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Statutory Construction R.E.

Agpalo Textbook, 2009 edition

Chapter 8: Mandatory and Directory Statutes 5. Statutes prescribing procedural requirements – A
statute which requires a court to exercise its
Mandatory Statute – is a statute which commands either jurisdiction in a particular manner, follow a
positively that something be done or performed in a particular procedure, or subject to certain
particular way, or negatively that something be not done, limitations, is mandatory, and an act beyond those
leaving the person concerned no choice on the matter except limits is void as in excess of jurisdiction.
to obey. It contains words of command or of prohibition.
SCR: Where failure to comply with certain procedural
SCR: Where a statute is mandatory, the court has no power requirements will have the effect of rendering the act done
to distinguish between material and immaterial breach in connection therewith void, the statute prescribing such
thereof or omission to comply with what it requires. What requirement is regarded as mandatory, even though the
the law decrees must be obeyed against pain of sanction or language used therein is permissive in nature.
declaration of nullity of what is done in disregard of. (Sarina
vs. CFI-Bukidnon, 24 SCRA 715) 6. Election laws on conduct of election – The provision
of election laws governing the conduct of elections
Uses: shall, must, ought, should; prohibitions such as cannot, and prescribing the steps election official are
shall not, ought not required to do in connection therewith are
mandatory before the elections; however when it is
1. Statutes conferring power – statutes which confer sought to enforce them after the elections, they are
upon a public body or office of power to perform held to be directory only, if that is possible,
acts which concern the public interests or rights of especially where, if they are held to be mandatory,
individuals, are generally regarded as mandatory innocent voters will be deprived of their votes
although the language used is permissive only since without any fault on their part.
such statutes are construed as imposing rather than
conferring privileges. The intent of the legislature 7. Election laws on qualification and disqualification –
was not to devolve a mere discretion, but to impose mandatory before but not after the election applies
a positive and absolute duty which can be enforced. only to those which are procedural in nature
affecting the conduct of elections as well as to those
2. Statutes granting benefits – which require certain which direct or require election officials to do or
steps to be taken or certain conditions to be met perform acts to preserve the sanctity of the ballot.
before persons concerned can avail of the benefits Rule does not apply to provisions of election laws
conferred by law are mandatory. prescribing the time limit to file certificates of
candidacy and qualifications & disqualifications to
 vigilantibus et non dormientebus jura elective office.
subvenit – the laws aid the vigilant, not
those who slumber on their rights. SCR: Where a candidate is, by law, disqualified, the
 Potior est in tempore, potior est in jure – he circumstance that he received the highest number of votes
who is first in time is preferred. does not qualify him for the office, nor does it validate his
3. Statutes prescribing jurisdictional requirements –
the general rule is that statutory requirements by 8. Statutes prescribing qualifications for office – if a
which courts or tribunals acquire jurisdiction to hear person is not qualified at the time he assumed
and decide particular actions must be strictly office, or if he loses such eligibility or qualifications
complied with before the courts or tribunals can during the continuance of his incumbency, he may
have authority to proceed. be ousted from office.

4. Statutes prescribing time to take action or to 9. Statutes relating to assessment of taxes – It is a

appeal – have been held as absolutely indispensible general rule that the provisions of the statute
to the prevention of needless delays and to the relating to assessment of taxes, which are intended
orderly and speedy discharge of business, and are for the security of the citizens, or to insure the
necessary incident to the proper, efficient, and equality of taxation, or for certainty as to the nature
orderly discharge of judicial functions. and amount of each other’s tax, are mandatory; but
those designed merely for the information or
 reipublicae ut sit finis litium – public interest direction of officers to secure methodological and
requires that by very nature there must be systematic modes of proceeding are merely
an end to a legal controversy directory.
 motu proprio – on motion of the plaintiff
Statutory Construction R.E. Agpalo Textbook, 2009 edition
SCR: When the laws are intended for the protection of the
citizens and to prevent a sacrifice of their property, and a
disregard of which their rights might be, and generally
would be, injuriously affected, they are not directory but

10. Statutes concerning public auction sale – The

prescribed steps must be followed strictly;
otherwise, the sale at public auction shall be void.

Directory Statutes – a statute which is permissive or

discretionary in nature and merely outlines the act to be
done in such a way that no injury can result from ignoring it
or that its purpose can be accomplished in a manner other
than that prescribed and substantially the same result

Uses: may

1. Statutes prescribing guidance for officers –

designed to secure order, system and dispatch in
proceedings, and by a disregard of which the rights
of the parties interested may not be injuriously
affected. Not usually regarded as mandatory unless
accompanied by negative words importing that the
acts required shall not be done in any manner or
time than that designated.

2. Statutes prescribing manner of judicial action – As a

rule, are merely directory. Procedure is secondary
importance to substantive right, and the non-
observance of such procedure should never be
permitted to affect substantive right, unless the
intention of the legislature is clearly expressed.

3. Statutes requiring rendition of decision within

prescribed period

SCR: Where a statute specifies the time at or within

which an act is to be done by a public officer or
body, it is generally held to be directory only as to
the time, and not mandatory unless time is of the
essence of the thing to be done, or the language of
the statute contains negative words, or shows that
the designation of the time was intended as a
limitation of power, authority or right.

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