1) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Is Abbreviated As STAI To Distinguish Short-Term Anxiety

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1) State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) is abbreviated as STAI to distinguish short-term anxiety

state from personality trait anxiety tendency. It is not only suitable for children from junior high
school to adult stage, but also for children in childhood stage.

The scale can be used to assess anxiety of medical, surgical, psychosomatic and psychiatric
patients, to screen anxiety problems of College students, soldiers and other occupational groups,
and to evaluate the effect of psychotherapy and drug treatment.
State anxiety is a description of an unpleasant emotional experience, such as tension, fear,
anxiety and neuroticism, accompanied by autonomic (vegetative) neurological hyperfunction,
which is generally transient. Trait anxiety is used to describe relatively stable anxiety tendency
with individual differences as a personality trait. The purpose of the scale is to provide a tool for
clinicians and behaviorists to differentiate short-term anxiety state from personality trait anxiety
tendency, and to serve different research purposes and clinical practice.
There are 40 items in this scale. The first to the twentieth item is the State Anxiety Scale (S-
AI). It is mainly used to assess immediate or recent experience or feelings of fear, tension, anxiety
and neuroticism at a specific time or situation. It can also be used to assess the level of state
anxiety under stress. Items 21 to 40 are trait anxiety scale (T-AI), which is used to assess people's
frequent emotional experiences. This scale is especially suitable for anxiety patients. It is a self-
assessment scale with good reliability and validity.
Each item of the scale is assessed by 4 grades of 1-4. The first 20 items (state anxiety) are as
follows: 1 is totally non-existent, 2 is some, 3 is moderate, 4 is very obvious; the last 20 items
(trait anxiety) are as follows: 1 is almost never, 2 is sometimes, 3 is often, 4 is almost always the
case. The reverse scoring is 4, 3, 2 and 1 points in the above order. The cumulative scores of S-AI
and T-AI scales were calculated, with a minimum of 20 points and a maximum of 80 points. The
higher the score on a scale, the higher the anxiety level of the subjects.

State Anxiety Scale (S-AI)

1 () Feel calm.
2 () I feel safe.
3 () I am nervous.
4 () I feel nervous and restrained.
5 () I feel at ease.
6 () I feel upset.
7 () I am troubled now, feeling that such troubles outweigh possible misfortunes.
8 () I feel satisfied.
9 () I feel frightened.
10 () I feel comfortable.
11 () I have confidence.
12 () I feel nervous.
13 () I was extremely nervous.
14 () indecision.
15 () I am relaxed.
16 () I feel satisfied.
17 () I am upset.
18 () I feel flustered.
19 () I feel calm.
20 () I feel happy.

Trait Anxiety Scale (T-AI)

21 () I feel happy.
22 () Feeling nervous and uneasy.
23 () I feel self-satisfied.
24 () I hope to be as happy as others.
25 () I feel like I'm exhausted.
26 () I feel very quiet.
27 () I am calm, calm and calm.
28 () I felt the difficulties piled up one by one, so I couldn't overcome them.
29 () I worry too much about things that don't really matter.
30 () I am happy.
31 () My mind is in a state of confusion.
32 () I lack self-confidence.
33 () I feel safe.
34 () It's easy for me to make a decision.
35 () I feel inappropriate.
36 () I am satisfied.
37 () Some unimportant thoughts always haunt me and disturb me.
38 () My frustrations are so strong that I can't exclude them from my mind.
39 () I am a calm person.
40 () When I think about my current affairs and interests, I get into a state of tension.

2) The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorder (SCARED) : It includes five major
factors: somatization, panic, generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, social phobia and school
phobia. The scoring method is O-2 grade. The total score of each factor is SCARED. The high score
represents the severity of anxiety disorder. Used for self-rating anxiety of children and
adolescents aged 9-18.

1. When I first got scared, I had difficulty breathing.

2. I feel headache when I study.
3. I don't like being with people I don't know very well.
4. If I don't sleep at home, I feel uneasy.
5. I often worry about whether other people don't like me.
6. When I was scared, I felt like I was going to die.
7. I always feel nervous.
8. Wherever my parents go, I can't live without them.
9. People say I look nervous.
10. I get nervous when I'm with people I don't know.
11. Abdominal pain occurs at school
12. When I was scared, I felt like I was going mad and out of control.
13. I always worry about letting myself sleep alone.
14. I'm afraid I'm not as good as other children.
15. When I'm afraid, I feel like I'm in a trance, as if everything around me is not true.
16. I dreamed that something bad had happened to my parents.
17. I'm worried about going to school again.
18. When I'm afraid, my heart beats faster.
19. My hands and feet tremble
20. I dreamed that something bad had happened to me.
21. I feel uneasy and uncomfortable about something carefully arranged for me.
22. When I'm afraid, I sweat.
23. I am a worried person.
24. I feel frightened for no reason.
25. I'm afraid of staying at home alone.
26. I find it difficult to talk to people I don't know.
27. I can't breathe when I'm afraid.
28. People say I worry too much.
29. I don't want to leave my home.
30. I'm afraid the old feeling of tension (or panic) will reappear.
31. I'm always worried that something will happen to my parents.
32. When I am with unfamiliar people, I feel shy.
33. I'm worried about what will happen in the future.
34. I feel nausea and vomiting when I'm afraid.
35. I'm afraid I can do it well.
36. I'm afraid of going to school.
37. I'm worried about what has happened.
38. When I'm afraid, I feel dizzy.
39. When I do things with other partners or adults (reading, speaking, sports, etc.), if they look at
me, I feel nervous.
40. I get nervous when I go to an activity, dance, or when someone I don't know is present.
41. I am a shy person.

3) Mental Health Diagnostic Test (MHT):

Professor Zhou Bucheng of East China Normal University translated and revised the Manual
of Mental Health Diagnostic Test (MHT) in 1991. The scale contains 100 questions. It is suitable
for the overall mental health test of primary and secondary school students. It consists of a
validity measurement table, eight content subscales and one validity measurement table. The
eight contents are learning anxiety, human anxiety, loneliness, self-blame, allergy, physical
symptoms, terror and impulse.
This test belongs to group test (it can also be carried out individually). When the test is
carried out, a copy of "MHT Answer Paper" is given to each person first, which requires that
provinces, municipalities, districts, counties, schools, grades, classes, school numbers, names,
genders and test dates be filled in. All the above must be filled in accurately and correctly. After
each person has filled in the above items, he or she will send out a test book. Students should
turn to the second, third and fourth parts of the explanation and listen to the teacher while
watching. At the same time, they should do a good job of exemplar exercises. After students have
mastered the way of answering questions, they can open the book for formal tests.
This test is to investigate your mood and feelings, not to test intelligence and learning ability.
It has nothing to do with academic performance. There are no good or bad answers. Please
answer as you usually think. In this test, there are only two alternative answers to each question:
yes and No. If yes is chosen, then, if no is selected, then. Please fill in the brackets at the end of
the question. Attention should also be paid to the following matters:
(1) Answer truthfully as you usually think.
(2) Every question should be answered, but only one answer can be chosen. When it is
difficult to decide, please choose the answer that is close to you.
(3) If you don't understand something, you can raise your hand and ask the teacher.
(4) When revising the answer, clean it with an eraser.
(5) There is no time limit for answering, but don't think too much about it. Write the answer
you first thought of.
[Test questions]
1. When you sleep at night, do you always think about tomorrow's homework? ()
2. When the teacher asks the whole class questions, do you feel uneasy about asking
yourself? ()
3. Whether you are nervous when you hear about "having an exam". ()
4. Do you always feel uneasy when your exam results are not good? ()
5. Are you always nervous when your grades are not good? ()
6. Do you feel anxious when you don't remember what you learned in the exam? ()
7. Are you always at ease after the exam before you know your grades? ()
8. Whether you meet an exam or not, you are afraid that it will fail. ()
9. Do you want to pass the exam successfully? ()
10. Are you always worried about not completing a task before you finish it? ()
11. Are you afraid of misreading when you read the text in front of everyone? ()
12. Do you think the school grades are always unreliable? ()
13. Do you think you are more worried about learning than others? ()
14. Have you ever dreamed of failing an exam? ()
15. Have you ever dreamed of being scolded by your parents or teachers when your grades
were not good? ()
L6. Do you often feel that your classmates speak ill of you behind your back? ()
17. When you are criticized by your parents, don't you always think about it? Take it to
heart. ()
18. If you lose in a game or other contest, do you want to stop working? ()
19. Are you annoyed when people talk about you behind your back? ()
20. Do you blush in front of everyone or when asked by a teacher? ()
21. Are you worried about asking you to work in a class? ()
22. Do you always feel like someone is paying attention to you? ()
23. When you are working or studying, if someone pays attention to you, are you nervous? ()
24. Are you unhappy when you are criticized? ()
25. Do you always feel uneasy when you are criticized by your teacher? ()
26. When students laugh, do you not laugh too much? ()
27. Do you think it's better to play at your own home than at your classmates'home? ()
28. Do you feel lonely when you are with everyone? ()
29. Do you think it's better to play alone with your classmates? ()
30. Do you want to join the class when they are talking? ()
31. Do you feel like a redundant person when you are with everyone? ()
32. Do you hate to go to sports and art shows? ()
33. Are your friends few? ()
34. Do you dislike talking to others? ()
35. Are you afraid in crowded places? ()
36. Do you always think that you are not good when you lose in football, tug-of-war, radio
gymnastics and other sports competitions? ()
37. Do you always think you are bad after being criticized? ()
38. When others laugh at you, do you think you have done something wrong? ()
39. Do you always think that you are not working hard when you are not doing well in
school? ()
40. When you fail, do you always consider yourself responsible? ()
41. When people are blamed, do you think it's mainly your fault? ()
42. When you play basketball, football, tug-of-war, radio gymnastics and other sports, you
should pay special attention to whether you make mistakes. ()
43. Do you think you can't cope with the embarrassment? ()
44. Whether you sometimes regret it, just don't do it. ()
45. Do you always think it's your fault after you quarrel with your classmates? ()
46. Do you always want to do something good for your class? ()
47. When you study, do you often think carelessly? ()
48. When you lend something to someone else, are you worried that they will damage it? ()
49. Are you upset when something goes wrong? ()
50. Are you very worried about sickness or death in your family? ()
51. Have you ever seen a dead person in your dream? ()
52. Are you particularly sensitive to the sound of radio and car? ()
53. Do you always feel as if something has not been done well? ()
54. Are you worried about what might happen? ()
55. You always hesitate to decide what to do. ()
56. Do you often sweat on your hands? ()
57. Do you blush when you are shy? ()
58. Do you often have headaches? ()
59. Are you always nervous when you are asked by the teacher? ()
60. You don't take part in sports. Does your heart beat frequently? ()
61. Are you prone to fatigue? ()
62. Are you very reluctant to take medicine? ()
63. Is it difficult to fall asleep at night? ()
64. Do you always feel as if there is nothing wrong with your body? ()
65. Do you often think your body and face are uglier than others? ()
66. Do you often feel bad about your stomach and intestines? ()
67. Do you often bite your nails? ()
68. Do you like to lick your fingers? ()
69. Do you often have difficulty breathing? ()
70. Do you go to the toilet more often than others? ()
71. Are you afraid of going to high places? ()
72. Are you afraid of many things? ()
73. Do you often have nightmares? ()
74. Are you very timid? ()
75. Night. Are you afraid of sleeping alone in your room? ()
76. Are you afraid when you ride through tunnels or over high bridges? ()
77. Do you like to sleep with the lights on all night? ()
78. Are you terrified to hear thunder? ()
79. Are you very afraid of darkness? ()
80. Do you often feel that someone is following you? ()
81. Do you often get angry? ()
82. Do you want to get good grades? ()
83. Do you often want to cry suddenly? ()
84. Have you ever lied before? ()
85. Do you sometimes think it's better to die? ()
86. Have you ever missed an appointment? ()
87. Do you often want to shout? ()
88. Are you unwilling to say what others will not say? ()
89. Have you ever thought about going far alone? ()
90. Are you always polite? ()
91. Do you want to take immediate retaliatory action when someone says something bad? ()
92. Do you follow what the teacher or parents say? ()
93. You are not happy, whether you will litter or smash things. ()
94. Have you ever been angry? ()
95. Whether you want something or not, you must get it. ()
96. Would you be particularly happy if your disliked homework teacher dismissed the class
ahead of time? ()
97. Do you often want to jump from a high place? ()
98. Are you intimate with anyone? ()
99. Do you often get restless with impatience? ()
100. Do you like people you don't know? ()
Anyone who chooses "yes" gets 1 point and "no" gets 0 point. The total score can be
obtained by adding up the scores of all the remaining items except the items in the validity scale.
The eight content scales and effectiveness scales cover the following topics:
Effectiveness measures: items 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98 and 100;
Learning anxiety: items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15;
Anxiety to people: items 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25;
Loneliness tendencies: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 items;
Self-blame tendencies: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 items;
Allergic tendency: 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 items;
Physical symptoms: 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 items;
Terrorist tendencies: items 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 80;
Impulsive tendencies: items 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97 and 99.
[Explanation of results]
Effectiveness Scale: If the total score of this scale is relatively high, it can be considered that
the participant faked in order to achieve good results, so the test results are not credible. If the
score is more than 7, you may consider invalidating the answer sheet and retesting it in due
Learning Anxiety: More than 8 points indicate that the test takers may be afraid of the test,
unable to study at ease, and very concerned about the test scores. Such a person must accept a
specific and targeted guidance plan for him. The following 3 points show that the test takers may
be anxious about their study, and they will not be disturbed in their study and can correctly treat
the test results.
Anxiety for people: more than 8 points indicate that the subjects may pay too much
attention to their own image, fear to interact with others, and withdraw. Such a person must
accept a specific and targeted guidance plan for him. The following three points show that the
subjects may be warm, generous and easy to make friends.
Loneliness tendencies: more than 8 points indicate that the subjects may be lonely,
depressed, not good at communicating with people, self-closure. Such a person must accept a
specific and targeted guidance plan for him. The following three points show that the subjects
may be sociable, like to seek stimulation and like to be with others.
Self-blame tendencies: more than 8 points indicate that the subjects may feel inferior, often
doubt their ability, often fail. The fault is attributed to themselves. Such a person must accept a
specific and targeted guidance plan for him. The following three points show that the tested
person may be confident and can correctly view failure.
Allergic tendencies: More than 8 points indicate that the subjects may be too sensitive to
worry about trivial matters. Such a person must accept a specific and targeted guidance plan for
him. The following 3 points indicate that the subjects may be less sensitive and can handle daily
affairs better.
Physical symptoms: more than 8 points indicate that the subjects may have obvious
symptoms such as vomiting, insomnia and urinary incontinence when they are extremely
anxious. Such a person must accept a specific and targeted guidance plan for him. The following 3
points indicate that the subjects may have no abnormal physical performance.
Terror Tendency: More than 8 points indicate that the subjects may have a serious sense of
horror about some everyday things, such as darkness. Such a person must accept a specific and
targeted guidance plan for him. The following three points indicate that the subjects may have
little fear.
Impulse Tendency: More than 8 points indicate that the subjects may be very impulsive and
have poor self-control. Such a person must accept a specific and targeted guidance plan for him.
The following three points indicate that the subjects may have little impulse.

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