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The Church’s stance regarding the discrimination of the Muslim

community: obvs no lmao

Evidence: Nostra aetate/ DECLARATION ON


Decree on Ecumenism

Reason: Nostra aetate

Nostra aetate refers to the first decree in catholic

history that focuses on the relationship Catholics

with Jews. Though the focus is on those two particular

religions, the whole idea of the decree is to help

humankind reflect on what life would be like if we

focused on our commonalities and let ourselves form

a wholesome community wherein we are drawn closer


Decree on Ecumenism

The decree on Ecumenism is a decree that has the

aim to promote unity among the world’s christian

churches. Again, the decree focuses on a particular

religion but then the big picture that should come from

this principle can be exemplified to the rest of society.

Unity is the main gist of the decree, and following

the teachings of our God, we must learn to love our

brothers and sisters of all faiths.

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