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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Honorable ones the juries, the participant of English speech contest, and all audiences.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty,
Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this place. And let’s
deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from
the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right path.

Ladies and gentlemen

Drug? What is that? I am sure you all already know, and may be better than me about
what drug is and what the advantages and disadvantages are. Drugs actually are medicine
for anesthetize patients in surgery. But that perception was misapplied by some people.
Drugs have been misapplied by some people for a long time. Some people which use drugs
beyond the medical treatment consider that drugs can make them feel better when they
facing some problems , make them feel easy to find new brilliant ideas or just for a

I am sure you will never forget the accident in Tugu Tani, Jakarta, when a drugs user,
Apriliani, drove her car with high speed and hit the pedestrians in a Tugu Tani bus stop.
The recent tragedy in Pondok Indah where a man with the influence of drugs drove his
car and hit many people on the road is another example. It obviously proofs that in the
effect of drugs, hallucination of the drugs user is bigger than other normal people. They
cannot distinguish between the real world and the hallucination world and consider all
things in around them are like a dream and not real.

The effect of drugs are not only dangerous for drugs user themselves but also people
surrounding. For the users, drugs are so risky because they may lead to overdoses,
HIV/AIDS and brain or mental damage. Drugs are also dangerous for the people
surrounding as it has already mentioned above. The dangers of consuming drugs open
our eyes that the usage of drugs beyond the medical treatments is profitless. Because
drugs just lead us in the destruction for the users themselves and for other people

Dear ladies and gentlemen

But it is so sad, if we hear many of our young generations consume the drugs such as
Heroin, cokain, Koplo, dextron, extacy, or marijuana . They merely consume drugs to get
drunk, enjoyment, and temporal satisfaction without consider the risks.

As moslems we have the guidance from the holy qur’an that drinking alcoholic drink is
forbiden, and it is bad action, and despicable deed, as Allah Said in the holy qur'an : "ya
ayyuhalladzina amanu innamal khomru walmaysir wal anshob wal azlam rijsummin
amalisyton fajtanibuhu laalakum tuflihun." It means : "oh ye the believers actually
alcoholic drink, gambling, and draw destiny is despicable from the evil’s action so avoid
them, may be you will be the pleasure people.(almaidah verse : 90)"

Because the drugs or the alcoholic drink is so dangerous for our health, for our body, for
our future. So we must keep a way from it. we must avoid it. Don’t try to consume it, don’t
try to sell or buy it. Those are what I can deliver to you at this moment, thank a lot for
your attention and I ask forgiveness for my mistakes, and the last I say:

WasalamualaikumWr. Wb.
Good Morning viewers,

You are watching headline news edition (Day,Month, Date, Year) Sunday, December 29th

with me, (your name) Cyndy Cludia Ningsih

The South Korean pop song and music video "Gangnam Style" has gone viral worldwide. And
now the South Korean tourism industry is hoping to cash in on the song's international success.

Alexis Martinez, 14, is in a tour group that is learning the dance made famous by South Korean
musician Psy in his video Gangnam Style. Martinez says even back home in Texas the song is
a big hit.

"It was basically my whole school knew about it, it was crazy," said Martinez. "There was a
flash mob in our school that did it, the Gangnam Style."

"Gangnam Style" is one of the most viewed videos ever on the Internet. It has ranked high on
music charts in Asia, Europe and North America. And is what many say is South Korea's most
successful cultural export.

For those reasons, some believe "Gangnam Style" can be used to import many foreign visitors
and money.

"I think Gangnam Style is bringing up Korea's brand value," said Je Sang-won, who heads the
Korea Tourism Organization's Halyu, or Korean Wave, division. "It has attracted more Western
fans and made them interested in Korea. We did a survey in Los Angeles and found 70 percent
of respondents said they wanted to visit Korea after they saw the video."

Out of the streets of Gangnam, which is the part of Seoul south of the Han River, businesses
are using Psy and his song to help sell products.

And some other merchants say ever since "Gangnam Style" went viral, they have seen an
increase in foreign shoppers.
Kwon Da-na runs a clothing shop in Gangnam's trendy Apgujeong neighborhood.

"Sometimes there are more foreign customers than Korean shoppers coming to my
store. When I turn on the Gangnam Style song and open the door, some people come in off
the street. They smile a lot," she noted.

South Korea expects to see more than 10 million foreign visitors this year. And according to
the Korea Tourism Organization, Korean pop music, known as K-POP, is one of the country's
biggest draws. And now thanks to Psy, the KTO plans to use Gangnam Style to attract more
foreign tourists.

Tourist Alexis Martinez says the "Gangnam Style" dance is one that anyone can learn. And
cool is what "Gangnam Style" is all about.

That's all the news for today

You can also visit our website to get more information on (situs website acara tersebut)
Have a nice day and keep stay tune on (nama channel acara tersebut)
Malin Kundang

Long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatera, lived a woman

and her son, Malin Kundang. Malin including a smart kid but a bit naughty. After

growing up, He thought to make a living in the country side in hopes of later on

when returning home, he was already a wealthy man, so he said to his mother,

“Mother, I want to be a rich man, so I want to go to the country side. Please

release me.” His mother was originally less agrees with Malin Kundang, but she

finally agreed though with a heavy heart. His mother said, "My son, if you have

succeeded , don't you forget about your mother and this village, son,"

In country side, he worked diligently. With tenacity and perseverance in work,

Malin gradually managed to become a wealthy man. It has a lot of merchant ships
with men of more than 100 people. And then, Malin Kundang marry a girl to be his

After a long time, Malin and his wife went to his village. His mother recognize him
and then hugged malin and said, "Malin Kundang, my son, why did you go so long
without sending any news?". But do you know what happens then? Malin Kundang
immediately release her mother's arms and pushed it down. "Hey woman! How
dare you claim to be my mother. Don’t you see? I’m a rich man, and you? You’re
just an old, poor, and dirty woman!" said Malin Kundang to his mother. Malin
Kundang pretended not to recognize his mother, embarrassed by her mother was
old and wearing tattered clothes. "Is she your mother?",asked his wife. "No, she
was just a beggar who pretended as my mother to get my property," said Malin to
his wife.

She is very sad. She is not expected Him to be a rebellious child. And then, she
said while crying, "Oh God, if he is my son, I curse he became a rock". Suddenly,
a thunderstorm came. Not long after that, Malin's body slowly becomes stiff and
eventually finally shaped into a rock.

And the lesson in this story is, as children, we must respect to our parents.
Because every word that our parents say is a prayer for us.

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