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1. Total Number of Pages : 91


3. Type of Document : Thesis

4. Type of Publication : Unpublished

5. Host Institution : Medina College,

Ozamiz City

6. Key Words : Reading Readiness,

Reading Comprehension

7. Abstract


The study sought to determine the Reading Readiness and Reading

Comprehension of Pupils of Zion Academy. Specifically, the study will

answer the following inquires. (1.) What is the profile of pupils in terms of;

a. Age and b. Gender (2). What are the levels of Reading Readiness of the

pupils in terms of the following indicators? a. Producing the Sound Letter, b.

Matching the Sounds to its Corresponding Letters, c. Discriminating the

Sound of Each Letter in the Alphabet, d. Identifying or Writing the Upper

and Lower case Letters, e. Reading Words by Sight. f. Reading CVC

(Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) words. 3. What is the level of Reading

Comprehension of the pupils? 4. Is there a significant relationship between

the Reading Readiness and the Reading Comprehension of the pupils? The

statement of null hypothesis states that, Ho: There is no significant

difference between the Level of Reading Readiness to the Reading

Comprehension Level of the Grade 1 Pupils.

The correlation-descriptive method was utilized in the conduct of the

study .Frequency count, weighted mean, t-test and chi-square were used in

treating the data.


The data revealed the following findings.

1. The study revealed that there were 4 male and 1 female who were age 6

years old or 24 percent. There were 7 males and 8 females who were 7 years

old or 71 percent. There was only 1 male child who belongs to the 8 years

old age bracket or 5 percent Grade 1 pupils of Zion Academy in terms of

their profile.

2. The Levels of Reading Readiness of the Pupils in terms of Producing the

Sound Letters. If was found out that there were 10 males or 47 percent who

are able to produce sound letters while 2 or 10 percent who are unable to

produced letter sounds. 8 females or 38 percent who are able to produced

letter sounds while there was 1 or 5 percent who was unable to produced

letter sounds. Over all, a total of 18 or 85 percent are able to produce sound

letters while there were only 3 or 15 percent are unable to produced letter

sounds. This revealed that the majority of Grade 1 pupils are able to produce

sound letters

3. Levels of Reading Readiness of the Pupils in Matching the Sounds to its

Corresponding Letters. It was revealed that there were 8 males or 38 percent

who are able to match sound to its corresponding letters while 4 or 20

percent who are unable to match sound to its corresponding letters. 7

females or 32 percent who are able to able to match sound to its

corresponding letters while there were 2 or 10 percent who was unable to

match sound to its corresponding letters. Over all, a total of 15 or 70 percent

are able to match sound to its corresponding letters while there were only 6

or 30 percent are unable match sound to its corresponding letters. This study

revealed that majority of the Grade 1 pupils are able to match sound to its

corresponding letters

4. Levels of Reading Readiness of the Pupils in Discriminating the Sound of

Each Letter in the Alphabet. It was discovered that there were 9 males or 43

percent who are able to discriminate the sound of each letter in the alphabet

while 3 or 14 percent who are unable to discriminate the sound of each letter

in the alphabet. 7 females or 33 percent who are able to able to discriminate

the sound of each letter in the alphabet while there were 2 or 10 percent

who was unable to able to discriminate the sound of each letter in the

alphabet. Over all, a total of 16 or 76 percent are able to able to discriminate

the sound of each letter in the alphabet while there were only 6 or 30 percent

are unable able to discriminate the sound of each letter in the alphabet. This

study revealed that majority of the Grade 1 pupils were able to able to

discriminate the sound of each letter in the alphabet.

5. Level of Reading Readiness of the Pupils in Identifying or Writing the

Upper and Lower case Letters it was revealed that there were 11 males or 52

percent who are able to identify or write the upper and lower case letters

while there was only 1 or 5 percent who was unable to identify or write the

upper and lower case letters. All 9 females or 43 percent are able identify or

write the upper and lower case letters. Over all, a total of 20 or 95 percent

are able to able to identify or write the upper and lower case letters while

there was only 1 or 5 percent are unable able to discriminate the sound of

each letter in the alphabet. This study revealed that most of the Grade 1

pupils were able to identify or write the upper and lower case letters.

6. Level of Reading Readiness of the Pupils in Reading Words by Sight. It

revealed that there were 8 males or 38 percent who are able to read words by

sight while there were 4 or 19 percent who were unable to read words by

sight. 7 females or 33 percent are able identify or write the upper and lower

case letters. Over all, a total of 20 or 95 percent are able to read words by

sight while there were 2 or 10 percent are unable able to read words by sight.

This study revealed that majority of Grade 1 pupils were able to read words

by sight.

7. Level of Reading Readiness of the Pupils in Reading CVC (Consonant-

Vowel-Consonant) Words. There were 10 males or 47 percent who are able

to read CVC words while there was 1 or 5 percent who were unable to read

CVC words. 9 females or 43 percent are able read CVC words while there

was 1 or 5 percent of the females who was unable to read CVC words. Over

all, a total of 19 or 90 percent are able to read CVC words while there were

2 or 10 percent are unable able to read CVC words. This study revealed that

majority of Grade 1 pupils were able to read CVC words.

8. Level of reading comprehension performance of the Grade 1 pupils. It

was shown that 7 or 33 percent are in the Independent level, 12 or 57 percent

are in the instructional level and 2 or 10 percent are on the frustration level.

This indicates the majority of the grade 1 pupils are on the Instructional level

meaning they are average level in their reading comprehension. This can be

attributed to the fact that it is a private school and the number of pupils in

the class are very manageable on the part of their teacher.

9. The significant relationship between the level of reading readiness and

level of reading comprehension of the Grade 1 pupils. As shown in the table,

reading readiness level had a mean difference of 4.03 reading

comprehension level had 4.16 reading readiness had a standard

deviation of 6.31 and reading comprehension had a standard deviation of

5.48 with r value of .21, T-value was 2.64 with t-value of 1.96.

10. This study revealed that, there was a significant relationship between the

reading readiness and reading comprehension of the grade 1 pupils. This

means that reading readiness has a great influence and has a great effect on

the reading comprehension of the grade 1 pupils. The more ready they are I

their ability of reading, the better they can perform in their reading



Based on the findings of the study, the researcher hereby

conclude that Reading Readiness has a great influence and has a great

effects on the Reading Comprehension Performance of the Grade 1

Pupils. The more they are ready in their reading readiness, the better the

results in their reading comprehension performance.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the following

recommendations are hereby offered.

1. Reading readiness exercises must be taken seriously in terms of


2. Reading readiness is pre-requisite to reading comprehension,

therefore it must be done intensively to all pupils. All pupils

must learn how to read most specially that the school

understudy is a private institution.

3. Further research and studies must be done in order to cover the

factors that were not included on this endeavor.


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