What Does Man's Intuition Towards Death? By: Axl Mie E. Campomanes

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What does man's intuition towards death?

By: Axl Mie E. Campomanes

Man or the being-in-the-world has interpreted by Manuel B. Dy, Jr. man has two
always been curious and ignorant of what is aspects of recognizing death and those are; the
death really meant to be and how should we inauthentic man and authentic man, to have a
live our life, curiosity and ignorance leads man better understanding about this notion let me
to give different notions about death, some introduce you to the topics which will be
came up with an idea to end their life because explained to the next paragraph.
of this curiosity although human has freedom to
do everything they want but not to the point The Inauthentic Man, or what I call it
they need to end everything because of this 'the man who doesn't anticipate that anytime
notion and no one of us saw human, who died he will come to an end'. This characteristic was
and came back alive from death and tell us his influenced by the people around you or by the
experiences about death we can only people in your surroundings. The people in your
experience it through seeing and hearing other surroundings are the 'impersonal they'
people die. Death does not mean the after-life, according to Martin Heidegger. The 'impersonal
it is a man whose being towards end. Death is they' defines death as a mishap, they talk about
the transition of the being-in-the-world to no death as a case of death or an event for a man
longer being, a thing or a corpse. No one could that constantly happening, therefore, they are
experience death of others but the man himself. hiding the true meaning of this possibility of
This reading explains what does death really man. But the fact remains that the being-in-the-
mean to a man and how should they act before world is the being-towards-end. Inauthentic
their wholeness came. man believe that facing death is a sign of
cowardice and therefore they tend to cover up
Man lacks totality or wholeness, he will their uttermost possibility and continue fleeing
only arrive to this when he died. Man gets older in the face of death.
as time passes and will come to his wholeness
which is death. From the book of Martin Example, a child who is crying from his
Heidegger he argues that man, may or may not sleep, dreaming about his parents died from an
come to his totality or wholeness, it depends on accident then the mother notice her child
him how he act before he experience death by crying, she wakes him up and ask why is he
himself. Because death is our uttermost crying, the child then told his mother about his
possibility and something that we cannot dream, the mother, while comforting her child
outstripped, as long as we have thrown into this she said not to worry because death will come
world which he called the being in the world we too soon then he went back to sleep thinking
already have this possibility to die. The word, and believing that his parents will not yet come
thrown, there doesn't mean to cause someone to that stage of their life. In the example, the
or something to move forcefully, it describes our child is the man we refer as our subject and the
existence into the world. From his book which is mother is our impersonal they whose been
dictating you about death that you should not What does man really think about
worry about it because death will not come this death? Some will say freedom to all the
instance but soon enough. By that action the concerns, an event of leaving your love ones
child will think that death will come too soon behind or an emotional event for a man.
and he will take that notion until he will grows According to Karl Rahner death is an act of man
up. Impersonal they said "one will die" but the in regards to his acceptance or refusal to be his
"one" is not certain and we don't know who it authentic self, that death is a kind of finality for
would be, because no one will claim that he a man. So for me, man has this human freedom
will. to choose whether to accept death as his
uttermost possibility or to be alienated by the
Man must accept or anticipate that his impersonal they. Whatever decision he will
being-in-the-world is the being-towards-end. choose, good or bad, for him it is the right way
Anticipating death is not actualizing it or to live and enjoy life.
attempting suicide or cutting off all the
relationship you had with others or giving new If death is our destiny, why are we dying
explanations about death, it is understanding to live? Since human lives in the world we need
death as the being-towards-end that you should to do something in order for us to survive in this
face your uttermost possibility, that anytime chaotic world and it depends on a man how he
death might happen to you. Anticipating and will live his life since we have our so called
accepting death is what we call the authentic human freedom, which gives us the freedom to
being towards death. In this notion the man think and do whatever we want in our life. Let
losses himself to the impersonal they and has me go back to the third branch of philosophy
freedom to be himself as he guards himself which is the Ethics, it has a lot of schools of
from falling into the inexplicable impersonal thought, one of it is the cosequentialism, it
they. Man realizes that his uttermost possibility matters in the consequence after the action. If
is death, thus, man comes to his awareness of your intention towards your life is good then the
his potentiality in fulfilling himself. Death does consequences also differs to your actions as well
not belong to everybody but it only belongs to as for your good intentions in life.
you, therefore authenticity individualizes man.
Furthermore, the totality or wholeness
Using the previous example, if the of man only comes to its end in his possibility
mother explains to her child the true meaning and that possibility is to die. Death for man is
of death the child might realize that he should always impending, it means it will really come
make use of his time to be with his parents to a man, it is the uttermost not yet of man or it
before it is too late rather than regretting and so is the very last stage to a human's cycle and
that the child will be ready to accept the fact something that we cannot outstripped. Because
whenever it will come, though it might cause death is not for everyone, it is always ours.
fear to a child it is better to mold their According to the video I have seen before from
understanding of death in such a young age Corey Anton he elaborated what he have
rather than discovering it later. learned from Heidegger's book entitled 'Being
and Time', in the video he emphasizes the
phrase that Heidegger once said that no one
else could die for me and I can't postpone my accept or anticipate that death is really ours
decision because I will die one day and no can because it is a natural nature of man and it is
experience my own death but me, myself but I our destiny, but not to the point that we will
can experience the death of others through end our life just because you accept death is
seeing and hearing others die. ours. We need to understand the notion of
death. For me if you are an inauthentic man
In conclusion to that, the difference then your totality or wholeness suddenly
between inauthenticity and authenticity is that happens to you and you did not meet your goals
inauthentic man knows that there is death but it in life so you are full of regrets for not
will come to soon to himself so that he will think complying your responsibilities when you are
that he has many time to comply with his still alive this is my understanding of
responsibilities while the authentic man accepts Heidegger's explanation about an inauthentic
the fact that death will come anytime and so he man. For the authentic man who doesn't waste
will do everything to comply with his his time in committing his goals thinking that
responsibilities and think that no time should be death will probably come unexpectedly, when
wasted. The similarity of the inauthentic man he come into his totality he will have no regrets
and authentic man is they both believe death because he live his life to the fullest that he is
will come to a man. We should not be afraid to contented of the achievements he got.

Source: READ: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0791... ALSO SEE:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFhRa7... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSmszM...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_0EFN... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wqz2w...

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