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3. What causes hearing loss?

Pathological changes in auditory organs due to degeneration in the elderly

can cause hearing loss. naturally the hearing organs will undergo a process

of degeneration. the structure of the inner ear also changes in the elderly

group. components of the inner ear in the form of sensory parts, nerves,

blood vessels, supporting tissues and nerve synapses are very susceptible to

changes due to the degeneration process. corti organ is part of the cochlea

that is most vulnerable to changes due to the degeneration process

experienced by the elderly population.

Referensi: Iskandar, N., Soepardi, E., & Bashiruddin, J., et al (ed). 2012. Buku
Ajar Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorokan Kepala dan Leher. Edisi ke- 7.
Jakarta: Balai Penerbit FKUI.

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