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Star crash

In 2017, Einstein's gravitational waves were ​detected​ by cietifics from a new source:
the collision of two dead stars or neutron stars.In 2016, the first detection of these waves
was ​announced,​.when the deformation of the space was ​described​ from the operation of
two distant black holes by the advanced laboratories of LIGO. The result was ​hailed​ as the
starting point for a new branch of astronomy, in which gravitational waves are ​used​ to collect
data on distant phenomena.
Details of the neutron star ​captured​ by telescopes from all over the world. The
outburst took place in a galaxy located roughly a thousand billion, billion km away in the
Constellation Hydra. Some of the facts about these cataclysmic events are staggering. For
example, neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoonful would weigh a billion tonnes. The
team was also able to confirm that these collisions lead to the production of the gold and
platinum that exists in the Universe.

Cassini's final bow

The Cassini spacecraft ​arrived​ in the Saturn system in 2004. In the 13 years it was
operational it​ transformed​ our understanding of the ringed planet and its moons.Large
geysers that poured ice water into space from an underground ocean were ​discovered​ in
the icy satellite of Enceladus, spied seas and lakes of methane on Saturn's biggest moon
Titan and watched as a giant storm encircled Saturn.
But with its fuel tanks running low, Nasa ​decided​ to destroy the satellite in Saturn's clouds
rather than see it collide with a potential target in the search for life, such as Enceladus, and
contaminate it with terrestrial microbes. On 15 September, Cassini​ ​hurtled​ into the giant
planet's atmosphere​ and was torn apart. But it still managed to return data to Earth from its
dive towards destruction.

A New Pill Might Help People Who 

Binge Drink
Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center say they've 
discovered a
​ new way to help binge drinkers: a pill. 
The genomes of light, moderate and heavy drinkers were ​studied​ by scientists. In a 
specific gene they f​ ocused​ ​their research and found those who had a variation inside 
the gene drank significantly less than the others. 

The gene itself probably evolved from human contact with alcohol for thousands of 
years, according to the researchers. During testing, mice who were​ given​ the 
variation hormone were more likely to drink water than alcohol. Mice in the control 
group were more likely to drink alcohol. 

A drug for human consumption is ​created​ by scientists with the hormone associated 
with the gene. They're hopeful their new discovery will help combat alcoholism and 
binge drinking. 

Scientists Discovered an Alien Planet That’s 

The Best Candidate for Life As We Know It 
On April 19 this year the best candidate for extraterrestrial life so far, was 

found​ by the European Organization for Astronomical Research (ESO). The 

super-Earth named LHS 1140b was​ found​ in the habitable zone of a dim star 

40 light-years away from Earth. It receives about half as much sunlight  

from its star, LHS 1140, as the Earth does from the Sun. 

“This is the most exciting exoplanet I’ve seen in the past decade,” author 

Jason Dittmann of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said in 

an ​ESO press release​. “We could hardly hope for a better target to perform 

one of the biggest quests in science — searching for evidence of life beyond 

Creation Of Metallic Hydrogen
We all know Hydrogen is a gas, right? It’s the first element found on the
Periodic Table and is also the most abundant element in the ​universe​.
Even people who aren’t ​involved​ in chemistry recall that much about
hydrogen, so it might come as a shock to know the significant discovery
made ​by scientists about the element in 2017 .a theory about hydrogen
was finally ​demonstrated​ by the harvard scientists; “It can become a
metal”. They ​accomplished​ this by squeezing a small amount of hydrogen
at a pressure greater than that found at the center of the Earth: 71.7 million
pounds per square inch. This caused the sample to break down and
transform into atomic hydrogen, which is a metal.​[2]

Believe it or not, the impacts of creating metallic hydrogen are huge.

Finding a way to convert hydrogen into a metal has been ​called​ “the holy
grail of high-pressure physics,” and the uses for metallic hydrogen suggest
it can be ​used​ as a room-temperature superconductor. Additionally, the
innovation can benefit the transportation industry by making electric cars
more efficient as well as many other practical applications for other


Google’s Go-playing artificial intelligence (AI) continues its winning streak 

at this week’s F
​ uture of Go Summit​, happening in the historic town of 
Wuzhen, China. The AI ,​developed​ by Google’s D
​ eepMind, ​beat a team made 
up of five of the best human Go players in the world, proving that it can go 
head-to-head with not one, but multiple professional players. 

April 26, 2017: C

​ reating an artificial womb would be a feat of monumental 
proportions, as premature birth is the l​ eading cause of death for newborns​. 
And this week, ​Philadelphia physicians​ made significant strides towards a 
world where synthetic wombs are a reality. While the new development isn’t 
exactly an artificial womb tank, physicians have ​created​ a uterus-like 
“biobag” that is capable of sustaining premature fetal lambs v ​ ery​ soon after 
they begin development.

Scientists created the 'closest thing anyone has ever

made' to a new life form.
Living creatures have two kinds of amino acid pairs: A-T (adenine -
thymine) and G-C (guanine - cytosine). This alphabet of four letters
writes our DNA, and forms the basis for all genetic information in
the natural world.
but a new one for new (unnatural) letters have just been ​invented
by scientists (X-Y)
In November, ​they are ​demonstrated​ how these synthetic cell
parts can function seamlessly alongside natural bases in the DNA of
E. coli.
Floyd Romesburg, who has been ​led​ the research at The Scripps
Research Institute in California, told Business Insider that his new
invention could improve the way we treat diseases. For example, it
could change the way proteins degrade inside the body, helping
drugs stay in your system longer. Romesburg says the team is
investigating how the finding might help cancer treatments and
drugs for autoimmune diseases.
Breakthrough Initiative Will Grow Organs and 
Regenerate Human Tissue 

May 1, 2017: Major strides have been​ made​ in the field of regenerative 
medicine. The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine is currently 
leading projects to speed up the development of artificially growing human 
tissue and even organs in a lab to help patients worldwide.the research with 
stem cells is ​taken​ advantage of by many of these regenerative therapies . 
The ability to repair organs or even grow organs and complete limbs, are 
some of the things that these adv​ances will​ provide 

A World First CRISPR Trial Will Edit Genes Inside the

Human Body
June 1, 2017: In one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of 2017, CRISPR 
gene editing technology (the most accessible gene editing technique), was 
used​ for the first time by scientists. A new human trial aimed to remove the 
human papillomavirus (HPV) by applying a gel that carries the necessary 
DNA coding to the cervixes of 60 women to disable the tumor growth 

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