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GRAMMAR STRUCTURES & EXERCISES SV Obie Mame Pie Tine AQ s, everyday actions, something always true, {tis used with frequency adverbs: always, usually, sometimes, rarely, never and Everyday, on Mondays, ete TO PAINT Active Form: I pain you He/She/ It paints Does he paint? He doesn't paint, ‘wel they paint Do Vyou/welthey paint? 1/You/we don't paint ‘©The auxiliary in the Passive form is TO BE. This will give the tense and it willbe alvvays followed by the Past Partiiple ofthe verb Passive Forms1 am (not) + You are (not) + INTED He! She/Itis (not) $ ‘wel they are (not) + PRESENT CONTINOUS: to deseribe something happening in this moment ( something you are looking at in a picture) or in a moment around this period; It is also the future to express already arranged activities : those you write down in your diary! Es: “what are you doing Saturday night?” * I'm going to Radiohend concert! I bought the tickets two months ago!” tis used with: now, af the moment, ete Non used with STATE VERBS: to want, to understand , to know, to remember, like, ete ete. Active Form: Lam going am I going You we/ they are going ???Are you/they/ wel going, he /she / it is going Is he going? present of TO BE + -ing Passive Form: present cont. of TO BE + past partiiple Tam being you/we/theyarebeing + repaired he is being Es: my pe is being repaired at the moment!” PRESENT PERFECT: something has happened and itis important for the present moment: news on TV “Obama has convinced the m party! 1g unusual: We have won the lottery!” “SI have worked in England, USA and Japan.” The moment WI IN the facts sd with : just, ever, never, recently, lately, already, yet (negative and cestions always at the end), already, this month/week/ year ia of TO HAVE + past participle 1/ you’ we / they have (not) + worked Questions :Have you worked? Ihe /she/ it has (not) + worked Questions :Has she worked? HERE 101 /ethey have been + PAINTED shefhelit has been PAST TENSES Past simple: used to talk about past events linked to a precise moment in the past; completed action happened in a certain moment es. yesterday, last month, in 2004, a few days ago, “ Twent on Facebook yesterday but I had no connection” regular verbs add -ed; irregular verbs must be learnt!!! Active Form: I /you/ she/he /it/ we/they WORKED /WEN'I/ PAINT Passive Form: I was he was + painted D you / we / they were Past Continuos:used to talk about something that was in progress in the past and give details about the background actions. Es:” Yesterday I was having a shower when my mobile rang”. Often used in connection with a Past Simple Action that interrupts the other in the Past Cont. Active Form:I/he was painting; you, we, they were painting Passive Form: I was being painted 1 LA word order in questions _qvatons wth do/oos/ dn present Spe ana pat senpo eon word | miry | mbjet_|Infihive(ret) Jota [ies |huecenye wwe date [rar [wort Bor fat ing Eagar Wee [at SS |S + Lie nny Sas Inne) QUASI Quen word ‘Avia, Subject) orercaar wo one questo 1B present simple Hyon) me iiey beak pi [3] Tusa workathome. | Halyknowsme very wal. El Theydow'lvenearber, | eJocacften ela ee D_Doyaispeakench? | Dues Alclike as? IB],tdon't. | Yous des. Nose do + sete preset simple thing you do ety day wes yen for ‘Singh se anerally te slope pen, + Usedojdcn'to mate mga sees a doo to make spollna NGEFo SAASea Fg a ey |e ty >is (a Goeern. Fave" |fas [hae tos AC present continuous: be + verb + ing 1A Whacareyon dang? B Pin sendings menageroSaeh 2 My roterisdoing two-month courein the UK 5 Inthiopctorethewomantsseanding ese windo: am + Usethe presen continuous | for thngs ht are happening now hs moment 2 fr temporay hing that at happerin om thir eck te 3 rodeerbeapicure ees rome © aren Se ABT) Ae you working? Yes, am. ret Ishe working? Ys hel. /Me neat fa) contre th seep ttn a ‘Are |you | hungey? wise [ites [itt | er wee [Ee [yom | fone cele [ioe + Make queso withthe verb bey inertingthe verb andthe rape, Shot teacher Iehesseacher? vers and expressions of fequency 1 Weoften gov She doen ute Hesatwayr ae for work: 2 Shepetrupeaty every day \Wetbve English csetarice a week Friday sg. seal reckons ansp 1 Weetienusethepresatsiple with adverb of Frequency aye wal, fen, mens tivo + avers freuen go fre the main ver, + Adverbs of frequeny goalie be Shes never. NOT Se ierer + Remember tose verb with ner Inneeraine NOT Ido eri 2 apesions of fegueey ery dy ocr wih, ssc} usualy gastehe endo sentence _elng estore -agtorm nitive inform soetig cook | cooking | ad -ng Stay Sty ned ve ig | ctrl wanda -hg fa Feng | ee carr proset spear present continous? ‘A Whatdoyoudo? 1B Iwork or Micros. 29) + Use the presear spe ferhings that ate generals tr tralvayshappen + Usethe peso continuous ran action happening sow oratthismement, + Wenz se verbs which des sae on ings {pomacton ein eg wo, ed ike the pene Spe, ne conn, 1A 1 Putthe word phrasein ee rgh placein che qu How dane on? (0) Where doyou from? (come) \Wherethe ein staton? Go) How often youread magus? (lo) Where your ends fom? (ae) Why youweterome? (lis) Doyouofentothe cinema? (go) What this wondaean? (oes) Whaeine dare? (you friends) Does finish e800? (theclass), Where were ben? (08) 1B 4 Wokesemencesand questions wich the poset i he sual ge late 3 Heusually gasp te ‘Ana likemasie [2 sister hve ot hobbies 1 geton very wel with my panes nybothe study atunivesty srneighbour ave any ehilren von he il stare be] goom we aweek EI se often talk sbow pies 9 how often yon email your bother (7 10 {goon Fcebook very often EI 1c 4 Wire sentenceswith the present Iejeaia E} ist raining 1 John wearashroday shou Why wear coat ‘Anna sence onctodsy He! You j stand on my oot! what book you ead (7) we hinkofouacthe moment he wear mates [2 they make big nisake © your mother |shop incon 10 seve whee parentat he moment] a « GRAMMAR BANK bb Putthewordsin the ight order make a you live where do? Ware do yon? racial? ker 6: brother your you than? afien he how to wre dos you? this time tet doce what clase ? Bal from te (rend your ? 6 languages how you many do speak ? 7 she born where wis ? 8 lst go where you summer dil > 10 come bus 19 you by school did? went, erent beesann Seelvepelar verbo pL ies rec + Usethe at continuoso dsr sn action pe ee Ok Inprugts at pete nomen nie fs. + Weoften sche ps continous to dessa the ‘Shu Satud I wasworking nyo. (130) ” station schebegoing ft sry or aati ‘nant doinganychingtmporan Myinendswerehavingbestn They weren' working ce eee A Waritrainingwben yongrape Nove was ‘A wharwereon ding ok engi BTwaswahingT™, ag yorknginmyotie wenthe 1400) ‘owe wahed (i) He/she | was wanking YOU/We/ Ty [were working washavinghunch when my ster arn ed wos veking You) We/Toy | wert wo oe * at HE. Ueibepsmleoracompleedacibn nthe pt IN Gai aGRTRS Wana TTR + seth ot conto fran cnn pores before oF the ine of he poe spe aon Were they working? Yo, trey wore. / Ne, hay war 2C time sequencers ‘connectors: because, so, but, althougt because and so Onourstdsewementiothesinam: Afterthatwesarted 146i) meeting evry ay Shewas diving ee becauseshewasin (47) ‘onThrsiy aan argue wich my boss. Nextday iecidetolack shuren), Tera new'ob ‘She washer s0shewas ding fast rel) Wesat downto eae Two minutes serch phone rang Whenleame oat ofthc hewswating ar ne + Usedecanetoexretaresn heacidenrhappened wheal wssconing the rd Fae + Weuseime sequencer ay wh rin what orderings happen tutand though + Weare as ate sequencer and to jin twoactons bs ateing TV hen the phone rang es ine sex) ‘Sheu tonopthe cir buts ite man 1489) ‘Athenee tech ew ery red bute coder, Shecould sap although wer ed (an, afar tht Thos commun wat geist te fot tut with {ot andgot ees. Thon! ‘ter hat imate cape cffes NET Ale lomde mcafee + Use and aang shows ont + thon patie erin mie 2A 1 Pat she veri bracets inthe pat spe GRAMMAR BANK 1b Complete he Guests inthe past simple ‘wherein gon boiay ast year? ‘We went ta Vancom Iwosmmers ago mel hve) idan spodiinet Scola We! (rhe) here fom ie tsis arora London brourear® [bent dome : seine ctkemorarayandwe? pend the | 7 Eran nga, When olay Fens i cM pcat ind sgoodbond Bye (alla, 3 = We" ntnnw) hated, barn endwe®™ is) Westapedina ow sland Beefstand wet) thereortheweek We thepan ie : NOt she can gate Ars Foshan ico £500, oc “hapatatsonenie We" fwamytogoto ewer tin? [eabNcatare ech) htincaal be) a tntlaravay The eater om ba ey god andi ‘ senane * {start} raining the day we #* _(leave). We went to barsand restaurants, =€ p.13- 23 1b Pathe ves intothe pt simple or pas continous, 4 Complete the sentences with aver in he past Vi et Sonsnvos (reak py) Luigi, so canoer phone. (8) 3 es 1 Took hip wien my wf inthe You? Ge op) garden (wo) 2 whens thepub one) 2 Hemet hie be Inpran che) aoe 3 They (Geonhcnwearine ta) ——') 4 ae ncomtersteweerou? —— § Whrnyon wa omyion = eine 5 Thea, vhentltefor workin) 6 We feCambrdge when ne 6 Whar yon at 730 nigh) oda 7 1 when you gave ce train > they. fo Rome whenhny (etsy the i a eh) a We TWebensouptonl, Gotwael) — ggg 20 1 Complete sotnces wo, bene, uo Br 1 Putthesentencesinthe right andes, ough ‘We could’ ind tans we wld home 1 [1] Mesokd mee was policeman and ia hey were ' ft wasvery col che wae wearing acon looking oa hie. 2 Twoleupinthenight here was sie 1» C1 Then nother man red doth sue 5 Lellsthim,——_ ismobiewasturmed ff, «© [1] Onediyin2011twasstandinginsheguueforabus 4 seams este ene te WE) Needy leaalaeey es eee © Altccstenee al pwn epatey + [1 Whenthesecond man wet in font, ld 6 A eee __ imtoo and standin he queve, '5 The garden ooked very heat, ook 1 afew second ter th first polcean gf the hogan sabres 9 theteom payed wll. chey de win, )Sabdeiyamanraninton meanigeronsietns. ag Aorta. polcecarcame nd ao he menawy am Ea 3 3A be going to 11m goingeo ore foran NGO. to lore tomerow as i Yo 7 We they a7 RHETICN a ‘a he tmpiogts He reragto Se esngto | wr a ve He moat gingto We ara going She | art gungte| wrk They e a Cae ‘4 you going ower or nC? Yes am.’ No nt Ihogotngtewerteronnou? Yerba hota ‘3B present continuous (future errangements) a triad ong, (641) Shearing lincitine Shel Teasing sa iy, They are'coming othe arty. 1) Whacave you doing hecvenlog? sshemectngst the eur? + Weofien ashe presen comouous with face meaning Spec fri arangement fans we have ixedtie or pace inh are Date he rset Simple forth NOT faesomeftndoigh 3C defining relative clauses with who, which, where tov on ay. 1 Unebegotigta ifintive tora out ere plas inten 2 Wes be going» iafnkieco make !pretion wen we how rane tinesamething going to appen, Wsinterthere going te eco oat that! gogo crash eran Nc, ‘bo gong tr poset continuous? \ecaneften weather win ieee aig, "emgage Anno lassay On seing ‘ano sey IS vay common to se the preset continous withthe {xprestns tong, tar sworn ted sitherbe doen av eangemertsre come, ‘toon on anymore commoner Ym going to + Usdin rive tases toes what eon, thing r lace eo doe + Uso fers pron ubih fring nd where cookies person who makes fod, as) ame ‘That's the wun wh wen eet Ist ‘Adoc something which lhe ne = Tstharthebook which everybodys reding? Yeulcanuca thtintad of hoor whch Apos acer a place where you can buy emp Ste'stho git who that work thy “Thar theeseorant where baling la week foe [Eoin whieh tha comnts two x HH El He mete £ Ee 2 OS "] a = s : aS 3A Compete with gong to saver, Whar film ae you goings tonight? 1 your ser 2 You inclass Sete. 3We “ampingext ume We inabate 4 We ataxitorhealeport 5 wonderful meal tonight. 6 Youcanlk,bul——t0you. 7 Wht hen youleaeschol? 3B 4 Readthe sentences, Write for now, Ff fut, EF mmectng oe tro odock living ina ae with wo Swedishbors (2 We're coming bck on Mona. son. rung othe postman, rm eading realy good book abou sence ‘Were mowing Sally and James fron Sunde 7 Kan arcing a tock. 3 Ll shes moving toa 5 [Rinsing or my mats exam, 3c 4 Complete the definitions with ho, whic, o where A postman the person who brings youyour levers 1 Anoctoposisan2nimal esinthesea thas ei ege, 2 Alawenmowerisamachie 3 Avie ithe pero atthe geass seresyouinaca 4 Achangngroom sa 00m people on ‘lees 5 Aponeristheperson alpsyou with your Iugnae: 6 Gaticiea ind food keeps vampiesamay 7 Agarageina place peopl cca. GRAMMAR BANK 1 Lookat he pictures Make senences with going to 6a vet, aba toe in 2 Notte. I. “seme ‘Complete de dialogue berween wo mats. A Whae en souding do? ae (7k my cae AW? Became? (0p) Vienna [otlock nigh 8 Ob Ida na Why (0) :0Viena? BI {60 de boss of VTech ado morro why? (eset) bi? Bie (work) ona projec or ima the moment and ned discuss with im [A.Oh,wellhavea good trip!

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