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Weekly Report 2 - 8/26 to 9/1

Forming a firm foundation for research over environmental engineering
is important. It helps develop areas of interest within my research and allows
for brainstorming for future assessments and projects. The basis of this week
was revising, which consisted of a healthy refresher of key environmental
science terms. Likewise, I created a contact log and began to compile a list of
professionals to contact for future interviews. In addition, starting to research
for possible credible sources that describe the work environment and
qualifications for an environmental engineer was an important step this week.
Afterward, compiling all the information into a folder required good
organizational and time management skills. 
Similar to researching, designing an appealing resume was challenging.
After multiple trials of experimenting with different patterns and fonts and
organizing the information, I was able to create an engaging and informative
resume that highlighted both my accomplishments and interests. 
Next week will consist of completing more in-depth research about
environmental engineering for the career outlook and future assessments. In
addition, researching specific topics such as the history of environmental
engineering and its future outlook are the next steps. Similarly, I must
improve my interpersonal skills before cold calling and networking with

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