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CAMBRIDGE aah _ for Schools Ba SIX PRACTICE TESTS ERSITY of CAMBRIDGE > Expert guidance for exam success > Special grammar and vocabulary focus LEARNER oe oy, %y > Typical exam mistakes highlighted 4 0, ” Om aarts , o _ unt euguisn © eee Karen Saxby KET for Schools SIX PRACTICE TESTS WITH ANSWERS AND TEACHER’S NOTES 2 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, ‘io Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press ‘The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK wwwcambridge org Information on this ile: © Cambridge Universty Press 2011 "This publication Win copyright. Subject to statutory exception and tothe provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Pres. First published 2011 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge A catalogue record for this publication is availabe from the British Library ISBN 978-0-521-13238-1 Practice Tests with answers and Audio CDs ISBN 978-0-521-13235-0 Practice Tests without answers ISBN 978-0-521-13239.8 Audio CDs (2) ‘Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URIs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such in ormation thereafter. Itis normally necessary for written permission for copying to be obtained in advance from a publisher. The answer sheets atthe back ofthis book are designed to be copied and distributed in class. The normal requirements are waived here and itis not necessary to write to Cambridge University Press for permission for an individual teacher to make copies for use within his or het ‘own classroom. Only those pages which carry the wording ‘© UCLES 2011 Photocopiable’ may be copied. Introduction Training and Exam Practice Test 1 Paper Reading & Writing Paper 2_ Listening Paper 3_Speaking. Test2 Paper! Reading & Writing Paper 2. listening Paper 3. Speaking Practice Tests Test3 Paper Reading & Writing Paper2 listening Paper 3 Speaking Test4 Paper Reading & Writing Paper 2. Lstening Paper 3. Speaking Test5 Paper 1 Reading & Writing Paper 2_ Listening Paper3 Speaking Test Paper 1. Reading & Writing Paper 2. Listening Paper 3. Speaking Audioscripts Teacher's notes & keys Practice test keys tests 3-6 Speaking frames tests 1-2 Speaking frames tests 3-6 Visual materials for Paper 3 Answer sheets Acknowledgements 10 34 46 50 74 86 90 102 224 108 120 225 126 138 226 144 156 227 162 184 218 222 224 228 236 239 Contents Who is this book for? Why is this book called Trainer? This book is called Trainer’ because itis full of exercises to help you get better and better at doing each part of KET for Schools. So, complete all the exercises then do all the practice papers! If you train and work hard, youll soon be ready to take KET for Schools! How do we use this book? First, do the grammar and vocabulary exercises on each Training page. Then do the task on the Exam practice page and check your answers 4 | Introduction On Training pages, you will find: oO ‘Cambridge Learner Corpus This shows informatiox about mistakes that some KET candidates make. If you do these useful exercises, you will lear7 not to make these mistakes when you do KET for Schools! Ti These are ideas to help you do well in the exam. For example: Look at the words before and after the space, a These are quick reminders about grammar points or vocabulary that you should learn. For example: its goes with a noun: The cat broke its leg, ‘On Exam practice pages, you will find: #- aKET for Schools exam task for you to try and complete ‘advice to help you with different parts of the task Tests 3, 4, 5 and 6: ‘When you finish Tests 1 and 2, you will be ready to do complete KET for Schools practice tests, Tests 3, 4, 5 and 6 are just like real KET for Schools Reading and Writing, Listening and ‘Speaking papers. Doing these will help you even more to prepare for the exam. Keep a record of your scores as you do the tests. You may find that your scores are good in some parts of the test but you may need to practise other parts more. Make simple tables like this to help record your scores: Paper 3 Listening Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part S Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 [Test : | Is Introduction Voi wall Find all the ai Other features of the KET for Schools Trainer © Visual material In the Speaking Test the examiner will give you an information booklet. The visual material on pages 228-235 will help you practise and become familiar with the type of information ‘you will be given and help you increase your confidence. @ Teacher's notes and key iiswers to the exercises and practice tests inthis part of the book The teacher’ notes also explain why some answers are wrong, You will find more CLC information here too. ‘© Answer sheets Look at these to see what the KET for Schools answer sheets in the test look like and learn how to complete them, Ask your teacher to photocopy them so that you can use them when you do practice tests © Twoaudio CDs Listen to these to practise the Listening paper. You will need to listen to these to practise some parts of the speaking paper too. © Audioscripts Read the audioscript after you have done a listening exercise. Find the answers and the information that is wrong, This should help you hear the right answers the next time you practise, © Mp3 online speaking models There are five online speaking test models to listen to. Do the tasks in the training and exam practice exercises and then listen to students doing the tasks online. There is one Part 1 model and four Part 2 models for the tests about a bike ride, computer classes, a fashion show and a swimming competition. Go to: The Key English Test for Schools Contents KET for Schools has three papers: Reading and Writing: 1 hour 10 minutes You will need to able to read and understand simple information that you might see on signs or tead in brochures, newspaper or magazine articles. You will also have to choose words to fill spell their words. You will have to write a short message or note that is between 25 and 35 words long too. Listening: 30 minutes You will need to be able to listen and understand people who are talking together or people who are giving information about something. You will have to choose or write answers to questions which are about what these people say. Don't worry! The people talk very clearly and they don't talk fast! Speaking: 10 minutes You will need to be able to listen and ‘understand what the examiner is saying. You will have to answer some simple questions about yourself. You will also be given some information to look at. You will ask and answer questions about the information with another candidate. You usually take the Speaking test with just one other candidate, but sometimes candidates take the Speaking test in groups of three. 7 Introduction Frequently asked questions: What level is KET for Schools? KET for Schools is A2 level. At A2 level, KET students car understand simple instructions and questions ‘© varte, talk or ask about simple information, opinions or ideas ‘© complete forms ‘© write shor, simoe letters, messages or emails about personal information. For more information on Can Do’ statements go to: httpy//wonw.cambridgeesol org/exams/exams-info/cefchtm! Note that some cardidates might be better than others (at speaking or writing, for example) but still get the same final KET grade. The A2 ‘Can do’ statements therefore help teachers and employers to understand what a candidate can generally do at ths level. What percentage grade do we need to 7 A) get to pass KET for Schools? b,* a — The percentage of marks that candidates need to get for each grade may change from test to test. This is because tests cannot always be exactly the same. Some might be a little more difficult than others. However, the ranges of percentages for each grade of KET for Schools are ‘© Pass with Merit 5% ie. 85 out of 100 marks © Pass 70% — 84% © Narrow Fall 65% — 69% Fail 64% and below. ‘This information is included on your Statement of Results. What marks do we need to pass each paper, and to pass the exam? Candidates do not have to get a certain mark to pass each section of the test. The final mark for KET for Schools s the total number of marks from all three papers Reading/Writing, Listening and Speaking. There are an equal number of possible marks for reading, writing, listening and speaking at KET for Schools. 8 | Introduction Is KET for Schools suitable for candidates of any age? KET for Schools is more suitable for students who are at school and aged from 11-14, To make sure that the material is not too difficult or too easy for this age group, al the parts ofthe reading, writing and listening papers are pre-tested, This means that different groups of students try each part of the tests first. The parts will then only be used in real exams ifthe results of the tests show they are suitable for ‘candidates who want to take KET for Schools. Can we use pens and pencils? In KET and KET for Schools, candidates must use peneil in all papers. What happens if | don't have enough time to finish writing? You can only be given marks for what you write on your answer sheets so if you cannot complete this, you will lose marks. Watch the clock, plan your time carefully and do not waste time by writing answers ‘on other pieces of paper fist. If you want to change an answer, just rub it out, write your correct answer then quickly move to the text question, e F If lwrite in capital letters, will _ this affect my score? Ww ) No. You do not lose marks for writing in capital letters in KET for Schools, Introduction | 9 Test 1 Training In this part you: © read © choose Vocabulary Focus on meaning © tis possible to swim here. 1. You must not camp in this place. 2 Anyone cansit on these. 3. Itis dangerous to go fishing here. 4 Children can play in this place. 5. You must leave your bicycles here. 6 You can find animals in this place. Example © a Youshould run b You must walle> You cannot use this door. Itis possible to use this door. You may ycle here You must not ride here, You cannot use mobiles. You can buya drink You haveto bring a drink. cece oe oe 10 | Test 1 Training Reading and 11 Match words and phrases 1—9 with the words in the box. 3 Choose the correct sentence, a or b, for each notice. You should not turn off your mobile. Writing Part 1 eight notices and five sentences lone notice to match each sentence Fpl Part 1, the sentences and notices sometimes have the same words, but the words con't hard almost dangerous fer cheap always have the same meaning. When you large quietly tetum more small ‘match them, look for words that have the | same meaning. Example not far ..near. 1 notexpensive 4 fast 7 nearly 2 little 5 unsafe 8 extra 3 not easy 6 big. 9 put back 2 Does the sentence match the notice? Write yes or no. Example No swimming in this river! ro. Forest campsite. Now open! . Seats are for adults only Danger! No swimming in this river. Under-12s playground Do not walk on cycling paths ' There are bears in this wood! : Fh, The notices and sentences often have words like can, cannot, should (not) and must (not). Be sure you know wat they mean. penn (eae ‘There are drinks on sale Reading and Weitng Part | Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 1 Questions 1-5 Which notice (A -H] says this (1 - 5)? For questions 1 ~ 5, mark the correct letter A ~ H on your answer sheet. Example: 7 0 You can eat on the grass or at the tables here. Answer: 1 People should not ride their bikes on the Poy. (es eet green areas here, A i Deters eit 2 It is unsafe for people to sleep in tents here. 3 Do not go into the water here. p || DONOTcveaw 4 You should not play on these unless you are FOOD TO WILD ANIMALS younger than ten years old. = New Weed 5 You must not collect wood to cook food in } this place. Shil€ock c | Forest | No barbecues or fires please! p | Guided a ople + Madinum group ‘ask iside | E | Orville Playground *, swings ate for children under o only Visitors to Park Walk! Feet an 1 Horseshoe Park No cycling on grass Please stay on paths Reading and Writing Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice | 11 Reading and Writing Part 2 In this part you: © read —_fivesentences © choose oneword (A, 8 or C) to complote each sentence Vocabulary Focus on meaning F055 ut the wrong word. In Pa 2 rea the sentences carefully and try Example We've believed / decided to go there more often Re Eee 1 Wete all going to practise / try our swimming there. 2 | became / began swimming when I was really young, 3. Iwant to spend / Keep the whole day there today. 4 [think Ill wear / carry my red swimming costume. 5. | missed / lost my favourite blue towel there last time! 6 It cost / spent four euros to swim at my favourite pool 7 My friends are already standing / waiting for me atthe entrance. 8 I'm going to ycle / drive there now on my racing bike! Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. (BEBF Look at the words before an after the space Example Danie ..}0k..... some CDs with him when he went to his fend’ flat. A brought But took a DVD when you come to my house, Anna! A Take B Bring © Cary — and get your school bag. Its outside in the car. Remember! A Come -B Bring Go to take someting there io bring someting here CAM YOU aosnnn tO my house now? Il wat for you pe ie Barve come tangent chet sone | e44es fo A spoke B told © chatted J tim going to to Peter about the race A tell B answer speak He all my questions about Tony. A talked B said © answered KET candidates often make mistakes with go, come and arrive and prepositions, 3 Correct the mistakes. 1. Can you goat my house tomorrow? 4 Will you come my house tonight? 2 Tid ike to go there on this Friday. 5. Illarrive to your house at 6 p.m: 3. Come here in my class at 8.30. 6 arrived to there on Saturday. Reading and Writing Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 2 Questions 6 - 10 Read the sentences about Tania and her day at the pool. ‘Choose the best word (A, B or G) for each space. For questions 6 ~ 10, mark A, B or G on your answer sheet. up early last Saturday because she wanted to go to the pool. B got © stood Answer: 6 Tania hada... breakfast then rode her bike to the pool. A short B ready © quick 7 She decided to a backpack to the pool because she had lots to carry. A bring B moved take 8 Tania was pleased that the ...... was hot and sunny. A weather B heating © temperature 9 She most of the morning swimming and reading, A kept B spent © stayed 10 Inthe afternoon, she read a magazine, had another swim and Savona to her friends. ae A told B talked answered Reading and Writing Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice | 13 COMM ite Reading and Writing Part 3a (Questi In this part you: © read whatsomeone says © choose one answer (A, 8 or C) to complete the conversation Grammar Pronouns 1 took ar the words i bora Cross out the Iwo Wrong words (py Check that pronouns and people or hings in the answers. match each other. Example Where are all he CDs? He's / They're /¥m on that chair 1. Do you lke this beach? Yes, 1/ they / you do! 2 What time will Maria arrive? It/ We / She didn‘ tell me. 3 Ishe going to cook those burgers? Yes! | hope he doesn't burn them /it/ him! 4 Are you all having fun? We're / He’ / its having a great time, thanks! 5 Does your brother always dance like that? Nol I've never seen her / him / you do that! 6 I've brought my new mobile Wow! Her /Its/ Their screen is really big. © KET candies often make mistakes wth it and its. 2 Read the conversations and write /t$, or Its. Wes...agreat pienic. Good! vs goes wahoo gong to now! site The cat broke eg fes= hier has one tos js. Shhibht gone to sleep. (Oh yes Shhh _ engine i really loud, Oh dear! We gt ig whedon on December 11th, cant go that day. gota funny face. Yes it hast name is Mogey. That's nice name! Ifa response is OK, put a tick (V). Ifa response is not OK, put a (GHBE Te response must be appropriate cross (X). to complete the conversation, Example Are you going to dance? a Yes, Iwill na minute [¥] b Yes, did, thank you. [X] 1 These burgerstaste great! 1d like to do that too! They do, dontt they! 2. Idontt know that boy | think he's Jo's brother, She iso's sister 3. The sealooks great Lets go fora swim! They were too cold 4 Its time to go nome. We went there yesterday. Itis ate, isn it? Test 1 Training Reading and Writing Part 3a (Questions 11-15) Example: Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing * Part 3a Questions 11-15 ‘Complete the five conversations. For questions 11 ~ 15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. - ee y= How are you? ) ‘A Fine, thanks, 2 | {B tm13. — » {© Myname is Jorge. 41 Whose CD are they playing? ‘A. No, that wasn't its name. B It’s Joel's, | think. © Its name is Cloudy. 42. Did you enjoy that pizza? A. I loved it! imei meanings |) B Yes, please! © They're amazing! 13. Who's that boy over there? ‘A What does he like doing? B No, he couldn't come. © That's my best friend. 14 Those girls are vary good at dancing! A She was fine, thanks! B Sodol! CI know, they are! 15. When's Monica arriving? A. She'll be here soon. Where's she going now? © She went by bus. Reading and Writing Part 3a Test 1 Exam practice | 15 Test 1 Training In this part you: © read what the first person says in a conversation © choose — the second persons replies Completing conversations 1 What does Jasper say to Finn? Finn: Do youwant to play tennis? ‘A. Have you got a good teacher? Jasper: B_ How much does it cost? Finn: Great! Come on, then! © Yes, 'd love tol Grammar Short answers 2 Cross out the one wrong answer. Example How often do you play table tennis? Once a week. / ¥es; you do. / Every evening. 1. Did you have sports lessons at school? No, we didn't. /On Wednesdays / Yes, of course! 2 Who's yourfavourite player? I don't know: / Maria Gilliam. / Yes, she's great. 3 Are you playing against Finn today? Its Finn. / No, he's too busy: / think so, 4 Whats yournew racket like? It's great! / Yes, ove it. /1 don't know yet. 5. Doyou play at the sports centre? No, at the club. /Yes, Ido. /Its in the park 6 How are you getting to the match? Dad's taking me. / OK! Iwill /I'm cycling there. 3 Read the questions. Write a short reply. Use two, three or four words. Examples dont enjoy tennis —!.. wile win? Yes,.he. will! De you ie spor? Ye do! No don't 1 Did you practise yesterday? ‘Are you red? 2. Are your friends going to watch? Yes we are! No, we aren‘! : —< ts the cub near nen? 3. It5too hot to play badminto acne 4. Will we see Ela atthe club? Have they finshed? 5 You arent moving fast enough! Yes they have. No, they 6 Have you get your trainers? wert) 4 Complete the conversation. Choose a reply A-H from the box. Look atthe sentence before the space and the one after it! Alsshe? BHere itis! CWhy not? BSedot! EAtthe weekend. F Hes only 18. G What a pity! H Does it? Example Jo: ove tennis! D..... Jo:Do you? That's great! 1. Jo: How oldis your coach? 2 Jo: When do you practise? 3 Jo: My munys a great player. 4 Jo: Where's my sports bag? 5. Jo: This ball bounces better. Lee: Jo: Yes, look! 6 Jor! cant play today. Lee: oun JO Because I've got an exam. Jo: Wow! That's young! Jo: On Saturday or Sunday? Jo: Yes, she is. Jo: Thanks. | couldn't see it 16 | Test 1 Training Reading and Writing Part 3b (Questions 16-20) Br cl ‘actice Reading and Writing + Part 3b Questions 16 - 20 Complete the conversation between a student and a teacher about tennis. ‘What does Tim say to Janis? For questions 16 - 20, mark the correct letter A -H on your answer sheet. Example: Janis: You're really good at tennis, Tim. How old were you when you started playing? Tim 0 E Answer: Janis: ‘That's young! Who taught you to play A. Three times a week, sometimes four. so well? B No, only once. I've never enjoyed it. Tim: 16 © Ofcourse itis. !hate losing! Janis: That's lucky! How often do you . practise together? D__ Why not? Itisn't far from here. a E Iwas about six, | think. Janis: Wow! Thats alot! Do you prefer F Well, that's a lot of fun too, isn’t it et ee @ Yes, | do, because the ball bounces better. ae H_ My dad. He's a brilliant coach and player. Janis: Does it? | dids't know that. Do you like winning? Is that important? Tim: 19 Janis: So do |! But |only play table tennis. Tim: 20 # Janis: Yes, itis! _— Reading and Writing Part 3b Test 1 Exam practice | 17 In this part you: © read atet © choose the correct answer (Right, Wrong or Doesnt say or A, 8, C) ta seven questions Vocabulary Focus on meaning 1 phrases-1=9-with Words Wr the box with a (i Important words inthe question might not be the same as the words you read in the text. similar meaning. But their meanings may be very simi “sure getinformation many. - show could visit “photos unusial Sent maybe fell Example tip visit. exhibition 6 certain 1 2 wasableto ., 7 emailed 3 lotsof os 8 find out 4 5 pictures, 9 perhaps strange. 10 dropped Read about Mikayla. Are sentences 1-6 Right or Wrong? (GB Dont tink an answer is rig, just because Right (the information is the same) - write A. a ‘Wrong (the information is different) - write B, Mikayla lives on a sheep farm in Queensland in Australia. She was riding her horse across a field when she found the metal ball. Mikayla wasn't strong enough to carry the ball home so she phoned her father. Example There are sheep on the farm where Mikayla lives. Mikaylas home isin Austria. Mikayla can ride a horse. When Mikayla found the ball, she was crossing a road. The ball was made of plastic. The ball was too heavy for Mikayla to carry Mikayla’ father phoned her about the metal ball. Reading and Writing Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 4 Questions 21 - 27 Tips! Read the article about a girl who found something strange. fre sentences 21 ~27 ‘Right’ (A) or Wrong’ (8)? rr— If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or Wrong’ Questions are in the same order as (B), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C). information in the text. For questions 21 - 27, mark A,B or C on your answer sheet. Something strange falls from the sky fee ‘I dropped 2 above!” he said, ‘I was sure of that!" Mitts sts ysiigier nse aes te els "Nai ater emda photo the farm where she and her parents live in Australia pe hal tothe Planet Mseury last November, when she saw something very strange on the He yas told that the ball was possibly ground. ‘At first was fad to touch it!” she said "Tthought per of rocket. Two days carer a Something may jump out oft!" Itwas a 22 kilo ball made of Packer was use to ly an Armeican Jots of different meta prs. satellite into space to study the sun, ‘Mikayla called her dad and he came in a truck and drove it fost of it fell into the sea after the satellite was safely in back to the farmhouse People dont drive hundreds of miles Space ut maybe this prt dd’ across the desert area‘o leave a metal ballin the middle of “a xowa lot about cons and sheep? Mikayla sai, “but don't know anything about rockets. [want to find out more about them now. Perhaps Ill be an astronaut one day!” Example: 0 Mikayla lives on a farm in Australia, A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 21 Mikayla saw something that looked very unusual in the field. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 22 When Mikayla touched the ball, another piece of it dropped of. A. Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 23 Mikayla drove beck to collect the metal ball in her father's truck. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 24 Mikayla’s dad wes certain that the ball fell from the sky. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 25 An American from the Planet Museum emailed Mikayla. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 26 We know that the metal ball came from another planet in space. A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say 27 Mikayla is thinking about being an astronaut in the future! A Right B Wrong © Doesn't say Reading and Writing Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice | 19 In this part you: © read some information © find eight missing words (choose from A, B or C) Grammar Comparatives Comparing: ~ €ross-out the two wrong words irreach sentence: Elephants are bigger than most Example The mountains in Canada are higher than / what / then ater animas. the ones in Italy Dolphin ae much smaller than sles, Gia are the tallest animals in Aca. The sun is mach / more / most bigger than the moon, Monkeys ae the most interesting Its hotter in Africa when /than /then its in India arial Inthe wor Dragons are wery lifferent from ‘The River Nile is one of the long / longer / longest rivers in the world, dinosaurs ‘A/The / One largest area of rainforest isin South America, Spiders are not the same as insects 7 Our world isnot the same as /like /to the other planets. Some of the much / most / many unusual animals in the world live in Australia, © KET candidates often use than when they should use a different word. 2 Correct the mistakes, 1 Its great than she did that. 4 Lets goto the shops than to the beach. 2 I think than Il arrive at § pum. 5 My mobile is not as good than yours. 3. [had dinner than watched TV. 6 My jumper is the same than his. Grammar Pronouns ‘Remember! Sometimes who, which or that are the missing words. Look at the noun that ‘The woman/person/chid who/that ‘comes before the space to see which one you need. ‘The book/bike/countty which/that —_e ‘Choose the best word for each space. Example One day, | want to have ajob WHICH... is realy exciting what/vhich/vho Id like to be an explorer finds a new kind of animal who/whose/which | sawa movie about two men did that. what/that/whose They found a kind of dragon nv lived in the jungle there, who/hat/which The PhOt0 eens they took of the dragon was in the newspapers. _that/who/what But most people saw the picture didnt believe it! which/what/who ‘Complete the text with words from the box. eee . in Part 5. Always read the whole See me ens aan sentence before you choose he Did (0)... YOM... know that an elephant uses (1) ears to Pealeds ‘make it look more dangerous and to keep cooler on hot days too? The oldest elephant that (2) know about lived for 82 years and the largest ore weighed 12,000 kilos! (3) have to eat nearly all the time because (4) sno.» Bodies are so big. (5) is easy to find outmore about (6) cn the internet. Test 1 Training Reading and Writing Part 5 ‘Questions 28 - 35 ‘© Read the whole text once before you begin, Read the article about elephants. a —hCr—— Choose the best word (A, B or G) tor each space. ‘© Think carefully about which pronoun to use. For questions 28 - 35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. What do you know about elephants? ‘There are two kinds (0) elephant ~ African elephants and Indian elephants. African elephants, (28) are taller, also have bigger, rounder ears. An African elephant’s ears are almost (29) same size as sheets for a single bed! But elephants don’t ony use (30) ears to hear with. They wave them around to make them look much (81) dangerous than they really are. Elephants stay together in groups called ‘herds’ and can live (32) 80 years. They are very big and they never stop (33) They often eat for 20 hours each day because they have such big bodies. An African elephant is heavier (34) six cars! The only animals that are (35) than elephants are whales. Example: 0 A from B off © of Answer: [0 | 28 A what B which © who 29 A any Ba ¢ the 30 A their B them © they 31 A more B_ many © most 32 A ago B since © for 33 A grows B growing © grow 34 A than B then © when 35 A large B larger C largest Reading and Writing Part 5 Test 1 Exam practice | 21 In this part you: © read _five sentences that each describe a word © write five words, spelling them correctly (you see the firs letter and the numberof letters in each word) Read the text. Peter, Jeff and Caroline want to spend a wonderful day together. Where should they go? Peter likes playing computer games and watching DVDs on his laptop. He likes buying clothes too. But he enjoys swimming more than anything else. Jeff, who is Peters bestfriend, likes sailing and being outside, He's a very good football player. Peter’ sister is called Caroline. She loves calling her friends on her mobile, playing chess, walking by the sea and taking photos with her camera, A thesportsstadium —B thebeach the shopping centre Which of these places would you like to go to with your friends? Vocabulary Singular, plural 2 Look atthe questions below. |s each answer singular or plural? Undertine (gf Answers ae usualy nouns in the word that tells you (this or these). Then complete the answers. = Part 6, Most of them are singular Example You can look at this at the beach. sew but some can be plural You can wear this at the beach Tshirt (Remember! You can eat this at the beach. cece em “To make a noun pla, we usually jut You can read these at the beach, m_g_z_n_s 21 (magecve, mogasines boy boys) but sometimes we have You can play this atthe beach. voll_yb_Il rer beach, beaches) or tes (tory, ‘You can find these at the beach. shit stories) ‘Some plurals look very i You can drink this at the beach, Iim_n_d_ Ce amee case ee ‘Complete these sentences about a trip to the beach with plural nouns. Example _'m lucky! There are two beaehes. (beach) near my house. 1 Some. (child) love making sandcastles on the beach. 2 You don't need to take these... (watch) off when you go swimming, 3 How many «enon (Person) were flying kites on the beach today? 4. read two wonderful (story) on the beach last week 5. My favourite. (hobby) are swimming and sailing. 6 My friends always take their (mobile) to the beach with them. Test 1 Training | These sentences describe things you can wear. Look at the underfined Underline important words inthe ‘words. Complete the answers. escription to help you find the Example Put this on your head in hot sunny weather. hat answer 1. People wear these sometimes instead of trousers. 2. Some people wear these on thelr feet when they do sports. = 3 Youcan wear this when you are in a swimming pool iris and women wear these instead of skirts and blouses. 5. You wear these on your legs and they are usually blue. [oe Put this on over your shirt if you get cold on a walk. ‘These are all things you can eat or drink at a barbecue or picnic. Underline the words that help you find each answer, then complete the answers. Example Thisis cold and sweet. Eat it quickly if you are in the sunt ice cream S 1. People use green vegetables to make this cold food. 2 Apples and bananas are examples ofthis. 3 You can make this drink from oranges, for example. 4. Some people make these with bread and cheese. 51 6 This is usually round and has cheese and tomato on top, ‘meat is hot and round and often eaten inside bread. 6 Look at the picture and complete the descriptions. Example Thisis anisL. and. The sea is all around this place. These are t_ You wear them on your feet. 2 This iss___. ItSusually yellow and you walk on it at the beach, 3. These aret_____. Youneed them to get dry again after a swim. 4 Thisisw____.Its good to drink this when you are hot. 5 These arew_. You need wind to make these move, 6 Thisisar_____. You use it to hit a ball with. 7 These arec_____. They are white or grey and move slowly across the sky. 8 Thisisam_______.Ithas lots of photos on its pages. Reading and Writing Part 6 Test 1 Training | 23 7 Read the puzzles and write the words. (GH Reed the cue carey before you choose your answers in Part 6 There’ a srall screen and numbers and letters on this. itis small so you can carry t in your poctet. __You can useitto talk to your Triends or family. 2. Some people like playing games on this Lots of people use it to surf the internet You can take itwith you anywhere! 3. These are like short letters, but you don't write them with a pencil Some people write lots of these each day. Ifyou want to send these, you need to know your friends’ phone numbers, Answer isa m_ Answer Wsal__ Answer They are t_ Vocabulary Double or single letters (Gig Check the numberof leters you need in Pat 6 careful Do you need double or single letters? © Ker candcstesoten make spling mistakes because they use double or single letters incorrectly. 8 Cross out the wrong spelling in each sentence. Example if you want to go swiming /swimming, | know a great beach! There's a beautiful / beautifull beach only two kilometres away. You can have lunch or diner /dinner in the beach café there. There's a small supermarket there to /too so we can even buy ice creams, ‘We can also buy sandwiches and cold drinks or any other shoping / shopping that we need, 5. Lets go there tommorrow / tomorrow. 6 It’s such a wonderful / wonderfull placel Bring your cameral Look at ten words from this training section. Write the descriptions. Example wear/this/head/when/sunny hat You can .mear. this..on. your. head, when. it's. sunny... mobile You can costume YOUCAM gn 1. phone/friends/this 2 wear/this/sea 3. drinks/this/when/thirsty water You can, 4 take/photosithis camera You can 5 find/these/send/sea shells Youcan... 6 play/tennis/this racket You can 7 send/emailsthis laptop You can 8 read/these/books stories You can 9 magazine Youcan., 10 read/good articles/this os burger YOU CAM sre eat/thiswhen/hungry g and Writing « Part 6 Test 1 Exam practice Rea Questions 36 - 40 Tips © Answers are usually singular, but some ‘can be plural © Count the number of spaces for the missing letters carefully Read the descriptions of some things that people take to the beach. What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter nthe word. ‘© You must spell the words correctiy. For questions 46 - 40, write the words on your answer sheet. Example: 0 Ifyou take this kind of computer to the beach, don’t get sand in it! Answer: 36 You can make this with two pieces of bread and meat, salad or cheese. ee 87. Some people wear these to help them read more easily o 38. You use this to take photographs with Oe 39 If you get wet after swimming, dry yourself with this. 40 In very hot weather, some people wear these instead of trousers. Reading and Writing Part 6 Reading and Writing Part Test 1 Training 7 In this part you: © read texts that are usually one or two messages © write the ten missing words Grammar Question forms “1 Reac the questions carefully: Write the missing form of be, do or have. (ipl: the space is the frst word in a = question, the missing vor might Example. HBNE.. you seen that pop video yet? utente miss _ Harry and Gwen going to come to the disco? you buy the concert tickets online yesterday? Lesley told Stephen about the concert? Jane's birthday next Saturday? Lesley’ parents already bought the tickets? ‘we have to leave the party now? your friend have a favourite band too? our seats near the stage? Vocabulary Finding appropriate words @ KET candidates often make mistakes with phrases lke take a photo have a party, give a present. Check the words that come before and after the space very carefully. 2 Cross out the wrong verb in each sentence. Example — My dad can ge / drive us to the concert in his car 1. made / took some good pictures of the band, 2 I'mdoing / having my party tomorrow. 3. offered / gave Jane a necklace for her birthday present. 4. We always have /get lots of fun at the disco. 5. 'm going to wear / carry my new white jeans at the concert 6 Would you lke to watch / look a DVD? 7 Dad can pay /buy the concert tickets next week. 8 I did /went shopping for some new clothes. 9 Myftiends and I heard /listened to music. 10 I can try to answer /reply all your questions. Hi Sally, 'm going to goto a concert what's at Plaza Theatre tomorow! We're going to have a snack in a coffee bar near our fat fist than we'll go to the theatre, who is only about 20 minutes away. ‘The band's called the Oh Dears! Dad and | went there last month for see The Gates (a brillant reggae group). It going to be great. Call me when you would lke to come with us! Love from Tina, @©_ KET candidates often make mistakes in longer sentences, Read the whole text once before ‘you make the corrections. 3. Find and correct five mistakes in the email opposite Test 1 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 7 Questions 41 - 50 Tips! ‘© Do not write more than one word in each space, Complete the emails. (© Take a moment to check your spelina! Write ONE word for each space. For questions 41 ~ 50, write the words on your answer sheet. Hi Stephen! We talked (0) going to the pop concert last night. It's (41)... 15" February and the tickets cost £20 each. They're (42). ‘expensive than tickets for the disco, but it will be (43) really great night! (44) _.. YOu want to come with us? My brother will (45) Us there in his new car! Dad's buying the tickets online tomorrow, so write back quickly or (46) ‘me on my mobile. My (47) is 077845, Lesley ST Hoy, thanks (48) your email. Yes, can come too. Jane's (49) a party tomorrow. (50) you going? I can give you the money there. Stephen Reading and Writing Part 7 Test 1 Exam practice | 27 Reading and Writing Part 8 Inthis part you: © read two short texts to find five pieces of information © write five pisces of information (words and numbers) Looking at dates and times ‘Mona’ cycling to-a hockey match. She left home at 2.45 but the match doesn't start until 3.30. She wrote a note in her diary this morning. Which is Mona’ diary, A or B? A 8 Tuesday, I November My hockey match begins at thee thivty. There int 4 bus at that time so ['l have to go ty bike instead. (think it takes sbont AS mnas to get thet, | Thursday, 15 December Um playing in the hockey match today. Ut begins at a quarter to thyee. [take too long to eye these, I catch the bus that leaves at half past, (think, Vocabulary Dates and numbers 2 Underline the word(s) in the sentences that mean the same as the bold words in the notes. Example The journey starts at nine clock Well get home at 7 in the evening. That coach goes before 8.30. Well arrive there by 9.00. The schoo! holiday ends on May 10”. 6 Aprilis theday of the trip. ‘Mrs Morgan is coming back on Friday. The train leaves at 630 in the morning. Tipe You often have to answer == questions about times or Journey begins at: 9 a.m. dates in this par. Return at: 7 p.m. Coach leaves before: 8.30 Students will get there by: 9 Holiday finishes on: 10 May Date of trip: April 6 ‘Mrs Morgan will return on: Friday Time of train: 630 am. Underline the sentence that means the same as each note. Example Finishes at: 3.30 p.m. 1 Time game starts: 10 a.m, 2 Film starts at:4.45 p.m. 3. Bus goes at:2 p.m. 4 Noschool on: May 4 5. Date of party. july 14 6 Factory trip: 17 Sept Test 1 Training (Giph There may be mo diferent times or dates in the texts. Only fone answers the question! Itstarts at half past three. /Itends at three thirty. Game begins at ten. / The game will start before 11 a.m. Film (from 4.45 to 6 p.m) / The film ends at a quarter to five. The bus takes two hours. / The bus leaves at two o'clock. School closed on 4 May. / No school in May for 4 days! Hes 14 in July! / Party will be on 14 July Factory visit Sept 17. / Factory opens on 17 Sept. Reading and Writing Part 8 Grammar Prepositions KET candidates often make mistakes describing when things happen with af, om or in. You might have to say when you would like to do something or when you did something, 4 Cross out the two wrong words in each sentence. Example Let's cycle to schoo! at /on / in Wednesday. My dad went to Romie at7 on 7 in T8 june ‘Our plane leaves at /on / in six thirty. 2 At/On//in my birthday, Gabby gave me a DVD. Call me at /on /in Saturday evening 3. My cousin can take you there by car at /on /in ‘Mum says it's more difficult to get a taxi the afternoon at /on /in the evening. Questions 51 - 55 ‘© Read both texts to find all five answers. Read the message and the email. «Spell words correctly when you copy them. Fill in the information in Julia’s notes. For questions 61 ~ 55, write the information on your answer sheet. e Year 6- i Meeting about trip! Formore information about se viele Mrs Morgan has given us more information about the school trip. We have to meet in the playground at 1.30 and we'll be back at 4.30 that afternoon. She said no MPS players on the coach. (We aren't going by train now!) Bring a drink because the journey to and from Gower Park takes an hour each way. | hope we get some free chocolate! ‘to the chocolate factory on April 11 come to classroom 9 at 4 pm, today. Bring a pen and notebook to this meeting, please. Mrs Morgan Julia’s Notes ‘Schoo! trip! Will visit: chocolate factory Date of trip: Should take: : Will travel by: Place to meet: in waren (BE ml Reading and Writing Part 8 Test 1 Exam practice | 29 Reading and Writing Part 9 In this part you: © read three requests for information © write three pieces of informatin in a short meseage Answering three questions |) 1 Zara seta mestage to her three best friends to come and play tennis Look at her friends’ answers. Tick () the three questions (a~g) that Zara asks. Hi Zarat ves, Dear Zara, 1d Hit What a great can play tennis love to play idea! We can this weekend tennis, Let's eyde there, Halt past three play atthe club think. That's the | is best for me by the beach easiest way to Cats. see you later get there. arian, Louise \ | a [_ ]Who ee can play? e [_]How much does it cost? bE ]whereshal we pay? # [[]when can you play tennis? i ¢ []whoseracket can ! borrow? —_g_[_|Why cant you play today? 4 [- |How can we get there? 2 Read the two example tasks below and underline the Wh- questions. How many are there in each task? Task 1: You went to see an exhibition and really enjoyed Task 2: Read this note from your English friend, | it. Write an email to your English friend, Linda, Say Hil ve just been to a rock concert! When do you © when you went tothe exhibition listen to musie? What Kind. of music do you Uke? ‘© where the exhibition was Which instrument can you play? ‘© why you enjoyed the exhibition Write note to your friend and answer the questions. Grammar Prepositions KET candbtes offen make mistakes describing where wth af, om ino €. gn Pat 9, you aay have You might have to say where you are, where you did something, where to write 25-35 words. You something is or where you want to go. often have to ansner Wh 3 Cross out the wrong word in each sentence, then write the correct word. es Example We went in a museum with our teacher te Your school bagi to the table in your room. My classmates are at France now. We went in a restaurant and had a curry ‘My family arrived at New York yesterday. You can buy the CD to the new music shop. twas in a party at ills house. aunwna Reading and Writing Part 9 A. Cross out the wrong word in each sentence. Example Come by / ina bus! 1 He invited meat/tohishome. 6 I'm interested at /in music. 2 Itwason//in V1 7 Welcome in / to my town! 3. Shes playingon/ inthe concert. 8 mon /inholiday! 4 Callmeat /on $7743. 9 The book is grey in / on the front. 5_You.are importantat /tome.___10_ Jose's at in his best friends house. Grammar Irregular verb forms and spelling KET candidates often make mistakes with irregular verbs when they write about what they are doing now or what they did. 5 Cross out the wrong past tense form in each sentence. (TEBE Make sure you leam ivegiar Example | heared / heard some loud music. Mel Melt 1 Itcosted /cost £20, which is cheap. 4 My cousin gived / gave me some perfume. 2 We took /taked picnic with us. 5. | choosed / chose pasta with mushrooms for my dinner. 3 I payed / paid £50 for the ticket. 6 | wore /weared my new T-shirt. ©) KET candidates often make spelling mistakes using double or single letters. “6 Puta tick (V) if the spelling of the verb is right. Put across (X) if its wrong and write the correct spelling on the dotted line. Example I'm waiting for you uw ‘My brother is comming too. 4) coming. 1. Thanks for writing to me. 2 Lets go swiminglater. 3 I'm travelling to London tomorrow. 4m getting a bike for my birthday. 5 6 We go shoping on Saturdays, tim listenning to my new CD now. ‘Complete the sentences with an -ing form or the past simple of (ip Make sure you lam the spetings for ves the verb. that end in -e or -y. B He He Ms his red | sxample He is..A#iN... (use) his ed pen. (=D VAM asnssnsnn (play) my New computer game now. ‘Verbs ending in ~e change when you add -ing, She nnn) Goodbye to me yesterday. 9. danceldencesdancng,wrte/wrtestating Vets ending ina von! and dont change My sister. (try) to help me with my homework. eee ereepaniaaies 1 2 3 4 Hove (dance) to crazy music! Verbs ening in two consonants and -y change 5 6 ‘when you add -5, I {stud English at school last year eaaanie My friend is (buy) the movie tickets Verbs with two sylables ending in one consonant and -y change when you ada -, 9, study/studies/audying, cary/canies/carying Reading and Writing Part 9 Test 1 Training | 31 8 Find ten spelling mistakes in these three messages. Hi Marcus! Hello! It is good ‘Thanks for Flee you on to know that you writting to me. Wedensday, 'm had a nice meal Yes, 1 do wont to comming 09 the. ‘My favourite meal 0 to the cinema bus. Perhaps we is chiken. | eat it whit you at the can go shoping in almost twice a weekend. That wil the town centre month. {realy like be grate! il wait my THOT COOKS for you outside at it tor me, carla 5 pm. By! Aiden Grammar Answering three wh- questions 9 Read this Part 9 task and the messages to Pat from three KET candidates, ‘Anna, Ben and Candy. Then answer questions 1-5 below. You want to go and see your English friend, Pat, tomorrow, Write an email to Pat. Say: © what you did yesterday ‘© why you want to see her ‘© what time you will arive. I tired to do my English Il arive at half past three. | homework yesterday but | will show you my wonderful haveing problems is quiet holiday photographs! They're difficult. Can |come and see amazing. Ill catch the bus. you tommorrow becaus | wont See youl some help! By! Bon Anna pe When you have finished writing your message in the test, check it for spelling mistakes, ipl Read the instruction carefully! Remember you MUST write all three parts of the message to ‘get a good mark Dear Pat! | bought some great trainers yesterday, They costed 60 eurost I'll come to your fat to show them to you at about 4 p.m. tomorrow, Candy Which writer 1 has included all three parts of the message? 2. has made a past tense mistake? 3 has written fewer than 25 words? 4 should check their spellings and grammar? 5 might get the best mark? Reading and Writing Part 9 10 Read the task carefully. Complete the message with your own words and put your name at the end. You saw a TV programme that you liked a lot. Write an email to your English friend, Daisy. Say: @ where you watched the programme ‘¢ who you watched the programme with —— why youtiked the programme. Hi Daisy, watched a great TV programme watched it I enjoyed it alot Check! Answer these questions! ‘© Have | included allthree parts in my message? Does my message answer where, who with and why? © Are there between 25 and 35 words in my message? Did I check all my spellings? Did | put my nameat the end? g (© Remember to writ all three parts of the message. © You must wite atleast 25 words © Remember to put your name at the end ofthe message. Question 56 You went to a party. Write a note about it to your English friend, Alison Say: © when you went to the party © where the party was ‘* why you enjoyed the party. Write 25 - 35 words. Write the note on your answer sheet. Test 1 Exam practice 33 COME ite Listening Part 1 In this part you: @ read five questions and look at three possible picture answers (© listen to five short conversations and chaase the right answer Listening for information { FAPOH Amelia wants to talk to her brother, Justin, but she can't find him. Listen and answer the questions. 1 Who is Amelia talking to now? 2 What does Amelia want to borrow? 3 Is Justin in the kitchen, the living room or the bathroom? Grammar Prepositions 2 Draw arrows in, under, between, next to and on the pictures "FE In Part 1 you often have to show the five possible places where the racket might be. to answer questions about where people or thngs are ina house, in the cupboard under the pillow between the chairs next to the bed fon the shelf FAD Now isten. 1 Where's John’s tennis racket? Tick (¥) the right picture, BAG Listen again. 2. Where's Leah’s tennis racket? Tick (¥) the right picture. Listen. Where's Pauls wallet now? Choose the right answer (FEB Listen careuly Dont ONLY (ABord). choose an answer because you hear something that {you can see in one ofthe pictures (Gi You often have to answer a question about numbers conversation. Listen and choose the right answer (A or B).. 1. What size shoes does the boy wear now? A40 Baz 2. How many penci’sare in Sara's pencil case? A 30 B13 3 How much did Arels boots cost? A fT BERS 4 When's Elsa birthday? A15"May BS May [5 What number page isthe girl reading? A 68 B 86 5 VOD Now listen and choose the right answer. How much is Stella belt? A B c Grammar Present and future actions 6 _ Read the conversation. What does Ross want to do? Choose the right answer (A, B or C). Fpl You often have to answer questions ‘about what people are doing at home. Pay atention to the verbs. Jenna: Shall we watch TV, Ross? ReneS Ross: Not now. Id like to make something to eat. Jenna: Well, 'm not hungry. 'm going to listen to some music, Ross: OK, but dont take any of my CDs! = ek c 7 What is Holly doing at home now? Listen and choose TEBE You hear someting about al hee the right answer. pictures, but there’ only one right answer. Make sure you read the question very careful! A B c B Look at the pictures and the question, ‘What does Tom wantto wear? Now write a conversation between Tom and his mum. ‘Make one picture answer right and two picture answers wrong. COMM Scum cladta Listening ¢ Part 1 #2999) questions 1-5 Tips ‘Yoir-will fiesar fiva shart conversations. ‘© You'll hear information that you see in all three pictures but ONLY ONE fs right ‘ou wil hear each conversation twice «pears but ONLY ONE i ight There is one question foreach conversation {yu dont ino " For each question choose the right answer (A, B or C). Example: How many new T-shirts did Ellen get? | | 2 5 1 Where is Justin’s sister now? 2 How much money is in Eva's purse? 35p £1.20 £1.55 36 | Test 1 Exam practice Listening Part 1 3 Where is Paul's textbook? 4 What's Jenna doing now? ;chool bag next? Listening Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice | 37 Listening Part 2 Test 1 Training Intthis part you: © read twollsts of information fen toa conversation and mateh the two lists of information Vocabulary Work and jobs (2}10) Listen to information about people’ jobs. Tipe in the 1 list, the word: inthe second lst, the words you ‘What does each person do? CE ere ate dic tne Draw lines between the people's names and their jobs. words you read. Example Tom. dentist Jessica | farmer Scott journalist Hanna = mechanic Gregor pilot uilian photographer Charlie waiter PVT Listen, How does each person describe their job? (GRE You mayer ore han one Cross out the wrong word. ai ‘of the words on the list fer one Example cook boring / hard question, so don't choose an answer just because you hear a tour guide interesting /bad ‘wore on the Ist nurse friendly /busy footballer dangerous /easy hairdresser difficult /eoo! musician amazing / fun engineer exciting /uninteresting cleaner Important / briliant clown excellent / special : Remeber yu can oni use an Listen. Where did each person in Kerry’ family work frst? ER Romero vou canon en ‘Write one letter A-E next to each person. There is one extra answer. after you have used them Kerry's family Place 1 dad cinema 2 mum circus 3 aunt disco 4 grandma factory office Listen to Joel telling his older sister about his friends. Where would they like to work one day? For questions 6 - 10, write a letter A- H next to each person. —You.will hear the conversation twice. ‘Example: 0 Alice FRIENDS WORKPLACE EW ee, anny: = Feet! 6 Milton A hotel Saskia B_ park 8 Elis C police station 9 Lydia D_srestaurant 10 Ali E school F sports stadium G _ television centre Listening Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice | 39 In this part you: © read fivequestions ‘© listen toa conversation and choose the right answer (A, B or C) Grammar Answering questions ~ F2N14) Draw lines from the ‘how’ questions to the possible answers. Listen to an example. Example How tall is that tree? ~=§ ——— ~ 10 dollars, FFT Sometimes you have to answer 2a question, Make sure you How long hes the park been open? \ 35 miles esa cor aan How high isthe mountain? | 3 months 1 2 3. How much does it cost? 520 4. How hotisit today? 7,610 metres 5 How many people vein the forest? {21degrees 6 How far awayis the sea? \ 6 metres FVD) Listen to a girl asking questions about an island. Look at the answers. Ifthe answer is right, put a tick (¥). If the answer is wrong, put a cross (x). Example Where is the island? in Australia How do most people travel to the island? by plane ‘What colouris the rock on the island? black Which is the best time of year to visit the island? in the summer How hot isitin summer on the island? about 30 degrees What is special about the island? the water in the lake Why do people often sleep outside? to watch the stars GATS Listen to a teacher, Miss Takara, telling students about a waterfall Cross out the wrong words. Example Miss Takara visited the waterfall aweek-ago /a month ago. 1. The waterfallis in Galina Park / Waleria Park. 2 You can't usually visit the waterfall in January / Februar. The walk to the waterfall takes about 5 minutes /10 minutes. The waterfallis 28 metres high /42 metres high The bridge near the waterfall is made of rock / wood. FAD Listen to Lora asking about a nature park. Choose A, B or C. ZTipt_'n ths part, one ofthe speakers 1. Visitors go to this park to see ee ‘A monkeys B lions. © bears 2 The park usually opens at A 07.00. B 0930. ¢ 1100. 3. How much isthe family ticket? Ags BSB c $16 iH you don't know an answer you = should stl choose one of the options! Test 1 Training Test 1 Exam practice Listening « Part 3 GD auestions 11-15 Listen to Bruno asking about a museum that is in the countryside, For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C) ‘You will hear the conversation twice. Example: 0 How long has the museum been open? a week A two months C three years 41. The museum has lots of information about A forest workers. B wild birds. ——- © different trees. 12 When is the museum closed? A on Thursdays B_ on Saturdays © on Mondays 13. How far away is the museum? A 15 miles B 20miles C 30miles 14 On the study day, teenagers can learn about A plants. B the sea, C clouds. 15. The study day is free for students under A 14. B 16 c 18 Listening Part 3 Test 1 Exam practice " Test 1 Training MESS ues In this part you: * read a form that you must complete with words or numbers © listen toa short conversation and write the answers on the form Listening for specific information Listen carefully to six people talking about time. Ifthe answer is right, puta tick (V). If the answer is wrong, put a cross (X). Example Time festival starts: 200 [¥) 1. Programme begins at: 5:30 4 Band begins playing at: 845, 2 Film starts a: 10 5 Game will start at 330 3 Concertendsat: 950 6 Time disco finishes: 900 Listen and answer time questions. You can write words, but its quicker to write numbers. Example Group meets at: 4:30... pm. Exhibition opens at Radio show starts at: Play begins at: Send email before:.. Party is from 6,30 to... Computer lesson end at s.nssau P.M Vocabulary Spelling A FYBD) Listen. Are these names spelt correctly? Write YES or NO. Example MrJastin NO 1 Ballscott Park 4 Mrs Korduff 2. Kate Ailsh 5. Agher Stadium 3 Orinde Road 6 Newbert Village Remember that begins and starts ‘mean the same, and ends and finishes mean the same. ‘a.m. means in the moming ard parm. ‘means in the alemaon, ipl You nearly aways have 0 ‘rite a name of a person or place. Someone wil spel it and Yyou must write it correctly to get the mark. Listen and complete the notes. Fil; Most people make mistakes ‘Example Address of club: 12, BARGES. Road with vowels (@,€, 1, 0, u) so listen carefully to those, Listen and 1. Person to call foe complete each question. Write 2 Find out about: Farm, as clearly as you can. 3. Name of dragon: 4. Writers sumame! 6 Send email to: Mr, ip Look cartuly a the form 6 FYB Predict answers for this form. Write your guesses in column A. before you listen. What kind of Then listen and write the information in column B. information will you need to write? Festival A B Day of festival: Festival starts at pm, Name of band: Cost of festival Tshirt: £. os Travel there by: You will hear a teacher telling her students about a school trip. Listen and complete each question. You will hear the conversation twice, School tri © Name of programme: Teen News, Day: (16) Begins at: a7 : pm Channel: (18) Good for (schoo! subject} (19) Name of journalist: (20) Sara Listening Part 4 Test 1 Exam practice | 43 {In this part you: ® read form that you must complete with words or numbers listen to one person talking and write the answers on the form Vocabulary Prices, numbers and colours FBG Lister carefully to-people talking about how much Fipk You often have to answer different things cost. f the answer is right, put a tick (V). questions about prices in tis part If the answer is wrong, put a cross (x). ofthe test, Example Oneice cream costs: $2 1. Return bus ticket costs 75 pence 2 Price of mineral water: 3.25 3 Price for onecinema ticket: €9.50 4. Cost of guitar lesson: £12.50 INDO FED Now isten and compete questions 5-8 5 One cheeseburger costs 6 Price ofp 19 DVDs 7 Enranceto swimming poo! for students 8 Costoftenislesson Listen and write the numbers. Wf You sometimes have to answer Example Lukas mobile number: .OTT824 longer number questions. ” ° Remember, n phone numbers Kind of laptop: Takio We say each number. Bookshop phone number: Number of ricers in race: Size of trainers... Number of DVDs for sale: Addr eS... smn Grange Street Listen and write the colours (BiBE You sometimes have to ansver tions about colours. Example Colour of maths textbook... in : Colour of sweeter: Colour of schoo! bag? rn ANd Colour of tennis racket: and Colour of bicycle: Colour of hair: Colour of wate Test 1 Training Predict answers for this form, Write your guesses in column A. ‘Then listen and write the information in column B. Football game A B Day of match Starts at Cost of school bus trip there: 4. Colour of football shirt: ‘Coach's mobile number: 131) Questions 21 - 25 ‘You will hear a man giving some information about a BMX bike that! Listen and complete each question. You will hear the information twice. (TEBE Look carefty at tne form before you listen and think about what kind of words you will need to write ~ for ‘example, a day, atime, a number. 's for sale. Bike for sale Kind of bike: BMX Roadstar Price: (21) € . Colour: (22) and Can go and see tonight at: (23) sen RM Address: (24) 237, Phone number: (25) Listening Part 5 Street Test 1 Exam practice | a5 Speaking Part 1 {nthis part you: © speak —toan examiner ‘© answer questions about your name, your school, your hobbies Listening to personal questions Natalie is asking a new friend; Jarek, some questions. What does she know on about Jarek by the end of the conversation? Listen and tick (V) the boxes, 1 Jareks surname his favourite hobby 2 his nationality another country he has visited 3. the country that he comes from his favourite day ofthe week 4: the subjects that he is studying his age Understand the task 2 Complete the sentences with words from the box. Make sure you know what is going to happen so in Part 1 of the Speaking test. The photographs below will help you. Someone will give you a mark sheet There willbe (3)... The frst examiner will say their with your (1) ont. ‘examiners in the room name and (5) your mark Someone will ake you and your The first examiner will say sheet. The second examiner will ill partner to the room where the (4) ccnnssnens then tell you to sit in your mark sheet. He / She @). ate sitting down. 6 ask you any questions. (GBF The fist examiner wil ask each of you some ‘questions about your name, where you come from and about your schoo! subjects. FAD) tisten to an examiner taking toa student. Which questions does the examiner ask? Tick (V) the boxes, Hello, What's your name? 6 What’ the name of this town? What's yoursurname? 7 Do you study English at school? How do youspell your surname? 8 Doyou enjoy learning English? How old are you? 9 What other subjects do you study? Where do you come from? 10 What's your favourite subject? 4 FY3V Listen again to the questions in exercise 3 and give your own answers. Speaking Part 1 = Example What's your name? My, name. is, Katia. 1. Where do you come from? ee vo ltl. © 2. Doyou like the town where you live? 3 What can you do in your town? em ‘4. What's your favourite hobby? _-music. 5 What did you do last weekend? . party. 6 What are you going to do next weekend? VolleyDAI onennn © 6 Think of two or three more things to say to complete each answer. Tell me about your family. li with my parents. My father is. Tell me about your bes: friend. My bestfriend is 14. Hes . . Tell me about your school. b=>~My school is quite near here. Its — iif! The examiner then asks you questions atout your daily lif, your interests and hobbies. Give more than one-word answers BE At the end of Part 1, the examiner asks teach of you to speak about one thing. The examiner wil say: Tell me about (e9. home, family friends, school, country). 7 FEAR) Listen to an examiner and a student answering his Tell me about ... question. Now with a partner practise asking and answering your Tell me about ... questions. fest 1 Exam practice Speaking * Part 1 © Don't worry ifthe other student knows more English than you do, Tiy to answer with more than one word. (© Try to say three things when you answer the Tell me about .. question. Listen to an examiner talking to two students. You will hear one student, Rosa, answer. YOU are the other student. Answer your questions. Speaking Part 1 Test 1 Exam practice | 47 Inthis part you: © read notes and speak to another student © ask and answer five questions toolcat the intemet search below: Listen. Which competition is the girl asking about? [ Competition 21/09 young writers and school students, Go to ‘woww,compo,tnz23.march.col Quiz competition September national: schoo! students will come from all parts of country, wuyuw.quz.20/ Understand the task 2 Complete the sentences with words from the box. (BT Mote sure you know what goirg to happen in Part 2 of the Speaking test. The ‘Questions topic information booklet five. examiner Photographs below will help you. The first (1) ..nnoon eS the two Student A looks at the question The examiner gives the students (A.and B) their question words and asks (3) () back to the students and information booklets. questions about their topic. with a different task. Student 8 One student gets a page of asks five different questions about ident B finds the (4) 2)... The otherstudent gets Pudent Binds the (4) another (6) Stucent some information. eee ene ‘finds the information on their question, and answers it. booklet and answers the questions. 3 Look at this information about a cycling race, and then complete the questions that you might hear; Bicycle Race Reiday 7 July i 1 When 11.30-a.m. stare 2° What: 10 kilomettes 3 How... [Race is jn Kai Park 4 Where. ‘CallJenny on 980032 or more information) 5 What. Speaking Part 2 4 Now answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you Don't add any new information. Keep your answers short and clear. Aifigvace iin uson ‘You can call its... Jong, Wtstans - FER Now listen to two students acking and answering the questions about the race Did Student A ask all five questions? Did Student B answer all fi ions? Test 1 Exam practice Speaking + Part 2 ur © The order ofthe questions will be different from the order ofthe information © Asking questions: make sure you ask all ive questions ‘© Answering questions: read the information booklet and only give the information thats on the booklet. CANDIDATE B Go to page 222 “CANDIDATE A - your answers CANDIDATE A - your questions Hobby Club Bike Ride 15 kilometres through Danwood Forest call Mary (075542) for more information July 2tst bring pionic lunch meet in Forest Car Park Computer Classes cost ? what / learn? how old / students ? ee Listen to a model conversation for the Hobby club bike ride and the Computer classes tasks at: www.cambridge. org/elt/ketforschoolstrainer/audio For the audioscripts see page 169. Speaking Part 2 Test 1 Exam practice It 49 ‘© How many questions are there in Part 1? ‘¢ How many notices are there to choose from? Vocabulary Focus on meaning 1 Match words and phrases 1~6 below with the words in the box that (TBE Look for word in the {questions and notices that hhave the same meaning = discount. visitors bicycle ‘They are not always the same par of speech, Example akind of chair ..8¢ak. et 1 luggage 4 bike 2 tourists uu 5 acheaper price (GRE Torspont vocabulary oten 36S veer 6 journey by air tested in Part 1 Sometimes a notice begins with the name ofa plece, Match the notices with the lists of places where your family might see them. Example | Please turn off your car engine petrol. station, 1 Preteen underground ‘No parking Ambulances only oo motorway 7 Platform 9A is across bridge bus stop airport station Number 132every 10 minutes Read the signs and choose A,B, Cor D to start each matching sentence. FIBE Read the beginning of each sentence carefully Example This seat i for staff only sit somewhere ese. Ticket office closed. buy tickets here now. No cycling onthe platform. ride your bike here. Important! Do not leave your seat. stay in your seat. Have passports ready, please. find your passport now. Sorry. No buses today. travel by bus this morning, Lifts to luggage collection. nn use these to go and get your luggage. 50 | Test 2 Training Reading and Writing Part 1 re Ci Questions 1-5 ‘Which notice (A ~H) says this (1 - 5)? For questions 1 ~ 5, mark the correct letter A~H on your answer sheet. Example 1g and Writing + Part 1 = © Look for words in the sentence and notice that have the same meaning, They might ot be the same words, © Names of places in the notices may help you find your answers © Read the beginnings ofthe questions careuly 0 People with bicycle problems may get some help quickly here. 1 You should not drive fast here because people like to cycle in this place. 2 Donot leave your suitcases or bags anywhere while you wait for your flight. 3. Ifyou can show that you're a student, you will pay less for this. 4 You should not travel on this unless you have already paid for your journey. 5 You won't have to wait longer than three quarters of an hour to go on this. ee ie Reading and Writing Part 1 A oswer (OJABSLEL SH = | Students must buy tickets before getting on college bus : Forest Park Road Drive slowly Cyclists use this path Leon oc?s Bifkas Tyres or brakes repaired while you wait! Remembert Keep your return ticket in a safe place eee ————_ Coach station L City tour leaves. from this stop every 45 minutes River Severn — next boat trip 2.15 Buy tickets here |1lI> ®& Weekend rail tickets * discounts for student card holders Test 2 Exam practice | 51 ‘@ How many questions are there in Part 2? @ How many answers must you choose from? Vocabulary Focus on meaning (GRE Think catty about the 7 can lasauiaaa NSE ference in meaning between 0 sandwich? Example Can! cook/make a sandwich: aaa 1. Tim going to take /do a shower now. 2. There's a nice pink ground /carpet in my room. 3. Can [have a rowel /sheet to dry my hands with? 4 Ive gota very soft / quiet pillow on my bed. 5 Please close the garden door / gate behind you! 6 My school bag is usually on the chair / seat in my bedroom, 7 Its getting cold. Let's turn on the heating / fre. 8 I need another blanket /curtain on my bed. 9 There's a key in the entrance /door of my room. }0. Excuse me / Please, where's the toilet? 2 White the correct verb in each space. “Tigi! Sometimes phrasal verbs are tested in Part 2. Example Can!.umn....on the DVD player? put / turn / get must these dirty cups up. ‘grow / get / wash a I ry jacket off in the kitchen, got /turned / took ecusee When YOU nnn Out, shut the door quietly, find / go/ get Caiecare My friend fon the same shirt as me. put /get /turn “Take off your hat. grandpa up! He sleeping on the sofal_ Grow / Wake / Wash (01) Take your hat of Turn on the TV Make sure yCU haV@ .ssou.the cooker off got / put /turned eee off that chair, you naughty cat! ‘Take / Get /Turn Turn off the TV Help me look CD. | cant find it. after / at /for (0) Tu the TV oft 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 © Some KET candidates make mistakes with do, make, take and have. 3° Write the right verb (do, make, take or have) for each expression. h Flori apary your homework ‘awash make 2 noise, inne" a photo jour bed 7 a ae ‘make Some breakfast a phone call a noise “nesome medicine make some money acake oa tes, do a project do some homework, an appointment a project nn a exam eed 440 ajo, do some pracice {a problem = ataxi Reading and Writing Part 2 Lf verbs. with an English family last summer. Reading and Writing * Part 2 (© Read the sentence carefully! The three possible ‘answers might mean almost the same. ‘© Tiyallthree words in the space before you choose your answer © Look atthe words before and alter each space, © Watch out for particular expressions and for phrasal answer: [BA 8 B kept © stayed The house was on the corner of a city street, rr Saaaaee A fast B busy © quick 3 : 2 : Inez's room was . but it was quite cold, A lovely B special CG _well / 8 She asked for two more to put on her bed. A curtains BB sheets blankets 9 Inez liked _ off the lights and looking out of her window at the city each night. A taking ——B getting turing 10 One evening, the family vu @ party so Inez met all their friends. : A made B had © took ARSE EE Se ret Reading and Writing Part 2 ‘Test 2 Exam practice | 53 1 Test 2 Training © How many answers must you choose from? Vocabulary Everyday expressions Reading and Writing Part ‘© How many questions are there in Part 3a? Match sentences 1-5 with responses a-e. “Trove that gts Tshirt a Thopeso! 2 Let's go outside. ItS too hot inher, b_ How do you do? ‘Are they going to play that CD again? ¢ So doll! 3 4 Can you pass me another sandwich? d_ Id rather not. 5 Hello, my name’ Jenny. © Here you are! Find expressions in Remember! that can mean: 1. I need to speak to you (to ask a question) 2 Please say that again. 3. Goodbye _ 4 agree noun . 5. Idon'twant to 6 VES. ns 7 OK. 7 8 No Read the first helf of each conversation carefully. Cross out the wrong answer. Example Why don't you go fora walk? What a good idea! / It doesnt matter: What time dces the film start? Certainly! / Pardon? Can | borrow your dictionary? tim afraid | cant. / Here you are! ''m sorry if| made you angry. It doesnt matter. / Of course not 1 2 3 4 Id like some of those chips, please. | hope so. / Anything else? 5 lil wash up later. Thanks a lot. /Just a moment. 6 Will it rain this afternoon? | think so. /'m so sorry © Some KET candidates make mistakes with like, would like and What’ it ike? Make sure you understand the difference. Cross out the two wrong answers. 3a (Que: er stions 11-15) Many diferent expressicns are tested in Part 3, ( Bemembert ‘So dol! Thanks a la! Sony? Certiniyt What a pty! ‘What a great idea! Id rather not, "hope so. Of course! Excuse me! See you later. ts OK, Me too! tm afraid I zen, That’ fine! Excellent ‘Allright. Lith so. Pardon? Of course nat! Remember! Do you like ie cream? ~ Yes, Ido, Would you like someice cream? ~ Yes, | would, Whats that ce cream lke? Example Do they lke chocolate? Yesthey have-/Yes-they-are-/ es they do, What ati 1. Whats he like? Really funny. / He likes cycling. / Yes, thanks. 2 Would you like some lemonade? __Yes, | do. /Yes, you do like it. Ves, l would. 3. What music do you like? No, I don't like music. /Rock. / Of course! 4. What was the homework like? twas really hard. / I hope not! / Yes, it was fine. 5 Does Katy like you? No, sheS taller. / I hope so. / Me too. Test 2 Training Reading and Writing Part 3a (Questions 11-15) J Ee e it Test 2 Exam practice Reading and Writing + Part 3a Questions 11 - 15 ‘Complete the five conversations. For questions 11 ~ 15, mark A, B or G on your answer sheet. ‘What was the dinosaur film like? 42 | don't know your email address. 13. Why don't we go windsurfing today? 14. Shall we buy these earrings for Mum? 18 Sorry! | can't play volleyball with you. Reading and Writing Part 3a Here’s a drink) for yout e © Read al three possible answers before you choose A, B or C (© Read each expression carefully I it the correct answer? '© Watch out for Would like! Whar’ ite! Do you lke questions. A Of course not! > ee =< B Thanks a lot! > Ta _ © I'mafraid | can't. Answer: It was boring, Along tail and big teeth. Yes, | did! ‘They're in Castle Street. How do you do? I'l give it to you. What a great ideal Yes, we do, don’t we? Thank you very much. So dol! How much are they? She's really pretty! What a pity! 'm sorry, I'm late. I suppose so. Test 2 Exam practice | 55 ¢ How many people are speaking in Part 3b? ‘© How many answers must you find? ‘© How many answers must you choose from? Thinking about questions and answers Underline the kind of answer that these questions need. Example Can you cook? 1 2 3 4 5 6 Who's making breakfast? How long should! fry this for? a place / yes/no /a person /a time person / food / adjectives / yes/no yes/no / adjectives /a time /a place Would you lite an omelette or a pizza? a place / food / adjectives / yes/no Where are the red grapes? What's that steak like? You like salt on your chips, don't you? yes/no / adjectives /a place / a number ‘yes/no / adjectives / a time /a person adjectives / a place /a number / yes/no Look at the ways we can make suggestions. Match the suggestions and answers. Example Let's put some pieces of apple in the sala. Why don't we make some \ lemonade? \ dinner. What about taking a picnic? Shall.we buy some burgers? ‘How.about having a boiled egg for breakfast? @_ OK. We could fry some onions with it too. b But we havent got any lemons! © Sorry, we can't do that. | havent 4. Good idea! I go and make one. ‘eHow about putting some grapes init, instead? I'd rather just have some bread, thanks, We could have fried rice for L {got enough money. ‘Complete the conversations. Read the sentences before and after the space and choose a reply A-H from the box. Example | love oranges! H. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Where are the biscuits? Is lunch ready yet? Ii like some ice in this drink, We cant eat this yoghurt Karls just broken a plate. Shall | wash the potatoes? This dish is really heavy! Really? Theyre my favourite frit. Well lets go and look for them. Great! 'm really hungry! Thanks alot Because it’s not fresh. Look! That's good! OK. Hi do that now. Oh no! Sorry! | didnt mean to drop it. = Think carefuly about the kind of answer that each question needs. ‘You often see suggestions in Part 3b, ‘The sentence before and ater the space will help you choose each answer ‘Complete the conversation between Linda and her cousin, Vince. They're talking about cooking. "What does Vince say? mark the correct letter A - Hon your Reading and Writing « Part 3b wz before i Example: Linda: I'm learning to make cakes. Can you cook, Vince? vince 0 nk ancner UAB EDEFSH Linda: | can't, How long does that take to cook? So do I! But Ike it with chicken, eggs and cream too. Mincst 16 Not long - you boil it in water for about ten. minutes. Linda: That's quick! And do you have that with Vince: Linda: Vince: Linda: Vince: Linda: Vince: Linda: tomatoes and cheese? | love that! 7 ‘That sounds great! Why don't we make a meal for everyone? 18 Let’s do it at your house. How about next Friday? 19 : (OK. You do the main course and I'll make a chocolate cake. It'll be fun! 20 hope sol Reading and Writing Part 3b Is it? What do you need? Yes, it will. ll check with Mum, but it'll be OK, I'm sure, | can cook pasta, that's al. Saturday's better, Linda. Mum has to work on Friday nights. No, there'll only be your parents, my parents and Sue. That's a great idea. Shall we do that at our house or at your house? Test 2 Exam practice | 57 How many questions are there in Part 42 ‘© Are you given answers to choose from in Part 4? ‘Cross out the wrong word in each sentence. t, Wrong, Doesnt say Part 4 tasks: le_ you do / don't have to choose A, B or Canswers. In 3-option multiple choice Part 4 tasks: you do /dont have to choose A, B or C answers. the text looks shorter /longer. you always /sometimes have to answer questions. you never / might have to complete sentences. you do /don’ have to choose between right, wrong, doesn't say answers. the order of the questions is usually / never the same as the order of information iv the text ‘Which is the right answer for each of these short texts? Choose A, B or C. so Bibetter or nea 1 Jo sold her bite because A she decided to get a faster one. _B she needed the money. C twas too old. 2. How much did Jo sell her bike for? A025 B E75 ¢ £100 “Tekk: The shop Shien Thirsty io CBee Yo in Friday SO she wor the Bike eson Saturday ae 4 3 Which day dic Jo buy her bike? ‘A Thursday —B Friday € Saturday ‘Text Is lights werent good enough but the wheels were great'and it had really good brakes. ao 4. What else mignt Jo need to buy? A better lights B better brakes C better wheels “Text: Jo‘told her best ftiénid about her new Bike The lo girls cycled found the lake then went for a.walk in the park. 5 Jorode her new bike A tothepark —_B to her best friend's house. C round the lake. Test 2 Training FFipE There are two pes of Pa 4 ~ On page 19, you practise the frst type (Right, Wrong, Loesn't say). This Part 4 is cifferert. (BE Onl one ofthe A Bor C answers i right, but the text will have information about allthree, so read the text carefully! ‘not enough + opposite adjective My trainers are too smal My trainess ae not big enough, “That musics toe loud, ‘That music ist quiet enough, This oom is too dark, ‘This room isnt light enough, Reading an Wing Par 4 ~ Questions 21 - 27 Tips! ‘© The questions come in the same order asthe Read the article about a boy who became a businessman at 14 answers in the text. ‘and then answer the questions. © Read the article carefuly! For questions 21 - 27, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 6 oe eens eae As, Bs and Cs. Robbie's first business! SS Robbie enjoyed art most at school. He liked maths and music too, but because it was hard for Robbie to spell words correctly or to understand texts, he didn't enjoy being at school. In English, he had lots of problems. So, when Robbie ‘was 12, his parents decided he should leave school and be taught differently at home. There, he leant about business and working on computers, and spent more time happily studying art, exercising and practising on his violin 7 Robbe's grandmother started teaching im to cook too, which, like his mother and aunt, he rally enjoyed doing. ‘One day, she told him her secret way of making jam. Robbie made too much for the family to eat so he took it to ~ other people in his street. He made more and more jam. It tasted so good that his parents’ friends started buying it from him. Robbie added all his costs together then decided on a price. Then he made a business plan on the computer with help from his dad. His jam is now sold at a weekly market. It tastes wonderful and it’s healthy because Robbie uses grape juice {instead of sugar to make it. “Ym still only 14 but I'm already a businessman!’ Robbie laughs. ‘Last week | earned £93 because 87 different customers bought 52 kilos of my jam, and a supermarket wants to sell it too. My career is in jam-making, | think!" Example: 0 Robbie's favourite subject at school was. Amaths. Bart. C music. Answer: 21 Robbie had problems in his English lessons because A he couldn’t understand the teacher. B hehated reading. C he couldn't spell very well 22 After he was 12, Robbie was taught A atadifferent school. B inhisownhome. 23 After he left school, Robbie had more time to play A computer games. B different sports. Can instrument. 24 Who told Robbie the secret way to make jam? A his aunt B his grandmother Chis mother 25 Who did Robbie give the extra jam to? A. his neighbours B his parents © his school friends 26 Where can people now buy Robbie's jam? A online B atamarket © from his father’s business 27 How much jam did Robbie sell last week? A 52kg B 87kg © 93kg Reading and Writing Part 4 Test 2 Exam practice | 59 Reading and Writing Part 5 © How many missing words are there in Part 5? © How many possible answers must you choose from? Grammar Auziliary verbs (be, do, have) 1 Complete the sentences with words from the box. In many Part 5 tasks, a be/do/have _ 7 ee part of the verb is missing. Check Did. Have were has is are was that your answer goes with ts main verb, for example Iam writing Example — The clock ...W48..... wrong so we arrived late! 1 My grandma _ always loved listening to the radio. 2. Our beautiful new table made of glass. 3 David and! playing computer games at the moment. she take the ice cream out ofthe freezer? YOu stil got your video recorder? given a DVD player yesterday. Grammar Connecting words 2 Cross out the two wrong connecting words. (Gag A connecting word might be Example | don't wear woo! in summer because / oF / and it too warm, ‘missing from te text in Pat 5. 1 This card isnt strong enough but / if / and well use it anyway. (Remember! 2. Do you like silver and / so / or do you prefer gold? tea bases Goes Oia 3. Myphone is made of plastic if/when / and my brother’ is too. when, while 4 Mlwrrite a note so /because /if you give me some paper. 5 Dad bought some wood after /s0 /or we can make some shelves. 6 Thurt my hand while /if /before | was doing my homework. Grammar Expressions with prepositions _ 3 Complete the sentence using Remember! (Remember. | A eo cb Afri book about a man Example read a book ..ab0ut... Africa yesterday. eens 1. Lcantt call you as 'm busy the moment. in the middle ofthe page ee dinar teh nits realy aca bad oby enV Hess tout 3 on tee nice cameras cccreree Turned my TV uc themidle often andtockihe DvD aut. IMEnrat ‘al oe oe a pai of olasses People all the world are watching the concert on TV. pes {at the top/bottom of the page Its made of metal Welcome te London! questions 28 - 95 Test 2 Exam practice | Read the article about gold. Reading and Writing + Part 5 (Fipat Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. . a For questions 28 - 35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. Read the whole text before you start choosing your answers. Read the whole sentence carefully when you choose a connecting word answer: ‘Check that a be/doshave answer goes with its main ver. Remember the prepositions in the expressions you've learnt Gold! People (0) Gold is a soft, heavy, brilliant yellow metal (28) change colour in tre air or water. People have used gold money for hundreds (29) wear gold wedding rings too. You can even (81) to carry electricity. (32) People in India buy more gold (33) One kilo of gold (34) some gold for free, remember that all the winners in the Olympic Games (35) Train hard at school in your sports lessons! always loved gold because it is beautiful and useful. it doesn’t 1880 and 2002 most gold came from South Africa, but now more gold comes from China. any other nationality. about 35,000 dollars at the moment. That's a lot of money! But if you want years, but people all (30) gold in racing-car engines because gold is able ‘the world given gold medals Example: 0 Ado B have C be Answer: (04, B ©) 28 A and Bor C after 29 A by B of ¢ from 30 A above B over about 31 A finds B finding C find 32 A Between B Before ¢ Through 33 A what B when C than 34 A cost B costs © costing 35 Abe Bis C are Reading and Writing Part 5 61 Test 2 Exam practice | Reading and Writing Part 6 ¢ How many wores must you write in Part 6? © What kind of help are you given? Vocabulary Buildings, places and people in town 1 Read the sentences. Put a tick (V) if the information is right and a cross vane seen a Example A bank isa place where people save ther money. People go to adisco to dance. You watch actors on the screen in a theatre ‘A museum is a place where people buy clothes. You can buy things for your home in a guest-house. Your parents can do all their food shopping in a supermarket People can fill up their cars at a petrol station. store is anotier word fora shop. Go toa stadium if you want to buy a fight ticket. In ths part ofthe test, you must Read Donna’ diary about her familys visit to the city. Underline six ed de anoner concen spelling mistakes. English speling is dfcut Because los of English words come from other languages. Leam these speling rues about cand @ © c's folowed by a u or sat the end of @ word, it sounds ike ik, o ‘example custome, picnic © Ics followed by €or it sounds tke 9, for example city, price © If gis followed by ao. u oris atthe end of a word, it sounds hike ey, fr ‘When we arrived in the city we decided to visit the example guest bag catedral first because itis such an amazing biulding, © 1g olomed by eor| it sunds ike then we crossed the street at the trafic lights and walked IA, for example agent, viloge past the entrance to the univercity. Lots of students were ‘The speting of get, git and give dont standing outside. folow tis rue After that, we went into the national librarie and looked around, and then we had a cold drink in the caffe there. ‘We had to run to the railway station, We nearly missed our train! | had a really great day. a) Reading and Writing Part 6 "Read the sentences about different places in town and write the missing letters in the answers. All the words have ac or a g in them. Example A king ond queen lived here a long time ago. eastbe Older students come to this place to study. co__e_e You can buy newspapers and magazines here. ne_a_e You cross this to go over a river. n get fit in the gym here. spo_ 5. People repair cers inthis place ga_a_e 6 The people who work here keep people safe. po_i_e s_a_ ‘There are lots of sient letters in English words — letters you see, but don't hear. Cross out the silent letters in these words. Example gXest 1 wrong 4 business 7 watch 2 chocolate 5 hour 8 knife 3. science 6 vegetable 9 could ‘One word in each sentence below has one missing letter: Cross out the ‘word and write its correct spelling on the line. Use letters from the box. Example The seoel ison the next comer. 1. That's the highest bilding in the city. 2. | goto the libray about once a week 3. That old casle isabout 700 years old, 4. Have you visited the iland yet? Complete the words about peoples jobs and places where they work in town, Underline the words that helped you find each answer. Example On this piece of paper you can find the names of different streets m & B 1. People with jobs work on computers in these rooms. 2. Workers make things like TVs or bikes in these. 3 This person works in a shop. 4 This person welcomes guests in a hotel. 5 Actors and musicians work here. 6 Doctors and nurses work here, Reading and Writing Part 6 Read the descriation of places where you can do things in a city. ‘Write the missing letters in the answers. Example You pay to sit and watch a film here. cinema 1. You can stop and havea drink or a snack inthis place. 2 Youcan catch a train from this place. 3 You can borrow different books from this place. 4 You and your family can sleep here if you are on holiday. 5 You can buy things outside in the street here. 6 You pay to sitand watch sports matches in this place, 7 You can sit and choose something to eat here. 8 This means all the lorries, cars and buses on the street. Learn words in word Write the missing letters in the words. Look at the other words in bold. = amiles Tis wl hep you lf you don't know their meaning, look them up in a dictionary. 10 remember them. Example You post a letter in a post of fice You play sports at @ sports ¢_ You buy coffee inac___. Children play ina playg_ People enter a building through its ent _ You should cross the road at a cross You camp on acamps___. People who tour a city might be tour _ Ifyou want totravel, goto atravela You can cycleto school on a__eycle 10 Youwaitforabusatabus____. 9 Some words look or mean almost the same, What is the same and what is different about these worcs? © You must spell the words correatiy. Count the ‘Read the descriptions of some things you might see when Sarco aes ee eee © Dont forge sent eters and dont forget speling mat is the word for each one? nukes. [the first letter is alreac [here is one space for each ‘© The main words in each description sentence will E vcother letter in the word. help you find your answer. JF For questions 36 ~ 40, write the words on your answer sheet | Example: = 0. Youcan see important sports matches here. Answer: (1B stadium E96. These are people who travel to a city and look around it on holiday. '=7-—-People come to learn about history and very old things in this place. m_____ 38 This bi ing is like a small cathedral. 39° People can cross a river if they walk over this. 40. People live in these. They are in buildings with lots of floors. Reading and Writing Part 6 Test 2 Exam practice | 65 aw eerie Reading and Writing Part 7 ‘© How many missing words are there in Part 72 © Are you given words to choose from for your answers in Part 7?, Grammar Prepositions Look at the useful expressions in Remembert, then complete the See : Hi! THANKS (0) nf fun telling me about your language course. | read ose {an English course online too but I'm more interested (2) English history, | think. | watched a great programme about the kings and queens of England (3) telavision last week. | borrowed a really useful book 4 ‘our ‘eacher about British history too. I'l show it (6) you at the weekena, I'm net very good 16) history but enjoy it. 'd tke to travel back in time! ove watching firs like Back f0 the Future. We've ot lots (7) nnsnnn OVDS in ‘our school lbxary that we can watch too, Perhaps we could watch one together. Bye for now, Melissa Grammar Connecting words 2. Join the two parts of the sentences with words from the box. Example | study geography at schoo! ..and... read about it online too. Shall we do our homework here shall we go to the library? I cant get that book. the bookshelf is too high! 1 2 3 Ive gota dictionary, it’s too big to take to school 4. Our science project was excellent, we won a prize! 5 We visited the university. we talked to some of the teachers. Grammar Pronouns © Some KET candidates make mistakes with pronouns. 3. Cross out the two wrong words in each sentence, Example The students all like Mr Kenzo. He teaches us / we / our art. 1 If youve lost your textbook, do you want to borrow me /my / mine? 2. When are you going to take you /your / yours exams? 3 She /Her /Hers best subjects are Spanish and French. 4. Which is he /his /him music teacher? The man who wears glasses? 5. These words are difficult. Do you understand they / theirs / them? 6 Mr Leo is us/we /our tennis coach at school. He's an amazing player! | Test 2 Training (By te mising word comes before =a noun (or an adjective + noun), 2 pronoun or an -ing word, it ight bbe 9 preposition. ‘Remember to find out/read/talk/know about something to be gladisad/angrylsure/pleased about something to be good at something to be at the top/botom of something to arrive at ( placestime) to thank someone for something to be sorry for doing something to borrow something fram someone {o download something from the interne to be interested im something to be in front of something to have lots/a lot of something tbe afraid of something to watch something on TV ‘0.90 on holiday to phone someone on (3 number) to wave to someone te give/show/lend something to someone to belong to someone (Gipy the missing word is inthe mide ‘of two shorter sentences, itis a connecting word. (Remember Learn these useful expressions about education to study/practise hard God luck with your exams! to take/do/pass a test Well done! to be a beginner to.go to an advanced class to borrow/return 3 (library) book Write and tel me! Write te me soon! Reading and Writing + Part 7 | (© Read the whole text once before you add any F= Complete the emalls. missing words | rte ONE word for each space. © Check words that come before and after the |For questions 41 - 50, write the words on your answer sheet. space carefully. (© Use a connecting word ifthe words on each side of the space look like complete sentences (© Make sure you choose the correct pronoun if you need one. (eee Hi Teresal 10) some great news today! I've (41) my music test! My teacher gave the diploma to (42) this morning. | rm really pleased (4)............ now I'l be able to join the advanced | | class! Do (44)........... Study music at college too? Write FF 48) nennnnn tll mel Love from Paula Helio Paula! Congratulations! | can (46) the guitar, but I'm not good (47) cssnit Yet. 'm only a beginner. We only listen (48) classical music at school this year (49) we're going to study world music next year. It'll be fun to find out (50) that. Bye for now! Teresa Reading and Writing Part 7 Test 2 Exam practice | 67 © How many texts must you read in Part 8? © How many pieces of information must you write in the notes? Vocabulary Focus on meaning 1 Match each piece of information (1-8), with a prompt (A~I) ~Bxamiple—The warmer italian nor Russian G The game isat three o'clock this afternoon, Races are for beginners, not advanced. | go.on the bus because its too far to cycle. The team has to play in blue T-shirs. Ifyouare still at school, you pay £2 less. Give your race money to the secretary. The price is £4 each. Thats £8 for both of us. The fastest runner was Jon Pewit. ‘Answer the questions. Copy names and numbers carefully. Did you find your answers in text 1 or text 27 Paul told me you want to join a cycling club. I'm a member of a really good one. We meet on ‘Thursdays after schoo! so you've got enough time to get there. We have cycling races each week. This week's race is 12 kiometres so it's not too far. Call me between § p.m. and 7 p.m, this evening on 077659 if you want to come with me, We can meet in the school playcround at 5.45 and cycle to the start together. It only takes 10 minutes to get there. Example Day club meets 11 Meeting place for race: 2. Alan's phone number: 3 Meet Alan at: 4 Name of club: 5.-How longis race this week: (GpE The words inthe texs are usually diferent from the prompt words on the ferm. Person to pay: Must wear: Cost per person: £ Name of winner: Level Best way to go there: Nationality: Time: Student discount: £ [GFIBE The answers can be in the fist or second text Ifyou enjoy cycling in the countryside and are over 12 years old, why not join Forest: Cycling Club this summer? Weekly races startat 6 pin. from Forest Hotel car park, ‘Some races are longer than others but we usually cycle between 10 and 20 kilometres, Call 065548: ‘for more information and to find out about costs. Should phone Alan before: Club phone number: Races begin at: Meet Alan in Can join club if older than:

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