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Banning mobile phones in schools :

(Insight Paper)

“difficult to determine directions and mechanisms of the causal relations between

mobile phone multitasking and academic performance.” actually it’s not truly difficult to
determine if in the first start you know how to use it and what is the connection between
you and the mobile phone. It’s not bad to use a mobile phone while in the class, but in
People say that our world is getting smaller and smaller. It doesn’t mean our world
is getting smaller in its exact size. I mean that now we can communicate easily with people
living in other part of the world or in a remote area. Something that we found hard two
decades ago. Thanks to the cellphone. Thanks to the inventors of the cellphones.
Because of their invention, now we find it easy to communicate with others even with
those living in a remote area. We do not need to go to the town to make a call as our
parents did two decades ago. Yap, cellphone brings us an ease in communication. Now
cellphone is not just a means of communication. Cellphone is equipped with various ring
tones, camera, internet access, and many other facilities such as games, calculator, etc.
Like a coin which has two faces, cellphone also brings about two contrastive sides
especially dealing with the use of cellphone in school.
Why not to ban phones in schools
1. Phones are already in schools -- and there to stay
Mobile phone ownership and use is increasingly ubiquitous across many societies --
and will no doubt become even more firmly embedded in people's daily lives going
2. Why buy so many new computers for schools when lots of students already have
small computers in their backpacks?
As many education systems seek to roll out educational technology initiatives in their
schools, they are faced with very large costs related to procuring new hardware.
3. Ethics, and responsible use
To the extent that school is about helping students develop the knowledge, skills and
attitudes that will be useful to them in life, does it make sense not to help students figure
out how to use a device that will, for better or for worse, increasingly impact many
aspects of their lives, in ways large and small, in ways that are ethical, safe, efficient
and expensive.

4. Safety and convenience

Many parents argue that phones should be permitted in schools for reasons unrelated
to learning. They just want their kids to be able to call them if something goes wrong, if
predetermined plans change, if advice or information is quickly needed -- or vice versa.
5. Phones can be tools for learning
Today's phones are getting more and more powerful -- and less expensive.
Why to ban phones in schools
I believe that the students will be more focused on studying instead of wasting their
time to play cellphones at school. I support this motion because of several reasons :
1. They are distractions
Anyone who has ever been in a conversation with someone who spend most of the time
looking down at her phone, or whose speaking was interrupt by the chirping or buzzing
of someone's phone (in other words: everyone) will understand this reason.
2. They present (possible) health issues
Much has been made in certain quarters about the potential damage that radiation from
phones present, especially to children.
3. Cyber-bullying (and protection from violence)
The role that phones can play in so-called cyber-bullying is well known.
4. Cheating
Students around the world have long been innovative in the ways they have utilized
technologies to cheat on exams.
5. Equity
If phones are allowed in schools, they are more likely to be owned by students from
wealthier families -- and the phones that wealthy kids have may be more powerful than
those of students from lower income families.

We have a choices if we ban or not, stated above are the beneficial when we
choose one of the choices. Actually it is risky if we ban the mobile phone in schools. It’s
a big help to the students like me because we can do our task, activities and assignment
in school. We should use our mobile phone in moderation. I’m not one-sided. I will just try
to conclude the arguments put forward by the people or the students . I thinks,
considering the benefits of the cellphones, the students may use cellphones in school
with some requirements:
1. Students use the cellphone after the class. So it will not disturb the process of
learning and students can focus their attention to the lesson.
2. In case of emergency, students may use the cellphone anytime. Also parents should
be told not to call their children if it is not necessary.
3. Technology, whatever it is, has its positive and negative effect. A knife in the hand
of a chef can be a useful tool, but in the hand a crime, it can be a deadly tool. So is the
cellphone. If we use the cellphone wisely, it can be useful device or otherwise. So please,
use the cellphone wisely and carefully. Thank you.

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