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HW02 Solutions

1 (a) Because -2.58 6 ZSTAT = -1.7678 6 2.58, do not reject H0.

(b) p-value = 0.0771.
(c) 0.9877 ≤≤ 1.0023.
(d) The conclusions are the same. 
2 (a) Because tSTAT = -4.1343 < -2.0484, reject H0.
(b) p-value = 0.0003.
(c) The populations of waiting times are approximately normally distributed.
(d) -4.2292 ≤  ≤ -1.4268. 
3 (a) Because FSTAT = 12.56 7 2.76, reject H0.
(b) Critical range = 4.67. Advertisements A and B are different from Advertisements C and D. Advertisement E
is only different from advertisement D.
(c) Because FSTAT = 1.927 6 2.76, do not reject H0. There is no evidence of a significant difference in the
variation in the ratings among the five advertisements.
(d) The advertisements underselling the pen’s characteristics had the highest mean ratings, and the
advertisements overselling the pen’s characteristics had the lowest mean ratings. Therefore, use an
advertisement that undersells the pen’s characteristics and avoid advertisements that oversell the pen’s

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