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Weekly Report 6 - 9/23 to 9/29

To gain valuable skills and necessary knowledge in any field of science, it is crucial to
gather information about current and past scientific breakthroughs. This can also help shape
future research. In environmental engineering, it is important to understand the methods,
technology, and terminology engineers use. This week, I analyzed the different scientific
advancement in the field of environmental engineering for the Original Work proposal.
However, this was a challenging activity because many of the ideas I came up with were
already taken or proposed by other scientists. Next week, I plan to research more in-depth
for Original Work ideas. 

The research assessment this week helped analyze past environmental disasters and
their effect on the health of emergency respondents. By analyzing the human health effect
rather than the effect on the environment and biodiversity of ecosystems, it is evident that
there needs to be more development in the restoration and development of environmental
and health systems. This assessment helped foster new ideas for Original Work. 

Similarly, this week consisted of contacting various professionals to obtain informational

interviews in the field of environmental engineering. Although, most of the calls went to
voicemail, I learned how to perform cold calls. 

Next week, the goal is to gather information for the Original Work proposal and cold-call
more professionals.

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