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Republic of the Philippines )

City of Iloilo )s.s.



I, JONALYN CAMARISTA, married, Filipino and a resident of Block 10, Lot

12,Bakhaw Mandurriao Iloilo City, having been duly sworn in accordance with law,
hereby deposes and states that:

Iloilo Ycadale Trading is a general merchandiser operating the

business in supply of goods particularly of sports equipment and supplies
with office address at #32 JM Basa St., Iloilo City owned and managed by
Ma. Lida Pineda Demaulo;

I am the representative of Iloilo Ycadale Trading in its business

transaction including government procurement process/ bidding;

The company won in the bidding conducted by the Iloilo Provincial

Government through its Bids and Awards Committee for the supply of
Sports equipment and supplies for the WVRAA Meet which was held last
February 8-18, 2015;

Iloilo Ycadale Trading is implicated by the Audit Team R6-01-Iloilo

Province of the Commission on Audit as one of the persons liable for the
transaction outlined in Notice of Disallowance (ND) No. 2016-004-200-
(2015) referring to the procurement of the said spike shoes

When I processed my documents for payment of the Iloilo

Provincial Government, I was required by the Accounting Office of the
Province of Iloilo to produce a list of Athletes who receive the spike shoes
as the same necessary for payment;

I then went to the Department of Education, Division of Iloilo and

requested for the said list from Lailah A. Cambas, Supply Officer of the
said Office. The DepEd Schools Division of Iloilo diligently complied with
my request and likewise have the list signed by the athletes/recipient;

The list which was prepared by the Department of Education,

Division of Iloilo purposely for Athletes who receive the spike shoes are for
compliance in processing the payment of the said transaction which was
done after the event;

The items were actually delivered on March 26, 2015 as appearing

in the Delivery Receipt after the WVRAA Meet which was held last
February 8-18, 2015 because it was only that time we received the Notice
to Proceed as the winning bidder to supply the sports and equipment
supplies for the said event;

I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the forgoing

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
____________________at Iloilo City, Philippines

ID No. _______________
Issued by: ____________

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO, this ___________________ at the City of

Iloilo, Philippines. Affiant exhibited to me her Identification written below her name and
identified by me through competent proof of identity as defined by the 2004 Rules on
Notarial practice pursuant to EN BANC A.M. No. 02-8-13 SC Resolution.

Doc. No.______;
Page No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 2016.

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