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Universidad del Valle sede-Buga

presented by:

 Jesus Andres Cardenas Barboza 1862121-2711

 Juan Carlos Galindez Torres 1862049-2711
 Madeleine Rodríguez Galeano 1755640-3751
 Dahyanna Trejos Polanco 1862131-2711
 Luisa Fernanda Carranza Escobar 1862176-2711
 Samael Haliel Camargo Daraviña 1862022-2711



Final work.
(Summary of a serie)

KINGDOM series description.

While the strange rumors of the king’s illness alarm the people, the heir to the throne is their only
hope against the mysterious plague that grips the kingdom.
Summary of kingdom
chapter 1

the story begins with two men who go to talk with the king but, one when disobeying an order is
eaten alive, then later a general punishes two officers for defaming the king's name by giving them
death, then arresting 89 scholars for conspire against the king and are punished. the queen and
the crown prince discuss the state in which the king is. the prince intrigued by the condition in
which his father finds himself discovers that the state is critical and for knowing more he decides
to leave the palace in a town they are attending to sick scholars but for lack of food for medicine
they cannot do much, he arrives the doctor in charge but this one brings a dead man and does not
give explanations, the search for the crown prince is still being continued since he is accused of
treason for abandoning his people, meanwhile in the town where the scholars were cured one of
the people where they meet prepare the meat meal of a dead human and give them to all then a
nurse when reviewing claims him for what he did, but inside the night all those who took the broth
with human remains are killed and While these two people discuss the dead they began to
become zombies and eat those who were alive.

Summary of kingdom
chapter 2

In chapter 2 of the KINGDOM series: It begins with the prince next to his companion (guard) when
he arrives in Jiyulheon in search of Dr. Lee, in that place where many bodies are found which are
taken to another town by soldiers, the doctor and the soldier who accompanied her in the village
goes to the ´pubble to which the corpses are controlled and warns them that they are not dead,
that they are monsters and that at night they will get up, but do not believe them and are
arrested, then in the Night the corpses come alive and will attack people.
Summary of kingdom
chapter 3
The night becomes chaotic in dongnae, people turned into monsters multiply and the few that
remain do whatever it takes to save their lives and not be attacked by monsters. These monsters
were the sick of Jiyulheon and their families, who could not continue to endure hunger and ate a
corpse, that is how they became monsters that aged human blood and flesh during the night and
in the day they hid from the light. Cho hak-ju and the queen supervised the care of the king. Prince
chang reaches a disturbing conclusion, discovers that his father the king is dead and that cho hak-
ju and the queen used the resurrection plant with their father after he died to remain on the
throne so the prince promises to fight.

Summary of kingdom
chapter 4

The chapter begins with the group of people near the sea, but it turns out that the military
commanders took the ship and left the bodies of the infected, then the prince must go along with
the people to Jiyulheon to take shelter, then they soon realize That the whole road is full of
zombies as the sun goes down.

One of the cars that transported the wounded and elderly is stuck, after that moo-ypung, cho
beom and an hyun begin to help the car move forward again, but after that they are chased by a
horde of zombies and in the middle of this situation An hyun starts shooting at his pursuers while
they escape. Then in another scene they show us that the ship which had set sail turns out that
under it it was full of zombies which attack all those who are on the ship.

After reaching a safe area, everyone arrives and the prince helps the people inside the place, but it
does not take long for new problems to arise because the royal guard arrives at the place where
they were protected and announce that they would punish the prince for treason and begin to
attack the People, in the middle of this moo-young and the prince distract the guards so that cho
hak and cho-beam take care of the few left behind, after this they manage to mislead them but
the guard follows them.

Then he changes the scene and shows us that Kim Sung arrives at the palace to look for the king
but the queen stops them but he insists on continuing and then finds that the king was turned into
a zombie, after this the ministers discover that the king is now a zombie but although he is in that
state he still has the position of king and they condemn kim sung to death along with the rest of
the traitors.
Summary of kingdom
chapter 5

In chapter five of the series Kingdom the group of the Prince Chang arrived at a town that is
strangely well fed. During his refuge with Lord Ahn Hyeon, seo-bi realizes something very strange.

As the series develops, it is necessary to highlight the creativity with which they have added the
zombie genus and the Korean Middle Ages, which shows a great contrast with the modernity to
which we were accustomed; It is an excellent series not only because it contains a very effective
combination of terror and fantasy, but we can also learn about how society worked in the Korean
Middle Ages and some customs from different regions of the country. The series immerses you in
an ancient Asian tale.

Summary of kingdom
chapter 6(End)

would personally bring Lee-chang to justice for his crimes, still agreed that the commander would
take Chang to the 5 armies, lord Ahn came to Chang’s residence and executed the entire royal
army for conspiring against the throne, Chang told the army commander the real reason the doors
were locked, Chang fired the commander of his position and Ahn agreed. The commander was
escorted out of town there they could defend themselves from the zombies as they were
surrounded by water thing they feared, they prepared for the cattle that night against the

• Battle against the zombies:

Knowing that the queen was not truly pregnant, in Sang-ju, Seo-bi and the magistrate went to
hunt grass, Seo-bi headed to frozen valley, in search of the legendary resurrection plant that had
initiated the zombie infection.

finding the plant, they were surrounded by a group of zombies, when it was getting dark the living
where preparing to fight against the undead, but in the morning the took the surprise that the
sunlight didn’t affect zombies, was the heat that made them sleep. Coming winter was
approaching the final attack of the undead. End.
Unknown words and sentences:

• Waste (Desperdicio)

that person let Wastes on the floor.

• Scorned (Desprecio)

he was Scorned for his Friends.

• Brought (Trae)

he brought his homework today.

• Custom (Costumbre, Personalizado)

I have the custom of drink oat every days.

• Strange (Extraño)

The past night i watched some strange for my window.

• Develop (Desarrollar)

I like to develop excersices with my Friends.

• Come(Venir)

He came smiling at me.

• Themselves (Ellos mismos)

They did the work among themselves.

• Surrounded (Rodeado)

I live surrounded by a good vibe.

• Getting (Conseguir, Adquirir)

Getting companies support takes time.

• Undead (No muerto)

The day of the undead approaches.

• Heat(Calor)

Heat is not important.

• Approaching(Se acerca)

The space rocket was finally approaching mars.

 Guard (Guardia)

the guard of the park found a phone in one chair.

 Wounded (Herida)

he was wounded while fighting.

 Punishment (Castigo)

his father punishment to he because didn't does the homework

 Treason (Traicion)

they treason to his friend for get out whith girls

 bitten (mordida)

Monday morning I was bitten by a dog.

 Barracks (cuartel)

the soldiers were returning to barracks after a training exercise.

 Scram (largarse)

I gave the kids some money for ice cream and told them to scram.

 arrow (flecha)

she hit the bullseye with an arrow from 100 yards away.

 hometown (ciudad natal)

my boyfriend´s hometown is a little town in Maine.

 Merely (simplemente)

I’m sorry, but I’m merely following orders.

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