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Heartbeat @ Bedok

No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662

Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat




7th – 9th August 2019

ActiveSG Sports Hall

Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat


1. About Singapore Open

2. About Singapore Silat Federation

3. About Singapore

4. Arriving in Singapore

5. Concept Paper

6. Rules and Regulations

7. Forms
A) Entry by Number - Form A
B) Entry by Name - Form B
C) Weapon Form - Form C
D) Arrival & Departure Details - Form D
E) Medical Declaration - Form E
F) Daily Program - Annex A

8. Contact of Officials
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

About Singapore Open

Singapore Silat Federation (“SSF”) organized its 2nd Singapore International Open (Senior) in
conjunction with 2nd World Junior and 1st Pre-Junior International Pencak Silat Championship
in the Bedok Sports Complex, Sports Hall, was ten (10) years back in the year 2007.

This time around, with Pencak Silat having its first debut in 18th Asian Games in 2018 which
will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia, it is the time once again to invite the world countries to take
part in the Pencak Silat Championship considering it as one of the benchmark to evaluate and
witness the athletes’ mental and skill preparations for bigger championships.

Targeting at five hundred (500) athletes taking part, all from different region, different race,
different value, different background, with one mission and one purpose, to prove their
abilities in the sport which is known as a traditional and old form of self-defence still draws
the crowd worldwide.

This event is witness to the universality of Pencak Silat, as an art and sport, which can be easily
practiced by people of all ages, races and culture. And it is easy to see the reason why Pencak
Silat spread drastically since its medieval days in the Malay sultanate.

Pencak Silat is upheld for its traditional art form by lovers of culture and the art, and at the
same time practices by sports enthusiasts as a form of self-defence and exercise.

With its solid foundation, the Silat fraternity can go far, and not only stop till the Asian Games,
but continue to spread and inducted in the Commonwealth Games, and targeting at Olympic
Games in the year 2032.

Pencak Silat – Pencak Silat is a martial art believed stemming the majority from the Malay
Archipelago and Indonesian’s heritage. It translates to “fighting by many techniques of self-
defense”. It has four (4) main components – mental spirit, art and culture, self-defense, and

The whole aspect is considered, and all elements are paramount during competition. It can
be practiced purely for fitness, for aesthetics or with martial arts focus. The large variety that
are deployed in Pencak Silat encapsulate it uniqueness.

In the sports context, Silat is categorized into two categories; Match and Artistic.

Over the years, Pencak Silat has transcended into many countries outside South East Asia
including Holland, Germany, Italy, South Africa, France, Japan, and more. The sport has since
become a part of many people’s lives and a vehicle to bring people closer.
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

About Singapore Silat Federation

Vision – Pencak Silat, a mainstream and widely participated sport in multi-racial Singapore,
and an important contributor of regional and international awards and accolades to
Singapore sports.
Mission – To be the beacon for Pencak Silat in Singapore, promoting it as a wholesome sport
for ALL and nurturing those with the attributes for “competitive Silat to realize their maximum

Singapore Silat Federation or also known as Persekutuan Silat Singapura (PERSISI) was formed
in 1976 and is registered with the Registry of Societies (UEN Number S76SS0039A). PERSISI
has been successfully registered and renewed with Institution of a Public Character
(IPC000526) yearly, and received its Charity status under the Charities Act since April 2011.
Singapore Silat Federation is also certified with ISO 9001:2008 from Guardian Independence
Certification since its first certification in November 2009.

Currently there are 26 affiliates with more than 30 Silat clubs that are actively conducting Silat
lessons in Singapore, island-wide. Singapore Silat Federation is the main governing body for
the sport covering large scopes, such as; the management of Silat activities, coaching, talent-
scouting, coordinating competitions worldwide, technical officiating (Referee/Jury, and
Secretariat services), cultural promotion of the art to educational institutions, corporations,
and communities.

Singapore Silat Federation is working hand-in-hand with Singapore Sports Council (SSC),
Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC), People’s Association (PA), International Pencak
Silat Federation (PERSILAT), and many more in order to sustain the awareness of the sport
locally and internationally. Singapore Silat Federation is one of the founding members for
PERSILAT, and one of the countries who are involved directly and actively to ensure the sport
is successfully well-organized worldwide.

To guarantee the purity of our national athletes and the sport itself, Singapore Silat
Federation adopts Anti-Doping Singapore (ADS) Anti-Doping Rules, and informs our members
on any updates from ADS and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Singapore Silat Federation
strongly follows the guidelines from Singapore Sports Council (SSC); and as a result, we have
produced our own Sports Safety Manual (Silat) as our guidelines.

Silat was first included in Singapore Sports School (SSP) back in 2006, and since its first
inclusion - 16 (and counting) of our national athletes has graduated from SSP. And every year
Silat is given spots by SSP for our national athletes to board and study there!

The Silat Centre of Excellence - located at Bedok Sports Complex, is an integral asset to our
home-grown Silat athletes who have been continuously contributed medals towards sporting
achievement for Singapore
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

About Singapore
A long time ago, Singapore was once
known as Sea Town.

While the earliest known historical

records of Singapore are shrouded in
time, a third century Chinese account
describes it as "Pu-luo-chung", or the
"island at the end of a peninsula".
Later, the city was known
as Temasek ("Sea Town"), when the
first settlements were established
from AD 1298-1299.

During the 14th century, this small but strategically-located island earned a new name.
According to legend, Sang Nila Utama, a Prince from Palembang (the capital of Srivijaya), was
out on a hunting trip when he caught sight of an animal he had never seen before. Taking it
to be a good sign, he founded a city where the animal had been spotted, naming it “The Lion
City” or Singapura, from the Sanskrit words “simha” (lion) and “pura” (city).

The city was then ruled by the five kings of ancient Singapura. Located at the tip of the Malay
Peninsula, the natural meeting point of sea routes, the city flourished as a trading post for
vessels such as Chinese junks, Arab dhows, Portuguese battleships, and Buginese schooners.

The Raffles Effect

The city's strategic location made it

an ideal trading hub.
Modern Singapore was founded in
the 19th century, thanks to politics,
trade and a man known as Sir
Thomas Stamford Raffles.
During this time, the British Empire
was eyeing a port of call in this region
to base its merchant fleet, and to
forestall any advance made by the
Dutch. Singapore, already an up-and-
coming trading post along the Malacca Straits, seemed ideal.

Raffles, then the Lieutenant-Governor of Bencoolen (now Bengkulu) in Sumatra, landed in

Singapore on 29 January 1819. Recognising the immense potential of the swamp-covered
island, he helped negotiate a treaty with the local rulers and established Singapore as a
trading station.
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

The city quickly grew as an entrepot trade hub, attracting immigrants from China, India, the
Malay Archipelago and beyond.

In 1822, Raffles implemented the Raffles Town Plan, also known as the Jackson Plan, to
address the issue of growing disorderliness in the colony. Ethnic residential areas were
segregated into four areas. The European Town had residents made up of European traders,
Eurasians and rich Asians, while the ethnic Chinese were located in present-
day Chinatown and south-east of the Singapore River. Ethnic Indians resided at Chulia
Kampong north of Chinatown, and Kampong Glam consisted of Muslims, ethnic Malays and
Arabs who had migrated to Singapore. Singapore continued to develop as a trading post, with
the establishment of several key banks, commercial associations and Chambers of Commerce.
In 1924, a causeway opened linking the northern part of Singapore to Johor Bahru.

Did you know?

Singapore’s first architect George D. Coleman arrived in Singapore in 1822, and his earliest
project was the Residency House for Sir Stamford Raffles. He also created many Palladian-
style houses.

War and Peace

Allied forces surrendering in 1942.

Singapore’s prosperity suffered a

major blow during World War II,
when it was attacked by the
Japanese on 8 December 1941. The
invaders arrived from the north,
confounding the British military
commanders who had expected an
attack by sea from the south. Despite
their superior numbers, the Allied
forces surrendered to the Japanese on Chinese New Year, 15 February 1942. It was the largest
surrender of British-led forces in history. The island, once feted as an “impregnable fortress”,
was renamed Syonan-to (or “Light of the South Island” in Japanese).

When the Japanese surrendered in 1945, the island was handed over to the British Military
Administration, which remained in power until the dissolution of the Straits Settlement
comprising Penang, Melaka and Singapore. In April 1946, Singapore became a British Crown
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

The Road to Independence

Singapore has come a long way to

become what it is today.

In 1959, the growth of nationalism

led to self-government, and the
country’s first general election. The
People’s Action Party (PAP) won a
majority of 43 seats and Lee Kuan
Yew became the first prime minister
of Singapore.

In 1963, Malaysia was formed, comprising of the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak
and North Borneo (now Sabah). The move was meant to foster closer ties. However,
Singapore’s merger proved unsuccessful, and less than two years later on 9 August 1965, it
left Malaysia to become an independent and sovereign democratic nation.

Today, many slices of Singapore’s multi-cultural, colonial and wartime past are preserved in
and around the city. You can visit monuments, museums and memorials, or for a real trip
through time, take a walk along a heritage trail.

Arriving in Singapore
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

Competition Guidelines

1. Name of Competition
7th Singapore Open Pencak Silat Championship 2019

2. Organizer
Singapore Silat Federation
Sanctioned by International Pencak Silat Federation (PERSILAT)

3. Date of Event
7th – 9th August 2019
a) 6th August, Tue - Arrival of Contingents
b) 7th August, Wed - Technical Meeting & Balloting
c) 8th August, Thurs - Competition Day (Preliminary Round & Quarter-Final)
d) 9th August, Fri - Competition Day (Semi-Final & Final)
e) 10th August, Sat - Departure of Contingents

4. Venue of Event
Heartbeat@Bedok, ActiveSG Sports Hall Level 4
11 Bedok North Street 1, Singapore 469662

5. Participation
The competition is open for participants from International Countries (which
includes; overseas Silat clubs, state Silat clubs, province Silat clubs, etc).

6. Submission
Participants must hold passport of their origin.

6.1 Submission of Registration Form;

6.1.1 “Entry by Number” (Form A) to be submitted by 12th July 2019.

6.1.2 “Entry by Name” (Form B) to be submitted by 19th July 2019.

6.1.3 Weapon Details (Form C), Arrival & Departure Details (Form D), and
Athlete’s Medical Declaration (Form E) to be submitted by 31st July
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

6.1.4 Each participant needs to submit 2 pieces of Passport Photo


6.1.5 Team Manager, Coach, Athlete to submit photos in jpg or png format.
Please also label each photo with names, NRIC, and position.

6.2 Registration, Balloting & Technical Meeting will be on 7th August 2019,
Tuesday, 3pm, at HeartBeat@Bedok – Meeting Room.

6.3 Organizer will not be providing accommodation, transportation and meal for
all teams.

7. Competing Categories & Eligibility of Age

Senior Category – 17 years old above up to 35 years old
Junior Category – 14 years old up to 17 years old
Pre-Junior Category – 12 years old up to 14 years old
Pre-Teen Category – 10 years old up to 12 years old
Singa Silat Category – 7 years old up to 9 years old

Senior Categories (9 August 1983 – 8 August 2001);

Male Category Female
Above 45 – 50 kg A Above 45 – 50 kg
Above 50 – 55 kg B Above 50 – 55 kg
Above 55 – 60 kg C Above 55 – 60 kg
Above 60 – 65 kg D Above 60 – 65 kg
Above 65 – 70 kg E Above 65 – 70 kg
Above 70 – 75 kg F Above 70 – 75kg
Above 75 – 80 kg G
Above 80 – 85 kg H
Above 85 – 90 kg I
Above 90 – 95 kg J
Above 85 kg OPEN Above 65kg
Male Female
Single Single
Double Double
Team Team
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

Junior Categories (9 August 1983 – 8 August 2001);

Male Category Female
Above 39 – 43 kg A Above 39 – 43 kg
Above 43 – 47 kg B Above 43 – 47 kg
Above 47 – 51 kg C Above 47 – 51 kg
Above 51 – 55 kg D Above 51 – 55 kg
Above 55 – 59 kg E Above 55 – 59 kg
Above 59 – 63 kg F Above 59 – 63 kg
Above 63 – 67 kg G Above 63 – 67 kg
Above 67 – 71 kg H Above 67 – 71 kg
Above 71 – 75 kg I Above 71 – 75 kg
Above 75 – 79 kg J Above 75 – 79 kg
Above 79 – 83 kg K
Above 83 – 87 kg L
Above 87 – 99 kg OPEN Above 79 – 91 kg
Male Female
Single Single
Double Double
Team Team

Pre-Junior Categories (9 August 1983 – 8 August 2001);

Male Category Female
Above 30 – 33 kg A Above 30 – 33 kg
Above 33 – 36 kg B Above 33 – 36 kg
Above 36 – 39 kg C Above 36 – 39 kg
Above 39 – 42 kg D Above 39 – 42 kg
Above 42 – 45 kg E Above 42 – 45 kg
Above 45 – 48 kg F Above 45 – 48 kg
Above 48 – 51 kg G Above 48 – 51 kg
Above 51 – 54 kg H Above 51 – 54 kg
Above 54 – 57 kg I Above 54 – 57 kg
Above 57 – 60 kg J Above 57 – 60 kg
Above 60 – 63 kg K Above 60 – 63 kg
Above 63 – 66 kg L Above 63 – 66 kg
Above 66 – 69 kg M Above 66 – 69 kg
Above 69 – 72 kg N Above 69 – 72 kg
Above 69 – 75 kg OPEN Above 69 – 75 kg
Male Female
Single Single
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

Double Double
Team Team

Pre-Teen Categories (9 August 1983 – 8 August 2001);

Male Category Female
Above 26 – 28 kg A Above 26 – 28 kg
Above 28 – 30 kg B Above 28 – 30 kg
Above 30 – 32 kg C Above 30 – 32 kg
Above 32 – 34 kg D Above 32 – 34 kg
Above 34 – 36 kg E Above 34 – 36 kg
Above 36 – 38 kg F Above 36 – 38 kg
Above 38 – 40 kg G Above 38 – 40 kg
Above 40 – 42 kg H Above 40 – 42 kg
Above 42 – 44 kg I Above 42 – 44 kg
Above 44 – 46 kg J Above 44 – 46 kg
Above 46 – 48 kg K Above 46 – 48 kg
Above 48 – 50 kg L Above 48 – 50 kg
Above 50 – 52 kg M Above 50 – 52 kg
Above 52 – 54 kg N Above 52 – 54 kg
Above 54 – 56kg O Above 54 – 56kg
Above 56 – 58 kg P Above 56 – 58 kg
Above 56 – 60 kg OPEN Above 56 – 60 kg
Male Female
Single Single
Double Double
Team Team
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

Rules & Regulations

7th Singapore Open
Pencak Silat Championship 2019
The competition rules & regulations are complied with accordance set by the International
Silat Federation (PERSILAT) version 2013. Should there be any unsettled decision or problem
arise which is not set in the PERSILAT rules & regulations competition therefore the organizing
committee have the right to finalize the decision. (Rules and Regulations Version 2013 is

1. Registration & Weighing

Registration, Technical Meeting & Balloting will be on 7th August 2019, Tuesday, 3pm at
HeartBeat@Bedok – Meeting Room.
1.1 There will be “No” weighing-in during the registration. However, all
participants must have their medical check-up and weighing from their own
country and hold the original of medical certificate to be shown on registration
1.2 Athletes will be weigh-in 15 mins before every game.

2. Artistic Weapons
Contingents must forward the weapons form to the organizer (type, size & numbers
of weapons bringing into Singapore - as attached Form ‘C’) by 31st July 2019,
Wednesday on the stated address in the form. For easy custom clearance upon arrival
in Singapore.

All contingent must fill up the weapons form and forward to the organizer via email
by 31st July 2019. The organizer will make official letter to Immigration and
Checkpoints Authority of Singapore.

Single Category
2.1 Long knife (Golok or Parang) measuring 30-40 cm
2.2 Long knife (Golok or Parang) is made of metal and blunt.
2.3 Toya / Long Stick / Tembung made of rattan with the length of between 150 -
180 cm long and diameter of 2.5 – 3.5 cm.

Double Category
2.4 Besides the mentioned weapons of the same specification as in Single
Category, participants are allowed to use one (optional) more Nusantara
weapons such as the keris, pisau, celurit or a pair of trisula as stated in the
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

book of International Pencak Silat Competition Regulation. Weapons are to be

inspected by the competition committee before the competition starts.
2.5 The Team manager of participating countries must submit the Synopsis for
Double (Ganda) during the registration.
2.6 For Junior, additional weapon; a) Knife made of metal or wood, non-sharp-
pointed with size between 15cm up to 20cm, b) Keris, sickle, said made of
metal or wood, non-sharp-pointed with size between 30cm up to 40cm.

Team Category
2.7 REGU (Team) category is the category of Pencak Silat competition which is
performed by 3 (three) Pesilat from the same team portraying their skills in
compulsory movements correctly, accurately, firmly, complete with
expression, synchronize and compact with empty hands according to rules and
regulations apply for Regu category.

3. Protest
A request for the ‘Protest Form’ must be made within 10 minutes after result of the
competition has been announced; and within the following 20 minutes, the
completed form must be returned to the Competition Secretary including the protest
fee of USD$200 in cash.

Protest fee will be refunded to the Team Manager if the protest appeal is accepted
and approved by the Appeal Committee. However, should the protest appeal is
unsuccessful, the protest fee will be forfeited.

4. Referees & Jurors

4.1 The competitions will be conducted by PERSILAT referee & Juror holding the
International Certificate or Individual Country Referee Certificate nominated
by the respective Silat Federation of each country.
4.2 The organizer, Singapore Silat Federation (SSF) will be not be responsible for
the accommodation, meals & transportation in Singapore.

5. Arrival & Departure of Contingents

5.1 All officials and participants MUST arrive in Singapore by 7th August 2019,
Wednesday, 1000hrs.
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

5.2 Contingents have to inform the organizer, details of their arrival latest by the
31st July 2019, Wednesday and forward the arrival & departure forms (as
attached Form ‘D’) through email at this below stated address;

Organizing Committee
7th Singapore Open International Pencak Silat Championship 2019
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308
Email: /

8. Accommodation
The list of accommodations that are suggested by the organizer is attached together.

You are required to make your own booking for accommodation.

9. Transportation
The organizer will not be supplying or arranging transportation for participating team.

10. Meals
The Organizer will not be providing any meals during competition, and teams have to
make necessary arrangement for their team.

11. Medical Service

11.1 Medical Team will be on duty throughout the event.
11.2 If participants need a further treatment in a hospital due to injury suffered
during the competition, the organizer will not bear the cost.
11.3 Participants who need the medical service must produce their ID card to the
medical officials.
11.4 Participants is to show the medical form ‘Form E’ before starting of each game.
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat

12. Protocol Etiquette & Discipline

The etiquette & discipline for attire during 7th Singapore Open Pencak Silat
Championship 2019 are as follows:

12.1 Opening Ceremony / Closing Ceremony

Official tracksuit or Standard Pencak Silat attire
12.2 Prize Presentation
Official tracksuit or Standard Pencak Silat attire
12.3 Competition
Match – Standard Pencak Silat attire
Artistic – According to Rules & Regulation of PERSILAT
12.4 The discipline of ceremonies & competition are as follows:
12.4.1 Participants must come to every ceremony & event on time
according to the schedule set by the organizer.
12.4.2 Participants must perform good personal appearance with
good attitude and spirit of sportsmanship.
12.4.3 Participants should follow any ceremony orderly during it is
taking place, should not utter any noise which might disturb the
solemnity of the ceremony.
12.4.4 Disciplinary action will be taken towards athletes with bad and
attitude problems.
12.4.5 No abusive and vulgarities language / words at all time
12.4.6 No indecent hand gestures and signs at all time (e.g middle
finger, etc)

13. Medals and Trophies

13.1 Match Category
1st Place – Gold Medal, for 1 person in each category
2nd Place – Silver Medal, for 1 person in each category
3rd Place – Bronze Medal, for 2 people in each category

13.2 Artistic Category

1st Place – Gold Medal and Diploma for each category
2nd Place – Silver Medal and Diploma for each category
3rd Place – Bronze Medal and Diploma for each category

13.4 Trophies
There will be 3 trophies to be won for the competition as stated below. The
trophies to be won will base on the most Gold medals won and followed by
Silver & Bronze medals, should there be a tie in the Gold medal or Silver Medal.
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat


b) 1 Trophy - 1st RUNNER UP CHAMPION

c) 1 Trophy - 2nd RUNNER UP CHAMPION

14. General Matters

14.1 All participants for the 7th Singapore Open International Pencak Silat
Championship 2019 will be given an ID card.
14.2 The ID cards must be worn throughout the Championship.
14.3 All country is required to bring along their National Flag (2 pieces).

15. Narcotics
It is strictly prohibited to bring, consume or to distribute all kinds of drugs or its
equivalents in Singapore. Any participants caught or arrested by the authority of
Singapore Police Force (Central Narcotics Bureau), violating the laws will be dealt in
accordance with the Court of Laws in Singapore. The committee will not be able to
help anyone who is involved in breaking the laws against narcotics enacted by

16. Doping
The Organizing Committee will be conducting Doping to winners on the finals of
Artistic and Match categories by Doping Officers from Anti-Doping Singapore (ADS).

17. Contact Details

The Organizer, Singapore Silat Federation
Heartbeat@Bedok, NSA Office - Silat
11 Bedok North Street 1, #04-02
Singapore 469662
Contact : +65 6282 2316
Email :
Website :
Facebook :
Instagram : Like us @sgsilat
Heartbeat @ Bedok
No. 11 Bedok north street 1, #04-02, Singapore 469662
Mainline: +65 6282 2316 Fax line: +65 6282 2308 ∞
Instagram @sgsilat



7 – 9th August 2019

No Date / Day Time Program Venue Remarks

6th & 7th Airport
1 Full day Arrival of Contingents
August Hotel

7th August 1500 – 1830hrs Technical Meeting & HeartBeat@Bedok

Wednesday Balloting Meeting Room

0830hrs Report to Venue Competition Hall

0900 – 1230hrs Competition Competition Hall
8th August 1230 – 1300hrs Lunch TBA Artistic & Match
Thursday 1300 – 1900hrs Competition Competition Hall (Prelim & Quarter)
1900 – 1930hrs Dinner TBA
1930 – 2200hrs Competition Competition Hall
0900 – 1230hrs Competition Competition Hall
1230 – 1300hrs Lunch TBA
9th August 1300 – 1900hrs Competition Competition Hall Match (Semi)
Friday 1900 – 1930hrs Dinner TBA Match (Final)
1930 – 2100hrs Competition Competition Hall
2100 – 2200hrs Closing Ceremony Competition Hall

*Schedule may be subjected to change.

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