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Classical Guitar

Author(s): Graham Wade and Mary Criswick

Source: The Musical Times, Vol. 122, No. 1656 (Feb., 1981), p. 87
Published by: Musical Times Publications Ltd.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/960854
Accessed: 18-01-2016 19:20 UTC

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may not be long,at any rate forintelligent use nails'; myactual commentreads'It was
musicians,before the distinctionbetween
'atonal'and 'tonal'musicsimplyfades.
leftto AndresSegoviatointroduce a combina-
to achievethe full
tion of nail and fingertip
Shoreham-by-Sea PETERJ.PIRIE range of sound of which the guitar was
capable',whichis notthesame at all. AelephProject:forcomposers;
work forensemble
Leeds GRAHAM WADE of disabledmusicians; by 10
?800 prize;entries
April.Detailsfrom Committee
Scottish forArtsand
Disability, Crescent,
Tye's 'Euge bone' EH7 4QD.
With referenceto Nigel Davison's article MARY CRISWICK writes:
'Tye's Mass "Euge Bone" ' (Nov MT p.727) Mr Wade is quite righton two points:the Clements Prize 1981: forchambermusic;awards
in which it is suggestedthat this mass is tablatureexampleis not transposed,but his ?450 withBBC broadcasts.
totalling Detailsfrom
modelledupon Tye's motetQuaesumusom- transcriptionof it is; whilethe bibliography Hon.Secretary,20 Earl'sCourtGardens,
does indeedexistbut in the formof an ex- SW5OSZ(withs.a.e.).
nipotens,I feelI shouldpointout thatthisis
notan entirely new observation. selectreadinglistratherthansupply- Leeds International Piano Competition, 7-19
As longago as early1979I was informed ingdetailsofworkscitedin thetext.I cannot ?6000,?55,000of engage-
Sept; prizestotalling
by agelimit
ments, Steinwaygrandpianoforwinner;
ProfessorPaul Doe thatthismassis moreor agreeon theotherpoints,however,andcould 30; entriesby 1 April.DetailsfromM. R. S.
less based on Quaesumus,a motetwhichat give detailedanswersto each fromthe first Johnson, Education GreatGeorgeStreet,
least one authority(Satterfield,in Recent (gyternesappearon p.3) to thelast(Segovia's Leeds1.
Researches in theMusicoftheRenaissance, xiii, opinionis hardlysurprising, seeingthathis
namecropsup some300 timesthroughout the Liszt - Bart6k International Piano Competi-
1972) leftunpublishedbecause it is a Christ tion, Budapest,14-30 Sept;prizesof 100,000,
Church979- 83 unicumandtherefore lacksa book). But to whatend? WhatI objectto is with
50,000and30,000forints concerts
tenorpart. notan individualwordor evensentences, but Leeds,Paris,theUSA etc;agelimit32;
Cambridge HILARYGASKIN a certain feeling,admittedlynot easy to by1 April.
entries DetailsfromtheCompetition
substantiate,thatMr Wade does not always fice,POB 80,Budapest5.
agree wholeheartedly with what he writes.
Eighth International Robert Schumann Com-
True, he does,on p.27, discussthemeritsof petition,Zwickau,5-20 June:forpianists and
tablature,but damagehas alreadybeen done fiveprizestotalling
singers; 18,500DM(pianists),
Classical guitar on p.26 wherehe introduces thesystemas 'an fourprizes 17,500DM
totalling (singers); 25
Beforewritingher insultingand damaging obscuremusicalnotationaldeviceknownas (singers30); entriesby 1 March.Detailsfrom
reviewof Traditionsof the Classical Guitar 'tablature'. And when tablaturefalls into des VIII Robert
Organisationsbiiro - Schumann-
(Nov MT, p.706),MaryCriswickshouldhave disuse,he writesthatits 'tyranny . . . had at Wettbewebs, DDR-9540Zwickau.
scrutinized mybookin a lessslipshodfashion. lastbeen smashed'.I am thuspersuadedthat 15thInternationalCompetition,Montreal,3-17
I do not discuss guitarhistoryfromthe forsingers; entries
'Mr Wade, despitehis assertionsto the con- June: prizes $22,500;
totalling by
medievalgittern onwards,thoughshe hitsme 1March;agelimit
20- 35.Details
overthehead withMr Tyler'sexcellentbook trary,has verylittleopinionoftablature.
Competition,106 Dulwich
Avenue, St
forallegedlydoingso! My book beginswith P.Q.,J4P2Y7,Canada.
the printedsourcesin the 16thcentury(and
International Guitar Summer School, Cann-
thegittern is notevenmentioned apartfroma ington 8-15 Aug.Detailsfrom
quotefromChaucer).Her comment'Thereis Marc-Antoine Charpentier merSchoolRegistrar,
AlfredA. KalmusLtd,2/3
an index but no bibliography'is not true; I am currently engagedin researchon the Fareham DeanStreet;
Street, LondonW1V4DU.
thereis a selectbibliography on pp.257-8. dramaticworksofMarc-Antoine Charpentier
Neither do I 'question the validity' of (c1634- 1704) and would be gratefulto hear
tablature.On p.27 I quote ThurstonDart on The 13th Congress of the International
fromanybodywho has knowledgeof modern
the precision of 16th- and 17th-century Musicological Society, Strasbourg,29 Aug-3
performancesor editiotsof theseworks. Fur-
tablature.However,on p.96,whilediscussing 87 AlbertBigg Point, ANDREWPARMLEY therdetailsfromMme NanieBridgman, 4 rue
the reasonswhytablaturewentout of favour Street,LondonE15 2SF
Godfrey F-75006
Herschel, Paris,by1 April.
with guitaristsin the late 18th century,I
remark howat thattimeitsvalidity'was ques-
tioned',as indeedit was (but notby me - I
wasn'tthereat the time).Similarly,I do not
describe Segovia's critics as 'unkind'; in
Chapter21 I do, however,explorethe rela-
tionshipbetweenthisartistand hiscriticsand
quote substantially fromeight critiquesin
leadingnewspapers;this is hardly'bias and
unseeing judgment'.To suggestI apply a
of a
single epithetis a gross trivialization
detailed discussion about the actual ex- BASSOONS
perienceof a guitarrecital.
In the reviewof YourBook of theGuitar Try one beforeyou make a
Miss Criswickis againproneto misrepresen- decision
tation.Accusingme of providingan example
'bothupside down and transposed'she sug-
gestssomewhatvulgarlythat'Wade getshis
stringsin a twist'.Actuallythe diagramon
Sanderson & Taylor (Ed) Ltd
p.23 is takendirectlyfromEl maestro byLuys 23 BruntsfieldPlace
Milan, a significantexceptionin tablature
usage. Her efforts to ridiculeme hereare in- Edinburgh EH 10 4HN
appropriate andill-advised.MoreoverI do not Tel: 031-2292051
creditSegoviaas 'beingthe firstguitaristto

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