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Pixar Short Video Response

Part A: Film Basics

Your Task: Answer the following sentences in complete sentences but NOT in paragraphs. You
will get 1 mark for the correct answer and 1 mark for providing a good reason or good support
for your answer.

1. Who is the protagonist? Explain. (i.e. How do you know?) (2 marks)

2. Who/what is the antagonist? Explain. (i.e. How do you know?) (2 marks)

3. What type of conflict is addressed in the film? (i.e. Character vs. _______ and Internal or
External) Explain. (i.e. How do you know?) (3 marks)

4. What do you feel is the climax of the film? Explain. (i.e. How
do you know? Why do you think that?) (3 marks)
Part B: Scene Analysis

1. Observations: Choose one event or scene in the film. Describe the basics of the scene in
5 sentences or less. Discuss what happens in the scene, where it takes place, and who is
in the scene. (3 marks – 1 for each element you are asked to address)

2. Inferences: Based on the scene you chose, I want you to make an inference and explain
why you are making that statement. (For example, what do you think the character feels
in that moment? How do you know?) (2 marks – 1 mark for an accurate inference and 1
mark for a strong explanation/justification)

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