Perhitungan NPV Dan Hubungan Dengan Discount Rate

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Age 1 2 3 4 5 6

Max 210 160 118 94 62 29

Min 190 140 102 76 38 11
resale 231400 173500 127300 98300 57800 23100

Cost of new truck 295000

discount rate 0.15
discount factor 0.869565
km/year 90000

Cost item Timing 1 2 3 4 5 6

Running 1.4 1.42 1.45 1.43 1.54 1.73
Running cost/year end 126,000 127,800 130,500 128,700 138,600 155,700
Maintenance end 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 12,500
Repairs end 2,000 3,000 4,000 8,000 15,000
Tyres begin 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Overhaul begin 3,000 22,000 6,000 9,000
Paint/body work begin 12,000 15,000
Annual license begin 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Insurance begin 6,960 6,740 6,520 6,300 6,080 5,860
Cost Summary
Total cost as of begin 9,160 16,940 31,720 38,500 37,280 25,060
Total cost as of end 136,000 140,300 144,500 144,200 158,600 183,200
Resale value end 231,400 173,500 127,300 98,300 57,800 23,100
Replace after year 1 2 3 4 5 6
PC cumulative cost 127,421 248,238 367,234 474,995 575,163 666,824
PV resale value 201,217 131,191 83,702 56,203 28,737 9,987
NPV of policy 221,203 412,047 578,532 713,792 841,426 951,838
Annuity Prepaid (221,203) (220,397) (220,334) (217,406) (218,270) (218,705)

Item timing 2 3 4 5 6
Running 1.67 1.64 1.75 1.98
Running cost/year end 150,300 147,600 157,500 178,200
Maintenance end 13,000 13,500 14,000 14,500
Repairs end 3,000 4,000 8,000 15,000
Tyres begin 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Overhaul begin 3,000 22,000 6,000 9,000
Paint/body work begin 12,000 15,000
Annual license begin 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Insurance begin 6,240 6,040 5,840 5,640
Cost Summary 2 3 4 5 6
Total cost as of begin 31,440 38,240 37,040 24,840
Total cost as of end 166,300 165,100 179,500 207,700
Total cost/year begin 176,049 181,805 193,127 205,449
Resale value end 150,000 110,000 85,000 50,000 20,000
Incremental begin 230,397 217,892 234,649 238,057
Tahun ke Discount Factor 20% Discount Factor 15% Discount Factor 10%
Discount Rate
0 1 1 1
1 0.3 0.8333333333 0.8695652174 0.9090909091
2 0.25 0.6944444444 0.7561436673 0.826446281
3 0.2 0.5787037037 0.6575162324 0.7513148009
4 0.15 0.4822530864 0.5717532456 0.6830134554
5 0.1 0.401877572 0.4971767353 0.6209213231
6 0.05 0.3348979767 0.4323275959 0.5644739301

Cashflow 0 1 2
in € 1000 -295 59 59
α" 1 0.8333333333 0.6944444444
PV in € 1000 -295 49.1666666667 40.9722222222
Total 196.205096

Cashflow 0 1 2
in € 1000 -295 44.25 44.25
α" 1 0.8695652174 0.7561436673
PV in € 1000 -295 38.4782608696 33.4593572779
Total 167.463359

Cashflow 0 1 2
in € 1000 -295 29.5 29.5
α" 1 0.9090909091 0.826446281
PV in € 1000 -295 26.8181818182 24.3801652893
Total 128.480190

Cashflow 0 1 2
in € 1000 -295 14.75 14.75
α" 1 0.9523809524 0.9070294785
PV in € 1000 -295 14.0476190476 13.3786848073
Total 74.866457


Discount Factor for Present Value for
Year Cash flow
16.14% 5%
0 -295 1 -295
1 70 0.8620689655 66.6666666667
2 75 0.7413723021 68.0272108844
3 80 0.6383436388 69.1070078825
4 85 0.5496328903 69.9297103573
5 90 0.473250293 70.5173549822
6 95 0.4074826012 70.8904626805
NPV 120.1384134535
Discount Factor 5%
0.9523809524 1
0.9070294785 2
0.8638375985 3
0.8227024748 4
0.7835261665 5

3 4 5 6
59 59 59 59
0.5787037037 0.4822530864 0.401877572 0.3348979767
34.1435185185 28.4529320988 23.710776749 19.7589806241 140
196.2050968793 120

3 4 5 6 100
44.25 44.25 44.25 44.25
0.6575162324 0.5717532456 0.4971767353 0.4323275959

NPV (in € 1000)

29.0950932851 25.3000811175 22.0000705369 19.1304961191 60

3 4 5 6 20
29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5
0.7513148009 0.6830134554 0.6209213231 0.5644739301 0.04 0.06 0
22.1637866266 20.1488969333 18.3171790302 16.6519809366 -20

3 4 5 6
14.75 14.75 14.75 14.75
0.8638375985 0.8227024748 0.7835261665 0.7462153966
12.7416045783 12.1348615032 11.5570109554 11.0066771004
74.8664579922 Tahun ke
Present Value for Present Value Present Value Present Value 2
10% for 15% for 16.14% for 20% 3
-295 -295 -295 -295 4
63.6363636364 60.869565217 60.3448275862 58.33333333 5
61.9834710744 56.710775047 55.6029226557 52.08333333 6
60.1051840721 52.601298595 51.0674911022 46.2962963
58.056143706 48.599025875 46.7187956742 40.99151235
55.8829190753 44.745906177 42.5925263696 36.16898148
53.6250233551 41.071121612 38.7108471109 31.81530778
58.2891049193 9.5976925231 0.0374104988 -29.3112354
Discount Rate NPV
0.05 120.1384
0.1 58.2891
0.15 9.597693
0.1614 0.03741
0.2 -29.3112

Hubungan NPV dan Discount Rate








0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22


Discount Rate


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