I. Team Ownership and Management: 1.1. General Requirements To Join

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1stSeason 2019-2020


1.1. General Requirements to Join

An individual or group of individuals may form a team by submitting the following requirements:
 Entrance Fee
 Team Name
 Team Manager
The maximum number of teams that can join the league is set at fifteen (16).

1.2. Entrance Fee

The entrance fee is determined at the start of every season by the commish and/or the rules
committee. This may vary due to popular sentiment, economic difficulties, shortened seasons, etc.
The entrance fee for the inaugural season has been pegged at P5,000/team. This is for 2 years. 2
year fees are collected due to the nature of the league. This will prevent disbanding after trading

1.2.1. Expansion teams or the ‘Newbies’

Expansion teams or newcomers to the league will also be charged an expansion fee equal to 60%
of the entrance fee (i.e. 60% of P5,000 is P3,000). Thus, expansion teams will have to shell out a
total of P8,000.

1.2.2. Re-joining teams or the ‘Balikbayans’

Teams that were part of the league but who took a one-year leave can re-join the league by paying
a reactivation fee. This is equal to 30% of the entrance fee (i.e. 30% of P5,000 is P1,500). A re-
joining team will have to pay a total of P6,500. Please take note that this only applies to teams that
have been away for one (1) year. A team that has been inactive for two (2) or more years cannot
avail of this reactivation and will instead have to join as an expansion team.

1.2.3. Teams under New Management a.k.a. ‘Old Teams, New Faces’
Another way to come into the league is to buy an existing team from owner/s who no longer want
to continue. There will be a transfer fee equal to 10% of the entrance fee that will be charged to
the new owner/s (i.e. 10% of P5,000 is P500). The team under the new owner/s will be charged a
total of P5,500.

1.3. Team Name

Existing teams will carry on their team names from last year unless they inform the statistician on
or before the day of the draft. This holds true even for teams that have undergone a change of
owner/s and teams that have been re-activated after a one-year hiatus from the league.

Expansion teams will have to submit a team name on or before the day of the draft.
1.4. Team Manager
Each team must appoint one (1) person to act as team manager. He can be an/the owner of the
team or someone appointed by him. The manager will be in charge of:
 Drafting for the team
 Representing the team for player trades
 Preparing the weekly roster of active players


2.1. Number of Players

Each teams roster shall consist of fifteen (15) players at the beginning of the season, no more, no
less. This number can change during the course of the season due to iL. The minimum number of
players that a team can have at any given time once the season has started is twelve (12).

2.2. Eligibility of Players

Teams can draft (see Part 3, The Main Draft)any player that has played in the NBA, whether active,
inactive or retired and those that have just been drafted this NBA season (2017-2018).
 Active Player – one that is currently on an NBA team roster
 Inactive Player – one that has been on an NBA team roster in the past but is currently not. He
may be playing in some other league at the moment (PBA import, CBA, European leagues,
etc.). also included here are players who were drafted in the NBA but not yet signed as of our
league’s draft day.
 Retired Player – one that has been on an NBA team roster in the past but is currently not and
has declared his retirement from the league (Magic, Larry Legend, MJ, etc.)

Teams cannot draft players who have not had any NBA experience or is not an incoming rookie
(e.g. NCAA players not drafted this season)

2.3. Active and Bench Players

At the start of each week, the team manager chooses twelve (12) players to comprise his active
list. The rest of the players make up his bench. At the beginning of each week, the team manager
can replace players from his active list with players from his reserved list. Only the statistics of the
players in the active list will be counted in the tallying of statistics (see Part 6, Scoring and
Statistics). Teams should manage their active list directly on our league’s Yahoo Sports site as this
will be the official statistics and standings of the league.

3.1. Salary Cap

Each team is given a salary cap of P1,000. All teams should be able to acquire EXACTLYfifteen
(15) players with their cumulative salaries at or below the salary cap. The players’ salaries are
determined by:
 The amount that the team bid for him if the player went through the draft proper
 The player’s salary last year PLUS P20 or 10%, whichever is higher, if he was protected by an
existing team. (Keeper)
 The player’s salary last year PLUS P30 or 15%, whichever is higher, if he was selected by an
expansion team.

3.2. Protecting Players – Existing Teams

Existing teams can protect a certain number of players from last year’s rosters. This number is
based on the teams’ standings in the previous season. The champion and the runner-up teams
can protect a maximum of one (1) player. Third and fourth place can protect a maximum of two (2)
players. The rest of the teams can protect a maximum of three (3) players, except the last two
teams which can protect a maximum of four (4) players. As mentioned above, the new salary of
the protected players will be their salaries last year PLUS P20 or 10%, whichever is higher.

Please take note that players who have already been protected last season can NOT be protected
again. These players go straight to the player pool for the draft proper. This is to prevent teams
from monopolizing their favorite players and to ensure a steady pool of ‘superstars’ available for
the draft proper.

Please also take note that a team under new management will enjoy the same privileges as an
existing team since it is taking over the roster and standing of that team.

3.3. Selecting Players – Expansion Teams

After the existing teams have chosen their protected players, the expansion teams can select a
maximum of one (1) player each from the players left unprotected by the existing teams. If there
are multiple expansion teams in a year. The order of choosing will be determined by drawing of lots.

Players protected from last season can NOT be chosen by the expansion teams. As was noted
above, these players go straight to the player pool for the draft proper. Nor can expansion teams
choose players that were not drafted last year (e.g. incoming rookies) as these players also go
straight to the player pool for the draft proper. Further, expansion teams can NOT select players
from teams that are discontinued for the coming season.

The selected players’ salaries are last year’s PLUS P30 or 15%, whichever is higher.

3.4. The Draft Proper

Once the expansion teams have selected their players, the remainder of the unprotected players
go to the player pool for the draft proper. The player pool now consists of:
 Players protected last year
 Players undrafted last year
 Players drafted last year but not protected by their existing team and not chosen by one of the
expansion teams.
 Players from discontinued teams.

The draft proper can now begin. The draft is an auction-style, open bidding format where a player
is brought up for bidding and then all the owners are free to bid in any order until there is a final,
highest bidder. That player then goes to the winning bidder’s roster and the next player is brought
up for bidding. This goes on until all teams have fifteen (15) players each on their rosters.

The order of bringing up players is as follows:

 Expansion teams in reverse order of their selecting players
 Existing teams in reverse order of their standings last year

In the event that a team inadvertently goes over the salary cap due to computational or human
error, that team will have to drop as many players as he needs in order to comply with the rule in
the preceding paragraph. He does this at the time the error is discovered. He can then proceed to
draft. If the error is discovered after the draft proper, he cannot pick the players that he is forced to

In the absence of the team manager, the team owner/s can authorize a proxy (himself included) to
represent that team in the draft. He can NOT however, choose an owner, manager or any
representative of another team to draft for his team. Unless approved by majority vote.

Expenses during the draft will be on a KKB basis.


4.1. General Rules

Trades are player exchanges between two or more teams such that each team in any given trade
will give up a player or players from its roster and receive a player or players in return. It is not
allowed for team managers/owners to give up players just out of the kindness of their hearts or to
exchange players for cash, gift certificates or any other thing in kind. Trades that intentionally help
1 team without benefit to another will be vetoed and teams colluding may be subject to expulsion
from the league. This is very hard to prove. As such, the league pleads that we keep fair play in
mind all the time to allow all teams to enjoy the league. This league encourages trades and will
welcome new rules to be able to achieve that.

4.2. Trade approval voting

All team owners not involved in the trade can vote on any given trade. The new procedure goes as
Once two or more teams have agreed on a trade, one of the parties involved has tosend the details
of the trade to the viber group. The message should have the subject heading “Trade” or “For
Trade Appeoval or some other similar title. Once a trade has been posted on the Viber group,
none of the parties involved in the trade can modify or cancel the trade even if it hasn’t been
approved yet.

In order for a trade to push thru, the following conditions have to be met within 3 days of the
posting of the trade:
 A minimum of five (5) team owners have to vote and;
 A minimum of 50% + 1 of the voting team owners have to approve the trade

If a clear majority of the voting bloc of league owners is achieved before the 3 day period, the trade
is approved at that point and can be effected by the teams involved.

4.3. Off-season Trading

Trades can also be made in the off-season as a means of preparing for the succeeding year. The
rules from the previous season still applies. In addition, all players involved in off-season trades
have to be protected for the coming season. Therefore, protected players from the previous
season can no longer be traded in the off-season.Protect or keeper slots can be traded during the
off season.

4.4. Trading for Slots

teams cantrade protectslotsfor the following year at any point in the regular season.This adds
another option in trying to even out trade offers. You cannot trade draft slots and/or salary for more
than one season.

5. Free agents

Throughout the season, any team can pick up free agents from the list of undrafted/free agents list.
At the start of each week, teams can submit to the viber group a player with corresponding bid
amount. Other teams have 5 days to submit a bid that should be higher than any previous bid,
teams are only allowed to submit 1 bid each time. The beginning of the week starts monday 12
noon manila time and submission of players for FA bidding ends at 9pm monday. Teams have until
friday 12 noon to submit bids. However, each team making bids have until thursday noon to drop
players to go under the cap or to clear cap space to make a bid. The intention to bid must also be
announced by thursday 12 noon. This is to avoid delaying the bidding til last minute of friday noon.
We will follow the clock of the viber group. If the messages are received with 12:01 as time stamp,
this will not be considered.

Teams can only bid up to funds available under the cap. Teams right on the cap and over the cap
cannot bid for free agents
Injured list. Players that are eligible in yahoo to be on the IL can be placed on the IL, however, the
salary of the player cannot be used to acquire free agents. The only time the salary of the IL can be
used to draft new players is if the player is declared as disabled exception. Only players declared
by yahoo as out for the season is eligible to be declared as disabled. Teams should submit their
disabled list for approval by the league. Trade voting rules apply for this. The league should
approve declaring a player disabled. After the player is declared disabled, the team can now use
the salary to bid for free agents or go under the luxury tax threshold. The disabled player can no
longer play in the current season but is eligible to be protected the following year, following protect
rules. The team, however, can no longer put any other player on the IL. The IL slot will be used to
keep the disabled player.

Teams cannot bid on a player he has dropped on the same week. The dropped player goes to the
pool and free for any other team to pick up. If no team picks the player up in that week, the team
that dropped the player bid for that free agent again.

Teams cannot bid or post a free agent pick up if they do not have the cap space to do so.

Free agent pick ups end the same time as the trading deadline.


6.1. Statistics included

The league is fueled by the statistics garnered by NBA players during their regular season. The
following statistics are relevant to this league:
 Scoring (PTS)
 Total Rebounds (REB)
 Offensive Rebounds (ORB)
 Assists (AST)
 Blocked Shots (BLK)
 Steals (STL)
 Field Goal Percentage (FG%)
 Free Throws Made (FTM)
 Free Throw Percentage (FT%)
 3-pointers Made (3PT)
 Turnovers (TO)

The first ten (10) stats are positive stats meaning the more, the better. The last stat, turnovers, is a
negative stat. Thus, the less TO’s, the better.

6.2. Scoring System

Our stats and standings will be available on our Yahoo Sports site.
6.3. Determining the Champion
At the end of the season, whichever team has the highest total points assigned is declared the
champion. The champion then takes the role of treasurer for the next season.


7.1. Prize Money

The entrance fees paid by the team owners will form the prize money pot. This will be distributed
to the winners as follows:

Champion – 45%
1st Runner-Up – 30%
3rd Place – 15%
4th Place – 10%

7.2. Penalties
Penalties will be assessed to the bottom four (4) teams in the standings at the end of the season.
The basic penalty is P25 for every point difference from that team's point total and that of the
champion's. In addition, a penalty of P1,000 will be assessed to the last place team in the
standings and P500 assessed to the second to the last place team.

The funds collected from these penalties will be distributed to the 5 th to 8th place teams as follows:
5th Place – 45%
6th Place – 30%
7th Place – 15%
8th Place – 10%

The maximum amount that the 5th place team can get is 80% of the 4th place team. In the event
that the maximum amount is exceeded, all amounts are adjusted accordingly and the excess
amount goes to the champion.

7.3. Luxury Tax

A “luxury tax” will be levied on teams that exceed the P1,000 salary cap as of the league's trading
deadline. The base luxury tax is P5 for every P1 over the cap. The team that is highest over the
cap will be charged double the base (P10 for every P1 over the cap).

The luxury tax funds collected will be divided equally among all teams that are at or below the
salary cap.

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