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Binson Echorec Schematic

by Phil Taylor (/knowledge-base/who-is-phil-taylor/)

The ‘Echorec’ echo-delay (/knowledge-base/t7e-echorec-overhaul/) is a superlative example of

1950s of engineering! In their quest for perfection Binson (/knowledge-base/knowledge-
base/history-of-the-binson-amplifier-hifi-company/) got many important aspects of the design
right, maintaining a balance between simplicity and adding genuinely useful features to their
iconic echo machine. The engineers developed their own unique magnetic drum (/knowledge-
base/binson-echorec-memory-system/) storage medium that offered superior reliability
(‘permanent guarantee’) and stability in comparison to the 1/4″ magnetic tape utilised in the
echo effect machines built by other manufacturers. No expense was spared in the design of
the mixing and amplifier circuitry – there are seven miniature B9A tubes within the model T7E
Echorec! All the tubes are still readily available 12AX7 (/knowledge-base/the-12ax7′-
tube/) and 12AU7 (/knowledge-base/the-12aux7′-tube/) triodes. The signal level indicator –
an EM81 ‘magic eye’ tube (/knowledge-base/the-magic-eye/) – is no longer manufactured,
however there’s still a plentiful supply of new old stock EM81s available.

This webpage contains a description of each functional part of the T7E circuitry, a flowchart
(/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/binson_echorec_flowchart.pdf) clearly showing the signal flow,
schematics for the Echorec IA and II.
Input Buffer

Input buffer

The input buffer is an inverting gain stage based on section 4A of a 12AX7 tube. To optimise
this to work with electric guitar pickups the the 47KΩ resistor before the input coupling
capacitor can be removed. Virtually all guitar amp input stages are direct coupled i.e. there is
no capacitor, effectively ‘hot’ biasing the first input stage. This is okay as a guitar pickup only
generates an AC component with no DC offsets. Note: there is no cathode bias resistor.
Typically triode amplifier configurations have a 1K8 resistor to maintain the grid voltage below
the cathode.

Input Mixer
Input mixer

Mixer stage with common anode resistor. This is where the ‘dry’ signal and delayed signal are
mixed to create multiple repeats. Trimmer, T2 is used to set the range of the ‘LENGTH OF
SWELL’ potentiometer, which is a 220KΩ linear taper type manufactured by the Italian hi-fi
equipment manufacturer LESA.

Record Amplifier and Bias Oscillator

Record ampliDer and bias oscillator

The record amplifier is based on tube section 6A which provides some signal amplification.
Additionally passive 1st order filtering before the grid provide -6dB/octave roll-off of low and
high frequencies.

The oscillator circuit is based around tube section 6B, a handful of capacitors, resistors and
an inductor (/knowledge-base/the-bias-oscillator-inductor/). The oscillator circuitry generates
the A.C. bias voltage – a high frequency (50KHz to 60KHz) sinusoidal waveform. In layman’s
terms, biasing “shakes up” and randomises the atomic-sized magnetic particles on the
recording medium (the Binson magnetic drum (/knowledge-base/binson-echorec-memory-
system/)) to create a uniform “blank slate” for the record head to “print” the audio signal onto.
The audio signal is mixed with the bias signal and routed to the record head. The bias voltage
aross record head is around 300 volts peak-to-peak (210 volts R.M.S.) and is much, much
larger than the audio signal level, which in the order of just a few volts. The impedance of the
heads used in the tube Echorec B2 models is around 650Ω.

Playback Amplifier

Playback amplifer

The playback amplifiers are based on tube sections 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B, boosting the small
signal from the playback heads. The 220pF capacitor filters out the HF bias signal from the
audio signal. Trimmer, T5 is a tone control and T4 output control for each of the four playback
Switching Circuitry

Switching circuitry

The ‘SELECTOR’ and ‘SWITCH’ knobs form the switching circuitry. The SELECTOR knob
allows selection between ECHO, REPEAT and SWELL settings. ECHO is just one distinct
repeat; REPEAT is multiple repetitions, depending on the ‘LENGTH OF SWELL’; SWELL
introduces a little signal from all four playback heads into the final mix, to produce reverb type
effects. The REPEAT setting is the ‘one’ to use to create early 1970s Pink Floyd delay effects.

The 12-position ‘SWITCH’ knob enables selection of different heads and combinations of
heads for single and multi-tap delay. The Echorec schematics only show a simplified
interpretation of the action of this switch and there is no explanation in the Binson user manual
of which head combinations can be selected using the switch. In theory there are 24 (16)
possible head combinations (including the possibility of selecting no heads). The table below
shows the actual combinations available with the 12-position selector switch:

Position Head 1 Head 2 Head 3 Head 4

1 ’1′ ’0′ ’0′ ’0′

2 ’0′ ’1′ ’0′ ’0′

3 ’0′ ’0′ ’1′ ’0′

4 ’0′ ’0′ ’0′ ’1′

5 ’1′ ’1′ ’0′ ’0′

6 ’0′ ’1′ ’1′ ’0′

7 ’0′ ’0′ ’1′ ’1′

8 ’1′ ’0′ ’1′ ’0′

9 ’0′ ’1′ ’0′ ’1′

10 ’1′ ’1′ ’1′ ’0′

11 ’0′ ’1′ ’1′ ’1′

12 ’1′ ’1′ ’1′ ’1′

Note: ’1′ = head on; ’0′ = head off

Tone and Volume Controls

Tone and volume controls

Basic passive tone and volume controls operating on the delayed signal. The ‘VOLUME
ECHO’ potentiometer is LESA 470KΩ has a logarithmic taper and the ‘BASS/TREBLE’ pot is a
220KΩ is logarithmic taper type.
Output Mixer and Buffer

Output Mixer and Buffer

The output mixer buffer is a cathode follower configuration. Suggested modifications to extend
the H.F. response a little are to increase the 47K resistor on the output to 100K and increase
the 270nF output coupling capacitor to a polyester 680nF

Level Indicator

Level Indicator
The level indicator is based on an EM81 ‘magic-eye’ (/knowledge-base/the-magic-eye/) tube
which displays the level of signal repeats. The ‘fan’ can be adjusted using trimmer, T3.

Power Supply

Power supply

The mains transformer output windings generate Low Tension (L.T.) and High Tension (H.T.)
A.C. voltages. The L.T. winding supplies 6.3VAC (2A minimum for the 7 tubes in the Model:
T7E) to power the tube heaters and filament lamps that illuminate the lettering on the
‘Plexiglas’ front panel.

The H.T. winding supplies 250VAC (at around 100mA for all those tubes) which is rectified and
then regulated with an inductor and capacitor L-C filter circuit. This is then smoothed further
with resistor and capacitor R-C filters to reduce power supply ripple even further before it
reaches the more sensitive parts of the audio circuitry. Note: Hammond part# 369AX
( appears as if it will work as a replacement mains
transformer. All Binson Echorec mains transformers feature primary windings with multiple
taps to allow the machine to operate internationally. The taps are colour-coded as follows:

A.C. Mains Voltage Wire Insulation Colour

280 Blue

220 Black

160 Brown

145 Green
125 Yellow

110 Red

0V (fuse) White
The capacitors are multi-section types where there are two 350V 47uF capacitors housed in
one can. (
capacitor-rebuild/) The inductor (D.C. choke) is in the order of 2 to 5H and 130Ω resistance
(Hammond part# 156L (


Binson Echorec Pages

Binson Echorec B2 and Export Head Specifications

Binson Echorec Head Adjustment

Binson Echorec Manual

Binson Echorec Memory System

Binson Echorec Parts Suppliers

Binson Echorec Schematic

Echorec B2 Trimpot Adjustment

Echorec Export Trimpot Adjustment

Echorec Multi-Section Electrolytic Capacitor Rebuild

Echorec Rewiring Procedure

Geloso Sockets And Plugs

Geloso to ¼” Jack Socket Mod

Got Oil? Properties of Echorec Oil

History of the Binson Amplifier HiFi Company

Inside The Binson Factory

Recording the Echorec

Servicing the Motor

T7E Echorec Overhaul

The ‘Magic Eye’

The Bias Oscillator Inductor

The Binson Echorec Chassis

The Dark Side of Echorec Restoration

The Dream Machine: the Echorec 3°


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