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Let the show
Communicative goals:
 Show the relationship between an opinion and a counter-argument in a discursive
 Compare and evaluate ideas in a structured and logical text.
 Correct errors in a piece of academic writing if helped to identify them first.

1. Think about…

 What do you think about the use of

animals in entrainment spectacles as zoos,
aquariums, circus or rodeos?
 What is your opinion about the following
statement? Enslaving animals and
teaching them tricks is a cruel practice.
 Do you consider hunting as a sport?
 Would you agree with the ones who say
that as long as people do not physically
abuse the animals, animals in
entertainment is fine?

Enslaving: Make someone a slave/ cause

someone to lose their freedom.
Hunt: Search and kill an animal for sport
or food.
2. Words matter!

To do well in this lesson you need to become familiar with a number of words.
Complete the following exercise to learn more vocabulary.

2.1. Underline the expression that best matches the idea of the boldfaced word or
phrase. Have a dictionary at hand.

1. By using the Decree 0656 of June 3th, 2014, Cartagena’s government is aiming to
regulate the use of Horse-Drawn Carriages in the city Centre.
- Mechanized piece of equipment pulled by one or more horses.
- Mechanized piece of equipment used by horses.

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2. Some people think keeping animals in zoos is bad for their welfare.
- A very low-cost paid for a journey on public transport.
- The health, happiness, and well-being of a person or group.
3. Zoos keep animals in order to preserve a species that is under threat in the wild.
- Keep something in its original or existing state.
- Maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty.
4. In 2016, the Argentinian Congress banned greyhound racing.
- Competitive sport in which greyhound dogs participate in a race.
- Competitive sport in which greyhound dogs participate in a pet exhibition.

2.2. Match the word on the left with the meaning on the right. Write in the parenthesis
the corresponding letter.

1 Run counter to (someone or A A muted or unspoken topic.
something) ( )
2 Hushed topic ( ) B Absence of food.
3 Captive breeding ( ) C Confined or restrained
4 Deprivation of food ( ) D To be in opposition to something
5 Profit-driven business ( ) E Maintaining plants or animals in controlled
environments, such as wildlife reserves or
something similar.
6 Penned up ( ) F Business motivated by moneymaking.

3. Read a bit!

Read the following text that describes how animals are used for the entertainment.


Throughout human history, animals have been used for entertainment. Such activities
encompass many ways of using animals for such a purpose; performances could include
circuses, zoos, aquariums, bullfights, among others. This issue has been long discussed and
it has its supporters and people opposed to it. People opposed to it claim that, due to these
practices, animals are caged, taken from their habitat, injured, and restrained from behaving
in their own instinctive way. Supporters affirm those practices are part of cultural traditions
and, also, that spaces as zoos or circuses could bring people and animals together by
motivating the public to protect animals and appreciate different species.

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Some arguments against the use of animals for
entertainment, as mentioned above, are based on
the fact of animal exploitation. Animals are confined
when staying in circuses for example and they are
exposed to abusive training practices inflicting pain.
In spaces like aquatic parks, there are many species
living in confinement experiencing psychological
disturbance; furthermore, those species are used to
swimming thousands of kilometers a day, like the
case of dolphins that travel up to 128 km per day.
According to "BBC - Ethics - Animal ethics: Animals
for entertainment", 2014, there are some other
aspects to be considered. First, animals are deprived
of their natural structure and companionship and
although animals may live longer in controlled
spaces they may experience a lower quality of life. In
terms of spectacles using animals, BBC claims that
those performances may involve cruelty during the
show, in training the animal or even in the way the
animal is kept and transported.

On the other hand, supporters claim some cultural and recreational aspects to take into
account when referring to animals for entertainment. First of all, spaces like zoos or
aquariums improve the conservation of endangered species and it has an educational role,
as children, and people in general, are able to see different animals and familiarize
themselves with them. Douglas (2015) on his blog titled “10 Reasons the Show Must Go On”
states circuses are regulated by strict guidelines and, additionally, entertainment animals
receive food, shelter and veterinary care improving their life expectancy. Finally, defenders
claim cultures throughout history have used animals for entertainment, like the circus in
Rome or the Bull fighting that has been a tradition in countries like Spain and Latin America.
To sum it up, a long debate about the use of animals for entertainment continues as many
species are still used for recreational activities. This controversial topic is still discussed and
arguments go from culture, animal protection, learning experiences or the suffering of


BBC - Ethics - Animal ethics: Animals for entertainment. (2014). Retrieved September 25th, 2018, from

McPherson D, (May 2nd, 2015). Circus Animals - 10 Reasons the Show Must Go On [Blog post]. Retrieved September 25th,
2018, from

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4. Tips for composition:
In this session, you will find grammar elements and composition strategies that will
help you improve your writing skills. Read the explanation, this is important for the
next step!


When writing, you can contrast two things: two texts, two activities, two places, and so on.
You can compare a topic that has crucial differences (how animal entertainment could
continue or should be banned) or two topics that have crucial differences.

Once you have decided what topic you want to describe, you will need to gather details
of the idea you are comparing.

HELPFUL TIP: Organize your

criteria in columns or diagrams;
using visual methods during your
pre-writing work can help you to
get a sense of how the essay will
be structured.

 Animals are confined and exposed to  Spaces like zoos or aquariums improve
abusive training practices inflicting the conservation of endangered
pain. species.
 Animals suffer psychological  Animals in spaces as zoos or circuses
disturbance. have an educational role.
 Animals are deprived of their natural  There are strict guideline regulations
structure. to circuses and zoos.
 Performances involving animals may  Historically, people have used animals
involve cruelty during the show, in for entertainment.
training the animal or the way the
animal is kept and transported.

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-Animals are confined and -Spaces like zoos or
exposed to abusive training aquariums improve the
practices inflicting pain. conservation of endangered
- Animals suffer
psychological disturbance. - Animals in spaces as zoos or
ANIMALS circuses have an educational
- Animals are deprived of FOR role.
their natural structure. ENTERTAIN
MENT - Historically, people have
- Performances including used animals for
animals may involve cruelty. entertainment.

4.1 According to the given topics, write some arguments against and for the idea. Use
a chart or the graphic organizer you prefer.


Zoos and aquariums

Exotic Animals as ‘Pets’

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Taken from:



Used to tell the reader what ideas will be discussing.

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Try to choose strong and valid points when describing your

arguments. Give examples when possible.


 Argument for/against
 Argument for/against


The conclusion should summarize the arguments given.

When writing arguments, you may try using this contrast linking words to compare and
express different points of view.

 Although some activist groups are defending animals and their rights, activities
such as bullfights are still popular.
 Horse-Drawn Carriages has been a popular activity in Cartagena for years, but the
government is aiming to regulate the use them in the city Centre.
 Some countries like Argentina or Canada have banned bullfights, contrarily to
countries as Colombia or Spain where this practice is still popular.
 On the other hand, supporters claim some cultural and recreational aspects to
take into account when referring to animals for entertainment.
 Some performing animals in circuses, zoos have bad lives at the hands of humans;
however, in some places these practices are regulated.

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1. Use a comma after small linking words (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). E.g.: Some
people think aquariums are bad spaces for animals, but I love to go there with my
2. When doing a transition you have two options: You can have either a semi-colon
or a period before it, but that it also has a comma after it.
- Cartagena’s government is trying to regulate the use of horse-Drawn Carriages;
however, some visitors still love this activity.
- Cartagena’s government is trying to regulate the use of horse-Drawn Carriages.
However, some visitors still love this activity.

4.2 Mix the following sentences by using linking words of contrast. Use correct

1) Condemned people were killed by wild animals in ancient Rome.

2) This act was considered as entertainment for the people.
3) Those performances are no longer done.


1) Many animal welfare groups consider keeping dolphins in captivity as animal abuse.
2) SeaWorld is one of the most famous parks in the USA.
3) The park has species as whales, sea lion, dolphins and other marine animals
performing shows.
1) People think bulls are aggressive and a potential hazard for people.
2) In spectacles as rodeos, bulls are goaded.
3) Rodeos and bullfights are considered as traditional activities in some places around
the world.

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1) According to American Greyhound Council, More than 90 percent of greyhounds are

adopted or returned to their owners.
2) Animal welfare organizations claim dogs are killed because they were considered too
slow for racing.

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