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Syllabus S.

St For Class Five

Unit: 1
“The Earth and the Environment”
Part: 1
“Looking at regions”
Q1: What is a region? Give an example.
Ans: A region can also be based on physical feature.
For example:
Areas with mountains are classified as
mountainous regions.
Q2: List the different regions of Pakistan based on physical
characteristics and for each of them name a similar region
in a different part of the world?
Ans: Pakistan can be divided into the following based on
playsical characteristics.
Mountain: e.g in the Northern Areas.
Plateas: e.g the potohar plateaus.
Deserts: e.g in Sindh and Balochistan.
Plains: the Indus plain
Delta: In Sindh’s coastal area.
Q3: How do the people living in the different physical regions
in a different of Pakistan and the similar regions of the
world make a living?
Ans: All countries of the world can be divided into regions
based on different characteristics
A climate region is an area that has a common climate
For example,
A hot climate region or a cold climate
Q4: What is inhabitants?
Ans: Inhabitants:
All people living in a place are called inhabitants.
Short Question:
Q1: What is the height of the mountain and Nepal?
Ans: The height of the K2 is 28,250 ft
The height of the Nepal is 29,128 ft
Q2: What are minerals and other natural resources?
Ans: (1)Oil
(2)Natural gas
Q3: What is the length of ofDeserts?
Ans: Deserts lie more or less in the same latitudes, between 23
to 25 N.
Q4: How many types delta has?
Ans: There are two types of Delta,
The Indus delta in Pakistan,
Nile delta in Egyput.
Part: 2
“From weather to climate”
Q1: What is the difference between weather and climate?
Ans: Weather is the change in atmosphere condition at any
given time and climate is the common weather condition
of an area over a long period of time.
Q2: What are the different factors that affect weather and
how are they measured?
Ans: Temperature, Precipitation, winds and air pressure are the
factors which effect weather, they are measured by using
the instruments such as thermometer rain gauge and
barometer etc.
Q3: Why do different parts of the world have different
Ans: Different parts of the world have different climates
because of their different latitudes, altitudes and distance
from the sea.
Q4: Name the different climatic regions of the world?
Ans: Different climatic regions of the world are given as,
Polar regions
Equatorial regions
Temperate regions
Tropical regions
Desert regions
Mountain regions
Q5: Describe the climates of the different regions of Pakistan
and say how they affect the lives of people living there?
Ans: (i) In mountainous regions, winter are extremely cold
while summers are mild.
(ii) In plateaus and plain region, summers are very hot and
winters are mild
(iii) In deserts region, summers are hot and winter are
(iv) In coastal region, both summers and winter are mild,
These different climate affect the food, games and crops
and clothing of the people.
Fill in the blanks.
1: Polar regions are the coldest regions of world.
2: Weather is the name we use for changing atmospheric
3: Rainfall is measured by a rain gauge
4: A meteorologist is a person who studies climate and
5: Kharif crops need strong sunshine.
Match the column.
Temperature Hygrometer
Rainfall Barometer
Air pressure Anemometer
Humidity Thermometer
Wind speed Rain gauge
Part: 3
Can people affect climate?
Q1: Explain the ‘green house’ and how it affects the Earth’s
Ans: Heat from the sun warms the Earth’s surface which
radiates the heat back into space. But this heat is trapped
by green house gases such water vapors and carbon
dioxide in atmosphere. This is called green house effect
It result in overall increase in the temperature of
Q2: Say what steps people can take to limit their contribution
to the green house effect?
Ans: They should walk use a bicycle and travel by bus and train.
Fill in the blanks.
1: A green house is a small glass house used for growing
2: Green house effect increases temperature .
3: Coal, oil and natural gas are fossil fuels .
4: Ozone is a concentrated from of oxygen in atmosphere.
5: Due to rise in temperature the ice at poles melts
Part: 4
“Natural disasters”
Q1: Kist some types of natural disasters’?
Ans: Following are some of the natural disasters.
1: Earthquakes
2: Cyclones
3: Floods
4: Landslides.
Q2: How an earthquake occurs?
Ans: Earthquake occurs when the huge plates present in the
Earth’s crust rub against each other.
Q3: What softly measures should be taken during a strong
Ans: Following safely measures should be taken during a strong
earthquake .
(i) Look for shelter under a table or desk.
(ii) When earthquake stops move away from the
Fill in the blanks.
1: The earth is in a constant state of change.
2: Cyclones are huge storms, characterized by winds
3: Earth’s crust is made up of huge plates.
4: In balakot an earthquake occurred in 2005.
5: Flood occurs where rate of rainfall increases beyond a
Match the column.
Avalanches Excessive rainfall
Floods Huge storms
Earthquake 2005
Cyclone Sliding of slab
Balakot Shaking of earth
Unit: 2
“Map-reading skills”
Part: 1
The globe and the maps.
Q1: What is the main difference between the equator and the
prime meridian?
Ans: Equator.
The equator divides the world into Northern and
southern hemispheres
Prime Meridian;
The prime meridian divides the world into the
eastern and western hemisphere.
Q2: Explain what you understand about lines of latitude and
line of longitude?
Ans: Lines of latitude:
Imaginary lines on map that run from east
to west are called the lines of latitude.
Line of longitude:
Imaginary lines on map that run from north
to south are called the line of longitude.
Q3: What dose the index in an atlas enable us to do more
Ans: An index helps to find the location of countries, cities and
other place shown on the maps.
Q4: What is difference between the northern and southern
Ans: The northern hemisphere is situated between the equator
and the north pole while the southern hemisphere is
situated between the equator and the south pole.
Q5: What is difference between the eastern hemisphere and
western hemisphere?
Ans: The eastern hemisphere lies to the east of the prime
meridian and the western hemisphere lies to the west of
the prime meridian

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