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Read the text carefully then answer the question.

Text for no. 1 – 5

Slang is definitely a way to distinguish you as a part of a group or separate from
another group. Teens use slang to show their independence from their parents, and give
them and their friends a language they can call their own. Slang sometime allows them to
communicate without outsiders understanding, or to show off that they belong to a
particular group. Teens like to use slang words for several reasons.
Firstly, they use slang to show their individuality. Daily teens’ conversation can be
incomprehensible to many parents and adults. Influenced by MTV, hip-hop culture and the
popularity of e-mail, teenagers shorten words, stretch definitions and pronounce term with
a different style. The way talk shows their confidence.
Secondly, they use slang because it is easier to say. They might talk the way they do
with word like “coz” for “because” and “holla” for “hello” and other expressions because the
words are cool and easier to use, not because they are lazy.
Finally, they use slang for speed and usefulness, and little humor of the day. Slang
flows quicker than standard language. Slang can color their vocabulary and sentences, so
that they don’t seem boring.
Thus, from the reasons above, it can be concluded that teens use slang words
because using their own terms is the easiest way to make the world of their own.

1. Slang is commonly liked by …..

a. adult
b. teens
c. children
d. students
e. young and children
2. Teens prefer using slang because …..
a. teens do not like to speak usual language
b. teens must be different from other groups of people
c. they want their conversation to be comprehensible to others
d. using common terms can be easily understood by other people
e. they do not want other people understand what they are speaking
3. “Slang is definitely a way to distinguish you as a part of a group …..” (paragraph 1)
The underlined words has the same meaning as …..
a. to forgive
b. to give up
c. to forecast
d. to extinguish
e. to make different
4. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the text?
a. Teens think that it’s easier to slang
b. Slang is not used by general group
c. Slang is a way to unite some different group
d. Standard language flows more slowly than slang
e. Parents and adults aren’t familiar with teen’s slang
5. The last paragraph of the text is structurally called the …..
a. issue
b. thesis
c. reiteration
d. orientation
e. recommendation

Text for no. 6 – 9

The reading habit among Indonesian students is still low. There are some causes
why it happens.
Firstly, books are relatively expensive in Indonesia. Publishers claim that the price
of raw materials and the production cost of books are high and keep increasing. Therefore,
books are sold expensively; and consequently, most students cannot afford them.
Secondly, if we browse the bookshelves at book store, it is not easy to find real high
quality books. Some books with good topics may have plain and boring designs, while there
are also books which look good but the contents are almost not worth-reading.
Thirdly, and quite unfortunately, nowadays there are many kinds of activities other
than reading, and young people prefer doing them. These includes watching youth soap
operas on TV, listening to music and songs with meaningless lyrics or just hanging out at
shopping malls. Such activities clearly do not offer as much learning as the book reading
habit does. And, clearly they forget saying “a book is the window to the world”.
In conclusion, if we want to increase reading habit among Indonesian students we
can begin by lowering the price of books, increasing the quality of the books and motivating
students that reading is more beneficial than any other activities.

6. One of the causes of low reading habit among Indonesian students is because of …..
a. low quality of book
b. watching TV and playing games
c. other interesting activities of the students
d. difficulty in finding good books in book stores
e. no awareness towards the importance of reading
7. Books are sometimes boring because …..
a. they are very expensive
b. they are very thick to read
c. they can be easily found anywhere
d. they have bad design and contents
e. there are many other interesting activities
8. “These includes watching youth soap operas on TV …..” (paragraph 4)
The underlined word refers to …..
a. reading
b. young people
c. listening to music
d. many kinds of activities
e. watching youth soap operas
9. “…if we browse the bookshelves at book store …..” (paragraph 3)
The word browse has the same meaning with …..
a. open
b. choose
c. arrange
d. observe
e. look through

Text for no. 10 – 14

There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides are commonly
used, but this may cause many problems. Combining different management operation is the
most effective way to control pests.
Firstly, the chemicals in pesticides may build up as residues in the environment.
This reduces the quality of farm products. Furthermore, pests can gradually become
resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and stronger ones have to be developed.
Some pesticides affect non target animals such as fish and bees. This disturb the
balance of nature. To wipe out agricultural pests completely may be very expensive.
Sometimes pest damage costs less than the method of control.
Finally, understanding the ecology of the area helps a lot in pest control. Natural
enemies can be used to control the pest. Pesticides that do not affect the natural enemies
should be chosen.
Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option in

10. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To socialize the pest management in agriculture
b. To explain the importance pest management in agriculture
c. To persuade the readers that pest management is sometimes useless
d. To persuade the readers that natural enemy should be involved in agriculture
e. To persuade the readers that integrated pest management is needed in
11. What can affect the balance of nature according to the text?
a. The chemicals in pesticides
b. The cost of wiping out agricultural pests
c. Pests developing resistance to pesticides
d. The use of pesticide that affects non target animals
e. The use of integrated pests management which is not effective
12. Why does the writer think that integrated pest management is good?
a. It affects the natural balance
b. It makes pests become resistant
c. It reduces the quality of farm products
d. There is no best way to deal with pests
e. Wiping out agricultural pests may be costly
13. “Sometimes pest damage costs less than the method of control.” (paragraph 3)
The opposite meaning of the underline word is …..
a. kill
b. help
c. repair
d. ignore
e. control
14. The generic structure of the text above is …..
a. thesis – arguments – reiteration
b. thesis – description – conclusion
c. orientation – explanation – reiteration
d. identification – description – reiteration
e. general classification – description – conclusion

Text for no. 15 – 19

Many people use the internet to search for information, to broaden their knowledge.
Many others use it to chat with their friends. However, they have not optimized the
functions of the internet yet, primarily to get money. Yes, you can earn money from the
Only a few people use the internet to earn money. This is usually done by bloggers.
In their blogs they usually write about interesting topic or issues for readers. The more
people read the articles, by visiting the blogs, the more advertisers appear on the blogs.
These are sources of money.
In addition to creating a blog and filling it with interesting articles, many people try
their luck by doing online businesses recently. Business women usually offer shoes,
handbags, wallets, scarves, veils and many other accessories. While businessmen sell
equipment used by men, such as air pumps, cars or motorcycle covers, sports and fishing
equipment and T-shirts. Those online sellers can earn millions of Rupiah per month!
There is one more thing you can do to earn money from the internet. You can create
online games. Many youngsters often spend their weekends in an internet café to play
games with their colleagues. Of course, the more interesting the games you create, the
more youngsters play them. Consequently, many ads will benefit from the space you
provide for your games, which become your income resources.
So, the internet is not only a medium for information, knowledge and friends, but
also revenue. By creating blogs and filling them with interesting items, bloggers can earn
money from ads served on their blogs. In addition, many people start doing online
businesses using the internet, for example, selling shoes, bags, scarves for business women,
and sell vehicle, sports and fishing equipment and T-shirts for businessmen. Creative game
creators can also earn money from the internet.

15. The suitable title for the text is …..

a. The Way to Use the Internet Efficiently
b. The Rapid Growth of Internet Usage
c. The Reason People Use the Internet
d. Earning Money from the Internet
e. What the Internet is
16. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
a. Playing online games in an internet café
b. Interesting online games for youngsters
c. Youngsters’ activity during weekends
d. Creating online games to earn money
e. Advertisements on online games
17. What do bloggers usually do to earn money from the internet?
a. Informing about the benefit of being bloggers
b. Writing about interesting topics and issues
c. Persuading people to become bloggers
d. Relating stories as successful bloggers
e. Providing interesting online games
18. Creative game creators may earn sums of money from the internet because …..
a. they can create interesting games which make the gamers addictive
b. they can challenge online gamers to compete with them
c. they may put a lot of advertisements on the blogs
d. online gamers usually play games at weekends
e. they love playing online games
19. “By creating blogs and filling them with interesting items, bloggers can earn money
from ads …..” (last paragraph)
The underlined word refers to …..
a. ads
b. blogs
c. money
d. bloggers
e. interesting writings


Text for number 20 – 22

Bad Smoking
Smoking is a bad habit that we must avoid. Commonly, most people start smoking
because of peer pressure, depression, the need to lose weight, to relax, or to fit in. for young
people, they usually start to smoke to feel better about themselves. They think that it is the
only way to get through their problems.
Actually, smoking is not good for our health. It causes lung cancer, bad breath,
yellow teeth, or nails, bronchitis, and other diseases. But, mentally, if someone has been
smoking, they can encounter some loss of concentration or balance that can affect their
social life.
Actually, smoking can become very addictive and kills more people than car
accidents, marijuana, illicit drugs, suicide, murder, and other things.
From the reasons above, we can conclude that smoking is a bad habit that does not
give us any advantages.

20. According to the text above, why do young people decide to start smoking?
a. Because they just want to do it
b. Because they become addicted to smoking
c. Because they want to try it, even just once
d. Because they want to lose their concentration
e. Because they think that it is the only way to get through their problems
21. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. Smoking causes many diseases
b. Smoking makes people become addicted
c. Smoking can cause several disadvantages
d. Smoking can relieve stress and depression
e. Smoking can lose our balance and concentration
22. “Smoking is a bad habit that we must avoid.” (Paragraph 1).
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Face
b. Admit
c. Prevent
d. Promote
e. Encourage

Text for number 23 – 25

Online Etiquettes When Using Social Media
Nowadays, many people can connect with other people by using social media such
as facebook, twitter, path, etc. So, online etiquettes are definitely needed to prevent any
misunderstanding, disputes, harassment and crime.
Firstly, you do not have to add friends on your social media if you don’t know them
well or speak to them only occasionally. We must keep in mind that a stranger might harm
you. Secondly, you do not have to post photos of other people drunk, drinking or doing
other nonsense. Your entire life doesn’t need to be uploaded to a public website that other
people can see.
But, you can still take and keep your picture privately. Thirdly, you have to be
careful when you want to post something on your friend’s walls. You do not need to write
inappropriate things. It may look funny for you, but it can just look bad to others.
You know that social media is a good place for discussions. You can share the good
things, but the bad things should be done elsewhere. This can make everyone use online

23. What is the text about?

a. A few rules of using social media
b. Social media is a good place for discussions
c. Several online etiquettes when using social media
d. You cannot write inappropriate things on your friend’s walls
e. You cannot share the bad things in social media such as arguments or negativity
24. “But, you can still take and keep your pictures privately,” (Paragraph 2).
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Openly
b. Secretly
c. Vaguely
d. Publicly
e. Carelessly
25. According to text above, which of the following sentences is NOT true?
a. You don’t have to post inappropriate things
b. You do not have to add someone that you know in real life
c. You cannot post photos of other people doing nonsensical activities
d. You have to be careful when you want to post something on your friend’s walls
e. Online etiquettes are needed to prevent something terrible happening when you
use social media

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