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Proposition Defined

Bases for Propositional Logic (

· Law of Identity or “Logical Identity”
· Law of Excluded Middle
· Law of Non-Contradiction

What is a Proposition? (

· It is a declarative sentence that is either false or true (NOT both)
False (F) or 0
True (T) or 1

Propositional Game (

· Elephants are bigger than mice.
· 520 < 111
· y>5
· Today is January 1 and 99 < 5.
· Please do not fall asleep.
· If elephants were red, they could hide in cherry trees.
· x < y if and only if y > x.

Logical Connectives

Compound Proposition (

· It is a new proposition constructed by combining one (1) or more existing propositions

· Negation (Ø or!)
Venn Diagram:

Truth Table:
p Øp
False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1
True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0

· Logical Conjunction (Ù)

Truth Table: Venn Diagram:
P q pÙ q
False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0
False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0
True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0
True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1
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· Logical Disjunction (Ú)

Truth Table: Venn Diagram:
p q pÚ q
False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0
False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1
True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1
True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1
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· Implication (Þ or ®)
Truth Table: Venn Diagram:
p q p®q
False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1
False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1
True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0
True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1
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o Related Implications That Can Be Formed From p®q

§ Converse –p®q becomes q®p
§ Contrapositive – p®q becomes Øq®Øp
§ Inverse – p®q becomes Øp®Øq

· Bi-conditional (Û or «)
Truth Table: Venn Diagram:
p q p«q
False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1
False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0
True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0
True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1
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· XOR or exclusive OR (Å)

Truth Table: Venn Diagram:
p q pÅq
False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0 False (F) or 0
False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1
True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0 True (T) or 1
True (T) or 1 True (T) or 1 False (F) or 0
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· Practice Exercise
o Express each of the proposition in an English sentence as negation of p, conjunction, disjunction, implication
and bi-conditional (
§ p: It is raining
§ q: I am indoors

· Precedence of Logical Operators (

Precedence level Operator
1 Negation (Ø or!)
2 Logical Conjunction (Ù)
3 Logical Disjunction (Ú)
4 Implication (Þ or ®)
5 Bi-conditional (Û or «)

· Precedence of Logical Operators (O'Donnell, J., Hall, C. & Page, R., 2007)
o Øp Ù q
o Ø Øp
o pÚqÙr
o pÙqÙrÙs
o pÙqÚrÚuÙv
o pÙq®pÚq
o p®q®r®s

Tautology, Contradiction, Contingency, Logical Equivalence

· Tautology – It is any statement that is TRUE regardless of the truth values of the constituent parts
Venn Diagram:

· Example (
o Show by the use of the truth table (truth matrix) that the statement p Ú Øp is a tautology

· Practice Exercise (Waner, S. & Costenoble, S. (1996))

o Show by the use of the truth table (truth matrix) that the statement (pÚq) Ú [(Øp) Ù ( Øq)] is a tautology

· Contradiction – It is any statement that is FALSE regardless of the truth values of the constituent parts
Venn Diagram:

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· Example (
o Show by the use of the truth table (truth matrix) that the statement p Ù Øp is a contradiction

· Practice Exercise (Waner, S. & Costenoble, S. (1996))

o Show by the use of the truth table (truth matrix) that the statement (pÚq) Ù [( Øp)Ù( Øq)] is a contradiction

· Contingency – It is any statement that is NEITHER a tautology NOR a contradiction


· Example
o Show by the use of the truth table (truth matrix) that the statement p ® Ø p is a contingency (Cabero, J., Lopez, R.,
Salamat, L. & Sta. Maria, A. (2010))

· Logical Equivalence
o These are two (2) different compound propositions that have EXACTLY the SAME/IDENTICAL truth value in
every model (Orenstein, A. & Kotatko, P. (2000).)
Negation/ Logical Logical
Laws Implication/ Conjunction Disjunction
Exportation (AND) Form (OR) Form
Identity pÙT ≡ p pÚF ≡ p
Commutative pÙq ≡ qÙp pÚq ≡ qÚp
pÙ(qÙr) ≡ pÚ(qÚr) ≡
(pÙq)Ùr (pÚq)Úr
pÙ(qÚr) ≡ pÚ(qÙr) ≡
Distributive (pÙq) Ú (pÚq) Ù
(pÙr) (pÚr)
p Ù Øp ≡ F p Ú Øp ≡ T
Idempotency p∧p≡p p∨p≡p
Zero (0) and one
pÙF ≡ F pÚT ≡ T
p ≡ ØØp
/Double Negation
Ø (p ∧ q) ≡ Ø (p ∨ q) ≡
De Morgan's
Øp ∨ Øq Øp ∧ Øq
Absorption or p ∧ (p ∨ q) ≡ p ∨ (p ∧ q) ≡
Redundancy p p
Exportation (aka (p ∧ q) ® r ≡
Currying) p ® (q ® r)
Table 1 Replacement Rules (

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· Example
o Show by the use of the truth table (truth matrix) that the two (2) compound propositions p ≡ Ø Øp are logically
equivalent (Cabero, J., Lopez, R., Salamat, L. & Sta. Maria, A. (2010))
o Show by the use of replacement rules that the two (2) compound propositions Ø (p ∨ (Øp ∧ q) ≡ Ø p ∧ Øq are
logically equivalent (

· Practice Exercise (Cabero, J., Lopez, R., Salamat, L. & Sta. Maria, A. (2010))
o Show by the use of replacement rules that the two (2) compound propositions below are logically equivalent
§ p®q≡Øq®Øp
§ (Ø p ∧ q) ∧ (q ® p) ≡ F


Cabero, J., Lopez, R., Salamat, L. & Sta. Maria, A. (2010). Discrete Mathematics 1. Quad Alpha Centrum Bldg., 125 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong
City: National Book Store.
Converse, Inverse, & Contrapositive (n. d.) Retrieved from
CSc 245 — Introduction to Discrete Structures (McCann) The Page O’ Logical Equivalences (“POLE”) (2014) Retrieved from
Discrete Mathematics 1-1. Logic (2009) Retrieved from
Orenstein, A. & Kotatko, P. (2000). Knowledge, Language and Logic: Questions for Quine. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Logic (2003) Retrieved from
Logical Connective (n. d.) Retrieved from
Math 114(2/3) Discrete Mathematics 2. Logical Equivalence (2003) Retrieved from
O'Donnell, J., Hall, C. & Page, R. (2007), Discrete Mathematics Using a Computer, Springer, p. 120, ISBN 9781846285981.
Paschke, J. (2015). Working with Logic Retrieved from
Propositional Equivalences (n. d.) Retrieved from
Propositional Logic (2014) Retrieved from
The Laws of Thought (n. d.) Retrieved from
Waner, S. & Costenoble, S. (1996), Introduction to Logic (2001) Retrieved from
WUCT Discrete Mathematics Logic (n. d.) Retrieved from

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