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Konica-Minolta bizhub C654 Trouble Error Codes List page 1 (from 12)

Code Description Remedy

Paper feed communication 1 Turn OFF the main power switch, disconnect
error and then connect the power cord. Wait for 10
When the paper feed/transport sec. or more after connect the power cord, and
C0002 drive board (PFTDB) is turn ON the main power switch. 2 Rewrite the
receiving data, a firmware. 3 PFTDB ICP3 conduction check. 4
communication error is PRCB ICP16 conduction check. 5 Replace
detected. PFTDB. 6 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between M25-PFTDB
Tray 3/4 feeder transportation
CN17 for proper connection and correct as
motor failure to turn
necessary. 2 Check the connector of M25 for
The lock signal remains HIGH
C0104 proper drive coupling and correct as necessary.
for a predetermined
3 M25 operation check PFTDB CN17-1 to 7 11-
continuous period of time while
X. 4 Replace M25. 5 PFTDB ICP6 conduction
the motor is turning.
check. 6 Replace PFTDB. 7 Replace PRCB.
Tray 3/4 feeder transportation 1 Check the connector between M25-PFTDB
motor turning at abnormal CN17 for proper connection and correct as
timing necessary. 2 Check the connector of M25 for
C0105 The lock signal remains LOW proper drive coupling and correct as necessary.
for a predetermined 3 M25 operation check PFTDB CN17-1 to 7 11-
continuous period of time while X. 4 Replace M25. 5 PFTDB ICP6 conduction
the motor remains stationary. check. 6 Replace PFTDB. 7 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between M6-PFTDB
CN27 for proper connection and correct as
Tray 1 feeder up/down necessary. 2 Check the connector of M6 for
abnormality proper drive coupling and correct as necessary.
The tray 1 upper limit sensor 3 Check the connector between PS6-relay
C0202 (PS6) is not blocked even after CN145- PFTDB CN15 for proper connection
the lapse of a given period of and correct as necessary. 4 PS6 I/O check,
time after the lifting motion has sensor check PFTDB CN15-3 (ON) 1-P 5 M6
been started operation check PFTDB CN27-10 to 11 2 to 3-
X. 6 Replace M6. 7 Replace PFTDB. 8 PRCB
ICP10 conduction check. 9 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between M8-PFTDB
Tray 2 feeder up/down
CN26 for proper connection and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the connector of M8 for
The tray 2 upper limit sensor is
proper drive coupling and correct as necessary.
C0204 not blocked even after the
3 Check the connector between PS14-relay
lapse of a given period of time
CN155BPFTDB CN14 for proper connection
after the lifting motion has
and correct as necessary. 4 PS14 I/O check,
been started.
sensor check PFTDB CN14-9 (ON) 4-P. 5 M8

operation check PFTDB CN26-10 to 11 4-X. 6

Replace M8. 7 PFTDB ICP10 conduction check.
8 Replace PFTDB. 9 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between M23-PFTDB
CN18 for proper connection, and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the connector of M23 for
Tray 3 feeder up/down
proper drive coupling and correct as necessary.
3 Check the connectors between PS22-relay
The tray 3 upper limit sensor is
CN193- relay CN113B-PFTDB CN20 for proper
C0206 not blocked even after the
connection, and correct as necessary. 4 PS22
lapse of a given period of time
I/O check, sensor check PFTDB CN20-6 (ON)
after the lifting motion has
6-X. 5 M23 operation check PFTDB CN18-3 to
been started.
4 9-X. 6 Replace M23. 7 PFTDB ICP7
conduction check. 8 Replace PFTDB. 9 Replace
1 Check the connector between M24-PFTDB
CN18 for proper connection and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the connector of M24 for
Tray 4 feeder up/down
proper drive coupling and correct as necessary.
3 Check the connector between PS27-relay
The tray 4 upper limit sensor is
CN194-relay CN121B-PFTDB CN22 for proper
C0208 not blocked even after the
connection and correct as necessary. 4 PS27
lapse of a given period of time
I/O check, sensor check PFTDB CN22-6 (ON)
after the lifting motion has
8-X. 5 M24 operation check PFTDB CN18-1 to
been started.
2 9-X. 6 Replace M24. 7 PFTDB ICP8
conduction check. 8 Replace PFTDB. 9 Replace
When LU-204 is installed: 1 Check the
connector between M1-LCDB CN3 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of M1 for proper drive coupling
and correct as necessary. 3 Check the
connectors between PS2-relay CN406- LCDB
LCT up/down abnormality CN5 for proper connection, and correct as
The upper limit sensor (PS2) is necessary. 4 PS2 I/O check, sensor check
not blocked even after the set LUDB CN5-3 (ON) LU-204 4-G. 5 M1 operation
period of time has elapsed check LUDB CN3-4 (ON) LU-204 3-G. 6
after the paper lift-up operation Replace M1. 7 LUDB ICP2 conduction check. 8
began Replace LUDB.
When LU-301 is installed: 1 Check the
connector between M1-LCDB CN3 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of M1 for proper drive coupling
and correct as necessary. 3 Check the
connectors between PS2-relay CN3-LCDB CN5

for proper connection, and correct as

necessary. 4 PS2 I/O check, sensor check
LUDB CN5-3 (ON) LU-301 4-G. 5 M1 operation
check LUDB CN3-4 (ON) LU-301 3-G. 6
Replace M1. 7 LUDB ICP2 conduction check. 8
Replace LUDB.
1 Check the connector between FM1-relay
CN278-relay CN271B-PFTDB CN10 for proper
Suction fan’s failure to turn
connection and correct as necessary. 2 Check
The fan lock signal remains
the fan for possible overload and correct as
C0301 HIGH for a predetermined
necessary. 3 FM1 operation check PFTDB
continuous period of time while
CN10-3 (REM) PFTDB CN10-5 (LOCK) 5-P. 4
the fan is turning.
Replace FM1. 5 PFTDB ICP2 conduction check.
6 Replace PFTDB.
Paper cooling fan/in’s failure to 1 Check the connector between FM13-relay
turn CN325- PRCB CN1 for proper connection and
The fan lock signal remains correct as necessary. 2 Check the fan for
HIGH for a predetermined possible overload and correct as necessary. 3
continuous period of time while FM13 operation check PRCB CN1-11 (LOCK)
the fan is turning. 7-K. 4 Replace FM13. 5 Replace PRCB.
PK communication error
<When FS-535+PK-521 is 1 Turn OFF the main power switch, disconnect
installed> When a and then connect the power cord. Wait for 10
C1003 communication error is sec. or more after connect the power cord, and
detected between the FS turn ON the main power switch. 2 Rewrite the
control board (FSCB) and the firmware. 3 Replace PKCB. 4 Replace FSCB.
punch control board (PKCB).
FNS communication error 1 Turn OFF the main power switch, disconnect
When the FS control board and then connect the power cord. Wait for 10
C1004 (FSCB) is receiving data, a sec. or more after connect the power cord, and
communication error is turn ON the main power switch. 2 Rewrite the
detected. firmware. 3 Replace FSCB (FS-534/FS-535)
ZU communication error 1 Turn OFF the main power switch, disconnect
When the ZU control board and then connect the power cord. Wait for 10
C1005 (ZUCB) is receiving data, a sec. or more after connect the power cord, and
communication error is turn ON the main power switch. 2 Rewrite the
detected. firmware. 3 Replace ZUCB
RU communication error 1 Turn OFF the main power switch, disconnect
When the RU control board and then connect the power cord. Wait for 10
C1080 (RUCB) is receiving data, a sec. or more after connect the power cord, and
communication error is turn ON the main power switch. 2 Rewrite the
detected. firmware. 3 Replace RUCB
C1081 SD communication error 1 Turn OFF the main power switch, disconnect

When a communication error and then connect the power cord. Wait for 10
is detected between the FS sec. or more after connect the power cord, and
control board (FSCB) and the turn ON the main power switch. 2 Rewrite the
SD drive board (SDDB). firmware. 3 Replace SDDB (SD-511/SD-512). 4
Replace FSCB. (FS-534/FS-535).

Code Description Remedy

When FS-534 is installed: 1
Check the motor and sensor
connectors for proper
connection, and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M11 for proper
drive coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 PS26 I/O check,
sensor check FSCB J14<A>-5
Main tray up/down motor’s drive malfunction
(ON) FS-534 2-C. 4 PS27 I/O
<When FS-534 is installed> • While the exit
check, sensor check FSCB
tray is being lifted, the main tray upper
J14<B>-8 (ON) FS-534 3-C. 5
position sensor (PS26/PS27) is not blocked
PS29 I/O check, sensor check
and the main tray upper position detect switch
FSCB J14<A>-8 (ON) FS-534 4-
(SW2) is not turned ON, even after the main
C. 6 SW2 operation check FSCB
tray up/down motor (M11) turns by the set
J10-1 to 2 FS-534 8-K. 7 M11
number of times. • While the exit tray is being
operation check FSCB J9<A>-9
lowered, the main tray full detection sensor
to 10 FS-534 10-C to D. 8
(PS29) is not blocked after the set period of
C1102 Replace M11. 9 Replace FSCB.
time has elapsed after the main tray up/down
When FS-535 is installed: 1
motor (M11) is turned ON.
Check the motor and sensor
<When FS-535 is installed> • The main tray
connectors for proper
upper limit sensor (PS44/PS45) is turned ON
connection, and correct as
even after the set period of time has elapsed
necessary. 2 Check the
while the main tray up/down motor (M5) is
connector of M5 for proper drive
energized. • The staple paper exit top surface
coupling, and correct as
sensor (PS7) is unblocked even after the set
necessary. 3 PS44 I/O check,
period of time has elapsed while the main tray
sensor check FSCB CN24-2
up/down motor (M5) is energized.
(ON) FS-535 8-L. 4 PS45 I/O
check, sensor check FSCB
CN18-1 to 3 FS-535 13-D. 5
PS7 I/O check, sensor check
FSCB CN23-15 (ON) FS-535
13-L. 6 M5 operation check
FSCB CN22-1 to 11 FS-535 5-L.
7 Replace M5. 8 FSCB ICP1
conduction check. 9 Replace

When FS-534 is installed: 1
Check the connector between
M7-FSCB J4 for proper
connection and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M7 for proper drive
coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 Check the
connector between PS12-FSCB
Alignment plate motor/Fr’s malfunction
J4 for proper connection and
<When FS-534 is installed> • The alignment
correct as necessary. 4 PS12
plate/F home sensor (PS12) is not unblocked
I/O check, sensor check FSCB
after the set period of time has elapsed after
J4<B>-4 (ON) FS-534 13-C. 5
the plate drive starts from the home position. •
M7 operation check FSCB
The alignment plate/F home sensor (PS12) is
J4<A>-5 to 8 FS-534 11-C to D.
not blocked after the set period of time has
6 Replace M7. 7 Replace FSCB.
elapsed after the alignment motor/front (M7) is
When FS-535 is installed: 1
C1103 turned ON to return the plate to the home
Check the connector between
position, • The alignment plate/F does not
M11-FSCB CN19 for proper
reach the specified position within the set
connection and correct as
period of time.
necessary. 2 Check the
<When FS-535 is installed> The alignment
connector of M11 for proper
plate motor home sensor/Fr (PS17) is not
drive coupling, and correct as
blocked even after the set period of time has
necessary. 3 Check the
elapsed while the Alignment plate motor/Fr
connector between PS17-FSCB
(M11) is energized.
CN20 for proper connection and
correct as necessary. 4 PS17
I/O check, sensor check FSCB
CN20-6 (ON) FS-535 12-D. 5
M11 operation check FSCB
CN19-1 to 4 FS-535 10-D. 6
Replace M11. 7 FSCB ICP4
conduction check. 8 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M4-FSCB CN18 for proper
Exit roller motor’s malfunction connection and correct as
<When FS-535 is installed> Even after a necessary. 2 Check the
predetermined period of time has elapsed connector of M4 for proper drive
since the exit roller motor (M4) starts coupling, and correct as
operation, the lock signal is not set to L necessary. 3 M4 operation
(turning). check FSCB CN18-4 to 11 FS-
535 14-D. 4 Replace M4. 5
FSCB ICP14 conduction check.

6 Replace FSCB.
Bundle eject motor’s drive malfunction
(When FS-534 is installed) • The gripper home
position sensor (PS18) does not block even
1 Check the motor and sensor
after the set period of time has elapsed after
connectors for proper
the gripper position detection sensor (PS19)
connection, and correct as
unblocked. • The gripper position detection
necessary. 2 Check the
sensor (PS19) does not block even after the
connector of M10 for proper
set period of time has elapsed after it unblock
drive coupling, and correct as
• The gripper position detection sensor (PS19)
necessary. 3 PS18 I/O check,
C1105 does not block even after the set period of
sensor check FSCB J13-13 (ON)
time has elapsed after the gripper home
FS-534 7-C. 4 PS19 I/O check,
position sensor (PS18) unblocked. • The
sensor check FSCB J12-3 (ON)
gripper home position sensor (PS18) does not
FS-534 7-C. 5 M10 operation
block even after the set period of time has
check FSCB J13-1 to 2 FS-534
elapsed after the bundle eject motor (M10)
8-C to D. 6 Replace M10. 7
unblocked. • The gripper home position
Replace FSCB.
sensor (PS18) and the gripper position
detection sensor (PS19) are blocked at the
same time.
1 Check the connector between
M6-FSCB CN60 for proper
connection and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M6 for proper drive
coupling, and correct as
Paper output roller motor’s drive malfunction
necessary. 3 Check the
(When FS-535 is installed) The paper output
connector between PS10-relay
roller home sensor (PS10) is not blocked or
C1105 CN211- FSCB CN21 for proper
unblocked even after the set period of time
connection and correct as
has elapsed after the paper output roller motor
necessary. 4 PS10 I/O check,
(M6) is turned ON.
sensor check FSCB CN21-3
(ON) FS-535 6-L. 5 M6
operation check FSCB CN60-9
to 12 FS-535 16-D. 6 Replace
M6. 7 FSCB ICP19 conduction
check. 8 Replace FSCB.
Stapler movement motor’s malfunction When FS-534 is installed: 1
<When FS-534 is installed> • The stapler Check the connector between
home position sensor (Rear) (PS23) is not M13-relay CN3-FSCB J11 for
blocked or unblocked even after the set period proper connection, and correct
of time has elapsed after the side stapler as necessary. 2 Check the
movement motor (M13) turned ON. • The connector of M13 for proper
stapler does not reach the specified position drive coupling, and correct as
within the set period of time. necessary. 3 Check the

<When FS-535 is installed> The stapler connector between PS23-relay

position sensor/1/2/3/4 CN3-FSCB J11 for proper
(PS50/PS/51/PS52/PS53) is blocked or connection, and correct as
unblocked even after the set period of time necessary. 4 PS23 I/O check,
has elapsed after the stapler movement motor sensor check FSCB J11<B>-3
(M13) is turned ON. (ON) FS-534 4-C. 5 M13
operation check FSCB J11<A>-1
to 4 FS-534 4-C to D. 6 Replace
M13. 7 Replace FSCB.
When FS-535 is installed: 1
Check the motor and sensor
connectors for proper
connection, and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M13 for proper
drive coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 PS50 I/O check,
sensor check FSCB CN23-3
(ON) FS-535 11 to 12-L. 4 PS51
I/O check, sensor check FSCB
CN23-6 (ON) FS-535 12-L. 5
PS52 I/O check, sensor check
FSCB CN23-9 (ON) FS-535 12-
L. 6 PS53 I/O check, sensor
check FSCB CN23-12 (ON) FS-
535 12-L. 7 M13 operation check
FSCB CN15-3 to 8 FS-535 8-D.
8 Replace M13. 9 FSCB ICP18
conduction check. 10 Replace
Stapler motor’s drive malfunction When FS-534 is installed: 1
<When FS-534 is installed> • The stapler Check the connector between
home position sensor (Rear) (PS23) is not the stapler unit-relay CN4-FSCB
blocked or unblocked even after the set period J11 for proper connection and
of time has elapsed after the stapler motor correct as necessary. 2 Check
(M14) turned ON. • The stapler position the connector of the stapler unit
sensor (Center) (PS24) is blocked, when the for proper drive coupling, and
C1109 stapler motor (M14) is running. correct as necessary. 3 Check
<When FS-535 is installed> The home sensor the connector between PS23-
in the staple unit does not turn ON even after relay CN3-FSCB J11 for proper
the set period of time has elapsed after the connection and correct as
stapler motor (M14) turned ON, and the home necessary. 4 Check the
sensor in the staple unit does not turn ON connector between PS24-relay
even after the set period of time has elapsed CN3-FSCB J11 for proper
after the stapler motor (M14) drives to the connection and correct as

reverse direction. necessary. 5 PS23 I/O check,

sensor check FSCB J11<B>-3
(ON) FS-534 4-C. 6 PS24 I/O
check, sensor check FSCB
J11<B>-6 (ON) FS-534 4 to 5-C.
7 Replace the stapler unit. 8
Replace FSCB.
When FS-535 is installed: 1
Check the connector between
M14-FSCB CN15 for proper
connection and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M14 for proper
drive coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 Replace the stapler
unit. 4 M14 operation check
FSCB CN15-1 to 2 FS-535 8 to
9-D. 5 Replace M14. 6 FSCB
ICP10 conduction check. 7
Replace FSCB.
When FS-534+SD-511 is
installed: 1 Check the connector
between the staple unit-SDDB
J4 for proper connection and
correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of the staple unit
Stapler motor’s malfunction
for proper drive coupling and
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed> <When
correct as necessary. 3 Replace
FS-535+SD-512 is installed> • The stapler
the staple unit. 4 Replace SDDB.
home sensor is not turned ON even after the
5 Replace FSCB.
C1112 set period of time has elapsed while the
When FS-535+SD-512 is
stapler motor is energized. • The stapler home
installed: 1 Check the connector
sensor is not turned OFF even after the set
between the staple unit-SDDB
period of time has elapsed after the stapler
J4 for proper connection and
home sensor is turned ON.
correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of the staple unit
for proper drive coupling and
correct as necessary. 3 Replace
the stapler unit. 4 Replace
SDDB. 5 Replace FSCB.
Stopper drive motor’s malfunction When FS-534+SD-511 is
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed> <When installed: 1 Check the connector
C1113 FS-535+SD-512 is installed> The stopper between M4-SDDB J10 for
home sensor (PS6) is not blocked or proper connection, and correct
unblocked even after the set period of time as necessary. 2 Check the

has elapsed after the stopper drive motor (M4) connector of M4 for proper drive
is turned ON. coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 Check the
connector between PS6-SDDB
J10 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 4 PS6 I/O
check, sensor check SDDB J10-
5 (ON) SD-511 2-G. 5 M4
operation check SDDB J10-6 to
9 SD-511 1 to 2-F to G. 6
Replace M4. 7 Replace SDDB. 8
Replace FSCB.
When FS-535+SD-512 is
installed: 1 Check the connector
between M4-SDDB J10 for
proper connection, and correct
as necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M4 for proper drive
coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 Check the
connector between PS6-SDDB
J10 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 4 PS6 I/O
check, sensor check SDDB J10-
5 (ON) SD-512 1-G. 5 M4
operation check SDDB J10-6 to
9 SD-512 1-F to G. 6 Replace
M4. 7 Replace SDDB. 8 Replace
When FS-534+SD-511 is
installed: 1 Check the connector
between M3-relay CN10-SDDB
J7 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check
Alignment motor’s malfunction
the connector of M3 for proper
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed> <When
drive coupling, and correct as
FS-535+SD-512 is installed> The alignment
necessary. 3 Check the
C1114 home sensor (PS4) is not blocked or
connector between PS4-relay
unblocked even after the set period of time
CN10-SDDB J7 for proper
has elapsed after the alignment motor (M3) is
connection, and correct as
turned ON.
necessary. 4 PS4 I/O check,
sensor check SDDB J7-6 (ON)
SD-511 6-F. 5 M3 operation
check SDDB J7-7 to 10 SD-511
5-F to G. 6 Replace M3. 7

Replace SDDB. 8 Replace

When FS-535+SD-512 is
installed: 1 Check the connector
between M3-relay CN10-SDDB
J7 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of M3 for proper
drive coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 Check the
connector between PS4-relay
CN10-SDDB J7 for proper
connection, and correct as
necessary. 4 PS4 I/O check,
sensor check SDDB J7-6 (ON)
SD-512 5-G. 5 M3 operation
check SDDB J7-7 to 10 SD-512
5-F to G. 6 Replace M3. 7
Replace SDDB. 8 Replace
When FS-534+SD-511 is
installed: 1 Check the connector
between M9-SDDB J11 for
proper connection, and correct
as necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M9 for proper drive
coupling, and correct as
Center fold knife motor’s malfunction necessary. 3 Check the
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed> The connector between PS8-relay
center fold knife home sensor (PS8) is not CN10-SDDB J7 for proper
blocked or unblocked even after the set period connection, and correct as
of time has elapsed after the center fold knife necessary. 4 PS8 I/O check,
C1115 motor (M9) is turned ON. sensor check SDDB J7-3 (ON)
<When FS-535+SD-512 is installed> The SD-511 6-G. 5 M9 operation
center fold home sensor (PS8) is not blocked check SDDB J11-11 to 20 SD-
even after the set period of time has elapsed 511 1 to 2-B. 6 Replace M9. 7
while the center fold knife motor (M9) is Replace SDDB. 8 Replace
energized. FSCB.
When FS-535+SD-512 is
installed: 1 Check the connector
between M9-SDDB J11 for
proper connection, and correct
as necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M9 for proper drive
coupling, and correct as

necessary. 3 Check the

connector between PS8-relay
CN10-SDDB J7 for proper
connection, and correct as
necessary. 4 PS8 I/O check,
sensor check SDDB J7-3 (ON)
SD-512 5-G. 5 M9 operation
check SDDB CN11-11 to 20 SD-
512 1-B. 6 Replace M9. 7
Replace SDDB. 8 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M202-relay CN206- PIDB CN56
for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of M202 for proper
drive coupling, and correct as
necessary. 3 Check the
connector between PS209-relay
CN237- PIDB CN53<A> for
Sheet feeder up/down drive failure (lower) proper connection, and correct
<When FS-535+PI-505 is installed> The tray as necessary. 4 Check the
upper limit sensor /Lw (PS209) or tray lower connector between PS210-relay
C1124 limit sensor /Lw (PS210) are not turned ON CN236- PIDB CN53<A> for
even after the set period of time has elapsed proper connection, and correct
after the tray lift motor /Lw (M202) is as necessary. 5 PS209 I/O
energized. check, sensor check PIDB
CN53<A>-8 (ON) PI-505 8-C to
D. 6 PS210 I/O check, sensor
check PIDB CN53<A>-11 (ON)
PI-505 9-C to D. 7 M202
operation check PIDB CN56-5 to
6 PI-505 7-C to D. 8 Replace
M202. 9 PIDB ICP2 conduction
check. 10 Replace PIDB. 11
Replace FSCB
1 Check the connector between
Sheet feeder up/down drive failure (upper) M201-relay CN203- PIDB CN54
<When FS-535+PI-505 is installed> The tray for proper connection, and
lower limit sensor /Up (PS205) or tray upper correct as necessary. 2 Check
C1125 limit sensor /Up (PS204) are not turned ON the connector of M201 for proper
even after the set period of time has elapsed drive coupling, and correct as
after the tray lift motor /Up (M201) is necessary. 3 Check the
energized. connector between PS204-relay
CN235- PIDB CN55 for proper

connection, and correct as

necessary. 4 Check the
connector between PS205-relay
CN235- PIDB CN55 for proper
connection, and correct as
necessary. 5 PS204 I/O check,
sensor check PIDB CN55-8
(ON) PI-505 5-C to D. 6 PS205
I/O check, sensor check PIDB
CN55-7 (ON) PI-505 6-C to D. 7
M201 operation check PIDB
CN54-7 to 8 PI-505 4-C to D. 8
Replace M201. 9 PIDB ICP2
conduction check. 10 Replace
PIDB. 11 Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between
M302-relay CN342- relay
CN341-PKCB CN37 for proper
connection, and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M302 for proper
Punch oscillating motor’s drive malfunction drive coupling, and correct as
<When FS-535+PK-521 is installed> The PK necessary. 3 Check the
punch home sensor (PS303) is not turned ON connector between PS303-relay
even after the set period of time has elapsed CN342- relay CN341-PKCB
while the punch oscillating motor (M302) is CN34 for proper connection, and
energized. correct as necessary. 4 PS303
I/O check, sensor check PKCB
CN37-2 (ON) PK-521 5-C. 5
M302 operation check PKCB
CN34-1 to 6 PK-521 5-C. 6
Replace M302. 7 Replace
PKCB. 8 Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between
M602-relay CN30- ZUCB CN15
for proper connection, and
1st stopper motor’s drive malfunction correct as necessary. 2 Check
<When FS-535+ZU-606 is installed> The 1st the connector of M602 for proper
folding stopper home sensor (PS603) is not drive coupling, and correct as
turned ON even after the set period of time necessary. 3 Check the
has elapsed after the 1st stopper motor connector between PS603-relay
(M602) starts searching home position. CN636- ZUCB CN4 for proper
connection, and correct as
necessary. 4 PS603 I/O check,
sensor check ZUCB CN4-11

(ON) ZU-606 5-C. 5 M602

operation check ZUCB CN15-4
to 6 ZU-606 3-C. 6 Replace
M602. 7 ZUCB ICP7 conduction
check. 8 Replace ZUCB.

Code Description Remedy

1 Check the connector between
M603-relay CN675- relay CN30-
ZUCB CN15 for proper connection,
and correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of M603 for proper drive
2nd stopper motor’s drive malfunction
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
<When FS-535+ZU-606 is installed> The
Check the connectors between
2nd stopper home sensor (PS604) is not
PS604-relay CN674- relay CN636-
C1131 turned ON even after the set period of
ZUCB CN4 for proper connection, and
time has elapsed after the 2nd stopper
correct as necessary. 4 PS604 I/O
motor (M603) starts searching home
check, sensor check ZUCB CN4-5
(ON) ZU-606 4 to 5-C. 5 M603
operation check ZUCB CN15-7 to 12
ZU-606 4-C. 6 Replace M603. 7
ZUCB ICP6 conduction check. 8
Replace ZUCB.
When FS-534+PK-520 is installed: 1
Check the connector between M1-
relay CN351-FSCB J7 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary.
2 Check the connector of M1 for
Punch drive motor’s malfunction
proper drive coupling, and correct as
<When FS-534+PK-520 is installed> The
necessary. 3 Check the connector
punch home sensor (PS1) is not blocked
between PS1-FSCB J7 for proper
or unblocked even after the set period of
connection, and correct as necessary.
time has elapsed while the punch drive
4 PS1 I/O check, sensor check FSCB
C1132 motor (M1) is energized.
J7-5 (ON) FS-534 (PK-520) 7-K. 5 M1
<When FS-535+PK-521 is installed> The
operation check FSCB J7-7 to 8 FS-
PK punch home sensor/2 (PS301) is not
534 (PK-520) 7-K. 6 Replace M1. 7
blocked or unblocked even after the set
Replace FSCBC.
period of time has elapsed while the
When FS-535+PK-521 is installed: 1
punch drive motor (M301) is energized.
Check the connector between M301-
relay CN351- PKCB CN35 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary.
2 Check the connector of M301 for
proper drive coupling, and correct as

necessary. 3 Check the connector

between PS301-PKCB CN36 for
proper connection, and correct as
necessary. 4 PS301 I/O check, sensor
check PKCB CN36-5 (ON) PK-521 3-
C. 5 M301 operation check PKCB
CN35-1 to 3 PK-521 2-C. 6 Replace
M301. 7 Replace PKCB. 8 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M605-ZUCB CN5 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary.
Punch shift motor’s drive malfunction 2 Check the connector of M605 for
<When FS-535+ZU-606 is installed> The proper drive coupling, and correct as
punch shift home sensor (PS605) is not necessary. 3 Check the connector
turned ON, or is not turned OFF after it is between PS605-ZUCB CN3 for proper
turned ON, even after the set period of connection, and correct as necessary.
time has elapsed after the punch shift 4 PS605 I/O check, sensor check
motor (M605) starts searching its home ZUCB CN3-2 (ON) ZU-606 6-C. 5
position. M605 operation check ZUCB CN5-1
to 6 ZU-606 2-C. 6 Replace M605. 7
ZUCB ICP5 conduction check. 8
Replace ZUCB.
Main motor cooling fan’s drive 1 Check the connector between
malfunction FM601-relay CN653- ZUCB CN11 for
<When FS-535+ZU-606 is installed> proper connection, and correct as
Even after the set period of time has necessary. 2 Check the fan for
C1134 elapsed after the main motor cooling fan possible overload and correct as
(FM601) is turned ON, the FM601 EM necessary. 3 FM601 operation check
signal is faulty and the fan is turned OFF; ZUCB CN11-11 (DRV) ZU-606 8 to 9-
the signal is faulty after each of the C. 4 Replace FM601. 5 ZUCB ICP8
following three trials. conduction check. 6 Replace ZUCB.
1 Check the connector between
M604-relay CN644- relay CN638-
ZUCB CN11 for proper connection,
Punch motor’s drive malfunction
and correct as necessary. 2 Check
<When FS-535+ZU-606 is installed> The
the connector of M604 for proper drive
C1135 punch motor (M604) is not turned OFF
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
even after the set period of time has
M604 operation check ZUCB CN11-2
elapsed after it is turned ON.
(DRV) ZU-606 7-C. 4 Replace M604.
5 ZUCB ICP10 conduction check. 6
Replace ZUCB.
Punch switchover motor’s drive 1 Check the connector between
malfunction M608-relay CN633- relay CN638-

<When FS-535+ZU-606 is installed> The ZUCB CN11 for proper connection,

punch switchover switch (MS601) is not and correct as necessary. 2 Check
turned OFF from the ON position, or not the connector of M608 for proper drive
turned ON from the OFF position, even coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
after the set period of time has elapsed Check the connector between MS601-
after the punch switchover motor (M608) relay CN633- relay CN638-ZUCB
is turned ON. CN11 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 4 MS601 I/O
check, sensor check ZUCB CN11-9
ZU-606 8-C. 5 M608 operation check
ZUCB CN11-8 (DRV) ZU-606 7 to 8-
C. 6 Replace M608. 7 ZUCB ICP9
conduction check. 8 Replace ZUCB.
When FS-534 is installed: 1 Check the
connector between M8-FSCB J12 for
proper connection, and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the connector of
M8 for proper drive coupling, and
correct as necessary. 3 Check the
connector between PS13-FSCB J9 for
Alignment plate motor/Rr’s malfunction proper connection, and correct as
<When FS-534 is installed> The necessary. 4 PS13 I/O check, sensor
alignment plate/R home sensor (PS13) is check FSCB J9<B>-9 (ON) FS-534 9-
not blocked or unblocked even after the C. 5 M8 operation check FSCB J12-
set period of time has elapsed while the 13 to 16 FS-534 5 to 6-C to D. 6
alignment motor/Rr (M8) is energized. Replace M8. 7 Replace FSCB.
<When FS-535 is installed> The When FS-535 is installed: 1 Check the
alignment plate motor home sensor/Rr connector between M12-FSCB CN19
(PS18) is not blocked even after the set for proper connection, and correct as
period of time has elapsed while the necessary. 2 Check the connector of
alignment plate motor/Rr (M12) is M12 for proper drive coupling, and
energized. correct as necessary. 3 Check the
connector between PS18-FSCB CN20
for proper connection, and correct as
necessary. 4 PS18 I/O check, sensor
check FSCB CN20-3 (ON) FS-535 11-
D. 5 M12 operation check FSCB
CN19-5 to 8 FS-535 10-D. 6 Replace
M12. 7 Replace FSCB.
Paddle motor’s drive malfunction When FS-534 is installed: 1 Check the
<When FS-534 is installed> The upper connector between M5-FSCB J4 for
paddle homeposition detection sensor proper connection, and correct as
(PS14) is not blocked or unblocked even necessary. 2 Check the connector of
after the set period of time has elapsed M5 for proper drive coupling, and
while the FNS paddle motor (M5) is correct as necessary. 3 Check the

turning. <When FS-535 is installed> connector between PS14-FSCB J4 for

Even after a predetermined period of proper connection, and correct as
time has elapsed since the paddle motor necessary. 4 PS14 I/O check, sensor
(M16) starts operation, the lock signal is check FSCB J4<B>-7 (ON) FS-534
not set to L (turning). 13-C. 5 M5 operation check FSCB
J4<A>-5 to 8 FS-534 12-C to D. 6
Replace M5. 7 Replace FSCB.
When FS-535 is installed: 1 Check the
connector between M16-relay CN211-
FSCB CN21 for proper connection,
and correct as necessary. 2 Check
the connector of M16 for proper drive
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
M16 operation check FSCB CN21-7
to 14 FS-535 7-L. 4 Replace M16. 5
FSCB ICP13 conduction check. 6
Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between M15-
relay CN122-FSCB CN12 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary.
Trailing paddle up/down motor’s
2 Check the connector of M15 for
proper drive coupling, and correct as
<When FS-535 is installed> The trail
necessary. 3 Check the connector
edge paddle home sensor (PS20) is not
C1142 between PS20-FSCB CN50 for proper
blocked or unblocked even after the set
connection, and correct as necessary.
period of time has elapsed after the trail
4 PS20 I/O check, sensor check
edge paddle up/down motor (M15) is
FSCB CN50-6 (ON) FS-535 17-D. 5
turned ON.
M15 operation check FSCB CN12-5
to 8 FS-535 5-D. 6 Replace M15. 7
Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between M18-
relay CN243-FSCB CN24 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary.
Leading edge paddle up/down motor’s
2 Check the connector of M18 for
proper drive coupling, and correct as
<When FS-535 is installed> The leading
necessary. 3 Check the connector
edge paddle home sensor (PS16) is not
C1143 between PS16-relay CN243- FSCB
blocked or unblocked even after the set
CN24 for proper connection, and
period of time has elapsed after the
correct as necessary. 4 PS16 I/O
leading edge paddle up/down motor
check, sensor check FSCB CN24-16
(M18) is turned ON.
(ON) FS-535 9-L. 5 M8 operation
check FSCB CN24-17 to 20 FS-535
9-L. 6 Replace M18. 7 Replace FSCB.
Pre-eject drive motor’s malfunction When FS-534 is installed: 1 Check the
<When FS-534 is installed> • The pre- connector between M9-relay

eject home sensor (PS21) is not blocked CN7<A>- FSCB J13 for proper
or unblocked even after the set period of connection, and correct as necessary.
time has elapsed after the pre-eject drive 2 Check the connector of M9 for
motor (M9) is turned ON. • The pre-eject proper drive coupling, and correct as
away sensor (PS22) is not blocked or necessary. 3 Check the connector
unblocked even after the set period of between PS21-relay CN8-relay
time has elapsed after the pre-eject drive CN7<B>-FSCB J12 for proper
motor (M9) is turned ON. connection, and correct as necessary.
4 Check the connector between
PS22-relay CN8-relay CN7<B>-FSCB
J12 for proper connection, and correct
as necessary. 5 PS21 I/O check,
sensor check FSCB J12-6 (ON) FS-
534 6-C. 6 PS22 I/O check, sensor
check FSCB J12-9 (ON) FS-534 6-C.
7 M9 operation check FSCB J13-3 to
4 FS-534 8-C to D. 8 Replace M9. 9
Replace FSCB.
Stacker plate drive motor’s malfunction
<When FS-535 is installed> • The trailing When FS-535 is installed: 1 Check the
edge stopper home sensor (PS22) is not connector between M17-relay CN233-
blocked or unblocked even after the set FSCB CN23 for proper connection,
period of time has elapsed after the and correct as necessary. 2 Check
trailing edge stopper motor (M19) is the connector of M17 for proper drive
turned ON. • The trailing edge stopper coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
standby sensor/1 (PS23) is not blocked Check the connector between PS11-
or unblocked even after the set period of FSCB CN20 for proper connection,
time has elapsed after trailing edge and correct as necessary. 4 PS11 I/O
stopper motor (M19) is turned ON. • The check, sensor check FSCB CN20-12
trailing edge stopper standby sensor/2 (ON) FS-535 12-D. 5 M17 operation
(PS42) is not blocked or unblocked even check FSCB CN23-19 to 20 FS-535
after the set period of time has elapsed 13-L. 6 Replace M17. 7 FSCB ICP9
after the trailing edge stopper motor conduction check. 8 Replace FSCB.
(M19) is turned ON.
Trailing edge stopper motor’s When FS-534 is installed: 1 Check the
malfunction connector between M6-FSCB J5 for
<When FS-534 is installed> The trailing proper connection, and correct as
edge stopper home position detection necessary. 2 Check the connector of
sensor (PS20) is not blocked or M6 for proper drive coupling, and
C1145 unblocked even after the set period of correct as necessary. 3 Check the
time has elapsed after the trailing edge connector between PS20-relay CN22-
stopper motor (M6) is turned ON. FSCB J5 for proper connection, and
<When FS-535 is installed> • The trailing correct as necessary. 4 PS20 I/O
edge stopper home sensor (PS22) is not check, sensor check FSCB J5-9 (ON)
blocked or unblocked even after the set FS-534 9-K. 5 M6 operation check

period of time has elapsed after the FSCB J5-13 to 16 FS-534 9-K. 6
trailing edge stopper motor (M19) is Replace M6. 7 Replace FSCB.
turned ON. • The trailing edge stopper When FS-535 is installed: 1 Check the
standby sensor/1 (PS23) is not blocked motor and sensor connectors for
or unblocked even after the set period of proper connection, and correct as
time has elapsed after trailing edge necessary. 2 Check the connector of
stopper motor (M19) is turned ON. • The M19 for proper drive coupling, and
trailing edge stopper standby sensor/2 correct as necessary. 3 PS22 I/O
(PS42) is not blocked or unblocked even check, sensor check FSCB CN20-15
after the set period of time has elapsed (ON) FS-535 13-D. 4 PS23 I/O check,
after the trailing edge stopper motor sensor check FSCB CN20-18 (ON)
(M19) is turned ON. FS-535 13-D. 5 PS42 I/O check,
sensor check FSCB CN20-9 (ON) FS-
535 12-D. 6 M19 operation check
FSCB CN19-9 to 12 FS-535 11-D. 7
Replace M19. 8 Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connectors between
M34-relay CN1-FSCB CN42 for
Paper transport belt motor’s malfunction
proper connection, and correct as
<When FS-535+SD-512 is installed>
necessary. 2 Check the connector of
Even after a predetermined period of
M34 for proper drive coupling, and
C1152 time has elapsed since the paper
correct as necessary. 3 M34 operation
transport belt motor (M34) starts
check SDDB CN1-1 to 11 SD-512 7-
operation, the lock signal is not set to L
D. 4 Replace M34. 5 FSCB ICP12
conduction check. 6 Replace SDDB. 7
Replace FSCB.
When FS-534+SD-511 is installed: 1
Check the connector between M7-
SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
SD paddle motor’s malfunction (trailing
connector of M7 for proper drive
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed>
Check the connector between PS5-
The paddle home sensor (PS5) is not
SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
blocked or unblocked even after the set
correct as necessary. 4 PS5 I/O
period of time has elapsed while the SD
C1156 check, sensor check SDDB J8-3 (ON)
paddle motor (M7) is energized.
SD-511 3 to 4-G. 5 M7 operation
<When FS-535+SD-512 is installed>
check SDDB J8-4 to 7 SD-511 3-F to
The paddle home sensor (PS5) is not
G. 6 Replace M7. 7 Replace SDDB. 8
blocked or unblocked even after the set
Replace FSCB.
period of time has elapsed while the SD
When FS-535+SD-512 is installed: 1
paddle motor (M7) is energized.
Check the connector between M7-
SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M7 for proper drive

coupling, and correct as necessary. 3

Check the connector between PS5-
SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 4 PS5 I/O
check, sensor check SDDB J8-3 (ON)
SD-512 3-G. 5 M7 operation check
SDDB J8-4 to 7 SD-512 3-F to G. 6
Replace M7. 7 Replace SDDB. 8
Replace FSCB.

Code Description Remedy

1 Check the connector between M12-
relay CN1-FRCB J14 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary.
Paper discharge control motor’s
2 Check the connector of M12 for
proper drive coupling, and correct as
<When FS-534 is installed> The paper
necessary. 3 Check the connector
delivery control sensor (PS28) is not
C1184 between PS28-relay CN1-FRCB. J14
blocked or unblocked even after the set
for proper connection, and correct as
period of time has elapsed while the
necessary. 4 PS28 I/O check, sensor
paper receiving control motor (M12) is
check FSCB J14<B>-3 (ON) FS-534
2 to 3-C. 5 M12 operation check
FSCB J14<A>-9 to 12 FS-534 2-C to
D. 6 Replace M12. 7 Replace FSCB.
When FS-534+SD-511 is installed: 1
Check the connector between M2-
relay CN3-relay CN2-SDDB J5 for
proper connection, and correct as
Paper discharge control motor’s
necessary. 2 Check the connector of
M2 for proper drive coupling, and
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed>
correct as necessary. 3 Check the
The curl cover detection sensor (PS2) is
C1195 connector between PS2-relay CN3-
not blocked or unblocked even after the
relay CN2-SDDB J5 for proper
set period of time has elapsed after the
connection, and correct as necessary.
paper discharge control motor (M2) is
4 PS2 I/O check, sensor check SDDB
turned ON.
J5-3 (ON) SD-511 3-B. 5 M2
operation check SDDB J5-4 to 7 SD-
511 3-B. 6 Replace M2. 7 Replace
SDDB. 8 Replace FSCB.
Paper receiving guide control motor’s When FS-535+SD-512 is installed: 1
malfunction Check the connector between M2-
<When FS-535+SD-512 is installed> relay CN3-relay CN2-SDDB J5 for
The paper receiving guide home sensor proper connection, and correct as

(PS2) is not blocked or unblocked even necessary. 2 Check the connector of

after the set period of time has elapsed M2 for proper drive coupling, and
after the paper receiving guide control correct as necessary. 3 Check the
motor (M2) is turned ON. connector between PS2-relay CN3-
relay CN2-SDDB J5 for proper
connection, and correct as necessary.
4 PS2 I/O check, sensor check SDDB
J5-3 (ON) SD-512 3-B. 5 M2
operation check SDDB J5-4 to 7 SD-
512 2-B. 6 Replace M2. 7 Replace
SDDB. 8 Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between M8-
SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
Center fold roller motor’s malfunction connector of M8 for proper drive
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed> coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
The guide home sensor (PS7) is not Check the connector between PS7-
C1196 blocked or unblocked even after the set SDDB J9 for proper connection, and
period of time has elapsed after the correct as necessary. 4 PS7 I/O
center fold roller motor (M6) is turned check, sensor check SDDB J9-6 (ON)
ON. SD-511 4-G. 5 M8 operation check
SDDB J8-11 to 14 SD-511 2 to 3-F to
G. 6 Replace M8. 7 Replace SDDB. 8
Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between M6-
SDDB J9 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
Tri-fold guide motor’s malfunction connector of M6 for proper drive
<When FS-535+SD-512 is installed> coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
The tri-fold guide home sensor (PS7) is Check the connector between PS7-
C1196 not not blocked or unblocked even after SDDB J9 for proper connection, and
the set period of time has elapsed after correct as necessary. 4 PS7 I/O
the tri-fold guide motor (M6) is turned check, sensor check SDDB J9-6 (ON)
ON. SD-512 4-G. 5 M6 operation check
SDDB J9-7 to 10 SD-512 3-F to G. 6
Replace M6. 7 Replace SDDB. 8
Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between M6-
Tri-folding guide motor’s malfunction
SDDB J9 for proper connection, and
<When FS-534+SD-511 is installed>
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
The tri-folding gate home sensor (PS11)
connector of M6 for proper drive
C1197 is not blocked or unblocked even after
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
the set period of time has elapsed while
Check the connector between PS11-
the tri-folding guide motor (M6) is
SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 4 PS11 I/O

check, sensor check SDDB J8-10

(ON) SD-511 3-G. 5 M6 operation
check SDDB J9-7 to 10 SD-511 4-F to
G. 6 Replace M6. 7 Replace SDDB. 8
Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between M8-
SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
Center fold change motor’s malfunction connector of M8 for proper drive
<When FS-535+SD-512 is installed> coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
The center fold change gate home Check the connector between PS11-
C1197 sensor (PS11) is not blocked or SDDB J8 for proper connection, and
unblocked even after the set period of correct as necessary. 4 PS11 I/O
time has elapsed while the center fold check, sensor check SDDB J8-10
change motor (M8) is energized. (ON) SD-512 2-G. 5 M8 operation
check SDDB J8-11 to 14 SD-512 2-F
to G. 6 Replace M8. 7 Replace
SDDB. 8 Replace FSCB.
1 Check the connector between M4-
FSCB J4 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
Receiving roller pressure/ retraction
connector of M4 for proper drive
motor’s malfunction
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
<When FS-534 is installed> The
Check the connector between PS11-
receiving roller retraction sensor (PS11)
C11A2 FSCB J4 for proper connection, and
is not blocked or unblocked even after
correct as necessary. 4 PS11 I/O
the set period of time has elapsed after
check, sensor check FSCB J4<B>-16
the receiving roller retraction motor (M4)
(ON) FS-534 13-C. 5 M4 operation
is turned ON.
check FSCB J4<A>-1 to 4 FS-534 11-
C to D. 6 Replace M4. 7 Replace
1 Check the sensor part of PSDTB, to
Paper size detect board failure clean if it is dirty. 2 Check the
<When FS-535+PK-521 is installed> connector between PSDTB-PKCB
The size of a transported paper is not CN38 for proper connection, and
detected, causing no punch operation. correct as necessary PK-521 4-E. 3
Replace PSDTB.
Paper exit switching drive malfunction 1 Check the connector between M2-
<When FS-534 is installed> The FSCB J9 for proper connection, and
exchange folded paper output sensor correct as necessary. 2 Check the
C11E1 (PS30) is not blocked or unblocked even connector of M2 for proper drive
after the set period of time has elapsed coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
after the FNS entry transport motor (M2) Check the connector between PS30-
is turned ON. FSCB J4 for proper connection, and

correct as necessary. 4 PS30 I/O

check, sensor check FSCB J4<A>-15
(ON) FS-534 12-C. 5 M2 operation
check FSCB J9<A>-1 to 4 FS-534 10
to 11-B to C. 6 Replace M2. 7
Replace FSCB.
1 Check the drum unit for proper
connection and correct as necessary.
2 Check the connector between M15-
PHRYB CN12 for proper connection,
and correct as necessary. 3 Check
the M15 connector for proper
connection and correct as necessary.
4 Check the connector between
Charge cleaning motor/K’s malfunction
PS43-PHRYB CN2 for proper
During backward and return movement
connection, and correct as necessary.
of the cleaner material, the charging
C2101 5 Check the connector between
cleaner home sensor is not blocked after
PS44-PHRYB CN2 for proper
a predetermined period of time has
connection, and correct as necessary.
6 PS43 I/O check, sensor check
PHRYB CN2-5 (ON) 10-B. 7 PS44 I/O
check, sensor check PHRYB CN2-8
(ON) 11-B. 8 M15 operation check
PHRYB CN12-1 to 2 9-B. 9 Replace
drum unit. 10 Replace M15. 11
PHRYB ICP1 conduction check. 12
Replace PHRYB. 13 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between M3-
Secondary transfer roller pressure
relay CN271BPFTDB CN10 for proper
welding alienation
connection and correct as necessary.
• The 2nd transfer pressure sensor
2 Check the connector of M3 for
(PS50) doesn't unblock (retracting) even
proper drive coupling and correct as
after the lapse of a given period of time
necessary. 3 Check the connector
after the 2nd transfer pressure motor
between PS50-relay CN271APFTDB
(M3) has started rotating during the 2nd
C2151 CN3 for proper connection and
image transfer roller is retracting. • The
correct as necessary. 4 PS50 I/O
2nd transfer pressure sensor (PS50)
check, sensor check PFTDB CN3-9
doesn't block (pressuring) even after the
(ON) 5-P. 5 M3 operation check
lapse of a given period of time after the
PFTDB CN10-1 to 2 5-P. 6 Replace
2nd transfer pressure motor (M3) has
M3. 7 PFTDB ICP16 conduction
started rotating during the 2nd image
check. 8 Replace PFTDB. 9 Replace
transfer roller is pressuring.
Transfer belt pressure welding alienation 1 Check the connector between M21-
C2152 • At the completion of transfer belt relay CN428- PRCB CN4 for proper
pressure/retraction operations, the 1st connection and correct as necessary.

transfer pressure sensor/K (PS51) is not 2 Check the connector of M21 for
in the status corresponding to each of proper drive coupling and correct as
the transfer belt pressure/retraction necessary. 3 Check the transfer roller
operations. See the table below. • Even pressure gear of the transfer belt unit
after a predetermined period of time has for proper engagement and the roller
elapsed since the transfer belt starts for rolling operation, and correct any
pressure/retraction operation, the 1st faulty motion. 4 Check the connector
transfer pressure sensor/K (PS51) is not between PS51-relay CN297- PRCB
in the status corresponding to each of CN6 for proper connection and
the transfer belt pressure/retraction correct as necessary. 5 PS51 I/O
operations. See the table below. check, sensor check PRCB CN6-1
(ON) 22-C. 6 M21 operation check
PRCB CN4-5 to 8 3 to 4-K. 7 Replace
M21. 8 Replace the transfer belt unit.
9 PRCB ICP5 or ICP24 conduction
check. 10 Replace PRCB.
PC charge (C) malfunction
When electrostatic charge output is ON,
1 Check the imaging unit for proper
electrostatic charge leak detection
connection and correct as necessary.
system continues to detect leaks for a
2 Check the HV1 connector for proper
predetermined period of time. In this
connection and correct as necessary.
C2160 case, C2164 is displayed at the first
3 Check the PRCB connector for
detection and then after the trouble is
proper connection and correct as
reset, a leak IU identification process is
necessary. 4 Replace IU. 5 Replace
executed. Then the trouble code
HV1. 6 Replace PRCB.
corresponding to the IU color is
PC charge (M) malfunction
When electrostatic charge output is ON,
1 Check the imaging unit for proper
electrostatic charge leak detection
connection and correct as necessary.
system continues to detect leaks for a
2 Check the HV1 connector for proper
predetermined period of time. In this
connection and correct as necessary.
C2161 case, C2164 is displayed at the first
3 Check the PRCB connector for
detection and then after the trouble is
proper connection and correct as
reset, a leak IU identification process is
necessary. 4 Replace IU. 5 Replace
executed. Then the trouble code
HV1. 6 Replace PRCB.
corresponding to the IU color is

Code Description Remedy

PC charge (Y) malfunction
When electrostatic charge output is 1 Check the imaging unit for proper
ON, electrostatic charge leak detection connection and correct as
system continues to detect leaks for a necessary. 2 Check the HV1
predetermined period of time. In this connector for proper connection and
C2162 case, C2164 is displayed at the first correct as necessary. 3 Check the
detection and then after the trouble is PRCB connector for proper
reset, a leak IU identification process is connection and correct as
executed. Then the trouble code necessary. 4 Replace IU. 5 Replace
corresponding to the IU color is HV1. 6 Replace PRCB.
PC charge (K) malfunction
When electrostatic charge output is 1 Check the imaging unit for proper
ON, electrostatic charge leak detection connection and correct as
system continues to detect leaks for a necessary. 2 Check the HV1
predetermined period of time. In this connector for proper connection and
C2163 case, C2164 is displayed at the first correct as necessary. 3 Check the
detection and then after the trouble is PRCB connector for proper
reset, a leak IU identification process is connection and correct as
executed. Then the trouble code necessary. 4 Replace IU. 5 Replace
corresponding to the IU color is HV1. 6 Replace PRCB.
PC charge malfunction
When electrostatic charge output is 1 Check the imaging unit for proper
ON, electrostatic charge leak detection connection and correct as
system continues to detect leaks for a necessary. 2 Check the HV1
predetermined period of time. In this connector for proper connection and
C2164 case, C2164 is displayed at the first correct as necessary. 3 Check the
detection and then after the trouble is PRCB connector for proper
reset, a leak IU identification process is connection and correct as
executed. Then the trouble code necessary. 4 Replace IU. 5 Replace
corresponding to the IU color is HV1. 6 Replace PRCB.
1 Clean the PS23 if it has toner or
paper dust, etc. 2 Change the waste
toner box. 3 Check the connector
Waste toner transport motor’s failure to
between M20-PRCB CN17 for
turnThe waste toner lock sensor (PS23)
proper connection and correct as
C2204 continues to be blocked or unblocked
necessary. 4 Check the connector
for a predetermined period of time
of M20 for proper drive coupling and
when the motor is turning.
correct as necessary. 5 Check the
connector between PS23-PHRYB
CN12 for proper connection and

correct as necessary. 6 PS23 I/O

check, sensor check PRCB CN17-
18 (ON) 18-C. 7 M20 operation
check PHRYB CN12-6 to 9 9-B. 8
Replace M20. 9 PHRYB ICP6
conduction check. 10 Replace
conduction check. 12 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M16-PRCB CN22 for proper
connection and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the M16
PC motor/YMC’s failure to turn
connector for proper drive coupling
The motor lock signal remains HIGH for
C2253 and correct as necessary. 3 M16
a predetermined continuous period of
operation check PRCB CN22-11
time while the motor is turning.
(LOCK) PRCB CN22-8 (REM) 15-K.
4 Replace M16. 5 PRCB ICP5 or
ICP18 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M16-PRCB CN22 for proper
connection and correct as
PC motor/YMC’s turning at abnormal
necessary. 2 Check the M16
connector for proper drive coupling
The motor lock signal remains LOW for
C2254 and correct as necessary. 3 M16
a predetermined continuous period of
operation check PRCB CN22-11
time while the motor remains
(LOCK) PRCB CN22-8 (REM) 15-K.
4 Replace M16. 5 PRCB ICP5 or
ICP18 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M17-PRCB CN22 for proper
connection and correct as
Developing motor/YMC’s failure to turn necessary. 2 Check the M17
The motor lock signal remains HIGH for connector for proper drive coupling
a predetermined continuous period of and correct as necessary. 3 M17
time while the motor is turning. operation check PRCB CN22-13 to
17 15-K. 4 Replace M17. 5 PRCB
ICP5 conduction check. 6 Replace
Developing motor/YMC’s turning at 1 Check the connector between
C2256 abnormal timingThe motor lock signal M17-PRCB CN22 for proper
remains LOW for a predetermined connection and correct as

continuous period of time while the necessary. 2 Check the M17

motor remains stationary. connector for proper drive coupling
and correct as necessary. 3 M17
operation check PRCB CN22-13 to
17 15-K. 4 Replace M17. 5 PRCB
ICP5 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M38-PRCB CN39 for proper
connection and correct as
Cleaning brush motor’s failure to turn
necessary. 2 Check the M38
The motor lock signal remains HIGH for
C2257 connector for proper drive coupling
a predetermined continuous period of
and correct as necessary. 4 M38
time while the motor is turning.
operation check PRCB CN39-1 to 7
20-K. 5 Replace M38. 6 PRCB ICP8
conduction check. 7 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between
M38-PRCB CN39 for proper
Cleaning brush motor’s turning at
connection and correct as
abnormal timing
necessary. 2 Check the M38
The motor lock signal remains LOW for
C2258 connector for proper drive coupling
a predetermined continuous period of
and correct as necessary. 4 M38
time while the motor remains
operation check PRCB CN39-1 to 7
20-K. 5 Replace M38. 6 PRCB ICP8
conduction check. 7 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between
M19-PRCB CN22 for proper
connection and correct as
Developing motor/K’s failure to turn
necessary. 2 Check the M19
The motor lock signal remains HIGH for
C2259 connector for proper drive coupling
a predetermined continuous period of
and correct as necessary. 3 M19
time while the motor is turning.
operation check PRCB CN22-1 to 5
16-K. 4 Replace M19. 5 PRCB ICP6
conduction check. 6 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between
M19-PRCB CN22 for proper
Developing motor/K’s turning at
connection and correct as
abnormal timing
necessary. 2 Check the M19
The motor lock signal remains LOW for
C225A connector for proper drive coupling
a predetermined continuous period of
and correct as necessary. 3 M19
time while the motor remains
operation check PRCB CN22-1 to 5
16-K. 4 Replace M19. 5 PRCB ICP6
conduction check. 6 Replace PRCB.
C225B PC motor/K’s failure to turn 1 Check the connector between

The motor lock signal remains HIGH for M18-PRCB CN21 for proper
a predetermined continuous period of connection and correct as
time while the motor is turning. necessary. 2 Check the M18
connector for proper drive coupling
and correct as necessary. 3 M18
operation check PRCB CN21-13
(LOCK) PRCB CN21-10 (REM) 16-
K. 4 Replace M18. 5 PRCB ICP6 or
ICP18 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the connector between
M18-PRCB CN21 for proper
connection and correct as
PC motor/K’s turning at abnormal
necessary. 2 Check the M18
connector for proper drive coupling
The motor lock signal remains LOW for
C225C and correct as necessary. 3 M18
a predetermined continuous period of
operation check PRCB CN21-13
time while the motor remains
(LOCK) PRCB CN21-10 (REM) 16-
K. 4 Replace M18. 5 PRCB ICP6 or
ICP18 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the connector between
FM7-PRCB CN2 for proper
connection and correct as
Toner suction fan’s failure to turn
necessary. 2 Check the fan for
The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a
C2350 possible overload and correct as
predetermined continuous period of
necessary. 3 FM7 operation check
time while the fan is turning.
(LOCK) 2-K. 4 Replace FM7. 5
Replace PRCB.

Code Description Remedy

1 Check the connector between M15-relay
CN707- PHRYB CN5 for proper connection
IU cooling fan’s failure to turn and correct as necessary. 2 Check the fan
The fan lock signal remains HIGH for possible overload and correct as
C2353 for a predetermined continuous necessary. 3 FM15 operation check PHRYB
period of time while the fan is CN5-1 (REM) PHRYB CN5-3 (LOCK) 7-B. 4
turning. Replace FM15. 5 PHRYB ICP6 conduction
check. 6 Replace PHRYB. 7 Replace
Developing unit/K new release 1 Reinstall developing unit. 2 Replace the
failure developing unit. 3 Replace PRCB.

The status with the new unit is not

cleared after the new developing
unit is set.
1 Perform image troubleshooting procedure
if image density is low. 2 Reinstall imaging
unit. 3 Reinstall toner cartridge. 4 Check the
motor connector for proper connection and
correct as necessary. 5 Check the
Abnormally low toner density connector of M9, M10, M11, M13, M14 for
detected cyan TCR sensor proper drive coupling and correct as
When sampling data is determined necessary. 6 M9, M10, M11 operation
in TC ratio calculation control, check (At this time, IU must be non-
C2551 TCR sensor output is higher than installation.) M9: PRCB CN3-1 to 4 M10:
a predetermined value for a PRCB CN3-5 to 8 M11: PRCB CN3-9 to 12
predetermined number of times in 23 to 24-C. 7 M13, M14 operation check
a row even though there is toner in M13: PRCB CN4-1 to 4 M14: PRCB CN4-5
the sub hopper. to 8 3-K. 8 Replace M9, M10, M11, M13,
M14. 9 If the toner empty sensor and its
surroundings inside the sub hopper are
dirtied with toner, clean them. 10 Replace
imaging unit. 11 PRCB ICP23 or ICP24
conduction check. 12 Replace PRCB.
Abnormally high toner density
detected cyan TCR sensor
TC ratio in the developing unit, 1 Reinstall toner cartridge. 2 Reinstall
which is determined by toner imaging unit. 3 Replace imaging unit. 4
replenishing amount control Replace PRCB. 5 Replace the sub hopper
mechanism, is a predetermined unit.
value or more for a given number
of times consecutively.
1 Perform image troubleshooting procedure
if image density is low. 2 Reinstall imaging
unit. 3 Reinstall toner cartridge. 4 Check the
Abnormally low toner density motor connector for proper connection and
detected magenta TCR sensor correct as necessary. 5 Check the
When sampling data is determined connector of M9, M10, M11, M13, M14 for
in TC ratio calculation control, proper drive coupling and correct as
C2553 TCR sensor output is higher than necessary. 6 M9, M10, M11 operation
a predetermined value for a check (At this time, IU must be non-
predetermined number of times in installation.) M9: PRCB CN3-1 to 4 M10:
a row even though there is toner in PRCB CN3-5 to 8 M11: PRCB CN3-9 to 12
the sub hopper. 23 to 24-C. 7 M13, M14 operation check
M13: PRCB CN4-1 to 4 M14: PRCB CN4-5
to 8 3-K. 8 Replace M9, M10, M11, M13,
M14. 9 If the toner empty sensor and its

surroundings inside the sub hopper are

dirtied with toner, clean them. 10 Replace
imaging unit. 11 PRCB ICP23 or ICP24
conduction check. 12 Replace PRCB.
Abnormally high toner density
detected magenta TCR sensor
TC ratio in the developing unit, 1 Reinstall toner cartridge. 2 Reinstall
which is determined by toner imaging unit. 3 Replace imaging unit. 4
replenishing amount control Replace PRCB. 5 Replace the sub hopper
mechanism, is a predetermined unit.
value or more for a given number
of times consecutively.
1 Perform image troubleshooting procedure
if image density is low. 2 Reinstall imaging
unit. 3 Reinstall toner cartridge. 4 Check the
motor connector for proper connection and
correct as necessary. 5 Check the
Abnormally low toner density connector of M9, M10, M11, M13, M14 for
detected yellow TCR sensor proper drive coupling and correct as
When sampling data is determined necessary. 6 M9, M10, M11 operation
in TC ratio calculation control, check (At this time, IU must be non-
C2555 TCR sensor output is higher than installation.) M9: PRCB CN3-1 to 4 M10:
a predetermined value for a PRCB CN3-5 to 8 M11: PRCB CN3-9 to 12
predetermined number of times in 23 to 24-C. 7 M13, M14 operation check
a row even though there is toner in M13: PRCB CN4-1 to 4 M14: PRCB CN4-5
the sub hopper. to 8 3-K. 8 Replace M9, M10, M11, M13,
M14. 9 If the toner empty sensor and its
surroundings inside the sub hopper are
dirtied with toner, clean them. 10 Replace
imaging unit. 11 PRCB ICP23 or ICP24
conduction check. 12 Replace PRCB.
Abnormally high toner density
detected yellow TCR sensor
TC ratio in the developing unit, 1 Reinstall toner cartridge. 2 Reinstall
which is determined by toner imaging unit. 3 Replace imaging unit. 4
replenishing amount control Replace PRCB. 5 Replace the sub hopper
mechanism, is a predetermined unit.
value or more for a given number
of times consecutively.
Abnormally low toner density 1 Perform image troubleshooting procedure
detected black TCR sensor if image density is low. 2 Check the
C2557 When sampling data is determined connector between M12-relay CN258-
in TC ratio calculation control, PRCB CN3 for proper connection, and
TCR sensor output is higher than correct as necessary. 3 Check the

a predetermined value for a connector between M14-relay CN321-relay

predetermined number of times in CN428-PRCB CN4 for proper connection,
a row even though there is toner in and correct as necessary. 4 Check the
the sub hopper connector of M12 and M14 for proper drive
coupling and correct as necessary. 5 M12
operation check (At this time, IU must be
non-installation.) PRCB CN3-13 to 16 24-C.
6 M14 operation check PRCB CN4-5 to 8 3-
K. 7 Replace M12 and M14. 8 Reinstall
developing unit /K. 9 Reinstall toner
cartridge. 10 If the toner empty sensor and
its surroundings inside the sub hopper are
dirtied with toner, clean them. 11 Replace
the developing unit /K. 12 PRCB ICP23 or
ICP24 conduction check. 13 Replace
Abnormally high toner density
detected black TCR sensor
TC ratio in the developing unit, 1 Reinstall developing unit/K. 2 Reinstall
which is determined by toner toner cartridge. 3 Replace the developing
replenishing amount control unit/K. 4 Replace PRCB. 5 Replace the sub
mechanism, is a predetermined hopper unit.
value or more for a given number
of times consecutively.
Cyan TCR sensor adjustment
failure 1 Reinstall imaging unit. 2 Replace the
C2559 TCR sensor automatic adjustment imaging unit. 3 PRCB ICP23 or ICP24
does not function properly, failing conduction check. 4 Replace PRCB.
to adjust to an appropriate value.
Magenta TCR sensor adjustment
failure 1 Reinstall imaging unit. 2 Replace the
C255A TCR sensor automatic adjustment imaging unit. 3 PRCB ICP23 or ICP24
does not function properly, failing conduction check. 4 Replace PRCB.
to adjust to an appropriate value.
Yellow TCR sensor adjustment
failure 1 Reinstall imaging unit. 2 Replace the
C255B TCR sensor automatic adjustment imaging unit. 3 PRCB ICP23 or ICP24
does not function properly, failing conduction check. 4 Replace PRCB.
to adjust to an appropriate value.
Black TCR sensor adjustment
failure 1 Reinstall the developing unit/K. 2 Replace
C255C TCR sensor automatic adjustment the developing unit /K. 3 PRCB ICP23 or
does not function properly, failing ICP24 conduction check. 4 Replace PRCB.
to adjust to an appropriate value.

1 • Reinstall the imaging unit /C,/M, /Y •

Reinstall the developing unit /K. 2 Check the
Cyan TCR sensor failure harness from imaging unit /C, /M, /Y and
Alarm signals for a TCR sensor developing unit /K to PRCB CN2, 3, 4, 5 for
are detected more than the proper connection and correct as
C2561 predetermined number of times. necessary. • CN2: Developing unit /K • CN3:
This detection is used for detecting Imaging unit /C • CN4, CN5: Imaging unit
disconnection of TCR sensor /M, Imaging unit /Y - - 3 • Replace the
connector. imaging unit. • Replace the developing unit
/K. 4 PRCB ICP 17 conduction check. 5
Replace PHRYB. 6 Replace PRCB.

Code Description Remedy

1 • Reinstall the imaging unit /C,/M, /Y
• Reinstall the developing unit /K. 2
Check the harness from imaging unit
Magenta TCR sensor failure /C, /M, /Y and developing unit /K to
Alarm signals for a TCR sensor are PRCB CN2, 3, 4, 5 for proper
detected more than the connection and correct as necessary.
C2562 predetermined number of times. This • CN2: Developing unit /K • CN3:
detection is used for detecting Imaging unit /C • CN4, CN5: Imaging
disconnection of TCR sensor unit /M, Imaging unit /Y - - 3 • Replace
connector. the imaging unit. • Replace the
developing unit /K. 4 PRCB ICP 17
conduction check. 5 Replace PHRYB.
6 Replace PRCB.
1 • Reinstall the imaging unit /C,/M, /Y
• Reinstall the developing unit /K. 2
Check the harness from imaging unit
Yellow TCR sensor failure /C, /M, /Y and developing unit /K to
Alarm signals for a TCR sensor are PRCB CN2, 3, 4, 5 for proper
detected more than the connection and correct as necessary.
C2563 predetermined number of times. This • CN2: Developing unit /K • CN3:
detection is used for detecting Imaging unit /C • CN4, CN5: Imaging
disconnection of TCR sensor unit /M, Imaging unit /Y - - 3 • Replace
connector. the imaging unit. • Replace the
developing unit /K. 4 PRCB ICP 17
conduction check. 5 Replace PHRYB.
6 Replace PRCB.
1 • Reinstall the imaging unit /C,/M, /Y
• Reinstall the developing unit /K. 2
Check the harness from imaging unit
Black TCR sensor failure /C, /M, /Y and developing unit /K to
Alarm signals for a TCR sensor are PRCB CN2, 3, 4, 5 for proper
detected more than the connection and correct as necessary.
C2564 predetermined number of times. This • CN2: Developing unit /K • CN3:
detection is used for detecting Imaging unit /C • CN4, CN5: Imaging
disconnection of TCR sensor unit /M, Imaging unit /Y - - 3 • Replace
connector. the imaging unit. • Replace the
developing unit /K. 4 PRCB ICP 17
conduction check. 5 Replace PHRYB.
6 Replace PRCB.
Main backup media access error 1 Check the connector from SSDB to
• The re-written data, which has been MFPB for proper connection and
read out, checked and founded as correct as necessary. 2 Check the
error, is read out again and found as harness from MFPB to PRCB for

error. • The error was found when proper connection and correct as
reading out the counter value. • MFP necessary. 3 Replace MFPB 4
detects that the SSD board is not Replace PRCB 4.1. Check that the
mounted. trouble code C4802 appears and then
display service mode. 4.2. Call the
Enhanced Security to the screen. 4.3.
Touch [Engine Data Backup]. 4.4.
Touch [Engine Data Load mode], and
press the Start key. 4.5. Select [Yes],
and press the Start key again. 4.6.
Check that the result “OK” appears.
4.7. Turn OFF the main power switch
and turn it ON again more than 10
seconds after. 4.8. Update the PRCB
firmware. 4.9. Make the specified
readjustments. 4 If the above actions
do not solve the problem, contact
EEPROM access error (IU C) 1 Clean the connection between the
• The re-written data, which has been imaging unit and the machine if dirty.
read out, checked and founded as 2 Reinstall the imaging unit. 3 Check
error, is read out again and found as the harness for proper connection and
error. • The error was found when correct as necessary. 4 Replace the
reading out the counter value. imaging unit. 5 Replace PRCB.
EEPROM access error (IU M) 1 Clean the connection between the
• The re-written data, which has been imaging unit and the machine if dirty.
read out, checked and founded as 2 Reinstall the imaging unit. 3 Check
error, is read out again and found as the harness for proper connection and
error. • The error was found when correct as necessary. 4 Replace the
reading out the counter value. imaging unit. 5 Replace PRCB.
EEPROM access error (IU Y) 1 Clean the connection between the
• The re-written data, which has been imaging unit and the machine if dirty.
read out, checked and founded as 2 Reinstall the imaging unit. 3 Check
error, is read out again and found as the harness for proper connection and
error. • The error was found when correct as necessary. 4 Replace the
reading out the counter value. imaging unit. 5 Replace PRCB.
1 Clean the connection between the
Drum unit/K new release failure drum unit and the machine if dirty. 2
The status with the new unit is not Reinstall the drum unit. 3 Check the
cleared after the new drum unit/K is harness for proper connection and
set. correct as necessary. 4 Replace the
drum unit. 5 Replace PRCB.
Toner cartridge/C new release failure 1 Clean the connection between the
The status with the new cartridge is toner cartridge and the machine if

not cleared after the new toner dirty. 2 Reinstall the toner cartridge. 3
cartridge is set. Check the harness for proper
connection and correct as necessary.
4 Replace the toner cartridge. 5
Replace PRCB.
1 Clean the connection between the
toner cartridge and the machine if
Toner cartridge/M new release failure
dirty. 2 Reinstall the toner cartridge. 3
The status with the new cartridge is
C2A22 Check the harness for proper
not cleared after the new toner
connection and correct as necessary.
cartridge is set.
4 Replace the toner cartridge. 5
Replace PRCB.
1 Clean the connection between the
toner cartridge and the machine if
Toner cartridge/Y new release failure
dirty. 2 Reinstall the toner cartridge. 3
The status with the new cartridge is
C2A23 Check the harness for proper
not cleared after the new toner
connection and correct as necessary.
cartridge is set.
4 Replace the toner cartridge. 5
Replace PRCB.
1 Clean the connection between the
toner cartridge and the machine if
Toner cartridge/K new release failure
dirty. 2 Reinstall the toner cartridge. 3
The status with the new cartridge is
C2A24 Check the harness for proper
not cleared after the new toner
connection and correct as necessary.
cartridge is set.
4 Replace the toner cartridge. 5
Replace PRCB.
Fusing pressure roller separation
• The fusing pressure home sensor
1 Check the connector between M29-
(PS55) is not turned OFF (retracted
PRCB CN29 for proper connection
state) even after the set period of time
and correct as necessary. 2 Check
after the fusing pressure roller
the connector of M29 for proper drive
retraction operation is started. • The
coupling and correct as necessary. 3
fusing pressure home sensor (PS55)
Check the connector between PS55-
is not OFF (retracted state) when the
C3101 PRCB CN17 for proper connection
fusing pressure roller retraction
and correct as necessary. 4 PS55 I/O
operation is completed. • The fusing
check, sensor check. 5 M29 operation
pressure home sensor (PS55) is not
check PRCB CN29-1 to 4 8-H. 6
turned ON (pressed state) after the
Replace M29. 7 Replace the fusing
set period of time after the fusing
unit. 8 PFTDB ICP15 or ICP25
pressure roller pressure operation is
conduction check. 9 Replace PRCB.
started. • The fusing pressure home
sensor (PS55) is not ON (pressed
state) when the fusing pressure roller

pressure operation is completed.

1 Check the fusing unit for proper
installation and correct as necessary.
2 Check the connector between M30-
Heating roller assy failure to turn PRCB CN30 for proper connection
During any state other than printing and correct as necessary. 3 Check
operation , the hard latch signal from the connector of M30 for proper drive
C3102 one or both of the heating roller coupling and correct as necessary. 4
rotation latch detection 1 and the PS56 I/O check, sensor check. 5 M30
heating roller rotation latch detection operation check PRCB CN30-4
2 is turned ON. (REM) PRCB CN30-7 (LOCK) 4-K. 6
PRCB ICP15 conduction check. 7
Replace M30. 8 Replace the fusing
unit. 9 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between M30-
PRCB CN30for proper connection
and correct as necessary. 2 Check
Fusing motor’s failure to turn
the loading status of the fusing unit
The motor lock signal remains HIGH
drive, and correct the error as
C3201 for a predetermined continuous
necessary. 3 M30 operation check
period of time while the motor
remains stationary.
(LOCK) 4-K. 4 Replace M30. 5 PRCB
ICP9 conduction check. 6 Replace

Code Description Remedy

1 Check the connector between M30-
PRCB CN30for proper connection and
Fusing motor’s turning at abnormal correct as necessary. 2 Check the
timing loading status of the fusing unit drive,
C3202 The motor lock signal remains LOW for and correct the error as necessary. 3
a predetermined continuous period of M30 operation check PRCB CN30-4
time while the motor remains stationary. (REM) PRCB CN30-7 (LOCK) 4-K. 4
Replace M30. 5 PRCB ICP9
conduction check. 6 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between FM2-
relay CN323- PRCB CN1 for proper
Paper cooling fan/out’s failure to turn connection and correct as necessary.
The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a 2 Check the fan for possible overload
predetermined continuous period of and correct as necessary. 3 FM2
time while the fan remains stationary. operation check PRCB CN1-3
(DRIVE) PRCB CN1-5 (LOCK) 7-K. 4
Replace FM2. 5 Replace PRCB.

1 Check the connector between FM4-

relay CN282-relay CN280-relay
CN279-PFTDB CN10 for proper
Switchback paper cooling fan’s failure
connection and correct as necessary.
to turn
2 Check the fan for possible overload
C3305 The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a
and correct as necessary. 3 FM4
predetermined continuous period of
operation check PFTDB CN10-11
time while the fan remains stationary.
(LOCK) 6-P. 4 Replace FM4. 5 PFTDB
ICP9 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the fusing unit for correct
installation (whether it is secured in
Fusing warm-up trouble
position). 2 Check the open/close
After warm-up operation starts, the
operation of the upper right door. 3
heating roller temperature sensor does
Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
C3425 not detect a temperature as high as a
PRCB for proper connection and
predetermined one though a
correct or change as necessary. 4
predetermined period of time has
Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
Fusing abnormally high temperature 1 Check the fusing unit for correct
detection (Edge of the heating roller) installation (whether it is secured in
• The heating roller thermistor/3 position). 2 Check the open/close
continues to detect a temperature operation of the upper right door. 3
higher than a predetermined one for a Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
predetermined period of time. • The PRCB for proper connection and
hard protection signal at the edges of correct or change as necessary. 4
the heating side remains OFF for a Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
predetermined continuous period of IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
time. NF1.
1 Check the fusing unit for correct
installation (whether it is secured in
Fusing abnormally high temperature position). 2 Check the open/close
detection (Center of the heating roller) operation of the upper right door. 3
• Fusing unit • Heating roller Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
temperature sensor (TEMS2) • IH PRCB for proper connection and
power supply (IHPU) • Noise filter (NF1) correct or change as necessary. 4
• Printer control board (PRCB) Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
Fusing abnormally high temperature 1 Check the fusing unit for correct
detection (Middle of the heating roller) installation (whether it is secured in
The heating roller thermistor/2 position). 2 Check the open/close
continues to detect a temperature operation of the upper right door. 3

higher than a predetermined one for a Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
predetermined period of time. PRCB for proper connection and
correct or change as necessary. 4
Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
1 Check the fusing unit for correct
installation (whether it is secured in
Fusing abnormally low temperature position). 2 Check the open/close
detection (Edge of the heating roller) operation of the upper right door. 3
The heating roller thermistor/3 Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
continues to detect a temperature lower PRCB for proper connection and
than a predetermined one for a correct or change as necessary. 4
predetermined period of time. Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
1 Check the fusing unit for correct
installation (whether it is secured in
Fusing abnormally low temperature position). 2 Check the open/close
detection (Main of the heating roller) operation of the upper right door. 3
The heating roller temperature sensor Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
continues to detect a temperature lower PRCB for proper connection and
than a predetermined one for a correct or change as necessary. 4
predetermined period of time. Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
1 Check the fusing unit for correct
installation (whether it is secured in
position). 2 Check the open/close
Thermostat tripping
operation of the upper right door. 3
During warm-up, the thermostat tripping
C3903 Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
detection signal continues to be H for
PRCB for proper connection and
the set period of time.
correct or change as necessary. 4
Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
IHPU. 6 Replace PRCBn.
1 Check the fusing unit for correct
Fusing sensor wire breaks detection
installation (whether it is secured in
(Edge of the heating roller)
position). 2 Check the open/close
After a predetermined period of time
operation of the upper right door. 3
after the warm-up stage is started, the
C3922 Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
heating roller thermistor/3 voltage does
PRCB for proper connection and
not decrease by predetermined steps
correct or change as necessary. 4
(temperature rise) within a
Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
predetermined period of time.
IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace

1 Check the fusing unit for correct
Fusing sensor wire breaks detection installation (whether it is secured in
(Main of the heating roller) position). 2 Check the open/close
After a predetermined period of time operation of the upper right door. 3
after the warm-up stage is started, the Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
heating roller temperature sensor PRCB for proper connection and
voltage does not increase by correct or change as necessary. 4
predetermined steps (temperature rise) Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
within a predetermined period of time. IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
1 Check the fusing unit for correct
Fusing sensor wire breaks detection installation (whether it is secured in
(Center of the heating roller) position). 2 Check the open/close
After a predetermined period of time operation of the upper right door. 3
after the warm-up stage is started, the Check the fusing unit, IHPU, NF1 and
heating roller thermistor/2 voltage does PRCB for proper connection and
not decrease by predetermined steps correct or change as necessary. 4
(temperature rise) within a Replace the fusing unit. 5 Replace
predetermined time. IHPU. 6 Replace PRCB. 7 Replace
1 Wipe the TEMS2 clean of dirt if any.
<Cleaning procedure> • Clear away a
dirt or a foreign object on the sensor
with a cotton swab. • When a dirt is left
even if you cleaned the sensor by
Heating roller temperature sensor
above procedure, clear away a dirt or
contamination (Center of the heating
a foreign object on the sensor using a
cotton swab dampened with the
While checking the contamination on
alcohol. And, wipe off the sensor with
the heating roller temperature sensor,
a dry cotton swab afterwards. 2 Check
C392A detected temperature of the heating
the TEMS2 for installed position and
roller thermistor/1 exceeded the
proper connector connection. - - 3
detected temperature of the heating
Check the TH1 for installed position
roller temperature sensor for over the
and proper connector connection. - - 4
predetermined value for the
Check the connection of the fusing
predetermined period of time.
unit. 5 Check the fusing unit, IHPU,
PRCB and DCPU for proper
connection and correct or change as
necessary. 6 Replace the fusing unit. 7
Replace PRCB.
IH malfunction (CPU) 1 Check the fusing unit for correct
C3B02 A failure in communication with the installation (whether it is secured in
fusing CPU continues for a position). 2 Check the open/close

predetermined period of time. operation of the upper right door. 3

Check the fusing unit, IH coil unit,
proper connection and correct or
change as necessary. 4 Replace the
fusing unit. 5 Replace the IH coil unit.
6 Replace IHPU. 7 Replace IHMEB. 8
PRCB ICP5 conduction check. 9
Replace PRCB. 10 Replace NF1.

Code Description Remedy

1 Check the fusing unit for correct
installation (whether it is secured in
position). 2 Check the open/close
IH malfunction (monitor)
operation of the upper right door. 3
• Though the IH heater is ON, this status
Check the fusing unit, IH coil unit,
cannot be detected mechanically. (IH
C3B03 heater operation failure) • Though the IH
proper connection and correct or
heater is OFF, mechanically, the ON
change as necessary. 4 Replace the
status is detected. (Malfunction of IH
fusing unit. 5 Replace the IH coil unit.
heater operation)
6 Replace IHPU. 7 Replace IHMEB.
8 PRCB ICP5 conduction check. 9
Replace PRCB. 10 Replace NF1.
IH input power error
• While the IH heater was ON, input
power stayed at the high voltage power
detection value or over for more than the
predetermined period of time. • While the
IH heater was ON, input power was at
the low power detection value or under
1 Check the connection of the fusing
for more than the predetermined period
unit. 2 Check the fusing unit, IH coil
of time. • While the IH heater was ON,
unit, IHPU, NF1 and PRCB for proper
input power was at the high voltage
C3B07 connection and correct or change as
detection value or over for more than the
necessary. 3 Replace the IH coil unit.
predetermined period of time. • While the
4 Replace IHPU. 5 Replace PRCB. 6
IH heater was ON, input power was
Replace NF1.
below the low voltage detection value or
under for more than the predetermined
period of time. • While the IH heater was
ON, inverter power stayed at the upper
limit value or over for more than the
predetermined period of time. • While the
IH heater was ON, output voltage halt

was detected.
IH input voltage error
• While the IH heater was ON, input 1 Check the connection of the fusing
power was at the high voltage detection unit. 2 Check the fusing unit, IH coil
value or over for more than the unit, IHPU, NF1 and PRCB for proper
C3B08 predetermined period of time. • While the connection and correct or change as
IH heater was ON, input voltage was at necessary. 3 Replace the IH coil unit.
the low power detection value or under 4 Replace IHPU. 5 Replace PRCB. 6
for more than the predetermined period Replace NF1.
of time.
Turn OFF the main power switch,
disconnect and then connect the
power cord. Wait for 10 sec. or more
PH communication error
after connect the power cord, and
When the PH relay board (PHRYB) is
C4002 turn ON the main power switch. 2
receiving data, a communication error is
PRCB ICP17 conduction check. 3
Replace PRCB. 4 PHRYB ICP1
conduction check. 5 Replace
Polygon motor’s rotation trouble
1 Check the connector between the
• The polygon motor fails to turn stably
PH unit- PHRYB CN14 for proper
even after the lapse of a given period of
connection and correct as necessary.
C4101 time after activating the polygon motor. •
2 Replace the PH unit. 3 PHRYB
Motor lock signal detects HIGH for a
ICP4 or ICP 6 conduction check. 4
given period time consecutively during
Replace PHRYB. 5 Replace PRCB.
the polygon motor is rotating.
1 Check the connector between
FM14-relay CN202- PHRYB CN12
for proper connection and correct as
necessary. 2 Check the fan for
PH cooling fan’s failure to turn
possible overload and correct as
The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a
C4301 necessary. 3 FM14 operation check
predetermined continuous period of time
while the fan remains stationary.
CN12-5 (LOCK) 9-B. 4 Replace
FM14. 5 PHRYB ICP6 conduction
check. 6 Replace PHRYB. 7 Replace
Laser malfunction 1 Check the connector between the
• SOS signal is not detected even after PH unit-PHRYB CN15, 16 for proper
the lapse of a given period of time after connection and correct as necessary
staring the laser output. • SOS signal is 2 Replace the PH unit. 3 PHRYB
not detected for a given period of time ICP2 conduction check. 4 Replace
during printing or IDC sensor adjustment. PHRYB. 5 Replace PRCB.

1 Reinstall the old PRCB. 2 Back up

data. 2.1. Call the Service Mode to
the screen. 2.2. Call the Enhanced
Security to the screen. 2.3. Touch
[Engine Data Backup]. 2.4. Touch
[Engine Data Save mode], and press
the Start key. 2.5. Select [Yes], and
press the Start key again. 2.6. Check
that the result OK appears. 3
Replace PRCB Turn OFF the main
power switch and replace the current
PRCB with a new one. (When using
a PRCB of another machine in
service, be sure to use a PRCB
Main unit board failure installed in the same model.) 4
C4801 MFP detects simultaneous replacement Restore back up data. 4.1. Turn ON
of multiple boards. the main power switch. 4.2. Check
that the trouble code C4802 appears
and then display service mode. 4.3.
Call the Enhanced Security to the
screen. 4.4. Touch [Engine Data
Backup]. 4.5. Touch [Engine Data
Load mode], and press the Start key.
4.6. Select [Yes], and press the Start
key again. 4.7. Check that the result
OK appears. 4.8. Turn OFF the main
power switch and turn it ON again
more than 10 seconds after. 5
Update the PRCB firmware. 6 If the
above actions do not solve the
problem, contact KMBT.
1 1.1. Check that the trouble code
C4802 appears and then display
service mode. 1.2. Call the Enhanced
Security to the screen. 1.3. Touch
[Engine Data Backup]. 1.4. Touch
[Engine Data Load mode], and press
Main unit backup data miscompare
the Start key. 1.5. Select [Yes], and
C4802 The replacement of the printer control
press the Start key again. 1.6. Check
board is detected.
that the result OK appears. 1.7. Turn
OFF the main power switch and turn
it ON again more than 10 seconds
after. 2 Update the PRCB firmware. 3
If the above actions do not solve the
problem, contact KMBT.

1 Check the connector between M1-

PRCB CN21 for proper connection
and correct as necessary. 2 Check
Transfer belt motor's failure to turn the transfer belt for proper drive
The motor lock signal remains HIGH for a coupling and correct as necessary. 3
predetermined continuous period of time M1 operation check PRCB CN21-3
while the motor remains stationary. (REM) PRCB CN21-6 (LOCK) 17-K.
4 Replace M1. 5 PRCB ICP7 or
ICP18 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the connector between M1-
PRCB CN21 for proper connection
and correct as necessary. 2 Check
Transfer belt motor's turning at abnormal
the transfer belt for proper drive
coupling and correct as necessary. 3
C5105 The motor lock signal remains LOW for a
M1 operation check PRCB CN21-3
predetermined continuous period of time
(REM) PRCB CN21-6 (LOCK) 17-K.
while the motor remains stationary
4 Replace M1. 5 PRCB ICP7 or
ICP18 conduction check. 6 Replace
1 Check the connector between
FM10-relay CN293- PRCB CN5 for
proper connection and correct as
IH power supply cooling fan's failure to
necessary. 2 Check the fan for
possible overload and correct as
C5304 The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a
necessary. 3 FM10 operation check
predetermined continuous period of time
while the fan remains stationary.
(LOCK) 9-K. 4 Replace FM10. 5
PRCB ICP24 conduction check. 6
Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between FS3-
relay CN324-PRCB CN2 for proper
IH coil cooling fan's failure to turn connection and correct as necessary.
The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a 2 Check the fan for possible overload
predetermined continuous period of time and correct as necessary. 3 FM3
while the fan remains stationary. operation check PRCB CN2-8
(DRIVE) PRCB CN2-9 (LOCK) 3-K. 4
Replace FM3. 6 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between FM9-
DC power supply cooling fan's failure to
relay CN333- PRCB CN38 for proper
connection and correct as necessary.
C5351 The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a
2 Check the fan for possible overload
predetermined continuous period of time
and correct as necessary. 3 FM9
while the fan remains stationary.
operation check PRCB CN38-1

(DRIVE) PRCB CN38-3 (LOCK) 19-

K. 4 Replace FM9. 5 PRCB ICP3
conduction check. 6 Replace DCPU.
7 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between FM6-
relay CN322- PRCB CN1 for proper
Ozone ventilation fan's failure to turn connection and correct as necessary.
The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a 2 Check the fan for possible overload
predetermined continuous period of time and correct as necessary. 3 FM6
while the fan remains stationary. operation check PRCB CN1-6
(DRIVE) PRCB CN1-8 (LOCK) 7-K. 4
Replace FM6. 5 Replace PRCB.

Code Description Remedy

1 Check the connector between FM16-
relay CN328- PRCB CN2 for proper
Toner bottle cooling fan's failure to turn connection and correct as necessary. 2
The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a Check the fan for possible overload
predetermined continuous period of and correct as necessary. 3 FM16
time while the fan remains stationary operation check PRCB CN2-1 (DRIVE)
PRCB CN2-3 (LOCK) 2-K. 4 Replace
FM16. 5 Replace PRCB.
1 Check the connector between FM17-
MFP control board cooling fan's failure MFPB PJ26 for proper connection and
to turn correct as necessary. 2 Check the fan
C5370 The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a for possible overload and correct as
predetermined continuous period of necessary. 3 FM17 operation check
time while the fan remains stationary. MFPB PJ26-3 (LOCK) 21-O. 4 Replace
FM17. 5 Replace MFPB.
1 Reboot the machine. 2 Check the
connector between FM104-MFPB PJ20
MFP control board CPU temperature for proper connection and correct as
failure necessary. 3 Check the fan for possible
Temperature failure of CPU on the MFP overload and correct as necessary. 4
board was detected. FM104 operation check MFPB PJ20
17-S. 5 Replace FM104. 6 Replace
1 Check the connectors of the printer
Engine control error control board (PRCB) for proper
C5601 The port monitor control detects engine connection, and correct as necessary.
control error. 2 Rewrite the firmware. 3 Replace

Drive system home sensor malfunction

1 Correct or change the scanner drive
• The scanner home sensor is unable to
(pulley, gear, belt) if it is faulty. 2
detect the scanner located at its home
Correct the scanner motor set screw if
position. • The scanner home sensor is
loose. 3 Adjust [Image Position Leading
unable to detect a scanner even when
Edge] and [Feed Direction Adjustment].
the scanner motor has been driven to
4 Check the PS201, M201, SCDB and
C6102 move the scanner over the maximum
MFPB connector for proper connection
travelling distance. • The scanner home
and correct as necessary. 5 PS201 I/O
sensor detects the scanner when the
check, sensor check SCDB PJ6-3 (ON)
scanner has moved the maximum
17-V. 6 M201 operation check SCDB
travelling distance from the position, at
PJ4-1 to 7 17-V. 7 Replace SCDB. 8
which it blocks the scanner home
Replace MFPB.
1 Correct or change the scanner drive
(pulley, gear, belt) if it is faulty. 2
Slider over running Correct the scanner motor set screw if
The scanner home sensor detects the loose. 3 Adjust [Image Position Leading
scanner at its home position during a Edge] and [Feed Direction Adjustment].
period of time that begins with the time 4 Check the PS201, M201, SCDB and
when a pre-scan command and a scan MFPB connector for proper connection
preparation command are executed and correct as necessary. 5 PS201 I/O
and ends when a home return check, sensor check SCDB PJ6-3 (ON)
command is executed. 17-V. 6 M201 operation check SCDB
PJ4-1 to 7 17-V. 7 Replace SCDB. 8
Replace MFPB.
Back side cleaning home sensor
abnormality (initial) 1 Check the connector between M7-
• The back side cleaning home sensor relay CN119-DFCB CN6 for proper
(PS9) does not change from H to L connection, and correct as necessary.
even after the lapse of a given period of 2 Check the connector of M7 for proper
time after the home position detecting drive coupling, and correct as
C6104 operation is started at the initial necessary. 3 PS9 I/O check, sensor
operation. • The back side cleaning check DFCB CN3-11 (ON) DF-702 6-C.
home sensor (PS9) does not change 4 M7 operation check DFCB CN6-5 to
from L to H even after the lapse of a 8 DF-702 7-C. 5 Replace M7. 6 DFCB
given period of time after the home ICP4 conduction check. 7 Replace
position detecting operation is started at DFCB.
the initial operation.
1 Check the connector between M7-
Back side cleaning home sensor relay CN119-DFCB CN6 for proper
abnormality (normal) connection, and correct as necessary.
C6105 At the time of operation other than the 2 Check the connector of M7 for proper
initial operation, the back side cleaning drive coupling, and correct as
home sensor (PS9) error is detected. necessary. 3 PS9 I/O check, sensor
check DFCB CN3-11 (ON) DF-702 6-C.

4 M7 operation check DFCB CN6-5 to

8 DF-702 7-C. 5 Replace M7. 6 DFCB
ICP4 conduction check. 7 Replace
1 Select [Service Mode] - [State
Confirmation] - [Memory/HDD Adj.] -
[Memory Bus Check] - [Scanner-
Image input time out Memory], and conduct the memory bus
C6704 Image data is not input from the function. 2 Check the connectors
scanner to the MFP board (MFPB). between scanner section and MFPB for
proper connection and correct as
necessary. 3 Replace MFPB. 4
Replace CCDB.
1 Correct the harness connection
between CCDB and MFPB if faulty. 2
CCD clamp/gain adjustment failure Check for possible extraneous light and
• The adjustment value is 0 or 255 correct as necessary. 3 Clean the lens,
C6751 during a CCD clamp adjustment. • The mirrors, CCD surface, and shading
peak value of the output data is 64 or sheet if dirty. 4 Correct reflective mirror
less during a CCD gain adjustment. of the scanner if faulty, or change
scanner mirror. 5 Replace CCDB. 6
Replace MFPB.
ASIC clock input error (front side)
When starting the machine, verification
on reading and writing the 1 Correct the harness connection of
C6752 predetermined value for image CCDB if faulty. 2 Replace CCDB. 3
processing ASIC on CCD board was Replace MFPB.
conducted, and verification failure was
ASIC clock input error (back side)
1 Correct the harness connection
When starting the machine, verification
between DF and DSIPB if faulty. 2
on reading and writing the
Correct the harness connection
C6753 predetermined value for image
between DSIPB and MFPB if faulty. 3
processing ASIC on dual scan image
Replace the CIS module. 4 Replace
processing board was conducted, and
DSIPB. 5 Replace MFPB.
verification failure was detected.
1 Correct the harness connection
between CIS and DSIPB if faulty. 2
CIS clamp adjustment failure Correct the harness connection
After the gain adjustment is performed between CIS and DFPU if faulty. 3
at the start-up, the CIS clamp Check for possible extraneous light and
adjustment value is too high or too low. correct as necessary. 4 Clean the back
side reading glass and the shading
sheet if dirty. 5 Replace CIS. 6 Replace

DSIPB. 7 Replace DFPU. 8 Replace

1 Correct the harness connection
between CIS and DSIPB if faulty. 2
Correct the harness connection
CIS gain adjustment failure between CIS and DFPU if faulty. 3
After the gain adjustment is performed Check for possible extraneous light and
at the start-up, the peak value of the correct as necessary. 4 Clean the back
output data is lower than a given value. side reading glass and the shading
sheet if dirty. 5 Replace CIS. 6 Replace
DSIPB. 7 Replace DFPU. 8 Replace
DSC board mount failure 1 1 Correct the harness connection of
C6901 When MFP detects that DSC board DSC board if faulty. 2 Replace the DSC
(front side) is not properly installed. board. 3 Replace MFPB.

Code Description Remedy

DSC Bus check NG1-1 1 Correct the harness connection of
C6902 When DSC bus check (front side) DSC board if faulty. 2 Replace the DSC
detects an error. board. 3 Replace MFPB.
DSC Bus check NG1-2 1 Correct the harness connection of
C6903 When DSC bus check (front side) DSC board if faulty. 2 Replace the DSC
detects an error. board. 3 Replace MFPB.
DSC board mount failure 2 1 Correct the harness connection of
C6911 When MFP detects that DSC board DSC board if faulty. 2 Replace the DSC
(back side) is not properly installed. board. 3 Replace MFPB.
DSC Bus check NG2-1 1 Correct the harness connection of
C6912 When DSC bus check (back side) DSC board if faulty. 2 Replace the DSC
detects an error. board. 3 Replace MFPB.
DSC Bus check NG2-2 1 Correct the harness connection of
C6913 When DSC bus check (back side) DSC board if faulty. 2 Replace the DSC
detects an error. board. 3 Replace MFPB.
Scanner sequence trouble 1
The original transport interval becomes 1 Correct the harness connection
C6F01 shorter than the designed value due to between main body and DF if faulty. 2
an original transport control error in Replace DFCB. 3 Replace MFPB.
original reading in DF.
Before reading pressure/retraction 1 Check the connector between M6-
C8101 alienation mechanism DFCB CN4 for proper connection, and
• During a pressure motion being correct as necessary. 2 Check the

performed, the before read sensor connector of M6 for proper drive

(PS6) output does not change from H coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
to L. • During a retraction motion being Check the connector between PS6-
performed, the before read sensor DFCB CN9 for proper connection, and
(PS6) output does not change from L correct as necessary. 4 PS6 I/O check,
to H. sensor check DFCB CN9-5 (ON) DF-
702 3-C. 5 M6 operation check DFCB
CN4-20 (ON) DF-702 10-C. 6 Replace
M6. 7 DFCB ICP9 conduction check. 8
Replace DFCB.
1 Check the connector between M5-
DFCB CN11 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M5 for proper drive
Lift up mechanism trouble (Upward
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
Check the connector between PS2-
The lift up upper sensor (PS2) is not
C8103 DFCB CN5 for proper connection, and
unblocked after a lapse of a given time
correct as necessary. 4 PS2 I/O check,
after the lift-up motor (M5) moves up
sensor check DFCB CN5-3 (ON) DF-
(is turned forward).
702 10-C. 5 M5 operation check DFCB
CN11-4 to 7 DF-702 13-C. 6 Replace
M5. 7 DFCB ICP13 conduction check. 8
Replace DFCB.
1 Check the connector between M5-
DFCB CN11 for proper connection, and
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
connector of M5 for proper drive
Lift up mechanism failure (Downward
coupling, and correct as necessary. 3
Check the connector between PS3-
The lift up lower sensor (PS3) is not
C8106 DFCB CN12 for proper connection, and
blocked after a lapse of a given time
correct as necessary. 4 PS3 I/O check,
after the lift-up motor (M5) goes down
sensor check DFCB CN12-12 (ON) DF-
(is turned backward).
702 12-C. 5 M5 operation check DFCB
CN11-4 to 7 DF-702 13-C. 6 Replace
M5. 7 DFCB ICP13 conduction check. 8
Replace DFCB.
1 Check the connector between M8-
DFCB CN6 for proper connection and
Glass cleaning mechanism trouble
correct as necessary. 2 Check the
The front side cleaning home sensor
connector between PS18-DFCB CN3
(PS18) is not unblocked after the set
C8107 for proper connection and correct as
period of time has elapsed after the
necessary. 3 Check the connector of
front side cleaning motor (M8) is turned
M8 for proper drive coupling, and
correct as necessary. 4 PS18 I/O
check, sensor check DFCB CN3-6 (ON)

DF-702 6-C. 5 M8 operation check

DFCB CN6-1 to 4 DF-702 7-C. 6
Replace M8. 7 Replace DFCB.
1 Check the connector of FM1-DFCB
CN9 for proper connection and correct
Take-up cooling fan failure
as necessary. 2 Check the fan for
While the motor is running, the fan lock
possible overload and correct as
C8302 signal remains HIGH for a
necessary. 3 FM1 operation check
predetermined number of times in a
DFCB CN9-9 (LOCK) DF-702 4-C. 4
Replace FM1. 5 DFCB ICP5 conduction
check. 6 Replace DFCB.
1 Turn OFF the main power switch,
disconnect and then connect the power
cord. Wait for 10 sec. or more after
Data flash failure connect the power cord, and turn ON
Data flash does not access normally the main power switch. 2 Check the
DFCB connector for proper connection
and correct as necessary. 3 Rewrite the
firmware. 4 Replace DFCB.
1 Check the connection between SCDB
and LA201, and correct if necessary. 2
Check the connection between SCDB
Exposure LED lighting failure and MFPB, and correct if necessary. 3
The output from the CCD sensor is a Check that the connection between
predetermined value or less during CCDB and MFPB, and correct if
CCD sensor gain adjustment. necessary. 4 Replace the LED
exposure unit. 5 Replace CCDB. 6
SCDB F1 conduction check. 7 Replace
SCDB. 8 Replace MFPB.
1 Check the connection between SCDB
and LA201, and correct if necessary. 2
Check the connection between SCDB
Exposure LED lighting abnormally
and MFPB, and correct if necessary. 3
The average output value of the CCD
Check that the connection between
C9402 sensor with the scanner at its standby
CCDB and MFPB, and correct if
position is a predetermined value or
necessary. 4 Replace the LED
more at the end of a scan job.
exposure unit. 5 Replace CCDB. 6
SCDB F1 conduction check. 7 Replace
SCDB. 8 Replace MFPB.
CIS LED lighting failure 1 Correct the harness connection
At the CIS gain adjustment, the between CIS and DSIPB if faulty. 2
C9403 machine detected that the output of the Correct the harness connection
CIS LED is lower than the specified between CIS and DFPU if faulty. 3
value. Replace CIS. 4 Replace DFPU. 5

Replace DSIPB. 6 Replace MFPB.

Code Description Remedy

CIS LED lighting abnormally
After a scan job is 1 Correct the harness connection between CIS
completed, the machine and DSIPB if faulty. 2 Correct the harness
C9404 detected that the average connection between CIS and DFPU if faulty. 3
output of the CIS LED is Replace CIS. 4 Replace DFPU. 5 Replace
greater than the specified DSIPB. 6 Replace MFPB.
1 Check to see if the following setting has been
correctly made: [Service Mode] - [System 2] -
Standard controller [Image Controller Setting]. If changing the setting,
configuration failure turn OFF the main power switch and turn it ON
The controller of the MFP again after 10 seconds or more. 2 Check the
board (MFPB) is faulty. connectors of the MFP board (MFPB) for proper
connection and correct as necessary. 3 Replace
1 Check to see if the following setting has been
correctly made: [Service Mode] - [System 2] -
Controller hardware error [Image Controller Setting]. If changing the setting,
A controller hardware error turn OFF the main power switch and turn it ON
is detected in the network again after 10 seconds or more. 2 Check the
I/F. connectors of the MFP board (MFPB) for proper
connection and correct as necessary. 3 Replace
1 Check to see if the following setting has been
correctly made: [Service Mode] - [System 2] -
Controller start failure [Image Controller Setting]. If changing the setting,
A controller start failure is turn OFF the main power switch and turn it ON
detected in the controller again after 10 seconds or more. 2 Check the
interface. connectors of the MFP board (MFPB) for proper
connection and correct as necessary. 3 Replace
CB001 FAX board error 1
CB002 FAX board error 2
CB003 FAX board error 3
FAX board mount failure
line 1
CB052 FAX board mount failure

line 2
FAX driver error: Instance
CB110 generation error or observer
registration error
... HDD error
... MFP Control Board error

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