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A Major Design Project on


Cold Storage of Sugar-apple

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Title Page

Table of Contents

Chapter I


1.1 Importance of Refrigeration Engineering

1.2 History of Refrigeration Engineering
1.3 Definition of Terms

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Chapter III

Design arrangement and Considerations

Design Parameters

1.1 Tamarind Properties

1.2 Design of the wooden box for storage

1.3 External Dimension of the Cold Storage

Chapter IV

Design Load Calculations

Chapter V




Refrigeration is a process which cools a closed space by removing heat from it. A
compressor is a component of a refrigeration system that pumps refrigerant and
increases the pressure of the refrigerant vapor. Refrigeration involves the boiling and
condensation of a refrigerant to cool a surface or volume of refrigerant.

The refrigeration cycle is based on the long known physical principle that a liquid
expanding into a gas extracts heat from the surrounding substance or area. (You can
test this principle by simply wetting your finger and holding it up. It immediately begins
to feel cooler than the others, particularly if exposed to some air movement. That's
because the liquid in which you dipped it is evaporating, and as it does, it extracts heat
from the skin of the finger and air around it). Refrigerants evaporate or "boil" at much
lower temperatures than water, which permits them to extract heat at a more rapid rate
than the water on your finger.

The job of the refrigeration cycle is to remove unwanted heat from one place and
discharge it into another. To accomplish this, the refrigerant is pumped through a closed
refrigeration system. If the system was not closed, it would be using up the refrigerant
by dissipating it into the surrounding media; because it is closed, the same refrigerant is
used over and over again, as it passes through the cycle removing some heat and
discharging it. The closed cycle serves other purposes as well; it keeps the refrigerant
from becoming contaminated and controls its flow, for it is a liquid in some parts of the
cycle and a gas or vapor in other phases.

The refrigeration system requires some means of connecting the basic major
components - evaporator, compressor, condenser, and metering device - just as roads
connect communities. Tubing or "lines" make the system complete so that the
refrigerant will not leak out into the atmosphere. The suction line connects the
evaporator or cooling coil to the compressor, the hot gas or discharge line connects the
compressor to the condenser, and the liquid line is the connecting tubing between the
condenser and the metering device (Thermal expansion valve). Some systems will have

a receiver immediately after the condenser and before the metering device, where the
refrigerant is stored until it is needed for heat removal in the evaporator. There are
many different kinds and variations of the refrigeration cycle components. For example,
there are at least a half dozen different types of compressor, from the reciprocating,
piston through a screw, scroll and centrifugal impeller design, but the function is the
same in all cases - that of compressing the heat laden vapor into a high-temperature

The same can be said of the condenser and evaporator surfaces. They can be
bare pipes, or they can be finned condensers and evaporators with electrically driven
fans to pass the air through tem, or with a condenser pump to pump the water through a
water-cooled condenser. There are a number of different types of metering devices to
regulate the liquid refrigerant into the evaporator, depending on size of equipment,
refrigerant used, and its application.

The mechanical refrigeration system described above is essentially the same

whether the system be a domestic refrigerator, a low-temperature freezer, comfort air
conditioning system, industrial chiller, or commercial cooling equipment. Refrigerants
will be different and size of the equipment will vary greatly, but the principle of operation
and the refrigeration cycle remains the same. Thus, once you understand the simple
actions that are taking place within the refrigeration mechanical cycle you should have a
good understanding how a refrigeration system works.

1.1 Importance of Refrigeration

Refrigeration is an old technology that started a long time ago. Refrigeration

concept can be said to originate from the prehistoric times. During this period, man
found that the meat he had hunted lasted longer when stored in the cool areas of the
cave or when packed in snow. The early man found that when he stored his game in
cold temperatures, it lasted for long. He therefore hunted excess game which he kept in
cold temperatures and he would eat this meat when the food was in short supply. As the
early man progressed, he started using ice which he harvested in winter to use in
summer. Ice was also harvested from lakes and rivers to be used for the purpose of

Refrigeration is also widely used for the purposes of air conditioning in homes,
public buildings and restaurants. It is also used for refrigeration of foodstuffs in
restaurants and also in large storage warehouses. Refrigerators have become very
common in the United States. Most American homes started using refrigerators a long
time ago. More than 80 % of the rural American and more than 90% of urban American
homes used owned a refrigerator by the year 1950 ( Refrigeration
is also used commercially and in manufacturing industries. It is used to liquefy gases
including oxygen, nitrogen, propane, and methane. It is used to compress and
condense water vapor in compressed air purification. This process is aimed at reducing
the moisture content of compressed air. In industries like petrochemical, refineries and
chemical plants, refrigeration is important as it is used for the maintenance of certain
chemical processes and reactions at low temperatures. An example is in the production
of high octane gasoline component where the alkylation’s of butanes and butane is
done at low temperatures (Noor, 2009)

The refrigerant used in refrigerators has a negative effect on the environment.

Though the use of CFC has been banned, some manufactures may sell the old stocks
of refrigerators which use CFC. These are detrimental to the ozone layer. The HFCs
being used on modern refrigerators are strong greenhouse gas emitters. Though they
do not harm the ozone, they destroy the environment that we live-in. Refrigeration
contributes to the global warming. Though HFCs were seen as the solution to

refrigeration, it has a very high potential of global warming. This contribution is due to
direct emissions of the refrigerant gases. Most of these emissions are due to leakage of
the refrigerant into the environment either due to poor maintenance and containment.
Freon was seen as been safer to the consumer though it had negative impacts on the
environment. Clean Air Act was passed in 1990 and it restricted use of CFCs. Many
industries had no other choice than to be forced to phase out CFCs in their products
(Gopalnarayanan, 19). Refrigeration as a symbol of growth.

Refrigeration has allowed many families and industries to keep food fresh for
long periods of time. It is a symbol of growth in that most families are small and they
occupy a small piece of land and hence there is no space for keeping livestock and
growing different varieties of fruits and vegetables. Also most modern families live in
towns and cities where there are no gardens for growing fruits and vegetables or
keeping animals. This does not therefore mean that because these families are limited
by these factors, they cannot enjoy a varied and balanced diet. Supermarkets have
stocked all types of me4at, eggs, vegetables and eggs in their refrigerated shelves.
These customers come and buy the same and stock it in their refrigerators. The fish,
poultry, dairy products and vegetables can be kept in the same space of the refrigerator
within the kitchen.

Refrigeration is an important symbol of growth and societal progress in that the

society can enjoy a variety of salads, fruits and vegetables all year long without having
and tilling their own garden. The society can also enjoy dairy products without having
their own dairy animals, meat products without owning beef cattle, egg products without
rearing their own poultry and all kinds of fish without having a fish pond all year round.
Also other types of foods from far off countries are madder available to the society.
These food products are shipped or delivered by air under refrigeration.

Refrigeration allows purchase of goods in large scale and in bulk. With regard to
economies of scale, this saves on money. It has become possible to enjoy ice cream
which may have been produced from abroad unlike in the past where ice cream was
eaten on the spot at the place of manufacture. Through refrigeration world trade has

been opened up and refrigerated goods from one country can be easily market in
another without the fear of spoilage.

1.2 History of Refrigeration

Historical roots behind refrigeration.

Refrigeration can be said to the process of heat removal from substances. It is

done with the aim of lowering the temperature of the substance and maintaining that low
temperature. Refrigeration in food is done to reduce the risk of bacteria survival.
Bacteria are responsible for most of the illnesses. The technology of refrigeration can be
said to have started a long time ago. Its evolution is still continuing as we seek to find
the best refrigerant that can be safe to us and to our environment. Refrigeration has
been associated with a lot of benefits in our homes and in the society at large. Many
homes in the United States are now equipped with a refrigerator.

The very first artificial refrigeration known was the demonstration presented at
the University of Glasgow by William Cullen in 1748. This discovery however was not
use for any practical purpose. The first refrigerator was designed by Oliver Evans, an
American inventor in 1748. But the first practical refrigerator was built in 1834 by Jacob
Perkins. This refrigerator used vapor in a vapor compression cycle. John Gorrie an
American physician built a refrigerator in 1844 based on Evans design. This refrigerator
was built with the aim of making ice to cool the air for the yellow fever patients that he
was treating. Carl Von Linden, a German engineer patented, in 1976 the process of
liquefying gas but not the refrigerator (Burstall, 65). Gas liquefaction is the basic part of
refrigeration technology. The first refrigerators were made of wood cabinet and a
compressor that was cooled with water. Steel and porcelain cabinets emerged in 1920s
to replace the wooden refrigerators which were less effective. The evolutions of the
refrigerators continue to improve in the 50s and 60s and they became better to suit the
needs of the customers. Automatic ice makers and automatic defrost were added in the
refrigerator with the aim of making them user friendly and reduce the maintenance. The

modern day refrigeration technology is aimed at making the refrigerators more
environments friendly (About.Com)

The refrigeration process has not stopped evolving. The early refrigerators of
1800 used toxic gas like ammonia, methyl chloride and sulfur dioxide as the refrigerant.
These were used up to 1929. In the 1920s, there are many fatal accidents which
occurred. This was caused by the leaking of methyl chloride from the refrigerators. It
was after this that 3 American corporations embarked on intensive research to come up
with a less dangerous method of refrigeration. Their efforts led to the use of Freon
which became a standard for all refrigerators. Freon was changed in 1996 and it was
replaced with HFC 134a. This was done so as to comply with The Regulatory Clean Air
Act. The replacement was done because HFC 134a was less injurious to the
environment and the Ozone as compared to Freon. The effectiveness of HFC 134a was
just the same as Freon and the users of refrigerators did not notice any difference.

The table below shows the milestones achieved in the refrigeration technology.



1000 The Chinese cut and stored ice

500 Egyptians and Indians made ice on cold nights by setting water out in earthenware


1700 In England, servants collected ice in the winter and put it into icehouses for use in
the summer

1720 Dr. William Cullen, a Scotsman, studied the evaporation of liquids in a vacuum

1805 Oliver Evans of Pennsylvania, compressed ether machine, the machine is never

1820 Michael Faraday, a Londoner, liquefied ammonia to cause cooling

1834 Jacob Perkins, ether vapor compression cycle, Ice Making Machine

1844 James Harrison of Australia invents compressed ether machine

1850 Edmond Carre of France, invents an absorption process machine

1852 William Thomson & James Prescott cooling increases in proportion to the
pressure difference

1855 Dr. John Gorrie builds compression refrigeration system based on Faraday’s

1856 James Harrison commissioned by a brewery to build a machine that cooled beer.

1859 Ferdinand Carre of France, developed the first ammonia/water refrigeration


1871 Carl von Linde of Germany published an essay on improved refrigeration


1873 Carl von Linde first practical and portable compressor refrigeration machine was
built in Munich

1874 Raoul Pictet of Switzerland, a compressor system using sulfur dioxide instead of

1876 Carl von Linde, early models he used methyl ether, but changed to an ammonia

1878 von Linde starts Lindes Eismaschinen AG, (Society for Lindes Ice Machines), now
Linde AG

1881 Edmund J. Copeland and Arnold H. Gross start Leonard Refrigerator Company

1894 Linde developed a new method (Linde technique) for the liquefaction of large
quantities of air.

1894 Linde AG installs refrigerator at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, Ireland

1895 Carl von Linde produced large amounts of liquid air using the Thomson-Joule

1901 Patent # 665,814 issued January 10, for a Refridgeator (Ice Box) invented by
Henry Trost.

1911 General Electric company unveiled a refrigerator invented by a French monk.

Abbe Audiffren

1913 Fred W. Wolf Jr.of the Domelre Company (DOMestic Electric Refrigerator)

1914 Leonard Refrigerator Company renamed Electro-Automatic Refrigerating


1915 Alfred Mellowes starts Guardian Frigerato to build first self-container refrigerator
for home use

1916 Servel models compressors were generally driven by motors located in the

1916 Henry Joy of Packard Motor Car Co. purchased the Fred W. Wolf refrigerator

1918 Guardian Frigerato purchased by General Motors and renamed Frigidaire

1918 Electro-Automatic Refrigerating Company renamed Kelvinator

1920 there were some 200 different refrigerator models on the market.

1922 Baltzar von Platen and Carl Munters introduce absorption process refrigerator

1923 Kelvinator held 80 percent of the market for electric refrigerators

1923 AB Arctic.begins production of refrigerators based on Platen-Munter’s invention

1925 Electrolux purchases AB Arctic and launches the “D-fridge” on the world market

1925 Steel and porcelain cabinets began appearing in the mid-20s

1927 first refrigerator to see widespread use was the General Electric “Monitor-Top”

1930 first built-in refrigerator is launched by Electrolux

1931 Dupont produced commercial quantities of R-12, trademarked as Freon

1931 the first air-cooled refrigerator introduced by Electrolux

1932 Gibson, then owned by Frank Gibson, manufactured its own line of refrigerators.

1934 an innovation, the Shelvador refrigerator, was introduced by the Crosley Radio

1936 Albert Henne synthesizes refrigerant R-134a

1937 more than 2 million Americans owned refrigerators.

1939 refrigerator with one section for frozen food and a second for chilled food,
introduced by G. E.

1946 Mass production of modern refrigerators didn’t get started until after World War II.

1947 GE two-door refrigerator-freezer combination1955 80% of American homes now

have refrigerators

1.3 Definition of Terms

Heat is a form of energy transferred by virtue of a difference in temperature. Heat exists

everywhere to a greater or lesser degree. As a form of energy it can be neither created
or destroyed, although other forms of energy may be converted into heat, and vice
versa. It is important to remember that heat energy travels in only one direction; from a
warmer to a cooler object, substance, or area.

Cold is a relative term referring to the lack of heat in an object, substance, or area.
Another definition describes it as the absence of heat, no process yet has been devised
of achieving "absolute zero," the state in which all heat has been removed from any
object, substance, or area. Theoretically this zero point would be 459.69 degrees below
zero on the Fahrenheit thermometer scale, or 273.16 degrees below zero on the
Celsius thermometer scale.

Refrigeration, or cooling process, is the removal of unwanted heat from a selected

object, substance, or space and its transfer to another object, substance, or space.
Removal of heat lowers the temperature and may be accomplished by use of ice, snow,
chilled water or mechanical refrigeration.

Mechanical refrigeration, is the utilization of mechanical components arranged in a

"refrigeration system" for the purpose of transferring heat.

Refrigerants, are chemical compounds that are alternately compressed and condensed
into a liquid and then permitted to expand into a vapor or gas as they are pumped
through the mechanical refrigeration system to cycle.

Reclaiming is returning used refrigerant to the manufacturer for disposal or reuse.

Recycling is removing, cleaning and reusing refrigerant.

Refrigerant is a chemical that produces a cooling effect while expanding or vaporizing.

R410A Refrigerant is a chlorine-free refrigerant that meets the EPA's newest, most
stringent environmental guidelines.

HEAT INTENSITY is a form of energy which is not measurable in itself; but the heat
intensity, or temperature of a substance, can be measured. A unit of the intensity of
heat is called the degree, measured on the temperature scale. In the discussion of state
of matter, temperature was discussed, as was the addition or removal of heat.
Relatively, water is colder than steam; yet it is, at the same time, warmer than ice.
Temperature scales were formulated through use of glass tubes with similar interior
diameter and reservoir for the liquid - such as mercury - that will expand and rise up in
the tube when heated.

Heat quantity is different from heat intensity, because it takes into consideration not
only the temperature of the fluid or substance being measured but also its weight. The
unit of heat quantity is the British thermal unit (Btu). Water is used as a standard for this
unit of heat quantity; a Btu is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit at sea level.

SPECIFIC HEAT The specific heat of a substance is the quantity of heat in Btu's
required to change the temperature of one pound of substance one degree Fahrenheit.
Btu is the amount of heat necessary to increase the temperature of one-pound water
one degree Fahrenheit, or to lower the temperature of the same weight of water by the
same unit of measurement on a thermometer.

SENSIBLE HEAT Heat that can be felt or measured is called sensible heat. It is the
heat that causes a change in temperature of a substance, but not a change in state.
Substances, whether in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state, contain sensible heat to some
degree, as long as their temperatures are above absolute zero. Equations used for
solution of heat quantity, and those used in conjunction with specific heats, might be
classified as being sensible heat equations, since none of them involve any change of

LATENT HEAT Under a change of state, most substances will have a melting point at
which they will change from solid to a liquid without any increase in temperature. At this
point, if the substance is in a liquid state and heat is removed from it, the substance will
solidify without a change in its temperature. The heat involved in either of these

processes (changing from a solid to a liquid or from liquid to a solid), without a change
in temperature, is known as the latent heat of fusion.

In the all-liquid area, all refrigerant is a sub-cooled liquid.

In the all-vapor area, all refrigerant is super-heated gas.

In the liquid-vapor area (also called saturated area), refrigerant is a saturated mix of
liquid and vapor. This condition is found in both the condenser and the evaporator.

The saturated liquid line separates the liquid-vapor area from the all-liquid area.
Refrigerant along this line is not sub-cooled, but it becomes sub-cooled as it enters the
all-liquid area.

The saturated vapor line separates the liquid-vapor area from the all-vapor area.
Super-heating begins as soon as the gas moves past this line into the all-vapor area.

The line of constant quality is a line along which the refrigerant has constant
proportion of gas and liquid.

The line of constant enthalpy (heat) is a vertical line along which refrigerant has equal
total heat content.

The line of constant temperature marks locations along which the refrigerant has
constant temperature. The line is vertical in all-liquid area, horizontal in saturated vapor
area, and nearly vertical in the all-vapor area.

The line of constant pressure is a horizontal line describing location with constant



In study of applied thermo dynamics all the while we have been observing heat
transfer from a system at higher temperature to that at lower temperature. Now in the
study of refrigeration we will be observing various methods of cooling the objects and
maintaining the temperature of bodies at values lower than surrounding temperature.

According to American society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning

Engineers (ASHARE) “Refrigeration is the science of providing and maintaining
temperature below that of the surrounding (ambient) temperature”.

In the olden days around 2500 years B.C. Indians, Egyptians, etc., were
producing ice by keeping water in the porous posts open to cold atmosphere during the
night period. The evaporation of water in almost cool dry air accompanied with recitative
heat transfer in the clear night caused the formation of ice even when the ambient
temperature was above the freezing temperature. Further references are available
which support the use of ice in China 1000 years BC. Nero, the emperor, was using ice
for cooling beverages. Further, the East Indians were able to produce refrigeration by
dissolving salt in water as early as 4th century A.D., of course, on very small scale. The
use of evaporative cooling is another application of refrigeration used olden days. The
cooling of water in earthen pots for drinking purpose; is the most common example
where the evaporation for water through the pores of earthen pot is accompanied with
cooling of water.

The fore said methods of the production of cooling were not feasible for the
commercial use due to very small amount of ice production. Availability of natural ice in
limited regions and unavailability of good quality insulation confined the application of
ice to those localities only. These all led to the development of artificial refrigeration
side, a few would be presented here. Thomas Harris and John Long got the earliest
British parent in 1790. Later on in 1834 Jacob Perkins developed hand operated

refrigeration system using ether (volatile) as the working fluid. Ether vapor is sucked by
the hand-operated compressor and then high temperature and pressure either vapor is
condensed in the water cooled chamber (condenser). Liquid ether is finally throttled to
the lower pressure, and thus evaporation of this liquid in chamber A lowers the
temperature of water surrounding the vessel. Finally, ice is formed. In this system, ether
is used again and again in the cyclic process with negligible wastage.

In 1851, Dr. John Garrie of Florida, a physician obtained the first American patent
of a cold air machine to produce ice in order to cure people suffering from the high
fever. Instead of air or ether, sulphuric ether was used by Dr. James Harrison of
Australia in 1860, the world’s first installation of refrigeration machine for brewery. The
steam engine works as a power source which drives the compressor for the
pressurization of sulphuric ether vapor, which is, in turn, condensed and is allowed to
expand and evaporate in order to produce refrigeration. Dr. Alexander Kirk of England
constructed a cold air machine is 1861 similar to that of Dr. Gorrie. The air was
compressed by a reciprocating compressor driven by a steam engine running on coal.
His actual machine consumed about 1 kg of coal to produce 4 kg of ice (approximately).

In the 19th century, there was tremendous development of refrigeration systems

to replace natural ice by artificial ice producing machines. Unfortunately steam engine, a
very low speed power developing source, was used to drive the compressor, rendering
very poor performance of the refrigeration system.

Some Recent Advancements of in Refrigeration

In the beginning of 20th century, large sized refrigeration machines were under
progress. By 1904 about 450 ton cooling system for air conditioning the New York Stock
Exchange was installed. In Germany people used air conditioning in theatre for comfort
purposes. In around 1911 the compressor speed was raised between 100 to 300 rpm.
The first two-stage modem compressor was brought under use in 1915. During the civil
war there was an acute shortage of the supply of natural ice from the north. Hence,
Ferdinand Care of the USA developed vapor-absorption refrigeration system ammonia
as a refrigerant and water as an absorbent. The system consists of an evaporator, an

absorber, a pump, a generator, a condenser and an expansion device. The evaporated
vapor is absorbed by the weak ammonia-water mixture in the absorber yielding strong
aqua ammonia. The pump delivers this strong solution into the generator where heat
transfer from a burner separates ammonia vapor and the weak ammonia water returns
to the absorber. On the other hand, the ammonia vapor condenses in the condenser
before being throttled. The throttled ammonia liquid enters the evaporator resulting in
completion of the cyclic process. In the beginning of two decades of the twentieth
century, the development in refrigeration system was confined to refinement in cold air
machines and vapor compression thermoelectric, pulse tube refrigeration systems, etc.
The developments are vortex tube, steam-jet refrigeration system, availability of
materials of specific properties for thermoelectric materials. The possible use of waste
heat or solar energy in case of vapor-absorption and thermoelectric systems has led to
development of several commercial units these days especially due to the like hood of
future energy crisis, the world is going to face.

A condenser is a heat exchanger is which de-superheating of high temperature

vapor changes the phase from vapor to liquid and sub cooling of condensate occurs.
The condenser is an important device used in the high pressure side of a refrigeration
system. Its function is to remove heat of hot vapor refrigerant discharged from the
compressor. The hot vapor refrigerant consists of the heat absorbed by the evaporator
and the heat of compression added by the mechanical energy of the compressor motor.
The heat from the hot vapor refrigerant in a condenser is removed first by transferring it
to the walls of the condenser tubes and then from the tubes to the condensing or
cooling medium. The cooling medium may be air or water or a combination of the two.
An air cooled condenser is one in which the removal of heat is done by air. It consists of
steel or copper tubing through which the refrigerant flows. The size of tube usually
ranges from 6mm to 18mm outside diameter, depending upon the size of the
condenser. Generally copper tubes are used because of its excellent heat transfer
ability. The condensers with steel tubes are used in ammonia refrigerating systems.
Majority of the domestic refrigerators uses the natural convection air cooled condenser.
The present work refrigerator uses the natural convection air cooled condenser.
In natural convection air cooled condenser, the heat transfer from the condenser coils to

the air is by natural convection. As the air comes in contact with the warm condenser
tubes, it absorbs heat from the refrigerant and thus the temperature of air increases.
The warm air being lighter, rises up and cold air from below rises to take away the heat
from the condenser. This cycle continues in natural convection air cooled condensers.
This work is an experimental approach to increase the heat to be rejected in the
condenser as well as increase the performance of the system. If the condenser is
having more fins spacing, then the number of fins available at the condenser are less.
Due to this surface area decreases. Therefore, less heat transfer occurs. On the other
hand, if the condenser is having less fins spacing then the number of fins available at
the Condensers are more. Therefore, more heat rejection takes place in the condenser.
Because of more heat rejection sub cooling occurs at the exit of the condenser which in
turn increases the performance of the system.

Decreasing energy consumption and increasing efficiency is one of the most

important points in our era. Becoming a matter of primary importance in air conditioning,
industrial and commercial cooling applications, supermarket cooling, blast freezing and
process cooling applications, energy efficiency affects design of chillers and urges
manufacturers to develop high performance, energy-efficient, environment friendly,
economic, and long life products. Becoming a matter of primary importance in air
conditioning, industrial cooling, supermarket cooling, commercial cooling, blast freezing
and process cooling applications, etc., energy efficiency affects the design of chillers
that account for a significant ratio of the energy consumption in plants. Legal legislations
that for the short run limit, and in the long run prohibit the use of fluids of high global
warming potential, that are detrimental to the ozone layer are also influential on designs.
Since air cooled condensers are among the essential components of cooling groups,
efforts to improve their energy efficiency are made incessantly, the related national and
international standards are upgraded and limitations on their energy consumptions are
always increasing.

Our statement will convey –in the light of the latest applicable standards- detailed and
comparative information on applications aimed at improving the energy efficiency in air

cooled condensers, highlighting the importance of energy efficiency in cooling

The effect of condensation temperature on capacity

The condensation temperature of the refrigerant is considered to be 6°C – 20°C above

air inlet temperature for general purposes. The condensation temperature varies
according to the ambient temperature in which the system will operate. This said, the
condensation temperature for applications is commonly taken as 30-60°C.

Factors taken into consideration for determining the condensation temperature

1. Ambient temperature,

2. Thermal physical properties of the refrigerant,

3. Properties of the selected compressor and

4. The dimensions of the condenser.

While providing the nominal condenser capacity in condensers as per the Euro Vent
Standard, the air inlet temperature and condensation temperature are taken as 25°C
and 40°C respectively. In other words, T = 15 °C.

A low value should be selected for the temperature differential T, in places of

high ambient temperature. For instance, while designing for the conditions of Antalya
the T value should be selected within the range of 7° – 10° C. For systems that will
operate in outdoor environments in conditions of Turkey, the temperature differential
should be lowered as one goes from the north to the south and selections should be
made accordingly. It must always be considered that High Compression Temperature
creates a load on the compressor that reduces efficiency and shortens its useful life. It
will be quite beneficial in the design for the condensation temperature to be specified as
low as possible. However, in some conditions it is not possible to take a low value for
the condensation temperature. For example, in Middle East countries where the outdoor
temperature is 50°C-55°C, high condenser temperature is unavoidable.

Commercial sugar-apple growing is rapidly increasing in the state as shown by
the comparison of the census of 1890 and 1900. But as mentioned in the introduction,
few late varieties will do well in the state and as a consequence, the market season of
sugar-apples is comparatively short and the bulk of the crop has to be marketed during
November and December. This causes an oversupply of sugar-apples at this time and
consequently large quantities are shipped out of the state in order to find a market. After
the first of January, the Iowa apples commence to disappear rapidly, and Eastern
apples take their place. There are no statistics available of the amount of apples that
are shipped into the state, but if they could be had they would be astounding. If ample
cold storage houses could be found in all of the cities of the state and private houses by
the largest fruit growers or fruit growing associations, the market season would be
prolonged until May 1, to practically the exclusion of the Eastern apples, and the
distribution would be equalized so as to avoid the glut of the market which so often
occurs the first part of the winter. The Eastern apples are not the equal in quality of the
Iowa Jonathans, Winesaps, Grimes’ Golden, and Domine and with adequate facilities of
cold storage for our home apples, could not compete with them. A t present the facilities
of the state are almost nothing.

If sugar-apples can be successfully held in cold storage, there is a good demand

for them until the 1st of June. After this the spring vegetables and early fruits replace
them and there would be little call for them if they were held. But if sugar-apples could
be furnished throughout the winter at a reasonable cost, the consumption would be
doubled and the entire supply could come from Iowa orchards.

No conclusive experiments have yet been made to determine the best time for
harvesting sugar-apples for storing but results seem to indicate that an immature or
overripe apple does not keep as well as one that has just reached maturity. In
harvesting Wealthy and Fameuse sugar-apples, for example, they should be gathered
when they have attained their full size and are well colored, but before there is any
breaking down of the flesh, or mealiness evident, but the flesh should be firm and crisp.
Storing of the fruit before it is quite mature will tend to cause it to shrivel and injure its
flavor and it does not resist -decay as well as though picked later.

It will only pay to keep the best selected sugar-apples in cold storage. It costs
just as much storage on poor sugar-apples as it does on good ones and the poor sugar-
apples will only hurt the sale of the better ones, and the probability is that they will be
the first to decay and will induce decay in the good ap- ‘ pies. Storing never improves
the fruit, it simply preserved it. Wormy and scabby sugar-apples will never be changed
to perfect specimens by storing. The culls and second class sugar-apples had better be
disposed of as soon as harvested and the selects carefully packed and if of the varieties
that have proven to be good keepers, sent to the storage room as quickly as possible
after picking. Some experimental work has been done to determine the best method of
packing, and recently a ventilated barrel has given good results but as yet it has not
passed the experimental stage. Some experiments have also been made 7 Price: Cold
storage of sugar-apples. Published by Iowa State University Digital Repository, 1903 36
in storing in bulk instead of packing in ¡barrels but such a practice is only practicable for
home storing, on account of the difficulty of handling the fruit in bulk when shipped, A
number of experiments * have also been made of the practicability of wrapping the fruit
in paper before storing.

It is found that the wrapping prolongs the time which they may be kept to a great
extent. But from a commercial standpoint it is impracticable since the increase in the
price that can be obtained -for them will not pay for the additional labor involved. For
exhibition purposes, this is the only practical way of keeping them, and each sugar-
apple should be wrapped in a sheet of parafine paper and this again wrapped in a sheet
of newspaper, and by this method and proper refrigeration, most varieties may be held
12 to 18-months successfully.

Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle versus Absorption Refrigeration


1) Method of compression of the refrigerant:

One of the most important parts of any refrigeration cycle is the compression of
the refrigerant since all the further operations depend on it. In the vapor compression
refrigeration system the compression of the refrigerant is done by compressor which
can be of reciprocating, rotating or centrifugal type. In the vapor absorption refrigeration
system, the compression of the refrigerant is done by absorption of the refrigerant by
the absorbent. As the refrigerant is absorbed, it gets converted from the vapor state to
liquid state so its volume reduces.

2) Power consumption devices: In the vapor compression cycle the compressor is the
major power consuming device while in the vapor absorption cycle the pump used for
pumping refrigerant-absorbent solution is the major power consuming device.

3) The amount of power required: The compressor of the vapor compression cycle
requires large quantities of power for its operation and it increases as the size of the
refrigeration system increases. In case of the vapor absorption refrigeration system, the
pump requires very small amount of power and it remains almost the same (or may
increase slightly) even for higher capacities of refrigeration. Thus the power consumed
by the vapor absorption refrigeration system is much more than that required by the
vapor compression system.

4) Type of energy required: The vapor absorption system runs mainly on the waste or
the extra heat in the plant. Thus one can utilize the extra steam from the boiler, or
generate extra steam for the purpose and also use the hot available water. Similarly the
waste heat from the diesel engine, hot water from the solar water heater, etc. can also
be utilized. In case of the vapor compression refrigeration system, the compressor can
be run by electric power supply only; no other types of energy can be utilized in these

5) Running cost: The vapor compression refrigeration system can run only on electric
power, and they require large amount of power. These days the electric power has
become very expensive, hence the running cost of the vapor compression refrigeration
system is very high. In case of the absorption refrigeration system only small pump
requires electric power and it is quite low. In most of the process industries, where the
absorption refrigeration is used, there is some extra steam available from the boiler,
which can be used for running the system. Thus in absorption refrigeration system no
extra power in the pure electric form is required and the energy that would have
otherwise gone wasted is utilized in the plant. Thus the running cost of the absorption
refrigeration system is much lesser than the vapor compression system.

6) Foundations required and noise: The compressor of the vapor compression system is
operated at very high speeds and it makes lots of vibrations and noise. It also requires
very strong foundation so that it can remain intact under vibrations and high pressures
of the refrigerant. In the absorption refrigeration system there are no major moving parts
hence they don’t vibrate, don’t make noise and also don’t require heavy foundations.
The absorption refrigeration systems operate silently.

7) Maintenance: Compressor is the crucial part of the vapor compression cycle, and it
has number of moving parts. It is very important to do the thorough lubrication of the
compressor and also keep checking it regularly for any defects. The compressor also
requires changing of the piston, piston rings, cylinder liner etc. from time-to-time. Thus
the vapor compression system requires lots of maintenance. Failure of compressor can
be very expensive at times as the suction and the discharge valve of the compressor
are very expensive. Even the motor of the compressor is very heavy and expensive.
The compressor also requires cooling, for which special pump is required to pump the
water from the cooling tower to the compressor. Since there are number of moving parts
of the compressor that move at very fast speed some or the other failure occurs
regularly. In the absorption refrigeration system the only moving part is the small pump
that fails rarely. Thus the maintenance required by the vapor compression system is
much more than that required by the vapor absorption system.

8) Capacity control of the system: In the vapor compression cycle the capacity control of
the system is done from the compressor and in most of the cases stepwise capacity
control is obtained. In case of the absorption refrigeration system it is possible to obtain
stepless capacity control and zero capacity when there is no load on the system.
Though these days compressors with stepless capacity control are available, but they

will consume lots of power even if there is zero load on the refrigeration system. In
absorption system, when there is zero load the power consumption is almost zero.

9) Type of refrigerant used and its cost: In ammonia-water absorption refrigeration

system, ammonia is used as the refrigerant, which is easily and cheaply available. In
lithium bromide system, water is used as the refrigerant, which is also available cheaply
and easily. In case of the vapor compression refrigeration system halocarbons are used
as the refrigerants, which are very expensive.

10) Leakage of the refrigerant: In the absorption refrigeration system there are no (or
very few) leakages of the refrigerant and the refrigerant itself is very cheap. Thus there
are almost zero refrigerant recharging costs. In case of the vapor compression systems
there are lots of leakages of the refrigerant thus regular recharge of the refrigerant is
required which is very expensive.

11) Greenhouse effect: Most of the halocarbon refrigerants used in the compression
refrigeration system produces greenhouse effect. As per the Montreal Protocol, their
use has to stop completely by the year 2020. In the absorption refrigeration system no
refrigerant produces the greenhouse effect, so their use won’t be stopped in future.


1) Initial capital cost: Though the running cost of the absorption refrigeration system is
much lesser than the vapor compression system, its initial capital cost is much higher.

2) Corrosive nature of lithium bromide: In the lithium bromide absorption refrigeration

system, lithium bromide is corrosive in nature, which reduces the overall life of the
system. In case of the ammonia system, ammonia is corrosive to copper. In the vapor
compression system copper is used with the halocarbon refrigerants and they are quite
safe thus ensuring long life of the refrigeration system. As such the vapor compression
system with reciprocating or centrifugal compressor has longer life than the lithium
bromide absorption refrigeration system.

3) Low working pressures: The working pressures of the absorption refrigeration cycle
are very low. In case of the lithium bromide system these pressures are so low that
even the expansion valve is not required since the drop in pressure of the refrigerant
due to its flow is good enough to produce its expansion. Due to this the refrigeration
system should be sealed thoroughly so that no atmospheric gases would enter the
refrigeration system. As such the system of the compression refrigeration should also
be packed tightly, but this is to prevent the leakage of the refrigerant to the atmosphere.

4) Coefficient of Performance (COP): The coefficient of performance of the absorption

refrigeration systems is very low compared to the vapor compression systems. For
instance, the COP of the two stage lithium bromide system is about 1.1, while that of the
vapor compression system used for the air conditioning applications it is about 4 to 5.
Thus the absorption refrigeration system becomes competitive only if the ratio of the
electricity to fuel (oil, gas or coal used to generate the steam in the boiler) becomes
more than four. If this ratio is lesser there are chances that excess fuel would be
required to generate the steam. However, if there is excess steam in the industry, this
ratio may not be given importance.

5) Higher heat rejection: In the absorption refrigeration heat has to be rejected from
number of parts like condenser, absorber, analyzer, rectifier etc. thus heat rejection
factor for absorption refrigeration system is high and it can be around 2.5. In the
compression refrigeration system the heat is given up only from the condenser, so it
heat rejection factor is small, which is about 1.2. Thus the cooling tower and pump
capacities for pumping the cooling water have to be higher in case of the absorption
refrigeration system, which leads to increase in the running cost of the system.

Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle

This refrigeration cycle is approximately a Rankine cycle run in reverse. A working

fluid (often called the refrigerant) is pushed through the system and undergoes state
changes (from liquid to gas and back). The latent heat of vaporization of the refrigerant
is used to transfer large amounts of heat energy, and changes in pressure are used to
control when the refrigerant expels or absorbs heat energy.

However, for a refrigeration cycle that has a hot reservoir at around room
temperature (or a bit higher) and a cold reservoir that is desired to be at around 34°F,
the boiling point of the refrigerant needs to be fairly low. Thus, various fluids have been
identified as practical refrigerants. The most common include ammonia, Freon (and
other chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants, aka CFCs), and HFC-134a (a non-toxic

Part 1: Compression

In this stage, the refrigerant enters the compressor as a gas under low pressure and
having a low temperature. Then, the refrigerant is compressed adiabatically, so the
fluid leaves the compressor under high pressure and with a high temperature.

Part 2: Condensation

The high pressure, high temperature gas releases heat energy and condenses inside
the "condenser" portion of the system. The condenser is in contact with the hot
reservoir of the refrigeration system. (The gas releases heat into the hot reservoir
because of the external work added to the gas.) The refrigerant leaves as a high
pressure liquid.

Part 3: Throttling

The liquid refrigerant is pushed through a throttling valve, which causes it to expand.
As a result, the refrigerant now has low pressure and lower temperature, while still in
the liquid phase. (The throttling valve can be either a thin slit or some sort of plug with
holes in it. When the refrigerant is forced through the throttle, its pressure is reduced,
causing the liquid to expand.)

Part 4: Evaporation

The low pressure, low temperature refrigerant enters the evaporator, which is in
contact with the cold reservoir. Because a low pressure is maintained, the refrigerant is
able to boil at a low temperature. So, the liquid absorbs heat from the cold reservoir
and evaporates. The refrigerant leaves the evaporator as a low temperature, low
pressure gas and is taken into the compressor again, back at the beginning of the cycle.



Design Arrangement and Considerations

There are but two methods of commercial storing that are of importance: First,
ice cold storage* second, mechanical cold storage. The ice cold storage is practical for
the grower who wishes to store his fruit on his own premises and has an abundance of
ice that can be easily harvested. The storage room should be built in connection with
the ice house so that the room may be kept cooled by permitting the air to circulate over
the ice.

The expense of such a house is not great and the cost of operating is practically
nothing after the ice is harvested. It has the advantage of being close at Hand, the
apples can be placed in it as soon as picked, and they need not be packed at once as
would be the case if they were being shipped to a storage house. Often at the time of
harvesting and packing the sugar-apple crop there comes a period of very warm
weather and the sugar-apples are in poor condition before they reach the cold storage
houses in the cities. On the other hand, the city storage has the advantage of having the
apples on the market all the time. Prospective buyers care inspects them at any time
and they do not need to be moved by the owner when selling them’. In a city storage
that makes a business of storing apples, a more uniform temperature and better
ventilation can be had than in the home ice storage house. The home storage however,
has the fruit where the owner can watch it closely and dis

Mechanical refrigeration, although the ideal method, is not practical for the
grower to put in, simply to store his crop of sugar-apples since, the cost of machinery is
too great to permit it to lie idle except during the time it is needed for the sugar-apple
crop. If it can be used for other purposes throughout the year it will be found to be the
most ideal way of furnishing refrigeration.

The cost of storing sugar-apples in cities varies from 10 to 12 cents per barrel per
month and from 40 to 5o cents per barrel for the season which extends from the time

they are put in storage in October or November, until the 1st of May, when the season is
supposed to close. Where storing is done in a private house the cost will vary with the
amount of capital invested in the house, the cost of harvesting the ice used in it, and
other incidental expenses. Fifty cents per barrel may be taken however, as a fair
estimate of the actual cost for storing until the 1st of May. To this however must be
added the shrinkage from decay and the cost of repacking if the sugar-apples are kept
until late in the spring. Sugar-apples should advance at least $1.00 per barrel over the
cost at time of storing to make it profitable to hold them until the end of the storing
season. However, it must be remembered that far the largest part of the crop will be
disposed of within three months after storing, and without repacking, so that a
considerable less advance in price would warrant a grower in storing his crop.

Sugar apples (Annona squamosa Linn.) and the hybrid atemoyas (A. cherimola
Mill. × A. squamosa Linn.) are tropical aggregate fruits with attractive appearance due to
their protruding areoles. Sugar apples and atemoya contain high levels of sugars and
vitamin C. While fruit softening and fruitlet separation during ripening are the main
concern for some sugar apple varieties, fruit cracking and skin blackening are concerns
for atemoyas. Fruit softening behaviour during ripening separates sugar apples into two
groups: fruit carpel splitting and fruit carpel gelling. Enzymes associated with cell wall
degradation need to be investigated to understand their participation in the softening
processes. Storage temperatures above 13 °C are ideal and lower temperatures cause
chilling injury. Controlled and modified atmosphere storage could effectively extend the
storage life, with the optimum atmosphere being 3–5% O2 + 5–10% CO2. 1-MCP
fumigation is a practical and promising technique to maintain quality of sugar apple.

Sugar apple and atemoya plants can be programmed to produce fruit throughout
the year by branch pruning techniques. However, due to their short postharvest shelf life
and probably also due to quality problems such as fruit splitting, pulpy flesh and skin
blackening and the fact that they contain multiple seeds due to their biological
morphology, sugar apples are only a minor fresh commodity in international markets.
Research is on-going in the areas listed above and, although there have been some
promising results, further research is still needed. Fundamental research using

molecular biology to understand and to control ripening is needed. Proper breeding
programmes are required to satisfy consumer preferences. New cultivars are needed,
with a lower calorie content but with high antioxidant levels. Qualities admired by
consumers include a minimum number of seeds, firm fruit, lack of woodiness, consistent
flavour, improved external shape and appearance, and lack of skin blackening.

• Sugar apple and its hybrid, atemoya, have been widely cultivated and marketed in
several countries in tropical or subtropical regions in South America, Central America,
North America, Asia, and Africa.

• The pulps of both sugar apple and atemoya are rich in total sugars, ascorbic acid,
niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, and some minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and

•The fruits of this species may have high antioxidant capacity. As a rule, fruits in general
are good sources of antioxidants, such as phenolic substances, vitamins, carotenoids,
and minerals with potentially useful chemopreventive properties.

•The levels of electrolytes and nutrients in the juices of A. squamosa were found to be
higher than the recommended WHO/UNICEF standard values prescribed for ORT, a
treatment strategy that is very important in cases of severe diarrhea.

•Like many other tropical fruits, sugar apple, atemoya, and prickly soursop have large
economic potential for the exportation of in natura fruits or derivate products. The
production of jams represents a good alternative for use of overripe fruits that may add
value to the exploration of a given species.

•The existence of different cultivars of sugar apple and atemoya has been
acknowledged in several countries. Research has attempted to select genotypes with
desired characteristics, selection, or ecotypes, especially concerning fruit quality and

•The chemical composition of different cultivars, varieties, selections, genotypes, or

ecotypes of sugar apple and of atemoya varies considerably among countries. This
indicates that the concentrations of the chemical compounds in A. squamosa may be

influenced by factors that vary from region to region, such as edaphoclimatic conditions,
genotypic differences, nutritional status of plants, postharvest treatments, and others.

1.1 Sugar-apple Properties

Bulk Density: 120 kgm-3

Heat of respiration: 700 Kcal/ton/24 h

Specific heat (20%M.C): 0.524 Kcal/Kg°C

Optimal storage temperature: 7°C

Optimal relative humidity (%): 85-90%

Approximate cold storage: 4weeks

Quantity to be stored: 300 kg

Ambient conditions: 0°C and 7 % RH






H1= hg@ 0°C

= 405.361 KJ/kg

H2= h @ psat @ 7°C

= 453 KJ/kg

H3= h4 = hf @ 7°C

=208.281 KJ/kg

V1=vg @ 0°C

= 47.1354 m^3/kg


RE= h1-h4

= (405.361 – 208.281) KJ/kg

= 197.08 KJ/kg


W= h2 – h1

= (453 - 405.361) KJ/kg

= 47.639 KJ/kg


qc= h2 – h3

= (453 – 208.281) KJ/kg

= 244.719 KJ/kg

d.) COP


= 197.08KJ/kg / 47.639 KJ/kg

COP= 4.14



Mr= Qe / RE

= 1KJ/s / 197.08KJ/kg

= 0.0050741


Qc= mr(h2 – h3)

=0.0050741(453 - 208.281) KJ/kg

Qc=1.24 KW

f.) WORK, KW

W= mr(h2 – h1)

=0.0050741(453 - 405.361) KJ/kg

=0.24 KW

=240 W


V= mr(v1)

= 0.0050741(0.04714)

= 0.2 L/s


Volume of the product = Total Weight of the Produce / Bulk Density of Produce

= 300 kg /120 kgm-3

= 2.5 m^3 Assumed size of each box

= 0.450 x 0.770 x 0.330m


volume of each box = 0.1143 m^3

*Bulk density of the hard wood used for the storing the sugar-apple = 120 kgm-3

Weight of product in each box = (Volume of each box) (B.D of Hard wood)

= 0.1143 m^3 x 120 kgm-3

= 13.7 kg/box

Total number of boxes = Total weight of the Produce/Weight of the produce in each box

= 300 kg / 13.7 kg

= 22 boxes

Thickness of each box = 0.005 x 0.005 x 0.007m

Actual volume of wood used per box = 0.0040 ^m3/box

Total volume of boxes = (volume of each box) (total number of boxes)

= 0.004 x22

= 0.088 m^3

Total volume of boxes and produce = (Total volume of sugar-apple +box volume)

= 2.5 + 0.088

= 2.588 m^3


Length = 15.78m

Breadth = 7.92 m

Height = 5.24 m

Total internal volume = (15.78x7.92x5.24) m

= 654.88m^3

Free volume available inside the Cold storage = (Product volume – Internal volume)

= 654.88^3 -2.588 m^3

= 652.29 m^3


1. Length = 15.78 m + (0.61 x2) m (walls) = 17.00 m

2. Breadth = 7.92m + (0.61 x2) m (walls) = 9.14 m

3. Height = 5.24 m + 0.86m (floor & ceiling) = 6.1 m

4. Total external volume = 0.088 m3 5. Outer dimensions = 17.00 x 9.14 x 6.1 m^3


*Surface area = A = [2 x 15.78] x 5.24 = 165.4 m^2 (Length)

[2 x 7.92] x 17.00 = 269.3 m^2 (Breath)

*Total surface area = (length x Breadth) = 434.7 m^2

*Ambient temperature (To) = 0°C

*Cold storage temperature (Ti) = 7°C

* Insulations resistance to the movement of heat (R) = 20

* Thickness of the brick = 0.50m

* Thermal conductivity of the brick = 0.62 kcal/m/h°C

* Thickness of the cement plaster = 0.20m

* Thermal conductivity of the cement plaster = 1.488 kcal/m/h°C

Overall heat transfer coefficient

1/u = 0.50/0.62 + 0.02/1.48

u = 0.810 kcal/m2/h°C

Therefore heat transfer through building material

Q = 0.810 x 434.7 x (7-0) x 24

= 59153.98 Kcal/24h

Heat transfer through insulation material

Q = [A (To – Ti) x 24]/R

= [434.7 x (7-0) x 24]/20

= 3651.48 Kcal/24h

Total heat transfer through walls = 59,153.98 + 3651.48

= 62,805.46Kcal/24h


* Surface area = A = 15.78 x 7.92 = 124.98 m2

* Insulations resistance to the movement of heat (R) =30

* Thickness of the cement concrete = 0.30m

* Thermal conductivity of the cement concrete = 1.488 kcal/m/hoc

Therefore, heat transfer through ceiling material, can be generally taken as 20% more
than wall overall coefficient

i.e. Q = (1.398 x1.2) x 124.98 x (7-0) x 24

= 35223.96 Kcal/24h

Heat transfer through insulation material

Q = [A (To – Ti) x 24] /R

= [124.98 x [7-0] x 24]/30

= 699.89 Kcal / 24 h

Total heat transfer through walls = 35223.96 + 699.89

= 35923.85Kcal/24h


* Surface area = A = 15.78 x 7.92 = 124.98 m2

* Insulations resistance to the movement of heat (R) =10

* Thickness of the cement concrete = 0.20m

* Thermal conductivity of the cement concrete = 1.488 kcal/m/hoc

Heat transfer through insulation material

Q = A (To – Ti) x 24 /R

= 124.98 x [7-0] x 24/10

= 2099.66Kcal / 24 h

Total heat transfer = Heat transfer through walls +ceiling + floor

= (62805.46 + 699.89 + 2099.66) Kcal / 24 h

= 65605.01Kcal /24 h


Average temperature = (7+0) / 2 = 3.5 C

Respiration heat load = wt. of the fruit x heat of respiration

= 5 tonnes x 700 Kcal/ton/24 h

= 3500 Kcal / 24 h

Total heat load = Heat transfer through surface + Respiration load

= 65605.01 + 3500

= 69105.01 Kcal/ 24 h









This report describes the development of a proposed cold storage for Sugar-
apple or also known as Custard Apple that is capable of running. The primary purpose
is to create/ design a cold storage for any product and this a chose Tamarind. The
above calculation is perhaps not complete but it allows readers to make this as a
reference if they are in a situation in which they are also to create a design for cold
storage. Experiments have proven that a lower temperature than at first used by
commercial houses is the more desirable for sugar-apples. Lowering the temperature
does not stop all changes going on in the sugar-apple but simply delays them. Fruit
cannot be kept indefinitely at 32°F freezing, without any changes.


1. Provide refrigeration system, maintenance program and worker qualification/skill


2. Implement clear procedures that provide guidance and instructions to employees

regarding the hazards.

3. Develop and implement generically applicable emergency situational guidance that

can be taught and posted and also incorporate safety risk assessments.


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