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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween 40k Zombie Night, The Return of the Revenge

Like all horror movies these days, my 40k Zombie adventure just keeps coming back with more
sequels. But this is the reinvention of the reimagining. I updated the rules from my original
version to be more streamlined and squad-based as opposed to who has the best HQ options.

Here they be. This is not exactly how we ran it last night, I have updated the rules based on
feedback during the game though it still needs a bit more work.

Army Selection:

You have 75 points. There is no minimum requirement for squad sizes (so an
Eldar player could take one Fire Dragon, one Striking Scorpion and so on). Only
three of these can be "upgrade" characters, like a sergeant or an exarch, though
that model may take an upgrades allowed without counting for further "upgrades." No more than
two can have "upgrade weapons" such as a heavy or special
weapon that isn't standard equipment. For example, a Space Marine player takes
3 Marines and a Scout. He can upgrade one into a sergeant with any weapons
normally allowed, and two more can have special weapons normally allowed by
their codex entry.

After selecting your team, you may assign one Universal Special Rule from the
standard rulebook to any one squad member.

For codices like SM or IG who purchase squads as groups, some math will be
involved. Divide the points cost by the squad number to get the individual
points cost of each squad member. If upgrade characters are included in the cost of the squad,
you may upgrade the squad member for free.

You may select team members from any Force Organization slot except HQ. Only infantry models
may be selected. No dedicated transports are allowed.

Your squad must remain in 2" coherency, and are treated as a single squad.

Setup and Objective

Set up the board with the normal amount of terrain for a 40k game. Ruins and graveyards make
great terrain for this mission. If you have a large amount of players you may need to either split
into two tables or widen the current table. The players should have to cross about 6' of board
with enough room side to side so that everyone isn't clustered together.

The goal is to reach the escape helicopter (or truck or whatever). The first squad (at least one guy
alive, obviously) to be within embarking distance at the beginning of their movement
phase wins (so you have to survive one round before you can win). If there is another
unengaged player within embarking distance you may not embark. You must duke it out with the
other player as there can only be one. There should be one escape helicopter per 5 players,
spread out evenly along the back board edge. Each escape helicopter is guarded by a boss

Turn order is determined randomly. Each player will move, shoot and assault, then pass to the
next player. When all players have gone the zombies take their turn. There's no need for a
zombie controller as the zombies are on autopilot.

Movement Phase: Players who fled from combat will automatically rally and may move, shoot and
assault as normal.

Shooting Phase: You may not shoot another player's squad, unless that squad is
within 18" of the escape chopper. After that all bets are off and the squad
that is within 18" may fire at any squad that has fired on it in a previous
turn. If the closest unit is in close combat randomize non-template hits.

Zombies only ever take a 5+ cover save as they do not actively seek cover. They get this cover
in all the normal fashion, from terrain or from a player shooting through another unit.

Assault Phase: You may not join another player's assault. Consolidate moves
are taken on a D3 instead of D6 (we found super killy assault units unbalanced as they can just
consolidate for an extra D6" per assault phase). You may however assault another team if they
are within 18" of the escape helicopter, but if they are already in an assault you may not assault

If your assault involves multiple squads of zombies, for simplicity's sake you don't have to say
which squad you're attacking. Remove casualties from the smallest squad first (you get more
powerups that way)

No one in the squad is treated as an Independent Character, treat wounds as you would for
differently armed models as normal.

After all players have gone the Zombies will move.


Zombies come in squads of 5. There should be about two squads of zombies per
player, deployed in a spread out fashion. Their stats are as follows:

WS2 S3 T3 A1 W1 I1 LD5 Feel No Pain, Fearless, Rending

Zombies only have two phases, the Shamble Phase and the BRAAAAAIIINS phase.

Shamble Phase: Killed zombies will respawn in groups of 5 during this phase, before rolling to
move the zombies. Roll a D6 on the following chart to see where they go.

1: Starting table edge

2: The table edge to the left of the starting edge
3: The table edge opposite the starting edge
4: The table edge to the right of the starting edge
5: Scatter 3d6" from the center of the table. Zombies deepstrike like a drop pod and will move
out of the way of obstructions. They will move and assault with the rest of the zombies as
6: The player who is furthest from the chopper chooses a result 1-5 on this chart. Further rolls of
a 6 will go to the second furthest player and so on.

Zombies moving in from a board edge will enter in line with the nearest unengaged player.
Subsequent entries in the same phase on the same table edge will move in towards the second
nearest, and so on.

Zombies will move 2D6 to the nearest target. All zombies on the
board move the same distance but at their own relative targets. If this move
brings them in base contact with a player squad they count as assaulting. The
poor squad then responds to their charge.
Zombies will join a current assault if they can fit. If they can't fit they will instead move towards
the next nearest target.

If a player kills the last member of a zombie squad, or kills the last member of a player squad
(only whomever removed the last model, doesn't matter who did all the work) he may roll on the
powerup chart.

BRAAAAINS Phase: Zombies assault during their movement, we just combine it because they
don't shoot. They receive +1 attack if they charge as normal. They have Rending to represent the
danger of infection. If zombies win combat they will attempt to pursue as normal but will not

The Boss Zombie: The boss zombie does not move during the shamble phase as normal. It will
only move if a player moves within embarking distance of the escape vehicle, and will
automatically assault that squad. If there are multiple squads that meet this requirement
randomize which one it assaults.

WS3 S4 T4 A3 I2 W3 LD6 5+ Armor, Feel No Pain, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Rending

It is of course perfectly legal to move your squad and escape in the vehicle while the other player
is off fighting the boss or another player.


Should your squad be destroyed, you may respawn in your turn no closer than 6" behind the
furthest player, but it can be anywhere on the board (as long as you are 6" further away from the
choppa than the current furthest squad). You lose all upgrades and powerups earned during their
previous lifetime. If you wish you may play a new team. When you respawn you may roll on the
powerup chart. You may voluntarily suicide your squad at any time to respawn, but if you do you
may not roll on the powerup chart.


If you kill the last member of a squad (zombie or player, this also includes killing the boss zombie,
and also includes wiping them out due to Fearless rolls) you may roll 2D6 on the powerup chart.

2: Zombie Bile: You are treated as the only target for the next Shamble Phase. If two or more
players have this then the zombies will move to whomever is closer of those players. If another
player is in the way of the zombie movement, the zombies assault that unfortunate unit as they
just happened to be in the wrong place.
3: Banana Peel: In your next turn, you move as if through difficult terrain.
4: Ork Boy Tag Along: An Ork boy has decided to join you for some reason. He is armed with a
pistol and a choppa and is treated as a member of your squad for all purposes.
5: Duct Tape: Whether it's a chainsaw taped to a kayak paddle or a duct-taped-over-under gun,
you may give one model either +1 attack or +1 shot per turn. Permanently. Until you die.
6: Chainsaw: The ultimate zombie close combat weapon. One model may be equipped with this
item. Requires 2 hands. Hits on a 2+, and if it hits instantly takes a wound (no saves or FNP) off
any zombie in close combat. If you roll a 1 the chainsaw has run out of fuel and is discarded (but
any hits you got in this round still count, if you roll a 1 and get a reroll it does not run out of fuel
unless you roll another 1).
7: Medpack. May be saved, one use only, you may carry any number of these. You may ignore
one suffered wound.
8: Shotgun: There is no better tool in an zombie invasion. One model is armed with it, and that
model does not need to have a ballistic skill. The shotgun has a range of 6" and hits on a 2+,
instantly taking a wound off a zombie with no FNP or cover save applicable. It is an assault 1
weapon. If shot at a player it is treated just as the Imperial Guard version of the shotgun.
9: Super Mushroom Speed Pack: You may carry up to one of these in your squad. When
activated all members in your squad may add an extra +1 to all their movement, which includes
movement, running and assaulting. The squad's initiative is also increased by 1 for that turn.
10: Defibrillator: Counts as a Medpack but may be used to bring back one model in your squad
who has previously died. If that model had multiple wounds only one is restored.
11: Sweet Aviator Shades: In the next Shamble Phase, zombies will ignore your squad for the
purposes of the closest target.
12: The Blessing of Chuck Norris: Your squad receives the blessing of the Great Red Bearded
One until the end of their next turn. Your squad may reroll all rolls they make (if they already have
a reroll they can reroll that reroll as Chuck is that awesome). All shooting counts as AP 2 with no
cover allowed and all assault counts as power weapons.

If you are the furthest player from the board edge, you may add +1 to your roll. You may roll the
dice before deciding whether or not to add the +1. You may also switch out any rolled result for
The Blue Shell. If you pick The Blue Shell you may move the player closest to the escape vehicle
back D6" away from the vehicle. If they are in close combat, the whole combat moves with them.
If your roll on the powerup chart is because of a respawn, you may not select The Blue Shell.

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