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Database Programming with SQL

Final Project Rubric
Student Assessment

The final project assessment is based on your performance as an individual and as a group member. The Final Project grade consists of 40 points for individual
work and 4 points for the collective work of the group. The rubric outlines the criteria for assessment.

Student Name

Points * wt

Category 4 3 2 1

Database - All tables exist in the individual's - All tables exist in the individual's - All tables exist in the individual's - 1 or more tables are missing in
SQL Workshop database and SQL Workshop database. SQL Workshop database. the individual's SQL Workshop
are labeled accordingly. - 1 or two tables and/or constrains - More than two tables and/or database.
Structure - All column constraints are have naming errors. constrains have naming errors. - More than two tables do not have
named according to convention. - All tables show components - 1 or more tables show missing established constraints.
- All tables show complete when queried with DESCRIBE. components when queried with - Tables have missing components
components when queried with DESCRIBE. when queried with DESCRIBE
LOVs - All LOVs contain sufficient data
for the application selected.
- One or two LOVs omit data or
the data is not realistic for the
- More than two LOVs sample data
are not complete and/or realistic
- More than two LOVs are not
functioning, are incomplete, or
- LOVs demonstrate application. for the application. unrealistic for the application.
understanding of the options
realistic for the application.
Table Data - All data in all tables is realistic
for the application.
- All data in the tables reflects
realistic data for the application.
- One to four data items in the
tables do not reflect realistic data
- More than four data items in the
tables is missing or contains
- All data in all tables supports the - One or two data items in all for the application. frivolous data not realistic data for
application. tables do not support the - More than two data items in all the application.
application. tables do not support the

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Input Forms - Application has input forms for
every entity.
- One input form is missing or
incorrect for one or more entities.
- Two input forms are incorrect or
missing for one or more entities.
- More than two input forms for
one or more entities are missing
or do not function.
Reports/Charts - Demonstration of the application - Demonstration of the
produces the desired output, application produces the
- Demonstration of the application
produces one or two incorrect or
- Demonstration of the application
produces more than two
report and graphs. desired output, report and undesired outputs, reports and/or incorrect or undesired outputs,
- Application outputs report data is graphs. graphs. reports and/or graphs.
based on user input in date and - One report is missing or - Two reports are missing or do not - More than two reports are
currency format. does not display date or display date or currency format missing or do not display date
- Charts format correct data currency format - Two or more charts are missing or or currency format
relationships - One chart is missing or does do not output correct data - More than two charts are
not output correct data missing or do not output correct
Application - The application has no spelling - The application has three or - The application has more than - The application has more
or grammatical errors. fewer spelling or three spelling or grammatical than three spelling or 2
- All forms and reports are aligned grammatical errors. errors. grammatical errors.
on the page. - One or two forms and/or - One or two forms and reports are - More than two forms and reports
- Application has a professional reports are not uniformly not uniformly aligned on each are not uniformly aligned on
appearance. aligned on the page. page. each page.
- Navigation tabs function - Application professional - Application professional - Application appearance
properly. appearance needs appearance needs improvement. needs extensive
improvement. - One or two navigation tabs do not improvement.
- Navigation tabs function properly. - More than two navigation tabs
f ti l d tf ti l
Individual - Individual presented a portion of - Individual presented a portion
each of the following: of 4 of the following:
- Individual presented a portion of 3
or fewer of the following:
- Individual presented none of
the following:
Presentation -
o database table structure o database table structure o database table structure o database table structure
Effectiveness o list of values o list of values o list of values o list of values
o table data o table data o table data o table data
o input forms o input forms o input forms o input forms
o reports/charts o reports/charts o reports/charts o reports/charts
o application o application o application o application
- Individual could explain the SQL - Individual could explain all but - Individual could explain only one - Individual could not explain
code used in the application. one or two aspects of the aspect of the SQL code used in the SQL code used in the
- SQL code used in the the application. application.
Group - The group presentation - All but one or two aspects of - More than two aspects of - The presentation was
accurately, clearly, and concisely application functionality were application functionality were not incomplete.
Presentation -
demonstrated all of the accurately or clearly accurately or clearly presented. 1
application functionality. presented.

o 40 - 44 is equivalent to 90-100% TOTAL POINTS

o 36 - 39 is equivalent to 80-89%
o 32 - 35 is equivalent to 70-79%
o 28 - 31 is equivalent to 60-69%

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