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INTRODUCCION: We will be in a meeting and in this company in which the employees

don’t fell comfortable each other and ANA as leader will motivate us and demonstrate
the power of a leader in a space of work.

ANA: HI GUYS, your co-workers told me that your relation is terrible and I want to
help you to improve this situation. MAIRLUZ, PLEASE explain me what is the problem.

MAIRLUZ: My co-worker ALEXANDER is unbearable; he doesn’t want to help me with

the tasks and he is always with a bad attitude.

ANA: ALEXANDER, what is happening with you? Remember that we are a team and
we have to get a good relationship with the members of the company.

ALEXANDER: the problem is that mairluz don’t have modals and she is always yelling
me and is given to me extra work all the time and this situation is getting me crazy.

ANA: Oh I understand the situation guys, REMEMBER that we are a team we must stay
united in all situation because in this way we will accomplish the goals that we have
here in the company, please try to get a good relationship, the next week we will have
a workshop to help you guys.

Mairluz: you have the true Ana, we have to stay together no matter what difficulties is
going on, I promise I will try to improve my relationship with ALEXANDER

ALEXANDER: thanks for your words Ana its true what you are saying, I will try also to
make a friendship with mairluz.

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