‫دل ٌدل‬
animals ‫دواب‬
melt ‫ذاب ٌذوب‬
leave me! Let me to---- ً‫ذرون‬
let me, allow me to ً‫ذرون‬
humiliation ‫ذل‬
that ‫ذلك‬
dociles ‫ذلول‬
sin ‫ذنب ذنوب‬
went ‫ذهب‬
he lamented, mourned ‫َر َثى‬
fourth ‫رابع‬
one who returns, gives back ‫راد‬
one who turns something away, one who averts ‫راد‬
anchored ‫راسٌات‬
he saw ‫رأ‬
he saw, he thought ‫رأى‬
nourish, mentor ً‫ربى ٌرب‬
foster child ‫ربٌب‬
hope ‫رجاء‬
return ‫رجع‬
foot ‫رجل‬
man ‫رجل‬
two men ‫رجالن‬
mercy, have mercy on ‫رحم‬
he returned ‫رد‬
we returned, we gave back ‫رددنا‬
stoicism, plainness ‫رزانة‬
discrete, mature, guided ‫رشٌد‬
period of breastfeeding ‫رضاعة‬
breast fed child ‫رضٌع‬
nose bleed ‫رعاف‬
thundered ‫رعد‬
displeasure ‫رغم‬
lifted, elevated ‫رفع‬
leniency, mildness ‫رفق‬
threw (at) them ‫رماهم‬
threw ‫رمى‬
competition ‫رهان‬
wind, air ‫رٌح‬
went away ‫زال‬
receding, disappearing ‫زائل‬
snub, rebuff ‫زجر‬
marriage ‫زواج‬
adonrment, decoration ‫زٌنة‬
held, obstructed ‫َس ٌد‬
tribe ‫سِ بط‬
The one who covers ‫ساتِر‬
magician ‫ساحر‬
sixth ‫سادس‬
walked, proceeded, marched ‫سار‬
radiant, manifest ‫ساطع‬
the time, the hour ‫ساعة‬
help ‫ساعد ٌساعد‬
travelled ‫سافر‬
drove ‫ساق‬
asked ‫سأل ٌسأل‬
insult, curse, swear ً‫سب‬
reason ‫سبب‬
precede, pre-empt ‫سبق‬
they two preceded or pre-empted ‫سبقتا‬
paths ‫سبل‬
path ‫سبٌل‬
cloud ‫سحاب‬
magic ‫سحر‬
magicians ‫سحرة‬
innocence, simplicity, naivety ‫سذاجة‬
secret ‫سر‬
making its way as if in a tunnel ‫سرب‬
ascendancy, sway ‫سطوة‬
fortunate, successful ‫سعٌد سعٌدة‬
foolishness, impertinence ‫سفاهة‬
foolishness ‫سفاهة‬
fell down ‫سقط‬
give water ً‫سق‬
drunk ones ‫سكارى‬
become silent ‫سكت‬
one who is extremely drunk, the drunk ‫سكران‬
intoxication ‫سكرة‬
power, control ‫سلطان‬
conducted ‫سلك‬
accept ‫سلم ٌسلم‬
to allow ‫سمح‬
heard ‫سمع‬
you (have) named ‫سمٌتم‬
we will return it ‫سنعٌدها‬
we will slaughter, massacre ‫سنق ٌتل‬
years ‫سنوات‬
arrows ‫سهام‬
arrow ‫سهم‬
it decieved, it led astray ‫سوٌ لَت‬
evil ‫سوء‬
bad consequence ‫سوء العاقبة‬
straight path ‫سواء السبٌل‬
market ‫سوق اسواق‬
chief ‫سٌد‬
ladies ‫سٌدات‬
state, condition ‫سٌرة‬
he will reach us ‫سٌلحقُنا‬
he became tired ‫س ِئ َم‬
we are bored, we have become tired ‫سئِمنا‬
they went into too much detail, they became strict ‫َشددوا‬
young ‫شاب‬
became old ‫شاب‬
shore, beach ‫شاطئ‬
sense of smell ‫شامة‬
sense of smell ‫شامة‬
consult, seek advice ‫شاور ٌتاشاور‬
affair ‫شأن‬
affair ‫شأن‬
grew up (to be a young man) ‫شب‬
encourage, embolden, spur ‫شجٌع‬
harm ‫شر‬
police ‫شرطة‬
legislate ‫شرع ٌشرع‬
occupation ‫شغل‬
interceded ‫شفع‬
compassion ‫شفقة‬
misery, distress ‫شقاوة‬
complain ‫شكى‬
by hanging ً ‫شنقا‬
eagerness ‫شوق‬
thorn ‫شوك‬
misfortune ‫شؤم‬
fault, spot ‫شٌة‬
old man, teacher ‫شٌخ‬
thing ‫شئ‬
fainting ً ‫صعِقا‬ َ
cried, shouted ‫صاح‬
give both of them company ‫صاحِبهما‬
to prey ‫صاد‬
truthful ‫صادق‬
good deeds ‫صالحات‬
morning ‫صباح‬
repel, ward off ‫ص ٌد ٌصد‬
dowry ‫صداق‬
chest ‫صدر‬
chest ‫صدر‬
testify ‫صدق ٌصدق‬
straightforwardness, frankness ‫صراحة‬
tower ‫صرح‬
shout ‫صرخ‬
shout ‫صرخ‬
cried, shouted ‫صرخ‬
box ‫صندوق‬
made ‫صنع‬
idol ‫صنم‬
types, different kinds ‫صنوف‬
act ‫صنٌع‬
son-in-law ‫صهر‬
waste ‫ضاع ٌضٌع‬
(it) was lost on him, (it) was wasted on him ‫ضاعت فٌه‬
stray, lost, wandering ‫ضا ٌل‬
to laugh ‫ضحك ٌضحك‬
morning ً‫ضحى‬
hit, strike ‫ضرب‬
hit, strike ‫ضربة‬
weak ones ‫ضعفاء‬
weak ‫ضعٌف ضعفاء‬
frogs ‫ضفادع‬
deviation, misguidance ‫ضاللة‬
attached ‫ضم‬
hospitality ‫ضٌافة‬
harm ‫ضٌر‬
it became hard ‫ضٌ َقت‬
flew ‫طار‬
tyrant ‫طاغٌة‬
path, track, course ‫طرٌق‬
(they) started, began ‫طفق‬
child ‫طفل‬
want, demand, call for ‫طلب‬
obediently ‫طوعا‬
length ‫طول‬
for the duration of the course, throughout the path ‫طول الطرٌق‬
pure ‫طٌب‬
mud ‫طٌن‬
oppressor ‫ظالم‬
dominant ‫ظاهر‬
dominant ‫ظاهرٌن‬
shadow ‫ظل‬
shade ‫ظ ٌل‬
very dark, darkness ‫ظالم‬
oppression ‫ظلم‬
become manifest ‫ظهر ٌظهر‬
patron, supporter ‫ظهٌر‬
they crossed ‫َع َبروا‬
he reproached ‫ب‬َ ‫َع َت‬
lentils ‫َعدَس‬
high ‫عُلى‬
calf, veal ‫عِ جل‬
helpless, unable ‫عاجز‬
lived ‫عاش‬
defender, protector ‫عاصم‬
protector ‫عاصم‬
he punished him ‫عاقبه‬
wise ‫عاقل‬
deal with, treat ‫عامل ٌعامل‬
became stubborn ‫عاند‬
you enslaved َ ‫عب‬
servants ‫عباد‬
worship ‫عبادة‬
slavery ‫عبودٌة‬
ancient ‫عتٌق‬
wondered, surprised ‫عجب‬
wonder ‫عجبأ‬
inability, to be unable ‫عجز‬
was unable to, became helpless ‫عجز‬
enmity ‫عداوة‬
justice ‫عدل‬
enemy ‫عدو‬
aggression, injustice ‫عدوان‬
excuse ‫عذر‬
know, recognize ‫عرف ٌعرف‬
veins ‫عروق‬
power ‫عزة‬
made determination ‫عزم ٌعزم‬
strong ‫عزٌز‬
perhaps ً‫عس‬
ten ‫عشر‬
stick, staff ‫عصأ‬
sticks ً‫عص‬
bestowal ‫عطاء‬
great ‫عظٌم‬
intellects, minds ‫عقول‬
he knew ‫علِم‬
became high, claim greatness ‫عال‬
know ‫علم ٌعلم‬
elevation ‫علو‬
on, upon ‫على‬
knowledgeable ‫علٌم‬
from, about ‫عن‬
near ‫عند‬
crookedness ‫عوج‬
refuge ‫عٌاذ‬
eye, spring ‫عٌن‬
eyes ‫عٌون‬
strangers, foreigners ‫ُغرباء‬
he was overcome ‫ُغلِب‬
its water went down ‫غاض مأؤه‬
winner, dominant, triumphant ‫غالب‬
dust ‫غبار‬
strange, stranger ‫غرٌب‬
I make it faulty ‫غصب‬
anger, became angry ‫غضب‬
lid, covering ‫غطاء‬
forgive ‫غفر‬
boy ‫غالم‬
to overcome ‫غلب ٌغلب‬
cloud ‫غمام‬
sheep ‫غنم‬
rich ً‫غن‬
misled ‫غوي‬
without ‫غٌر‬
anger ‫غٌظ‬
transgression ًٌ‫غ‬
so, then ‫ف‬
you have been tested ‫فُتِن ُتم‬
look at that ‫فاذا‬
old ‫فارض‬
fugitives, running away ‫فارٌن‬
immoral, unchaste, sinner ‫فاسق‬
bright yelow ‫فاقع‬
opened, victory, opening ‫فتح‬
investigate ‫فتش‬
he investigated ‫فتش‬
they searched ‫فتشوا‬
young man, youths ‫فتى‬
pride ‫فخر‬
run away ‫فرً ٌفر‬
victim, prey ‫فرٌسة‬
panic, scare ‫فزع‬
corruption ‫فساد‬
became rampant ‫فشت‬
not to speak of, let alone ً
‫فضال عن‬
suckling child ‫فطم‬
needy ‫فقٌر‬
thought deeply ‫ف ٌكر‬
he thought deeply ‫ف ٌكر‬
those who are laughing, enjoying ‫فكهٌن‬
art ً‫فن‬
benefits ‫فوائد‬
garlic, wheat ‫فوم‬
in ً‫ف‬
in himself, himself ‫فً نفسه‬
mice ‫فٌران‬
it threw out ‫ف‬َ ‫َق َذ‬
cucumber ‫قِثاء‬
fought ‫قاتل‬
decisive ‫قاضٌة‬
he said ‫قال‬
she said ‫قالت‬
stood up ‫قام‬
stood up ‫قام‬
Coptics ‫قبط اقباط‬
kissed (verb),accepted (verb), before (preposition) ‫قبل‬
accept ‫قبل ٌقبل‬
slaughter, kill ‫ق ٌتل‬
fight ‫قتال‬
killed, murdered, victim ‫قتٌل‬
appreciate, value ‫قدَ ر ٌقدِر‬
came near ‫قرب‬
apple of the eye ‫قرة العٌن‬
strike, beat ‫قرع‬
centuries, generations ‫قرون‬
town, city ‫قرى‬
hardness ‫قساوة‬
he narrated ‫قص‬
story ‫قصة‬
intend ‫قصد ٌقصد‬
palace ‫قصر‬
walking step by step ‫قصصا‬
palaces ‫قصور‬
complete, accomplish, oradin ً‫قض‬
cut, interrupted ‫قطع‬
sat down ‫قعد‬
heart ‫قلب‬
hearts ‫قلوب‬
little, few ‫قلٌل‬
moon ‫قمر‬
lice ‫قمل‬
compulsion, force, subjugation ‫قهر‬
nation, people ‫قوم‬
nation, people, community ‫قوم‬
strong ‫قوي‬
it was said ‫قٌل‬
greatness ‫كِبر‬
was ‫كان‬
she was, it was ‫كانت‬
as if ‫كانما‬
they were ‫كانوا‬
liver ‫كبد‬
pride, glory ‫كبرٌاء‬
big ‫كبٌر‬
hide ‫كتم ٌكتم‬
many ‫كثٌر‬
like that ‫كذلك‬
disliked ‫كره‬ ٍ
respectable, honorable people, nobles ‫كرام‬
dislike ‫كره ٌكره‬
deny, disbelieve ‫كفر‬
sponsor, become guardian ‫كفل‬
all, everyone ‫كل‬
spoke, conversed with ‫كلٌم‬
never ٌ ‫كال‬
dogs ‫كالب‬
like (the example of) ‫كما‬
quiver for arrows ‫كنانة‬
stars ‫كواكب‬
how ‫كٌف‬
no ‫ال‬
it is inevitable ‫ال بد‬
you female don’t' grieve ً‫ال تحزن‬
you female don't fear ً‫ال تخاف‬
you continue to ‫ال تزال‬
don't be deceived ‫ال تغتروا‬
don't kill ‫ال تقتل‬
no offence ‫ال جرم‬
can hardly make it clear, can hardly explain or express ‫ال ٌكاد ٌبٌن‬
for its sake, for the sake of ‫الجله‬
I will surely crucify you ‫الصلبنكم‬
I will surely cut ‫القطعن‬
because ‫الن‬
for what, for which ٌ‫الي‬
suitable ‫الئقة‬
I will surely make you ‫ألجعلنك‬
stayed ‫لبث‬
milk ‫لبن‬
so that she feels happy ‫لتسر‬
tongue, language ‫لسان‬
kindness ‫لطف‬
doll ‫لعبة‬
perhaps ‫لعل‬
so that I, perhaps I ً‫لعل‬
indeed ‫لقد‬
for you, your ‫لك‬
but ٌ‫لكن‬
when ‫لمٌا‬
will not benefit us ‫لم تنفعنا‬
did not remain ‫لم ٌبق‬
did not deny ‫لم ٌجحد‬
did not know ‫لم ٌدر‬
did not reach ‫لم ٌصل‬
did not apologize, did not offer an excuse ‫لم ٌعتذر‬
were not guided to ‫لم ٌهتد‬
why ‫لما ذا‬
I will not be ‫لن اكون‬
for him, his ‫له‬
for them, their ‫لهم‬
I owe them. They have right on me ٌ‫لهم على‬
play, plaything ‫لهو‬
for me, my ً‫ل‬
that he reward you ‫لٌجزٌك‬
he was not ‫لٌس‬
they were not ‫لٌسوا‬
so that he becomes ‫لٌكون‬
gentleness ‫لٌن‬
so that not ‫لئأل‬
if ‫لئن‬
in place of ‫كان‬
َ ‫َم‬
cracked ً ‫مُتصدعا‬
those who turn their backs ‫مُدبرٌن‬
guilty, sinful ‫مُذنب‬
bitter ً‫مُر‬
covered ‫مُسجى‬
healthy, without blemish, perfect ‫مُسلمة‬
stubborn ‫مُعانِدٌن‬
those who take heed, those who learn lesson ‫مُعتبرٌن‬
covered ‫مُغطى‬
those who make false accusations ‫مُف َترٌن‬
was given, gifted, granted ‫مُنح‬
those who are given respite ‫ُمنظِ رٌن‬
touch, touching ‫مِساس‬
pouch, bag ‫مِك َتل‬
not (used before past tense), what, whatever ‫ما‬
you two did not do well ‫ما احسنتما‬
continued ‫ما زال‬
to die ‫مات ٌموت‬
livestock ‫ماشٌة‬
purposes, needs, goals, wishes, desires ‫مأرب‬
captives ‫مأسورٌن‬
shelter ‫مأوى‬
clear, manifest ‫مبٌن‬
when ‫متى‬
droughts ‫مجاعات‬
famine, drought ‫مجاعة‬
maniacs, crazy people ‫مجانٌن‬
gatherer, society ‫مجتمع‬
culprit ‫مجرم‬
meeting ‫مجلس‬
possessed, out of one' mind ‫مجنون‬
ordeal, trial ‫محنة‬
green, fertile ‫مخصبة‬
one who turns his back ‫مدبر‬
to praise ‫مدح ٌمدح‬
civilization ‫مدنٌة‬
town, city ‫مدٌنة‬
wet nurses ‫مراضع‬
once ‫مرة‬
reference, return ‫مرجع‬
rejoice, have fun ‫مرح ٌمرح‬
messengers ‫مرسلٌن‬
wet nurse, a woman who breast feeds children ‫مرضع مرضعة‬
sick, ill ‫مرٌض‬
evening ‫مساء‬
issue ‫مسألة‬
listener ‫مستمع‬
imprisoned ‫مسجون‬
poor ‫مسكٌن‬
making its way as if in a tunnel ‫مسلك‬
poisonous ‫مسموم‬
graceful walk, honorable way of walking ‫مشً الكرام‬
reformer ‫مصلح‬
fate, destiny ‫مصٌر‬
fate ‫مصٌر‬
deceptive, beguiler, misleading ‫مضل‬
to pass by ً‫مضى ٌمض‬
oppressed ‫مظلوم‬
with ‫مع‬
treatment, dealing ‫معاملة‬
miracle ‫معجزة‬
bewitched ‫مفتونٌن‬
corrupter ‫مفسد‬
artcile, statement ‫مقال‬
staying of an honorable guest ‫مقام ضٌف كرٌم‬
holy, blessed ‫مقدس‬
close associate ‫مقرب‬
you played a trick, you plotted ‫مكرتم‬
chiefs ‫مالء‬
dresses ‫مالبس‬
reproach ‫مالمة‬
thrower ‫ملقون‬
king ‫ملك‬
queen ‫ملكة‬
kings ‫ملوك‬
colorful ‫ملونة‬
from ‫من‬
who are you ‫من تكون‬
from opposite sides ‫من خالف‬
to gift ‫منح‬
since ‫منذ‬
those who turn to ‫منقلبون‬
fear ‫مهابة‬
cradle, smooth, flat, plane, level ‫مهد‬
despicable, worthless, insignificant ‫مهٌن‬
promises ‫مواعد‬
topic ‫موضوع‬
certain, sure ‫موقن‬
field ‫مٌدان‬
term, appointed time ‫مٌعاد‬
before appointed time ‫ قبل‬,‫مٌعاد‬
appointed time ‫مٌقات‬
Save me! ً‫َن ِجن‬
it became rare, it was rare ‫َن َد َر‬
scattered (its) ashes ‫ض‬َ ‫َن َف‬
He held a private conversation with him ُ‫ناجاه‬
township ‫ناحٌة‬
call ‫نادى‬
difficulty, crisis, calamity, tribulation ‫نازلة‬
difficulty, calamity that falls down ‫نازلة‬
people ‫ناس‬
spectator, onlooker ‫ناظر‬
achieve ‫نال‬
he slept ‫نام‬
Prophet ً‫نب‬
we follow ‫نتبع‬
we take ‫نتخذ‬
save ‫نجا ٌنجو‬
made impure ‫نجس‬
save me ً‫نجن‬
you have been saved ‫نجوت‬
remorse, to regret ‫ندم‬
dew ‫ندى‬
we brought you up ‫نربك‬
took off, withdrew ‫نزع‬
women ‫نساء‬
nurtured, brought up ‫نشأ ٌنشأ‬
fatigue ‫نصب‬
help, he helped ‫نصر‬
help ‫نصرة‬
clean, pure ‫نظٌف‬
shoe ‫نعل‬
yes ‫نعم‬
ran out, exhausted ‫نفِد‬
soul, spirit, breath ‫نفس‬
pecked ‫نقر‬
the broke (covenant) ‫نكثوا‬
ant ‫نمل‬
townships ً‫نواح‬
it was called ‫نودي‬
fee, rent ‫نول‬
ridicule, derision ‫هُزء‬
these two ‫هاتان هاتٌن‬
to stir up, to awaken, to excite ‫هاج‬
guide ‫هاد‬
one who guides ‫هاد‬
applause, exclamation, cheer ‫هتاف‬
shouted ‫هتف‬
calmness ‫هدوء‬
scowled them ‫هرتهم‬
(they, the dogs) growled at them ‫هرتهم‬
defeat ‫هزم‬
like this ‫هكذا‬
interrogative ‫هل‬
there, at that place ‫هنالك‬
he ‫هو‬
abasement, humiliation ‫هوان‬
dsire, love, passion ٌ‫هوى‬
she ً‫ه‬
and ‫و‬
they were guided ‫وُ فِقوا‬
valey ‫واد‬
agreed, approved ‫وافق‬
weak, feeble ‫واهن‬
punishment ٌ ‫وباال‬
find ‫وجد ٌجد‬
alone, lonely, one and only, unique, single, private ‫وحٌد‬
bid farewell ‫ودع‬
ministers ‫وزراء‬
minister ‫وزٌر‬
reach ‫وصل‬
country ‫وطن‬
promise, he promised ‫وعد‬
warning ‫وعٌد‬
insolence ‫وقاحة‬
dignity ‫وقار‬
He saved her ‫وقاه‬
shameless, rascal, rude, brazen ‫وقح‬
occurred, happened, fell ‫وقع‬
I fell you in your hand ‫وقعت بٌدك‬
stood, paused ‫وقف‬
attorney, witness ‫وكٌل‬
boy, son ‫ولد‬
neonate ‫ولٌد‬
gifted ‫وهب‬
woe ‫وٌل‬
they are wandering ‫تٌهون‬
َ ٌَ
he seeks help ُ
‫ستغٌث‬ ٌَ
he travels at night ‫سري‬ ِ ٌَ
renounces ‫ٌَنب ُُذ‬
he forgot ‫ٌَنسى‬
they get ready ‫طوا‬ ُ ‫ش‬ ُ ‫ٌَن‬
they digest, they violate the rights ‫ٌَهضِ مون الحق‬
invalidates ‫ٌُبطل‬
fulfills, implements, realizes ‫ٌُحق‬
he caused them grief, he oppressed them ‫ٌُر ِه َقهما‬
he consoles them ‫ٌُسلٌهم‬
he comforts them, consoles them ‫ٌُسلٌهم‬
he motivates them ‫ٌُشو َقهُم‬
reforms ‫ٌُصلح‬
it provides shade over them ‫ٌُظِ لهم‬
will show, brings to light ‫ٌُظهر‬
makes him indifferent, heedless, careless ً‫ٌُغن‬
finds salvation, succeeds ‫ٌُفلح‬
he is honored ‫ٌُكرم‬
he calls ‫ٌُنادي‬
he informs them ‫ٌُنبههم‬
he is humiliated ‫ٌُهان‬
become easier ‫ُهون‬
َ ٌ
it was revealed ‫ٌُوحى‬
He makes it inherited ‫ُور ُثها‬ِ ٌ
he advices them ‫ٌُوصٌهم‬
they turn their backs ‫ٌُولون‬
O! ‫ٌا‬
he takes ‫ٌأخذ‬
desperation, hopelessness ‫ٌأس‬
they forge, they lie ‫ٌأفكون‬
accommodate, provide shelter ‫ٌأوي‬
spends night ‫ٌبٌت‬
makes clear ‫ٌبٌن‬
follows ‫ٌتبع‬
they bear ‫ٌتحملون‬
he gets rid of ‫ٌتخلص‬
he remembers ‫ٌتذكر‬
(they)consder as dirty ‫ٌتقذر‬
they show piety ‫ٌتقون‬
they received ‫ٌتلقوا‬
(did not ) give up ‫ٌتنازلوا لَم‬
pays attention ‫ٌتنبه‬
he strolls ‫ٌتنزه‬
he moves ‫ٌتنقل‬
orphan ‫ٌتٌم‬
instigates ‫ٌثٌر‬
did not find ‫ٌجد لم‬
it flows ‫ٌجري‬
did not despair ‫ لم‬,‫ٌجزع‬
remains hungry ‫ٌجوع‬
warns ‫ٌحذر‬
to attend, that he should attend ‫ لٌحضر‬,‫ٌحضر‬
he transposes, encompasses ‫ٌحو ُل‬
he lives ‫ٌحٌى‬
he acts haphazardly ‫ط خبط عثواء‬ ُ ‫ٌخب‬
he frightened ‫ٌخوف‬ ً
it appears ‫ٌخٌل‬
hand ‫ٌد‬
treats him ‫ٌداوٌه‬
knows ‫ٌدري‬
he leaves ‫ٌدع‬
calls ‫ٌدعو‬
they both invite or call ‫ٌدعوان‬
he slaughters ‫ٌذبح‬
leaves ‫ٌذر‬
he goes ‫ٌذهب‬
he hopes ‫ٌرجو‬
he returns ‫ٌرد‬
he likes ‫ٌرضى‬
he throws ً‫ٌرم‬
he sees ‫ٌرى‬
he intends ‫ٌرٌد‬
they crawl ‫ٌزحفون‬
asks ‫ٌسأل‬
get tired ‫ٌسأم‬
he will make you viceroys ‫ٌستخلفكم‬
seeks help ‫ٌستعٌن‬
gives water ً‫ٌسق‬
remains quiet ‫ٌسكت‬
they both proceed ‫ٌسٌران‬
keep occupied ‫ٌشغل‬
suffers ‫ٌشقى‬
will afflict you ‫ٌصبكم‬
they shout ‫ٌصرخون‬
they both warmed ‫ٌصطلٌان‬
wastes, allows to waste ‫ٌضٌع‬
they host both of them ‫ٌضٌفوهما‬
becomes narrow ‫ٌضٌق‬
he makes manifest ‫ٌظهر‬
they mess up ‫ٌعبثون‬
they learnt lesson, they heeded ‫ٌعتبروا‬
believed ‫ٌعتقد‬
promises ‫ٌعد‬
he promises ‫ٌعد‬
counts, started counting ‫ٌعد اخذ ٌعد‬
he warns you, he promises you ‫ٌعدكم‬
he disobeys me ً‫ٌعصببن‬
some ‫ٌعض‬
they bend (before), they lower themselves before ‫ٌع ُكفُون‬
he lives ‫ٌعٌش‬
make heedless of others ً‫ٌغن‬
he panics ‫ٌفزع‬
they kill (the bugs with their nails) ‫ٌقصعون‬
he says ‫ٌقول‬
if he was ‫ٌك ان ٌك‬
about to, almost ‫ٌكاد‬
he hides ‫ٌكتم‬
he hides, concelas ‫ٌكتم‬
they deny or disbelieve me ‫ٌكذبون‬
water ‫ٌم‬
is possible, is not possible ‫ٌمكن ال ٌمكن‬
right hand ‫ٌمٌن‬
he warns them ‫ٌنبههم‬
rescues them ‫ٌنجدهم‬
does not forget ‫ٌنسى‬
he helps ‫ٌنصر‬
starts out, ‫ٌنطلق‬
he enjoys ‫ٌنعم‬
it breaks ‫ٌنقض‬
guides me ً‫ٌهدٌن‬
he faces ‫ٌواجه‬
consoles him, sympathises with him ‫ٌواسٌه‬
he advises them to be patient ‫ٌوصٌهم بالصبر‬
turn back ‫ٌولون‬
day ‫ٌوم‬
did not lose hope ‫ لم‬, ‫ٌٌأس‬
he despaired ‫ِس‬
َ ‫ٌئ‬

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