The Notebook: Nicholas Sparks

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Nicholas Sparks
A Novel

“The best love is the kind of love that awakens the soul;

that makes us reach for more;

that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.”

Book Review
By: Lovely Joy Mahinay
The Notebook is a novel written by Nicholas Sparks which is one of the famous

bestselling author of the some novel titled A walk to remember and Dear John. The Notebook

is a famous movie way back in 2002 starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel Adams. It’s a very

amazing movie especially the story but unlike the book I realized there’s a lot of differences

in the two. When I first heard about the title of the book I got really interested and excited,

curious of the book contents. I have heard a lot of stories about it from my friends and other

acquaintances. Saying that it’s very wonderful and great story. And that’s true there is

something about the book’s title that catches my attention upon hearing it. I got curious about

what is the story behind it.

The first sentence of the book that I quote “WHO AM I? And how I wonder will this

story end?”. Sum up to the adrenaline that I felt, I actually want to finish reading the story

right away. I even muttered a “WOW” in my mind because of that mysterious line. And then

I imagined the author Nicholas Sparks who spend his time, effort, and knowledge in writing

the book. From the ideas that are arranged chronologically. Great choices of words. Intelligent

idea to catch the readers attention. There’s no question he is a famous author. His wide

imagination made him wrote the book that I can tell one of the best books.
Some romantics may call the notebook a love story, some cynics may call it a tragedy.

For me, it’s a little bit both. Noah Taylor Calhoun and Allieson Nelson proved that age,

distance, war and sickness are nothing because they believe in their love. The love that left

without a trace of assurance. The love that left 14 years without communications and no

promises. The love that faith and destiny decide for the both of them.

The story of an 80 years old man reading a story from a notebook to his wife which is

suffering an Alzheimer’s disease. A girl who forgot anything about her past life, present and

even herself. But their love is strong enough that sickness can’t middle against it. The notebook

that tells a great love story that will surely make you feel sad, deep pain, hurt, joy and love. It

will make you believe that love can do a miracle. That summer romance doesn’t end up always

after the season ends. That love stay despite of distance. That some love stay no matter how

vague the situation is. The one great love. The love that awakens their soul; the love that makes

them reach for more; the love that plants fire in their hearts and brings peace to their minds.

And at the end of the day no matter how Allie forgot about Noah for years because of her

disease she’ll always comeback and remember him like a miracle does. To tell him how much

she love him and their children. To tell him how important they are to her.

I feel sad the entire time I was reading the book. I can feel their pain, and their love.

And somehow I wonder, is there any kind of love like them? I mean in reality? The love that’s

so deep. I wonder how Nicholas Sparks felt when he was writing the book. I can feel my heart
broke and my tears fell because of the feeling. I’m happy. But I never knew being ecstatically

happy also causes pain. A feeling that I can’t understand, all I know I’m happy and also I’m

in pain. Their love, inspires those romantics and causes deep pain to some cynics.

The Notebook is one of the best book I’ve ever read. A mixture of romance and tragedy

that somehow leave a pang of sadness in my heart. Their love story will make you realized a

lot of things in this world. It will inspire you and make you feel love. And I know for sure

after reading the book you’ll believe that miracle and forever do exist. It will make you

believed that yes, billions of people around this crowded earth and then there is one reserve

for you. Your one great love like how Allie and Noah found each other.

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