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Unit Raio (Rs.

le ob

• IOf struuurl't w11h ;ill 1oolt/ so

10 lt-0111c h1rgt \ ' U\llllg Co11cr rt Cowtr Blod wllh •IItooh/ tuU!!s/

I "' "Ith com i. I I! Ob

L•lio111 chut'''"' h••na of Weep holes" 1n "'""'1ur,.,

tvvr llbu tmf n1.R rta•nln1wall ) 1111111 all 1ools/ 1tckles/ hbour, wllh complelt'
0 30

12 f ,.,ni: Q I ·n1std dralnagl! spouu w1lh down p pt complcie as pl!r draw1n1s

L---- and as pt r releva nt clau\l's of sections 2705.

lbour CharQI'!> for coocr cl•nr of Cr J 1brr•rr ahv sra I!) In all hel9hts wil h 11 tooh/ 11c .ll'\/l1bour compJt'IC l11t

rl•lt with w I 1n v.llh mI

Labour 1ob lar c.ntrng of Ptstal (on pier cap for 1eu1ng of boi.lrrng ) wrt h

compt ic '''"' Binding. shu11c11ng 1nd corir rl!tll\8 .ind curing '" all heights

"1th all toob Ii.leiffs l;ibour with com lt'lf' ob

filln& tn positron of beanncs POT/PTFE/Sphtrlcal .irina (1111 type) true linf



and level
15 ratrs Ill! Including hhrng grout
a and f1-.lna u pl'r drawing
hn•toll sptc lfrca1lons s
rct lo11
8l i Part II) 1nd lllC -83 (Parl 111)
1-- -1 2

_ _J- I-----
labour cnari!t'S lor r1.,ni 11"1 oosmon ol S1r1p S.•al C•p1ns1on Jol111 iltl!""ll to
m•••m u'1l hor•1ontal movement upto 80 !Tim lntl.id111e !orm work shutltr• nl).
suillold1nq, >hor11ng,concr cune weld1
ll M r wll h com I
nll helfihl wllhaU 1ool1/
pf'r dr;i....ns and >J>«ifrcauon nch.1d•na Bed Oreuins. PCC. R1ft,Wall ll;ib
nlorcenicnt slt'elcuttmi:. bend ng.f,.lng with blnd•n1 wrre
k&f MT),r. 1ngo!'"P hO'" & 1•11, wrth Covt't blocl made by the contr.ctor
nd & Cemt'11t wll be prOvldcd by ORAIPL) .shu11"1nn wor\ , pouilng of
concrete,Curing for l<l days (labour jObJ 111 wo1 tomplete as per d,.,.,1ng &
tl'ch11 al s1frc111ons.Rilt's •re h'ltlud1ni: •od•n11, ul'lloadmg. oand shihong of
iteel and shullt'ftniJ matenol •nd housekeep•nc Shut1r1 n1maitrlal willbt p1ov dt bt Companv
l e &hi from ln11en level up 10 1 2 Mu)

s•cne P1:ch1nc'" th placins ol Oller media, ll!vel l•ng and compacting
:. r ue ll!'.ld of stoni'w•t h•n
m from f11•n .ire.a Cull' 22.5
H1omr Pipe • l m Dial u P" lhel & Al•snment 1n single ROW
a ;irov•dl'd by the Cmployt'!

RMt ... .
•' .) I,)

: ### "'or i; c.c

,.. th thl' htlp
of er
IEn:.sne c' p pt cul y. th PCC Conart l' Cum

.. l!l&ld
ra- n

on for Cu"-ert v,1:Jl spec•f·ed boulder lU' nd plum conuetc ii\ per
t l!Crl1:at•on
ap•cn for Cul •t•t w11h specif ed bouf d1:1 i11e as per drawln1 &
t• ..

Scanned by CamSca1U1er
• ru nd11
'Ra\ fo• Minor Bridge/ Maio• B11dr.e/ fly Over /Roe
Sl No. Desc:r lpt loll of works U nit R
A) Earth work for s1ructu1'
arth wor In F •cJI 1oon lor siructure urito lm Depth by
ma nual mellns and d s osal of ma \erla h u lo SO m
Cum so
2 •nll (1ndud1nt levell1ng & proper coinpaCtlon ror loundat oo ol tne struc1u r1 Sqm
Bl'd pren
3 and r1lh ng man11alv (lotludlng prooer compctton for tlie foundalf on of t ht
4 labour ,tiarge tor Sludge remov•ne w11h illl lool/1ac le/labou1 c.ornplele
B) huuer1n worl< for structures
l.Dbour charge for \hutlering ,c:enter1n1lndudl ng de-shuttering cleanlnfl and oiling In all
11ht wit h 111 tooh /tacl.le.s/IJbOJ•.loadlng Unloading & lhlfllng of shuuering
als and proper house kewlnl! with complete: tnb.
Ion R1fl .Pile Ca11)

Stlgl"I wllti H-Fr1 / coupler systcmfpropjock /Cri bs and pipe

accessories,Iona & cross ruoricr beams .onmery,secondry,Briackru

of super structure /deck slab rat es are 1nclud1ne dc·stagglnc In all

/llddes /llb011r ,loadlnc Unlod1ng & sh1f11nc ol 1hu11e11ng
llou•knpf l'11w11h complete Job
MT 3800
Ml 4000
MT 4200
8 Cum 15
Ill tools /tackles
8·A w-.-.pump
Cum 150
Cum 140
1SL No. -
Rate (Rs.,]
A) E rth work lfor Structure
Description of works Unit
l Earth WorkIn hcavat1on for tructure upto lm Depth by
manual mean ilnd d1spoHIof mn1erial upto !>Om
2 Dres,tnc (lnclud nalcvclllng & proper compac tt0n for loundi1t1on or the structure) Sqm 10

a Sand Filling manualy (1ndud1ng proper compaction for the found.\t1on of th!? structure) Cum 20

... Labour chargelor Sludae removing with all tools/tatl;tes/labour completr job) Cum 80

8) Shutterlni: work for structurl!S I

Labour charge for shuttering,centeringincluding de- si:uttenng deaning and 01llngin all
s height with all tools /t1d<IM/labour.lo0>dms Unlod1ng & shlhlng or hu11er1ng materials and

proper houe keeping "'1th complete job .

Sqm 150
Labour charge for Staggins with "H·Fr:ime/ coupll!r system/ prop Jack system" of pipe
lnduding 8rac1ng.acceuones,long & cross runne1 beams ect. UP to bottom of structure
6 /dee¥.. slablnclud nc dc-shuttcringIn all hc1ghlWith all tools /tackles/labour ,load•na
Unlod1ng & sh ft•nEJ of shutteringmate11.1ls and prooer house keepnng Y.ith complete 1ob

Cl Rl!tnforcement Work for Structurl.'

LilbOUI ch;irge ru1 Ka111lorcemel'\l St1aightemng cu1t1ng 81.'nding Binding & placc1ne of I
steel w11h all & Leild for 8 mm 01• to 32 mm D•a 1ndudtni,binding wire ( wire will be

supplied by Companv on deb1t<lble basis) In all he•ght with '111 tools/tackle /l<lbour complate

7 ,.R.ltes inctudlncloading ,un loiidtng,shlhanc or steel and pcyment shall be made as per appro;red Bar Bcnd•ng Schedule
MT 4000

D) Concrete work for Structure

' Labour charges for concreting ol PCC by Manual in all height with all tools

/tackles /labour complece including bed dresing .Shuttering & de shuttering and Cum 150

cunna for 14 davs.

labour charges tor caner et ng of RCC In all height with all tools /tackles /labour complete mclud ng n..rng, removing ,cleaning
ll'\/l1bour compJt'IC l11tludln1: 'itrrf co11ln1Lblnd1na,ll •ln11 sclloldtng \hullt't1ng do shuttrrma. .sho11n1. li•ing bast
Rmt 800
U nit Rate (Rs.J

ruc1u r1 Sqm 10
foundalf on of t ht> srru,tuwl C11rn 20
abou1 c.ornplele jobs Cum 80

Sqm 140
Sqm 160
Sm 200

Curn so

m 150

Cum so
m 10

Cum 20

m 80

kles/labour ,load•na Cum 40

o;red Bar Bcnd•ng Schedule.

n..rng, removing ,cleaning of concrete pump lines and curing 1...'"" "'...
. .sho11n1. li•ing bast plate ,l1•1n1

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