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New START Treaty Aggregate Numbers of Strategic Offensive Arms


Fact Sheet
July 1, 2019

(Data in this Fact Sheet comes from the biannual exchange of data required by the Treaty. It contains data declared
current as of March 1, 2019. Data will be updated each six month period after entry into force of the Treaty.)1

United States of
Category of Data Russian Federation

Deployed ICBMs, Deployed SLBMs,

656 524
and Deployed Heavy Bombers

Warheads on Deployed ICBMs, on

Deployed SLBMs, and Nuclear
1365 1461
Warheads Counted for Deployed
Heavy Bombers

Deployed and Non-deployed

Launchers of ICBMs, Deployed and
Non-deployed Launchers of SLBMs, 800 760
and Deployed and Non-deployed
Heavy Bombers

The complete unclassified data for the United States is available upon request from the Bureau of Arms Control,
Verification and Compliance, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC. Please contact AVC Press at AVC-Press-
United States of Effective Date: March 1, 2019

America Data

ICBMs and ICBM Launchers MM-III Total

Deployed ICBMs 398 398

Non-deployed ICBMs 268 268

Deployed and Non-deployed Launchers of ICBMs 454 454

Deployed Launchers of ICBMs 398 398

Non-deployed Launchers of ICBMs 56 56

Test Launchers 4 4

SLBMs and SLBM Launchers Trident II Total

Deployed SLBMs 209 209

Non-deployed SLBMs 239 239

Deployed and Non-deployed Launchers of SLBMs 280 280

Deployed Launchers of SLBMs 209 209

Non-deployed Launchers of SLBMs 71 71

Test Launchers 0 0

Heavy Bombers B-2A B-52H Total

Deployed Heavy Bombers 12 37 49

Non-deployed Heavy Bombers 8 9 17

Test Heavy Bombers 1 3 4

Heavy Bombers Equipped for Non-nuclear 0 41 41


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