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Road to Armageddon

Core Rules
GAME DESIGNER: Phillip McGregor

Text © 2015 by Phillip McGregor

Cover Art by Ricky Hunter, © by PGD/Phillip McGregor (2015)

Graphics are mostly sourced from the Internet and are believed to be copyright free and/or in the public domain.
Some are from Wikimedia Commons, many are from US Government sources (especially the Department of Defense),
and a large number are from the Australian Defence Department, which allows free use as long as Commonwealth
Government copyright is acknowledged, which is freely done.

Some Graphics © Stephen Trustrum (military sidebars)


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Manly Vale NSW 2093



These rules are dedicated to the memory of my parents, Bevan George (1913-1999) and Alice Lorna McGregor
(1919-2008) who never really understood what it was I did on my weekends and in much of my spare time (a lot of it
sitting before a computer screen, which they didn’t really understand either) for the last 35 years or so, but who was
always supportive of whatever it was I did. Great parents and really nice guys. I miss you both a lot.
I’d like to thank all those who backed this project on Kickstarter and, therefore, helped to bring it to fruition – it is
greatly appreciated!

Recruit: adumbratas, Brian Kreuzinger, Eric Metcalf PhD, NCLanceman

Volunteer: Samuel J Hagadorn

Lance Corporal. Epelo, Boris Jjvc, Jason Weiser

Corporal. Charles Lawrie, Robert, Fabio Sgambuzzi, Peter Winter, Stuart Whitehouse, Zack

Sergeant. Bradley Clark, Derrick Cook, Amanda Kear, Jarkko Koskinen, Frank Magaw Jr, John Robertson, tunglashr

Company Sergeant Major. Francesco Antonelli, Stephane Boyer, Doug Grimes, Kurt McMahon, Brian Perlis, tommy

Regimental Sergeant Major. Peter Edlin, Jennifer McGregor, Charles Myers, Markus Plötz, Redfuji6, Adrian
Runchel, Andrew Smith, Ewan Spence, Michael Wells

Special thanks are due to Esa Elo and Ewan Spence who took the time to read through the Core Rules and make
cogent observations that led to many changes to clarify and explain some things that were less than clear and to ask
cogent questions about other things that, on examination, needed correction, rewriting or additional rules.

Extra special thanks to Adrian Runchell and Michael Wells from the NSW Wargamers gang @ Burwood who have
participated in the development of the rules and background over a decade or more – the game is much better
because of your suggestions and assistance!



The Three Way War 1 Aptitude Based Skills 69
Campaigns 6 (Design, Literature, Musician, Performer, Survival, Tech-
The Road to Armageddon 9 nician)
Character Creation 23 Deduction Based Skills 70
Characters 24 (Electronics, Engineering, Environ Knowledge, Financ-
Backgrounds 26 ial, Humanities, Languages, Medical, Military Sciences,
Character Creation – Abilities 28 Science)
Health 28 Command Based Skills 72
(Athletics, Damage, Health) (Etiquette, Leadership, Seduction, Streetwise)
Cunning 29 Other Skills 72
(Spotting) (Concentration)
Aptitude 29 GM Created Skills 72
Deduction 29 Techniques 72
Command 29 Health Based 73
Luck 30 (Assasssin. Fire & Move, Ground Attack, Martial Arts
Abilities & Focuses 30 Combo, Melee Combo, Snap Shot, Sniper, Tanker)
(Health, Cunning, Aptitude, Deduction and Command Cunning Based 75
Focuses) 31 (Infiltrator, Saboteur)
Character Creation – Quirks 32 Aptitude Based 76
Purchase Costs & Basic Rules 32 (Artisan, McGuyver, Star)
Advantageous 32 Deduction Based 79
(Advanced Tech Possession, Ambidextrous, Authority, (Gadgeteer, Librarian)
Brick, Changed, Connections, Enhanced Immunity, Command Based 80
Flexibility, Hero, Internal Compass, Internal Clock, (Diplomat, Fixer)
Likeable, Lightning Reflexes, Major Possession, (Milit- GM Created Techniques 82
ary) Rank, Mutable, Natural Linguist, Reputation, Ro- Troupe Play 83
bust, Sidekick, Situational Awareness, Sixth Sense, Strik- Military Units/Troupes 83
ing Looks, Tolerance of Pain, Veteran/Child Prodigy, (PC Numbers and unit Size, Troupe/Unit Organisation,
Wealth) Troupe/Unit Skill Base)
Disadvantageous 43 Multinational Ranks 85
(Addiction, Arrogant, Bad Luck, Clumsy, Coward, (US, British, German, French, Canadian, ROK, PLA
Curiousity, Debt, Disfigured, Easily Distracted, Forget- (Chinese), Russian, Japanese and North Korean Armies;
ful, Fugitive, Honest, Illiterate, Infamous, Inflexible, US and Royal Navies, Royal Marines, Bundesmarine,
Mannerism, Minor Disability, Naïve, Obligation, Pacif- Marine Nationale; US, Royal Air Forces, Luftwaffe
ist, Poverty, Reduced Immunity, Sickly, Slow Reflexes, Armee de l’Air, Legion Etranger)
Thousand Yard Stare, Vulnerability) Character Creation Examples 87
A Final Note 52 Game System 91
Character Creation – Careers 54 Tasks & Task Checks 92
Careers as Skills 54 (What is a Task?, Terminology)
Quirks acquired during Careers 54 Task Resolution 93
Careers 54 (Overall Procedure)
(Academic, Air Force, Airline Crew, Armed Forces Res- What Failure Represents 94
erve, Army, Detective, Dilettante, Diplomat, Engineer, Success & Failure 95
Entrepreneur, Factory Hand, Jack of All Trades, Journ- (Automatic Success, Success, Additional Successes and
alist, Marines, Medical, Merchant Marine, Military Critical Successes, Failure, Success Shortfall and Critical
Academy, Navy, Office Worker, Performer, Pol- Failure)
ice/Security, Professional, Scientist, Special Forces, What Critical Failure Represents 96
Technician, Trucker) (Task Checks and Unskilled Task Use)
Character Creation – Skills 66 Task Types 97
Skills and Specialisations 66 (All Out Tasks, Combination Tasks, Concentration
Health Based 66 Tasks, Continuing Tasks, Opposed/Simultaneous Tasks,
(Archery, Athletics, Brawling, Driving, Firearms, Gym- Resisted Tasks)
nastics, Martial Arts, Melee, Missile, Piloting, Riding, Are Skills always Necessary? 98
ii Seamanship, Thrown Weapons) Combat Resolution 101
Cunning Based Skills 68 Time and Ground Scale 101
(Criminal, Detective, Observation, Subterfuge, Gambling) The Passage of Time 101
(Variable Combat Turn Length Option) Rough, Extreme, Game Effects)
Distance & Travel
Actions & Time
Abstract Nature of the Rules
The Physical World
(Terminology) 102 Armour 139
Actions & The Action Pool
(The Action Pool, Maximum Number of Actions, Action
102 (Personal/Light, Structural, Heavy)
Asphyxiation 139
Overhead by Career, Adding Dice, Determining Action
Length and Order, When Action Resolution Occurs,
(Asphyxiation & Slow Decompression, Catastrophic De-
Trivial Actions, Boosting Reactions) Athletics 140
Ambush and Surprise
(Ambush, Surprise)
105 (Movement, Jumping, Weightlifting)
Burns 141
Actions 106 Collisions 142
(Active, Reactive/Passive, Types of Actions – Aim Action, Combat Damage 143
Attack Action, Defense Action: Melee: Active, Defense (General Procedure – Generic Combat Effects, Inflicting
Action: Melee: Reactive, Defense Action: Missile: Active,
Defense Action: Missile: Reactive, Held Action, Interrupt
Damage, Healing Damage)
Diseases 144
Action, Movement Action, Movement-Dodge Action,
Prepare Action, Quick Draw Action, Reload Action, Use
(Disease Data – Mode of Infection, Check Interval, Effect
Duration, Disease Strength; Procedure – Disease Effects,
Skill Action) Symptomatic Effects)
Attack Types 110 Electric Shock 145
(Armour Piercing: Standard, Explosive, Armour Pierc- (Procedure)
ing; Autofire: Single Target, Multi-Target, Area, Contin-
uous Area, Suppressive; Burst Fire: Single Target, Mult-
Equipment Damage
(Armour, Structure)
iple Targets; Explosions: Explosive Damage, Exposure 146
Fragmentation Attacks, Blast Only Attacks, Dodging
Explosions; Indirect Fire: Communications Links, Spot-
(Extremes of Cold – Procedure; Extremes of Heat –
ting, Firing Sheaf, Suppression, Calling Fire, Time on
Target; Melee Attacks: Melee Attack Types; Multiple
Shots; Thrown Weapons; Unarmed Combat: Brawling, (Fatigue Points, Fatigue Recovery, Damage & Wounds –
Martial Arts)
Combat/Crisis Modifiers 119
Recovering from Wounds, Death, Stabilisation, Surgery,
Intensive Care, Final Recovery)
(Environmental Factors – Close Spaces, Hard Cover, Soft
Cover, Firing into Melee, Range, Target Size, Visibility,
Movement (Strategic)
(Foot & Mounted Movement – Normal, Fast, Forced;
Water Obstacles; Weapon Factors – Aim, Enhancements, Using the Terrain Effects Chart, Weather Effects)
Recoil, Stability; Situational Factors – Movement, Quick
Draw, Ready Weapon, Specific Target; Other Factors; A
(Poison Data – Mode of Operation, Check Interval,
151 e
Final Note …)
Combat Modifiers & Range Table 124
Effect Duration, Poison Strength; Procedure – Poison
Effects, Symptomatic Effects)
Basic Combat Example 125 The Sensory World 155
Vehicular Rules
Vehicular Combat
(Sight, Noise, Smell; Awareness)
155 d
Time and Ground Scale
Reaction Roll/Actions
Experience and Luck
Gaining Experience
(Ambush & Surprise; Actions – Defend Missile; Attack (Experience & Skill Use, Experience & Role Playing)
Factors – Hard Cover, Soft Cover, Movement)
Hit Location 129
Spending Experience 158
(Experience and Skills, Experience and Abilities, The
(Turretless Vehicles: Engine or Fuel, Crew-Control or Limits of Experience: Option – Realistic Character
Passengers, Running Gear-Suspension, Cargo Area, Growth)
Equipment; Turreted Vehicles – Vehicle Hull: Engine or Using & Abusing Experience I 158
Fuel, Crew-Control or Passengers, Running Gear-Suspen- Using & Abusing Experience II 159
sion, Cargo Area-Ammo, Special Equipment; Vehicle Luck 159
Turret: Main Weapon, Secondary/Other Weapon, Crew, Experience as Luck 159
Ammo, Special Equipment) (Expending Experience as Luck)
Chases 134 Using Luck Ability 160
(Procedure) NPCs and Luck 161
Operational Data 134 Regaining Luck Ability 161
(Fuel Consumption … and Speed, … and Load, … and Index 162
Terrain, … and Fuel Type; Handling – Defense, iii
Targeting; Structure – Procedure, Game Effects; Suspen-
sion: Terrain Types – Restricted, Standard, Off Road,
So, what is RtA all about? elle’s Janissaries series (the fourth book of which we are
promised will be available “real soon now” for a couple
ORIGINS of decades now), S. M. Stirling’s Island in the Sea of
Well, it’s based on one of the most enduring tropes of Time trilogy, or Eric Flint’s 1632 cycle ... all of which
SF – the “what if I was marooned in time or a parallel have enjoyed a significant amount of sales and a strong
dimension” theme. A trope that has proved particular- fan base (the 1632 cycle currently being, by a huge and
ly popular over the last several decades. Clichéd? increasing margin, the most successful of the three).
Hackneyed? Possibly. Though I hope not.
Thus, RtA is intended to be the basis of a series of
The original, early 1980’s, background was very spec- games and supplements setting up the background for
ific – 20th century warriors in the 12th century Byzan- such a Displaced campaign – but one that can also be
tine (or, more correctly, “Late East Roman” (1)) empire. the basis for a stand alone Third World War or imm-
ediate post nuclear campaign as well.
After having completed the main RtA sequence, I fully
intend to do a rewrite of that background – modern The Core Rules that you have in your hands can be
warriors transported back to the 12th Century AD, as I used, along with the Gear Book as a standalone “After
have more than enough material to do a whole extra the Holocaust” style game, with no fantasy or science
book for it as well, which may be more of interest who fictional elements at all.
prefer a more historical and less SF/Fantasy background.
And it seems to me that this genre would stand the same
However, over the course of a number of years of sort of treatment as the time travel/parallel dimension
tinkering with it (and running it with my local games genre was given in Displaced – so expect, “real soon
group), I decided that something different, something now” (like, probably 2016 or, more likely, 2017 … PGD
really unusual, was needed. is a one man operation, after all), a supplement for such
“after the disaster” genre ... tentatively titled “After ...”
The result was the most recent version (for EABA from
BTRC), with a background that places 20th and early Of course, you don’t need to wait for After to appear –
21st century characters in the far future – the 27th the core RtA books can easily be used as they stand as
millennium. A world facing dire threat from the ultim- the basis for such a campaign – there are a number of
ate evil tm – one the characters can take a significant existing game backgrounds that set the scene and, of
part in vanquishing (or attempting to, anyway). course, as GM, you no doubt have your own ideas as
to what the “perfect” end of the world (as we know it)
DEVELOPING A THEME scenario would be ... and you can run with that.
The development of other products for the PGD line,
supplements such as Farm, Forge and Steam (shame- Alternately, these core RtA books (Core Rules, Gear
less commercial plug!), for example, led me to consider Book and Here & Now) could be used with historical
some of the elements of RtA in a different light – as a sourcebooks intended for Displaced as the basis for a
supplement for generic games in a one way parallel time travel/alternate history campaign with oomph.
dimension/alternate history/time travel vein.
When these eventually appear – “real soon now” as they
Farm, Forge and Steam covers the entire span of human say in the computer vapour ... er software ... Industry.
history and looks, realistically, at the various constraints
that have shaped human progress over that period, And, as noted in the introduction to Displaced, there
placing it in an easily digested form to allow GMs to are a large number of possible titles that I could easily
design believable campaign worlds and backgrounds. write in this vein, titles that could form the basis for
many stand alone campaign backgrounds!
The result?
Displaced (another shameless commercial plug!), which
deals specifically with the idea – providing all the tools The F&SF 27th Millennium background could be done
needed to create a campaign background based ar- for RtA as well ... and also as a stand alone F&SF
ound such an event – allowing GMs to reasonably background.
accurately represent their favourite fictional back-
iv ground and has proved to be quite successful Thus, these core books are intended for multiple uses,
and which use you will be putting them to will depend
Such backgrounds include, for example, Jerry Pourn- on whether you have purchased them by themselves or
as part of a package deal with one of the background isn’t anywhere near a majority of those involved at
titles that will eventually become available. any given time (though the less than 20% figures given
by some authorities are … suspect).
The next title(s) to follow these core books will be a
preliminary campaign that could go either way – be
Most rounds seem to be fired blindly from behind
cover – or just blindly – and data shows several thous-
the precursor to a WW3 or post-WW3 “after the holo-
caust” campaign or be the precursor to a cross-time or
and rounds of small arms ammo are typically fired for
a single casualty.
cross-dimension campaign. This has the working title
of “Biafra (2)” and will be at least two, probably three,
connected books of ~180 pages each.
In reality, the big killer in all modern wars has been
artillery and heavy weapons. And even they expend far
more ammo than you might expect for each casualty
Following on from that will be a Campaign book for they cause.
the 27th Millennium campaign that was the core of the
original RtA rules, tentatively titled “Thalassa! Thal-
assa! (3)” … as well as a Background book connected
Yet in all Role Playing Games PCs and NPCs fire their
personal weapons with incredibly bravery and accur-
with it, Here and Now (probably more than one book)
and, later, a stand alone Rulebook for the 27th Millen-
acy at all stages of combat.
nium, tentatively titled “Ashes of the Apocalypse (4)”, all Of course, applying the sort of reality factor that
... yep, you guessed it, “real soon now”). would reduce their chances of acting or hitting things
to a realistic level would neither make the players
Mixed in with all that, depending on a variety of
factors, will be versions of the background rejigged for
happy nor make for a fast playing game.
BTRC’s EABA rules and also, probably, a version for So what can be done?
Pinnacle Entertainment’s Savage Worlds – in both
cases some additional rules are needed, the Gear in Well, you’ll notice that the number of Actions a PC
the Gear Book has to be reworked, and the stats for the
PCs and other things in the Encounters and Campaign
(and NPC) can perform in a Combat Turn is based on
their Career Background – Civilian, Security and
Books have to be changed over to fit the different Military Characters with the same attribute values will
systems, though that should be relatively easy. have a significantly different number of actions they
can perform with, as you might expect, Civilians being
Which means that 2016 (and following years) will be
very busy for PGD.
the slowest and most hobbled … in a relative sense.
That’s on the PC side of things. On the NPC side, the
After that? Well, there’s a whole lot of stuff – some,
further developments of RtA/Displaced, others not …
Morale rules in the Modern Encounters rulebook
hobbles them much more. Depending on their morale
both rewrites or expansions of some existing products
and new ones as well – that I would like to get around
and training, a lot of what they do will be what can
loosely called ‘spray and pray’ … firing randomly in
doing, but that’s too far off to generate anything even random directions at random times in the hope that
vaguely resembling certain plans. they will at least throw the other guy’s aim off. d
The D10 System is a fairly standard sort of D10 based
So, if the Players are careful, and follow reasonably
realistic modern battlefield tactics … fire and move,
Dice Pool mechanic – which is then used to model overwatch fire, moving from cover to cover etc. … they
something that, hopefully, at least somewhat resem-
bles real life effects …
will be able to deal with something mechanically
resembling elements of a real battlefield.
In real life normal human beings find it incredibly There are a fair few Skill areas in RtA, and each of
hard to actively kill other human beings. Military (and them has a fairly long list of Specialisations – and
military style) training does the best it can to set up a Players and GMs are encouraged to add any others
system of automatic reactions that will overcome this they feel are needed.
… but evidence shows that it is, at best, minimally
successful. Even so, short of a ridiculously over the top system –
or a ridiculously generic one – there probably aren’t
Data from WW1, WW2 and more modern wars as well enough to represent what a real person can do.
as Police shootouts show that it is depressingly
common for all involved to shoot their weapons dry There are a number of ways this can be handled, but v
and not hit anyone at all. And that’s for the ones in RtA there is one that, as far as I am aware, hasn’t
involved that actually fire their weapons at all – which been used by anyone else before now – the idea that
character Careers can, themselves, represent Skills. So, in the chaos of the world of RtA it’s one of the hot
It’s pretty generic as written, but could be developed spots – Boko Haram fanatics control the North, the rump
further by individual gaming groups – and certainly Federal government controls the Southwest and a
should allow for well rounded characters without resurgent Ibo-Igbo rebel state (backed by the USA, but
being too generic. oh so covertly) controls much of the oil-rich Southeast.


As you will probably soon realise, as a designer I
prefer a lot of crunch. I don’t mind playing some of the (3) The famous exclamation made by the 10,000 Greek
more fuzzy game systems out there (such as FUDGE Mercenaries in Xenophon’s Anabasis (“The March Up-
or FATE, for example) regularly, but they require a lot country”), the story of their escape across a hostile Per-
more suspension of disbelief in a lot of situations than sian empire after the death of their paymaster – “The
I am generally happy with. Sea! The Sea!” ... more or less “Home Free!” in context.

The D10 system does, however, include a fair bit of

cinematic action elements – the whole idea of Luck is
the obvious bit, but there are more that aren’t as A true adventure story, well worth reading – and, when
obvious (combat is, of course, as I have already you see the “Thalassa! Thalassa!” campaign you’ll
indicated) mostly things which, if modelled closely on understand the reference much better!
reality, would be far too deadly to make a fun game.
(4) Apocalypse from the Greek apokalypsis “lifting the
That said, like all designers, I encourage you and your veil” ... or revelation.
group to treat these rules as your own – anything you
don’t like, or don’t think makes for an interesting And not from “apokalypsis eschaton” ... “the end of the
game, or which you don’t think handles reality very world” ... though, of course, you could see it as a partic-
well … change it! ularly obscure pun!

And feel free to do so!

– Phil McGregor, Sydney, Australia 2014-15

A final point – this is a work of Alternate History (or

Alternate Future History), just in case that isn’t clear.

While the events (except, admittedly, for the Russo-

Japanese alliance) depicted seem reasonably likely (or,
at least, not blindingly improbable or completely ridicu-
lous) as of writing, unexpected things can happen – so,
if they do, and <whatever> renders RtA more improb-
able than it already is (or if you don’t like it very much)
then, well, feel free to ignore it, rewrite it or … whatever.

Remember, its purpose is to get the Players, unexpect-

edly dumped in the world of the 27th Millennium …
which makes concerns about the historicity of how they
get there and what the past was like, well, moot in the
extreme. That’s my take on things for what it’s worth.

(1) Many people, even Historians, who should know

better, will tell you the Roman Empire collapsed c. 476
AD when Romulus Augustulus was deposed by Odoacer,
his Gothic “guardian” – but that was only the Western
part. The Eastern part continued to 1453 AD … and the
whole time they called themselves Rhomaioi (“Romans”).

What can I say. History teacher, see J

vi (2) If you’re old enough, you might remember the

Biafran Civil War (1967-70) – if not, well, it still isn’t
(entirely) over.




The collapse of the Russian Communist regime and its Japanese politicians eventually sought to revitalize
replacement with a nominally democratic one in the their economy by a shift to authoritarianism which,
last decade of the 20th century led, counter intuitively, unexpectedly, led to a re-development of the militar-
to massive geopolitical economic instability through- istic and expansionistic environment of the 1930’s.
out the world.
The first steps involved changing her “peace constitut-
No longer constrained by cold-war mandates, govern- ion” to allow her Self Defence Forces to become real
ments everywhere sought to express their own policies, armed forces, symbolically ending,as Japanese comm-
not merely those tolerated by the superpowers. Thus, entators stated at the time, the “ritual emasculation of
when the al Quaeda forces attacked the US on 11 SEP the Japanese state” by the West.
2001, it was both unexpected and, in retrospect (20:20
hindsight is wonderful!), entirely logical within the This was a popular move with the Japanese public –
internal logic of the changed world balance of power. especially attractive in the face of Chinese economic
resurgence, something the innately xenophobic ele-
Everyone expected the fallout of the attack to cause ments in Japanese politics and society were unable to
problems but, just as the Balkan Wars of 1912 had not come to intellectual or emotional grips with.
resulted in a continent spanning war (that had to wait
for the relatively trivial assassination of one man in Drifting away from her US ties as a result of these
Sarajevo in 1914), the US reaction to the “Attack on unexpected political developments, Japan increasing-
America” was initially relatively limited. ly aligned herself with the struggling bureaucratic
pseudo-democracy that was Russia.
However, the consequences of the US reaction rapidly
snowballed beyond all reasonably foreseeable expect- This move was necessary as the Chinese and Koreans,
ations (again, with the benefit of hindsight), actually and even the Americans, were increasingly perturbed
creating more regional and global instability. by Japanese militarism – the CIS increasingly became
Japan’s shield against such criticism.

JAPAN AND RUSSIA Japanese investment and trade stabilised the Russian
Even though US actions set the scene, so to speak, the economy, opening up an exclusive market for Japan-
proximate trigger was continuing governmental and ese goods, simultaneously undercutting US and Euro-
economic instability in the Far East, especially in pean market penetration in the Former Soviet Union.
Japan, due to generations of economic mismanage-
ment, political corruption and incompetence. AN ALLIANCE IS FORMED
Russo-Japanese ties became closer as they came to
“The Economic and Trade Recovery Act will realise how much each could gain from a relationship
regain the jobs of thousands of American workers … that would inevitably challenge what they both agreed
jobs taken … no, jobs stolen by the devious and was “undesirable” western economic and political
immoral actions of the Japanese government. dominance.

For decades we have let them do this to us … The Russians smarted under what they saw as arro-
believing that “fair play” would eventually enable gant US behaviour, claiming (and acting as if) it was
us to achieve a fair trading relationship. the “Last Superpower”, treating Russia as an irrelevan-
cy and trampling on her national pride – made espec-
We now realise this is never going to happen. The ially demeaning because of her economic weakness.
Japanese never have had any intention of “playing
fair.” Meanwhile, the Japanese were outraged by “racist” US
policies they believed were preventing free access to
On that basis I am glad to announce that the Senate US markets and the refusal to acknowledge what they
has approved the Bill and that the President has believed was their status as an economic superpower.
indicated he will approve it within the hour.
This common feeling led to the Russo-Japanese Milit-
Let the Japanese suffer the consequences of their ary and Economic Co-operation Acts in 20xx and the
actions.” fatal Economic and Trade Recovery Acts of 20xx,
2 triggering what became a devastating trade war bet-
– President pro tem, US Senate ween the newly formed Russo-Japanese Bloc and trad-
itional allies of the US-NATO-Western alliance.
The Japanese and Russians had intended their allian-
ce to be mutually beneficial – allowing the CIS to
enhance and expand their military power back to
“We declare a jihad against the apostates!
(and, perhaps, beyond) the levels of the old Soviet Allah will support us in this holy war to restore the
Union, while allowing the Japanese to benefit from an
economic hegemony over the old Soviet client states in
Holy sites to the control of the faithful. h
somewhat less than blatant neo-colonialism. I call on all muslims to join with us in opposing the
corruptly westernized Saudi rulers – and to oppose
the Great Satan and the Lesser Satan if they attempt
THE ISLAMIC WORLD to prevent cleansing the Holy Sites!”
Meanwhile, a series of fundamentalist Islamic instig-
ated actions triggered by the ineffective and ham-
handed US interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan,
– Mullah Omar bin Omar
wracked and reshaped the Middle East. Morocco all elected (or acquired via coup) fundament-

In Egypt the last moderate President was murdered

alist regimes which entrenched a totalitarian theo-
cratic power structure and virulent anti-westernism.
and replaced by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In Iraq Shi’ite fundamentalists finally overthrew the These states joined to form the New Caliphate, and
last vestiges of the so-called “democracy” which had
crumbled in the face of a violent sectarian and ethnic
used their economic power to enhance diplomatic and
military efforts to disrupt western interests, especially
civil war and the withdrawal of US support for its
inherently corrupt and irretrievably ethnically and
playing off against the Russo-Japanese bloc.
religiously divided political structures. The resultant They also put pressure on the “apostate” governments
theocratic dictatorship made the Iranian state look of the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia to conform to
moderate by comparison. anti-western oil policies.

In neighbouring Kuwait, the ruling family was all but When the Saudis refused, the Caliphate claimed “con-
exterminated by violent islamist coup which led to the tamination ... [of] Islamic purity ... [with] decadent,
creation of an extremist theocratic state. An islamist
coup in Jordan at around the same time led to similar
immoral and atheistic western culture.” a
developments there.
The Saudis and the smaller Gulf States, terrified they Faced with a sullen Russia, an ungrateful right wing
would be overwhelmed by a rising tide of extremism Japan, and fanatical Islamists, the US was at a loss.
that was finding significant domestic support, could It had already found its conventional military power
not even turn to NATO or the US for help as it was
their incompetent and ineffective interventions in the
quite useless to oppose the fundamentalists!
region that were seen to be the active cause of these Worse, the American people, so their leaders believed,
islamo–fascist movements. would not be prepared to stomach another disaster
such as the failed occupation of Iraq had been.
The rhetoric of fundamentalism, with its emphasis on A strong cordon sanitaire was the only viable solution
the “Great Satan” (the US) and a general anti-western – allowing the US to expand a network of allies
slant, found wider currency than in the Middle East. amongst previously non-aligned nations in regions
where Islamic fundamentalism was growing, and who
Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Libya, Tunisia and were increasingly nervous over the situation.

The Alliance’s greatest diplomatic coup was the exten-

sion of the Partnership for Peace program – allowing
China and India to join as “associates.”

This allowed them to save face and pretend to still be

“non-aligned” while providing them with the security
of knowing they had acquired a powerful ally.

The peoples of the “Western Alliance” demanded (and

got) a range of sanctions against the Russo-Japanese 3
and Islamists – triggering a devastating trade war in
20xx, following years of provocation.
ing the struggle as one aimed at the ultimate and total
victory of their fundamentalist variant of Islam.

According to their beliefs, such a struggle could only

be entirely without mercy as an Islamic world was
seen as the only outcome pre-ordained by God.


Iranian agitators, backed by Iraqi insurgents, under-
took a terror campaign against Arabian Peninsula
None of the politicians involved saw where these states, supporting suppressed opposition forces.
events were inevitably leading – along the “road to
Sarajevo”, as similar events had before the first “great The first to fall was Quatar (20xx) where a bloody coup
war” of 1914-1918. wiped out most of the ruling family (many executed on
air in Al Jazeera satellite broadcasts) and invited in
Or, if they did see, they ignored the problem, just as Iraqi and Iranian forces to help “defend the Islamic
they had in the years leading up to that war. revolution against the American infidels.”


Faced by what was, in all but name, a complete Token US forces stationed in the peninsula were
Russo-Japanese boycott of all trade with the West, the dithering over how to respond to the Qatari situation
Western Alliance toughened anti-Japanese boycotts, when a pro-Iranian cabal seized power in a palace
which forced any would-be neutrals to commit to one coup supported by most of the National Guard, which
side or another or face economic ruin. had always been thought to be absolutely loyal to the
House of Saud (a sad miscalculation).
This polarisation increased worldwide tensions to
levels not seen since the height of the Cold War and, The King was killed, but the Crown Prince escaped,
by the end of 20xx, international trade plummeted and rallied much of the army to his side, though its
95%, causing worldwide, dislocation and further response was disorganised by treachery.
pushing the world to choose sides, as it was impossible
to remain neutral in an increasingly polarised world. The rebels invited in the Iranians and Iraqis – NATO
and the US were unable to fly in troops quickly
Economies hurting, all parties funded revolutionary enough to prevent the loss of more than a third of the
movements in opposition allies and pursued sabotage country (including Riyadh) to the rebels.
to damage key elements of the opposition’s economy.
The resulting economic damage to the core nations of With the Western Alliance putting its attention on the
the three alliances and forced remaining non-aligned Saudi front, other New Caliphate members and sym-
states to either choose a protector or collapse into the pathisers chose the moment to settle “old scores.”
economic, social, and military chaos that the three
blocs were prepared to inflict on anyone not of them. Pakistan moved first, launching a surprise assault
against Indian Kashmir (20xx), making considerable
“Whoever is not with us is against us” was increasingly initial gains; closely followed by a combined Egyptian-
the watchword.
“It is with great sadness that Crown Prince Abdullah
ESCALATION announces that his father, the King, died of wounds
These activities gradually escalated, spreading from inflicted by extremist terrorists who staged an attack
peripheries to the core. Targets also changed – from on the Palace in the early hours of this morning.
sabotage aimed at “hard” (military-industrial) targets
to pure mass terrorism aimed at (civilian) “soft” targets. The Prince has assumed the Kingship and calls on
all loyal members of the armed forces and the civil
The Caliphate suffered as both sides tried coercive government to rally to him and oppose the Iranian
measures to control or sabotage their oil resources sponsored coup that has killed so many people.
(“terrorism” was what the other side did) to deny their
economic and infrastructure assets to the “other side.” The US President and the British Prime Minister
have offered their condolences and have committed
4 The Caliphate governments, however, were no inno- their forces to support the Prince.”
cents, as they also took advantage of the situation to – Al Jazeera Satellite News
increase their own sabotage (“terrorist”) activities, see-
“FLASH. 0447 ZULU. Russia retaliated, after some hesitation (cynics guess-
Critic Traffic.
NORAD Spacewatch alert. Nuclear flash signature
ed it was because even they regarded the DPRK with
contempt) by attacking China under its treaty with
– Mumbai, India (Bombay). North Korea – using tacnukes and advancing rapidly
Estimated 30-40 kt range.
Probable delivery by Pakistani SRBM.
into Manchuria, reaching Harbin in days. h
Spacewatch reports heavy activity at Indian
strategic force bases.”
Simultaneous strikes against Chinese ICBM sites
caught the US “Star Wars” ABM shield short, limiting
the Chinese nuclear response.
Jordanian (and opportunistic Syrian) strike at Israel
(20xx), with limited initial successes due to heavy use The Western Alliance sent an ultimatum to the Russ-
of chemical weapons against Israeli military targets. ians to withdraw from China and cease all support for
North Korea (20xx), by then a rump of a small area up
GOING POSTAL against their mutual border (and entirely under
The first nukes were used by Pakistan against India
(20xx) when their initially successful assault was turn-
Russian administrative and military control). h
ed into a rout by the better led Indian forces. The fate of the last Kim dynast remains uncertain, but
it is thought she was executed by her own troops or by
The Indians replied with their own nukes, completely victorious Chinese forces in the ruins of Pyongyang).
destroying Pakistani nuclear bases, but not before the
Pakistanis managed to spirit a number of warheads to MADNESS
the “safety” of the territory of their Caliphate allies. The Russians launched their remaining nuclear
arsenal against a variety of military, economic (which,
With the government decapitated, the surviving Pakis- only coincidentally of course, also meant population),
tani nukes were used randomly, increasingly against and transport hubs throughout the Western Alliance
Indian population centers. The US then launched (mainly in US and Western Europe) in a desperate first
strikes at Caliphate logistic hubs, fearing (correctly)
that Pakistani nukes had been transferred there.
strike attempt to destroy their nuclear counterstrike.
While many of the Russian missiles were destroyed by
The Iraqis (20xx) launched several missiles – hitting
Jaffa, Israel (with massive civilian casualties), a US
the US “Star Wars” ABM systems, more than expected
hit their targets – they had been retrofitted with imp-
Brigade unloading at the port of Jiddah (Saudi Ara-
bia), and the important NATO airbase at Incirlik.
roved Japanese electronics (which made the attempt
less obviously crazy than it seemed at first).
The US immediately launched their missiles (and
INSANITY SPREADS were soon followed in this by the French and British),
The madness spread – Israel nuked Egyptian spear-
heads in the Negev (20xx) and logistical sites in and
and inflicted equivalent damage against sites through-
out Russia and Japan (sparing neither Tokyo and the
around Cairo and Alexandria. Egypt replied with a Imperial Palace nor Kyoto this time around).
CBW strike against Jerusalem, killing 70% of the pop-
ulace and allowing the Jordanians to take the city. Again, cities were laid waste and tens of millions more
The dying Israeli Defence Minister sent the urgent
died. Many millions more would die in the following
months from radiation, exposure, disease and starvat-
message “The Temple has Fallen”, and the IDF launch-
ed nuclear strikes against Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Iran
– simultaneously seeding Mecca and Medina and the
pilgrimage sites with long-life isotopes to make them
unapproachable for millennia and blowing the Aswan
High dam with a series of dirty bombs designed to
make the whole lower Nile valley uninhabitable.

Across Asia and the Middle East, cities lay devastated

by nuclear hellfire and tens of millions lay dead.

In the growing confusion, North Korea invaded the
South – with Japanese encouragement (20xx) – and
China, in accordance with her membership in the 5
Western Alliance, launched a crushing counter-invas-
ion, extinguishing the shadow regime of Kim Jong-il.
It is this blindly vicious and unpredictably chaotic
situation that is the background from which the play-
ers in your campaign will be drawing their characters.
Which leads us to ...


While the baseline campaign is about fighting through
the aftermath of World War Three – it’s also, event-
ually, going somewhere (actually sometime) else.
ion resulting from the destruction of the complex
economic web needed to support them. The players may start their game thinking that they
will be running through a stock-standard “after the
The mutual wounds were critical, but not immediately holocaust” campaign set in the immediate aftermath
lethal, and neither side was ready to even consider of the Three Way War, but that’s not the case at all.
surrender (though internal rebellions became a real
threat) – so the war entered a phase of massive, but And that’s good enough for the original RtA release.
ultimately pointless, conventional conflict.
Modern equipment and munitions were quickly ex- RtA is, sure enough, an “after the holocaust” cam-
hausted and the shattered economies and disrupted paign, just not anywhere near the sort that they will
transport and trade links simply could not keep up expect – the campaign beyond the initial release(s) is
with military demand (much less the need to rebuild set some twenty-five THOUSAND years in the future.
war related damage). so all sides found themselves
“barrel scraping” to keep their forces manned and Exactly how the characters end up time-travelling is
equipped – after a fashion. never explained, though there are hints, and the time
and place of transfer are at the GM’s discretion as well.
Increasingly obsolete and obsolescent equipment was
scavenged or bought for front line use by scratch The new situation involves an inhuman enemy and a
forces of barely trained conscripts as governments very different human society has only just begun to
around the world became increasingly desperate. recover from a catastrophe many millennia in the past
– the (inconclusive) evidence suggesting it occurred
The Russians had an edge, with stockpiles of obsolete not far in the “future” that the characters could have
weapons dating back to the grim days of the Second expected to have lived to experience.
World War (even back to the Great War), while the
Allies used the remnants of their immense financial Whatever happened, and there are no details beyond
clout to purchase the entire military production of old myths and legends, it was a global catastrophe
third tier non-aligned, nations that had not been that killed off almost all the human race ... and it has
directly hit by the nuclear exchange. taken the last 25 millennia for them to rebuild as far
as they have (to the equivalent of the Bronze Age).
Both sides simultaneously attempted to rebuild ele-
ments of the economy vital to the war effort – using THE ROAD NOT TAKEN ...
increasingly desperate and draconian applications of So much the better if they actually think that they will
“martial law” that rendered any remaining political be campaigning in the Three Way War background –
differences between the various opponents moot. and, perhaps, you could run a short, introductory,

The New Caliphate, such as it was, became a marginal

player, at best, in this final conflict.

The combined hammer blows of the Israeli counter

strike (counter-population as much as military in
order to redraw the population map of the Middle
East) coupled with further strikes by both US-Allied
and Russian nuclear forces (each to deny the other
access to the region’s resources as much as anything
else) left the region little more than a smoking ruin.
It’s a really bad idea to piss off both international and
the major regional nuclear powers. Really, really bad ...
campaign set there, acting as a double-blind intro-
duction to the real action of the Road to Armageddon.
Or, equally, if you have a long running modern military
based campaign from another genre you could use it as
the basis for an unexpected turn of events.
To supplement the core rulebook and the specific RtA
background book it is highly recommended that you
also acquire PGD’s Displaced supplement which
covers all the issues associated with a one-way time or
dimensional travel campaign which is, of course,
exactly what Road to Armageddon encompasses.
If you purchased the PDF (electronic) version of either
RtA or Displaced, discounts are available for purchase
of the companion product by simply contacting PGD at
– for a discount coupon.
Of course, if you’ve purchased both as a bundle, in
you’ve already gained a substantial discount!
Of course, you could also ignore the SF elements of the
game and adhere entirely to a conventional modern
military cum after the holocaust style of campaign if Fewer nukes, and often ignored reliability and accur-
that is what you and your players prefer. acy issues, mean that while severe damage is done, it
does not amount to the catastrophic population die
To this end, this edition of the Road to Armageddon back from immediate and knock-on effects.
rules offers expanded equipment lists and more
detailed background material to make this possible. It seems as if the cold-war think tanks who desperately
“After the holocaust” military style role playing games
tried to “prove” a nuclear war was “winnable” were at
least somewhat correct – if only in that respect.
have been quite popular over the years and this altern-
ative is a perfectly valid (if, in the opinion of the Even so, The Exchange is terrible enough ... and
author, a fairly boring) one. aftermath for the characters is much darker than most

older games of this type have presented.
There are, however, some differences between the Specialist military vehicles such as Tanks have been
underlying assumptions between other, similar, pro-
ducts and RtA.
mostly destroyed over several years of intense combat. a
These differences are described in some detail in the
Even ramped up “wartime” production rates never
did more than provide a relative trickle of replace-
following section on Harsh Realities but, basically, ments for combat losses before The Exchange pro-
RtA assumes that a limited nuclear war is simply not gressively destroyed the capacity to manufacture them
possible and that the only reason why a planet-wide
nuclear holocaust is avoided is simply because of the It took several years for the western allies to ramp up
draw down in the number of operational nuclear production to high levels of useful wartime equipment
weapons since the end of the Cold War. from a standing start (more or less) in 1937-1939.

And that was for much less complex weapon systems

than those in use today. Even modern management
techniques won’t do more than, possibly, balance things
– but, more likely, there’ll be very similar bottlenecks to
what occurred in WW1 and WW2 for pretty much any-
thing and everything military related.

The only (relative) upside is that the runup to the actual 7

outbreak of large scale fighting was scaled – it got worse,
but on a more geometric than exponential scale. This
meant that the powers involved were already partly
retooling for increased production – so, when the ‘hot
war’ broke out they were more like at 1940 and the
‘Phoney War’ than 1938 and Munich.

Even basically civilian vehicles are often old and worn

– the capacity to produce them being disrupted or
destroyed by the nuclear counter value strikes that
each side aimed at the other(s).

Of course, since production rates were relatively so

much greater than for specialist military vehicles,
many, many more of them have survived through to
the “present.” though it’s unlikely that there will be a Russian-Japanese
detente and alliance. Some literary license, please!
Other military and civilian “consumer” items are also
in short supply – much shorter than most similar Or simply consider this to be a ‘parallel dimension’
game backgrounds assume, though not to the point of where things have gone differently to how they pan out
absolute desperation. in the ‘real world’ ™.

Of course, the assumption is that any campaign will If this matters to you (and it would tend to for me, I
occur in Europe, which was less damaged than the know), then, short of waiting for (and purchasing!) an
continental US or most of Russia and China – and updated edition of the rules (please do!), then you can
that the US and Russian governments, or what rem- either assume that the timeline of the “real world” has
ains of them, are so fixated on “winning” the war that diverged from that of the RtA background in the last
they are supporting them far beyond any reasonable half of 2015 or do some quick rewrites yourself (just
level for the damage done to their homelands. please humour an Historian and try and make it
believable J).
While the “future history”, as described above, seems Note: There are no actual dates (beyond 20xx) given for
not unreasonable as of the finalisation of the initial any of the precursor events described herein. There were,
books in the Road to Armageddon series, that’s only as originally, but it was ultimately decided that it would be
of the last half of 2014 and early 2015. best to allow individual GMs to decide when those events
happen, and, perhaps more importantly, how much time
As other publishers of military themed RPGs found in passes between each one.
the past, with an assumption that the Cold War would
last forever, and that Russia would remain the prime Originally, they were spread over several years, but it’s
enemy of the west, par excellence, it is likely that the equally possible (and likely, given it’s all speculation)
background will increasingly skew things from the that the events could occur far more quickly – likely
“real world” (the events of the so-called “Arab Spring” months, possibly weeks. Regardless, it’s something you
haven’t, yet … but they either make the rise of the get to decide!
Caliphate more, or less, likely … take your pick!).

Likewise, the ‘crisis’ in the Crimea and Ukraine may, or

may not, lead to a rebirth of ‘Cold War’ level tensions,

they lost there (and are applying the same failed strateg-
ies in Iraq, having learned absolutely nothing at all).
Despite the confident projections of power and com-
petence, modern armies, even those of the superpow-
D’ya think they just might be wrong?
ers, have little strategic resilience or depth. The Soviet leadership had no such illusions and openly
regarded the conclusions of the American analysts as
The forces they field, while extremely powerful, are crazed lunacy (and they didn’t much trust their own
equally fragile – the combat and support equipment
that provide that combat power are produced slowly
analysts on the topic either) – they knew the reality of
war, having experienced it up front in 1941-45 and
and/or in small quantities and/or their production is suffered from no delusions that once the nuclear genie is
spread over a long period of time. out of the bottle, it would be possible to stuff it back in. h
Once a war starts, unless it is of extremely short durat-
ion, losses of all items of equipment will quickly
They were prepared to fight a nuclear war – given their
experiences with Germany during the Great Patriotic
exceed new production and the inherent delays in War how could they not be – but weren’t any more likely
ramping up production to meet the demands of an
extended conflict will take considerable time. Years
to start one than the Americans were. Except, of course,
if they believed they were being (or believed they already
rather than months. had been) pushed into a corner.
One of the reasons why the Germans ran wild all over A LOSER’S GAME
Europe in the period 1939-41 was simply because they Nuclear weapons are, despite all the theories, losers
started to re-arm in 1934-5 while the allies largely did weapons. They are so terrible and destructive that,
not start their re-armament programs until 1937-8. given all major powers in a conflict have them, there
is no sane reason to use them – unless the consequen-
Three years made a huge difference that it took the allies ces of not using them is worse.
until 1943-4 to redress. It took that long to ramp up
production to field the forces needed to take on the In short, neither side will likely to use them until they feel
Germans and win. backed into a corner – and, if they manage to use them
effectively and redress that imbalance, then they’ve
THE REAL WORLD already opened the Djinni’s bottle.
What does this mean for a RtA campaign? Well, for a
start, the chances of a long-drawn-out world-spanning The other side will have much less compunction about
war in the nuclear era not going nuclear at some point
is, well, so close to nil as to not be worth considering.
retaliation to redress the now teetering “balance” – the
idea that there can be a “limited” nuclear war is a
fantasy beloved mainly of ivory tower academics (and
And, if it does – and it will – only the stupidest sub-
geniuses in Pentagon think-tanks evidently believed
mainly US ones at that). a
(and may still believe) that it won’t escalate. Escalation is highly likely and, given nukes are not
used if you think you’re winning conventionally,
These are the same analysts that managed the Vietnam probably as close to inevitable as you can get – and,
War (for the US) – and who still haven’t figured out why despite much touted ABM systems, defence against
them is likely to be of extremely limited value.

There’s no way of testing these defence systems – the so

called “tests” that have been carried out have been done
under optimal conditions (in layman’s terms: they were
rigged) and one cannot be confident that they would
work as well in an actual nuclear exchange.

In any case, they’re going to be swamped. It hardly

matters if they shoot down dozens of incoming bogies
(some of which will be decoys) if the attacker is firing
hundreds of the damn things more or less simultaneously.
One plus is that no-one really knows how well the
ICBMs will work, either (indeed, no-one really knows
whether they will work or not). Few non-rigged tests of
them have been done and, when they were, the results
were not encouraging (which, one presumes, is why so
few of them have been done!).

Estimates (guesstimates, really) vary, but it is expected

that somewhere between 20-30% and 50-60% of all the
ICBMs launched by both sides will fail, either on launch
or in the air.
sorts between the US and the USSR/Russia are because
And it is not certain that those that manage to make it, the US has a larger urban population percentage due to
more or less, to the target area will actually hit the target its more efficient agricultural sector – and that the Russ-
they are allegedly aimed at, either. Certainly not within ians have fewer co-located military and civilian targets
the CEP (“Circular Error Probable”) – their degree of (and weather patterns mean that much of the fallout
accuracy – claimed for them. from US strikes would actually drift into sparsely popul-
ated areas of Russia or China).
Military claims notwithstanding, tests to determine the
accuracy of ICBMs have been heavily optimised – rigg- COUNTERFORCE
ed, if you will – just as has been the case with any other A counterforce attack, that is, one limited to attempts
test to do with ICBMs. to hit the nuclear weapons belonging to the other side
to prevent retaliation, is estimated to be likely to kill
ATTACK SCENARIOS between 1-11% of the US population and 1-5% of the
According to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Russian population. As the report says –
Agency – the Black Helicopter guys if you believe in
conspiracy theories) estimates (Nuclear Attack Plann- “There would be considerable economic damage and
ing Base, 1990) around 53% of the US population will disruption as a result of such attacks. Almost all areas
be directly affected by nuclear blasts (that is, they will could, in principle, be decontaminated within a few
be within areas rated as Medium, High or Very High months, but the loss of so many people and the interrup-
for overpressure, which equates to Very High Fire Risk tion of economic life would be staggering blows.
areas where any survivors would likely die if they did
not flee) – and 50% of the US population would be An imponderable, in thinking about the process of recov-
potentially exposed to 3000 Roentgens of fallout rad- ery, is the extent of any lasting psychological impacts.”
iation or more within a week or less.
A LIMITED EXCHANGE A full scale exchange, the report estimates, would have
The Office of Technology Assessment (Effects of Nuc- killed 35-90% of the US population and 20-60% of the
lear War, 1979) estimated even a “limited” exchange Soviet population – and 70-90% (by capital replace-
(ten missiles launched primarily against oil refineries) ment cost) of both sides’ industrial and economic
would destroy 64% of US and 73% of Russian capacity infrastructure would be destroyed as well. However, as
(and cause 5/1 million deaths respectively) and note the report warns –
“while economic recovery would be possible, the econ-
omic damage and social dislocation could be immense.” “These calculations reflect only deaths during the first
30 days. Additional millions would be injured, and
The reason for the considerable differences in populat- many would eventually die from lack of adequate medic-
ion percentages affected by nuclear attacks of various al care.

In addition, millions of people might starve or freeze

during the following winter, but it is not possible to
estimate how many.”

Then there are the ongoing deaths from immediate

and ongoing exposure to fallout and also from dam-
age to the ozone layer (which protects the surface of
the earth from much harmful radiation). The report
indicated –

“There would be a substantial number of deaths and

10 illness due to radiation among those who were lucky
enough to escape will be much greater than what is
considered tolerable today.
The number of deaths would be rather small compared
to the number of deaths resulting from the immediate
effects of the attack — millions compared to tens or
hundreds of millions.”

Oh joy! Oh bliss! “Only” millions (7½-10 in the US and

23 in Russia) instead of tens or hundreds of millions.
The report goes on to be even more pessimistic – much
more so than the crazy-genius analysts who claimed
that a nuclear war was “winnable” –

“What is clear is that from the day the survivors emerged This report cannot predict whether this race for econom-
from their fallout shelters, a kind of race for survival ic viability would be won. The answer would lie in the
would begin. effectiveness of postwar social and economic organizat-
ion as much as in the amount of actual physical damage.
One side of the race would be the restoration of product-
ion – production of food, of energy, of clothing, of the There is a controversy in the literature on the subject as
means to repair damaged machinery, of goods that to whether a post attack economy would be based on
might be used for trade ... and even of military weapons
and supplies.
centralized planning (in which case how would the
necessary data and planning time be obtained?), or to
The other side of the race would be consumption of
individual initiative and decentralized decision making
(in which case who would feed the refugees, and what
goods that had survived the attack, and the wearing out would serve for money and credit?)”
of surviving machines.
Depressed? It gets worse. The report doesn’t deal with
If production rises to the rate of consumption before
stocks are exhausted, then viability has been achieved
the long term environmental effects in detail – mainly
because there were deemed to be too many variables
and economic recovery has begun. for any realistic assessment. However, it does state the

If not, then each postwar year would see a lower level of

following – a
economic activity than the year before, and the future of
civilization itself in the nations attacked would be in
“It is possible that a large nuclear war would produce
irreversible adverse effects on the environment and the
doubt. ecological system.

“In both Hiroshima and Nagasaki the tremendous In particular, it would not require very large changes to
scale of the disaster largely destroyed the cities as
entities. Even the worst of all other previous
greatly diminish the production of food. The report notes
that it would be difficult to adapt to such changes in view
bombing attacks on Germany and Japan, such as of the likelihood that much of the world’s expertise in
the incendiary raids on Hamburg in 1943 and on
Tokyo in 1945, were not comparable to the
agricultural technology might perish in the war. a
paralyzing effect of the atomic bombs. The physical and biological processes involved are not
understood well enough to say just how such irreversible
In addition to the huge number of persons who were damage, if it occurred, would take place. Therefore, it is
killed or injured so that their services in rehab- not possible to estimate the probability or the probable
ilitation were not available, a panic flight of the magnitude of such damage.”
population took place from both cities immediately
following the atomic explosions. The report then speculates on the possibility of the
negative impact of mutations on the ecosystem –
No significant reconstruction or repair work was
accomplished ... even the clearance of wreckage and “It is certain that the radiation derived from a nuclear
the burning of the many bodies trapped in it were war would cause mutations in surviving plants and anim-
not well organized some weeks after the bombings. als; it is possible that some of these mutations might
change the ecosystem in unpredictable ways, but this
As the British Mission stated, “the impression which seems unlikely.”
both cities make is of having sunk, in an instant and
without a struggle, to the most primitive level.” And just to round things out –
– Manhattan Engineering District Report, 1946 “Furthermore, the possibility cannot be excluded of
major changes in human behaviour as a result of unprec-
edented trauma. Science Fiction writers have speculated,
for example, that in the aftermath of a nuclear war, the
survivors would place the blame on ‘science’ or ‘scien-
tists’ and, through a combination of lynching and book
burning, eliminate scientific knowledge altogether.

There are cases in history (or, rather, archaeology) of

societies that simply stopped functioning (though people
survived biologically) after some shattering experience.

The full text of the report is available online at – – and it
makes for some thought provoking reading.


The baseline assumption of the RtA background is of
a major exchange involving several hundred to a Even where the radiation level is not high enough to
thousand weapons launched by each of the two major make farming impossible, the background level will
parties (the US and their allies on one side and the likely be high enough to cause unacceptably risk levels
Russians on the other side) side rather than several to farm workers (and the wider population).
thousand assumed by “The Big One” above.
There will major food production shortfalls – worsen-
A smaller number of nuclear weapons were launched ed by the knock on effects to the nation’s transport
by the Chinese, British, French and Israelis (Western infrastructure which will make it difficult to move any
Alliance); the Iranians and Pakistanis (Caliphate), food that is grown far from where it is grown.
and the Indians (‘Non-aligned’).
The northeastern states, for example, produce only 15%
It is assumed more missiles were launched than hit of their food requirements locally and it is not uncomm-
their targets or, indeed, actually worked – and that on for food to travel a thousand miles from where it is
some were knocked out by ABM systems. Even so, the produced to where it is consumed.
consequences will be severe.
Assuming food is still grown/produced – a major
FOOD PRODUCTION nuclear exchange would destroy 90% of US food
The major counterforce targets in the US are situated processing capacity, so turning the raw materials into
in and around the nation’s major agricultural regions edible foodstuffs would become problematic.
– the midwest states.
Losses due to an inability to process foods into even
These states produce 40-80% of the nation’s grain crops, medium term storable forms would result in significant
40% of its beef and 60% of its pigs – amounting to about wastage of what little could be produced.
half of the national caloric production per annum.
Even assuming that the surviving elements of the
The blast and fallout effects will have massive effects national government are able to attempt to organise
on the basically unprotected farm animals and, dep- nationwide distribution of whatever food is available
ending on the time of year, will destroy or render or can be produced, it is unlikely that the surviving
unusable any food crops that may be in the ground. infrastructure would be adequate to the task.

On a longer term basis, fallout will make some signif- Malnutrition and starvation are likely – and to radiation
icant areas of farmland unusable for months, perhaps compromised immune systems, further weakening by
years ... or even longer. hunger will mean increased incidence of disease and
increased likelihood of epidemics killing many of those
who survive the initial attack.

The US could expect around 70% of its oil refining
capacity to be destroyed in a limited exchange – at the
level assumed in RtA this would likely be closer to 90%.

12 The US relies on fossil fuels for 93% of its energy needs.

Western style agriculture is so productive mainly bec-

ause of mechanisation – which requires fuel. Fuel that
will no longer be available in the quantities required
even if were possible to transport it effectively to
agricultural areas where it is most needed.

Another important productivity multiplier for agriculture

are petrochemical based fertilisers – which will also be in
short supply, or, more likely, nonexistent, in the immed-
iate post Exchange world.

It is likely many production fields will be damaged or

destroyed as a result of the strike and simply putting
out the wellhead fires may take many months even if
given a high priority. Hydroelectric plants may be targeted by missile strikes

The wellheads, at best, will have to be replaced – per-

and, even if they are not, will almost certainly be
badly damaged by the EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) of
haps the wells will have to be re-drilled – and this will
have to be done against a background where the heavy
the many weapons making up The Exchange.
industry that provides the parts required for such proces- Repairing them will require the services of heavy
ses is literally decimated ... or worse. industries that may have been all but wiped out, and a
functioning transport net to move the required spares
Moving the fuel from the production centers to the
remaining refineries will also be a nontrivial task that
and replacement parts to the sites.
may simply be beyond the immediate reconstruction EMP will also have damaged, and probably destroyed,
capabilities of even a nationally organised and co-ord- much of the national electricity grid and the parts
inated effort, if enough of a national government needed for repairing it will need to be produced by the
remains effective enough to undertake such. much reduced manufacturing base and moved
around by the badly damaged transportation network.
This will also likely apply to overseas sourced oil. Even
if the wells and refineries aren’t targetted simply to deny
the other side access to them even if the countries they
Wildly optimistic think tank estimates suggested that
are in are not actively involved in the Three Way War
what will the US (or the Russians and Japanese) still have
a medium scale exchange of the sort proposed for the
RtA background would destroy 25-65% of US indust-
to trade for the fuel in the aftermath of The Exchange? rial capacity which would take around a decade to
recover from.
Alternative fuels such as coal will suffer from the same
problems – the production sites will be either partly or
completely isolated from their normal transport net,
Allegedly more “reasonable” estimates suggest a 40-50
year timespan. Of course, since both estimates also
which runs on petrochemical fuel in any case, so assume at least 20-45% of the US population would be
mining the coal and then moving it to where it is
needed will be at least as problematic as moving the
killed as well, and neither seems to seriously consider
knock-on effects, one wonders what they were smoking
crude oil around will be. when they came up with these conclusions!
Coal fired electric plants will also be rendered useless It does not seem analysts seriously considered knock on
because of the inability to mine the coal needed in the effects from major damage across the country and all at
quantities required and then move it from the mines to the same time. Severe bottlenecking, as described for the
the power plants. Energy and Food sectors, would compound the problems
faced, and resources would have to be inefficiently used
... or simply not be able to be used at all ...

The problem is compounded because most of the

manufacturing capacity of the US is so concentrated.

It is likely, for example, that the manufacturing states

of the Northeast and East-Central US (from Massach-
usetts to Minnesota) would be so severely hit as to be
unlikely to be able continue to function at a signific-
ant fraction of their pre-Exchange output. 13
Studies show that, for example, that the damage to the
energy sector would mean, at best (and these estimates
all seem to be wildly optimistic) would mean that no
more than 25% of surviving industry could actually be
fuelled for several years following the attack.

Russian industry is even more concentrated than US

industry and, in a counter-value strike (against industrial
as well as strategic weapon targets) they would actually
come out worse even though a larger percentage of their
population would survive (because more is rural, due to
their less efficient agricultural sector).

Consider this as well. A counter-value attack would effect- requiring fossil fuels – the damage that any Exchange
ively destroy the US (and probably Russian) pharma- will do to a nation’s transport infrastructure will be
ceutical industry – so during the inevitable plagues in the debilitating at best and, more likely, crippling.
aftermath there will be little or nothing surviving medical
personnel (estimates are that 70% will be killed, even if For example, most transportation infrastructure is
only 50% of the population is, because of their concen- built around urban hubs – the same urban centers
tration in major urban centres) can do except tell them that are likely to be subject to massive destruction.
what they are dying of. Collateral damage effects are likely to completely
destroy much of this infrastructure.
Modern societies depend heavily on transport infra- For example, railroads are much reduced in efficiency
structure, as hinted at already in the previous sections if they do not have switching yards – normally concen-
on Energy and Food – and this will be badly affected trated in urban centers – and, of course, a large
by any major nuclear exchange. percentage of all locomotives and rolling stock will be
in those switching yards when the Exchange occurs,
The most important forms of transport within a nat- and be destroyed as well.
ion will generally be railways and roads, in that order
– and, depending on the geography of the nation, In the last six months of WW2 the allied Strategic Bomb-
riverine and coastal shipping might also be significant. ing campaign had done so much damage to the German
rail net that the Germans were reduced to having to
All of these elements rely largely, if not completely, on simply push freight cars off the tracks in order to make
petrochemical fuels and will be badly hit by damage up new consists (i.e. the components that make up a train
to the energy sector. – all goods, work and passenger cars plus the locomotive).

Even with much reduced economic activity, there may Even then, the Strategic Bombing Campaign found that
simply not be enough fuel to provide the amount of the average distance between one section of destroyed
transport needed by other competing elements of the track and the next on the German rail net was around
surviving portions of the national economy (which, as twelve (12) miles – in other words, no train could go more
detailed separately, will have their own competing than twelve miles before it could proceed no further until
fuel needs). repairs were made (if repairs were possible at all).

Even allowing that the fuel issue may be resolvable The campaign was so successful it shut down the entire
through severe rationing – which will certainly involve German War Economy by February-March 1945, and
the cessation of all forms of non-essential transport the last battles of the war were fought with stocks of fuel,
ammunition and food that had already reached the front
line units, and then only until they were exhausted.

In a post Exchange situation, rail transport will be at

least as badly hit – and it may take months, perhaps
years, to reconnect otherwise isolated stretches of
track that ran between now destroyed urban hubs,
further complicating attempts at recovery.

For example, how do you “repair” a rail line without

rails? And where do you get the rails from if almost all of
14 your steel industry is destroyed or damaged (and, of
course, how do you move the fuel and ore to the steel
plants in the first place without a functioning rail net?).
Road transport will be even worse hit, simply because
it is so much less fuel efficient than rail and partly
because of damage to energy production infrastruct-
ure. Production of new vehicles will cease, probably
for years, and even the production of spares to keep
existing vehicles running will be problematic.
Of course, such pariah economies such as Cuba and
Burma have managed under such circumstances – keep-
ing superannuated vehicles going for forty or fifty years
after they cut themselves off from the rest of the world.

This was (and still is) achieved partly through cannibal-

isation but mainly through improvisation based on what
limited resources are available (or can be produced)
locally ... usually at considerable (relative) expense.
riverine and coastal vessels and, therefore, far more
restricted as to where they may be loaded or unloaded.
Internal waterways, riverine and coastal, will be some- Specialist Ro-Ro (Roll On – Roll Off) and Container ships
what more resilient as water transport requires far less are often able to be handled only at a few specialist
fuel than even rail ... though port facilities are likely
closely co-located to destroyed urban areas.
facilities in specific ports. If those facilities are destroyed,
or if the co-located infrastructure (the towns or cities they
While the docks may be somewhat more resilient than
serve) is, then the ships become basically useless.
rail yards, they require as much in the way of onward However, even if significant numbers of ocean going
transport links which will have been destroyed. merchantmen survive (which may well be the case, if
the preceding conflict phase is short enough), and
Nuclear weapons are powerful enough such that a
ground burst can be expected to “excavate” a deep hole
even if suitable port facilities do (or can be impro-
vised) as well, and even if sufficient fuel can be found
– and, if in the proximity of a waterway or harbour, this to keep them operational, this begs the question –
may dramatically alter the course of the waterway. what will the war damaged economies of the (once)
major powers use to trade with any surviving and
For example, some US government studies have suggest-
ed that a large scale nuclear exchange could result in
(relatively) unaffected regional powers?
diverting the mouth of the Mississippi river by forty miles They’re not going to be exactly flush with surplus trade
or more from the current one. goods – and what little production capacity they retain
will be desperately needed locally. Hard choices will
The main limitation of coastal and riverine transport
is that it is not flexible – rivers go where they go, and
have to be made – as much by local authorities as by
whatever remains of the national government.
normally don’t change course. Since most of the ports
on them will be badly hit, if not destroyed, this will
have an obvious and major impact.
Communications infrastructure as badly as everything
Oceanic transport has even worse problems – surviv-
else – more so, perhaps, because of the vulnerability
of modern electronics to EMP.
ing vessels are often orders of magnitude larger than
Since modern economies and societies rely on high
bandwidth, speedy, communications, any interrupt-
ion to these services would have grave impacts on all
levels of the economy and society.

For example, all of the reports done for the US govern-

ment during the Cold War assume industry will have
large stocks of finished products or raw materials on
hand and, if these are not destroyed in the attack,
would greatly assist rebuilding even if the factories
and mines etc. that produce them were destroyed.

This was a realistic(ish) assumption for the days

before the Internet became such a major economic 15
multiplier – the problem is that this assumption no
longer applies.
With higher bandwidth and more ubiquitous comm-
unications most manufacturing operations, and most
primary producers, operate on the “just in time”
principle and have little if any on hand stocks of
finished product or raw materials.

This means that when the factories are gone, there is no

“cushion” of stockpiled goods to help with reconstruct-
ion, a factor that will have significant negative effects on
any such attempts.

The wider issue of communications as command and

control – both military and civilian – will also have a
significant impact. limited capacity – at best the cost of private access would
It will be much more difficult to co-ordinate military
operations and rebuilding efforts if it cannot rely on Broadcast radio and, perhaps, some TV stations might be
the high bandwidth/ubiquitous electronic commun- able to remain on air in areas not too close to the major
ications systems that we increasingly take for granted. urban centers, but EMP damage and general mainten-
ance issues are likely to soon render them inoperative.
For example, it is unlikely that the Mobile Phone
network would remain operational except, perhaps, in Military radio nets would probably survive, but the
isolated pockets lucky enough not to have their towers problem with access to spares and maintenance with
and switching operations not knocked out by EMP. all or most of the production facilities destroyed
would be an issue.
Even the standard copper wire (or optical fiber cable)
land line network will be likely to be severely damaged Field radios designed to be battery powered would be
– most of the key exchanges and communications hubs especially vulnerable since the plants that manufactured
are either in urban centers that are likely to be destroyed the batteries for them are likely to have been destroyed
in any attack, or are close enough such that EMP will – though ad hoc measures to hook them up to other
destroy or damage the switching gear. sources of current could keep them working, though
probably not mobile.
Rebuilding the network will be difficult, if not impos-
sible, as the manufacturing plants with the machinery As for government, it would be hamstrung by the
to do that will mostly be destroyed or, as likely, their destruction wreaked in general, and specifically on
electronic manufacturing equipment will have been the communication net it relies on. But it faces far
destroyed by the EMP of all those nukes even if the worse problems.
plant remains physically intact.
Simply put, modern governments rely on the consent
It is likely that some sort of phone system, possibly of the governed at some level. For example, most
using scavenged or post-exchange manufactured tele- people must be willing to pay taxes (representing a
graph or telex systems (which are feasible with even a portion of their labour or productive capacity) to the
relatively low level of technology and manufacturing government, something that hasn’t (and still isn’t in
infrastructure survival) would be cobbled together. some parts of the world) always been the case.

However, it is likely that access would be strictly limited National governments will simply not be able to
to government and industrial applications because of assume that this will continue to be the case in a post
attack environment. The damage to the economy will
be so severe that it will need to redistribute goods and
services where it deems them to be necessary for the
“national good” – and this will, in a time of universal
uncertainty and widespread shortages of everything
and anything, inevitably means taking things from
people who will not be willing to give them up without
a struggle ... because they will see them as being vital
for their own personal survival (and it is very likely that
this belief will be true).
The government will have to rely on force to collect
and redistribute goods. Troops will have to be deploy-
ed to forcibly collect crops, for example, and make
sure that they are sent to the population in surviving
manufacturing centers rather than kept by the local
farm communities – and there isn’t likely to be
enough food in for this to be done without leaving the
farmers short.
You can expect resistance, possibly passive (farmers
attempting to hide their crops), possibly active ...
Rural “militias” facing off the government forces sent
to confiscate ... er, collect, the “taxes”.

Since the government isn’t likely to have much in the

way of forces available for such duties, this will be a real
problem. Possibly insurmountable in the short term. h
It may simply come down to the government doing a
Stalin – sending in the troops to a resistant hinterland
and confiscating everything, and letting the rural pop- THE REST OF THE WORLD
ulace largely starve. During the Three Way War major fighting, actual
ground and air combat, occurred on all of the contin-
This wouldn’t be done everywhere, but enough local
examples would probably keep the rest of the farming
ents except North and South America, Antarctica and
Australia, but the main theaters were Western, Cent-
community in line – or, if the situation is really awful, ral and Southern Europe, the Middle East, the Indian
force them to unite in an attempt to overthrow the gov- subcontinent and northern and far western China.
ernment, initially on a local basis.

And, when you get down to tin tacks, the reality is that,
Naval combat was mainly limited to those sea areas
through which logistics for the major ground theaters
in a post-Exchange environment, the difference between passed, with lesser emphasis on general commerce raid-
the “government” and a “military dictatorship” will
probably be only a matter of semantics.
ing to disrupt the closely integrated world economy in
other areas.
Note: This has nothing to do with the far-right, or far-left, The Exchange: When The Exchange was triggered, the
lunatic fringe of conspiracy theorists ... none of this will major portion of the US and Russian strategic arsen-
happen in peacetime (certainly not in a major western als were dumped on the continental US (including
nation such as the US) ... but it is very likely (more or less parts of Canada) and Western Russia. Smaller numb-
certain, in fact) to happen in the case of a conflict fought
on the scale of and doing the likely damage of a major
ers of warheads were directed at Japan and Eastern
Russia (by the US), against Northern China and major
nuclear exchange. Chinese industrial and commercial centers elsewhere

Whether such regimes would outlast a restoration of

and also against Western Europe, especially the UK
and France (by the Russians).
“stability” (whatever you might deem that to mean in a
devastated world) by much is debatable. One thing is Strangely, Taiwan was not targetted by the Russians,
certain – any successor regimes, democratic or not, will though she did suffer somewhat from fallout drifting
be very different to their pre-war predecessors. In fact, it across from the mainland and, more so, from the EMP
is likely that they will have only a passing resemblance, resulting from those strikes, and, more so, from the
in many ways, to those earlier states. economic disruption caused by the destruction of so
much of the world’s trading infrastructure.

The Chinese launched their missiles and air-dropped

weapons against the Russian Far East and industrial
and population centers in Japan.

The British concentrated mainly on Russian targets

west of the Urals, adding overkill to the US strikes, but
also hitting Iranian and Caliphate targets (at extreme
range) in the Middle East.
France’s Force Océanique Stratégique launched their
missiles at population and industrial centers west of
the Urals and, like the British, often further devastat-
ed targets already hit by US strikes.

Middle East: The Israelis were badly hurt, mostly by

Caliphate CBW attacks, but their infrastructure and
the bulk of their population survived – which is more
than can be said for their opposition.

Massive nuclear counter strikes against military, ind-

ustrial, and communications targets that were, of
course, only co-incidentally population centers, des-
troyed all semblance of order in Jordan, Syria, and the
muslim occupied portions of Lebanon. Syria maintains a shadow state in the coastal portions
of their territory, though this is threatened by Turkish
This was followed up by ruthless sweeps by Israeli military forces who have begun to enter the region
forces driving out any survivors (including all the with the tacit approval of the Israelis in order to
inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza) and creating “restore order” – which usually means mass arrests
free fire zones for hundreds of kilometers in all direct- and deportations of anyone even suspected of having
ions from their borders. links to the Ba’athist regime, the Caliphate, or any of
the fundamentalist terrorist organisations.
Israel also nuked Mecca and Medina, strewing the
areas around those sacred sites widely with long dur- Deportation is an effective death sentence, as the Turks
ation radio-isotopes that will render them uninhabit- are using the deportees for “decontamination” work in
able and actively dangerous for thousands of years the outskirts of Istanbul and some other major cities that
(short of some sort of massive cleanup operation, only were targetted by Russian nukes.
possible after the rebuilding of something resembling
a modern civilised industrial state which then has the The lives of their families, also deported, is the stick used
resources to spare and wishes to do so). against them – if the deportees “co-operate” (and die)
then their families are resettled in small numbers
Jordan is a sparsely inhabited wasteland, most of the throughout the region, watched carefully, but otherwise
population dead or fled into Saudi Arabia or into left alone. If the deportees do not co-operate, their famil-
Syria and Iraq, scarcely better off than their homeland. ies take their places and die.

Iraq is largely a radioactive desert, and except for the

Kurds, who are in an armed standoff with the Turks,
few of the pre-war population remain in place.

The rest have either died or fled into Kuwait or Saudi

Arabia, which are little better off, or into Iran where
conditions are nominally better ... if you stay away
from the radioactive ruins of the cities and oil sites.

Iran no longer exists as a nation state. All of the major

cities were targetted by either the Russians or the
Western Alliance ... sometimes several times over ...
and the ruins are largely radioactive deathtraps.

Rural areas were swamped by the fleeing survivors of

these cities as well as fleeing Iraqis in the west, Paki-
stanis in the east, and survivors from the ‘Stans and
Caucasus in the north and northwest.

Fighting, often on a very primitive level (improvised

missile and melee weapons) continues in these areas
and nothing resembling a central government exists.
In fact, no administration at higher than the village
level seems to have survived in these free fire zones.
Things are somewhat better in the central regions,
where invaders have not (yet) arrived – local warlords
control some regions ... fighting against each other for
the control of the pathetic remnants of their nation.
“They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk
has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield
grain, foreigners would swallow it up.” – Hosea 8:7
(Holy Bible, New International Version).
It is a really bad idea to piss off both superpowers at the
same time. Didn’t I mention that before?

North Africa: The Mediterranean tier of largely mus-

lim states were either members of or sympathetic to
the Caliphate and were targetted by the Western and The muslim states of the west Mediterranean littoral
Russo-Japanese alliances for conventional and a few
nuclear strikes.
maintain a shadow existence, local bandits and war-
lords fighting against the ruins for the basically worth-
The latter were reserved for the oil production and
less status of “national government” in the face of a
devastated world who could care less.
refining facilities, and any military target regarded as
being a possible threat – or a possible basing station
for the few Caliphate nukes, and were all tactical
Libya, as noted elsewhere, has effectively ceased to
exist – as have those Libyans who did not flee in the
weapons (less than a megaton – mostly greatly less). face of the Egyptian hordes fleeing the radioactive
ruin of the Nile.
The one exception was a strike, late in the exchange,
by an unidentified party against the Aswan High Dam The Sudanese government are desperately attempting
in Egypt – at least two, and perhaps as many as five, to stem the flow of their erstwhile Egyptian ‘allies’,
nukes were targetted on the area, one (in the megaton
plus “strategic” range) on the dam itself, the rest
and largely failing as the Egyptians have shown as
much compunction in exterminating civilians there as
against the reservoir. the Sudanese themselves did in the south (the South

Some or all of these weapons were carefully designed

Sudanese are taking advantage of Sudan’s problems
and doing some ethnic cleansing of their own).
“dirty bombs” intended to enhance the output of long
life radioisotopes, with the obvious intent of making With the effective destruction of any state or supra-
the Nile valley below the dam largely uninhabitable national organisation who gives a damn about such
for generations, if not longer. purely local disasters there is little to restrain the
absolute basest acts ... especially appropriate consider-
Those Egyptians who survived the initial nuclear con-
taminated floodwaters either died directly or indirect-
ing the incineration of hundreds of millions by those
self-same nation states.
ly of radiation effects, starvation and disease (in Egypt
or on fruitless attempts to reach safety overland). As Cicero said, “As you have sown, so shall you reap.” a
The survivors swamped, and largely exterminated, the
sparse population of Libya, and have largely dis-
Even these Egyptian advances are largely succeeding
because of sheer weight of numbers coupled with
placed the population of Northern Sudan ... none absolute desperation more than any remnant of gov-
survived the trek across the radioactive wastelands of ernmental organisation, though surviving elements of
the Negev or, if they did, did not penetrate the Israeli the Egyptian armed forces have formed a nucleus of a
defences on the other side. shadow successor state in both occupied Libya and
Sudan, now both referred to as “Greater Egypt”, even
though there is precious little co-operation between
them and no real widespread control even within the
regions they nominally occupy and control.

Oceania: Australia and New Zealand survived the war

largely physically intact, the only nuclear strikes
against the region being against the US “communicat-
ions” facilities at NW Cape in Western Australia (dest-
roying the nearby town of Exmouth) and Pine Gap
near Darwin (causing significant damage and some 19
casualties to the latter, mainly from EMP and limited
fallout) in the Northern Territory.
Even though physically intact, the pre-war disruption
of world trade hit the region heavily, and, the effective
destruction of most of its trade partners and disrupt-
ion of the connecting transport infrastructure has
caused severe economic problems, but at least it has a
functioning government and economy.

Trade continues between the Australasian Common-

wealth and the surviving SE Asian nations on a
limited basis, mainly in high technology and fuels.

The Commonwealth is one of the few real “superpow-

ers” remaining in the post Exchange and is in the South Asia: India and Pakistan largely launched their
process of attempting to set up trade contacts with the missiles and other nukes against each other, at large
surviving Industrial powers of Brazil, Argentina and communications and industrial centers, causing mass-
South Africa. ive civilian casualties collaterally and effectively wip-
ing out the Pakistani state at any level much above the
Militarily, the Commonwealth has attracted the sur- village and a few local warlords utilising the shattered
viving elements of much of the US Naval and Marine remnants of the Pakistani army as a power base.
forces from all over the Pacific, as well as evacuating
USAF and Army units from the Chinese theater. The Indian government survived in, relatively, much
better shape – but with key industrial, communicat-
Much of their equipment has been traded by the ions centers and infrastructure destroyed, has been
surviving US government authorities for food and barely able to deal with the multiple crises of the
industrial aid and this has considerably boosted the post-Exchange world.
Commonwealth’s military power.
Epidemics, some natural and some possibly of Caliph-
A considerable number of the surviving US personnel ate origins, have ravaged the survivors, assisted by the
have also decided that they have nothing to return home infrastructure related famine – the resultant chaos
to, or for, and have volunteered to remain in Australia as means most of the country, outside some of semi-
part of the Commonwealth armed forces, being incorpor- intact cities, is in a state of semi-chaos at best.
ated as individuals, while some whole units have offered
to remain “indefinitely” but to maintain nominal loyalty Ceylon/Sri Lanka is in the process of tearing itself
to the US Government on the understanding that their apart on ethnic lines, with the resurgent (previously
services will buy further aid for their homeland (effective- Indian and Western backed) LTTE (Liberation Tigers
ly as mercenaries) until they are “eventually” repatriated of Tamil Elam) continuing their struggle against the
at some indefinite time in the future. Russo-Japanese supported Sinhalese majority.

The Commonwealth has also been supplying limited Only rumours are available about Burma/Myanmar –
amounts of military aid to rebel groups in Indonesia but it seems as if the Military Dictatorship is under
fighting against the remnants of the pro-Caliphate siege from a number of previously Western and Chin-
government there and has been instrumental in prev- ese supported, ethnically based, guerilla groups, cur-
enting the complete collapse of central authority in rently receiving limited support from the rump Indian
Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya, which are occu- government as well as from Thai authorities.
pied by Commonwealth forces supporting local pro-
Australian militias. South and Central America: The only successful nuc-
lear strikes in the region destroyed the Lake Mar-
acaibo (Venezuela) oilfields and the Gatun Locks on
the Panama Canal. Strikes against the El Tigre fields
and the petroleum refining facilities in Puerto La
Cruz (also in Venezuela) failed as the Russian MIRVs
aimed at them suffered major weapon bus failures
that led to the warheads breaking up on re-entry.

The fallout from the Trade War, Caliphate and Russo-

Japanese support for guerilla and terrorist groups in
the region and the ongoing problems with the Drug
20 Cartels, however, had caused so much regional instab-
ility that the effects of The Exchange pushed many
countries over the edge into chaos.
Only Brazil and Argentina have maintained solid
government control and kept their economies run-
ning, if at a reduced level because of the devastation
of most actual and potential trade partners.

Some limited internal trade between the the two states

and their neighbours has continued and there have
been sporadic attempts to link up with South Africa
and the Australasian nations for mutual support.

Even more limited attempts have been made to pro-

vide aid to some of the more accessible regions of the
southern USA, mostly in the form of food and some
limited industrial spares and fuel. especially) and the Australasian Commonwealth (Aus-

South East Asia: Was largely spared during The Exch-

tralia and New Zealand allied). h
ange – the only nuclear strike against a land target in
the whole region was a Chinese one against the Russ-
Sub-Saharan Africa: South Africa has survived largely
intact and has enabled its neighbours to maintain
ian naval facility at Cam Ranh Bay. some semblance of domestic order with their econom-

In the aftermath of this strike, the Vietnamese attack-

ic and military aid, despite the damage to all their
national economies resulting from the massive dis-
ed Chinese forces along their common border, but
were thrown back by weight of numbers initially –
ruption to the wider world economies.
until Russian nuclear strikes largely decapitated the In sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria tore itself apart in a
Chinese state, leaving their southern forces leaderless vicious civil war between western supported, mainly
and increasingly unsupplied. non-muslim, elements around the oil producing reg-

The conflict continues, with the Vietnamese making

ions in the south of the country against Caliphate
supported extremist islamic elements which had dom-
some slow progress against doggedly resistance by the inated the post independence state.
remaining PLA forces.
This ultimately resulting in the extermination of the
The rest of Southeast Asia has remained relatively
peaceful, except for Indonesia where the Caliphate
separatists when the West withdrew support to shore
up their efforts elsewhere.
dominated military dictatorship is under increasing
pressure from freedom fighters supported by the AMS It is always wise to remember the advice of Lord Palmer-
(Australia-Malaysia-Singapore) alliance. ston (1784-1865, twice UK Prime Minister), paraphrased

The Thai, Malaysian and Singaporean economies

– “Great Powers [Britain] have [has] no permanent
friends, only permanent interests.”
have suffered severe downturns resulting from the
worldwide economic effects of having so many of their
suppliers and customers incinerated, but have main-
When riding the tiger, it is best to understand that you’re
as likely to end up as dinner as anything else, if it suits
tained order with minimal resort to martial law. the tiger!
Some trade continues between themselves and the few In any case, US nuclear strikes against the major refiner-
surviving “large” economies – South Africa, some of ies and other oil facilities rendered the Caliphate’s seem-
the South American nations (Argentina and Brazil ing victory entirely moot, and the whole country’s badly
stressed “government” has broken apart into a dozen or
more regional warlords involved in an internecine and
completely pointless struggle for dominance of the burnt,
tattered and broken remains.

Most of the rest of sub-Saharan Africa is gripped in the

throes of bloodily ethnic violence exacerbated by fam-
ine and plague.

Few of these so-called nations were viable in any real

sense, relying on international aid to a greater or
lesser degree to maintain even a semblance of a mod- 21
ern civilisation in their capital cities and not much
further afield ... even to the extent that many were
simply unable to feed their own populations on dom-
estically grown food crops.

Famine was inevitable, in the face of the destruction

of those areas and populations that grew most of the
world’s exportable food crops – and those food prod-
ucing areas that have survived untouched (or relative-
ly so) simply do not have the infrastructure to ship the
food in the quantities needed to the places needed ...
even if they had any economic incentive to do so.


No. The nuclear exchange was not anywhere near In many places, medieval patterns of famine will
enough to trigger a worldwide nuclear winter. Despite recur – that is, people might be starving in one prov-
scaremongering by trashy journalists and some pretty ince because of crop failure, while next door, over a
shonky science that wasn’t possible even at the height major river or mountain range, there is relative plenty
of the Cold War when nuclear arsenals were even … but there is no longer any economical way (or any
bigger than those loosed on the world during the way at all) of transporting it to where it is needed.
Three Way War.

Which isn’t to say that there weren’t localised effects

– the European and north Eurasian winter following
The Exchange did buck the general upward trend in
average temperatures due to global warming, and the
following Spring came later and was shorter. But
nothing outside of normal parameters.

The real ongoing problem is the long term radiation

effects – and they are localised and can be avoided for
the most part.

Whatever fallout was kicked into the atmosphere init-

ially has long since settled somewhere and, in any case,
usually consists of particles with extremely short half
lives … so, unless you’re really unlucky, it’s not likely
to have an impact.

So, while the weather wouldn’t normally, by itself, be

a major problem, when it is coupled with the massive
destruction/disruption of worldwide transport links it
becomes much worse.



The character creation procedure used in Road to Note: Characters may use Focuses (see later) to differ-
Armageddon uses the D10 System. Using this system, entiate between aspects of an Ability – and Focuses do
Characters can be designed in six easy steps. allow that area to exceed the normal limit of six (6).


C HARACTERS Quirks represent some defining characteristic about
S 1: D
TEP B ETERMINE ACKGROUND AND AGE the character – something that gives them character.
Determine Background and Age for – which will ind-
icate basic upbringing, education and social status. They may be physical, mental or social in nature and
are intended to be part of the long term “back story”
Age determines how many Ability and Skill points they of the character – the advantages (or disadvantages)
have – and also limits the number of Quirks they may they represent will provide ongoing role-playing opp-
take and also effects the Careers they can choose and ortunities in your campaign and should be chosen by
Skills they can learn. the players with this in mind.

The Base starting age for characters is Adult. They can Young Adult or older characters may choose up to three
either choose to take a set 18 or roll 15+1d6 for a (3) Advantageous Quirks; Teenagers may only choose
random 15-21 Ability Points – plus either taking a set 40 three (3) Quirks, total.
or roll 35+1D (36-45) Skill Points.
There is (apart from Teenagers) no limit to the number
Note: In the D10 system, 1D always = 1D10. of Disadvantageous Quirks one can take – though taking
more than a couple is … unwise. GMs should use quirks
STEP 2: DETERMINE ABILITIES against greedy players without fear or favour – they are
There are six (6) Abilities but Characters have to spend intended to be a serious drawback, after all.
their base ability points (as modified by Quirks) only
on the first five – Health, Cunning, Aptitude, Deduction Quirks that form part of a Background (automatic) or
and Command. Career (optional) do not necessarily count against this
limit – except for Teenagers, who may only take one
Characters do not allocate points to the sixth and last extra Advantageous Quirk from such a source (no
Ability, Luck, which is rolled randomly – ½D-1 (1-4), limit for the number of Disadvantageous Quirks for
rounding fractions up but a minimum of 1. Teenagers, however).

Optional Rule: Characters may expend Luck Ability The younger the character the less likely they are to have
(Permanent Luck) at this point to purchase more Ability had a chance to acquire the sort of “back story” that
and/or Skill Points. Each point spent converts to either experienced, older, characters have. Hence the limit on
one (1) Ability Point or three (3) Skill Points. the number of Quirks they can acquire.

Luck expended this way must be purchased back as per Advantageous Quirks cost a character one (1) Ability or
the Luck rules in the Game System chapter and is not three (3) Skill points each, if chosen. Disadvantageous
available for any part of the character creation process. Quirks give a character one (1) Ability or three (3) Skill
points extra for each taken.
Each Attribute point costs 1 AP (except Luck, as noted
above). No Ability may normally be less than one (1) or STEP 4: DETERMINE CAREERS
greater than six (6) at game start (these values may be Determine the Career the character wishes to pursue
changed later, mainly due to external effects, such as (note Base Career Ability after the name), representing
injury or use of performance enhancing drugs). the sum total of all their educational and work exper-
ience to the point of game entry.

14 (11+1d6) Base Career Ability is used in Step #6 Determine Poss-

Teenager (16-19) 20 (17+1D)
essions to help calculate starting wealth.
Young Adult (18-21) 16 (13+1d6) 30 (27+1D)
This is the career path the character has followed
Adult (21-30) 18 (15+1d6) 40 (37+1D) before game start and shows the Skills (and Quirks –
24 Experienced (31-40) 17 (10+2d6) 50 (47+1D) however, see Step 2 above re Teenagers & Quirks) they
have spent the most time acquiring, and which may be
Veteran (41+) 15 (8+2d6) 60 (57+1D) purchased at reduced cost.
Characters are not required to choose Career skills
and may purchase skills that are not part of their
Career, but they cost extra (see the Careers section).
A character normally chooses only one Career – those
of Experienced or Veteran Age, however, may choose a
second Career at a cost to them of either five (5) or 1D
(1-10) Skill Points.
If an Experienced or Veteran Character does purchase a
second career they are subject to both career “Additional
Quirks” if either or both are “must” roll.
If both Quirks are Advantageous, they keep only one; if
one is Advantageous and one is Money they keep the
Money; if one is Disadvantageous and one is Money,
they keep the Disadvantageous one; if both are Disad-
vantageous then they keep one of the disadvantages.
If neither of the Quirks are “must” roll, then the Player
may choose which, if either, to roll for.
The character may choose skills from either or both
Careers at the standard cost. Other skills are still at the
A Character’s Check Number is the same as their Skill
If the character has taken the Veteran/Child Prodigy
Quirk they may take a second career at a cost to them
Level plus one (1).
of either three (3) or ½D (1-5) Skill Points. Check Number = (Purchased Skill Level + 1)

If they are already at Experienced or Veteran Age, A Character with only one (1) Skill Level has an actual
however, and take this Quirk, then cost for a second
career to them is ½d6 (1-3) Skill Points.
Check Number/2. Likewise, a character with Science
(Physics)/3 has a Check Number/4.
Characters with this Quirk may choose which, if either,
of the Additional Quirks sections to roll for. They may
All Skills listed under the character’s chosen Career
choose to roll for both – and take the best of the two
outcomes if they do.
cost one (1) point per level to purchase to a value equal
to the governing characteristic – for values exceeding
that, cost is two (2) points per level.
The character may spend skill points on any skill from
either career at standard cost. Skills not covered by those This cost differential applies even after game start.
careers, however, still cost at the non-standard rate.
A character with HLT/5 could take Firearms (Pistol)/5
Note: Even though you choose your Career at this step, for 5 points, but Firearms (Pistol)/6 would cost 5 + 2 =
you don’t actually roll for Additional Quirks until after
you have chosen your Skills and Techniques, as the
7 points (5 for the first five levels, plus 2 for the sixth). n
process is modified using a character’s best skill level. NON-STANDARD COST
All other skills (i.e. those not listed as Career Skills)
STEP 5: DETERMINE SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES cost double that (2/level up to the value of the govern-
At this step the player allocates the Age-related Skill ing Attribute, then 4/level), even after game start.
Points amongst Skills, as modified by points gained or
lost to Quirks and any other relevant factors. A character with DED/5 who followed a career that did
not include Science as one of the listed career skills could
No Skill may be taken at a level less than one (1) or still purchase it.
greater than eight (8) at game start. Teenagers may take
no skill at greater than five (5). Purchasing Science (Physics)/5 would cost ten points
(five points, doubled because it isn’t a career skill).
Yes, that applies even to Child Prodigies. They may have 25
a wider base of skills, but they simply do not have the Science (Physics)/6 would cost 14 points (10 points for
experience to back it up. level 5, 4 extra for level 6 = 14).
TECHNIQUES based on that Ability (total, not per skill) if they are a
Characters who meet the minimum skill requirements Teenager – ranging to 12 EPs (again, total, not per skill)
may purchase Techniques at this point. for Veteran characters who also have the Veteran Quirk.

It costs two (2) Skill Points to purchase a Technique The maximum they can put into a given skill is (2 x 3) =
before game start – and a character may purchase as 6 experience (which, obviously, doesn’t apply to the
many as they meet the qualifications for. Teenager as they don’t have 6 EP in any Ability area!)


A character’s possessions are partly determined by the B ACKGROUNDS
character’s Career, partly by their Background and These indicate the character’s family status, educat-
Skills, and possibly by the Quirk(s) they have chosen. ion and general upbringing.

There is also a random element – all characters gain Backgrounds play an important role in determining
$(2D x Core Career Ability* x 250) in cash, bullion, or what Careers and Skills a character may pursue before
convertible trade goods. game start, so choose wisely!

Some Quirks and Careers may allow a character to UNEMPLOYED

increase the amount (or require them to decrease it) The character was born and raised in a family where
and/or may allow them to possess some equipment the parent(s) or guardians were not in long-term full-
free of charge as part of a Mustering Out benefit. time employment as they had little education or few
saleable skills and subsisted on government benefits.
* Core Career Ability equals Base Career Ability (for
any Career pursued, if more than one) + Highest Skill Unemployed characters add +1 to CUN (and a +1
Level. Alternatively, take the average of all Career Skills CUN-based Focus) and add +1 level to HLT and
possessed within one Career, rounding up. Streetwise Skills purchased at Character Creation.

STEP #7: DETERMINE AT START EXPERIENCE Limited educational opportunities mean DED (except
All characters have “left over” experience at the start appropriate Environ Knowledge) and APT (except
of the game, partly representing intermediate progress Survival) Skills are treated as non-Career (or 3 SP/level
to the next level in one or more skills but, more to DED, then 6 SP/level if already non-Career) at
importantly, being immediately usable as expendable Character Creation.
Luck (see the Luck rules at the end of the book).
Unemployed must take the Poverty Quirk but may buy
At Start Experience is based on the character’s base it off after game starts for twenty (20) Experience Points.
Ability score in each Ability (except Luck, of course),
modified by Age and some Quirks (specifically Child WORKING POOR
Prodigy/Veteran). The character was born and raised in a family where
the parent(s) or guardian(s), though in regular employ-
It may be distributed amongst any Skill or Skills the ment, had in menial, unskilled, jobs and had to strug-
character possesses that is based on that Ability, but gle to make ends meet.
no more than double the Ability value may be distrib-
uted to a single skill. Bad luck? Bad judgement? Immigrant background?
Doesn’t matter – whatever it is, it’s been more than
· Teenage characters get (Ability Score)* experience. enough to make your start in life ... Harder. It has had
A Child Prodigy gets (1½ x Ability Score)*. a permanent developmental impact on the character
though, of course, they may overcome it.
· Young Adults, Adults and Experienced characters
get (2 x Ability Score)* experience. If they also have Working Poor characters get +1 to either CUN or APT
the Veteran quirk, they get (3 x Ability Score)*. Ability and add +1 to HLT based Skills and Streetwise,
at Character Creation.
· Veteran Age characters have (3 x Ability Score)*
experience. If they also have the Veteran quirk they Limited educational opportunities means DED Skills
get (4 x Ability Score)*. (except appropriate Environ Knowledge) are treated as
non-Career (or pay 3 SP/level to DED, then 6 SP/level
* Ability Score for these calculations is base Ability, if already non-Career) at Character Creation.
unaffected by positive or negative Focuses.
26 It costs working poor characters double normal to buy
For example, a character with all five characteristics @ 3 their first level of Wealth Quirk. If they do not have the
would get 3 experience points to distribute amongst skills Wealth Quirk, they take 20% off their Starting Wealth.
RURAL (or pay 3 SP/level to DED, then 6 SP/level if already
The character has been raised in small rural town in
or on a farm or ranch and had a chance to gain skills
non-Career) at Character Creation.
not easily available to “city slickers.” They tend to be better off than average, so they add

They get +1 APT or HLT (and a +1 Focus to either) and

+10% to their Starting Wealth even if they buy the
Wealth Quirk.
+1 Level to HLT based Skills (plus Technician and
Survival) purchased at Character Creation. ENTREPRENEURIAL a
The character was born into a wealthy family with
They’re not used to big cities or higher education, so
Streetwise Skill is treated as a non-Career (or 3 SP/level
wide influence and power in the realms of commerce,
industry and government.
to CMD, then 6 SP/level if already non-Career) as are
DED Skills at Character Creation. They get +1 CMD and +1 Level to CMD Skills except
Streetwise purchased at Character Creation.
They’re poor(ish) as well, so take 10% off their Starting
Wealth even if they buy the Wealth Quirk. Entrepreneurial characters are brought up in a shel-
tered environment and treat APT Skills as a non-Car-
eer (or pay 3 SP/level to DED, then 6 SP/level if
The character has been raised in a family where the already non-Career) at Character Creation.
parent(s) or guardian(s) have been in regular employ-
ment and in a skilled craft or trade. They also gains one level of the Wealth Quirk for free if
The character gets +1 APT or HLT (and a +1 Focus to
they purchase the first level. If they do not, they get
+20% to Starting Wealth.
either) and +1 Level to any APT or CUN Skills pur-
chased at Character Creation.

The family ethos works against the pursuit of intellect-

ual skills, so DED Skills (except Environ Knowledge)
are always treated as non-Career (or 3 SP/level to DED,
then 6 SP/level if already non-Career) at Character
The character was born and raised in a family where
the parent(s) were in regular full-time employment in
a skilled non-craft or trade job.
The character gets +1 DED or CMD and +1 Level to
any DED or CMD Skills except Streetwise purchased at
Character Creation. i
White Collar characters are brought up in a sheltered
environment and treat APT Skills (except Literature,
Musician and Performer) and Streetwise as non-Career
(or pay 3 SP/level to DED, then 6 SP/level if already
non-Career) at Character Creation.
The character was born and raised in a family where
the parent(s) were in regular full-time employment in
a professional (often, but not always, a university
college qualified) field.

The character gets +1 DED or CMD and +1 Level to

any DED or CMD Skills except Streetwise purchased at
Character Creation.

Professional characters are brought up in a sheltered 27

environment and treat APT Skills (except Literature,
Musician and Performer) and Streetwise as non-Career
The six (6) Abilities – Health, Cunning, Aptitude, Deduc-
tion, Command and Luck – represent the potential HEALTH (HLT)
physical and mental talent enabling a character to be Health represents all of a character’s physical char-
described in mechanical terms for the D10 Game acteristics, including – strength (ability to lift weights,
System used in Road to Armageddon. do physical damage), agility (hand-eye co-ordination,
fine motor skills), reaction speed (speed of movement,
Each Ability is rated from zero (0) to ten (10), with order of actions) and health (fatigue, resist disease and
normal human ability in the range one (1) to six (6) and poison, recovery from wounds and sickness).
the human average being three (3) or four (4).
The scale used is coarse enough, and the Abilities are Athletics (Movement, including Jumping; Weightlifting
defined in such a way, as to not really require male- and etc.) is covered in detail in the chapter on The
female differentiation. Physical World (page #132), but the relevant tables
are reproduced opposite for reference.
If it really concerns you that much, give males a free +1
Forte on (Health) Strength and females a free +1 Forte DAMAGE
on (Health) Health. Damage done by a character with melee or missile
weapons that rely on muscle power to do damage is
This does not remove the maximum +2 Forte allowable based on the damage rating of the weapon, with an
for a given aspect. In effect, making Strength increases +1D for HLT/3-4, +2D for 5-6 and +3D for 7.
cheaper for men, and Health cheaper for women.
These bonuses are not cumulative. A HLT/6 character
If you care that much. Personally, as a designer, I feel will do +2D only – and not (+1D) + (+2D) = +3D.
that any differences should be represented as part of
your overall character design process. HEALTH
Health (Fatigue Points, Fatigue Recovery; Damage &
If you are creating a female character, then, perhaps, Wounds, including Wound Point determination) rules
your estimates of her abilities should be modified accord- are detailed further in The Physical World chapter
ingly – the same being true for a male character. (see page #140).

Or, putting it another way, is there really a reason to not To summarise – all characters get one (1) point in each
give a woman a 6 Strength? Or a man a 1? Women with of the five Wound and Fatigue grades (Flesh/Tired,
STR 6 would be much rarer than Men with the same level Minor/Stretched, Major/Winded, Serious/Exhausted,
– but so what? Disabling/Prostrate) plus an additional number of
points equal to Health distributed to the first four
The character design system isn’t trying to give an exact grades (Flesh to Serious/Tired to Prostrate).
replication of the percentage likelihood of any given
character having any given Ability rating when compar- One point is distributed per wound (or fatigue) grade
ed with the general population. until all wound/fatigue grades have two points, then
repeat from top to bottom until all points are allocated.
What its trying to allow is the creation of reasonably
believable, but sometimes exceptional, characters. Hope- Remember, no additional points from this process are
fully you will agree that it is successful in this. added to a character’s Disabling wound (or Prostrate
fatigue) level – all (human) characters have only one
ABILITY RATINGS point in this grade.
Weak 1
Therefore, HLT/3 gives a character – Flesh (Tired)/2
Below Average 2 (1+1), Minor (Stretched)/2 (1+1), Major (Winded)/2 (1+1),
Serious (Exhausted)/1, Disabling (Prostrate)/1; while
Average (Low) 3
HLT/6 would give a character – Flesh (Tired)/3 (1+1+1),
Average (High) 4 Minor (Stretched)/3 (1+1+1), Major (Winded)/2 (1+1),
Serious (Exhausted)/2 (1+1) and Disabling (Prostrate)/1.
Above Average 5
28 Exceptional (normal Human maximum) 6 Note: Other factors may also change a Character’s
base Fatigue or Wound ratings. See the rules on Dam-
Parahuman 7+ age & Wounds pg. #141
Cunning represents intuitive abilities, including – obser-
vation (search and detection, native intuition, discern
connection) and senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, hear-
ing – and a “sixth sense” if the GM deems it approp-
riate, and which is not the same as the Quirk). 3
Cunning is not cognate with Wisdom. The player is the
one who must provide that. Cunning is a measure of
things the character can do if the player makes the
5 6 35 5 10 r
correct decisions. 6
Anyone with any experience knows the drill. Characters
with high Wisdom and, shall we say, careless players
tend to do worse in the game than characters with low
Wisdom and careful players.
That’s life.

These rules only provide the tools. It’s up to the player’s

1 45 kg
natural rat cunning to use them effectively … or not.
2 60 kg r
SPOTTING 3 80 kg
Spotting (Sight, Noise, Smell and Awareness) is covered
in The Sensory World chapter. 4 105 kg

However, note that the ranges at which things can be

5 140 kg c
spotted don’t increase according to your Ability, only 6 185 kg
your chance of spotting things in that range band does.
A small but significant difference, and something to be
7 245 kg r
aware of. 8
325 kg
435 kg
This ability represents artistic and creative abilities,
mine/do if the player gets them to act/ask the right
questions (or whatever is appropriate).
including – technical ability (operate, repair and main-
tain), creativity (design, modify, improve and con- Similar drill as for Cunning. Characters may know
struct) and fashion (create, perform, modify, or imp- things about the world the Players don’t – or vice versa.
rove with panache and style).
This Ability allows Players to garner information from
No. Aptitude doesn’t cover manual dexterity, despite
what you might expect. That’s part of Health Ability,
their character’s knowledge and experience – and may
also prevent the characters from benefiting from exper-
and would have to be subject to a Forte to be differentiat- ience that the player does, but which they may not.
ed from the base level.
Regardless, it is up to the Players to provide the guid-
ance. Having a high Deduction does not mean the GM
DEDUCTION (DED) must inform them of something they have missed – it is
Deduction represents intellectual abilities – logic (det- possible for really smart people to make really dumb
ecting/following clues, theorising), rationality (know- mistakes. Happens all the time.
ledge vs belief), recall (deductions based on what the
character knows), intellect (mental capacity) and cultur-
al knowledge (social, cultural and technical knowledge COMMAND (COM)
not covered by specific skills but possessed simply by Command represents social and/or professional
virtue of being brought up in a specific society). standing (or how it is perceived), presence (their “look
of eagles” – the innate ability to exert authority over
Deduction is not cognate with Intelligence. As with others, not just in combat) and popularity (partly
Cunning, the player must provide the intelligence. looks, partly charisma, partly reputation). 29
Deduction measures things the character can deter- If you want to be a leader of men, rather than a follower,
then this Ability will help. However, it isn’t the only attempting to alter is not the result of a roll that they or
factor – leadership is very situational. their colleagues failed, but one failed by someone else,
or created by a situation that no-one specific had control
For example, Rank and Authority Quirks (or Rank or of. This is treated in the same way.
Authority gained through role play) will tend to out-
weigh unaided Command. However, the GM and the GM alone will decide how
reality altering the effects will be. Generally, allow the
Command will allow differentiation between two charac- minimum possible change – which may pull the char-
ters of the same level or type of Authority or Rank, but it acters from the fire, but place them in the frying pan –
will not necessarily allow a character without either but they’ll get another chance to attempt … whatever.
Quirk (or otherwise acquired Rank or Authority) to over-


ride those with them.

On the other hand, a character with a high Command Abilities measure broad attributes so, to provide
will be listened too carefully even by those of higher greater differentiation, you can allow Focuses, which
Rank or Authority, and their “suggestions” given greater divide the broad Ability areas up with finer strokes.
weight, perhaps.
This section is entirely optional, as it can add con-
Remember, however, that Abilities are merely a frame- siderable complexity. It is highly recommended how-
work that allows a Character to attempt actions that the ever, especially for experienced role players.
Player running them thinks of.
Focuses apply to a subset of an Ability, for a modifier
So the Player must work Command effectively to get of +/–1 to base value – but must be balanced, so for
what they want. each +1 there must normally be a -1 Focus to match it
somewhere (not necessarily in the same Ability).
If they don’t, well, tough.
Focuses are normally limited to a maximum of +/– 2
each in Road to Armageddon (unless otherwise specif-
LUCK (LCK) ied – for example, Changed or Mutable quirks).
Luck is does not directly govern any skills. Instead, it
it is used to modify the objective “reality” of the game. At the GM’s option, they may allow a character to have
The Ability will rarely be used, but, when it is, can Focus greater than +/– 2. If they do, they should limit it
have extremely powerful, game reality altering, effects to one Ability – and, perhaps, only for characters who
– and is very hard to regain. have taken the Changed or Mutable Quirk.

Think of Luck Ability as being like a cat’s nine lives, but Note: The use of Focuses can significantly advantage
for a character. It can save your hide by rewriting reality characters over those characters who do not use them.
in beneficial ways – but its power is limited by the
limited number of Ability points you’re likely to have Focuses may not normally be applied if they would
available, and by how difficult it is to actually recover a lower the effective value of the Ability to zero (0) or less
Luck Ability point once spent. or raise the effective value above six (6) – however, see
the Changed and Mutable Quirks for exceptions.
More commonly, Experience points (see Experience)
may also be expended to increase the number of dice The 1-6 range is, of course, for Human characters.
rolled (Task Resolution) or reduce damage taken (The
Physical World) – representing a more commonly Almost all of the characters in Road to Armageddon will,
available, but less widely impacting, form of Luck. initially, be standard Humans – with a tiny percentage
being possessors of the Changed or Mutable Quirks that
Experience as Luck must be used before the die roll that allow this rule to be subverted to allow values of 7+.
the player wishes to modify.
In other d10 system games, including expansions for
For exceptional situations, Luck may be spent directly Road to Armageddon, there will be characters that
to alter game reality in major ways beyond the scope aren’t entirely (or even slightly) human, but which may
of rolling mere extra dice (see Using Luck). be playable – specific Ability ranges for such characters
will be introduced where and when they are.
Direct expenditure of Luck is normally done after a
failed roll, and is mostly an attempt to alter the conse- Also note that these ranges do not, of course, apply to
30 quences of failure. animals and the like, though the scale will be used (and
also extrapolated below one (1) and above ten (10) to
In some circumstances, the situation that the character is represent their abilities, where necessary).
stage presence, voice projection. Theatrical Trivia. Quote
HEALTH FOCUSES from Play(s).
Agility: Reaction speed (Act first on ties) and fluidity of
movement. Reaction time (adds to Action Pool), walking Literature: Aspects of the literary arts. Spin Doctor.
a tightrope or narrow ledge (Balance), broken field
running. Dodging attacks.
Oratory or Debate. Technical/Report Writing. Literary
allusion or Appropriate quotation. Literary trivia.
Dexterity: Hand-eye co-ordination and fine motor skills.
Aiming, parrying, controlling a remote vehicle, drawing DEDUCTION FOCUSES
a perfect circle or straight line freehand. Calculation: Mathematical abilities. Lightning calcu-
lator, mental arithmetic, statistical pattern recognition.
Health: contracting/recovery from injury/disease (com-
bined or separate). Resistance to poisons, Long Term Intuition: Investigation or Interpretation of a limited or
Endurance. Pain Tolerance. Alcohol Tolerance. specific area, Spot hidden, Sense motive, Detect false-

Stamina: Short Term Endurance. Fatigue recovery.

hood, Uncover forgery. Subliminal warning. c
Strength: Applied muscle power (Arm wrestling,
Memory: Attempts to remember information. Eidetic
memory, Never Forget a Face (or Name), Retrace steps.
leverage). Climbing a free hanging rope, lifting weights,
doing chin-ups. Doing enhanced damage with a Melee
Weapon (or a specific Unarmed Combat attack). Muscle COMMAND FOCUSES
powered Missile range. Appearance: Character’s physical appearance. Cross
cultural/Cross species charisma.
CUNNING FOCUSES Charm: Ability to Command others. Seduction.
Empathy: Emotional reading. Detecting Lies. Predicting Convince. Fast Talk.
reactions (“Which way will they jump?” or “What will
they do if faced with situation X?”). Good Cop/Bad Cop. Culture: Standing within their native (or adopted) culture.
Hearing: Hearing and interpreting sounds. Determine
direction. Interpret multiple simultaneous conversations.
Family: Family standing – Command or the acquisition
of family Support (including financial support).
Instinct: Enhanced Reaction. “Bad Feeling” (non-Quirk Career: Character’s standing within their chosen Career.
“sixth sense” – a weak form). Detect subliminal clues.

Sight: Discerning and interpreting visual cues, Pattern

Nope. No Luck Focuses. Nice try. a
Recognition, Enhanced low light vision. Enhanced long
distance vision.
Smell: Detecting and interpreting smells. i
Taste: Discerning and interpreting tastes. Taste Poison
(or Drug).
Touch: Discerning and interpreting touch and sensation.
Sense movement/direction by vibration.
Visual: Aspects of the visual arts. Drawing, Painting etc.
Fine colour sense. See through camouflage. Art trivia.

Musical: Aspects of the musical arts. Playing an instru-

ment, singing, composing musical works. Music trivia.
Perfect pitch. Enhanced audio range.

Physical: Aspects of the physical arts. Sculpting,

Weaving, Pottery etc. Mechanical affinity. Art trivia. 31
Thespian: Aspects of the theatrical arts. Confidence,
Quirks are used to add variation and flavour to the paign has started, but, generally speaking, they should
game by helping to make a character unique. get no additional AP/SP for it and the elements may be
removed by circumstance, and these may or may not be
The following Quirks are those that are commonly difficult to meet.
available in the world of Road to Armageddon – how-
ever, if you, as GM, feel some are inappropriate for the For example, a player whose character crosses the wrong
style or feel of the campaign you intend to run, feel NPC might, effectively, acquire the elements of the Fug-
free to modify or delete them … and feel equally free itive Quirk, but gain no AP/SP for such, and the ele-
to add ones that aren’t here (or from other PGD ments acquired may be removed by something as simple
products) and which you feel are appropriate. as eliminating the NPC that is hunting them

If you do any or all of the above, it is strongly advised Unlike an actual “Fugitive” who will find family,
that your additions follow the basic pattern that the friends, business acquaintances etc. etc. of the person
existing Quirks adhere to and/or that any changes you hunting them coming back … again, and again, and
make are internally consistent and equally applied again and again …
across all similarly functioning Quirks.
PURCHASE COSTS AND BASIC RULES With some Quirks, the GM, entirely at their discretion,
Each Advantageous Quirk costs one (1) Ability point or may decide that only one PC per group may possess it.
three (3) Skill points.
Which ones an individual GM chooses to treat in this
Each Disadvantageous Quirk adds one (1) Ability point way, and their reasoning behind such choices, are
or three (3) Skill points to a character’s total. entirely up to them. It is not open to argument, though
the GM may discuss it … again, their decision is final.
Young Adult or older characters may choose up to three
(3) Advantageous Quirks but may take more than this
by adding Disadvantageous Quirks; Teenagers may ADVANTAGEOUS
only choose three (3) Quirks, total. ADVANCED TECH POSSESSION (2 TYPES)
This Quirk allows a character to take a single possess-
Quirks gained through Backgrounds or Careers do not ion that is of higher tech than is normally available.
necessarily count against this limit.
As with the Major Possession Quirk, this does not have
Some Quirks may be purchased at two or more levels, to be from the equipment lists herein – though it does
each level costs the same Ability or Skill points as the have to have quantifiable properties in game terms
first, and does not count as an “extra” Quirk. (and the GM has to work out or approve any such).

Quirks may only be voluntarily purchased during the There are two types – Civilian and Military.
Character Creation process – however, it is possible
that the equivalent effects/benefits to some may be Civilian items are rare items of cutting edge (or,
acquired through role play entirely at GM’s discretion. maybe, bleeding edge) technology but are perfectly
legal for a civilian to own in any reasonable jurisdict-
Quirks should be purchased with great care as the intent ion (and may include some non-military weapons).
is that they are to as close to permanent as possible.
Military items are equally rare, and equally cutting (or
No arrangements are made for “buying off” disadvant- bleeding) edge, but include weapons and other items
ageous Quirks nor can characters voluntarily acquire that it would be illegal for a civilian to own.
them after game start.
A civilian item might be, for example, a PDA with the
This does not mean that it would be completely imposs- computing and storage capacity of a standard laptop
ible for characters to acquire or remove the effects of any computer and which also functions as a mobile phone,
of the Quirks listed below, but it does mean that it would walkie-talkie radio, GPS unit and much more, all with a
be extremely Difficult to do so – and could only be done full suite of civilian grade software.
through extended role playing efforts.
32 A military item, on the other hand, could be a pre-prod-
It is possible that a character may acquire the elements uction model of your PC’s Army’s latest and greatest new
of a Quirk through extended role play after the cam- pre-production prototype infantry weapon)
The item, whatever it is, does not have to be purchased
with money – so it can be of any value. However, it is
not a Major Possession and should be something the
character could carry around on or about their person.

Yep. No vehicles. No artillery pieces. No Mainframe

computers. Something that they can carry in their hands
or in a backpack or suitcase.
It is allowable that it be broken down for transport as
long as all the components can be carried by the charac-
ter on or about their person at the same time.
Note: Being ambidextrous doesn’t give the character any
On the other hand, a military grade (EMP shielded) more bonus dice to distribute between the two task
laptop computer is as rare as hen’s teeth in the post-holo-
caust world of Road to Armageddon, so it would make a
resolution attempts, so their efforts to do both those
things will be naturally constrained anyway.
perfect Advanced Tech Possession.
If the Advanced Tech Possession is lost or destroyed Indicates that the character has responsibilities which
then the character will, eventually, be able to replace
it (or have it replaced by someone else) at no monetary
permit him to exercise special rights under the law of
the state or territory where they normally operate.
cost with something similar, if not exactly the same.
At the base level, the Quirk is limited to a specific city
As with the Major Possession Quirk, the degree to which or state (depending on local political arrangements)
the character was at fault in the loss or destruction of and does not extend beyond – except as a courtesy.
their Advanced Tech should have a direct impact on how
long it takes to replace. At second level, it extends wherever the authority of
the nation providing it also extends.
Location at the time of loss can have an impact as well –
if they’re in the middle of a covert intelligence gathering
operation in the slagged ruins of eastern Europe that
Teenagers may not purchase this Quirk (and may not
acquire it as part of a Career). Young Adults may only
advanced PDA cum Laptop is not likely to be replaced
until they return to base.
purchase one (1) level – but they may purchase this in
addition to any level gained through a Career.
Also, losing that weapon prototype in the middle of a
battle means that they’ll likely have to wait till it’s over
This is a specifically civilian power – characters with it
only have as much power on military reservations or over
(or they’re withdrawn) before they can get a replacement. military personnel as they would under the normal
political realities of their national political arrangements.
This quirk allows a character to not only use either
hand to perform any task without the penalty normally
It is possible to transfer the power from one locale to
another, in time – representing secondment for training
applying to off-hand use, it allows them to perform two
tasks simultaneously and at no penalty.
and/or liaison purposes/as part of an inter-organisation-
al task force or for some other bureaucratic justification.
For example, an ambidextrous character can fire two
pistols simultaneously – treating the two attacks as one
Of course, this would normally be done only to further
the needs of the Game Master and their campaign world.
action for reaction order and multiple action penalties.
Of course, the two attacks must still be resolved with two Indicates that the character has greater strength than
separate task checks. would be expected from his Health score, and gains
+1D/level to all rolls dependent on Strength (including
Or, say, they want to operate the vehicle radio with one Health Concentration Rolls).
hand, searching for the emergency frequency, while
driving the vehicle evasively with the other. This also affects Damage Rolls (see Determining Dam-
age in the Combat section).
No penalty would apply for the two actions performed
together, though, of course, separate penalties might CHANGED (MULTIPLE LEVELS)
apply to each for operational reasons (the normal diffic- Indicates that the character is different to the rest of 33
ulty of finding the emergency frequency, and the normal humanity ... in a limited way. Changed characters may
difficulty for driving evasively, for example). purchase base Abilities to a value of seven (7).
A Changed character may use Focuses to increase their you and you suddenly need to move an unconscious
effective Ability levels up to a value of nine (9) and body, no questions asked, he’ll probably do it – on the
may buy off the negative counterpart that normally understanding that he’ll want payment for his time and
applies at a cost of one Skill Point/point. the risk (and to be bailed out if it all goes pear shaped!).

Focuses normally work by granting a +1 bonus in one The degree of danger, difficulty, cost or inconvenience
specific area of an Ability at the cost of a -1 DIFF to will cause a “connected” character much less difficulty
another specific area. Changed characters can, in effect, in acquiring information or services than it would a
purchase an increase with no penalty. normal character.

In Road to Armageddon such people are very rare, and This does not mean they won’t suffer difficulties – but
each level of Changed allows only one (1) Ability to be they will gain a +2D bonus to offset any penalties that
increased. may be applicable to “normal” characters.

In other circumstances, and in other PGD products, this Normally this Quirk is only applicable to areas that
may not always be the case. the character has a long association with – with time
to “make a connection” they can probably find a
Players and GMs who simply want to be part of a “friend of a friend” who owes a favour and is prepared
post-holocaust military campaign will probably not want to pay it off by performing a service anywhere.
to allow this – however, those that use the full RtA
background will face situations that make it viable. This is an innate knack – even if the PC leaves home and
travels half a world away it will only be a matter of time
Indeed, under certain exceptional circumstances they before they cultivate new “connections” there.
may even allow characters who did not take this Quirk
to acquire its benefits during the course of play (at great How much time it requires for them to get back up to
cost in experience and player effort, of course). speed depends on the needs of the campaign and the role
playing skills of the player.
Changed is also a prerequisite for Mutable.
In the meantime, any penalties that may be applied can
CONNECTIONS be negated if the character is prepared to spend extra
The character has friends or associates in some sort of time searching for just the support/info they need.
criminal, political, community, religious, military or
other organization which he can call on for assistance. Only if they are in a hurry will penalties apply.

These “connections” can be individuals rather than ENHANCED IMMUNITY (TWO TYPES)
organisations – perhaps students, followers or employ- The character has increased immunity against either
ees of the character; workmates or long term acquaint- poisons or diseases. It reduces damage inflicted on a
ances with whom they have a cordial relationship. character possessing it by half (round down), for a
minimum reduction of one (1) point.
Assistance means some form of information or service
that the “connection” can acquire or provide at no (or Characters must have a Health Ability three (3) or
minimal) expense, inconvenience or danger (or is really greater to take this Quirk and may not take it if they
an extension of their basic job) on behalf of the character. already have Addiction.

For example, your Librarian acquaintance can find out Characters may purchase both types separately.
all sorts of obscure information about the old Simpson
Estate – it’s not much different from what they normally Yes. Alcohol is a poison for the purposes of this Quirk.
do and the library’s paying for their time anyhow.
It might cost tickets to the next Sheffield Shield cricket Indicates that the character has the innate ability to
match (or Cubs baseball game), or a nice bottle of per- pick up new skills (or find new ways of applying
fume. Or a return favour to ask of you one day. existing ones), at least on a temporary basis.

If there is a cost or risk involved, then the “connection” Flexible characters may convert existing levels in a skill
is less likely to assist – though, if they have a long term into temporary levels in another for which they give a
commercial arrangement with you about payment, they (reasonably) convincing explanation of the connection.
still might. On credit. On the understanding that pay-
34 ment will be involved. To do this costs the character one Skill Point for each
application (consumed just as if it were being used as
So, if Sam the cabbie normally provides information for a Luck Point).
In return, for every two levels of an existing skill they been a long war, and both sides are scraping the bottom
take one level of the new skill which will apply for the
remainder of the session (or a game week for extended
of the barrel by the end?
sessions) or until the character desires to terminate its If you do allow this, then the maximum rank they should
use (to regain the full level of the base skill). probably be allowed to take would be CR1 or CR2 at
most (2nd Lieutenant or Lieutenant in the US Army).
For example a character from an Army Career back-
ground has Driving/6 (the specialisation doesn’t matter) They also get $(2D x Core Career Ability x 375) in
but they need to acquire Seamanship temporarily. starting cash.

They point out that most armies have some waterborne Heroes have a lot to live up to – being recognised as one
vehicle training and argue that they should be able to
temporarily convert Driving/6 to Seamanship/3.
is often a matter of luck, and the heroes mostly know it.
They’ve seen the same sorts of acts they are being award-
ed a medal for go unremarked and unrewarded.
The GM listens carefully, and agrees that this is a reason-
able request and has a solid basis in reality, and allows Which in no way takes away from the bravery they
the character to go ahead. themselves display – except, perhaps, to them.
The downside is that the levels they possess in the INTERNAL COMPASS (2 LEVELS)
parent skill are reduced by an amount equal to the
increase in the flexible skill.
Indicates that the character can never become lost in
either the wilderness or a city (any city). The character
This reduction represents the effects of the intense
can extrapolate their general location from signs in
the environment in general.
training and concentration needed to convert action
routines from one area of training to another. Characters may take this Quirk twice – once each for
wilderness and city environs.
In the example above, the character would gain Seaman-
ship/3 but would have their Driving skill reduced to A character who has either of these should be allowed at
Driving/3 for the duration. a +1D bonus to rolls to determine location/direction in

the other environment, compared to “ordinary” people. r
The character has won a major medal (or equivalent
civilian award) for their bravery (or, perhaps, has won
Indicates that the character possesses a knack for
a series of medals or awards?). always knowing the exact time and date (assuming no

All age groups, even Teenagers, may take this Quirk.

“lacunae” [missing blocks of time] caused by prolong- a
Whether this is because they were merely in the right
place at the right time (which is mostly the case), did
something they wouldn’t have if they’d had time to
think, or were merely suicidally stupid doesn’t really
matter – they have a reputation to live up to now!
They gets +1D to Command based skills when dealing
with someone who knows their background. n
If they are medal winners and the audience is from a
military background, they get +2D to Leadership rolls.

Heroes in the military get, free, one level of Military

Rank (if they’re a private soldier, they are promoted to
NCO; if they’re an NCO they’re promoted to Officer
rank) – and this does apply even to Teenagers, though
they may only take it to NCO level, and doesn’t count
against their reduced limit.

You may decide that, depending on how old the Teen-

ager actually is, to allow them to take a promotion to 35
officer rank. This would be believable for 18-19 year
olds, and, barely, for 17 year olds – did I mention it’s
ed coma or some form of time distortion or time For example, it means that in any sort of negotiation,
travel) and exactly how much time has passed. even with people or groups that are overt enemies of your
party, they’ll give you a chance to at least state your case
You know this innately. You need no time to make a without shooting you down like a dog.
Check, it is instantaneous.
And if you can’t win them over, they’ll offer you a last
There is normally no need to make a Check, it is cigarette before the firing squad while your fellows are
normally going to be automatically successful. simply dragged off to stand in front of the courtyard wall
kicking and screaming. Which may make a difference.
If you’re drugged and knocked out, then knowing, in- Or may not.
nately, how much time has passed while you’re drugged
or knocked out is perfectly believable. If you find the last, vital, supplies of .50 cal BMG ammo
in the whole eastern european settlement, and it’s a toss
Unless those who have rendered you unconscious have up as to who they’ll sell it to – you or your competition
gone to considerable lengths to conceal this, and maybe – they’ll offer you the chance to make a last offer and
not even that would be enough (allow a Check). tell you what the final offer by your opponents was.

On the other hand, being placed in suspended animation Or the Highway Patrol officer has caught you speeding.
or passing through a time portal – all you’ll get is a Maybe by a lot. But his radio check of your License
feeling that something is out of kilter at best. shows that you don’t have any recent tickets (or even any
recent warnings) … so they give you a lecture and let you
And, though it probably will be of no particular use, go on your way.
you’ll be able to determine how much time has passed
with that lacuna stripped out. LIGHTNING REFLEXES (MULTIPLE LEVELS)
Indicate a character is faster to react than their Health
So, you step through a time gate and find yourself in the would otherwise indicate.
future (or past). You will know that it’s been 30 minutes
since you entered the enemy Science Complex. Each level taken adds +1D to the character’s Action
Pool – and, in the case of otherwise tied Actions, the
Not much help if you’re now 25 millennia in the future character with Lightning Reflexes gets to act first even
– except that the CBW filters on your suits are good only on the same second.
for another 90 minutes (which may be irrelevant – or not
– depending on the situation as it now exists). MAJOR POSSESSION (2 TYPES)
This allows the character to take any item from the
LIKEABLE equipment lists (or which they can convince the GM to
You’re naturally likeable. Anyone and everyone treats run up the specs for) with the approval of the GM.
you better than you have any right to expect – even
your enemies. The two levels are actually separate, and one does not
need to be taken in order to acquire the other.
People you encounter, as well as people who know you
well, tend to give you the benefit of the doubt in any One is for Military, the other for Civilian items. Each
situation where you, your motives, or your actions are counts as one Quirk – you could take one Military and
called into question. one Civilian Major Possession if desired.

You really have to work hard to get people offside – The cost of the item is irrelevant for purposes of
pretty much deliberately trying to kill (or seriously “possession” – the character has somehow managed to
injure, or steal from) them being the only way. acquire it over and above whatever money or other
goods they gain through the character creation process.
Or looking like you’re going to try and kill (or seriously
injure, or steal from) them. The item may even be, if it is military in nature, illegal
for an ordinary private individual to have – whether
This doesn’t add anything to any particular Skill or the character has a legal license to allow possession
Check, but it does mean that, regardless of whether you (and what restrictions might apply) is up to the GM.
succeed or fail in any relevant checks, you, personally,
are treated the best of all of those in your party by those Exactly what can a character get with this Quirk? Well,
around you who do not belong to it … because you’re pretty much anything within reason – but you, as GM,
likeable (or, at least, less unlikeable than your fellows). have to decide what is reasonable.
The game implications of this quirk are extraordinarily Since RtA is a military oriented campaign, a character
wide and really defy easy quantification. could take a Main Battle Tank as their major possession
– which really only means that they are assigned a
specific tank and can ensure it is effectively theirs as long
as the campaign remains military in nature.
Or, perhaps, a wealthy character could take a Private
Jet – but unless they have a Sidekick who is a pilot, or
are one themselves, they don’t get a crew with it.
Perhaps, more realistically, they may take the Private
Jet as as part of a private air charter business they own
– which may be requisitioned, along with its crew, when
the Three Way War goes pear shaped.
On the other hand, in the civilian sphere there is little
chance (outside the US and some third world hellholes)
that a private individual would be allowed to own a tank
under any normal circumstances – and this quirk only
provides the goods, not the license to own/use.
In the US, it is barely possible that a collector might get
an insanely expensive and restrictive license from the
BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) to own
a functional obsolete tank as a “historical curio” – in be balanced according to how much of the reason for
third world hellholes, well, anything might be possible. the item’s loss was negligence or poor decision making
by the character as opposed to bad luck.
The item must be something that one person could op-
erate, even though it might require a larger crew to be
fully operational (MBT, yes. Ballistic Missile Sub, no!).
If the player’s bad choices/negligence are the proximate
cause of loss then they should have to wait longer than if
expended in a good cause/with good reason.
However, a number of characters with this Quirk could
(at GM’s option) pool it to acquire a larger item as long Regardless of how/why it was lost, replacement time will
as it is minimally operable by the number of PCs who
have clubbed together to acquire it.
depend on local conditions – if you are way to hell and
gone off from your main base, your possession isn’t
likely to be replaced until they return to that base.
Note that the mere possession of the item does not mean
that the character is provided with the fuel, ammunition, (MILITARY) RANK (2 LEVELS/TYPES)
spare parts and maintenance gear to keep it running! Indicates the character is in the military (or an organ-
isation, such as the Merchant Marine which has a rank
The cost of those additional items should be considered structure not represented well by Authority) and holds,
when being chosen. Be careful what you wish for! at the first level, a Non-Commissioned rank (or very
junior commissioned rank) and, at the second, a Com-
That Private Jet costs an awful lot to run, and its unlikely
the character is wealthy enough to keep it operational
missioned rank (or extremely senior NCO rank).
unless they use it to earn its own keep. A character who has taken a Military Academy or

If the Major Possession is lost or destroyed then the

ROTC Career may take Commissioned Rank without
having to take Non-Commissioned Rank.
character should, eventually, be able to replace it (or
have it replaced by someone else) at no monetary cost All other characters must take Non-Commissioned
with something similar, if not exactly the same. Rank before purchasing Commissioned Rank.

If the character does possess an Abrams MBT and it is Teenagers may not normally take this – and if they do,
destroyed – and they survive its destruction – then the only at NCO rank (however, see the Hero Quirk).
army will replace it. Eventually.
This is active military (or paramilitary) rank. The char-
Of course, in Road to Armageddon that replacement will acter will either be in the regular (full time) military or
be something functionally similar – a locally made Arm- will have an ongoing reserve commitment.
oured Car, fully equipped; or a M-113 Armoured Caval-
ry vehicle – as their are few or no MBTs available. The exact rank a character holds will partly be a funct- 37
ion of their age, career (and nationality of that career)
How long this will take is up to the GM, but it should and skill choices (NCOs are often technicians in modern
militaries) and partly a function of discussion with the Which is why it is a good idea to actually commit War
GM (and may also be affected by other Quirks, eg Crimes, under protest, and kick the possibly illegal
Hero). Read the later section(s) on Troupe Play and orders upstairs after the fact. Won’t help the poor
Ranks for guidelines on how to handle the ranks chosen. bastards you’ve killed or mistreated, not immediately,
but it may make the order-giver pay, belatedly … and
Rank means a character is able use the hierarchical even indicating that you’re acting under protest may
nature of the military or paramilitary group they calm them down and make them rethink their orders.
belong to to give orders to those of lesser rank within
that group (and, to a lesser extent, related groups of This is not a license for an Officer or NCO to simply kill
the same or allied nationality) and, under most circ- anyone who hesitates or snaps at will – their actions will
umstances, expect them to be obeyed. (probably) be scrutinised. It’s like a Policeman killing
someone supposedly in the line of duty – there may be
Subordinate NPC characters will tend to follow any an investigation, even if only by your immediate superior.
orders given by someone with superior rank – though
this will depend on a wide range of factors too large to Obviously, Player Characters of lower rank than
be specifically detailed. another PC are, theoretically, under the same strict-
ures as NPCs. In reality, it would be a very unwise
For example, if the character giving the orders has Player who gave “orders” to their fellow PCs which
shown a significant level of military incompetence or they would likely refuse to follow.
behaviour that is seen as cowardly or self-serving, their
orders may not be fully, or even partly, complied with. Killing them out of hand for such refusal? Do you
think the complete implosion of the campaign, and
(Exactly how much their subordinates might ignore or probably gaming group, too, would be a good thing?
subvert their orders depends partly on the nature of the
nation and organisation they belong to. In the Soviet If not, well … let’s have a little common sense. Even in
Army during the Cold War, the presence of Military military campaigns, PC co-operation should be the
Commissars and NKVD/KGB troops who could – and reality – not blatant and outright coercion!
would – shoot you out of hand for disobedience, real or
perceived, or for failure to successfully carry out orders, MUTABLE (PREREQUISITE = CHANGED)
for example, soldiers will tend to shut up and carry on.) Indicates that the character is somehow way beyond
normal human limits.
Likewise, if the soldier(s) being given the orders are not
in the order-giver’s specific unit or chain of command, or To possess this Quirk they must also possess the
not in their Branch of Service, or if they have specific Changed Quirk and, of course, gain the benefits that
orders from someone of higher rank to not do or not that brings – and more besides.
allow something the order-giver wants them to do/allow,
then they may well be reluctant – or outright refuse – to You may decide that this is too much, and disallow it for
follow any orders given them. modern era characters ... and it would be unwise to allow
more than one character to take it in any case.
(A Lieutenant trying to leave a Base under lockdown as
a result of orders from the commanding General will Firstly, a Mutable character can swap his Focus points
likely be ignored, even by those of lesser rank, for around. Improved night vision in one scene could
example. Likewise, an Army Captain trying to give become improved sense of smell in another!
orders to a Navy Lieutenant in charge of a shore party
may also be ignored. The exact nature of the orders It costs 1 FAT point per +1D bonus to swap the Focus
being given, the relationship between the organisations between different aspects of an Ability and 2 FAT points
(and/or nationalities) involved and a whole variety of per +1D bonus moved to swap between different Abilities.
situational factors will have an impact).
The base Focus application is fixed when first chosen
Then there is the issue of Legal and Illegal orders. If the and changes are made from that base.
order contravenes the relevant organisational code (the
Hague and/or Geneva Conventions, for example), then a Secondly, Mutable characters have no limit to the
soldier may refuse to follow the order – or, at the very bonus they can purchase (except the availability of
least, formally complain to those higher in the hierarchy Ability Points of course) or “swap around.”.
after carrying it out under protest.
Any Focus that raises an Ability to ten (10) or greater
One “advantage” of having Rank is that the holder is, is, in effect, quasi-magical. It allows characters wield-
38 theoretically, authorised to carry out field executions ing it to the seemingly impossible – within limits.
for cowardice in the face of the enemy and/or com-
plete refusal to follow orders. Exactly what this involves will need to be determined on
a case by case basis. It isn’t quite magical – there needs character with this Quirk to be able to decipher the
to be some explanation for it, however. general gist of a short written passage in a language
that they do not otherwise know.
For example, a character is in a pitch black deathtrap
maze with no light – if they raise their Cunning to 10
through allocating Focuses, the GM could allow them to
This means that they should be able to decipher the
equivalent of Road Signs, short Warning or Instructional
“see” in a limited way (through something like echo-loc-
ation – humans can’t normally do this – but Bats and
labels and any Informational Labels on devices (buttons,
switches, dials etc.) and the like. Anything longer than a
Dolphins can, so there is an explanation for it). sentence is really beyond this Quirk.

In this instance, since the Focus is four levels higher than Whether this is possible or not will depend on whether
the normal human maximum, the GM could determine
that they can “see” up to four meters in any direction.
they can read the alphabetic or ideogrammatic system
in which it is written. If they can, then they are
familiar enough with the language, or a related one,
The cost of using such paranormal, quasi-magical abilit-
ies is equal to (Ability Level - 6) FAT per use (or per game
to provide a general understanding of the passage. c
turn for ability use that isn’t simply instantaneous). For most characters this will mean that they should be
able to decipher anything written in a Latin-Roman-
Thirdly, being Mutable allows a character to move Western European alphabet initially.
around Attribute Points.
They might be able to do the same with European
This can only be done with Attributes that are greater
than seven (7) and takes an hour of preparation or the
languages using a Cyrillic (Eastern European) alphabet,
especially if they have any military or intelligence exper-
expenditure of experience points equal to the number ience before the game starts (or acquire it as it progresses).
of points to be moved instantaneously.
The Greek alphabet? Not likely, though – unless, barely
No attribute can be reduced below six (6), but any
number of points may be moved around.
possible, they have some knowledge of Maths or Science
and extrapolate from the Greek letters often used in such.
Fourthly, Mutable allows characters to acquire Psionic
or Magic abilities and powers – in those situations
If they know Japanese, they can probably puzzle out
Chinese – though the reverse may not be true, as the
where such powers and abilities exist. Chinese ideograms used in Japanese are only a part of
that language (it has two alphabetical scripts as well).
Neither Psionics nor Magic exist in the pre-game world
of Road to Armageddon – and if all you intend to do
with these rules is run a post-holocaust military camp-
Most Eastern languages have unique scripts that make it
unlikely there will be any chance at all of deciphering
aign, then they probably won’t ... ever. them – since there are no close equivalents to base a “by
guess and by god” interpretation on.
However, if you take full advantage of the Road to
Armageddon background material, then something that
is very like Magic (or, maybe, Psionics) does exist ... but,
However, this all needs to be determined, as noted, on a
case by case basis by the GM.
again, not for the character creation process!
NATURAL LINGUIST The character has earned a reputation as reliable and
Indicates that the character is able to pick up languag-
es far more easily and quickly than most people.
trustworthy within their chosen sphere, Civilian or
Military – and gains +2D to Command skills when
dealing with someone from the same background.
Firstly, for a Natural Linguist, all Language skills
(spoken and written) cost half normal cost for a char-
acter with this Quirk.

Secondly, a Natural Linguist can communicate with

anyone in a mix of sign language and pidgin as if they
had Skill Level/1 in the subject’s language.

This part of the Quirk does not confer any ability with a
specific language, but a generalised skill that working
across all spoken languages. 39
The GM may also allow, on a case by case basis, a
They also have enough innate confidence and pres- do take time to replace – determined by the GM and the
ence because of their reputation such that they get +1D needs of the campaign (if the character’s negligence
even if their audience is from the other background. caused their demise, replacement should take longer, for
Civilian Reputation applies fully to interactions with
other Civilians, but is halved for interactions with the SITUATIONAL AWARENESS (2 LEVELS)
military (i.e. they only get +1D to Command skills if You are at one with the aura of the battle or the
their audience knows them – and no bonus if they are surrounding environment – so you are able to sniff out
unknown to their audience). ambushes, detect booby traps, guess enemy moves in
advance with no clues and much more.
A further +1D bonus applies to purely non-combat
interactions (raising the bonus to +3D if know and +2D Characters with this gain a +1D bonus at first level
if unknown with civilians, and +2D/+1D if known/un- and +2D bonus at second to Observation or Detection
known with the military). (and related) skill rolls used in a combat situation.

A Reputation is not the same as having Authority or They also gain a +1D bonus at the first level and +2D
Rank, but may have similar effects in some ways. at the second to Military Science based skill rolls used
to determine enemy tactics or intentions in advance.
Military Reputation applies fully to interactions with
other Military personnel, but is halved for interactions Attacks made against them never gain the normal -1
with Civilians (i.e. they only get +1D to Command skills DIFF for Surprise against them personally (though this
if their audience knows them – and no bonus if they does not apply to anyone else in their group).
are unknown to their audience).
Characters cannot choose this if they have already
A further +1D bonus applies to purely combat interact- taken the Thousand Yard Stare Quirk.
ions (raising the bonus to +3D if know and +2D if
unknown with military personnel, and +2D/+1D if Think of this as being a highly tuned “sixth sense” that
known/unknown with civilians). operates at a subliminal, instinctual, level.

If you stay anywhere long enough, the locals will pick It is useful and effective not only in wartime for soldiers
up on a reputation. How long this takes is up to the GM, but also in peacetime for people pursuing Careers such
and may be gradual, first to +1D then to full value. as Police/Security, Bodyguard, or even Firemen (treat
the fire as the enemy!)
Indicates that the character has a more robust Health SIXTH SENSE
ability than raw numbers would indicate. You often get “feelings” that give you, and only you,
barely enough time to attempt to avoid them (or, if you
Robust characters gain a bonus of +1D at first level feel like sacrificing such an advantage for the benefit
and +2D at second level to all rolls relating to Strength of others, barely enough time to shout a warning).
and Endurance (including Health Concentration rolls).
In effect, you get a free, one (1) second action (over and
They also heal FAT and DAM faster than normal – halve above whatever your Action total for that turn might
base healing time (even if Changed or Mutable). be under normal circumstances) which you can spend
before whatever really bad thing that’s about to happ-
Robust also affects Damage Rolls (see Determining Dam- en actually happens.
age in the Combat section).
Obviously this relies on the GM giving you such a
SIDEKICK warning. So, what does he have to warn you of? How
Indicates that the character has a colleague who ass- often? And what sort of warning?
ists them in their everyday work, either by accompany-
ing them in the field or in a behind the scenes role. You should be warned of anything that is actually
going to be dangerous or life threatening to you person-
Sidekicks are built on 14 Ability and 25 Skill Points ally (even if it is the result of actions by another), but
but may not be Changed or Mutable. only where said situation is immediately dangerous or
life threatening.
The GM must approve all of a Sidekick’s Quirks
(which should be limited to one Advantage and one If you (or a colleague) inadvertently trigger a timer on a
40 Disadvantage). bomb, say, one that will go off in 60 seconds, you don’t
get any sixth sense warning then, and you don’t get it in
Sidekicks can never really be lost – even if killed. They 59 seconds time, either.
On the other hand, if your colleague steps on the trigger
to an instantaneously fuzed booby trap, then you get the
Sixth Sense advantage.
The GM is obliged to give you warning of every situat-
ion where there is a proximate danger or likelihood of
threat to you.
Be sensible about this. If the party finds, for example,
that it’s in a minefield, then the character’s Sixth Sense
is triggered only for the first mine.
Thereafter, well, the character knows what a pile of
manure they’re in, and will, presumably, take active must be pre-planned … decided on before the roll. If
precautions (which may, or may not, be effective) to
minimise the danger.
the check fails, then the character still gets their one
free one (1) second action … which, now won’t be
What sort of warning should be given? This depends.
enough, depending on what was actually planned.
However, the Sixth Sense quirk doesn’t provide details You pays your money and you takes your chances.
– nor does it provide exact explanations. You just get a
really bad feeling and some idea of what you need to For example, the character gets a GM generated warn-
do at that instant in order to avoid the worst. ing and realises that the nearest good cover is far too far
away to reach in a single second.
The GM merely has to indicate that there is a “situat-
ion” that has triggered your sense, and that certain So they take the chance that they can reach it, and roll
response options are best. That’s all. for +1 second, at Hard DIFF. If they succeed, they get a

Of course, the very fact that the GM has told a Player

2 second action – but, if they fail, they get half of the two
second action … probably leaving them standing and
that their character’s Sixth Sense has been activated is a exposed where a 1 second action taken by itself would at
warning to everyone in the party. least have let them throw themselves prone, which may
have provided full, partial, or no protection at all.
However, this occurs at the moment the event is triggered
for all the other party members – only the PC with Sixth If the character with Sixth Sense decides to share their
Sense gets that extra 1 second action before it. warning with the rest of the party nearby, they can do

And all you have to do is a hint at the action with the

this. But there is a cost, of course. a
highest likelihood of minimising bad effects (“run away”
or, perhaps, “turn the corner”; maybe “dive for cover”,
They forego their automatic one second action by
shouting a warning/making a danger sign (something
or “dive into the foxhole”; or “duck now”, or “duck that has been pre-arranged) and, in return, they, and
behind the truck”, or something of the same very general
all those who understand the warning (what is being
signalled/said, though not necessarily what it means)
Without in any way actively indicating what any “bad
get the chance to make a Hard (Diff 4) Cunning Con-
centration Check to get a 1 second action with the same
effects” that are coming their way may actually be. parameters as the base sixth sense action.

The character may attempt to add time to this free Just shouting “Get down!” isn’t, by itself, enough. Those
action – the first extra second requires a Hard (DIFF 4) hearing the warning would have to know that the person
Health Concentration Check. shouting it really knows what they’re speaking about.

Each additional second, to a maximum of four (4) Which means that those in the character’s party, those
seconds (overall, 1 base + 3 additional) increases check who have known them long enough to understand their
DIFF by +2 levels (+1 second Hard (DIFF 4); +2 seconds particular skill, are the ones who will “get” the warning.
= Unlikely [DIFF 6]; +3 seconds = Incredible [DIFF 8]).
Newbies (who haven’t been in the party long enough to
This action may be taken as a single long action or a pick up on the character’s quirk), or the enemy (even if
number of actions equal to the number they could take they understand the language or signs being used), don’t
in a normal 5 second Combat Turn, with the minimum “get” it – they know lots of things get shouted or signal-
length for each action being, of course, one (1) second. led in combat (and dangerous situations in general) that 41
really don’t specifically apply to them, and will tend to
Any such attempt at an extended Sixth Sense action ignore it as “background noise”.
The character shouting or signalling the warning may The downside is that they must take an additional
then attempt to take additional seconds, but the first Disadvantageous Quirk (and no points are gained for
added second will require an Unlikely (DIFF 6) check doing so) which must be taken even if it would increase
and the second will require an Incredible (DIFF 8) check. the character’s Quirk total to more than three (3).

All the rules for “normal” additional seconds also apply WEALTH (2 LEVELS)
to these (pre-planning the move, and being caught part The character is wealthier than normal – perhaps
completed on failure being the most important). much wealthier. To gain the second level the character
must take the first level – so it is a big commitment.
Characters who are merely responding to a warning
from someone with Sixth Sense do not get the option of At the first level, day to day expenses (food, shelter,
adding additional seconds. They get a one second clothing, entertainment, transportation) are covered
action – and should think themselves lucky!. by some sort of allowance or annuity – so they don’t
have to work for a middle class standard of living.
Indicates that the character is has great personal Food means that they don’t go hungry by choice – and
presence and therefore receives a +1D bonus on all can eat out regularly at nice restaurants.
Command based skills where they are personally pres-
ent to conduct the business involved. Shelter means that they either own or have a long term
lease (pre-paid or covered by other income) on a house
This is not the same as being handsome/beautiful or apartment; when travelling they have enough to pay
(though you may be), it represents a combination of for similar hotel or rental accommodation.
factors making giving them a memorable personality.
Clothing means that they have a wardrobe full – and
To use this Quirk requires the character to be personally enough money to buy whatever whenever they need it.
present to get the bonus, though the GM may allow them
to use it over a visual communications link. Entertainment means that they can purchase books,
games, CDs and go to the movies and live shows when
TOLERANCE TO PAIN they wish to.
Indicates that the character is much more highly
tolerant to pain and related sensory overload than the Transportation means that they either own their own
normal person and also has hidden reserves of energy transport or can pay to use taxis or hire limousines, or
that enable them to keep on going long after others travel on regular airline services as needed.
seemingly as fit, or fitter, collapse into a heap.
They also get starting goods/cash of – $(2D x Comm-
A character with Tolerance to Pain ignores all penal- and2 x 1000)
ties to Task Checks caused by Fatigue and Injury alone.
They also receive a monthly stipend of – $(Command2
Tolerance to Pain does not have any effect on Damage x 100)
rolls, only on penalties caused by Fatigue or Injury. The
character can keep fighting, at full effect, until they die The second level is more of the same – but the stand-
or are go unconscious – but if one of their limbs was ard of living they can maintain without working is
rendered unusable, that effect would still apply. equivalent to that of an upper class lifestyle.

VETERAN/CHILD PRODIGY They also get starting goods/cash of – $(2D x Comm-

The character is more experienced for their age than and2 x 2500)
expected, and so gains an extra twenty (20) Skill points.
They also receive a monthly stipend of – $(Command2
Adults spend these points normally, acquiring skills, x 250)
or they may spend five (5) skill points to acquire an
additional Career – and then spend any or all of their The exercise of this Quirk assumes that, when the char-
remaining Skill points on any skill from either Career. acter is away from their normal environs, they have had
time to make arrangements to apply during their absence.
Teenagers may take this Quirk, but only gain ten (10)
extra Skill Points – but have all age related limits to Such arrangements may depend on having access to a
their acquisition of Quirks (not Skill levels, however) communications link that allows contact with a financial
and entry into Careers lifted. organisation with which they have arrangements or
42 having actual physical documentation that can act as
A Teenager would be a Child Prodigy – and probably a money (Bank Drafts, Bearer Bonds etc.) or some form of
right royal pain in the rear! actual cash (banknotes, bullion coinage etc.).
If the character is separated from these facilities, they They must seek out, and challenge, the most worthy
can suffer from a “temporary financial embarrassment”
– but they will eventually manage to replace lost resour-
opponent in that area in where there is even a po-
tential for any sort of conflict or even competition.
ces (as quickly, or slowly, as the GM determines).

Of course, this may be at a level commensurate with the

There’s no chance whatsoever of “friendly competition”
with them. They must always win, and always be seen to
local economy rather than the original value (that is, if
they’re stuck in some third world hellhole, they’ll be
be the best.
relatively rich compared to everyone else)! You may, if feeling generous, allow them to resist be-
having arrogantly if there is no-one to witness their
display of superiority – or, better, allow a small bonus to
DISADVANTAGEOUS their Concentration Check to resist their quirk.
The PC has a physical or psychological addiction. It It doesn’t matter if the “most worthy” is a “friendly”
may be a legal drug or an illegal one, but the character
has a craving they must fight to keep under control.
or not – they must always be challenged. c
Whenever a character is stressed and/or faced with
And put in their place … which is, of course, as the
second best compared to the character with this Quirk.
temptation they must make a Concentration skill roll
(see Task Resolution) and suffer +1 DIFF penalty to the
number of dice rolled for the Check.
If they are a friendly, then this might be done with a
degree of condescension … if they are an opponent, then
If they fail the roll, then the +1 DIFF penalty applies to
they must be humiliated; if an enemy, then they must be
killed in the most egregious and showy way possible.
all further Task Checks until they get a “fix” of their
drug of choice or fail another Concentration Check. Arrogant characters must make a Hard (DIFF 4) Com-
mand Check to avoid targetting the toughest opponent,
The penalty is increased by a further -1 DIFF penalty
each additional time they fail a Concentration Check
individually, even if, tactically, this is unwise.
to resist the cravings. They must make a Difficult (DIFF 5) Command Check to

Addicts cannot have a Health ability rank of greater

maintain an ambush against a target known, or even
suspected, to be the toughest in a group being ambushed
than four (4) and may not choose Addiction if they
already have Enhanced Immunity (or vice versa).
– even if doing so would break the overall ambush.
If the character does not kill or defeat the toughest
If their usual drug of choice is not available, addicts can
be quite resourceful in finding replacements or altern-
opponent in a competition/combat then they gain no
experience points, even for successful Task or Combat
ative exhibiting real rat cunning in doing so. Checks. If they don’t manage it unaided, they halve the
amount of experience gained (round fractions down).
The character must always be seen to be “the best” at
… one or more … things. Typically this will be at
The Arrogant character not only has to show up the
opposition, they have to let even their friends know how
whatever their best Skill + Attribute is at the beginning
of the game.
great they are, and how much better than them they are.
Also, an Arrogant character must always maintain
There are two types – Non-Combat and Combat, and
these are further subdivided by Skill.
their chosen skill at a level at least one (1) level higher n
A character with Arrogance (Non-Combat) whose best
skill is, say, Sport (Cricket), will only attempt to take on
characters in that skill, or in some aspect of that skill. So,
if they encounter a skilled Baseball player, they’ll want
to see who can hit the furthest and smallest target with a
pitched or thrown ball.

A character with Arrogance (Combat) and Gun Combat

(Pistol) will, likewise, take on only similarly skilled
opponents … but, if faced with a Rifle armed opponent
at a range where a Pistol is at least as effective, they’ll 43
use their sidearm and Pistol Skill rather than shoot him
with their already equipped Rifle and their Rifle Skill.
than any other skill that falls in the same category. COWARD
The character has, at some time before the start of the
That is, Combat Skills with Combat Skills, and Non-Com- game, committed an act of cowardice in a crisis situat-
bat Skills with Non-Combat Skills. ion, either actively (running away, say) or passively
(freezing and letting something bad happen) of such a
Finally, if an Arrogant character has, at start, two or degree that it colours all their relationships if and/or
more skills tying for highest Attribute + Skill total in when their behaviour is found out about.
the chosen category (i.e. Combat or Non-Combat), then
all those skills become the focus of their quirk in all Anyone can make a mistake. They might be brave as a
ways described above. lion most of the time but, in one particular set of circum-
stances, they might do the wrong thing. Panic. Freeze.
It is possible for a character to take both types (Combat Totally lose the plot.
and Non-Combat) Arrogance, which would be … inadvis-
able … and, if they do, to have more than one Skill + When their mistake goes against what they are expected
Attribute in each equal highest. to do as part of their job or training, or simply what is
expected of them by the cultural norms of their society,
The latter would be … a … really … bad … thing … but, this can all too easily be called cowardice.
strictly speaking, allowable under the rules.
It is assumed there is no inherent flaw in their character,
BAD LUCK but they are subject to considerable suspicion as a result.
This Quirk gives the GM an amount of “Bad Luck”
“dice” equal to the character’s LCK Ability. Each die They may, eventually be able to win back respect of
worth of Bad Luck may be used to cancel the roll of those they have close contact with if they show no further
one die made in any Task or Ability Check. signs of what others could perceive as “cowardly.”

The cancellation is done after the character makes their People differ in the way they handle stress/danger –
roll, giving the GM a major advantage in using the dice different “cowardice” thresholds, in effect. Most people
at the worst possible time! It is bad luck after all. who are branded “cowards” are probably represented
by this Quirk – and any true cowards (people with an
These Bad Luck dice are regained at the rate of 1D for inherent character flaw) are far too flawed to be worth-
every 2D of Luck that the character regains. while representing.

Bad Luck is intended to be a major hassle for the player, Cowards suffers a +1 DIFF penalty to all Command
but not an overwhelming one. based skills when interacting with anyone who knows
of their background.
The GM will be encouraged to use the dice sparingly and
for the greatest effect possible – not every single session! On top of this, if the character they are attempting to
Command has personally observed them performing
CLUMSY an act that could be perceived to be cowardly, then the
Indicates that the character is not physically well penalty rises to +2 DIFF
co-coordinated. Because of this they take a -1D penalty
to all Health based actions undertaken unprepared. What would be a “cowardly act”? Backing down from a
fight, no matter how justified; hesitating to go to the
It’s not intended to be completely crippling. If they make rescue of a injured comrade, no matter how little the
a Hard (DIFF 4) HLT Concentration Check beforehand, chance of success (or how great the chance of personal
then they avoid this penalty. injury) – are two possible actions that could be perceived
to be “cowardly.”
Worse, all Melee or Unarmed Combat attacks directed
at them are at -1 DIFF to the attacker (they’re easier to The GM will inform the character with this Quirk when
hit) because they’re less able to dodge effectively. they are faced with a situation where their actions could
be so misinterpreted.
If the character can prepare themselves before acting,
they can reduce this. They need to add 1 second (+1D) to The end result of this is that the “coward” will be faced
the action where they may be exposed to attack – with with the need to “prove” themselves over and over again
the extra second negating the penalty. before the eyes of their fellows.

Thus, a two (2) Second Action would take three (3) They will be continually tempted to perform acts of
44 Seconds if the penalty is to be avoided. greater than normal bravery – and yet get no credit for
being brave in the eyes of his observers (unless they do
Only those with a HLT/1 or greater may take this quirk. not know of his status, of course).
Worse. It is perceived as a cowardly act to use Luck in
such a roll! Doing so will instantly raise the Command
penalty by a further +1 DIFF with all who observe it.
That’s right. They have to succeed on their own merits.
No Luck may be used.
Even worse. “Cowards” only regain Luck when they
perform an act that would be regarded as “brave” in
a normal person. r
That is, for combat actions or for actions where they
actually risked their health or well being.
Ordinary characters can regain Luck by finding a smart,
safe, way to solve a problem. Cowards must take the
And that temptingly laid out enemy body? If it’s the fifth
one today that, when searched by others in your
risky option. This is a disadvantage after all. immediate vicinity that’s been boobytrapped … well,
you’ll turn it over looking for intel, OK, but in a way that
CURIOSITY allows you to be protected.
It killed the the cat, didn’t it? And the cat had nine
lives – you don’t, do you? Or, while accepting the recon mission, the increasing
The character has to make a Concentration Check
amount of enemy activity (including lots of active –
possibly recon – patrolling they’ve been doing in the
versus Cunning at Hard (DIFF 4) or worse to avoid area) makes you carefully consider your route, and the
doing the curious, but unwise, thing. Whatever that possible bug-out options in case it all goes pear shaped.
may be in the specific circumstances.

They’re not suicidal, understand. They won’t do any-

Indicates the character is in debt to another person
thing that is obviously dangerous – and they probably (or, perhaps, to a group) and must somehow work it off
won’t do anything that is very likely dangerous. – but it is in the form of money, or something
functionally similar (for something like a Debt of
It’s the things that seem innocent enough at first glance.
Even in an otherwise dicey situation, that tends to suck
Honour, see the Obligation Quirk).
them in … usually without thinking. The amount/nature of the debt is determined by the

“I wonder if their’s any valuable intel on this enemy

player in consultation with the GM – it will never be a
trivial amount or an easily ignored matter, however.
corpse? I’ll just roll the body over … ” – and, well, BOOM!
It will be, by its nature, huge, perhaps crippling, but
“What does this red button do? I’ll press it and see!” … could, theoretically, be paid off … eventually …
activating the deathtrap.
But, in the meantime, the character’s creditor has
“Sure, the mission sounds interesting. You want us to find
out what the enemy plans are, you say?” … and you find
significant, perhaps overwhelming, input into what they
do and how they behave. Even what missions they have
that you’ve bitten off much more than you can chew. to undertake.

You now just happen to be in the way of a major enemy It could be in the form of an amount owed to a Loan
offensive. Running right through your current position. Shark, where even the Vig is more than the character can
pay without the most extreme measures, most of the time.
Exactly what degree of difficulty it will be to act with
curiosity depends on the nature of the situation, of Or it could be the College loans and the military service
course, but will always be a minimum of Hard. requirements that had to be accepted to pay them off.

Remember, things that are reasonably obviously danger- Which means, during the 3WW, that your life’s literally
ous or unwise aren’t triggers. not your own given that it seems to be a “war without
end” as much as a “war without mercy.”
So, for example, if you’ve just cleared the Villain’s base
and noticed that there are demolition charges all over … Whatever it is, it does not represent an ordinary debt –
well, you’re unlikely to assuage your curiosity about that and it will take a lot of work, and role playing, to pay it 45
red button until after you’ve traced the wiring, or out, not just finding lots of treasure, winning the lottery,
disabled the demo charges … or both. robbing a bank or whatever.
The player should carefully consult with the GM to ENEMIES (MULTIPLE)
determine its exact nature so they get some idea of what Indicates that someone doesn’t like the character and
will be required to buy it off – if it can be bought off! either enjoys or is duty bound to thwart his efforts.

Note that it is not necessarily the case that the character The enemy may even go so far as to actively hunt the
incurred the debt. Maybe they shouldered it to save a character or put a price on his head.
parent or sibling or lover from retribution?
A character may, in consultation with the Game
DISFIGURED (TWO LEVELS) Master, choose to have more than one Enemy – but
Indicates that the character suffers from something should be aware this will have a major impact on their
that reduces their physical attractiveness, often (but lives (and the GM will take ruthless advantage of it).
not always) the result of a war injury.
These are major enmities. They don’t simply “go away”
They take a +1 DIFF penalty per level of Disfigurement – you can’t even assume that, because you’ve killed the
(i.e. +1 or +2 DIFF) to all Command based skills in current rep, that another won’t reappear down the track.
which appearance takes a part (unless, of course, it has
been disguised in some way). They may be individuals (in which case they likely have
someone who will avenge them if you do manage to kill
If it were easily corrected with plastic surgery or cosmet- or permanently neutralise them), or they may be organ-
ics then it wouldn’t be worth a Quirk – at least in the isations of varying size and resources (and organisations
straightened circumstances of the 3WW. aren’t easy to destroy, either, and often have successor
groups who will take over when they are destroyed).
At best, makeup or prosthetics may allow temporary
negation, but don’t work full time. If this was an easy sort of Quirk it wouldn’t be a Quirk.
It will take major role playing mojo to work this off – and
Those who have been in long association with the disfig- you should consult with the GM when to determine the
ured character are not affected – and even newly enc- parameters of the problems it will be causing you.
ountered NPCs can eventually get used to it.
Characters can take multiple enemies, more than a
EASILY DISTRACTED couple is most unwise.
This Quirk indicates a character who is mentally
flighty – they have trouble keeping their attention on One enemy may turn up only infrequently – two may
anything other than a short term task or commitment. mean that they appear every second “episode.”

An Easily Distracted character must make a Concentra- More than this means they will be dogging your every
tion Check for each extra bonus die that would be waking moment, constantly interfering with your mission
gained under the Continuing Tasks rule. or plans, and at the worst possible moment, too.

A penalty of +1 DIFF applies for every second die of Indeed, if you have more than two enemies they may,
bonus sought as part of a Continuing Task (so, at +2D from time to time, actually pool their efforts to take you
there is a +1 DIFF penalty to Concentration; at +4D down – which can make for some really hairy situations.
there is a +2D DIFF and so on).
Note that enemies aren’t automatically out to kill you.
Easily Distracted characters also suffer a +1/+2 DIFF They could merely want to embarrass (or discredit) you,
penalty (perhaps higher, depending on the specific ruin you financially, destroy your personal happiness
situation) when attempting to perform any skill under and make your life seem like a living hell!
conditions where the GM deems there are external
distractions that would distract them unless they make Indeed, they may well regard death as being too easy for
a Concentration Check (which may be subject to simil- you and work, and work hard, to make you suffer.
ar penalties, depending on the GM’s assessment of the
degree of distraction inherent in the situation). Enemies are variably nasty and it is up to the Game
Master to make them so.
For example, searching for traps in a room full of treas-
ure would qualify. Or a searching for a specific suspect FORGETFUL
in a room full of a mixture or ordinary people and buff A Forgetful character often seems to find that, when he
members of their preferred sex … J needs something that they thought they had on them –
it isn’t. It’s on the bedside table, in the boot of the car
46 Another example would be attempting to finish their or somewhere other than with them.
homework (or write an “After Action Report”) instead of
playing ball (or going drinking) with their buddies. Equally, Forgetful characters often seem to find that
they didn’t do something they thought they had done, should be frequent enough to keep them on their toes.
or simply “forgot” about the whole problem. And, in any case, then there’s the matter of Luck ...
So the car runs out of petrol on the Freeway because they Fugitives who spend any Luck points at all are, how-
didn’t fill it up, or they turn up for school the day after
it resumes after a holiday break.
ever, courting potential attention ... unless the act that
involved said expenditure was not observed by a single
Or maybe the find that they didn’t pack the First Aid kit
living soul (or, for example, if any observer died before
passing on knowledge of what happened).
in their backpack – when they’re in the middle of their
three day wilderness hike! When a player chooses this Quirk, the GM secretly
rolls 1D and carefully notes down the result.
At GM option, any time the Forgetful character could
be embarrassed by finding that the item that they When the character has expended that much Luck
think is on their equipment list actually isn’t, they can they must make a Concentration roll to avoid detection.
require a Concentration roll.
This Check is at a penalty equal to the difference
This may be at no penalty or, depending on the
circumstances, at a penalty of +1/+2 DIFF.
between the number of Luck Command Checks (not the
number of dice they expend to be forced to make this
roll) they had to make to that were successes and those
This shouldn’t be done more than once or twice a game
session – they’re forgetful, not brain damaged. However,
that were failures (it is the difference that counts – the
total difference is always a Penalty).
feel free to use it ruthlessly when you do choose to apply
it – it is a disadvantage after all! Say the character rolls five (5) – when they’ve spent five
Luck dice they will have to make a Concentration roll.
The character is wanted – by someone – for something If they spent those five dice over three rolls, and two of
serious. If they are caught then the consequences will
also be serious.
those rolls were failures (or successes) then the difference
between successes and failures is one. This would mean
that a Concentration roll suffers a -1 DIFF penalty.
It might mean serious gaol time, or a spray of bullets
and a shallow, unmarked, grave depending on who is Failing such a roll does not mean automatic detection
after them, but the consequences won’t be pleasant. – there may be ways and means of throwing off sus-
picion by role playing or the use of other skills.
The character is on the run. This isn’t likely to mean
that they’re currently being actively pursued in a
manhunt ... but their description is on the wire to the
All this will be up to the GM – and it gives them a real
chance to “get creative!”
local authorities (or the local mob!) and they have to
be on their toes all the time. The fugitive could decide the solution is to eliminate the
witness(es). Or the witness(es) might decide they won’t
In effect, this is intermittent. It can be avoided a
degree – as long as the character takes precautions.
expose the fugitive, either for altruistic reasons or
because they expect something in return (“blackmail?”).
At the very least they’ll have to take steps to disguise their
real identity – and avoid any publicity.

Game requirements range from “mere” roleplaying of

this sort of care being taken to the character being
required to make a Concentration Check to avoid acting
“out of character” or preventing them from coming “into
the public eye.”

Such Concentration Checks should vary from being no

base chance through a +1/+2 DIFF penalty, perhaps
also involving follow-on rolls in such areas as Forgery
or Disguise to see how well their constructed “legend”
manages to hold up under scrutiny (and these follow
on rolls may also be subject to similar penalties).
While the GM should probably not force the fugitive to
make Concentration rolls every single session, they
HONEST So, for example, if they see someone reading the news-
Why on earth is this a disadvantage? You might well paper while walking along the other side of a busy street
ask. The reason is simple – an honest character cannot and about to fall into an open manhole they will prob-
lie under any circumstances. Not even social lies. ably yell out some warning – but they won’t dash blindly
across the street with no regard for the speeding traffic.
Yep. When their SO (aka “Girlfriend” for the politically
incorrect) asks “Does this dress make me look fat” they’ll They’re honest, they’re not stupid.
tell the truth. Which is fine only if they don’t look fat in
the dress! ILLITERATE
Somehow the character never learned to read or write
This doesn’t mean they go around blabbing to random – though they may be able to sign their name and read
people – but if they are asked a direct question they street signs, they are functionally illiterate.
must tell the truth, to the best of their knowledge.
They can’t read a newspaper, book, or even read (or
Nope. Sorry. They can’t lie by omission, either. fill in) the form to get unemployment benefits.

So if someone asks “Is the water shallow enough to They can only choose to pursue the following Careers
ford?” they can’t simply say “Yes” if, for example, the – Criminal, Dilettante, Jack of All Trades, Merchant
land mines strewn across the ford aren’t technically Marine and Performer.
related to whether the water is shallow or not.
They may not take any Skill (or Specialisation of a skill)
They have to say, “Sure. But the land mines make it that would require literacy to be functional – and this
unwise!” is not limited to skills based on Deduction.

It might be possible, depending, for an answer to be Many skills in Road to Armageddon either cannot be
accurate, not knowing the purpose of the question, and learnt or cannot be performed without being literate –
therefore be entirely correct … yet not telling the asker and not just Deduction based skills, either.
what they really wanted to know.
For example, you might be able to get a Driver’s License
So, if they’re asked “Is the Sheriff out of town” by even if you are illiterate (barely), but there’s no way you
someone not obviously suspicious, then the perfectly true would ever be able to learn what is required to pass the
answer “Won’t be back till a Thursday” is fine. test for a Pilot’s license.

Even though they know that there is a Federal Marshall Also, while you might be quite capable of learning
in town till Wednesday. It’s not their fault the seemingly Subterfuge (Fast Talk) there’s no way you’ll be able to
law-abiding citizen is really a would-be bank-robber! learn Subterfuge (Forgery). If in doubt, ask the GM.

In short, it would be wise to never tell this character a INFAMOUS

secret – they won’t deliberately blab it unless asked. Indicates that the character is well known in his field
But can you count on them not being asked? of endeavour as a ruthless and untrustworthy person.

An honest character has some choice as to if they tell As a result they suffer +2 DIFF to all Command based
the truth unasked. skills when interacting with anyone who knows of their
background unless they are attempting to intimidate
If they see someone doing something potentially life- them, in which case they gain +2D to roll.
threatening (or merely embarrassing), they must make
a Concentration check to see if they blurt out some- Characters with this Quirk may assume any lackeys they
thing along the lines of – “Don’t do that!” employ either identify with their villainous aims and
aren’t affected, or they are routinely cowed/intimidated.
Which, of course, is likely to prompt the question,
“Why?” – which they must, of course, answer! It does make a difference which is which.

Penalties ranging from +1/+4 DIFF may be applied to INFLEXIBLE

such rolls, based entirely on the GM’s assessment of The character must pay thirty experience points
how dangerous or embarrassing the event that the (instead of the normal twenty) to gain SL/2 in a new
honest person could prevent by speaking up might be. Skill not part of their Career(s) after game start.

48 There is no requirement that an honest person go out of There’s just something about the way they think, or
their way to provide such a warning. And certainly no the way they learn, that makes it harder for them to
requirement that they risk their life! pick up unfamiliar skills.
This is a severely limiting Quirk, be warned. But it does
not make the character stupid. It simply means they’ll
tend to be very much focussed on their career specialty.
The character has some persistent behaviour pattern
they are unable to avoid exhibiting (and may even be
unaware they display such behaviour!) which defines
them and (eventually) irritates everyone else.

To avoid this ... annoying ... behaviour requires the

character make a Concentration roll at +1 DIFF when
the GM says so.
Failure indicates the character’s social interactions
with those in the immediate vicinity suffer a +2 DIFF
A Naïve character is not worldly-wise. It may be
because they are younger than others in the group, or
penalty for the immediate future – or, alternatively,
gain a +1D bonus in attempting to track or recognize
because they have led a more sheltered life; or it may
be because they are simply too trusting.
the character (if they have known the character for an
extended period, then they may get a +2 DIFF as well). Regardless of the reason behind their naivete, they are
affected in two main ways – they have a problem with
Y’know the sort of thing – whistling off key and tuneless-
ly at the drop of a hat, not keeping it decently to within
determining the truth of a complex situation and they
lack the level of knowledge of their locale and/or their
the confines of their shower; leaving the toilet seat society that one would expect of someone of their age.
up/down (or complaining about it being left up/down);
answering a question with a question. When making a Task Check that involves interpreting

Don’t get trapped in a confined space with these people

any Cunning-based Skill, using Environ Knowledge for
finding unofficial information, or when using Street-
for an extended period of time unless you’re fairly wise to find anything other than an official contact for
certain that the Judge and Jury know them and will be
sympathetic when you snap and kill them because of
official purposes, a naïve character applies a+2 DIFF
to the roll.
their irritating habit(s).
So, for example, the character has been ordered to keep
MINOR DISABILITY (2 TYPES) watch on suspicious premises (Observation) for anything
The character has some minor physical disability that
causes +1/+2 DIFF with some tasks.
that smacks of illegal activities – they’re so clueless that
they’ll miss a lot of what is actually going on, either not
One type covers Health based tasks and the other
registering it at all (pickpocketing, for example), or not
catching its significance (the guy leaning against the
Cunning based tasks – it would be possible (but un- lamp post opposite all day … obviously a lookout).
wise?) to take both.
Or, if they need to know the location of an illegal Rave
Characters with with a Minor Disability may not have
whichever of Health or Cunning Ability they have
party (Streetwise), they wouldn’t know where to begin
asking questions (and probably won’t even know what a
chosen (or both of them, if they chose both) to be Rave is in the first place), as they barely know anything
affected greater than rank five (5). about even legal, but marginal, night life as it is. n
Health based disabilities include such things as a slight And if they have to find a source for acquiring some
limp, a partly crippled arm or hand, or a bad back. Pistols on short notice, without the formality of a back-
Cunning based disabilities include such things as partial ground check, License or cooling off period (Streetwise)
deafness, blurred vision, nerve damage etc. … they’ll be shocked that such a thing is even possible,
and that you are asking them about something that is so
There’s a war on. It’s a bad war. obviously illegal.

It’s been a long war. When they are the subject of any attempt to interrogate
or question them, they are so gullible that the
Both sides are scraping the bottom of the barrel – and a questioner doing the questioning gains a -2/-4 DIFF to
lot of people are being conscripted who normally never their check depending on whether they are in a posit-
would have gotten a second look at by the Draft Board, ion of authority or not. 49
and even more are being kept in the service who would
normally have been discharged. If they’re being questioned by the Police, say, a -4 DIFF
would apply to the Police check, since the naïve charac- by all and sundry – every man’s hand, quite literally,
ter is predisposed to always trust authority figures! turned against you?

On the other hand, if they’re just being questioned by The player should carefully consult with the GM when
some random person, they’ll be somewhat less trusting (a considering this Quirk to determine the exact nature of
-2 DIFF would apply). the obligation and to allow both sides to get some idea of
what will be required to buy it off – if, indeed, it ever can
Finally, when they are purchasing anything at all in an be bought off!
informal setting, they always end up paying too much
or otherwise getting taken advantage of. Typically they PACIFIST (2 TYPES)
pay 10-100% more (roll 1D x 10) and will find that its The character who has taken this Quirk had better
Availability will be at +1 DIFF as well. consider its consequences carefully (especially if they
choose to be an Absolute Pacifist). Especially in a
Alternately, you could allow the Opposed Task proced- campaign the likes of Road to Armageddon.
ure and apply +2 DIFF to the naïve Character’s rolls on
an item by item basis. No, they’re not insurmountable obstacles. Even in a
military campaign.
Being “taken advantage of” = caveat emptor (“let the
buyer beware”). They may not only be paying a prem- Pacifists aren’t necessarily cowards – in fact, they may
ium, they may not be getting what they think they’re be more courageous than someone who merely goes
paying for, either … they’re too naïve to check. along with the flow and becomes a soldier because they
don’t have the courage of their convictions.
The crate of MREs they just traded for? Time Expired.
Stored at too high temperatures. A significant percentage The two types are Pacifists and Absolute Pacifists. A
of the contents are inedible, perhaps even dangerous. Pacifist gets +1 AP or +3 SP. An Absolute Pacifists gets
+2 AP or +6 SP.
The “new” tyres they acquired? They’re retreads, and
not very well made ones, either. The treads will separate Pacifists are reluctant to kill. They have strong moral
after only a couple of hundred klicks, if that far. qualms about it, but don’t object to the idea of milit-
ary service in a non-combat role, even if dangerous.
This Quirk indicates that the character has an on- Just because they’re reluctant to kill doesn’t mean that
going, unbreakable, obligation to another person (or, they are reluctant to risk their life.
perhaps, to a group) one that they cannot work off in
the normal sense (though they could be released from Look at the medals for bravery won in WW1 and WW2
it by the person/group to whom they owe it). by Medics and Stretcher Bearers, who were often consc-
ientious objectors.
Think of this as, insofar as the term applies in a modern
setting, a debt of honour. They don’t even object to learning to use weapons or
unarmed combat techniques (as a sport, for example)
The level of the obligation is such that the character is they just object to having to use them to kill people.
at the beck and call of their “master” 24/7 and cannot
really refuse any instructions they are given by them. They do not object totally to the idea of killing – in self
defence or the immediate defence of others, for exam-
This is a major obligation. Perhaps you are a “made ple, but would prefer not to have to do so.
man” and have to follow the orders of the Capo; or you
could be a “contractor” performing “black ops” for some Killing people simply because the government says so
alphabet soup agency of one government or another. is not a good enough reason.

Or maybe your very life and honour were saved by Picking up a weapon, even if they are in immediate
whomever you owe this debt to – something that, in your danger, requires an act of will – a Concentration roll.
culture (or your personal belief system) you can never
repay. If the roll fails, then they cannot try again for a
number of game turns equal to the amount they failed
It’s also possible the person/group to whom you are by (in terms of successes gained vs. successes needed).
obligated have a more sinister hold on you – they have
threatened the lives of your family or friends, perhaps? The GM may determine that there are bonuses or penal-
50 ties applied to such rolls, depending on circumstances.
Or, possibly they have some evidence, real or forged, that
would get you hunted down and killed like a mad dog For example, if defending another, especially someone
who is defenceless and under their specific care, might POVERTY
prompt the GM to grant bonus dice – on the other hand,
if the situation is morally ambiguous, then he might
Indicates that the character is extremely poor. They
have a hard time getting by – and may have to worry
apply an increased Difficulty to the roll. about where their next meal is coming from or where

No Pacifists can ever regain Luck points for any actual

they will be sleeping that night. h
combat activity – killing or attempting to kill someone
– even in self defence (doing non combat things during
As a result they gain only half of the normal starting
cash and also must buy all starting equipment (rather
combat is fine, however). than acquiring some as “standard issue”).

Likewise, they don’t gain experience for killing or Poverty is something innate to their character’s – even
attempting to kill – unless, in the GM’s opinion, they
were doing it in self defence (and, then, rarely).
if they found a million dollars they’d go through it like
greased lightning. They’re just no good with money.
Doing things in combat isn’t included. For example,
applying First Aid to a wounded comrade is fine and
How the character is separated from their new found,
but oh-so-fleeting, wealth is up to the GM. It’s likely, for
could regain those used Luck points. a start, that all sorts of people who they “owe” will turn
up and want repayment.
Absolute Pacifists not only refuse to kill under any
circumstances, they refuse to be part of any military
force and will often refuse to follow orders from any
No matter how careful they are, they’re going to get
ripped off whenever they buy anything ... and it doesn’t
state authority that can compel obedience in combat. matter whether it is goods or services.
They cannot learn any combat skill – they may not It may be that they’re unlucky – they lose things, or have
learn to use weapons, nor may they learn any offensive them stolen, or they break down (or simply break).
unarmed combat skill (and they must pay double skill
points to learn those that are defensive). Maybe they are suckers for moneymaking scams. What-
ever it is, money just doesn’t stay in their pockets.
Attempting to pick up a weapon and use it is so
against their character that to even make an attempt
requires a Concentration roll at + 6 DIFF penalty.
Characters with this Quirk cannot take Advanced Tech
Possession or Major Possession.
If they fail they may not make a further attempt for a REDUCED IMMUNITY (2 TYPES) e
further (6 + amount failed by) turns (in terms of Indicates that the character has reduced immunity
successes gained vs. successes needed). against either poisons or diseases (each counts as a
separate type – theoretically you could take both).
Even if they are successful they will, of course, be using
the weapon unskilled and suffer the penalties for that Of course, you’d have to be a real glutton for punishment
as well as the roll being +1 DIFF harder. to take reduced immunity to both diseases and poisons.

If they attempt to use a known defensive unarmed Characters with this Quirk take an extra +1D damage
combat skill offensively they still suffer the +1 DIFF to
their attempts to do so.
(but with a maximum increase equal to the base un-
modified damage that would have been inflicted).
Absolute Pacifists not only don’t regain any Luck for
killing (or attempting to kill) others, they are so trau-
So, if the poison did 3 DAM, the additional roll can’t add
more than another 3 DAM.
matised by their efforts that they cannot regain any
Luck for any reason for the remainder of the session!

Likewise, they cannot gain any experience for killing

or attempting to kill even in self defence.

None of this means that an Absolute Pacifist is a coward.

They can be personally quite brave (risking their lives to
save others, for example) and can be prepared to die
rather than kill.

They are no less likely to perform brave acts in combat 51

than anyone else – but only as a volunteer, not as part
of an organised military force.
SICKLY and undeniable – anyone in a combat zone will become
Indicates that the character has less robust Health a psychological casualty if they stay there long enough.
than the raw numbers would indicate. A character
must have a minimum Health of one (1) or greater to Combat soldiers may be more likely to succumb more
take this Quirk. quickly (a lot of KIAs and WIAs are thought to be the
result of loss of concentration and situational aware-
As a result they suffer +1 DIFF to all rolls relating to ness), but even support elements will succumb eventually.
Strength and Endurance (including Health Concen-
tration rolls unless they undertake a All Out task). Its all about knowing that, any second, they can be
killed – no warning, no way to dodge. Alive one second,
Likewise, they are slower to heal Fatigue and Damage, splattered all over the landscape (often literally) the next.
adding +1D3 time units to the base time required.
It doesn’t matter how macho. It doesn’t matter how well
This Quirk also affects Damage Rolls (see Determining trained. It is inevitable. You will break – eventually.
Damage in the Combat section).
Some specific drugs or treatment regimes may be able to Indicates the character is extremely sensitive to a
keep these penalties under control, but require treatment specific substance or force (such as Psionics or Magic,
(or access to drugs) in a major medical facility (at least if they exist in your campaign world).
the equivalent of a MASH) for 1D days of relief.
They take two (2) grades of Fatigue when directly
SLOW REFLEXES (MULTIPLE LEVELS) exposed and double normal Injury or Fatigue if and
Indicates that a character is not as fast to react as their when the contact is the result of an attack.
Health would otherwise indicate. They lose -1D from
their Action Pool for each level. It is recommended that characters not take Addiction
to the same substance that they are Vulnerable to.
Normally a character with this problem should stay out
of combat or, if they’re inducted into the military, serve The substance/force a character is vulnerable to must be
in a support/technical arm – but needs must when the chosen in consultation with the GM.
devil drives. The Three Way War has forced many hands.
It should be something commonly encountered and not
THOUSAND YARD STARE completely avoidable – measures that will so limit the
In WW1 they called it Shell Shock. In WW2, Combat character’s options as to make it impossible to practically
Fatigue. Nowdays it’s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. implement said them for any length of time.

Veterans of the Three Way War call it the Thousand

Yard Stare like their (great) grandfathers did during A FINAL NOTE
the Second World War. Once again, there is no reason to consider the Quirks
described above as a definitive list.
It’s the difference between caring whether you survive
– or not. It’s not a conscious decision, it’s simply the Feel free to delete or modify any that you feel are
sum total of too much combat stress for too long. inappropriate. Also feel free to add any that you feel
would suit the style of campaign you intend to run.
It eventually gets everyone.
There will, eventually, be a whole series of D10 System
A character with this Quirk takes +2 DIFF to all based Campaign Books, and feel equally free to take
Cunning based skills when in a high stress situation. any Quirks from those books and add them to the ones
above, if you think that they are appropriate.
This penalty may be overcome by making it a All Out
task – once per separate skill (by area, and not by BREADTH OF COVERAGE
specialisation), at the beginning of any period of stress. Or, if you prefer, Making Quirks Jump Through Hoops.

Characters with this Quirk often have trouble sleeping You may think (and you may be right) that there isn’t
(nightmares) or getting to sleep (insomnia), and may a Quirk that models some character aspect that you
need sedatives/sleeping tablets for a good night’s rest. and/or your players feel should be in the game.

You cannot choose this Quirk if you have already have But are you right? Or merely not thinking laterally and
52 Situational Awareness. adding needless complication or duplication to the
game? Sometimes it will be the former. But sometimes
Armies don’t like admitting it, but the proof is conclusive it will be the latter.
For example – “There’s no “Noble” quirk in the game!”,
one of your players complains. Well. Maybe. Or maybe
not. Let’s consider.
There’s not much call for Nobles in the modern world.
Lots of countries don’t have them at all, because
they’re illegal (the USA) or because they never had
them (most of post-Spanish South America) – in others
where they do (or did) exist they have very limited
powers (the UK), or none at all (Germany and France). r
So, why do you need to represent them? And how?
Well, they don’t, exactly, have Authority. Nor do they
really have (Military) Rank. They probably don’t
automatically qualify for Reputation. And they aren’t
necessarily Wealthy, either.
But a hypothetical modern world “Noble” (and that’s
what we’re trying to model, in RtA) may have aspects
of one or more of the above.
So, let’s consider things. It is most likely that even not
particularly wealthy modern “nobles” have a top level
education at the “right” schools, even if their parents
have to scrimp and save to manage this.

At these schools they will (as their parents did, before

And, since, in the modern world, for the most part,
“nobility”, beyond being aspects of the Quirks men-
them) make the right “contacts” that will get them tioned, is really an illusion – why not allow it?
easier entry into a whole range of careers. Or they may
simply have contacts through their parentage that give Of course, don’t go overboard. It’s unlikely every single
them such enhanced access. member of the PC troupe will be a Trust Fund Baby, a
member of a “Ritter” family (“Knight”, loosely) from
So, they enter Law Enforcement or the Security Services Germany, or a hereditary Baronet (“Sir”) from the UK.
(MI5/MI6, CIA, FBI etc.) – and personal contacts
ensure that they get the Authority Quirk. But, if specific PCs can come up with a convincing
Or they decide to go to Sandhurst (or West Point, they
backstory, then, why not have Sergeant Chad Williams,
heir to some US Business or Financial dynasty’s
don’t have to have titles – they may simply be old generations old (or more recent) trust fund.
money, or from a good family) and pursue a Military
career. Since they’re from the “right” background, Or maybe Captain Eugen Ritter von Nurheim, the latest
they get (Military) Rank, as Officers, of course. of a long line of members from an old Prussian milit-
ary family serving in the Bundeswehr?
Or they pursue something in Business or Administrat-
ion or the Public Sector. Garnering a Reputation
(Civilian) … they’re seen to be a “high flyer.”
It may be a fun diversion! n
Or, possibly, they are wealthy Dilettantes. Surviving on
the income from an entailed estate, or a “trust fund
baby.” For one or two levels of the Wealthy quirk.

Or, sometime during the 3WW they ended up in the

military and, even though they may not have managed
to get Military Rank or Authority, and Wealth was lost
as in the War, they get Reputation (Military).

Does any of the above specifically make you a Baronet

or Von/Von und zu? Or the heir to the Comte de Paris? 53
Or one of the “Tidewater Virginia” blue bloods? No.
But it doesn’t prohibit it, does it?
Careers represent the jobs that characters have pur- ers may find themselves facing situations where no
sued before the start of the game. existing skill quite covers the problem. Yet you deter-
mine it’s reasonable someone with that career would
Some Careers are dependent on specific Backgrounds be familiar with … whatever … and have some way of
or Quirks and may not be pursued if the relevant dealing with it.
prerequisites are not possessed by a character.
Information: If what is needed is information then use
For each Career there is a list of skills – these are Deduction ability doubled.
Career Skills associated with it, which cost less to buy
pre-game (encouraging preferential purchase, while Action: If action is needed, then make a roll using the
not prohibiting the acquisition of other skills not as character’s most appropriate Ability doubled, but
closely associated with the career). increase DIFF appropriately.

Career Skill listings are not 100% comprehensive. If a A PC from an Army Career needs to determine an NPC’s
Player manages to provide a convincing argument for unit based on unit patches. That is Information and uses
the inclusion of another Skill in the list (or if you, as GM, DED x 2 vs. Average DIFF. If the same PC wanted to use
feel that an obvious or likely skill was left out), then, Drive a Tank without the Skill, use HLT x 2 – but
entirely at the GM’s discretion, it may be added. increase DIFF from Average to Difficult or higher.

Likewise, if the GM determines that a Skill on the list QUIRKS ACQUIRED DURING CAREERS
probably shouldn’t be, then they may delete it. However, In most Careers, there is a chance of acquiring extra
the overall number shouldn’t be increased by more than Quirks, over and above what have already been chosen.
one or two, and shouldn’t be decreased at all.
It is likely a Player will be able to choose one they
The Careers listed represent a wide variety of profess- don’t already have – if they find that they cannot, they
ions that characters in the military/action adventure can take any other Quirk they qualify for. This applies
universe of RtA might pursue, but there is no pretence to both Advantageous and Disadvantageous Quirks.
that the list is comprehensive or complete.
In effect, the Player gets the chance to swap around
If you find a Career is not listed, consult with your GM things – as long as an additional Advantageous Quirk
and design it along the same lines as those that are replaces an existing Advantageous Quirk, and an addit-
listed – or consult other D10 System games and use ional Disadvantageous Quirk replaces a existing Disad-
professions from them. vantageous Quirks.

The Careers listed are the designer’s idea of what is It is also possible that, if several characters pursue the
likely to be important or might make for interesting role same or similar Careers, they might find themselves
play and character development in the RtA game world. faced with having to choose the same Advantageous or
Disadvantageous Quirk.
It may be that you and your players decide that some of
the included Careers aren’t appropriate or needed, or If this is the case (and it should be rare), then you, as
that other Careers that should have been included. Feel GM, may rule that either they can or, perhaps, must
free to do both! With care, of course. take different Quirks, even if it means taking one not
from the list.
Eventually, other D10 System Campaign books will
appear and will likely include Careers that are not A party full of characters with Sixth Sense, say, or
included in RtA – you include those, as well. Addiction (Alcohol) is really, really, going to be a pain.

A Character’s initial Action Status (how many Actions CAREERS
they may take in a given Combat Phase) depends on ACADEMIC (DEDUCTION)
whether their career is rated as Civilian, Paramilitary The character has university level qualifications. They
or Military, which is detailed in the Skills Header. pursue, discover and teach knowledge. Some spend
their whole career in an office while others spend time
54 CAREERS AS SKILLS in the field sometimes (much more rarely than Holly-
While there are many skills included in the Skills wood hints!) being involved in danger or adventure
section (following), there is a likelihood that charact- (usually because of where they are, not anything else).
Etiquette, Driving (Car or Motorcycle), Environ Know-
ledge (University) plus any specialisations chosen from
Athletics, Brawling, Driving, Environ Knowledge, Fire-
arms, Languages (Modern), Leadership, Melee (Bayo-
one of the following skills – Design, Languages, Liter- net, Knife) and either Technician (one) or one of Elec-
ature, Musician, Electronics, Financial, Engineering,
Humanities, Medical and Science.
tronics, Engineering and Military Sciences. h
Instead of the above skill selection, Air Force characters
may take the Combat Personnel selection from the Army
Etiquette, Brawling or Martial Arts, Melee or Firearms Career to represent the Airfield Defense personnel ( for
(Handguns, Longarms [Civilian]). Driving, Environ
Knowledge, Languages (Modern), Riding, Subterfuge
some militaries, they may take Special Forces selection). r
plus any specialisations chosen from one of the following
skills – Electronics, Engineering, Humanities and Lan-
Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Driving, Environ
guages (Ancient), Medical and Science. Knowledge, Firearms, Leadership, Melee (Bayonet,

Field Academics are the base for “Indiana Jones”-style

Knife), Survival and Piloting plus one of Technician,
Electronics, Engineering and Military Sciences.
characters – unlikely, not impossible, in the real world.
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Quirk: Characters must roll for an additional Quirk.
Quirks: Academics may choose to try for a free Quirk.
Roll 1D – if the roll is less than their DED, they may
Roll 1D – if the roll is less than their CMD ability, they
may choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below
choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below or
take either 1 AP or 3 SP.
or take either 1 AP or 3 SP.
If they roll greater than their Command they must
If they roll greater than their DED they must choose a choose a Disadvantageous quirk from the list below,
Disadvantageous quirk (from the list below), but gain but gain no benefit from doing so.
no benefit from doing so.
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Check made using DED + Highest Career Skill.
Check made using CMD + Highest Career Skill. r
An Academic with DED/5 and Career Skill/5 roll five
Cash: If the Quirk Check, rolls CMD exactly, they
either take (2D + CMD)% extra cash or re-roll or take
dice and if they rolled five or less on more than three (3) either one 1 AP or 3 SP. No bonus applies to the re-roll.
dice they gain a +1 to their roll for each extra success.
Kit: Support personnel take a Field Kit, Toolbox and
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls DED exactly they either
take (2D + DED)% extra cash or re-roll or take either 1
Military Weapon Kit (Enlisted). Flight personnel take a
Field Kit and Military Weapon Kit (Officer).
AP or 3 SP. No bonus applies to the re-roll.

Kit: Academics take a Professional Kit as part of their

Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or
benefits. Field Academics also include a Field Kit and
either a Pistol or a Rifle (Civilian).
Major Possession (Military), Authority or Connections,
Hero or Situational Awareness, Lightning Reflexes
(Flight Qualified personnel, or others who have taken
Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession,
Combat or Special Forces from other careers, if allowed). n
Connections, Likeable or Reputation. Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (legal), Arrogant,
Coward or Disfigured, Enemy, Obligation.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Arrogant or Infamous, En-
emy (Academic), Forgetful or Curious.


The character is a serving member of their nation’s
Air Force. Most are technical and support personnel
who keep the flight qualified personnel (not all pilots)
in the air. Of the latter, most support operations of an
even smaller number involved in combat ops.
If you wish to be a part timer with a mainly civilian
Career, see Armed Forces Reserve.
AIRLINE CREW (CUNNING) This is a measure of their professional standing, not their
The character is a commercial pilot or other airline military ability – they can’t command combat troops.
flight crew and flies the world’s skies moving people
and high value goods from place to place. Either that Reservists from Academic or Professional Careers may
or they’re the ground crew that keeps them in the air. purchase the Military Rank (Commissioned Officer)
Quirk without first having to purchase it at Noncomm-
GROUND CREW (CIVILIAN) issioned level (paid for out of the 20% of skill points
Brawling, Driving (Car, Motorcycle, Truck), Technic- they can spend on Armed Forces Career skills).
ian (Avionics), Environ Knowledge and either Technic-
ian (one) or one of Electronics, Engineering (Mechanic- Reservists are, like most of a modern military force, most
al or Aeronautical) and Financial. likely to be support personnel, and their main “military”
value comes from their civilian skill(s). If they are from
AIRCREW (PARAMILITARY) combat units they are often (not always, though) less
Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Driving, Environ trained and skilled on the military side of things than
Knowledge, Etiquette. Firearms (Handgun), Leader- their regular armed forces comrades.
ship, Melee (Taser, Baton) and one of Technician,
Electronics, Engineering (Mechanical or Aeronautical) MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS
and Piloting. Reservists may choose to take either the additional
quirks roll (which may result in a cash benefit) and the
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS available Kits from their primary, civilian, career or
Quirk: Airline Crew may roll for a free Quirk. Roll 1D the Air Force, Army, Marine or Navy career that forms
– if the roll is less than their Cunning ability, they must their reserve military background.
choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below or
take either an additional 1 AP or 3 SP. * For purposes of determining Wealth during character
creation is the Base Career Ability of whichever military
If the roll is greater than their Cunning they must career the character has taken this reserve status in.
choose a Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below),
but gain no benefit from it. ARMY (HEALTH)
The character is a serving member of their nation’s
They may add a bonus to this equal to the number of Ground Forces, usually a nation’s largest military
successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task Check force with the largest percentage of combat personnel.
made using CUN + Highest Career Skill. Still, modern armies do depend on technical and
support arms to remain effective and in the field.
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls CUN exactly they take
(2D + CUN)% extra cash or re-roll or take either 1 AP or SUPPORT PERSONNEL (PARAMILITARY)
3 SP. No bonus applies to the re-roll. Athletics, Brawling, Driving, Environ Knowledge, Fire-
arms, Languages (Modern), Leadership, Melee (Bayo-
Kit: Ground Crew take a Toolbox. Aircrew take a net, Knife), Riding, Streetwise, Thrown Weapons
Professional Kit and a Pistol. (Knife) and either Technician (one) or one of Electron-
ics, Engineering and Military Sciences.
Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or COMBAT PERSONNEL (MILITARY)
Major Possession (Civilian), Connections. Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Technician (Para-
medic), Driving, Environ Knowledge, Firearms, Gym-
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (Alcohol or nastics, Languages (Modern), Leadership, Melee (Bay-
Tobacco) or Coward, Debt, Enemy, Pacifist. onet, Knife), Military Sciences, Observation (Sentry),
Riding, Streetwise, Survival, Thrown Weapons (Knife).
This may be taken by any character (except those with For those armies with integral aviation elements the GM
Quirks rendering them unfit for service) in addition to may allow characters to take the Flight Qualified Person-
their regular career! It represents service in the Reser- nel list from the Air Force Career to represent this
ves (however constituted in their home nation) – allow- (though they may be limited to certain types of aircraft).
ing a spend of up to 20% (round down) of pre-game SP
on skills from one of those Careers (except Special MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS
Forces) as if they were Career Skills. Quirk: Army characters must roll for an additional
Quirk. Roll 1D – if the roll is less than their HLT, they
Reservists who come from Engineer, Medical (Doctor, must take either an Advantageous quirk from the list
56 Dentist) or Scientist Careers – gain the Military Rank below or either 1 AP or 3 SP.
(Commissioned Officer) Quirk free, but are not in line of
command (unless purchased separately). If the roll is greater than their Health they must choose
a Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), but
gain no benefit from it.
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Check
made using HLT + Highest Career Skill.
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls HLT exactly they take
(2D + HLT)% extra cash or they take either 1 AP or 3
SP, or they re-roll. No bonus applies to the re-roll. r
Kit: Support Personnel take a Toolbox or Professional
Kit as appropriate. All military Personnel take a Field
Kit and Military Weapons Kit (Officer or Enlisted). If the roll is greater than their lowest Ability they must

choose a Disadvantageous quirk from the list below,
but gain no benefit from doing so.
Advantageous Quirks: Major Possession (either), Au-
thority or Connections, Hero, Lightning Reflexes (Com- They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
bat Personnel only) or Situational Awareness. of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task

Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (Alcohol or Tob-

Check using Lowest Ability + Highest Career Skill. e
acco) or Arrogant or Coward, Disfigured or Thousand
Yard Stare, Enemy or Obligation.
Cash: If on the Quirk Check they roll their lowest
Ability exactly they take (2D + Lowest Ability)% extra
cash or either 1 AP or 3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies
The character is (or has been) involved in illegal
pursuits over a period of time (a career criminal),
whether they have been caught and convicted or not.
Kit: Criminals take a Pistol or Knife and an Urban
Resident Kit.
They may be “misunderstood” and really have a heart
of gold – or be a complete sociopath. Your choice. AVAILABLE QUIRKS
Advantageous Quirks: Ambidextrous or Brick, Conn-
If they haven’t actually been caught then, technically,
they aren’t criminals, but can still be criminal.
ections or Likeable, Lightning Reflexes or Sixth Sense.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction or Arrogant or
This covers the whole gamut of criminal activity –
from petty theft or running a numbers racket to large
Poverty, Debt or Obligation, Enemies or Fugitive,
Illiterate or Infamous.
scale racketeering and murder for hire. Whatever
might be illegal (if not always immoral) is on the cards. DETECTIVE (DEDUCTION) t
The character is a specialist investigator – they may
Driving, Brawling or Martial Arts, Criminal, Environ
work for the Police, an Insurance or other Company,
or as a Private Investigator for hire (any or all of which
Knowledge, Firearms (Handguns, Longarms [Civil-
ian]), Gambling, Leadership, Observation (Stakeout,
may be local, State, National or International).
Sentry) or Melee and Thrown Weapons, Streetwise, They are tasked with examination of crimes or situat-
Subterfuge. ions to determine who, what, where, how, why and
when with the intention of figuring out Whodunnit.
You don’t have to take this Career to be a criminal – this
represents career criminals – and not necessarily the DETECTIVE SKILLS (PARAMILITARY)
really bright ones, either. The brighter ones are likely Athletics, Brawling or Martial Arts, Concentration,
Entrepreneurs or other professionals “gone bad.” Detective, Drive (Car, Motorcycle), Environ Know-
ledge, Firearms (Handgun), Melee (Riot Stick), Obser-
There is no reason why a Detective or a Policeman can’t vation, Streetwise, Subterfuge.
be “dirty cop” – or why a Doctor (Medical Career) can’t
be a lawbreaker, and working without a license. MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS
Quirk: Detective characters may roll for an free Quirk.
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than DED, they may
Quirk: Criminals must roll for an additional Quirk. choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below or
Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than the lowest Ability, they take either 1 AP or 3 SP. 57
must choose an Advantageous quirk (list below) or take
either 1 AP or 3 SP. If they roll greater than Deduction they must choose a
Disadvantageous quirk (below), but gain no benefit. If they roll greater than CUN they must choose a
Disadvantageous quirk (list below) for no benefit.
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
Check made using DED + Highest Career Skill. of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Check made using CUN + Highest Career Skill.
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls DED exactly they either
take (2D + DED)% extra cash or take either 1 AP or 3 Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls CUN exactly they take
SP, or re-roll. No bonus applies to such a re-roll. (2D + CUN)% extra cash or they take either 1 AP or 3
SP or re-roll. No bonus applies to such a re-roll.
Kit: Detectives take a Pistol and Urban Resident kit. If
they have Environ Knowledge that also take a Rural Kit: They take an Urban Resident kit. If they have
Resident or Field Kit. Environ Knowledge they also take a Rural Resident kit.


Advantageous Quirks: Authority or Connections, Rep- Advantageous Quirks: Authority, Connections or
utation, Sixth Sense. Likeable or Reputation, Natural Linguist.

Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (Alcohol or Tob- Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (either) or Arro-
acco) or Debt, Curiosity or Enemies, Infamous. gant, Enemies, Coward or Pacifist, Debt or Obligation.


The character comes from wealth – they’re so wealthy Engineer characters design and/or build things, or are
they’ve never had to work and will likely never need to. involved in supervising the Technicians who do the
They can dabble in anything they want any time they building and/or maintenance. Engineers keep mod-
want – but may never go beyond dabbling (not having ern societies running (from offices or the field) in both
the motivation to go beyond a limited skill level). peace and war.

DILETTANTE SKILLS (CIVILIAN) Those involved in field operations may find themselves
Etiquette, Languages (Modern) and Seduction to any in exotic (extremes of temperature and a complete lack
level. Concentration and Criminal are non-Career. of civilised amenities) places and become involved in
Technician, Electronics, Engineering, Medical and “adventures” for the simple fact of where they are.
Science may be taken to a maximum of level four (4). All
other skills may be taken to a maximum of level five (5). ENGINEERING SKILLS (CIVILIAN)
Concentration, Driving (Car, Motorcycle, Truck),
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Technician (one only, related to core Engineering skill),
None. With Wealth already, you want more? Environ Knowledge, Languages (Modern) plus one of –
Electronics, Engineering, Military Sciences (Combat
DIPLOMAT (CUNNING) Engineering, Weapon System Engineering only)
The character pursuing this Career serves their nation
in the field of international relations which can inc- MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS
lude political, financial (trade), security and military Quirk: Engineer characters may roll for an free Quirk.
areas as well as assisting their nation’s citizens abroad. Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than their APT, they may
choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below or
DIPLOMAT SKILLS (CIVILIAN) take either 1 AP or 3 SP.
Concentration, Driving (Car, Motorcycle), Environ
Knowledge, Etiquette, Financial, Humanities, Lang- If they roll greater than their APT they must choose a
uages (Modern), Literature (Journalist, Publicist), Rid- Disadvantageous quirk (see list below), at no benefit.
ing, Seduction, Streetwise, Subterfuge (Fast Talk).
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
Military Attachés or Police/Security Liaisons may take of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines Careers for Attaché; Check made using APT + Highest Career Skill.
Detective or Police/Security for Liaison plus Etiquette
and Languages (Modern). Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls APT exactly they either
take (2D + APT)% extra cash or take either one 1 AP or
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS 3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies to such a re-roll.
Quirk: Diplomat characters may roll for an free Quirk.
58 Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than their CUN, they may Kit: Engineers take a Professional Kit and, if they have
choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below or Technician, a Toolkit and either a Urban or Rural
take either 1 AP or 3 SP. Resident kit (with Environ Knowledge they take both).
Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession,
Brick, Robust, Sixth Sense.
Driving (Truck, Semi-Trailer), Design (one), Technic-
ian (one), Environ Knowledge, Language (Modern,
one), Streetwise, Concentration.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (legal) or Enem-
ies, Arrogant or Clumsy, Curious or Honest. Note: A character pursuing this career may spend up to
thirty percent (30%) of their pre-game skill points on
skills from the Armed Forces Reserve career, but other-
This Career covers running a business – from the wise conforming to that career’s rules.
owner/manager of a small corner store through to the
CEO of a multi-national corporation. MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS
These are the managers. They hire specialists to do the
Quirk: Factory Hands may roll for an extra Quirk.
Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than their HLT, they may
detail work – accountants, lawyers, programmers etc. – choose an Advantageous quirk or take either one 1 AP
while they take care of the “big picture” and, hopefully,
make a profit to pay the staff their wages and benefits as
or 3 SP. c
well as a return on investment to the stockholders. If the roll is greater than their HLT they must choose
a Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), but
ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS (CIVILIAN) gain no benefit from doing so.
Concentration, Etiquette, Driving (Car, Motorcycle),
Environ Knowledge, Financial, Languages, (Modern), They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
Streetwise. of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Check made using HLT + Highest Career Skill.
Quirk: Entrepreneurs must roll for an additional Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls HLT exactly they either
Quirk. Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than their CMD, take (2D + HLT)% extra cash or take either one 1 AP or
they may choose an Advantageous quirk or take either
1 AP or 3 SP.
3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies to a re-roll.
Kit: Factory Workers take a Toolkit and, depending on
If the roll is greater than their CMD they must choose
a Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), but
the factory location, an Urban or Rural Dweller kit. r
gain no benefit from doing so. AVAILABLE QUIRKS
Advantageous Quirks: Ambidextrous or Lightning
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number Reflexes, any two of Brick, Likeable, Robust or Toler-
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Check made using CMD + Highest Career Skill.
ance to Pain. a
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls CMD exactly they either
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction, Disfigured, Illit-
erate or Minor Disability, Poverty .
take (2D + CMD)% extra cash or take either one 1 AP or
3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies to a re-roll. JACK OF ALL TRADES (ANY ABILITY)
Those with this background have learnt a moderate
Kit: Entrepreneurs take a Laptop/PDA and a Urban
Resident kit.
level in a lot of skills in the school of hard knocks. They
have a wide variety of skills, often picked up informal-
ly, but have no formal qualifications and may lack the
Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or
depth of knowledge a trained practitioner has. n
Major Possession (Civilian), Reputation, Sidekick.

Disadvantageous Quirks: Arrogant, Debt, Enemies,

Honest or Infamous.


Factory workers may be semi-skilled to skilled people
who make things for a living. Their career covers
anything and everything from fitters and machinists
(or equivalent) who actually make the components
assembled into a finished product through assembly
line workers who assemble and/or finish those compon- 59
ents right down to the packers who take the final
product and ready it for shipping.
All skills are Career Skills for the character, but they may CUN or DED exactly they either take (2D + Ability
take a maximum of level six (6) in any skill. Rolled)% extra cash or take either 1 AP or 3 SP or
re-roll. No bonus applies to the re-roll.
Quirk: Jacks of All Trades may roll for an extra Quirk. Kit: A journalist takes a Laptop/PDA and either Urban
Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than any Ability they or Rural Dweller kit. If they have Environ Knowledge
choose, they may choose an Advantageous quirk or they may take both.
take either 1 AP or 3 SP.
If the roll is higher than their chosen Ability they must Advantageous Quirks: Likeable, Natural Linguist,
choose a Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), Reputation, Striking Looks, Sixth Sense.
but gain no benefit from doing so.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (legal) or Debt,
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number Curious or Enemies, Honest or Infamous.
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Check made using Any Ability + Highest Career Skill. MARINES (HEALTH)
A Marine is a serving member of their nation’s naval
Cash: If they roll their chosen Ability exactly they get infantry. The forces may exist in its own right (US
nothing. Marines), though closely tied to the navy and relying
on it for support or it may be part of the navy (or in
Kit: Either Urban or Rural Dweller kit. between). Modern marine forces are somewhat elite –
almost as good as Special Forces (though they may
AVAILABLE QUIRKS argue the toss!) – and may constitute what passes for
Advantageous Quirks: Any except Advanced Tech some nation’s Special Forces.
Possession or Major Possession.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Any. Concentration, Athletics, Brawling or Martial Arts,
Driving, Environ Knowledge, Firearms, Gymnastics,
JOURNALIST (CUNNING OR DEDUCTION) Languages (Modern), Leadership, Melee (Bayonet,
Journalists work in the print or electronic media, Knife), Riding, Seamanship (Seaman, Navigation),
either in a “frontline” (reporter) or a “support” role Streetwise, Thrown Weapons (Knife) and either
(researcher, cameraman or whatever). It also covers Technician (one) or one of Electronics, Engineering or
those who work the “dark side” as spin doctors and Military Sciences.
publicists whose job is not to report the news, but to
change the way it is reported – with the only purpose COMBAT PERSONNEL (MILITARY)
being their client’s advantage. Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Technician (Para-
medic), Driving, Environ Knowledge, Firearms, Lang-
JOURNALIST SKILLS (CIVILIAN) uages (Modern), Leadership, Melee (Bayonet, Knife),
Brawling, Concentration, Detective (Analysis, Intelli- Military Sciences, Observation (Sentry), Riding, Sea-
gence, Interrogation), Driving (Car, Motorcycle, manship (Seaman, Navigation), Streetwise, Survival,
Truck), Environ Knowledge, Etiquette, Humanities, Thrown Weapons (Knife).
Literature, Observation (Stakeout), Performer (Cam-
eraman, Special Effects), Seduction, Streetwise, Sub- Marine forces which have their own air support may add
terfuge. Aptitude (Avionics) and Pilot to either/both of the above.


Quirk: Journalists may roll for an extra Quirk. Roll 1D Quirk: Marine characters must roll for an additional
– if the roll is lower than one of either their CUN or Quirk. Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than HLT ability,
DED, they may choose an Advantageous quirk from the they choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below
list below or take either 1 AP or 3 SP. or take either 1 AP or 3 SP.

If they roll higher than one of either their CUN or DED If the roll is greater than their HLT they must choose
they must choose a Disadvantageous quirk (from the a Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), but
lists below), but gain no benefit from doing so. gain no benefit from doing so.

They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
60 Check made using CUN or DED + Highest Career Skill. Check made using HLT + Highest Career Skill.

Cash: If their Quirk Check rolls one of either their Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls HLT exactly they either
take (2D + HLT)% extra cash or take either 1 AP or 3
SP or re-roll. No bonus applies to the re-roll.
Kit: Support Personnel take a Toolkit or Professional
Kit. All personnel take a Military Weapon Kit (Enlisted
or Officer, as appropriate) and a Field Kit.
Advantageous Quirks: Major Possession (Military),
Military Rank or Connections, Hero, Lightning Reflex-
es or Situational Awareness.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Arrogant, Coward or
Disfigured or Thousand Yard Stare, Enemy, Obligation. MERCHANT MARINE (HEALTH)


Merchant mariners sail the world’s oceans, shipping
goods and moving people from place to place, oiling
This covers all health care professionals, whether
Technicians (Nurses and Paramedics) or Professionals
the wheels of international commerce while earning a
living. Many, especially the Offices and technicians,
(Doctors, Veterinarians and Dentists). are ex-Navy and/or Naval (or Coast Guard) reservists.


Concentration, Driving (Car, Motorcycle, Truck),
Technician (Nurse, Paramedic), Environ Knowledge,
Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Tech (Paramedic),
Environ Knowledge, Financial, Languages (Modern),
Languages (Modern), Medical, Sciences. Leadership, Seamanship, Seduction, Streetwise and
either Technician (one) or Electronics or Engineering.
To qualify as an MD a character must have Diagnost-
ics/5 and Surgery/4. A Veterinarian requires Veterinar-
ian/5 and Surgery/4. A Dentist requires Dentist/5. In
Merchant Marine Officers/Petty Officers may also take
Firearms (Handgun, Longarm [Civilian]) if they travel in
emergencies, Vets can act as Doctors and vice versa. pirate infested waters (mainly in Third World areas).

MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Most Merchant Mariners work for large shipping con-
Quirk: Medical characters may roll for an extra Quirk.
Roll 1D – if they roll lower than CUN, APT or DED,
cerns, but some still work for the modern equivalent of
Tramp Steamers. Likewise, the vast majority are ocean
they must choose an Advantageous quirk or take either going, but some ply riverine and lake routes.
1 AP or 3 SP.
If they roll greater than one of CUN or APT or DED
they must choose a Disadvantageous quirk (from the
Quirk: Merchant Mariners may roll for an extra Quirk.
Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than HLT, they must
lists below), but gain no benefit from it. choose an Advantageous quirk (see below) or take either

They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number

1 AP or 3 SP. i
of successes they exceed an Average Task Check made
using CUN or APT or DED + Highest Career Skill.
If the roll is greater than their HLT they must choose
a Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), but
gain no benefit from doing so.
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls one of either CUN or
APT or DED exactly they take (2D + Ability rolled)% They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
extra cash or take either 1 AP or 3 SP or re-roll. No of successes they exceed an Average Task Check made
bonus applies to the re-roll. using HLT + Highest Career Skill.

Kit: All medical personnel take a Doctor’s Black Bag Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls HLT exactly they take
and either an Urban or Rural Dweller’s kit (if they have (2D + HLT)% extra cash or take either 1 AP or 3 SP or
Environ Knowledge, they take both). re-roll. No bonus applies to the re-roll.

AVAILABLE QUIRKS Kit: Seamen take either a Toolbox or a Professional Kit

Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or and an Urban Dweller’s kit.
Major Possession, Connections or Reputation, Like-
able, Striking Looks or Wealth. AVAILABLE QUIRKS
Advantageous Quirks: Connections, Internal Comp- 61
Disadvantageous Quirks: Arrogant, Clumsy or For- ass or Enhanced Immunity or Natural Linguist, (Milit-
getful, Honest, Enemy, Pacifist or Poverty. ary) Rank, Sixth Sense.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (legal), Enemies they must choose an Advantageous quirk (list below) or
or Fugitive, Reduced Immunity. take either 1 AP or 3 SP.

MILITARY ACADEMY * If the roll is greater than their DED they must choose a
The character is a graduate of their national military Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), but gain
academy (Army, Air Force or Navy/Marines) and may no benefit from doing so.
choose an Army, Air Force, Marines or Navy career as
normal with the addition that they may purchase the They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
Military Rank Quirk at Commissioned level without the of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
need to purchase it at Non-Commissioned level. Check made using DED + Highest Career Skill.

They must spend a minimum of 25% of their SP on the Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls DED exactly they either
Career skills from one of the following careers – Aca- take (2D + DED)% extra cash or either 1 AP or 3 SP or
demic, Diplomat, Engineer or Professional and must re-roll. No bonus applies.
also take Etiquette Skill (a Command based skill) at
least at SL/2 as if they were Career Skills. Kit: Support personnel take either a Toolbox or a
Professional Kit. All personnel take a Field Kit and
They’re “officers and gentlemen” – expected to have at Military Weapons Kit (Enlisted or Officer).
least a basic grounding on how to behave in polite
society and are also expected to have a grounding in an AVAILABLE QUIRKS
academic skill of use to their service (though, of course, Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or
they may pursue a combat command in practise). Major Possession (Military), Military Rank or Connec-
tions, Enhanced Immunity or Natural Linguist, Light-
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS ning Reflexes or Sixth Sense (Combat personnel only).
Quirk: Military Academy graduates must roll for an
extra Quirk as per their chosen military career. Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (Alcohol or Tob-
acco), Coward or Enemies, Pacifist.
* Base Career Ability for determining Wealth in char-
acter creation Step #7 is the Base Career Ability of the OFFICE WORKER (DEDUCTION OR APTITUDE)
military career they are pursuing. An Office worker performs the paperwork (even if it is
mostly electronic these days) that commerce, industry,
NAVY (DEDUCTION) the law and government ticking over. This can any-
The character is a serving member of their nation’s thing from Data Entry operator to Legal Secretary,
waterborne forces. This may be a small coast guard, from Accountant to Clerk, from Print Room Assistant
riverine force or customs service (it may even be part to Receptionist, from Research Assistant to Cashier.
of the Army, especially in landlocked countries) – or it
may be a world-spanning power projection force. OFFICE SKILLS (CIVILIAN)
Driving (Car, Truck). Detective (Practical Research).
SUPPORT PERSONNEL (PARAMILITARY) Literature (Copywriter, Publicist), Technician (Book-
Athletics, Brawling, Driving, Environ Knowledge, Fire- keeper, Secretary or similar). Environ Knowledge.
arms, Languages (Modern), Leadership, Melee (Bayo- Humanities (one). Language (Modern, one). Streetwise.
net, Knife), Seamanship (Seaman, Navigation), Street-
wise, Thrown Weapons (Knife) and either Technician MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS
(one) or one of Electronics, Engineering and Military Quirk: Office Workers may roll for an additional
Sciences. Quirk. Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than one of either
their DED or APT ability, they may choose an Advant-
COMBAT PERSONNEL (MILITARY) ageous quirk from the list below or take either one 1
Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Technician (Para- AP or 3 SP.
medic), Driving, Environ Knowledge, Firearms, Lang-
uages (Modern), Leadership, Melee (Bayonet, Knife), If they roll is greater than their one of either DED or
Military Sciences, Observation (Sentry), Riding, Sea- APT they must choose a Disadvantageous quirk (from
manship (Seaman, Navigation), Streetwise, Survival, the lists below), but gain no benefit from doing so.
Thrown Weapons (Knife).
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
Navies which have their own air support may add Tech- of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
nician (Avionics) and Pilot to either/both of the above. Check made using DED or APT + Highest Career Skill.

62 MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls DED or APT exactly
Quirk: Navy characters must roll for an additional they take (2D + DED or APT)% extra cash or take either
Quirk. Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than their DED, one 1 AP or 3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies.
Kit: Office workers take an Urban Dweller’s Kit. POLICE & SECURITY SKILLS (PARAMILITARY)

Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession

Athletics, Brawling or Martial Arts, Concentration,
Technician (Paramedic), Driving (Car, Motorcycle,
(Civilian) or Major Possession, Authority (1 level), Truck), Environ Knowledge, Languages (Modern),
Connections, Likeable, Natural Linguist. Leadership, Firearms (except Heavy Weapons), Gym-
nastics, Melee (Knife, Riot Stick), Observation, Street-
Disadvantageous Quirks: Clumsy or Slow Reflexes.
Easily Distracted or Forgetful. One of Coward or
wise, Subterfuge, Thrown Weapons (Knife), Survival.
Pacifist or Honest. Sickly or Debt. Security forces who have their own air wing may add


Technician (Avionics) and Pilot to either/both of these. r
Someone has to work in the entertainment industry –
whether as a star, a bit player, or stage or tech crew.
Quirk: Police must roll for an additional Quirk. Roll 1D
They may be involved in live stage or musicals, – if the roll is lower than one of either DED or CUN,
television or even movies – or, perhaps, as freelancers
whose only exposure is on webchannels or YouTube.
they must choose an Advantageous quirk from the list
below or take either 1 AP or 3 SP.
PERFORMANCE SKILLS (CIVILIAN) If the roll is greater they must choose a Disadvantage-
Athletics, Brawling, Technician (one), Design (Interior ous quirk (lists below), but gain no benefit.
Design, Photography), Driving, Environ Knowledge,
Etiquette, Gymnastics, Literature, Musician, Perfor- They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
mer, Seduction, Streetwise, Subterfuge. of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Check made using CUN or DED + Highest Career Skill.
Quirk: Performers may roll for an additional Quirk. Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls DED or CUN exactly
Roll 1D – if they roll lower than one of CMD or APT, they either take (2D + Ability Chosen)% extra cash or
they must choose an Advantageous quirk or take either
one 1 AP or 3 SP.
take either 1 AP or 3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies to
the re-roll.
If the roll is greater then they must choose a Disadvant-
ageous quirk (from the lists below), but gain no benefit
Kit: Police/Security characters take a Police/Security
kit and an Urban or Rural Dweller kit (or both if they
from doing so. have Environ Knowledge).
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number AVAILABLE QUIRKS
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
Check made using CMD or APT + Highest Career Skill.
Advantageous Quirks: Authority or Connections, Int-
ernal Compass or Internal Clock, Lightning Reflexes
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls CMD or APT exactly
(one level only) or Reputation or Sidekick or Sixth Sense.
they take (2D + Ability Chosen)% extra cash or either 1 Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (legal), Arrogant
AP or 3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies. or Curious, Enemies or Honest, Debt or Obligation. i
Kit: Performers take either a Toolbox or a Professional
kit and a Urban Dweller’s Kit.
This covers the practical (or at least non-academic)
pursuit and practise of academically acquired skills
Advantageous Quirks: Connections or Wealth, Natur-
not specifically covered by other Careers like Acad-
emic, Engineer, Journalist, Medical, or Scientist. Gener-
al Linguist, Reputation or Striking Looks. ally speaking, they are specialists (not always technical
ones, though) rather than managers (see Entrepreneur).
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (any) or Debt,
Easily Distracted or Forgetful, Enemies or Sickly.


Characters pursuing this Career are trained and em-
ployed as uniformed security personnel (if you want to
operate in “plain clothes” use the Detective Career)
enforcing the local, regional, or national laws and/or
acting as paramilitary security forces. They may, alter-
nately, be private security forces employed by many 63
corporations – anything from minimum wage rent-a-
cops to ex-military/police personnel.
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS (CIVILIAN) If the roll is greater than their DED they must choose a
Driving (Car, Motorcycle), Environ Knowledge, Eti- Disadvantageous quirk (list below), with no benefit.
quette and any specialisations from one of the following
– Design, Financial, Humanities. They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
This wide ranging skill includes many things. Account- Check made using DED + Highest Career Skill.
ants (Financial), Couturiers (Design), Librarians (Infor-
mation Technology), Photographers (Design), Psycholo- Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls DED exactly they either
gists (Humanities), Personal Assistants (Etiquette), take (2D + DED)% extra cash or take 1 AP or 3 SP or
Stockbrokers (Financial) and etc. re-roll. No bonus applies.

MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Kit: Scientists take a Science/Professional Kit plus a

Quirk: Professionals may roll for an additional Quirk. Toolbox if they have Technician or Engineering. Those
Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than one of either DED or with Environ Knowledge take a Field Kit and all take
CMD ability, they must choose an Advantageous quirk either Urban or Rural Dweller’s kit.
from the list below or take either 1 AP or 3 SP.
If the roll is greater than one of either DED or CMD Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or
they must choose a Disadvantageous quirk (from the Major Possession, Connections or Reputation, Natural
lists below), but gain no benefit from doing so. Linguist.

They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number Disadvantageous Quirks: Arrogant or Clumsy, Cow-
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task ard or Pacifist, Debt or Enemies, Easily Distracted or
Check made using DED or CMD + Highest Career Skill. Forgetful.

Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls DED or CMD exactly SPECIAL FORCES (HEALTH)
they either take (2D + Ability Chosen)% extra cash or This is an amalgam of all special forces – regardless of
either 1 AP or 3 SP. No bonus applies. whether military or paramilitary, which means their
degree of “eliteness” will vary somewhat). Special
Kit: Professionals gain a Professional Kit plus either an Forces are special – they are not intended to be used in
Urban or Rural Dweller’s kit. regular situations, but for Hostage Rescue, Comm-
ando Raids, Intelligence ops behind enemy lines etc.
Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or SPECIAL FORCES SKILLS (MILITARY)
Major Possession (Civilian), Connections, Likeable or Archery, Athletics, Concentration, Technician (Para-
Reputation or Wealth. medic), Design (Photography), Driving, Environ Kn-
owledge, Firearms, Gymnastics, Languages (Modern),
Disadvantageous Quirks: Arrogant, Debt, Enemies or Leadership, Martial Arts, Melee, Military Sciences,
Infamous, Honest or Poverty. Missile, Observation, Subterfuge, Survival, Thrown
Scientists conduct research and/or build prototypes of Where applicable, Special Forces may also have Sea-
things that may be developed by engineers and built manship or Piloting.
by technicians. To make the world a better place – or
do a better job at destroying it! They may work from MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS
offices or the field. Quirk: Special Forces must roll for an additional
Quirk. Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than HLT they must
SCIENCE SKILLS (CIVILIAN) choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below or
Concentration, Driving (Car, Motorcycle, Truck), take either 1 AP or 3 SP.
Technician (one only, complementary to the core
Science skill) or Engineering (one only, complementary If the roll is greater they must choose a Disadvantage-
to the core Science skill) Environ Knowledge, Languag- ous one (see lists below), but gain no benefit.
es (Modern) plus one Science specialisation (or related
specialisations) They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS Check made using HLT + Highest Career Skill.
Quirk: Scientists may roll for an additional Quirk. Roll
64 1D – if the roll is lower than their DED ability, they Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls HLT exactly they either
must choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below take (2D + HLT)% extra cash or either 1 AP or 3 SP or
or take either 1 AP or 3 SP. re-roll. No bonus applies to the re-roll.
Kit: Special Forces characters take a Field Kit and a
Military Weapons Kit (combine the different parts of
both the Enlisted and Officer variants).
Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession or
Major Possession, Military Rank or Connections or
Hero, Enhanced Immunity or Natural Linguist or
Lightning Reflexes or Internal Compass or Internal
Clock or Situational Awarenesss. r
Disadvantageous Quirks: Addiction (legal) or Arro-
gant or Debt, Coward or Fugitive or Thousand Yard
Stare, Enemies or Infamous or Obligation. roads. Anything from the big Container rigs through

to the ubiquitous Courier vans seen on city and sub-
urban streets throughout the world right down to
This is also a wide-ranging Career – anyone pursuing
some a non-university technical qualification. They
Motorcycle Couriers. Sorta like a merchant mariner
on dry land, in effect.
work (and repair) the machines that keep the modern
world operating – keep books (or typeset or bind
them), wire (and build) houses, assemble (operate and
Athletics, Brawling, Concentration, Technician (Mech-
repair) computers, and many similar things. anic), Environ Knowledge, Financial, Languages
(Modern, one), Leadership, Driving (Truck, Semi-
TECHNICAL SKILLS (CIVILIAN) Trailer), Seduction, Streetwise.
Brawling, Technician, Design, Driving, Environ
Knowledge, Gambling, Streetwise. MUSTERING OUT BENEFITS


Quirk: Truckers may roll for an additional Quirk. Roll
1D – if they roll lower than one of either HLT or APT
Quirk: Technicians may roll for an additional Quirk. they may choose an Advantageous quirk from the list
Roll 1D – if the roll is lower than their APT ability, they
must choose an Advantageous quirk from the list below
below or take either 1 AP or 3 SP. r
or take either 1 AP or 3 SP. If the roll is greater they must choose a Disadvantage-
ous one (see the list below), but gain no benefit.
If the roll is greater than their APT they must choose a
Disadvantageous quirk (from the lists below), from
which they gain no benefit.
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task
They may add a bonus to this roll equal to the number
Check made using HLT or APT + Highest Career Skill.
of successes they exceed an Average difficulty Task Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls HLT or APT exactly
Check made using APT + Highest Career Skill. they take (2D + Ability Chosen)% extra cash or either 1
AP or 3 SP or re-roll. No bonus applies.
Cash: If the Quirk Check rolls APT exactly they either
take (2D + APT)% extra cash or either 1 AP or 3 SP or Kit: Truckers take a Toolbox plus, if they have Environ
re-roll. No bonus applies to the re-roll. Knowledge, a Field Kit and either a Urban or Rural

Kit: Technicians take a Toolbox plus, if they have

Dweller’s kit. n
Environ Knowledge, a Field Kit and either a Urban or AVAILABLE QUIRKS
Rural Dweller’s kit. Advantageous Quirks: Brick or Robust, Major Poss-
ession (Civilian), Internal Compass or Internal Clock,
AVAILABLE QUIRKS Connections, Lightning Reflexes.
Advantageous Quirks: Advanced Tech Possession,
Connections, Reputation, Sixth Sense. Disadvantageous Quirks: Enemies, Debt, Honest,
Minor Disability.
Disadvantageous Quirks: Arrogant or Clumsy, Debt
or Poverty, Easily Distracted or Forgetful, Minor Dis-
ability or Sickly or Pacifist.


A truckie can (and does) drive anything with an engine,
wheels, and which drives (at least most of the time) on
Skills represent general knowledge, training, and world, it represents a a popular sport and is also an
broad fields of study. Many (but not all) skills are excellent silent-kill technique for Special Forces units.
further divided into Specialisations. Each skill is
governed by a single Ability (or Special Ability) and Specialisations: Arbalestier (Crossbow Construction)
normally rated from two (2) to eight (8). Bowyer (Bow Construction) Composite Bow, Compound
Bow, Crossbow, Longbow, Short Bow.
A Skill may be attempted Unskilled (see the Task
Resolution section) unless it is asterisked (*) – note that Only those with Arbalestier or Bowyer specialisations
some specific sub skills may also be so marked. may make these weapons and bolts or arrows for them.
Characters with other specific weapon specialisations
SKILLS AND SPECIALISATION may repair the weapons they have specialised in and
Most Skills are divided into Specialisations, represent- make bolts or arrows for them.
ing the complexity of the modern world. When a
character chooses a Skill with Specialisations, they ATHLETICS
gain a general knowledge of all these at level two (2). Athletics covers training to improve their basic ability
Once they increase their rating to three (3) or above, in a variety of sport based movement related activities.
however, they must do so in a specific area. See The Physical World for details of the various ways
in which this is used in the D10 system.
A character may choose to increase their skill rating in
more than one specialisation within a single skill, but Specialisations: Climb, Jump, Run, Swim.
the cost (over Rating 2) must be paid for each such
specialisation that is increased. The cost to increase Movement based in that the character get from A to B.
levels in a Specialisation is the same as it would be if
the skill had none. BRAWLING
Brawling covers the generalised ability to punch, kick,
A character has Archery (2) and wishes to increase to grapple, and parry in hand-to-hand combat in a gen-
rating (3) – they must choose a specialisation. Choosing erally untrained manner.
Crossbow, the skill becomes Archery (2)/Crossbow (3).
If you want a more specific hand to hand combat system,
Thereafter, depending on how their SPs have been allo- use Martial Arts skill.
cated, they could either increasing their Crossbow skill
or on increasing a different Archery specialisation. DRIVING
Driving covers the operation of automobiles, trucks,
The basic skill never increases SL/2 – though there is no and motorcycles. Mechanic covers repair and main-
limit to the number of Specialisations a character may tenance, but is used with Aptitude not Health.
learn (depending on what’s available for the skill).
Specialisations: Air Cushion Vehicle, Car, Construction
Vehicles, Mechanic, Motorcycle, Semi-Trailer, Tracked
Archery covers the use, maintenance and construction Air Cushion Vehicle = Hovercraft of all sorts, even when
of Bows and Arrows (including Crossbows/Bolts). used over water. Car = Sports Cars, Roadsters, Sedans
While the skill might seem useless in the modern and Limousines. Motorcycle = powered two wheeled
Basic 2 Construction vehicles include everything from Graders
through to Power Shovels and Mobile Cranes and
Trained 3 Cherrypickers – but not tracked vehicles.
Experienced 4
Semi-Trailer is what is called an Articulated Truck or
Talented 5 Trailer Truck in the US. Tracked Vehicles includes
Bulldozers, Tanks and APCs.
Gifted 6
66 Exceptional 7 Truck includes everything from Delivery Vans through
Buses to Heavy Trucks not covered by the Semi-Trailer
Unique 8 category and wheeled APCs.
Firearms covers the use of any pistol or rifle in combat
or simply in competition. Basic care is based on APT
Missile covers those ranged weapons that do not fit
into Archery, Firearms, or Thrown Weapons. These are
not HLT. Gunsmith covers more advanced repair and mostly obsolete except for Special Forces where a
maintenance. silent kill at a distance is required. Basic care is based
on APT not HLT.
Specialisations: Automatic Weapons, Gunsmith, Hand-
guns, Longarms (Civilian), Longarms (Military), Heavy Specialisations: Blowpipe, Staff Sling*, Sling, Slingshot,
Weapons. Spear gun.

Handguns = all Pistols and SMGs. Civilian Longarms = PILOTING

rifles or shotguns not capable of full automatic or auto-
burst fire. Military Longarms = civilian rifles and shot-
Piloting covers the operation of rotary and fixed wing
aircraft (helicopters and planes). Avionics covers re-
guns plus military weapons capable of full automatic or pair and maintenance, but is used with APT not HLT.
autoburst fire and Light machineguns.
Specialisations: Avionics (Repair & Maintenance)*,
Automatic Weapons include Medium and Heavy mach-
ineguns and Autocannon up to 23 mm caliber. Heavy
Helicopter, Single Engine Jet, Single Engine Prop,
Lighter-than-Air, Multi-Engine Jet, Multi-Engine Prop,
Weapons = Mortars, AT Guided Missiles, Recoilless V/STOL Fixed Wing.
Rifles and lighter Direct Fire Artillery.
Characters with specific weapon skills can do basic
(preventative) maintenance. Gunsmiths do more comp-
Riding is the knowledge of controlling horses and
steering horse-drawn wagons and carriages. Basic care
licated repairs and maintenance and customisation for of the riding animal or vehicle is based on the specific
superior performance (accuracy, reliability etc). skill but combined with APT not HLT.

This covers training in a variety of sport based but
Specialisations: Buggy, Camel, Equine (Ass, Horse,
Mule, Donkey), Waggon.
basically non-movement related activities. See the
chapter on The Physical World. SEAMANSHIP
Sailing is the art of crewing and commanding a ship
Specialisations: Balance, Dodge, Juggle, Throw. and some basic maintenance. Shipwright covers more
advanced repair and maintenance, but is used with
Non-movement based in that they do not get a character APT not HLT.
from A to B (which is covered by Athletics skill, see
above), though some movement may be involved. Navigation covers position finding and course plotting
and is used with Deduction not Health.
Martial Arts covers, generically, different schools of Specialisations: Helmsman, Master’s Certificate (Sail)*,
Unarmed Combat from around the world. Master’s Certificate (Steam)*, Navigation*, Pilot*, Sea-
man (Sail), Seaman (Steam), Shipwright.
Specialisations: Block, Hold, Kick, Punch, Sweep,
Use them to re-create your own favourite Martial Art
Technique – Capoeira to Escrima, Judo to Tae-Kwon-Do.
Melee covers the ability to fight using hand-to-hand
weapons such as staves, knives, swords, and clubs.
These weapons still have their uses for a silent kill –
and when ammunition for regular firearms runs out!
Basic care is combined with APT not HLT.

Specialisations: Axe, Bayonet, Club, Fencing*, Knife,

Mace, Pole arm*, Shield, Spear, Sword, Quarterstaff.

Most specific weapons not listed above actually fit into 67

the specialisations that are listed. For example, Pikes,
Bills and Halberds are all Pole arms.
Helmsmen are non-officer watch standers who are quali- Practical Forensics is the careful gathering of evidence
fied to steer the ship – they are not in line of command so as not to contaminate or render it useless.
except in smaller vessels. A Master’s Certificate indicates
a qualified watch stander in line of command in larger Practical Law is knowledge of the criminal code applic-
vessels. A Pilot has intimate knowledge of a specific able to the character’s normal area of responsibility as
harbour and its approaches. well as court procedure and evidentiary rules.

A Seaman has practical ship crewing skills, which differ Practical Research indicates an ability to efficiently
considerable for sail and steam vessels. On sailing vessels access Public and Governmental records (though it does
they have special skills relating to the operation and not necessarily grant access to those records).
maintenance of the sails/rigging while on a steam vessel
they have more mechanical related skills. OBSERVATION
The art of keeping watch or being on a stakeout
THROWN WEAPONS effectively and being able to spot anything out of place
Thrown Weapons covers the ability to use weapons or out of the ordinary.
that are normally thrown at the target. Basic care is
based on APT not HLT. Specialisations: Forward Observer, Search, Spot, Track-
ing (Rural), Tracking (Urban), Sentry, Stakeout.
Specialisations: Bolas*, Boomerang*, Grenadier, Jav-
elin, Knife, Lariat, Throwing Stars, War Dart, War Quoit. Tracking allows a character to follow signs left behind
by the (potential) quarry to follow their trail and must be
bought for Urban and Rural environs separately.
CRIMINAL Sentry involves actively patrolling an area while Stake-
Criminal skill covers a variety of extra-legal pursuits. out involves passively watching an area.
HLT is in place of CUN for physical maneuvers and
DED is used for the planning phase. SUBTERFUGE
Subterfuge is the art of concealing one’s true motives
Specialisations: Black Marketeer, Break and Enter, in a variety of ways.
Confidence Artist, Cracksman, Fence, Forgery, Hit man,
Mastermind, Mugger, Pickpocket, Smuggler. Specialisations: Concealment, Disguise, Fast Talk,
Forgery, Sabotage.
Black Marketeers can get (or try to get) anything a
character may want, even if illegal (always for a price, Concealment involves hiding objects/oneself “in plain
of course). A Cracksman specialises in safecracking, sight” and being able to find hiding places.
either with mechanical devices or with explosives. A
Fence buys “hot” property – for a considerable mark- Fast Talk is misdirecting or confusing using verbal
down on its actual value, but with no questions asked. trickery – usually only temporarily (eventually the trail
will be picked up or the falsehood discovered).
The Mastermind is the character that does the planning
and organisation of the gang’s criminal activities – esp- Forgery requires a character have a relevant Aptitude
ecially complex activities such as Prostitution, Extortion, based skill and the lower rank of the two skills applies to
the Numbers game and selling “Protection.” any roll required.

DETECTIVE Sabotage requires the character have a relevant repair,

Detective skill covers a wide variety of legal pursuits maintenance, or design skill pertaining to the class of
related to the detection, prevention, and solving of item to be sabotaged at a minimum of rank two (2).
criminal acts. HLT is used instead of CUN for physical
maneuvers and DED is used for the planning phase. GAMBLING
Gambling allows a character to play games of chance
Specialisations: Analysis, Bodyguard, Intelligence, Int- and deduce the odds of winning in a given situation –
errogation, Physical Security, Practical Forensics, Pract- and, for those of a dishonest bent, perhaps to cheat!
ical Law, Practical Research.
Specialisations: Bluff, Cheat, Calculate Odds, Rules,
Analysis is the examination and processing of all the Skill (Game), Sleight of Hand.
evidence that has been gathered and interpreting it.
Bluff is normally used with Command. Cheat covers the
68 Intelligence refers to gathering or possessing basic know- ability to boost the odds in your favour by immoral (and
ledge about the activities of criminal operations within probably illegal!) means other than Sleight of Hand
the character’s normal area of responsibility. (which covers palming cards, playing pieces or whatever).
Skill (Game) indicates an ability to play the game so as
to legally improve your chances of winning more than
normal (each game type is a separate Specialisation).
Design covers all forms of artistic training. It can be
used alone or with any appropriate Technician spec-
ialisation to create an objet d’art. r
Specialisations: Carving, Ceramics, Couture, Drawing,
Engraving, Glassblowing, Graphic Design, Interior
Design, Landscaping, Metal Casting, Painting, Photo-
graphy, Sculpture. c
The list of specialisations is not exhaustive.
When used to create an objet d’art from an existing item
you must also possess rank 2+ in the appropriate craft
skill – more to create the object from scratch.
Literature is the art of expressing oneself in written or
spoken language with technique and wit. When creat- PERFORMER
ing or performing a spoken work you may use CMD A Performer has the ability to entertain an audience
instead of APT. For the study foreign literature, you
must have the appropriate language skill and usable
by presenting a act of some sort in public and/or on
stage or screen, or has the technical ability to directly
skill level cannot exceed this. support such performers (and also covers Singing).

Specialisations: Copywriter, Critic, Editor, Essayist, Performance: Actor, Cameraman, Comedian, Dancer,
Journalist, Novelist, Playwright, Publicist, Poet. Director, Mime, Stagehand, Singing, Special Effects,
Stunt Man.
Copywriter writes advertising copy – or, in wartime,
writes propaganda and conducts psyops. Editors help
authors and journalists write tighter, more logical, and
Some of the other Specialisations – like Cosmetician or
Set Designer are Technician or Design skills but are
better structured works. listed here to allow them to be used for specific Careers.
Critics deconstruct/interpret works of literature so that SURVIVAL
they can inform others whether to read them or not . This covers knowledge of staying alive in adverse
situations – finding shelter, food and water, avoiding
Essayists, Novelists, Playwrights and Poets informing
and/or entertaining their audiences.
getting lost, remaining hidden when and as necessary,
tracking people or animals, and treating basic injuries.
Journalists report on and explain events. Publicists are
interested in putting a “spin” on events and misinforming
Specialisations: Escape and Evasion, First Aid,
Hunt/Trap/Gather Food, Navigation, Track.
the press and the public in the interests of their client.
Survival is limited primarily to use in rural and wilder-
MUSICIAN ness (natural) environs (Streetwise is for built environs).
Musician is the ability to read and compose music, to
play a musical instrument and to lead (conduct) a The skill assumes the environment gives you something
band or orchestra (it does not cover Singing, however). to work with – finding water in the middle of a desert will
be harder than it in a temperate climate! Still, you have
Specialisations: Compose, Conduct, Play Instrument. a better chance than those without Survival.

Compose is the ability to read and write musical scores. TECHNICIAN * (VARIES)
Conduct is the ability to organise the playing of an Technician apply practical rather than theoretical
orchestra or choir to enhance its performance. Play knowledge – technical rather than scientific (engineer- 69
Instrument is by type, but possibly by family – such as ing would be partway between the two). Technicians
woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion, piano etc. generally follow designs drafted by others (Engineers
or Scientists) to build an item or are limited to repair While this knowledge might initially represent long term
or modification of existing items. residency in (or careful study of) a particular area,
moving somewhere else does not mean the skill is wasted.
Specialisations: Arbalestier, Avionics*, Baker, Black-
smith, Bookbinder, Bookkeeper, Bowyer, Carpenter, A character with this skill has an innate ability to pick up
Computer Tech*, Confectioner, Cosmetician, Dressmak- this information far more quickly than normal, though
er, Electrician, Electronics Tech*, Engraver, Farrier, Gas the speed at which it will be gained for a new area will
fitter, Glazier, Goldsmith, Gunsmith, Hatter, Jeweller, be affected by things such as language/cultural diff-
Machinist, Mason, Mechanic, Nurse, Optician*, Para- erences and is determined in consultation with the GM.
medic, Pharmacist*, Physiotherapist*, Plumber, Secret-
ary, Shipwright, Tailor, Undertaker ... and many more. FINANCIAL
Financial covers all basic aspects of monetary, comm-
These represent practical skills – not design or theory ercial and economic knowledge and practice includ-
(covered by Deduction based skills). The above list is not ing the regulatory rules applicable.
meant to be exhaustive.
Specialisations: Accounting, Commercial Law, Merch-
Paramedic/Nursing specialisations cover First Aid etc. ant, Trading.
(but see Survival also, for a version of these skills).
Accounting deals with the formal structuring of a
Note: The GM is the final arbiter of whether a technical company’s financial operations and record keeping.
skill can be used unskilled or not. Commercial Law deals with contracts and the legal
requirements for running a company.

DEDUCTION BASED SKILLS Merchant deals with the actual entrepreneurial matters
ELECTRONICS * of operating a business for fun and profit. Trading deals
Covers the designing, building, and repairing electric- with make deals – not running a business – but share or
al and electronic devices, including computers. futures trading, for example or simply “facilitating.”

Specialisations: Electrical Engineering, Computer Eng- HUMANITIES *

ineering. Covers are wide array of non-science based academic
pursuits – those that are not covered by other skills.
Deduction is used for design and construction, Aptitude When doing research in a specific sub skill, characters
is used for repair/maintenance and for Computer Soft- should use use CUN instead of DED.
ware design/Programming.
Specialisations: Anthropology, Archaeology, Govern-
ENGINEERING * ment, History, Information Technology, Law, Philos-
This covers a wide array of high level design and large ophy, Psychology, Sociology, Theology.
scale construction skills. Engineers design things, pro-
duce prototypes, or co-ordinate really big projects – The list is not meant to be prescriptive or exhaustive. If
they don’t normally generate new principles. it’s not a Science, Engineering, Computer or Medical
skill and isn’t covered by Technician, Design, Literature
Specialisations: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Comp- or Performance, then it probably fits here!
uter Engineering (Hardware), Electrical Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering. Note: Humanities may not be used unskilled, because it
is specific academic knowledge.
Unlike Technician, Engineering provides a wide theor-
etical knowledge base. Crafters (Technicians) may be LANGUAGES *
better at fixing (or even modifying) the technology at a Covers the ability to read and write a foreign language.
practical level, but Engineers can design (or redesign)
and construct (or supervise the construction process car- Specialisations: Each Modern language is a separate
ried out by technicians) to much greater effect. specialisation. Each Ancient (Dead) language is a
separate specialisation.
Local or regional knowledge a long term inhabitant Literacy in languages written in an alphabetic script
(or well prepared tourist) might be expected to possess. applies to languages you speak that also use an alpha-
With this you know the best night spots and restaur- betic script (even if unrelated). Literacy in each language
ants, how to get scarce theatre tickets, how best to get written using ideograms must be purchased separately.
70 from A to B, and the basic local socio-political scene.
Ancient Languages that are written in syllabic scripts
Specialisations: City, State, Region, Nation. count as alphabetic languages.
Note: Japanese is an alphabetic script. Latin is a mod- Strategy & Tactics allows planning a military operation
ern language. Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Hieratic
scripts, however count as ideograms for game purposes,
and gain a bonus that will apply to the skills of all those
involved who are under the character’s command.
but Demotic counts as alphabetic.

Note that the above listings are not exhaustive.

For each step achieved (the GM will determine the Diffic-
ulty of the task, based on unity size – see the Combat
rules for details) the NPCs and PCs in the character’s
unit gains +1D bonus they may spend on any combat
This covers practice and theory relating to the main- related roll for the remainder of that combat scene.
tenance/restoration of good health as well as diag-
nostics, internal medicine, public health and surgery. Strategy dice generally apply for the whole combat, or
When doing research in a specific sub skill, characters
should use use CUN instead of DED.
until the enemy counter your strategic advantage; Tact-
ical dice generally apply for a limited number of Combat
Phases, and may be renewed by further Tactics checks
Specialisations: Diagnostics, Dentist, Psychiatry, Sur-
gery, Veterinarian.
(see the Combat rules for details). c
Diagnostics covers the diagnosis and non-surgical treat-
Strategy & Tactics Skill is also used characters from
Civilian or Paramilitary rated Careers to (eventually)
ment of medical problems. Surgery covers the ability to increase the number of Actions they can undertake in a
physically intervene in them. Diagnostics normally used
Deduction while Surgery normally uses Aptitude.
Combat Turn (see the Combat rules for details) e
Veterinarians combine both in the one specialty. In
Unconventional Warfare covers guerilla and asymmet-
rical warfare techniques (aka terrorism or, if you’re on
emergencies they can treat or even operate on humans the right side, counter terrorism).
but suffer a -1D penalty when doing so.
Works much the same way as Strategy/Tactics but for
Note: First Aid is covered by Nurse or Paramedic spec-
ialties of Technician skill (and may be used unskilled).
this specific field.
Weapon System Engineering deals with any sort of
Military Science covers tactics and strategy (convent-
“heavy” (generally vehicle mounted or fixed) weapon
not otherwise dealt with by a specific skill. Think ICBMs,
ional and unconventional), logistics, engineering and
any branch specific military knowledge of a specific-
Or SDI. Or giant airborne Lasers. Or some such.
ally theoretical nature and its practical application. SCIENCE *

Specialisations: Combat Engineering, Indirect Fire Artil-

Science covers a wide array of studies where quantif-
iable and repeatable results can be gained from the
lery, Logistics, Military Law, Strategy & Tactics, Uncon-
ventional Warfare, Weapon System Engineering.
application of theories about how the universe works.
When doing research characters should use use CUN
instead of DED.
Combat Engineering covers the creation and destruction
of field fortifications, making/clearing minefields, plac- Specialisations: Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biology, Bio-
ing/removing movement obstacles, demolition/repair of
bridges etc. (including basic Civil Engineering).
chemistry, Chemistry, Geology, Physics ... and more!
Science provides information on or theories as to how the
Indirect Fire Artillery includes either ground or naval
physical universe works – they can even use the skills to
design and build test rigs and prototypes after a fashion.
Logistics is about winning a war because your side However, if you want something reliable or something
(“Amateurs discuss strategy, Professionals discuss log- that can be mass produced, then you need an Engineer
istics”) doesn’t run out of POL, Ammo, Vehicles or
Manpower. It involves making sure needed supplies get
to where they’re needed when they’re needed.

Or, equally, it is about finding supplies (with Cunning),

or scrounging them (with Command).

Military Law not only covers the laws applicable to the

military forces of a specific nation state but also the Law 71
of Land Warfare (the Hague Treaty and Geneva Con-
ventions) and International Humanitarian Law.
to take your theories and design it and, then, a Technic-
ian to take the Engineer’s design and run the production GM CREATED SKILLS
line on which it is manufactured. The skills listed are those deemed most likely to be
relevant for a modern military game milieu – which is
Note: Science skills may not be used unskilled. what Road to Armageddon is initially intended to be.

Therefore it is likely that the skillsets provided will not

COMMAND BASED SKILLS meet all the possible styles of play that GMs and their
ETIQUETTE players may decide to explore.
The art of “fitting in” with “high society” – everything
from knowing what all those forks are for at your place This will be partly dealt with by other PGD products
setting to how to correctly address a foreign dignitary, covering different game milieu – skills from one can
from gracious manners to fashion sense. easily transferred to another, as long as the GM agrees.

Nope. There are no specialisations. None. However, if the circumstance arises such that the GM
and his players find that neither RtA nor any other
If you really feel the need to split it more finely you PGD games have a skill that covers what they deem
could divide by culture. What may be “high society” in absolutely necessary (or even just “really cool” or “nice
Europe may not be applicable in China, for example. to have”, then it should be easy enough to determine
which of the Attributes should govern it and what, if
LEADERSHIP any, specialisations there should be for it.
Leadership is the art of delegating responsibility and
gaining the trust and loyalty of one’s subordinates. In other words, feel free to add anything you deem
necessary – you have my blessing! And remember to add
Again, no specialisations for this skill. Nada. it to any relevant Career Skill List as well!

This is especially useful in combat and non-combat Of course, as usual, all decisions as to what is, or isn’t,
crisis situations. See the Combat rules for details. appropriate or allowable is entirely at the GM’s discret-
ion – and their decision is final.

Seduction is the art of tempting others to do as you
wish, and not just members of the opposite sex You (OPTIONAL)
have a knack for manipulating people into doing what Techniques are a way of further enhancing skills and
you want – even against their better judgement. their game use – by allowing skills to be combined in
very specific ways to do very specific things.
The title and description say it all – and, yet again, no
specialisations. Whereas Skills are wide ranging in their applicability,
Techniques are much more limited in scope, but pro-
STREETWISE vide considerable bonuses within their inherent limits.
This is the mechanical equivalent of the Contacts
Quirk, and allows a character to access all sorts of Techniques cost two (2) points before game start and
services and/or information that would not be avail- five (5) points thereafter. They also require that a
able to a regular joe who just walked in off the street. character have the first listed Skill at level five (5) or
These may be legal, illegal, or merely immoral – but greater and all others at level four (4) or greater.
this skill will allow you to track them down.
When using the Technique, the character may use the
This is an urban version of Survival, and is used in skill level of the highest of the skills as the base skill for
primarily man-made and inhabited environs. And, no, Task Resolution as well as gaining any benefits listed
no specialisations either. You either have it or you don’t. under the specific Technique descriptions.

The use of Techniques is entirely optional but highly

OTHER SKILLS recommended. However, their use can add a great deal
CONCENTRATION to the game that the Skill system cannot and also gives
Concentration allows a character to remain calm in players something to aim at beyond mere “levelling up.”
the face of danger, resist overwhelming temptation, or
avoid displaying an annoying (or defining) habit The Techniques listed in the following pages are mostly
those deemed to be most useful for a modern military
72 It is extremely valuable (see Concentration tasks in cum action adventure campaign – extensive rules for the
Task Resolution) for a character to have (and usually creation of additional Techniques are provided at the
missed most when they need it most!) end of this Chapter.
Martial Arts (any damage inflicting) or Melee (any
concealable) or Thrown Weapon (any concealable),
Observation (Stakeout), Subterfuge (Concealment) or
(may replace either Observation or Subterfuge)
Assassin technique allows a character to stalk, attack
and do enhanced damage to their target(s). As long as
they remain undetected they get four bonus points to
spend on First Shot, Attack or Damage Roll in any
combination (each BP is worth the following) –
Fire and Move technique allows a character to move,
dodge and fire at the same time – counting a combined
Move, Dodge and Attack as one action.
· -1 DIFF to their first strike in an engagement, rep-
resenting their careful preparation. They take no penalty for firing, dodging and moving
· +1D to the Attack roll even when no time has been
spent in preparation, as long as they have not been
at walking speed or slower, and only +1 DIFF if dodg-
ing and moving at running speed or faster.
“pinned down” yet
· +1 DAM to their Damage roll Once this technique has been acquired for any one of the
initial three Skills, it applies for the others when a char-
It is recommended that, even if the GM doesn’t use the
Critical Success (Overkill) rules for regular combat, that
acter reaches the level five (5) minimum.
Assassins use them as long as they are undetected. For example, a character who acquires the technique
with Firearms (Handgun) does not have to purchase it
The key to this technique is remaining undetected. again when they reach level five in Archery (Crossbow).
Performing an attack does not mean detection. Other
people may not even realise that they are there! Finally, a character utilising Fire and Move gains +2D
to their Skill Check for each point of Luck (experience
· If the target is killed in one blow then they die
silently and un-noticed.
or full) spent to enhance it and gains an additional
+2D if they make it a All Out task.
To use this skill the assassin has to remain concealed. If GROUND ATTACK e
they use it successfully they are able to kill their target Piloting, Firearms (Automatic Weapons, Heavy Weapons)
silently and have the chance to move the body out of
immediate discovery making the kill undetectable. Ground Attack technique is for a helicopter or fixed
For the moment. Until someone happens upon the body
wing pilot, allowing them to fly and fire at the same
time – counting Move and Attack as one action.
or a search reveals it. But simply discovering a body isn’t
good enough to make the Assassin’s work impossible. They take only a +1 DIFF for firing while moving (or at
moving targets) on the ground while piloting their
They must be tracked down by the opposition and news
of their presence spread to other unfriendlies in the
aircraft or helicopter regardless of speed.
vicinity (killing the guy who’s just your victim before he Once this has been acquired for any Piloting specialisat-
gets the alarm off = no loss of concealment). ion, it applies for the others at level (5). n
Even if spotted, the Assassin may attempt to regain For example, a character who acquires the technique
concealment by moving from their current position, but with Piloting (Helicopter) does not have to re-purchase it
must roll to avoid the move itself being detected. when they reach L5 in Piloting (Single Engine Prop).

Finally, an Assassin gains +2D to their Skill Check for Finally, a Ground Attack pilot gains +2D for per point
each point of Luck (experience or full) spent to enhan- of Luck spent to enhance a Ground Attack roll and also
ce an assassination roll and also gains an additional gains +2D if they make it a All Out task.
+2D if they make it a All Out task.
FIRE AND MOVE Martial Arts action, Martial Arts action and (optionally)
Archery (any one) or Firearms (Handgun) or Firearms Martial Arts action
(Longarm [Civilian or Military]) or Missile Weapon 73
(any one) or Thrown Weapon (any one), Athletics (Run), Martial Arts Combo technique allows a character to
Gymnastics (Dodge) combine two or three different Martial Arts specialis-
ations into one fluid action with characteristics of all, For example, a character who takes the technique with
enabling creation of specialised Martial Arts moves. Firearms (Longarm [Civilian]) doesn’t have to purchase
it again when they reach L5 in Archery (Longbow).
For example, a character could do Block, Hold, Sweep
or Punch, Kick, performing them all as one action. Finally, a Snap Shot attack gains +2D for each point of
Luck (experience or full) spent to enhance it and gains
To represent specific Martial Arts the GM may allow a +2D if the attacker makes it a All Out task.
character to choose a specified initial move and then
allow them to change the following moves from use to use. SNIPER
Firearms (Longarm [either]), Observation (Stakeout),
A Karate-like art could be represented by taking Punch Subterfuge (Concealment) or Concentration (may
coupled with any two other moves at the minimum level replace either Observation or Subterfuge)
and still gain the benefit of using this as a technique.
Sniper technique allows a character to stalk, attack
Finally, a Martial Artist gains +2D for each point of and do enhanced damage to their target(s).
Luck (experience or full) spent to enhance an Martial
Arts roll and gains +2D if they make it a All Out task. As long as a Sniper remains undetected they get four
bonus points to spread amongst First Shot, Attack Roll
MELEE COMBO or Damage Roll in any combination (each bonus point
Melee Weapon (any), Melee Weapon (Shield), Athletics is worth one of the following) –
(Run) or Gymnastics (Dodge), Brawling
· -1 DIFF to their first shot in an engagement, rep-
Melee Combo technique allows the character to com- resenting their careful preparation.
bine weapon and shield use with movement and en- · +1D to the Attack roll even when no time has been
abling them to use a shield offensively. spent in preparation, as long as they have not been
“pinned down” yet
When using this Technique the character can count · +1 DAM to their Damage roll
Move, Dodge and Attack as one action.
It is recommended that the Critical Success (Overkill)
The character using the technique takes no penalty for rules for damage be used for Sniper combat for the first
melee attacks at walking speed or slower, and only +1 shot against each target.
DIFF if dodging and moving at running speed or faster.
The key to this technique is remaining undetected.
They may also use the shield offensively combined Attacks (even unsuccessful ones) do not automatically
with one handed melee weapons – two attacks as one mean the Sniper is detected. People will know that they
action, though separate Task Checks are required. are there – somewhere – but that’s not good enough.

Once this has been taken for any Melee specialisation, it · If the target is killed in one shot then they die
applies for the others when they are gained at level (5). silently and, unless in plain sight, un-noticed.

For example, a character who acquires the technique Knowing a Sniper is out there “somewhere” isn’t good
with Melee (Sword) does not have to purchase it again enough to change this. Their location must be pinned
when they reach level five in Melee (Axe). down spread amongst the opposition (so shooting the
guy who’s just seen you is a good idea).
Finally, a Melee Combo attack gains +2D for each
point of Luck (experience or full) spent to enhance it Even when spotted, the Sniper may attempt to regain
and gains +2D if the attacker makes it a All Out task. concealment by moving from their current position or
attempting to kill the spotter before the spread the word.
Archery (any one) or Firearms (Handgun or Longarm Snipers who are on the ball can be extremely nasty
[any]) or Thrown Weapon (any one), Observation
(Sentry), Concentration TANKER
Driving, Firearms (Automatic Weapons, Heavy Weap-
Snap Shot technique enables a character to draw (or ons) and/or Military Sciences (Indirect Fire Artillery)
ready for firing), aim and fire a holstered or slung
weapon as one action – making it handy in surprise Tanker technique is for armoured/combat ground
situations where a “quick draw” is required. vehicle crews and allows them to move and fire at the
74 same time – counting Move and Attack as one action.
Once this technique has been acquired for any one of the
initial three Skills, it applies for the others at level (5). They also take only a +1 DIFF for firing (even at
moving targets) while their vehicle is moving. sentries or alarms even if the Infiltrator who made the

Once this technique has been acquired for any Driving

improvements is not present.
specialisation, it applies for the others at level (5). Such improvements are, however, impermanent – the

For example, a character who acquires the technique

bonus only remains valid for 1D days at a time (sentries
fall back into their old habits when the crisis is past).
with Driving (Truck) does not have to purchase it again
when they reach level five in Driving (Tracked). SABOTEUR a
Subterfuge (Sabotage), Subterfuge (Concealment),
Finally, a Tanker gains +2D for each point of Luck
(experience or full) spent to enhance it and gains +2D
Military Sciences (Combat Engineering or Unconven-
tional Warfare)
if they make its use a All Out task.
A Saboteur is an expert in destroying or disabling
things, setting booby traps and improvising explosive
devices from common materials. They can also det-
ect/attempt to prevent sabotage by others and det-
Subterfuge (Concealment),
Observation (any)
Subterfuge (Disguise). ect/attempt to disarm booby traps.
A Saboteur gains a +2D bonus to their ability to con-
Infiltrator technique allows a character to gain covert
physical access to guarded facilities, pass through
ceal booby traps or latent (untriggered) sabotage eff-
orts and a +2D bonus to attempts to determine key
cordons undetected and go where they really shouldn’t. points of any device or structure to sabotage.
Infiltrators gain the special ability to win Opposed Saboteurs get +2D for each point of Luck (experience or
tasks on a tied result (i.e. where both characters invol- full) expended on a sabotage roll – and a further +2D
ved roll the same amount of successes) when they are if they make it a All Out task. If they are able to make
using this Technique. it a Continuing task they gain +2D for each extra time
If they are unlucky enough to suffer a Calamity (i.e.
fail their task check by four (4) steps or more) they may
immediately re-roll to misdirect any response.
Finally, they gain a +1D bonus to their ability to detect
the presence of and to disarm booby traps or latent
The alarm still goes off/the sentry is still alerted – it’s just
sabotage attempts made or placed by others.
that the Infiltrator gets an immediate chance to make the SCOUT
response (the now alert sentry, for example) believe that
something else caused the problem.
Observation (Tracking/Rural and/or Tracking/Urban),
Observation (Spot), Survival (Escape and Evasion),
Maybe the RRT sees the ever popular small furry animal
Survival (Hunt/Track/Gather Food).
in the vicinity and assumes it triggered the alarm. Or the A Scout is a keen active observer of all that goes on
sentry might be distracted from the actual position by a
thrown stone making a noise elsewhere.
around them and is able to process a wide variety of
subliminal to enhance their conscious perception of
Of course, all this means is that the infiltrator isn’t
their surroundings.
detected now – it also means the RRT, sentry, or whom- They will mostly specialise in the rural environment,
ever, is alerted and infiltration is now more Difficult. n
An Infiltrator may choose to make the attempt a
Continuing task and gains +2D for each extra time
increment spent if they do.

They also get +2D for each point of Luck (experience or

full) they spend on an infiltration roll and +2D if they
make it a All Out task.

Finally, they gain +1D bonus to their ability to detect

an active infiltrator’s presence and can grant a +1D
bonus to any efforts by others to make it more difficult
for an infiltrator to gain access or pass un-noticed. 75
This bonus applies to the Observation attempts of any
but can develop the same sort of skills in regards to potentially subject to it is treated as if they were an
urban areas, though this is much less common. ordinary character in attempts to detect it (and the
process will normally be a Resisted Task).
Even more rare is a Scout who is at home in both an
urban and a rural environment. A Scout-set ambush is inherently one grade more
difficult to detect and, if they desire, they may make it
Within their home environment they gain a +4D one grade more difficult still by spending an point of
bonus to simple tracking tasks (such as simply finding Luck (they may, however, add no more grades of
and following a trail) and a +2D bonus to more difficulty than the lowest skill level of any of the
complex ones (such as identifying the creature who required skills for the Technique).
made the tracks and other characteristics about them
such as age, sex, weight, general health etc.). Scouts, however, only suffer from the effects of being
surprised for the initial surprise phase that the success-
Even in an urban area (if Rural Scouts) or a rural area ful ambushers gain. No other penalties apply to them
(if Urban Scouts) they are able to undertake tracking for the remainder of that turn.
as if they had the appropriate Observation/Tracking
skill, but with no bonus, Of course, that doesn’t negate any physical features of
the ambush site. If they’re caught in the open, with no
Another forte is their ability to interpret signs – they cover, they can’t magically gain the benefit of such, but
are able to holistically consider a scene and all avail- they won’t be subjected to any penalties in their actions
able evidence and determine what happened there in the way other characters are.
within broad parameters (but, of course, not what the
motivations behind the actions they observe might be). Scouts are also automatically able to determine the
safest route through an area (rural and/or urban as
For example, they could examine a clearing where there appropriate). This is an innate ability.
is a variety of evidence of recent(ish) military activity –
foxholes, trenches, discarded ration packs, vehicle tracks “Safest” is, of course, a relative term – perhaps “least
etc. and determine the sequence in which the field works unsafe” would be more accurate. Regardless, it is an
were constructed, their intended (and actual) use, app- innate ability to assess natural and manmade risks.
roximately how many men and what equipment was
involved in the work, approximately how many men and
what weapons occupied/were emplaced in the the field APTITUDE BASED
works and for how long, how many vehicles and of what ARTISAN
general type have passed through the area recently. Technician (any appropriate), Design (any two approp-
riate), Concentration
They would also be able to determine the identity of the
unit that occupied the works (at least to Division level, An Artisan is a true master at combining technical and
and probably down to Battalion/Regiment level if it is a artistic ability in the creation of practical creations
unit known to be in the general area), the sequence of that are also works of art. In a very real sense they are
any combat that took place there and the approximate modern “wizards” – and are able to add significant
number of casualties that were inflicted on either side. tweaks to anything they are involved in creating.

This aspect does not have to be military related – it can It allows an Artisan to increase the actual value of any
just as easily be applied to looking at evidence of animal item that they work on.
(or peaceful human) activity and allows the Scout to
acquire as much information, but appropriate to what- A successful Difficult task check results in an increase
ever the specific situation they are examining. of 50% plus 10% per level of Critical Success (Overkill)
achieved; a successful Unlikely task check results in an
This makes them especially valuable in the intelli- increase of 100% plus 25% per level of Critical Success
gence gathering process and units will try to ensure (Overkill) achieved, and a successful Impossible task
that at least one person with this sort “skill” is in- results in an increase of 200% plus 50% per level of of
volved in information gathering patrols they send out. Critical Success (Overkill) achieved.

A Scout has an uncanny ability to sense danger, An Artisan can only improve items appropriate to the
including the most carefully prepared ambushes, and skills they have chosen to be a basis of this Technique.
always ignore any penalties that would normally be
applied to such rolls based on the actions of the A character with Tech (Mechanic) and Design (Metal
76 ambushers – with one exception. Casting) could modify sports car, but not a gun – which
would require Tech (Gunsmith) and a Design specialisat-
If a Scout sets an ambush, then any other Scout ion – say Engraving or Metal Casting.
Enhancements take time and cost money. At Difficult
they take a base of (1 day + 1 day/level of value
increase); at Unlikely, a base of (1 week + 1 week/level
of increase), and at Impossible a base of (1 month + 1
month/level of increase). h
If it becomes an important fact, an Artisan can work
on up to (Aptitude + Technician) items simultaneously.
Time requirements must be rigidly enforced to ensure the
technique is not abused. The process also assumes the
Artisan is working an 8 hour day/40 hour week and that
time is not available for regular adventuring.
DIFF (10% improvement) in two at Unlikely level
Actually, it isn’t likely that an Artisan character is work-
ing full time on a single project, but they are assumed to
· a -3 DIFF (30% improvement) in one area or -3 DIFF
(30%) spread between 2-3 areas at Impossible level.
be spending the rest of their time on their professional
work in related areas, not on “adventuring.” It is possible (if the GM allows – because he believes the
improvements are possible in the “real world”) to “imp-
The basic cost is equal to the basic cost of the item
being modified plus material cost equal to (100 -
rove” an item several times over, with each attempt
costing more time/money and additional checks.
[Technician Skill x 10])% of the value increase.
Cost for successive attempts is based on the modified cost
This basic cost may be reduced by 10% for each level of the item after previous improvements, not on the
of Critical Success (Overkill) success that the artisan original base cost, so all of this can get quite expensive.
achieves on a technique roll of +1 DIFF less than they
were required to make for the value increase roll (but
never to less than 110% of the basic cost).
Note: The GM always has final approval as to what
aspects of an item or mechanism can be improved and
how much they may be improved.
Cost reduction skill needs to be closely watched to
prevent abuse. Note that you can’t really tell in advance When an Artisan spends Luck (experience or full) on
exactly how much the additional material will cost. any artisan related roll, they get +2D for each point
expended – for a All Out task they also get +2D.
Say you wish to modify a .45 Automatic Pistol that costs
$250 new. You choose to go with just the minimum
improvement and a Difficult Check, which is successful
Finally, an Artisan gains a +2D bonus when repairing
or maintaining items within their normal competence.
and gains an extra success.
When anyone is attempting to repair or maintain an
So, the Automatic is now worth 60% more ($150), or artisan-modified item or mechanism that they did not
$400. The cost of the improvements are, for a minimal
Artisan (level 5 Tech), (100 - 50) = 50% of $150, or $75.
modify themselves, a +2 DIFF penalty applies to all rolls
(putting non-artisans at a disadvantage but only neg-
If the Artisan makes a Hard Task check with one extra
ating the Artisan bonus above for Artisans).
success, then this would be reduced by a further 10%, to MCGUYVER
$67.50 – giving a profit of $82.50. Technician (Electrician and Mechanic), Survival
(Escape and Evasion), Military Sciences (Unconvention-
The process takes two days (base one day plus an extra al Warfare).
day for one level of value increase). An Artisan with CRE
(3) and Gunsmith (5) could work on 8 projects at a time. This technique (named after the 1980’s TV series
McGyver, though spelled differently in military par-
The improvements achieved may be more than just lance) allows the character to take anything simply
artistic – they may actually improve the effectiveness laying about and turn it into an improvised weapon
of the item in practical ways. or tool and use the tool/weapon in to their advantage,
regardless of the situation they’re facing.
Actual improvements possible depend on the nature
of the item being worked on but, in general, allow – McGuyvers are able to make improvised tools from
anything that will allow them to perform basic skill
· a -1 DIFF (or a 10% improvement) in one area at functions at no penalty where the lack of tools would 77
Difficult level normally attract such a penalty. Indeed, they can even
· a -2 DIFF (20% improvement) in one area or a -1 make the use of the skill in question where it would
normally be impossible – as long as they can come up Command, they gain a +1D bonus to their attempt.
with some bafflegab “explanation” that the GM finds
halfway believable. If they have recently performed before an audience (or
are currently doing so) that includes those they are
McGuyvers can always find something on their person or attempting to Command, then the gain a +2D bonus.
in their immediate vicinity even if they have been
carefully searched and left in a bare cell. A Star draws a “regular” monthly income (in the sense
that they get an income every month, not that it will
The worst possible outcome will be that the tools are not be the same amount gained every month) equal to
as speedy to use as “regular” tools and task resolution either $(Number of Successes in a Star Technique Roll
check will take longer as a result. x 1000) or double what they would get if they possess
the Wealthy Quirk, whichever is the greater.
A MacGuyver gets a +2D bonus to task checks to create
more complex devices out of materials available close This assumes that the Star character has the chance to
at hand, though for extremely complex items they may perform that month – or, if they have been settled in a
only be able to ensure that they work once. situation for long enough, are enjoying “royalties” or
deferred payments from previous months performances.
McGuyver may also be used to improvise weapons –
If they are currently short of funds, they can put on an
· Melee weapons that can do +1 DAM impromptu performance and gain $(Number of
· Thrown Weapons that can do +1 DAM and which Successes in a Star Technique Roll x 250).
have a range of (5/10/15/30)
· Missile Weapons that can do +1 FAT and have a Additionally, in a Road to Armageddon setting they
range of (5/10/20/40) or Firearms that do +1 DAM can parlay this performance into access to item(s) or
and have a range of (5/10/40/75). service(s) that are otherwise unobtainable.

The amount and type of materials available determine This doesn’t mean that they can ask for and get an M-1
which of the above weapons might be constructed. In Abrams MBT unless there are actually some still avail-
order of Difficulty it would be – Melee (DIFF 4), Thrown able – but they would be offered a close equivalent.
(DIFF 5), Missile (DIFF 6) and Firearm (DIFF 7).
They don’t get to keep it – they get the services of it, and
When expending Luck points on a McGuyver roll, they its crew (as needed) for a “reasonable” length of time
get a +2D bonus for each point of Luck (experience or (GM’s determination) – though they may be able to
full) spent, if they make it a All Out task they get +2D. “renew” their access by further rolls down the track.

Finally, a McGuyver can always find a way out of a On the other hand, if all they want is a can of Coke,
scrape – even certain doom. Always. someone will find one that they’ve been saving for a
“special occasion” and give it (or sell it, depending on the
If it seems as if there isn’t a way out, its because its not success of their performance) to them.
at all obvious. In such a “death trap” situation, the
McGuyver can personally escape at a cost of one (1) Even though the last Coca-Cola bottling plant was closed
FULL Luck point. They may find a way to save others (or destroyed) years before. Stars get perks like that
in their party at a like cost to each comrade. because, well, they’re stars.

Yes, McGuyver characters can spend more Luck points This does not give them access to items/services that
than they currently have. Of course, there will be a are illegal or highly restricted for civilians (or, per-
downside to doing so. See the Luck rules. haps, for anyone without the correct “authorisation”).

STAR If they want an unmodified AK-47 during peacetime in

Performer (Actor or Comedian or Dance or Director or the US and don’t have the right BATF paperwork or
Mime) or Musician (any), Seduction or Streetwise, licensing, no, they won’t get it through this skill.
On the other hand, if they’re in a war zone and they
A Star is not merely a performer or musician, they make a good case for needing it for “self protection” then
possess that indefinable something that is star quality they’ll probably get it – just remember, it wouldn’t be a
– and they know it! good idea to try and take it back to the States in their
luggage. Homeland Security will not be amused.
78 Characters using this technique are able to use their
Star qualities instead of making Command rolls – and On the other hand, maybe BATF will accept that it was
if they are known to those they are attempting to “just a mistake” and not press charges – but they’ll
certainly confiscate it! As usual, the GM will have the The GM is the final arbiter of what can and cannot be
final determination as to what can or can’t be asked for
when this skill is used and what the consequences of
increased by this method.
success and failure might be. Such increases last only for a single day, a single

Finally, a Star gains +2D for each point of Luck (exper-

session of your game, or a single “use”, as determined
by the Game Master.
ience or full) spent to enhance a Star roll and also gains
+2D if they make it a All Out task. Finally, a Gadgeteer gains +2D for each point of Luck
(experience or full) spent to enhance a Gadgeteer roll

and also gains +2D if they make it a All Out task. r
Engineering (any), Technician (Electronic and
Humanities (Information Technology) or Humanities
Mechanic), Concentration (any two), Language (Modern or Ancient), Detective

A Gadgeteer is capable of doing amazing things with

(Analysis, Intelligence or Practical Research) or Liter-
ature, Environ Knowledge
machines – it’s almost as if they are capable of speak-
ing to them (and some of them do). If it’s broken, they A Librarian is able to find out pretty much anything –
can fix it even if the nearest spares are hundreds of given time, and often a surprisingly short amount, too.
klicks away; if it’s out of fuel, they can find some way
of getting it to run even so; if the batteries are flat, they
Often they have the information (even really obscure
stuff, too) at their fingertips. If they don’t have it on
can manage to recharge them – or find another source
of power that’ll work the device.
call, they will know where to find it – more often than
not even if it really doesn’t want to be found.
Gadgeteers gain a +2D bonus to all repair rolls for Librarians gain a +2D bonus to all research and infor-
equipment or vehicles that they have the appropriate mation gathering rolls and never suffer a penalty for
skills to repair, and never suffer a penalty for lack of
spares or tools. They can always improvise something.
lack of access to an actual library. They can always
improvise something.
If the device is out of fuel or power, a Gadgeteer may
make a Concentration roll to get it to work anyway.
Over the course of their careers (and training) Librarians
pick up all sorts of interesting information and tend to
Enough for one last gasp of use.
mentally catalog it, so part of the reason for the bonus is
that they may have some relevant knowledge.
The plane you need to escape is out of fuel? Well, no, the
Gadgeteer can’t magic enough for an intercontinental
The other thing Librarians are good at is picking up
knowledge from local sources and adding it to what they
flight – but he can find some way of getting it into the air
to give the characters a head start!
already know – so merely by talking to the locals (or
hearing the locals talk to each other) they can make
inferences that will assist their information gathering.
What if the radio’s battery is dead – destroyed by a stray
bullet in the last firefight? And it was the last battery! Of course, the quality of the information will be limited
And you’re surrounded and need to call in an artillery
strike – the Gadgeteer can, for example, take the batter-
by other factors – even with the bonus, if the information
is really obscure, or well hidden, or a carefully guarded
ies from your flashlights and get enough power for that secret, all the Librarian may gain are clues to further
one last transmission. things they need to do to find the information they need. n
Gadgeteer can also stretch the operational parameters But those will be vital clues that other characters without
of pretty much anything they can repair.

Items (whatever they are) have one aspect of their

operational characteristics improved by 5% on a
successful Difficult task check, 10% on a successful
Unlikely task check and 15% on a successful Impossible
task check.

For example, a Vehicle could have range or speed inc-

reased by 5-15%; a demolition charge could do 5-15%
more structural damage; a printing press could print 79
5-15% more broadsheets per hour, or a generator could
provide 5-15% more power than it is rated for.
their skills might never pick up – or take far longer to. and criminal courts). Whenever attempting CMD or
other rolls involving them in their normal operations,
If the Librarian does have access to a library, then they not involving a significant risk for the organisation or
gain a +2D bonus for each time period they spend in individual, a Diplomat gains a +4D bonus.
a Continuing task doing research on a topic.
If they are asking for something that is not part of the
The nature and size of the library will have an impact, organisation’s normal operations, or if the “favour”
of course. If the Librarian is researching the location of, involves a significant risk for the organisation or indiv-
say, King Solomon’s Mines, then the library at the Per- idual then the Diplomat’s bonus drops to +2D.
forming Arts college probably won’t be help (but may
have really general information). The scope of this ability is unlimited – they can attempt
to use it on government officials (and not just those of
If they are unlucky enough to suffer a Disaster (i.e. fail their government), on police and court officials, NGOs
their task check by four (4) steps or more) then they (Non Government Organisations) or commercial operat-
cannot gain any further information from that source. ions (especially with multinationals who usually have the
most to lose in any diplomatic conniption fits).
However, they may make a further roll to determine
what their next step should be – in the form of a They can also bypass normal channels – do things that
Concentration roll at +2D added to any other modifiers. normally need some sort of paper trail or official
permissions or licensing procedures without doing any
If a Librarian doesn’t have access to a suitable library of that and gain a +2D bonus for such attempts.
then they may make a Librarianship roll at +2D (on top
of any other modifiers) to determine the next step they This might mean entering (or leaving) a country without
need to take to find the information they need. going through immigration control – and, perhaps, on
an additional roll, without having luggage searched.
In other words, even on a disastrous failure Librarians
can research to find out where they can look next. At no Or it might mean getting someone a “concealed carry”
penalty, either! permit, without a paper trail, for a handgun in a foreign
country, by knowing the phone number of a high level
Librarians gain a +2D bonus to all Command rolls official who will deal with any flunky who questions the
connected with accessing information sources or the papers that the carrier has been provided.
facilities that they are stored in ... even if they do not
have the right paperwork or security access (though, of This does not mean that they can break the law in major
course, penalties to the roll would apply in such a case). ways – they are just “cutting through the red tape”, and
the limits on what can or cannot be asked for in this
They also gain +2D in all Command rolls with Scholars process are determined by the GM.
of any sort (Academics, Engineers, Medical Scientists
and Scientists amongst others). Diplomats can also find friendly (they’ll listen before
shooting!) police, security, or armed forces people – or
It’s best not to piss off the person that who can make or someone “from the capital” who will force local
break your next research task. Not to mention that they officials to listen first with a +2D bonus to the roll.
might, in passing and quite unintentionally, drop
new/interesting information at your feet in the course of Finding local Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists and other
their conversation (or negotiation) with you. You quite professional service providers willing to provide legal
literally can never be entirely certain exactly what a services or information on a friendly basis is at a +4D
Librarian may know! bonus – if the services required are illegal or quasi-
legal then the bonus to their search roll drops to +2D.
Finally, a Librarian gains +2D for each point of Luck
(experience or full) spent to enhance a librarianship roll Need a Dentist willing to open up shop on a Sunday?
and also gains +2D if they make it a All Out task. The Diplomat can make some phone calls and find one.

Maybe you need a consultant Anthropologist to identify

COMMAND BASED the origin of some cultural artefacts? No problems, the
DIPLOMAT Diplomat has some contacts in the National University!
Etiquette, Humanities (Government or History or Law),
Leadership, Seduction Or maybe you have a security problem that needs some
armed guards with a license to kill, if necessary? Well,
80 A Diplomat is a specialist in dealing with Bureau- Colonel <fill in the blank> is a “good friend” and will
cracies (government, non-government and commercial) provide the services of some of his Police either as a
and legal and administrative processes (including civil favour or, perhaps, for a “small” fee.
If they can (or choose to) make any of their operations
a Continuing task they gain a +2D bonus for every
additional time period spent.
Finally, a Diplomat gains +2D for each point of Luck
(experience or full) spent to enhance a Diplomacy roll
and also gains +2D if they make it a All Out task.
Streetwise, Environ Knowledge, Subterfuge (Fast Talk),
A Fixer is the sort of person who knows people – or
knows people who “know” people – and he uses this They may make an attempt to gain a “connection” to
knack to provide all sorts of “special” services pass their clients on to – at only +2D if the item is legal
or quasi-legal, or at no bonus if it is illegal.
He has contacts throughout the community and,
through them, he can get (or pass on) information, If the product or service is illegal, and they suffer a
gain access to items and services of limited (possibly Disaster, then there is a chance that they might have
illegal) availability and generally put those who need
something in touch with those who can provide it. All
been caught in a Police “sting” operation (or that their
customers might be when they turn up to take delivery
for a modest fee, of course! and/or pay for the goods). They need to make a Con-
centration roll to avoid such a problematic outcome.
The cost of doing business through a Fixer is not just
monetary – using their services means you have become Of course, the immediate results of a “sting” are not
one of their “contacts”. This need not be more than an necessarily calamitous – perhaps the cops are “dirty”
obligation to simply listen to a request and indicate who
might be of help to them if you, personally, cannot be.
and merely want a “cut” of the action. Or, if the item(s)
aren’t that illegal, you might simply be fined and lose the
money involved – and gain a minor criminal record. Or
A “good” Fixer would never blackmail his clients, as
that’s a sure way to end their business permanently
maybe you can manage to make an escape without
being identified (a roleplaying scenario!)
(more permanently if they cross some clients than others).
This is not all that a Fixer can do! Not only can they
If you need an item or service that is not easily find things (or services) that are hard to find, they can
available, perhaps quasi-legal or even illegal, then a
Fixer gains a +2D bonus to any Streetwise or Command
also find things at reduced prices too. a
(or other) roll to acquire it on your behalf. Once the availability of the item has been determined,
as noted above, then the Fixer needs to see if it can be
Failure does not necessarily indicate that there is a gained at a discount to “normal” cost – this requires a
problem – beyond the item or service not being avail-
able, of course! However, see Disasters, below.
second roll, and they gain a +2D bonus to the attempt. i
If all you want is a name of someone who is likely to
On a successful Hard Check, they get it at wholesale
(taken to be a 30% reduction in) if it is legal, otherwise
be able to help your search for whatever, then the Fixer they get a price reduction equal to (5 + number of
adds +4D to their roll to “make the connection” (and
will charge a lot less, too!).
extra successes)% off. n
On a successful Difficult Check, they get it at cost plus
If the Fixer makes the task a Continuing one, they gain (taken to be a 40% reduction in price) if it is legal,
a bonus of +2D per extra time period expended. otherwise they get a price reduction of (10 + number
of extra successes)% off.
Failure in this roll doesn’t mean that what is desired isn’t
available. It simply means that the Fixer hasn’t found a On a successful Unlikely Check they get it at manu-
source – yet. They may keep on trying, of course – facturer’s cost (taken to be a 50% reduction in price) if
generally no more than once per day, however. it is legal, otherwise they get a reduction equal to (15
+ number of successes)% off.
If the Fixer is unlucky enough to suffer a Disaster (i.e.
fail their task check by four (4) steps or more) then the On a successful Impossible task check they get it as
product or service simply isn’t available (perhaps not bankrupt stock (taken to be a 60% reduction in price) 81
available at all, perhaps merely not available through if it is legal, otherwise they get a reduction equal to (20
any contacts they have access to). + number of successes)% off.
This assumes that the goods are new and unstolen, only good in and of themselves, they sometimes
regardless of whether they are legal or not. If they are apply to specific circumstances where ordinary
stolen, then the reduction is based on half the list price. characters using a mere stand alone skill would
suffer severe penalties for attempting – or possibly
If they are used, then the reduction is based on how used not be allowed to attempt the task at all.
– but usually by no more than half the new price.
Great care is needed to make sure that the Technique
If they are used and stolen, then the reductions are doesn’t allow the outright impossible – though the
combined – so a used/stolen car would have a base price highly improbable is fine, as RtA works best as a
of 25% of new list, and any discounts are off that price. moderately cinematic game.

Finally, a Fixer gains +2D for each point of Luck Exactly how improbable depends on how cinematic
(experience or full) spent to enhance a Fixer roll and you wish your campaign to be.
also gains +2D if they make it a All Out task.
The default setting for RtA is for a somewhat cinemat-
Some goods and services simply aren’t available – it’s not ic situation – short of a full Hollywood “action ad-
that they are difficult to obtain (additionally, some will venture” level (especially character level damage).
be so difficult to acquire as to constitute a role playing
adventure) – there are simply none available. A Fixer These are the most difficult part of designing a GM
will know when that is the case if they succeed. introduced technique – getting the balance correct
without allowing characters to become too power-
It may be that the item(s) aren’t available locally – in ful and, potentially, damage anything resembling
which case maybe they Fixer can arrange to have them game balance.
brought in from outside, if the roll was successful How-
ever, as GM, feel free to simply say “no” to the outland- This last step requires special care and a great deal
ish requests your players will, eventually, make. of consideration of just how a player character may
abuse it ... and they will if you’re not very careful!

GM CREATED TECHNIQUES In general it is best to hedge the description of such

You can probably see the pattern for most of the special circumstances with weasel words such as
included techniques – “in consultation with the GM” and/or “as determin-
ed by the GM” and, of course, the ever-popular “the
· Three Skills: The first defines the Attribute the GM’s decision is final!”
Technique falls under. The rest are related to the
concept behind the Technique, whatever you As noted elsewhere, the variety of Skills (and, therefore,
decide that might be. Techniques) made available in Road to Armageddon is
mainly pitched at an action-adventure genre, so there is
· Bonus Dice: Normally the Technique will grant plenty of room for Techniques that would be more
the possessor a number of +2D or +4D bonus dice suitable to other genres or styles of play.
for a number of specific skill rolls related to the use
of the Technique over and above those they gain Indeed, Techniques from other D10 system games can be
for the governing Attribute for the Skill in question. used quite happily if it suits the type of campaign you
and your players wish to pursue.
Typically this will be a +2D bonus for things that
are relatively hard or dangerous and a +4D bonus
for things that are less so.

· Continuing Task Bonus: Characters with the

Technique who undertake a Continuing task
typically gain +2D for each additional time period
spent on the task beyond the minimum required.

· Luck Bonus: Expending Experience Luck for the

technique adds a +2D bonus for each point exp-
ended rather than the standard +1D bonus.

· All Out Task Bonus: The character gains a +2D

82 bonus if they make the technique an all out task.

· Special Circumstances: These bonuses are not

Even though efforts have been made to reduce the
level of lethality inherent in any game background
The existence of a unit organisation into which the
that involves the use of modern era weapon systems,
the hard fact is that player characters are very likely
player characters (and their potential replacements)
actually fit provides somewhat more flexibility in the
to die at some point in the game. availability of ranks and authority.

Likewise, in a game covering an underlying military In the example mentioned above, five players and, there-
background, issues of rank and authority become ...
fore, around 20 people in the larger unit, you have an
under strength Rifle Platoon – which should have a
junior officer (or senior NCO) in charge and two or three
Reality limits the number of Officers and NCOs
possible in a unit of a given size, yet groups of players
Squads with at least one, probably two, NCOs in each. c
will often wish that an unrealistic number of their
characters possess such benefits.
Of course, it is possible that it is a specialist unit –
perhaps it is the HQ Platoon of a Rifle (or other type of)
Company, in which case it will include a Captain or

Major, commanding, a slightly more junior Officer as
Adjutant, and other senior NCOs and private soldiers
To minimise the impact of the occasional, inevitable,
death on the flow of the game, and simultaneously
with specialised skills.
providing some level of flexibility in the availability of In the chaos of the 3WW, of course, the organisational
rank and authority, it is strongly suggested that a charts might well be – munged. Stragglers attaching
Player Character party be represented as a military themselves to the unit ... giving more Officers, though,
unit and no just as individual characters. perhaps, not line officers (e.g. a Doctor, who is an officer
but who doesn’t normally command combat troops).
The size of the unit that the PCs belong to needs to be
based on the GM’s estimate of how long the campaign
As much as the Players may like, not everyone can be
is likely to last and how lethal he intends it to be. an NCO or Officer. As a rule of thumb, units have –
A good rule of thumb is to allow 2-3 additional char- · 1 (Lance) Corporal and 1 Sergeant per 6 Privates.
acters for each PC in the party.
· 1 Platoon Sergeant per 3-4 Sergeants.
For example, if there are 5 Players who have generated
characters for the game, the overall unit size would be 5 · 1 Warrant Officer per 3-6 Platoon Sergeants.
+ (5 x 3) = 20 men.

This allows a Player whose character has just died to

· 1 Junior Officer (2nd Lieutenant/Lieutenant) per
Platoon Sergeant.
immediately generate one of these “filler” characters
in detail and start play at the same time and place as · 1 Field Grade Officer (Captain or Major) per 3-6
the rest of the party, with no need to explain how their 2nd Lieutenants/Lieutenants.
replacement “joined up” out of the blue, so to speak.
Your unit may have lower ranks ‘acting’ in a higher rank
Alternately, Players could generate 3-4 characters for a due to losses (a Corporal and Lance Corporal and 6
troupe and play one as their major character and the Privates, for example).
others as “backups” – the rules already allow requiring
characters to make task checks to see whether they would
do something crazy that their player wants them to, but
which a real person would be less than likely to attempt.

The assumption is that the PC’s unit is somehow tied

to a much larger unit which provides supplies replace-
ments for lost personnel, so a more or less constant
unit size is maintained between missions, ensuring
that a Player will always be likely to have access to an 83
alternative character unless the circumstances are
quite unusual.
It is possible that you might have higher ranks in charge For example, some Players prefer to run combat-oriented
of fewer soldiers than normal due to losses (a Lieutenant characters – but what if the whole party consists of such?
in charge of 2-3 Sergeants, with no Platoon Sergeant or
a Captain in Charge of only two Platoon Sergeants. What happens when one of them is wounded and needs
more than First Aid? Or if their transport breaks down?
The above applies to Combat (Line) as opposed to non- Or if they need to interrogate a prisoner or interpret some
Combat (Technical/Specialist) Ranks in Combat units. captured documents and maps?
So the presence of a Surgeon Captain is over and above
the normal rank structure for the unit, and isn’t in the Since the D10 System does not have “character classes”
direct line of command. as do some other roleplaying games it allows for a degree
of flexibility. However, the reality is that a character
SENIOR OFFICERS specialising on a specific concept will be more effective
TV shows such as Star Trek or Stargate SG-1 notwith- in that area than one who possesses a wider skill set.
standing, senior officers (Majors and above) do not
normally participate in day to day combat operations. Troupe play allows for Players to have the best of all
They are commanders and operate from behind the possible worlds. They can play a Combat Rifleman MOS
lines (unless things have gone pear shaped in a really character with a secondary speciality of, say, Scout as
major way!). They do not “beam down” or go on recon their main character and have a Smallarms Artificer
patrols under normal circumstances. MOS character with a secondary specialty of, say,
Rifleman as one of their secondary characters.
Likewise, except in the most exceptional (and usually
disastrous) circumstances, you never get entirely of Of course, there will always be the potential problem of
officers. For most armies, you’re not likely to have what characters to choose for a particular mission –
more than 1-2 officers in a Platoon of 20-40 men, tops. taking along the character’s whole unit just to ensure
that the right mix of skills will more likely be available
During the opening weeks of Barbarossa, for example, simply won’t do if the mission demands a small group of
the Red Army did field whole units comprising only of characters only. Still, at least the Players will have had
Officers – at the expense of crippling all the follow on the chance to make the right choices.
reserve units that they were stripped from in order to be
While military units normally have a TO&E (Table of
The result? Organisation & Equipment) specifying the skill mix of
units, things are never that simple in real life.
The all-officer units performed quite well, but were
chewed up by the Germans anyway – and the units Soldiers assigned to a unit are likely to have a degree
which they were stripped from ... died. Usually wasted of cross training – all military personnel will have
completely. received some small arms training, for example.

Not a good trade off. However, they will also bring with them a variety of
skills from their pre-military civilian life as well as
Keep this in mind when your players are designing “hobby” skills that can quite possibly be held at levels
their characters – nudging them in the right direction. as high as their expected military skills.

TROUPE/UNIT SKILL BASE That plain Combat Rifleman with a secondary Scout
One common problem is that Player preference often specialty could well have been a keen builder and
means a group may not cover a wide skill base – and pilot of ultralight Aircraft in his spare time and may
this can limit the missions they can be easily handle. have worked as a Carpenter in his civilian incarnation.

One way to deal with this is through the use of NPC In a RtA campaign, he is most likely a conscript or
hirelings (or personnel assigned by higher command), National Guardsman/TAVR (or equivalent) “part time”
but this has its own problems – players tend to use soldier and has higher levels of skill in his hobby/civilian
such NPCs as cannon fodder. career than he did (or does) in his military skills.

A better way of providing for a wide skill base is, of In short, having a Troupe based on a military unit allows
course, through the use of Troupe play. The Players the players to have access to some really off the wall
are encouraged to create their favoured character skills in quite a reasonable way ... which, in turn, allows
“type” for initial play, and probably as a couple of the Players to have a considerable degree of flexibility in
84 backups, but are also encouraged to create further the way in which they can handle a wide variety of
backup characters that have a variety of skills they do adventure scenario types.
not normally choose.
The following tables provide a simplified selection of
ranks for Private Soldiers, Non Commissioned and
while their Substantive (Peacetime) rank is much lower
– and yet others will simply be doing the job because
Commissioned Officers of the main Western Allied
and Russo-Japanese forces (or allies of the latter) likely
their superior(s) were all killed and there is no-one else
to be encountered in the European and Far East
Theaters during the Three Way War. Note: Yes, it’s the British Army, not the Royal Army –
but it’s the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force. Likewise,
Because of wartime casualties, many military and
paramilitary forces will have positions being filled by
it’s the Canadian or Australian Armies, but Royal Can-
adian/Australian Air Forces/Navies (the British have
personnel of a much lower rank than would be normal historically mistrusted the Army as a potential force of
in peacetime. Some will have a formalised “Acting”
status, others Brevet (or “Hostilities Only”) promotions
repression, way back even before the Civil War [1642-51,
not 1861-65])
OR1 Private Private Soldat Soldat 2éme
Classe Private (Basic)
OR2 Private 1st Class Lance Corporal Gefreiter Soldat 1ére Classe Private e
OR3 Corporal Corporal Unteroffizier Brigadier ou Caporal (Master) Corporal
OR4 Sergeant Sergeant Unterfeldwebel Maréchal du Logis ou Sergent Sergeant r
OR5 Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Feldwebel Maréchal du Logis-chef Warrant Officer
OR6 Platoon Sergeant – Oberfeldwebel Adjutant Master WO
OR7 Master Sergeant CSM/WO2 Stabsfeledwebel Adjutant-chef Chief WO
OR8 Sergeant Major RSM/WO1 Hauptfeldwebel Major Formation/Command CWO c
CR1 2nd Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
Leutnant Sous-lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant
Lt. Colonel
Lt. Colonel
Chef de Battalion
Lt. Colonel
Lt. Colonel
Brigadier General
Général du Brigade
Brigadier General
Yi-byeong Private
Ryadovoi Ittohei
Private 1st Class
Junior Sergeant
Yefreitor Heicho
Mladshiy Serzheant Gocho
Senior Sergeant
Serzheant Gunso
Starshiy Serzheant Socho
OR6 Jung-sa Sergeant 1st Class Starshina – Chungsa
OR7 Sang-Sa Master Sergeant Praporschik – Sangsa
OR8 Won-sa/Sun-im Won-sa Chief Sergeant 2nd/1st Class Starshiy Praporschik Jun-i Tukmu-sangsa
CR1 So-wi Second Lieutenant Mladshiy Leytenant Sho-i Sowi/Chungwi
CR2 Jung-wi First Lieutenant Starshiy Leytenant Chu-i Sangwi
CR3 Dae-wi Captain Kapitan Tai-i Taewi
CR4 So-ryeong Major Mayor Shosa Sofwa
CR5 Jung-ryeong Lt. Colonel Podpolkovnik Chusa Chungjwa
CR6 Dae-ryeong Colonel Polkovnik Taisa Sangjwa
CR7 Jun-jang Senior Colonel General Mayor Shosho Taejwa
OR1 Seaman Apprentice Able Seaman Marine Matrose Matelot (Brevete)
OR2 Seaman – Lance Corporal Gefreiter Quartier-maitre de 2e Classe
OR3 Petty Officer 3rd Leading Rate Corporal Ober/Hauptgefreitor Quartier-maitre de 1re Classe
OR4 Petty Officer 2nd – – Stabs/Oberstabsgefreitor Second Maitre
OR5 Petty Officer 1st Petty Officer Sergeant Maat/Obermaat Maitre
OR6 Chief Petty Officer Chief Petty Officer Colour Sergeant (Ober)Bootsmann Premiere-Maitre
OR7 Senior CPO WO2 WO2 Hauptbootsmann Maitre Principal
OR8 Master CPO WO1 WO1 (Ober)Stabsbootsmann Major


CR1 Ensign Midshipman 2nd Lieutenant Leutnant zur See Aspirant
CR2 Lt. Junior Grade Sub-lieutenant Lieutenant Kapitanleutnant Enseigne de Vaisseau
CR3 Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Korvettenkapitan Lt. de Vaisseau
CR4 Lt. Commander Lt. Commander Major Korvettenkapitan Capitaine de Corvette
CR5 Commander Commander Lt. Colonel Fregattenkapitan Capitaine de Fregate
CR6 Captain Captain Colonel Kapitan zur See Capitaine de Vaisseau
CR7 Rear Admiral Commodore Brigadier Flottillenadmiral –
OR1 Airman (Leading) Aircraftman Flieger Aviateur de 2e Classe Legionnaire 2e Classe
OR2 Airman 1st Class Snr. Aircraftman Gefreiter Aviateur de 1re Classe Legionnaire 1e Classe
OR3 Senior Airman Corporal Ober/Hauptgefreitor Caporal Caporal
OR4 Staff Sergeant – Stabs/Oberstabsgefreitor Caporal-Chef Caporal-Chef
OR5 Technical Sgt. Sergeant Unteroffizier Sergent Sergent
OR6 Master Sergeant Flight Sergeant (Ober)Feldwebel Sergent-Chef Sergent-Chef
OR7 Senior Mstr Sgt – Hauptfeldwebel Adjutant(Chef) Adjutant(Chef)
OR8 Chief Mstr Sgt Warrant Officer (Ober)Stabsfedwebel Major Major

CR1 2nd Lieutenant Pilot Officer Leutnant Sous-lieutenant Sous-lieutenant
CR2 1st Lieutenant Flying Officer Oberleutnant Lieutenant Lieutenant
CR3 Captain Flight Lieutenant Hauptman Capitaine Capitaine
CR4 Major Squadron Leader Major Commandant Commandant
CR5 Lt. Colonel Wing Commander Oberstleutnant Lt. Colonel Lt. Colonel
CR6 Colonel Group Captain Oberst Colonel Colonel
CR7 Brigadier General Air Commodore Generalmajor General de Brigade Aerienne General de Division

NOTES Saluting: Many armies follow the US practise saluting

CSM/WO2: Company Sergeant Major/Warrant Offic- with the palm down while the British and many Com-
er 2nd Class. RSM/WO1: Regimental Sergeant Maj- monwealth armies salute with the palm outwards. The
or/Warrant Oficer 1st Class. CSMs are WO2’s and French salute is almost identical to the British.
RSM’s are WO1’s.
PLA = People’s Liberation Army: Army of the
Lieutenant: pronounced Lootenant in the US Army People’s Republic of China (not Taiwan)
and Leftenant in British and many British Common-
wealth armies (even in compound ranks – so it’s KPA (Korean People’s Army): Army of the Demoratic
Leftenant Colonel, Flight Leftenant and Leftenant Com- People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). KWPA
mander, for example). (Korean Worker’s and People’s Army): Army of the
Democratic Worker’s and People’s Republic of Korea
Brigadier/Brigadier General: In the British Army (North Korea – post Coup successor to DPRK).
86 (and some Commonwealth Armies) a Brigadier is not
a General Officer, and is referred to as Brigadier ROK Army: Army of the Republic of Korea (South
rather than the (much later, historically) US practice. Korea).
To assist players and GMs understand how the mech-
anics of Character Creation works, the following work-
The first will increase the number of Action Dice she has
to spend in a Combat Turn, while the second gives her
ed example is provided. an NCO level rank (so she’ll be at least a Lance Corporal
or Pfc, depending on the size of her home Troupe – and
CORPORAL JANE SMITH, SAS negotiation with the GM and the rest of the Troupe
In this instance, the player has decided that he wishes
to run a Special Forces character (Australian SAS, for
makes her an attachment, not a regular member, and
allows her to be a Corporal, supernumerary).
example) and, if possible, a Sniper.
He doesn’t give her any balancing Disadvantages, not
Wanting her to be in the peak of condition, and with feeling the small expenditure of SP made will have a
a good grounding of education and skills, he decides
that Jane Smith will be –
negative impact on Skill purchase (and he can always
come back later and change his mind!).
· Adult (23 years old). He rolls for 18 for her Attrib- He chooses, as noted above, to follow a Special Forces
ute Points and 42 for her Skill Points. Career. She has 36 Skill Points to spend on Skills and

· Blue Collar. Which means Jane adds +1 to APT or

Techniques, which she distributes as follows – e
HLT Abilities (and a +1 Focus on either), +1 level
to APT or CUN based Skills, choosing HLT Ability
· Firearms/5, HLT (5 SP)
· Martial Arts/3, HLT (3 SP)
and APT Skills. · Melee/3, HLT (3 SP)
· Athletics/3, HLT (3 SP)
The Player decides to distribute the 18 Ability Points · Driving/2, HLT (2 SP)
he rolled as follows, maximising HLT as this is the
governing Ability of the Special Forces Career –
· Concentration/4 (4 SP)
· Observation/4, CUN (5 SP)
· Survival/3, APT (4 SP)
HLT/5 (4 AP); Reaction Speed +1 (MNA/6)
· CUN/4 (4 AP), Interpret Visual Cues +1
· Gunsmith/2 (APT) (1 x 2, 1 Free = 2 SP)
· Environ Knowledge/3 (DED) (3 SP)
· APT/3 (3 AP), Mechanical Klutz (Vehicles) -1
· DED/3 (3 AP)
· Leadership/1 (CMD) (1 SP)
· CMD/4 (4 AP) All of the Skills she has chosen, except Gunsmith, are
· LCK/2 (1/2d+1, rolled 2) Career Skills and cost 1 SP/level to their governing
Attribute and 2 SP/level thereafter. Since many of the
She chooses to use the free +1 Focus for +1 Reaction
Speed and takes a +/-1 combination for Interpret Visual
Skills are at SL/2+, they must have Specialisations –
Cues off CUN and Mechanical Klutz (Vehicles) off APT. Firearms/2, Longarms (Military)/5

Speedy and visually alert, but Jane and motor vehicles

Martial Arts/2, Hold/3
Melee/2, Bayonet/3
do not have a friendly relationship. Athletics/2, Run/3
Next, he chooses Quirks (which are optional at this Concentration/4
stage), and decides Jane will take – Observation/2, Stakeout/4
Survival/2, Tropical Jungle/3
· Lightning Reflexes (3 SP) · Gunsmith/2
· Military Rank (3 SP) Environ Knowledge/2, Home City/3

The Skills are appropriate for Career Military, which

Jane’s has decided she is, though her Firearms and
Stakeout skills could be parlayed into a SWAT or
general Police job). The total cost so far is 34 Skill
Points, leaving 2 SP – which the player uses to
purchase –

Sniper Technique (2 SP) 87

As the player has decided that she wants to be able to
‘reach out and touch someone’ as she has spent more SKILLS IN PRACTISE
on ranged combat than close combat skills . So, how do Jane Smith’s skills stack up? Remember,
all Skill Levels add +1 to determine the Check Number.
Jane has Firearms (Longarms)/5, Observation (Stake- Lets look at several –
out)/4 and Concentration/4 – the minimum requirement
is Firearms (Longarms)/5 and the other two at Skill/4). · Firearms (Longarms)/5 becomes Skill Roll/6 +
HLT/5 = 11D. Using her L42a1, which is +2s, this
At this point, Jane is ready to Muster Out, and she can increases to 13D and +4D Scopesights make it 17D.
add a bonus equal to the number of successes a (HLT
+ Highest Career Skill) Check against Average DIFF . Base DIFF = Average (3 Successes)
That is (6 + 5) = 11D vs DIFF 3. She rolls 4 Successes
(i.e. 8+), for a -1 DIFF to her Mustering Out roll. Short Range = +0 DIFF = 3 DIFF. Medium Range =
+2 DIFF = 5 DIFF. Long Range = +4 DIFF = 7 DIFF.
For Mustering Out, she rolls 1D = (3-1) = 2, which is Extreme Range = +8 DIFF = 11 DIFF.
way less than her HLT/5. This means she gains either
an additional Advantageous Quirk or 1 AP or 3 SP. She On 17D you would expect to roll an average of 6-7
chooses an added Quirk – Successes, meaning that Jane should be able to hit
Targets out to Long Range pretty much all the time
Situational Awareness. and will have a fair chance of hitting them at
Extreme Range.
This Quirk makes her much harder to surprise – an
excellent advantage for a Special Forces Sniper! · Firearms/2 becomes Skill Roll/3 + HLT/5 = 8D.
Using his Browning Hi Power, which has +1s, this
Even if she’d already taken 3 Advantageous Quirks, she increases to 9D.
would get this one as the Retirement Check is a must roll.
Using the same Base Diff and Range Modifiers as
He then determines her at start budget, rolling 11 on above, Jane should roll an average of 3-4 Successes,
2D, which gives him $(11 x HLT x 250) = $15000. meaning she can hit things with her Pistol out to
Short Range pretty much all the time, and has a
He also determines at start Experience in each Attrib- fair chance of hitting them at Medium Range.
ute, which must be distributed among the skills that
have that governing Attribute (if any) – Barring other modifiers being applied, of course.

· HLT = 12 EP. · Survival, Temperate Woodlands/3 becomes Skill

· CUN = 8 EP. Roll/4 + APT/5 = 9D.
· APT = 10 EP
· DED = 6 EP Jane is looking for a a Sniper’s Nest with good field
· COM = 8 EP of vision and secure escape route in a Tropical
Jungle environment.
She gets a Military Weapon (OR + Officer – special deal
for Special Forces) and Field Kit free. She takes a Lee The GM determines that finding cover is Easy
Enfield L42a1 Sniper Rifle (8 Mags), Browning Hi- DIFF, finding an Escape Route is Average DIFF, but
Power Pistol (5 Mags) and a Combat Knife for the that finding both together is Hard DIFF. He’s feel-
weapons and leaves the Field Kit for the moment. ing generous, and allows Jane to roll for all three
With her ‘retirement’ cash she purchases – at once, taking the best result.

· FN P90 SMG. $1000, 6 x 50 round magazines. Rolling 9D normally generates 2-3 Successes, so
· +4D Telescopic Sights. $3750 (for the L42a1) Jane will have no difficulty finding a Nest and is
· 4x Binoculars. $2500. very likely to find an Escape route, but not as likely
· PASGT Body Armour. $1250 (3 FAT, 6 DAM) to find both together. Without modifiers.
· PASGT Kevlar Helmet. $50 (3 FAT, 3 DAM)
The most obvious one is added. The GM decides
For a total of $7550, leaving $7450 for other personal she’ll get +1d for each extra 5 minutes – but that
equipment and, possibly, a vehicle (or a share in one an enemy force is nearing and taking too much
with one or more other PCs). time will mean they’ll arrive before she can finish.

The GM determined that Jane’s particular SAS unit was Jane decides to spend 20 minutes, for +3D (the first
88 posted to West African and she managed to acquire the 5 minutes is the base time period), for a total of
P90 SMG from ex-Nigerian government sources while 12D – which will probably generate 4-5 successes,
there. The rest of the stuff is generically available. enough for her to find her Nest with escape route.
In this instance, the player has decided that he wishes
to run a Civilian character – a War Correspondent
who has been embedded with a front line unit.

Wanting him to be an experienced Correspondent,

with a lot of mileage behind him in the job and with
a good grounding of education and skills, he decides
that Brian Jones will be –

· Experienced (36 years old). He rolls for 20 for his

Attribute Points and 54 for his Skill Points.
· White Collar. Which means Brian gets +1 DED or · Driving/2, HLT (2 SP)
CMD Ability and +1 level to DED or CMD based
Skills. Brian chooses DED for Ability and CMD for
· Observation/4, CUN (4 SP)
Performer/3, APT (3 SP)
Skills. Streetwise Skill, however, will cost as if
non-Career (or higher).
· Seduction/3, CMD (3 SP)
· Streetwise/5, CMD (5 x 2 = 10 SP)
Firearms/2, HLT (2 x 2 = 4 SP)
The Player decides to distribute the 20 Ability Points
he rolled as follows, maximising DED as this is the
Seamanship/3, HLT (3 x 2 = 6 SP) e
governing Ability of the Journalist – All of the Skills he has chosen, except Firearms and
Seamanship (double cost), are Career Skills and cost 1
HLT/3 (3 AP), Balance -1, MNA/3* SP/level to their governing Attribute (none exceed this).
· CUN/5 (5 AP)
· APT/3 (3 AP) Firearms because he’s a War Correspondent embedded
· DED/5 (4 AP), Detect Falsehood +1
· CMD/4 (4 AP)
in a front line unit. Seamanship as his childhood hobby,
developed in adulthood to a Mate’s Certificate.
· LCK/3 (1/2d+1, rolled 4)

He chooses to have a Focus – +1 Detect Falsehood and

Streetwise, however, costs extra because of Brian’s
pampered White Collar upbringing.
takes -1 Balance as a consequence.
Environ Knowledge and Humanities cost is halved
He is a good investigator (DED), has great street smarts because their governing Attribute is DED and skills
(CUN) and above average CMD for the chutzpah to get
the latest Scoop! Pity about his poor balance and the *2
based on that Attribute are halved due to Brian’s
White Collar background.
AD minimum spend and -1d penalty for each Action.
All those skills account for 52 of his 54 Skill Points –
Next, he chooses Quirks (which are optional at this he has something in mind for the remaining 2 SP.
stage), and decides Brian will take –
Since all except Seamanship are held at SL/3 or
· Connections (3 SP)
· Reputation (Civilian) (3 SP)
greater, they must have Specialisations.
· Curiosity (-3 SP) · Environ Knowledge/2, 3rd World War Zones/4
· Minor Disability (-3 SP) · Brawling/2, Punch/3
Humanities/2, Geopolitics/3, Modern History/3
The two Advantageous Quirks are balanced by the two · Concentration/4 (4 SP)
Disadvantageous ones. For his Minor Disability Brian · Detective/2, Interrogation/4, Intelligence/3
chooses a HLT based one – a slight limp in his case, · Driving/2
from an old war wound (or so he claims!). · Observation/2, Stakeout/4
Performer/2, Photography/3
As noted above, he chooses to follow a Journalist Seduction/3
Career. He has 54 Skill Points to spend on Skills and Streetwise/5
Techniques, which he distributes as follows – Firearms/2, Pistol/3
Seamanship/2, Mate’s Certificate (Sail)/3
· Environ Knowledge/4, DED (3 SP)
· Brawling/3, HLT (3 SP) The wide variety of Skills are an interesting accomp-
· Humanities/4, DED (3 SP) animent to a career spent reporting on small wars all 89
· Concentration/4 (4 SP) over the Third World and, more recently, in the West
· Detective/5, CUN (4 SP) African theater as the 3WW hots up.
With his remaining 2 SP, the player has decided that · 35mm SLR Camera, $3750
Brian is a ‘player’ as well, and purchased – · 10 x 36 35mm Colour Film, $2500

Fixer Technique Leaving him with $3000 for other gear and, possibly,
a share in a vehicle.
Brian has Streetwise/5, Environ Knowledge/4 and
Concentration/4 – the minimum requirement is Street- SKILLS IN PRACTISE
wise)/5 and the other two at Skill/4). So, how do Brian Jones’s skills stack up? Remember,
all Skill Levels add +1 to determine the Check Number.
At this point, Brian is ready to Muster Out, and he can Lets look at several –
add a bonus equal to the number of successes a (DED
+ Highest Career Skill) Check against Average DIFF Observation/2, Stakeout/4. Brian has informat-
makes. That is (6 + 6) = 12D vs DIFF 3. He rolls 3 ion that this Port Harcourt Office Building is a
Successes (i.e. 8+), for a -0 DIFF to Mustering Out. front for a Boko Haram espionage cell – but he
doesn’t know which one. Short of breaking in to all
For Mustering Out, he may roll for an Extra Quirk, of them, his best shot is to observe the comings and
which he decides to do, and rolls 1D = 9 which is goings from a concealed (or at least non-obvious)
higher than his DED/6. This means he must take a spot – the very definition of a Stakeout.
Disadvantageous Quirk. Looking over the list, he
chooses to take – The GM determines that doing so and remaining
successfully unnoticed is Hard DIFF. Brian’s
Enemies (Boko Haram) Stakeout has CN/4+1 = 5, to which he adds his
CUN/5 as the governing Ability, for a Task Code of
Which goes with the territory – somewhere along the 10D4. He has to roll 4 or more successes on 10D,
line, his coverage of ‘unrest’ in Nigeria/West Africa which will normally roll 3-4 Successes.
really got up the nose of Boko Haram’s higher echel-
ons, and they have a ‘hit’ out on him … and their He takes a chance, and goes without any further
connections with the Caliphate mean that Brian is not modifiers, and rolls 3, 4, 8, 9, 0, 2, 6, 8, 7, 1 for four
necessarily safe even outside of Africa. successes and a re-roll (for the ‘0’), which only
comes up as a 1.
He also determines at start Experience in each Attrib-
ute, which must be distributed among the skills that That’s a normal success, so he waits several hours
have that governing Attribute (if any) – and is able to put together a plot chart that finally
pinpoints the office the Cell is operating from.
· HLT = 6 EP.
· CUN = 10 EP. · Environ Knowledge/2, 3rd World War Zones/4.
· APT = 6 EP Brian needs to find someone capable of (and po-
· DED = 10 EP tentially willing to) smuggling an associate of his
· COM = 8 EP out of Makurdi, where Boko Haram are purging
(murdering) anyone with any ‘un-islamic’ connect-
He then determines his starting Budget by rolling (2D ions, down to Port Harcourt.
x DED x 250), rolling 8. This gives him $(8 x 6 x 250)
= $12000. He also gets a Laptop and either an Urban He knows that there are smugglers who move oil
or Rural Dweller Kit … he takes the Rural Dweller one and other goods up and down the Niger and who
($1000 worth of camping and survival gear and a Bolt will be able to divert towards Makurdi and pick up
Action Rifle/Double Barrel Shotgun or $500 off a his friend – but only in the sense that he knows
Semi-Auto Rifle or Pump Action Shotgun). that they existed before the Civil War and probably
still do. In order to find them, he will have to use
Brian’s player confers with the GM, arguing that his his Environ Knowledge.
Pistol specialisation should mean he gets a free or
subsidised Pistol … and the GM agrees. So he takes a The GM determines that this is actually Difficult
S&W Model 27 .357 Magnum Revolver ($250 with DIFF. With DED/5 + War Zones/4, this gives a Task
discount) and 4 speedloaders. Code 9D5.

Out of his remaining $11750 he purchases – Brian’s 9D will normally roll 3-4 successes, which
is not enough to be certain, so he decides to spend
· Kevlar Tactical Armour, $750 (3 FAT, 5 DAM) extra time – the GM decides that this will be in 1
90 · Medium Ceramic Inserts, $1000 (+2 FAT, +2 DAM) hour increments. Each additional hour is -1 DIFF,
· PASGT Kevlar Helmet, $50 (3 FAT, 3 DAM) so he spends 3 hours for -2 DIFF, reducing TC to
· Small Solar Charger, $100 9D3 which he should be able to finesse easily.


This chapter deals with the core element of the D10 your way to work when you get a flat, at worst you will
Game System – the Task Resolution and the more be late – and that’s rarely fatal.
specialised Combat/Crisis Resolution mechanics.
On the other hand, if fixing the flat quickly means

TASKS & TASK CHECKS getting to the airport for the last plane out of town before
the Nuke left by al Quaeda explodes – that’s problematic!
The key element of any role playing game is a method
for determining what a character’s chance of succeed- TERMINOLOGY
ing at a specific action might be. In the D10 System (Base) Task Number (BTN or TN): A Dice Pool equal
his is done through the Task Check procedure. to the Attribute connected to the Skill the Task Check
is based plus the Check Number (CN) of the Skill.
A Task is any situation where one or more characters A character with Health/3 and Firearms CN/3 (i.e.
needs to determine whether they are successful in Skill/2) would have BTN/6. That is, you will roll 6D.
performing either a single discrete action or a closely
related set of actions. Check Number (CN): This is the character’s purch-
ased level in a skill plus one (+1).
Not all Tasks need to follow a mechanistic resolution Yes, that means the minimum Check Number = CN/2.
procedure – only those for which success is seen to be
problematic (i.e. uncertain). Modified BTN: The sum of the BTN and any modifiers
applicable to the specific Task. Modifiers are normally
Driving long the Interstate isn’t normally problematic, for Time and Other factors (qv).
regardless of skill level. Weaving in and out of traffic to
dodge maniacs firing automatic weapons at you – that is Other (Modifier): Any other modifier that adds dice to
problematic, and requires a Task Check. the BTN to create the Modified BTN. These are norm-
ally the result of Situational factors relating to the
Even where success may seem to be certain, if there is specific circumstance or because of bonuses resulting
deemed to be a chance that completion may be delay- from Quirks and/or Techniques.
ed, and such delay could be problematic, then a mech-
anistic resolution process may also be necessary. Success/Successes: A Success is achieved when one of
the dice rolled in a Task Check shows a result of 8+
Fixing a tyre is so simple it is a certainty – but, if it needs (that is, 8-9-0).
to be done at speed by an Indy 500 pit crew, then the
speed at which the change is finished is problematic! Any result of zero (0) may be re-rolled for a possible
additional success (on the usual 8+).
Even for such tasks (with problematic outcomes or
delays), not all need be resolved mechanistically. Only This applies even to additional dice resulting from such
those where the consequences of failure or delay in rerolls – if you keep scoring zero, you keep rerolling!
completion would be … unpleasant.
For some Task Checks to be successful, more than one
Changing a flat tyre will take a variable amount of time, Success must be scored (see Task Difficulty, below).
and so is potentially problematic. If you’re simply on
Task Code (TC): The TN and the Task Difficulty (DIFF)
in the format xDy, where “x” is the TN and “y” is the
relevant Task Difficulty. This is the format for all Task
Codes as Modifiers (for Time or Other) will vary from
situation to situation.

Thus, 5D2 indicates that BTN = 5D and DIFF = 2. This

means that the character needs to roll 8+ on at least two
(2) dice to succeed at the task in question.

92 Task Difficulty (TD): The number of Successes that

need to be rolled for a Task Check to achieve success.
Unless otherwise stated, Base DIFF is always Average.
Time (Modifier): All tasks requite Time to carry out.
Additional time gives additional modifiers.
Time Period (TP): For Combat checks, normally one
Pulse (1 second) of a 6 Pulse (6 second) Combat Phase. a
For Non-Combat tasks, the period will vary – they may
fit within a 6 Pulse Combat Phase or, more likely, will
take considerably longer – typically between one (1)
and ten (10) minutes, perhaps as long as an hour
(longer tasks should use the Continuing Tasks process).
Spending additional time adds bonus dice to the Base
Task Number, typically +1D for each additional Time
Period of the base amount for that task, up to +6D.
· If the number of Successes achieved equals or
See Actions & Time in the Combat Resolution section
and Continuing and Multi-Stage Tasks at the end of this
exceeds the Difficulty (DIFF), the Check is successful
(check for Additional/Critical effects).
section for further details.
· If the number of Successes achieved are less than
the Difficulty (DIFF), the Check is failed (and check
TASK RESOLUTION for Shortfall/Critical Failure effects).
Task Resolution involves determining the number of
Dice (D10) to be rolled and the Difficulty Level against DETERMINE TASK DIFFICULTY (DIFF)
which the results are to be checked (the number of
Successes – rolls of 8+ – needed to overcome that DIFF).
The GM determines the Task Difficulty using the Task
Difficulty Table, which gives some basic overall ratings
which may be used as-is or modified by situational and
other factors (see Combat/Crisis Resolution).
The following steps apply to all Task Resolution except
for Opposed, Resisted or Continuing Tasks (and Com- Unless otherwise noted, Base Task DIFF is Average.
bat/Crisis Resolution) –
Yes, it is possible to end up with a DIFF/9+ … which is not
· Determine Task Difficulty (DIFF). necessarily impossible to achieve (with additional Time
and Other modifiers).
· Determine Base Task Number (BTN) = Attribute +
This is simply the Ability Rating plus (Skill Level +1)
· Determine Modifiers that apply – Time or Other – of the character who is attempting the action.
and add to the (BTN) to determine Modified BTN.
This rating may be further modified by injury, disease or
· Roll dice equal to the Modified BTN. Those that situational factors affecting the character. Some Tech-
show a result of 8+ (8-9-0) are successes. niques or Quirks may modify this, as may a variety of
situational modifiers.
Remember, you get to re-roll results of zero (0) for
possible additional successes. DETERMINE TIME AND OTHER MODIFIERS
The GM determines the basic Time Period on which a
DIFFICULTY RATING given Task will be based. This is both the minimum
1 Simple period for the Task and also the additional time giving
a +1D bonus to the Task Check.
2 Easy
3 Average The maximum Time Bonus that can be gained by this
method is +6D. Beyond this, the Continuing Tasks rule
4 Hard
(following) should be used.
5 Difficult
This will typically be a one (1) minute – if you decide a
6 Unlikely
smaller time period is needed, use the Combat/Crisis
7 Extreme Resolution system and its six (6) Pulses (each of 1 second).
8 Incredible 93
Under most circumstances, the maximum period should
9 Impossible be ten (10) minutes, as any Task that requires an addit-
WHAT FAILURE REPRESENTS ional hour to get a +6D bonus (the base 10 minutes + 60
A Task Check represents a situation where the minutes, or 70 minutes, in this case) would better be
result isn’t certain. The Check roll is a represent- represented by the use of the Continuing Tasks rule.
ation of that uncertainty.
Other Modifiers is as catch-all for, well, Other Modif-
However, failure at a task whose outcome is prob- iers. It includes anything that isn’t a Time Modifier and
lematic doesn’t always have dire consequences. which doesn’t modify Difficulty (DIFF) or Ability Rating.

Sometimes the results will be (or will seem to be) These will be situational, eg you may have to perform a
“black and white” – in combat, you either hit or mechanical repair on your Pickup – and, yes, you have
miss for example – but that’s not always the case. tools. However, if the repair really requires a garage –
there is a penalty for not having a full range of tools.
If you’re searching a house for a hidden safe that
contains the document you need, failure means … Other Modifiers will normally range from +6D to -6D, but
what? If the document is a necessity for progress, several may apply simultaneously.
then failure – total, complete, absolute and utter
lack of success – and the adventure grinds to a halt. Impossible Tasks. Sometimes resolving a situation is
more problematic than normal, which may be for a
Possibly permanently (all too often in linear, variety of reasons, some of which include –
commercially available scenarios).
· It really is impossible to resolve by Skill Use.
Is this what you want? More importantly, is it even · It is impossible to resolve as it is currently framed.
realistic? · It is impossible to resolve with the Skills available.
· It is impossible to resolve with the Gear available.
Surely the most likely outcome of “failure” in
such a case is that the searchers simply tear the As currently framed. If you can’t get through a jammed
house apart, spend more time, or get in a different door or caved in corridor, perhaps you can backtrack or
search team, or apply some technology … find a way under, over or around or if you can’t defuse
something. the bomb, perhaps you can move it to where it won’t do
any (or as much) harm.
The real result of “failure,” so called, will, most
likely, be a delay in progress. Even in real life this With the Skills available. You can’t do Brain Surgery
won’t always mean complete, total and utter failure with Mechanical Engineering skill … or vice versa, for
of the entire mission … and it certainly shouldn’t that matter. Being an expert Electrical Tech won’t help
in a role playing game, either! you doing Library Research. A Fighter Pilot isn’t necess-
arily a leader of men (Command).
What is more than likely is that the characters will
suffer a setback – or the next scene will find their With the Gear available. You can’t perform Brain Surg-
quarry/opponent(s) with an advantage (though ery with your bare hands even if you are a Surgeon, or
not one that means that they will be certainly, or access the Internet with a rotary dial Telephone. And
even ultimately, successful). repairing a Fighter Jet’s flak damaged engine with a
Swiss Army Knife is a non-starter.
The PCs may have lost this round. But, somehow,
there will be the chance of a rematch … where ROLL THE DICE AND CHECK SUCCESSES
they will have another chance to take down the Each Die rolling an 8+ (that is, an 8-9-0) counts as a
seemingly invincible villains. success – and the total number of successes is checked
against the Difficulty of the task.
That may not be the case, always, in real life – but
a role playing game isn’t really about fully repre- Each die that rolls a zero (0) counts as a success, and
senting real life. For the most part, the “good may be re-rolled for a possible additional success.
guys” win through in the end.
Dice may continue to be re-rolled as long as you keep
Though possibly (probably, if they are real klutzes on rolling zeroes (there is no upper limit).
or hugely unlucky at key moments) at great cost!
This makes it possible to succeed at tasks where the
Remember this both when writing up your DIFF is greater than the BTN (that is, greater than the
planned scenarios (or allow for it when using number of dice initially rolled).
94 commercial ones that don’t allow for it) and also
when considering the results of “failure.” If a character rolls 4D, and the results are 3, 4, 8, 0, then
they have scored two successes and a re-roll. If the
re-rolled die is 8+, it is another success - and if it is a zero
(0), then it counts as a success and allows another re-roll.
Note: This applies only to dice rolled for Task Checks,
and not for Damage Dice. a
If the Check roll doesn’t generate enough “successes”
to equal/exceed the Difficulty (DIFF), it is a Failure.
If the roll fails to even a single success it is a Critical
Failure (see Shortfalls and Critical Failures, below).
If the Check roll generates enough “successes” to
equal/exceed the Difficulty (DIFF), it is a Success.

If the roll succeeds and rolls more successes than the

Difficulty (DIFF), then it is a Critical Success (see Addit-
ional Successes and Critical Successes, below).
If a Task Check rolls exactly the number of Successes
needed, it is a Normal Success. If it scores more, the


Additional Successes mean additional effects may apply. s
A Success in a Task Check occurs the successes rolled
equals/exceeds Task Difficulty (DIFF). A Failure rolls
These “additional effects” encompass what other Role
Playing Games call “Critical Successes.”
fewer successes than Task Difficulty (DIFF).

If the Success is great enough, it may generate Addition-

Unlike other Roleplaying games, the player who scored
the additional successes may choose exactly how to
al Successes, greatly enhancing the result of the Check.
If the Failure is bad enough (rolls 1 on all dice), it may
distribute them amongst the choices available.
be a Critical Failure, greatly worsening the results. Combat Effects: Additional Successes can be used for
any combination of the following.
Under some circumstances, characters may not have
to roll dice at all to achieve a success. · Increase Standard Damage or Armour Penetration:
Weapons doing D damage either roll more Dice or
Automatic Success means no possible Additional Success. get an automatic penetration with existing Dice.
But no possibility of Critical Failure, either.
Additional successes are split between the two. It
AUTOMATIC SUCCESS costs +1 Success Die (SD) for each extra die up to the
Characters may trade four dice from their Modified Base Damage, +2SD for each die to twice that, and
BTN for one Automatic Success. They may trade all or +3SD for each die to triple that (the maximum).
part of their pool for such successes.
A Pistol doing Base Damage 3D costs +1SD for each
A PC with Health CN/3 and Drive (Car)/5 who sees a added Die to +3D, +2SD for each Die from +4D to +6D
child run onto the street in front of them has an Easy/2 and +3SD for each Die from +7D to +9D.
Check to swerve and avoid them – for TN 8D2 – but may
trade all eight of their dice for two Automatic Successes. A Rifle doing Base Damage 8D costs +1SD for each
added Damage Die to +8D, +2SD for each die from
An Automatic Success achieves the bare minimum level +9D to +16D, +3SD for each die from +17D to +24D.
of success possible.
It costs +1SD for each existing (or additional) Die to
For example, in an attack with a Pistol that does 3D be converted to automatic penetration against
damage, an automatic success would do only 3D – while personal armour..
rolling dice might give additional damage.
A 3D Pistol could convert each die to an automatic
SUCCESS penetration for +1SD each – or +3SD for all three dice.
If the number of successes achieved is equal to or To increase it to +4d costs +1SD for the extra die and
greater than the task difficulty, then the character has a +1SD for the automatic penetration.
succeeded in their actions.
· Increase Pure Armour Piercing Damage: For A type 95
If you roll 8+ on two dice for a 5D2 Check, this is two (2) damage it costs +1SD per +10% (round to nearest,
successes so the Check is a success. minimum +1A) added to base damage.
A Browning M2HB SLAP round does 11A Damage – Rounds with dual AP/HE damage are designed to be
each +1SD increases that by +1A (to +10SD to +11A). Armour Piercing using the Monroe effect shaped charge
principal – any HE effect is secondary.
· Increase Hybrid Standard/AP Damage: For dual
D/A damage you must choose one or the other. · Convert Fatigue Damage to Lethal Damage (PCs
only): +1SD to convert half (round fractions down,
Increasing the D rating is as for Standard Damage minimum of 1D) non-lethal damage to lethal; or
(above). Increasing the A rating, however, costs the +2SD to convert all non-lethal to lethal damage.
D rating dice to get an increase equal to the A rating.
Non-Combat Effects: Additional Successes can be used
For example, a Rifle doing 8D (1A) would cost 8SD to for any combination of the following non-combat (or
increase the 1A to 2A, while a Machinegun doing 17D not specifically combat) effects.
(8A) would cost 17d to increase the 8A to 16A.
· Add to/Subtract from Skill Level for next Action
These rounds are not intended for use against (PCs only): Add +1 to own Skill Level per each
Heavy Armour, and are harder to boost without additional success for the next Task Check using
the bullet disintegrating. the same skill or subtract -1D from a single oppo-
nent’s next skill roll in any Skill (+1SD).
Some weapons also have AP rounds, e.g. the M2HB
SLAP would use the more “pure” AP rules above. This bonus/penalty “decays” by +/-1 per turn the
skill use is delayed (and is exhausted entirely on next
· Increase Pure High Explosive Damage: For “E” skill use by whomever it is applicable to).
only Damage, +1SD gives +10% (round to nearest,
minimum of +1E) added to base damage. · Add to/Subtract from Action Pool (PCs Only): Add
+1D to own Action Pool per +2SD. Or subtract -1D
A 60 mm HE Mortar Bomb (24E), for example, would from an opponent’s Action Pool (same cost).
get +2E for +1SD, +5E for +2SD and so on.
The Bonus/Penalty applies to the BTN for the next
· Increase Hybrid AP/HE Damage: For dual A/E Combat Turn only – even if that is further modified.
damage choose one of the two to increase. +1SD
gives either +10% to the A rating (round to nearest, Cost of all the above effects are doubled for NPCs, and
minimum +1A) or +5% to the E rating (round to some are not available to them at all (though the GM
nearest, minimum of +1E). may allow them for ‘Star’ NPCs or ‘Boss’ Villains at their
A Task Check that results in either a Shortfall or The PCs are the “heroes” (or at least the focus) of your
Critical Failure is considerably worse than “just” “story” so they get advantages their opponents don’t –
a Failure – but, unlike some RPGs, it won’t result which is as it should be.
in you shooting your foot off … or even in you
shooting your friend’s foot off. FAILURE
If the number of successes achieved is less than the
Likewise, you won’t drop your weapon – nor will Difficulty, then the task has failed.
your weapon (mostly, anyway) break or jam irrep-
airably (or as near as damnit in the midst of a If the character rolling 5D managed to roll a 1-7 on all
combat). dice, they have achieved no successes and fail all tasks.

Yes, random events do happen. In combat, the If they rolled one success, they would be successful only
shot that misses the target may well hit someone at a DIFF 1 task and fail those of higher difficulty. If they
miles away … someone unaware, even, that there’s rolled two successes, they would be successful at tasks up
a combat going on … miles away. to DIFF 2 and fail at those of DIFF 3 or higher.

S*** happens. Unless they can scare up some additional dice (for Time
expended, or for Other modifiers) or they manage to roll
However, it doesn’t happen as frequently as it some zero (0) results, allowing for additional dice to be
seems to in some RPGs. rolled, they cannot succeed at DIFF 6+ tasks.

And in the D10 system, as noted elsewhere, the It may still be worthwhile to attempt such tasks – where
96 characters are the “heroes” of the story – so they even “failure” will reduce the effects of or slow down
get cut some real slack. something where not trying at all would be even worse
(see What Failure Represents elsewhere).
Failing is one thing. The results may not be all that
bad – and you can, in most cases, try again and again
until you succeed, possibly with no particular penalty.

However, you can fail really badly – sometimes. There

are two grades of bad failure – Shortfall and Critical.
Shortfall Failure: Occurs on a failed Check Roll if all
the dice rolled 1-7. e
A 5D3 task would score a Shortfall if all dice scored 1-7.

The penalty for a Shortfall equals the DIFF of the task Critical Failure: Occurs where the Check fails and all
attempted. The character who failed the roll must
choose from amongst the following –
the dice rolled turn ones (1). s
· Time Delay: Lose effective Time (and any relevant
A 7D5 task scores a Critical if the Check failed and all
seven dice rolled a 1.
bonus dice) immediately. The amount of DIFF
absorbed is equal to cumulative value of the time
lost. One Pulse absorbs 1 DIFF; 2 Pulses absorbs 1
Yes, that would be very rare. Extremely so. Critical
Failures are deliberately less likely in the D10 System as
+ 2 = 3 DIFF and so on. a design decision (explained elsewhere).
This represents a gear glitch/distraction. It must be The penalty for a Critical Failure depends Task DIFF.
taken immediately – pre-empting any action. No
action may be performed until the lost time is used.
The character at whom the failed roll was directed (or
a random character from the opposing side, if not
Any that cannot be achieved in any time that remains
directed specifically) chooses from amongst the possib-
ilities detailed for Shortfall (see above).
may be partially attempted (such as movement) but
must be converted into a Held Action if it would have The fact that the opposition gets to choose is the kicker
to spread across to another Combat Phase. here, rather than increasing the amount of the effect.

· Dodge Loss: Lose 1D from inherent Dodge for the TASK CHECKS AND UNSKILLED SKILL USE
next action targetting them (within the next six Where a character does not have any skill at all in a
seconds, even if spread over two Combat Turns). specific skill, they may still attempt to use it unless the
Skill Description is marked with an asterisk (*).
Absorption is cumulative, as above – the first point
absorbs 1 DIFF, the second absorbs 1 + 2 = 3 DIFF. Skills marked with an asterisk (*) are so complex it is not
possible to use them without training.
The character is caught somewhat flat-footed. But
only for one Action directed against them. If you don’t have Surgery, you can’t do surgery – but
you may allow a Medic/EMT to remove an appendix at
· Skill Loss: Lose 1D from the Skill used in the next no Unskilled check. But Open Heart surgery? No way!
Action they take (regardless of how long until then,
unless Combat actually ends before the next When making an unskilled Task Check they roll a test
action). Absorption is cumulative, as above. against half the governing Attribute, rounding fractions
down … but a minimum value of 1 applies,
This reduction should, first and foremost, be in the
Skill that the character just failed the test in. Howev- For Example, a PC wants to clear a Minefield (governing
er, if the next action they take uses another Skill, that Attribute = DED), but has no Military Science Skill. They
should be affected instead … would roll half their DED, rounding fractions down. If
they had DED/3, that would mean a BTN/1 would apply.
· Odd DIFF: If one point of DIFF remains because of
the cumulative absorption to the three penalty
areas, it reduces one “success” in the next roll to a TASK TYPES
failure and a zero (0) to a non-reroll success. ALL OUT TASKS
In some situations it is possible to put in a far more
On a roll of 5D3, results of 3, 4, 9, 8 and 0 would intense level of physical or mental effort – at a cost. 97
normally be two successes and a re-roll … but are Characters may put in such an effort for any Health,
reduced to two normal successes, and a failed roll. Cunning, Aptitude, Command or Deduction based skill
ARE SKILLS ALWAYS NECESSARY? and gain +2D to the check for each one (1) grade of FAT
Given that the D10 System has an atypical they take – representing the massive extra effort.
attitude towards Failure compared to most RPGs,
it won’t come as a surprise to find that it sees the Characters making an All Out effort in non-Health based
necessity of Skills somewhat differently as well. tasks represents an expenditure of mental and/or emo-
tional effort that creates a the same level of emotional or
As it says, in Unskilled Skill Use, opposite, for mental “fatigue” that a Health based effort would.
some things, possessing the relevant Skill is a nec-
essity. Note: All Out Tasks can be made as long as the character
has any Fatigue left to spend. There is no roll required
But does that always apply? Remember, Failure to take the additional dice, only the Fatigue cost applies.
doesn’t mean a complete dead end in D10.
So, are Skills always necessary? Sometimes it is possible (perhaps required) for a task
to be performed by several characters acting together,
Consider this – the party is searching an area and with one acting as the leader.
has reason to believe that their enemy may be
there (that’s why they’re searching, after all!). In such cases only the leader rolls for the Task Check
but may add +1D for each extra character (or, for
Naturally, they wish to be alert for possible really big tasks, each extra group) with a relevant skill
ambush. But nary a one has Subterfuge: Conceal- at a level appropriate to task complexity.
ment to detect such and, likewise, none of them
have Military Science: Tactics. For tasks that the GM rates as simple, a “helper” must
have a relevant Skill Level/2+ and for one rated as
But they have carefully detailed exactly what they complex they must have it at Skill Level/4+.
are going to do if they are attacked by surprise.
A simple task might be co-ordinating a group digging a
Does lack of relevant Skill completely trump their vehicle out of a bog.
detailed plans? Are they forced to rely only on the
Unskilled Skill Use rules? A complex task might be repairing a badly damaged
vehicle (each individual involved could have different
Maybe not. If they’re up against a section of skills) by co-ordinating them all.
Special Forces, well, they’re stuffed. If their enemy
doesn’t have military training either, maybe not. In the latter case there would be mechanics working on
the engine, armourers on the weapons, welders on the
Depending on the circumstances you might give frame – but all will contribute to the effort).
the plan a pseudo-Skill Level depending on how
well thought out it is (perhaps a +1/+2, making The leader would normally be the character with the
the roll an xD1 or xD2) – or you might allow a highest skill level.
Whole Party Skill roll, adding +½ per character,
rounding up (or down, it’s your call as GM!). CONCENTRATION TASKS
There are occasions when a character needs to bring
Another common occurrence, searching for some aspect of their behaviour or desires under more
hidden objects. As noted elsewhere, even a failure rigorous control than is normally the case. This is
here normally means only a delay. But what if the represented by completing a Concentration task.
party doesn’t have the requisite skill and yet
specifies, in a specific and detailed search plan, When a player wants their character to act out of charac-
an examination of the exact area where the ter, this is when a Concentration check is required.
hidden safe is?
Likewise, when attempting something beyond normal
Unless there is something very special about the human limits, you need to make a Concentration check.
safe in question, it really doesn’t matter whether
they have the relevant skill or not – they’re almost The DIFF of a check will need to be determined by the
certainly going to find it … given time. Game Master (the table above has some suggestions).
They will also need to determine which Ability will be
You may give their plan a Skill Level, as noted most appropriate to make the check against.
above, or simply tell them that, even if they fail,
98 they find the Safe in a shorter period of time than HEALTH
they would have if they had had no plan at all. A Health Concentration check is required where a
character is attempting to ignore pain or fatigue.
A wounded character can ignore Damage penalties by CONCENTRATION DIFFICULTY SUGGESTED RATING
making a HLT Concentration check per Combat Phase
in which they wish to act without penalty.
Pain 1 per grade of DAM g
Fatigue 1 per grade of FAT
A fatigued character running for their life to escape a
ravenous carnivore ignores Fatigue penalties by making
Habits from Quirks 3 a
Temper 2-5
a FAT Concentration check in the same way.
Moral Behaviour 1-4 m
A Cunning check is required to forego/avoid what are
habitual/innate responses/mannerisms (or attempt to
Overcome Failure
imitate someone else’s), or (at GM’s discretion) where a Even if you have Military Rank, trying to command a
player is attempting to have their character behave in local official over whom you have no authority whatso-
a way they would normally regard as being immoral. ever would require a Command Concentration check as

Situations that would require such a Check include –

well before you could even attempt the task. s
· Speaking ‘Standard US English’ if you have a ‘good
Some tasks do not neatly fit into a single turn – they
‘ole boy’ Southern US twang and vocabulary. can take extended, possibly indefinite, periods of time

· Emulating the body language or speech patterns of

to complete. These are Continuing tasks. s
another character. The Game Master will need to determine how long, on
average, they will take to complete – and this will vary
· Attempting to avoid an outburst of Bad Temper. from task to task. It may be multiple game turns, or

· An alcoholic (Addiction Quirk) attempting to avoid

minutes, or hours, or days – even weeks or months. e
either having a drink or getting blind, stinking, drunk. Continuing tasks can represent anything from disarm-ing
a bomb (several combat turns to several minutes) to a
APTITUDE research project to develop a FTL star drive, requiring
An Aptitude Concentration check is required where a months, or, more likely, many years (or even longer).
character is attempting to make a creative effort that is
over and above their normal level of work. They will also need to determine at what incremental
amount of time the character(s) involved gain a bonus
A gunsmith repairing an “irreparable” weapon or a for spending that extra time on the task.
Nurse or Paramedic attempting surgery would both need
to make an Aptitude Concentration check. Disarming an unexploded bomb might have an average
time requirement of (6) minutes. Taking that long gives
DEDUCTION no bonus/inflicts no penalty for time constraints.
A Deduction Concentration check is required when a
character is attempting to get a handle on an intellect- However, say they really need to do the disarm in three
ual problem somewhat beyond their grasp. (3) minutes. The GM may determine each minute less
than this causes a -1D penalty or adds +1 DIFF.
Attempting to unravel a cryptic crossword they could use
a Deduction Concentration check to see if the character Of course, they may equally well be in a position where
can fathom what the clues provided mean. they can spend more time in the process. The GM may
determine that for each extra three (3) minutes more time
Or if they have to try and decipher information at a that they spend, they get a +1D bonus or a -1 DIFF.
crime scene without any forensics skill, they would make
a Deduction Concentration check to boost their chances. MULTI-STAGE TASKS
Some continuing tasks of more than normal complex-
COMMAND ity (often representing extended research) may be
A Command Concentration check is required when a further complicated by being divided into more than
character is attempting something through force of one stage – with each stage needing to be completed
character or by relying on their command presence – separately before the next one can be attempted.
and would not normally be able to manage.
It may be possible to divide up such a multi-stage task
Someone without Military Rank Quirk attempting to take into separate stages, some or all of which may be
command of a military unit would need to make a undertaken simultaneously with different teams. 99
Command Concentration check to do so – probably at a
considerable penalty, depending on unit size. This is entirely within the determination of the Game
Master – and they may impose an additional task at the contest is a tie, it simply continues the next action.
end to represent the need to co-ordinate all the efforts.
However, if two characters are attempting to catch a
In that case, each stage is treated as a Continuing Task. falling glass bottle and they tie, then the GM may deter-
mine that both fail and the bottle smashes on the ground.
Say the characters need to design add on armour and
weapons mounts to convert a truck into an Armoured Car. RESISTED TASKS
A Resisted task is made against the effects of a pre-
This could be divided into separate tasks that could be vious (successful) Task Check.
completed sequentially or simultaneously – at the end, if
they were done by four different teams there could be This may either be for a Skill Check made by another
co-ordination roll to make sure all they fit together! character in the past or in immediate response to an
action a character has just performed.
Obviously this is best used to simulate major research or
construction tasks … and, while the PCs have an idea as In both cases the player character is attempting to
to what their desired outcome is, that won’t necessarily overcome effects that have already been achieved.
be the outcome that is achieved … or, putting it another
way, the outcome may fail to achieve what the PCs want The Difficulty level of the Resisted Task is equal to the
regardless of whether they are successful with all the number of successes achieved by the previous character.
steps or not.
For example, if a player wishes to determine whether a
In that sense, it is a learning experience – they now know document is a forgery, they could roll Detective (Pract-
that that particular approach won’t work, or won’t work ical Forensics) skill against the number of successes the
with the equipment, personnel, plans and/or theories Forger achieved with their Criminal (Forgery) roll.
that were underpinning it … though it may suggest
another line of enquiry, potential modification or design Likewise, a character could attempt to dodge a punch
change and even, possibly, make it somewhat easier to that was thrown at them. The attacker’s actual number
pursue the initial stages thereof. of successes in their Brawling task check would become
the defender’s difficulty in their Martial Arts (Block) roll.
An Opposed task is a Task Check made directly against
the simultaneous actions of another character rather
than against a standard difficulty. The character with
the most successes wins the contest.

If two characters tie then the result inconclusive and,

depending on circumstances, they contest continues to
the next action or (at the GM’s option) both fail.

For example, if two characters are arm wrestling and the

Whenever a situation arises which calls for more
detail characters act turn by turn, utilising the rules
described below.
This will mostly, but not exclusively, apply for Combat
situations. Of course, for noncombat situations many
of the specialist rules will be irrelevant.
Game time is measured in minutes for most things, or
hours (perhaps days) for travel time.
For stress situations, especially combat, where finer
gradations of time are needed, a minute is divided into
ten (10) Combat Turns (or Phases) – each nominally six
Pulses (each of 1 second) in length (but, see below).
The six Pulses of a Combat Turn represent six seconds
In most combat situations distance is measured in
meters. Outside of combat, distance may be measured
worth of action. However, one thing that all accounts
of combat seem to agree on is that perception of time
in meters or, especially for travel, kilometers.
in combat does not match actual time passed. For most purposes, distance travelled will be a function
of time. A character (or vehicle) will be able to travel so
Generally the perception is that less time has passed, many meters per Pulse (Second) of a Combat Phase.
but sometimes the reverse is reported as true. In either
case, it is possible that misjudging actual passage of Likewise, where speeds warrant a longer period of time
time could have serious consequences. – such as for vehicular (or animal riding) Chases – the
vehicle/mount will move so many meters (or, for really
For example, where actions are set to occur at a specific fast vehicles, perhaps so many kilometers) per minute.
time no matter what, then acting on the expectation of
them occurring when they are actually quite a way off For “strategic” movement over long periods of time, not
could be ... embarrassing, at the very least. involving combat or a direct chase, the vehicle, mount or
character will move so many kilometers per hour (or, for
Equally, missing the deadline and/or being caught really fast vehicles and/or really long distances, per day).
unawares when it arrives can have serious implications
for the players or for their opponents – or for both. For convenience the ground and time scale is usually
chosen to allow representation on a hex grid (see the
Best to avoid both, if possible, eh? Game System Chapter for details).


Keeping track of the actual time that has passed in
combat requires an Action spent on taking a
Concentration Check (Cunning). A Combat Turn is a nominal six seconds (however, see
Variable Combat Turn Length, opposite) worth of time
A Combat Turn will always equal six seconds of action – which is represented in game as six (6) Action Dice
– and may seem as if it happens in six seconds of time,
but may actually take up from ten to sixty seconds – the Each Action (represented by a Task Check) requires the
actual time passed is entirely at the GM’s discretion. expenditure of at least one (1) Action die representing the
effort/attention of the action.
Use this optional rule sparingly – players either love it or
hate it, even though they generally agree it is realistic. However, this does not mean that a character will be
able to perform six actions in any given Combat Turn – 101
We all tend to forget the passage of time when they’re that is determined by a Character’s abilities and career
hyped up just as do soldiers in real life! choices.
TERMINOLOGY Pulses (each 1 second) – one of ten such in a minute
Action. Occurs when a physical or mental task is (the standard time period used for regularising acts in
undertaken which may or may not take a measurable stress situation). See also Combat Phase.
amount of time, often involving a Task Check.
Maximum Number of Actions (MNA). The maximum
Action (Active). A deliberate Action that takes a number of Active Actions a character can perform
measured amount of time (at least a Pulse) and which during a Combat Turn. Under most circumstances this
almost always involves (or modifies) a Task Check. will be a minimum of one (1) Action* and never be more
than six (6) Actions.
Action (Reactive). An Action performed in reaction to
another (N)PCs Action. They are instantaneous and * Injury or other factors may prevent a PC or NPC from
require no time (or Action Dice) spend by the target. performing even one Action.\

Action (Trivial). May be combined with another Pulse (P). An action that takes up one Pulse (second)
activity at no penalty, is an automatic response to the of actual time and/or a period of time equal to one
environment and requires no time to perform. second and representing one Action Die (AD). There
are always 6P per Combat Turn (Combat Phase).
Action Die (AD). 1D representing a Pulse’s worth of
effort, attention or activity. More than one AD may be
spent on an Action, but each added AD will normally* ACTIONS & THE ACTION POOL
add 1P to Action duration (and will determine when An Action (except Reactive Actions) requires the com-
the Action is actually resolved). mitment of at least one (1) die from a character’s
Action Dice (see previous), which are then –
* It is possible that a character may have more than six
Action Dice available – if that is the case, then any dice · Added to the number of Dice rolled for the Task
over six may be added to actions without increasing Check connected with the Action, and used to –
duration until all such additional AD have been spent.
· Determine how long an Action takes and/or what
For example, a character with 7 AD could spend 2 AD order it occurs at within a Combat Turn.
on an Action that would still take only 1P to complete.
All other Actions in that Phase would revert to 1 AD =1 THE ACTION POOL
Pulse as the additional AD has been spent. A character’s (any character’s) Base Action Dice is
normally equal to six (6) Action Dice as each die repre-
Action Pool. The number of additional Dice (normally sents one of the six Pulses of a Combat Phase.
six [6]*) available to a PC or NPC to add to their
Checks representing their focus on a particular Action. Under some circumstances a Character may find that
they may have dice added to the base number, increas-
* As noted above, it is possible that a character may have ing it to more than six dice.
more than six (6) Action Dice in their Action Pool.
The number of Action Dice may be modified by some
Combat Phase (CP). A period of time equal to six (6) Ability Focii (notably Reaction Speed, off Health), by
Pulses (each 1 second) – one of ten such in a minute Quirks, by Shortfall/Critical Failure results or by other
(the standard time period used for regularising acts in game effects to be more or less than the basic six dice.
stress situation). See also Combat Turn.
Note: These additional dice may be added as bonus dice
Combat Turn (CT). A period of time equal to six (6) to Actions/Task Checks, but cannot give a character
more than 6 actions per CP or increase the Maximum
Number of Actions (MNA, see below), to greater than 6.


All characters have 6P of action available to them
and, notionally, at least six Action Dice, this does not
mean that they can perform six Actions.

The Maximum Number of Actions (MNA) a normal char-

acter can perform in a Combat Phase is equal to their
Health (or their Reaction Speed Focus off Health).
A character with HLT/4 has a maximum of four Actions
in an Action Phase. They may divide their six (or more)
Action Dice amongst those four Actions as they see fit.

Regardless of a character’s Health or Reaction Speed,

the Maximum Number of Actions may never exceed six.

For example, a character with Reaction Speed/7 is still

limited to a maximum of six (6) Actions. However, they’ll
get seven Action Dice to spread amongst those actions.
The type of career that a Character has taken before
game start also has an impact on how well they react
in combat and crisis situations.
· Civilian Characters have a minimum Action spend
of two (2) dice, and a penalty to all Actions of -1D.
Each die from the Action Pool is one (1) Pulse (second)
of time in a Combat Phase, the more dice added to a
It takes them one Pulse longer to act and even then
specific Action, the longer the cumulative timing value.
they are sluggish compared to other professionals. A 1D action takes 1P, a 2D action takes 2P … and a 6D

They may improve to Paramilitary status by ach-

action takes 6P. s
ieving a combined Deduction + Military Science
(Tactics & Strategy) = 6+.
Note: If a character’s total Action dice are reduced to less
than six, or increased to more than six, then refer to the
specific rules/effects to find how this is implemented.
· Paramilitary Characters have a normal Action
spend, but take a penalty to all Actions of -1D. · Actions occurring in a given Pulse of a Combat
They can act as quickly as their military brethren,
Phase take place in order from those with the
fewest Action dice to those with the most.
but not quite as effectively.
A character performing a one Action Die action will
They may improve to Military status by achieving act before another performing a two Action Die
a DED + Military Science (Tactics & Strategy) = 9+ action which will occur before someone performing a
three Action Die action … and so on.
· Military Characters take no Action penalties.
· Characters performing more than one Action in a
ADDING DICE CP may choose what order they occur in.
A character commits some or all of their effort to one
or more actions in a Combat Turn, by adding one or For example, a character performing a 1P, 2P and a
more Action/Other Dice to the Task Check (qv). 3P action could go in any order … 1, 2, 3 or 3, 2, 1
or 2, 1, 3 or whatever.
Dice may also be added to Action-related Task Checks
from other Pools (see below) or because of the effects of · Each Action die/Pulse after the first, however, has
Skills, Quirks and/or Talents. a cumulative timing value equivalent to the total
number of Action Dice spent to that point.
· The only limit on the number of Actions in a
Combat Phase is that each Action must include the A character performing three actions, in the order 2P,
expenditure of a minimum of one (1) Action Die. 1P and 3P acts on the second Pulse for the first
action, on the third Pulse for the second action and
A character can attempt a maximum of six (6) actions on the sixth Pulse for the final action.
per Combat Phase.
· Where one or more characters have spent the same
Some Quirks may increase/decrease the number of number of Pulses on an Action whose Check is
Actions possible or dice in a PCs Action Pool. made that CP, order of action is from the highest
Health (or Reaction Speed Focus) to the lowest.
Characters with more than six AD may spend the
additional dice on Actions without adding time until the If the characters have identical Health/Reaction
AD in excess of six AD have been expended. Speed, order of action is highest Cunning to lowest.
A PC with 8 AD could add +2D to a 1D (1P) action, giving If still tied, Actions are simultaneous if both are
it +3 AD but keeping it a 1P action. PCs. If only one is a PC the PC acts first.
Players, and the characters they run, are the Stars of the the beginning of the Action, though the movement
D10 System, so they should get some advantages from (modified or not) still takes place Pulse-by-Pulse.
that focus! This is one of them.
Yes. These rules do give characters who can perform six
WHEN ACTION (RESOLUTION) OCCURS 1P Actions a real advantage against those who must
When the resolution of a Task Check required by an perform at least some multi-Pulse actions.
Action takes place depends on how many Check Rolls
need to be made during the Action, as well as the type Of course, this can be partially countered by the judic-
of Action (Combat/Task or Movement) ious use of Interrupt Actions.

· If the Action requires (or generates) only one Actions such as Aim, Prepare, Reload and Use Skill
Check Roll, then the roll must be made at the end often require more than one Pulse to allocated to be
of the Action, regardless of the length of the Action. fully effective, however (see Actions, following).

For example, a character does a 2 Action Die Attack: Think of all the decisions involved (and their interplay)
Missile Action – the Task Check occurs during the as being tactical role-playing – also consider a Combat
second Pulse of the Action (2 AD normally = 2P). Turn to be fluid, and the rules to be an artificial
construct (!) to make the GM’s and Player’s lives easier.
· If the Action requires (or generates) more than one
Check Roll, then the rolls must be spread across TRIVIAL ACTIONS
more than one Pulse of the Action. Some task checks that will occur during a turn may be
trivial – that is, they do not take up any significant
Each Pulse can only have one Check Roll until all amount of time and, thus, do not consume an Action
Pulses have had one allocated – only then can a Die (the nominal one second each such represents).
Pulse have more than one Check Roll.
Some things that might be classed as trivial actions
For example, a character does a 3P Attack: Missile include (the list is not meant to be comprehensive, just
with a weapon capable of three Auto-fire Bursts – some exemplars) –
they would make one Check = one Burst) for each of
the three Pulses the Action represents. · Shouting a few words of warning or instruction
· Making hand gestures (assuming a free hand)
· Movement not requiring a Task Check take place · Flicking a switch (say from Semi to Full Auto)
on a Pulse by Pulse basis even if spread over · Dropping something held in one’s hands
several Pulses. However, the direction of the move- · Making a GM-required* Task Check
ment for each Pulse must be pre-planned. · Taking one step forwards or backwards
· Change facing by one hexside
A character doing a 2P Move at normal speed must
indicate the distance moved for each of the two * A GM-required Task Check would typically be a Spot
Pulses and the direction of the movement in advance. check to notice something that the character is, perhaps
literally, about to step right into.
If a character wishes to change direction or distance
from Pulse to Pulse they must normally use an Say that concealed wire connected to the Grenade
Interrupt Action (see below). booby-trap, for example. Something that couldn’t have
been (or wasn’t) spotted until literally the last second.
· Movement where an Athletics: Run (or similar)
Check is required to move faster than Health If the GM decide an act is not Trivial, but could be
would normally allow. The Check must be made at combined with an existing Action that would not
necessarily involve a penalty to the main action, they
should use the Concentration Task rules (in the prior
Tasks & Task Checks section).

Players may add an additional +2D to their Action
Pool for each point of Health or Cunning sacrificed in
order to increase reaction speed.

This must be done before the first Action is committed to.

The downside is that each Attribute point converted
reduces the effective value of the Attribute for all Task
Checks based on it for the whole Combat Phase.

For example, Joe allocates one point from his Cunning

Ability/4 in order to increase reaction speed, so adds +2D
to his Action Dice for the turn. He may now only roll 3D
(4 - 1) for Cunning tasks for the remainder of the turn.
Obviously this is a tradeoff.
If you’re involved in a firefight and need to boost your
AD for combat (melee or fire), sacrificing Health Ability
is pointless … as all combat abilities are based on it.

However, sacrificing a point (or more) of Cunning may

be a viable option. s
On the other hand, if you’re attempting to use some of
the Cunning based Skills (such as Criminal: Cracksman,
or Observation: Forward Observer, for example) during However, not all ambushes will be detectable. If the
a firefight while, presumably, other characters provide
cover fire, then sacrificing Health (or Reaction Speed)
GM determines this is the case, then the targets are
automatically subject to the effects of surprise.
may be a viable option for that.
What sort of circumstances preclude a detection roll?
HEALTH: REACTION SPEED FOCUS Long distance attacks – a Sniper (not necessarily one
If a character has chosen to take Reaction Speed as a
Focus off Health then the above rules are modified.
with the Sniper technique) will get their first shot off with
automatic surprise if outside of normal visual range.
If Reaction Speed is higher than base Health, each die If more than one Sniper is involved, firing from different
of Reaction Speed may be converted to additional +2D positions, then they may all get Surprise, even if they do
any time during a CP, but is subtracted from the not actually fire simultaneously.
Ability for the next Combat Phase.
Or visually impenetrable cover e.g. hiding behind a
This cannot be combined with reducing Base Health. concealed door. Unless specifically searching for such,
It is an either/or proposition. the moment it opens they will be automatically surprised.

A Character with Health/3, Reaction Speed/4 can take Even if the door is obvious they might be surprised if it
+2D by converting one point of the latter, losing 1D from opens unexpectedly – if they failed a Detection check,
HLT for the next Combat Phase. for example, to sense anyone on the other side.

They couldn’t take it, however, if they’d already taken SURPRISE

+2D from Health at the beginning of the turn. There are four possible Surprise situations that might
be encountered during the course of an adventure –

AMBUSH AND SURPRISE · An Ambush is successfully sprung

Characters will often find themselves caught unawares · Automatic Surprise
– or they may have caught other characters unaware. · Both sides are taken unawares
That is, Ambush and/or Surprise will be involved. · Both sides fail

Ambush and Surprise rules are very problematic. They SUCCESSFUL AMBUSH
require considerable input from the GM. Seriously. Ambushing characters get a number of Ambush Dice
Consider the following rules to be guidelines only. equal to their Cunning or Health (or Reaction Speed, if
differentiated as a Focus), whichever is highest.
This is a deliberate attempt by one person or group to Ambush Dice are then used in an Ambush Phase in
take another person or group by surprise. It is a exactly the same way Action Dice are used in a Combat
Resisted Task between the ambushers’ concealment and Phase – but only ambushing characters may act.
ambushee’s detection skills.
If PCs scored Extra Success Dice in their Ambush roll, 105
If the targets fail their chance at detection, then they they may convert these to additional Ambush Dice at the
suffer the effects of surprise (see below). rate of +1 Ambush Die/2 Extra Successes.
It is possible to end up with 6+ Ambush Dice. These Dice · They are also limited to a maximum number equal
may add extra Dice to an Action without adding extra to the character’s Health (or Reaction Speed Focus
time. For example, with 7 Ambush Dice you could per- off Health) per Combat Turn.
form one Action with +1d without adding 1 Pulse.
Active Actions occur because the Player chooses to act,
AUTOMATIC SURPRISE and occur according to the guidelines in Determining
The results are the same as for a Successful Ambush Action Length & Order above. They may be chosen
for the side achieving it. because of the actions of other characters, but are still an
individual choice.
This occurs when the GM deems it appropriate. Both REACTIVE/PASSIVE ACTIONS
sides gain a number of free Ambush Dice dice equal to Reactive Actions do not consume time. This is why they
their Health (or Reaction Speed, as a Focus). are fundamentally different from Active Actions.

These Ambush Dice may be combined with regular · They do not require Action Dice be spent.
Action Dice and the actions that result are simultaneous
(Yes. Both sides act at the same time!). · There is no limit to the number of Reactive Actions
a character may perform in a Combat Turn.
This can be extremely nasty when it happens – and it
may happen relatively frequently, no matter how careful Reactive (Passive) Actions are done in response to other
both parties may be in their attempts to avoid it! actions. They are immediate responses, often automatic,
not done consciously, e.g. an Observation (Spot) check
BOTH FAIL to “notice” a hidden assassin.
Uncommonly, both the ambushers and the ambush-
ees might fail. The ambushers fail to even notice the The check results from something another character has
passage of the potential ambushees, while the passing revealed (the result of their action/presence) ... the detect-
ambushees also completely fail to detect the ambush- or is merely taking note (or failing to) of it.
ers. The blind leading the blind, so to speak.
Uncommonly, the party that has set up the ambush fails The following Active and Reactive actions may be
to detect the party they would like to ambush because attempted in a turn, within the limits described above:
they fail their detection roll (or their opponents are too
good at their sneak roll!) while the passing party fails to AIM ACTION (ACTIVE)
detect the expertly concealed ambushers likewise! An Aim Action must precede an Attack (Missile) Action.
An Aim Action gives a +1D bonus per Pulse* of the
Action duration in addition to any Action Dice spent –
ACTIONS and these bonus dice are added to the following Attack.
There are two types of Action a character can perform
during a Combat Turn (or during any period of time in * This is in addition to bonus dice provided by of
gameplay) – Active and Reactive (aka Passive). technology or other factors, e.g. a Laser Pointer @ +1D
Aim would give 1 + 1 = 2D bonus dice per Pulse.
Active Actions consume time. This is what makes them A character may add a Aim bonus dice equal to weap-
fundamentally different from Passive Actions. on Skill modified by stance and weapon stabilisation
(see Attack Modifiers at the end of this section).
· They require the expenditure of at least one Action
Die (nominally one second of time). A character with Pistol/3 would have a maximum of
three (3) bonus dice added for Aim before any modific-
ation for firing stance or weapon stabilisation.


This may be either a Melee or a Missile attack and the
rules are slightly different for each.

· Melee Attacks are made against either an Active or

Reactive defence – see the two Defend (Melee) Act-
ions, below, for details.
Other factors may affect the combat roll required,
see Attack Modifiers, below.
· Missile Attacks are also made versus either an
Active or Reactive defence, but also have a base
DIFF based on Range to target.
Other factors may affect the combat roll required,
see Attack Modifiers, below.
An Active Defence against a Melee Attack requires the
spending of at least one (1) Action Die from the Action
Pool at the start of the Combat Phase or may be part of
an Interrupt Action from the end of the last Phase.
the first attack or, if you can see a delayed action
Each Action Die spent on an Active Defence (Melee) explosive (like a Grenade, say), before it explodes (or,
Action adds +2 DIFF to any and all Melee attacks
against the character during the entire Combat Turn.
say, if they hear a shouted warning). s
Spending 2 Action Dice adds +4 DIFF to any Melee
You can’t really dodge being in the Blast Radius of an
explosion – take an Interrupt action and dive for cover!
Attack against them in one complete Combat Turn.

Surprised characters cannot use any of these defensive

Diving for cover (or dropping prone), before or after
an explosion, allows Active Defence DIFF to be used
maneuvers, they use Passive Defence only. against any explosive and/or conventional missile
attacks for the remainder of the Combat Turn.
A character’s Passive Defence against Melee attacks
equals to their (Cunning/2, down) or minimum DIFF/2.
Additional DIFF may apply against the explosive attack
through situational modifiers – mainly the type of cover
A character with Cunning/3 would have a PD (3/2) =
available to them.
1.5, rounded down to one (1) … but the minimum PD is Even on seemingly flat ground with no obvious cover
two (2), so it will be DIFF/2 for the attacker. dropping prone usually allows full conversion of Active
Defence DIFF against Explosions.
An Interrupt Action may be used to add DIFF to a
Reactive Defence action, see below. However, after dropping prone and/or taking cover,
the defensive DIFF applies only if they remains prone
DEFENCE ACTION: MISSILE (ACTIVE) or behind cover for the remainder of the Combat Phase.
Missiles generally move far too fast for the Defence
(Melee) system to be realistically applied. A Defend If a character uses an Interrupt Action against Missile
(Missile) action represents general evasive attempts by attacks, it is much less effective than if used against
a character (Vehicles use different rules). Melee attacks.

By the time you hear the gunfire, you’re most likely Yes. Players will have to make important decisions based
already seeing the bullets strike. The old saw that if you on incomplete information (aka “guesswork”). Life’s
hear the bullet, it hasn’t hit you, is mostly accurate often like that.
Dodging things you can’t see is very problematic.
Yes. Missile attacks are deadly. Especially if the attack-
Action Dice for this action must be spent at the ers get the drop on you. Was anyone out there expecting
beginning of the CP – in your first Action. Each Action otherwise?
Die adds +1 DIFF to any and all missile attacks aimed at
them for an entire Combat Phase. So, how do combatants avoid being killed or wounded in
real life? I’ll tell you a not so secret “secret”: those who
Standard attack difficulties shown for weapon range depend only on body armour and blind luck ... die.
bands on the Missile Weapon Range Table are for firing
at targets that haven’t taken a Defend (Missile) or other The smart ones (the survivors) depend on a mix of cover
action that might affect the chance of hitting. and dodging (yes, backed up by body armour). They
move quickly from cover to cover. They attack by popp-
Active Defence: Missile actions generally only apply to ing out from behind cover then popping right back, all
small arms and non-explosive rounds fired by light to as the one action.
medium support weapons. 107
This works surprisingly well for the most part – and body
Against explosions? Dive for cover – but, normally, after armour makes up for a few “mistakes.”
Heroes? Turn, then an immediate Interrupt Action is app-
lied after the Held Action is resolved.
They stand up mano-a-mano and, unless they’re damn
good, fast, and/or lucky, they die very young … with In the above example, if the Character’s Hold was
their body armour (and the body beneath it) full of holes. triggered on 2P, then as soon as the action is resolved
they implement an Interrupt Action if they have
You have been warned. remaining unused Actions and there is any time left
in the Combat Turn.
A character’s Passive Defence against Missile attacks · Indefinite Duration. A character may simply
equals to their (Cunning/2, down) or minimum DIFF/2 indicate that they wish to remain ‘on hold’ either
(the same as for Passive Defence: Melee). until they declare otherwise or until the specified
trigger(s) occur and the Held Action is activated.
A character with Cunning/3 would have a PD (3/2) = They gain a +1 AD bonus for each Pulse they have
1.5, rounded down to one (1) … but the minimum PD is been on hold to a maximum +6 AD – and this
two (2), so it will be DIFF/2 for the attacker. carries over from one Combat Turn to another!

An Interrupt Action may be used to add DIFF to a For example, a character decides to create an Indef-
Reactive Defence action, see below. inite Hold on their first action in a Combat Turn –
and nothing happens until the last Pulse of the CT,
HELD ACTION (ACTIVE) at which point they get a +6 AD bonus to whatever
A ‘Held’ Action allows a character to pre-design a they choose to do.
specific Action (or Action Type) that will be activated
by a trigger (or set of triggers) that may (or may not) Better yet, if nothing happens that entire CT, the
occur at some time during a Combat Turn. Such a Hold rolls over to the next CT at +6 AD … which
‘Hold’ may be set to either until the character’s next would mean that if it were triggered in the first Pulse
action (Limited Duration) comes around or it may be of that next CT the character would still get the +6
set to remain in force until the character chooses to AD bonus!
revoke it (Indefinite Duration).
· Limited Duration. The character allocates one of In combat or stress situations the interplay of actions
their Actions to the task and specifies a maximum between “friendly” (PC) and “unfriendly” (NPC) part-
duration. If the specified trigger event(s) activate it ies often leads to situations where you will want (or
at any time during that time frame, the action even need) to change an incomplete Action for some-
takes place as if it were scheduled to occur in that thing else – an Interrupt Action.
Pulse – and a bonus of +1 AD is added to the roll
for each Pulse of the duration that has passed. For example, if several PCs attack an NPC and one
attack (or cumulative results) kill/disable them – PCs
For example, a PC decides to allocate 3P to a Limit- whose attack is not complete at that point will probably
ed Duration Hold – if the trigger occurs at 2P, they want to do something else.
get +2 AD and if it occurs at 3P they get +3 AD added
to their Task Check. To perform an Interrupt, a character must have both
of the following –
If the Held action is triggered and resolved before
its duration is up and the character has Actions · An unspent Action (i.e. haven’t already performed
remaining and there is time left in the Combat maximum number of actions for the Turn)

· At least one unspent Action Die.

Since each Pulse of an Action is equal to an Action

Die, then this will always be available, even on the
last Pulse of a Turn.

If the Action to be subject to an Interrupt is the charac-

ter’s last Action for the current Turn, no Interrupt is
possible – unless they commit their first Action from the
next Combat Turn and also spend two Action Dice (at
108 least one from the current Turn).

A character with HLT/3 wants to change their first or

second Action – that’s OK, as they will have one Action
in reserve, which is spent on the Interrupt. The Interrupt
also requires at least one Action Die to be spent on it.
However, if they want to change their third Action, they
can’t, as they wouldn’t have an Action in reserve – unless
they accept losing an Action from their next turn (reduc-
ing them to two Actions). In this instance, the Interrupt
requires a total of two Action Dice to be spent.

Note: Any Action Dice “spent” as part of a multi-Pulse

Action before the current Pulse are lost. That’s the
penalty for performing an Interrupt. Instead of spending dice (and time) only at the beginning
of the Combat Turn (as with Defence Actions), which acts
For example, a Character has committed to a 3P Aim
Action (committing 3 Action Dice) – but their target is
as a delay to other Actions, they spend dice only if
movement leaves them exposed allowing instant Action
killed on the 2nd Pulse after they would normally act. at the beginning of the Combat Turn.
They choose an Interrupt – which takes place on the 3rd Of course, unless the character has a Skill, Technique or
Pulse. This means that the 2 Action Dice representing the
already past 2P are lost, and they have only one Action
Quirk, such as Fire and Move, that allows them to
combine two Actions, they may only move/dodge.
Die to commit to the Interrupt Action from the Aim action
(they may have more Action Dice representing actions The penalty to Spot attempts applies only if the charac-
not yet taken which can be committed). ter has not already been spotted … and only where the

Interrupt Actions may be single or multi-Pulse Actions.

GM determines they would not be spotted automatically e
They may happen instantly on commitment or they
may simply be the first Pulse of a several Pulse action
As with a straight Movement Action, all distances are
in meters per second (Pulse).
triggered by the Interrupt.
Characters making a Movement (Dodge) Action may
MOVEMENT ACTION (ACTIVE) only move at a maximum of half their Run or Swim
A character can walk, run, crawl, climb, or swim to get speed, but gain a defensive bonus of +2 DIFF against
from point “a” to point “b” in the quickest, most any attack roll made against them (+1 DIFF to Spot) for
direct, way. All distances are in meters per second. every Pulse committed to the Move (Dodge) Action but,
of course, only for the duration of the Action.
A character’s maximum move per second in a Combat
Phase is based on Health Ability (see Athletics: Move- This bonus is added to the character’s Active or Pass-
ment in the Game System chapter). ive Defence, whichever applies.

For each Action Die (notional second/pulse) spent on Committing 2P to a Move (Dodge) Action would add +4
a Movement Action, a character may move the distance DIFF to any Attack Check against them or +2 DIFF
indicated on the Table mentioned above or less. against Spot checks.

If a character wishes to move faster than normal, this For both an Active and a Passive Defence, +2 DIFF would
requires a Task Check – the rules covering this are in be added, for a total of +6 DIFF. These Defence modifiers
the Game System section mentioned above. do not add to the DIFF of Spot checks.

Movement Actions may not be combined with any PREPARE ACTION (ACTIVE)
other type of Action, unless a character has an a Skill, A Prepare Action must precede an Attack (Melee) or
Technique or Quirk that would allow this. Active Defence (Melee) Action.

MOVEMENT (DODGE) ACTION (ACTIVE) The Action adds +1D/Pulse* of the Action in addition
Characters may run or swim (but not walk, crawl or to any Action Dice – and these additional dice are
climb – see below) to get from point “a” to point “b” added to the following Attack or Active Defence Action.
while doing their best to be a difficult to hit (or spot)
target by dodging, weaving or other means. * This is in addition to any bonus dice provided by the
use of technology or other means.
Unlike Defence (Melee) or Defence (Missile) this Action 109
allows a character to spend dice on dodging/protective So, for example, using a Cybernetic Computer with +1D
actions in a more focussed manner. bonus would add +1D to +1D for +2D to the Prepare
Action every Pulse – and this may be spent on the next Depending on the weapon, ammunition and reload-
Attack (Melee) or Active Defence (Melee) action. ing mechanism this may take several actions over more
than one turn, or may be fast enough to allow reload-
The maximum bonus achievable for a Prepare Action ing to be combined with an attack action.
is equal to (5 x Pulse bonus) – which must be spent in
the same Combat Turn as it is acquired. Details are provided in the notes and technical data in
the Equipment chapter. The speed at which they reload
This means that a 5P Prepare action is the longest you will depend mainly on whether the weapon is clip or
can have, as the last Pulse of the Combat Turn is the magazine fed or is reloaded with individual rounds.
Attack/Active Defence Action using the bonus dice.
QUICK DRAW (ACTIVE) The character may attempt a non-combat related skill.
Sometimes a character will need to ready an otherwise These may be tasks that can be completed with a
unready weapon into action fast. This is, normally, a single Action Turn (requiring anything from a single
special case of an Interrupt Action (even if it doesn’t Pulse to multiple Pulses) or tasks that require several
actually interrupt an action, such as in a gunfight or (perhaps many) actions to complete.
a surprise situation at the beginning of a combat).
The GM will, as usual, need to determine how long
Pistols in quick draw holsters and Long Arms or SMGs any action will require.
carried at the ready can be drawn and fired in a one
Pulse Action. This catch-all category covers anything not already
covered by other Actions. It relies entirely on GM judge-
If the order of such is important, it is in the order of ment and discretion for effective application.
the highest MNA* to the lowest (ties are simultaneous).

* This may have been modified by the character by ATTACK TYPES

spending Action Dice for more Actions at the start of a Most Attack Actions simply use the rules as written.
Combat Phase.
· (Base) Task Number (BTN): The number of dice
Slung Weapons and Pistols in standard Holsters with a rolled is based on Health plus (Skill) Check Number
flap can be drawn/readied and fired in a two Pulse plus Time (as Action Dice) committed to the action.
Action. Order of action is as above.
· Success: Each Die that rolls 8+ is a Success. Dice
RELOAD ACTION (ACTIVE) that roll a zero (0) may be rerolled. There is no limit
The character reloads a weapon. This will normally be to the number of re-rolls allowed as long as each
a missile weapon, but it may include some melee re-roll continues to roll a zero (0).
weapons (see weapon descriptions for details).
Though at some point it will probably make no
A Cattle Prod, for example, might need its battery pack further practical difference.
replaced if drained. It could still be used as a light Club,
but would have no electric shock effect until recharged. · Task Difficulty (TD): The number of Successes that
need to be rolled to achieve a Hit. This is a combin-
ation of active and passive factors including Range
and any Defence or Dodge attempts by the target.

Some attack types, however, work slightly differently,

as detailed in the following sections –

Armour piercing attacks are the result of a cross
correlation between the type of damage a weapon does
and the type of armour that is hit.

Weapons/Rounds that do standard damage (indicated
by the notation xD (where “x” is the number of dice to
110 be rolled) and represent the overwhelming majority of
small arms in the game. They fire non-explosive, not
specifically armour piercing, rounds usually of less
than 20 mm caliber and must hit a target directly to
have a chance to penetrate armour/cause damage.
Note: A weapon’s Base Damage determines PEN(etrat-
ion) – not a value due to Autofire/Multiple Shots. a
Firing many low PEN rounds doesn’t increase penetrat-
ion – but if an autofire/multiple round) attack penetrat-
es, the increased value does apply to damage.


For a standard attack against Personal Armour, com-
pare the number of Damage Dice (Weapon DAM +
Additional Success DAM) to AV (FAT or DAM) –

· If the Damage Dice are less than both Armour

Values (AV), only FAT damage is done – each roll
greater than the AV does a point of FAT.
· If the Damage Dice are equal to the highest AV,
there is chance of physical damage – a roll greater
To convert standard Damage (xD) to a PEN(etration)
value against anything heavier than Personal Armour
than the highest AV does 1 FAT, a roll of Zero (0)
does 1 FAT or 1 DAM on a reroll of (0).
simply divide the xD value by five (5) rounding down.
Weapons doing 1-4D damage = PEN of 0A (this can be
· If the number of Damage Dice is greater than the
DAM AV, then physical damage occurs – a roll
raised by Critical/Overkill successes) may still have an
effect – but not certainly. Of course, these weapons are
greater than DAM AV does a point of DAM. A zero
(0) does two points of DAM (no re-rolls!).
often firing pistol rounds, so what did you expect?
You occasionally get a “golden BB” that unaccountably
· Dice that have been purchased as Armour Piercing knocks out something important, but, more often than
by sending Extra Successes ignore AV and do one not, it simply pings off into the distance!
(1) point per die … but are rolled again, and do a
second point of damage on a result of zero (0). Once this has been done, use the Armour Piercing
Damage rules, below, to determine what happens.
Additional dice from the same attack not converted
follow the rule for the base number of dice (i.e. do EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE
only FAT, or FAT with a some of DAM, or DAM) Explosive damage has notation xE (“x” is the dice
rolled), penetrates armour incidentally and damages
· Personal Armour only works against type of dam- things within their blast area, not just those they hit.
age (FAT or DAM) specified in its description (some
types protect against both, often with different VERSUS PERSONAL (LIGHT) ARMOUR
ratings, so note carefully where it refers to ‘highest Explosions do both Fatigue (FAT) and Injury (DAM).
of’ FAT/DAM or ‘greater than’ DAM AV above Roll the damage dice (including extra successes) –

A Pistol doing 3D with no extra successes hits a PC in a · If the result is equal to/less than AV, it does 1 FAT.
Heavy Kevlar vest (2 FAT, 3 DAM), equal to the highest
AV of the two – so each roll of 3+ does a point of FAT, · If the roll is greater than AV, it does a 1 DAM. If the
and a roll of 0 does 1 FAT or 1 DAM on a reroll of 0. roll zero (0), it alternates between FAT or DAM (DAM
first, then FAT).
If the same attack scored 2 extra successes it could have
3 + 2 = 5D against the same Heavy Kevlar vest, which is For example, rolling three zeroes (0, 0, 0) – is DAM,
higher than the DAM AV, a result of 3+ would do 1 DAM FAT, DAM = 2 DAM, 1 FAT on top of the base damage.
and zero (0) would do 2 DAM.
The main difference is that the explosion does not
Alternatively, the two success dice could convert 2D of the have to be a direct hit what it is applied against.
3D base damage into armour piercing dice.
Those two dice would automatically do 2 DAM (1 each) To convert (xE) to PEN(etration) against anything heav- 111
plus roll for +1 DAM (+2 on a result of zero) while the 3rd ier than Personal Armour, simply divide the xE value
die would do a 1 FAT on a 3+ and a 1 DAM on a zero (0). by five (5) rounding down.
Explosions doing 1-4E damage = PEN of 0A (though this VERSUS PERSONAL (LIGHT) ARMOUR
can be raised by Additional successes) – even if they do Ignore the PEN value, only the xA (for kinetic penetrat-
not penetrate the armour, they may still have an effect. ors) or xE (for HEAT and similar) value applies, and it
is halved – and the normal armour effects apply
What do you expect for such piddling small explosions
even though they might be lethal to flesh and blood? · 1 DAM per die, and a second point per die on a roll
of zero (0).
Use the Armour Piercing Damage rules, below, to
determine what happens at this point. · Any dice from additional successes work taken as
XA damage are also halved.
Armour piercing damage is in the format xA (where “x” · In the case of a left over half die, roll the die – and
is the number of dice rolled) and, mostly, a PEN(etrati- it does one point of DAM on a zero (0).
on) value, are designed to work against Heavy Armour.
AP rounds are designed for a hard armour – and need a
A PEN value is only given where it differs from the actual degree of armour in their target before they will work to
damage the weapon does when it does penetrate. full effect. Hence, only the xA (for kinetic penetrators) or
xE value (for HEAT and similar explosive rounds) applies.
Standard rounds (less than 20 mm) and explosions
convert to PEN according to their separate rules above. VERSUS STRUCTURAL ARMOUR
Since AP rounds are optimised for use against Heavy
PEN(etration) is increased by +5% for each success Armour, they work less well against Structural armour.
achieved beyond the minimum required and also by
Critical and Overkill effects (see the relevant rules). This type of armour may simply not be heavy enough for
the rounds to work properly, though this will be less
WHAT AUTOFIRE REPRESENTS likely than for Personal (Light) Armour.
The rules for autofire presented here represent
long bursts of continuous fire directed at areas. Each point of Armour negates two points of PEN.

The “area” may constitute a single person, a Remaining PEN = actual penetration. If this is greater
group of people who are relatively close to each than the damage it can inflict, it does full damage – if
other and/or an area in which there may (or may remaining PEN is less than the damage that it can
be in the future) one or more people standing inflict, damage is limited to the lesser value.
there or passing through.
If a round penetrates with 20 PEN remaining and does
Because the attacks are non-specific, the penalty 20D damage, it does full damage. If it round did 30D
for recoil is built into the modifiers, but you can’t damage it is limited to 20D damage in this instance.
target specific body parts or specific anything. You
just hit the “target” in a purely generic sense. Structural armour is ablative (it wears away –
gradually). Every 20 PEN greater than base Armour
If you want to target specific body parts or specific value reduces the value permanently by one (1) point.
parts of an inanimate object while chewing
through ammo like it’s going out of fashion you The GM may do this one of two ways – either reduce
need to use Burst Fire. Armour value when a single attack causes more than 20
PEN of damage or when a total of 20 PEN is achieved.


Armour piercing rounds are optimised to work against
Heavy Armour – each point negates one PEN. If PEN
exceeds AV, it penetrates – if the actual PEN is greater
than the xA value, full DAM applies internally.

A round of PEN 120 doing 30A versus 90H would have

PEN 30 excess, and would therefore do full 30A damage.

If the PEN value exceeds the armour by less than the

xA value, maximum damage is equal to the PEN value.
A round of PEN 100 doing 30A versus 90H would have
PEN 10 excess, and the maximum damage would be 10A.
Weapons with a ROF (Rate of Fire) of A(x) may make
autofire attacks. The number in brackets (x) is the
maximum number of bursts (each ten rounds) that may
be fired in a combat turn (spread over all Actions taken).
A character may have more Actions than their weapon
has Autofire Bursts – but Burst fire or Multi-Shot ratings,
are in addition to Autofire capacity. e
Firing all Autofire Bursts will likely use all the ammo in
a typical magazine.

Autofire bursts are area attacks, and may be used to

attack multiple hexes (and hit multiple targets) or may
bonus, but this is reduced by a cumulative -1D for
every two hexes targeted – and the final reduction
be directed at a smaller number of hexes multiple
times (and hit fewer targets multiple times).
applies to the attacks made against all hexes.
The ROF A(6) weapon above could fire at 12 hexes – for
An “area” may be a single hex, and the occupant of that
hex would be targeted incidentally (so you cannot target
a +5D bonus for autofire, a -6D penalty (12 hexes/2 = -6D)
for a final penalty of -1D for all attacks.
a specific body part – that would require Burst Fire).
PEN is based on the DAM of a single round, not the A character may designate an area of radius 2 meters
Autofire increase. If it penetrates, however, the increased
Autofire damage does apply.
times the autofire burst rating of the firing weapon (or
that portion committed) to be subject to an area attack.
SINGLE TARGET AUTOFIRE Technically, it should be an ellipse elongated on the axis
An autofire attack directed at a single target gains a of fire twice as long (4m x bursts) as wide (2m x bursts).
+5D bonus (for a single autofire burst) which may be
split any way desired between attack and damage dice. All hexes within that radius are attacked, but none of
the attacks attract the autofire burst bonus.
The firer could split the bonus +2D to attack and +3D to
damage, for example. Of course, with an A(6) rate of fire weapon you’re chew-
ing through sixty rounds to target that area.
Each additional autofire burst adds a further +2D to
attack or damage dice (and expends ten more rounds) While no penalties due to distance from the aiming point
but subtracts the recoil of the weapon and the STR of of the area apply, all other penalties do. Thus, chances
the firing character. of hitting specific targets in the area of effect will vary.

A character firing a weapon with ROF A(6) fires six CONTINUOUS AREA AUTOFIRE
autofire bursts for a +16D bonus (+5D for the initial burst, This targets an area in the same way as Area Autofire
+2D for each of the additional five bursts). (above), but for every following Pulse until the firing
character’s next action.
For STR/3 and Recoil/3 they suffer no penalty for the
first burst, STR negates the penalty for the second, but A character starting the Phase there or moving into or
each additional burst attracts a cumulative -3D penalty, through it during the intervening period is attacked
for a total of -12D, reducing the bonus to +4D. the moment they do. Attacks are at +2 DIFF.

MULTI-TARGET AUTOFIRE In effect this allows a character to “interdict” an area

Autofire may be directed at more than one hex as long with (variably) deadly fire.
as all targeted hexes are adjacent to at least one other.
Each burst allows two hexes to be targeted. SUPPRESSIVE AUTOFIRE (“SPRAY ‘N PRAY”)
This targets an area with mainly to inhibit movement
Note: A targeted hex does not have to contain a “target.” rather than cause damage. It covers an area up to five
You can spread the effect of fire through “empty” hexes. meters from the aiming point per burst committed and
A ROF A(6) weapon could target up to twelve (12) hexes adds +1 DIFF to movement for each hex moved through.
if all six bursts were committed to multi-target attack. 113
Characters ending a phase in the area are subject to an
Multi-target attacks gain the standard +5D autofire attack at DIFF 9 (plus other non-Range mods).
Such an attack consumes ten (10) rounds of ammo This applies to the weapon’s base damage if its ROF
each Pulse between the firer’s initiating Action and allows more than four bursts – so you need to balance
their next Action (even if no-one actually triggers it). targetting multiple hexes with reduced damage potential.

There’s not much chance of a hit, even if a character gets Each burst after the first is also subject to recoil
caught in the zone of effect, but that’s not the purpose. penalties, which are cumulative.

The purpose is to inhibit movement rather than hit A weapon with ROF B(5) could attack up to five adjacent
specific targets. The downside is that it chews through hexes – but the +3D burst fire bonus would be reduced
ammo at the same rate as continuous area autofire! by -5D to -2D overall, which would apply to each hex
attacked, before any recoil penalties.

BURST FIRE It is possible to “attack” empty hexes in order to link

Weapons with ROF B(x) can Burst fire. The number targets not adjacent. Ammunition is expended and the
in brackets (x) is the number of bursts they may fire in -1D penalty is still applied, but no roll is needed.
a combat turn (which can be spread amongst more
than one Action in the turn).
A Character may have more Actions than their weapon Explosive weapons have an “E” after their DAM and
has Bursts – if it also has Multi-Fire and Autofire values, inflict damage at a distance, not just where they
these may be used in addition to the Bursts … though in actually hit. They can also inflict more than one type
many cases firing the maximum number of Bursts will of damage – possibly fragmentation and blast damage.
have emptied the magazine anyway.
It is similar to multiple shot attacks, but a “shot” is 3 Explosions do full damage in the target hex and (for
rounds. The bonus is split between DAM and Hit but most explosive weapons or rounds) all adjacent hexes
may be made against specific body parts/targets. (i.e. a range of 0-1 hexes). Each doubling of range
beyond this halves damage.
The downside is that they are subject to recoil penal-
ties if more than one burst is fired (see the Recoil A weapon with a damage rating of 24E does 24D of
section) and burst fire is not as versatile as Autofire. damage at a range of 0-1 hexes, 12D at 2-4 hexes, 6D at
4-8 hexes, 3D at 9-16 hexes and 1D at 17-32 hexes
The first burst grants a +3D bonus, and each addition- Thus, a combination of dodge/cover and distance will
al burst adds +3D. Each burst after the first is subject minimise the damage at all but point blank range.
to recoil penalties, which are cumulative.
A weapon with a ROF of B(3) could fire all three bursts The effect that explosions have on armour depends on
at a single target for a +9D bonus – however, this would the type of armour that might be affected.
be reduced by a variable amount by the weapon’s recoil.
For stronger characters it might be worthwhile, but for · Personal Armour provides somewhat random
average characters penalties might exceed the bonus. protection (see Armour Piercing Attacks) with no
bonuses or penalties applicable.
As many adjacent hexes may be targetted in a single · Structural Armour provides full protection – unless
attack as the weapon has bursts. A +3D bonus applies the explosive damage is enough to penetrate, but it
to such attacks, reduced by -1D per added hex. This is ablative in nature (see Armour Piercing Attacks).
bonus applies to all hexes attacked.
· Heavy Armour provides full protection against all
but a direct hit (see Armour Piercing Attacks).

Most explosive weapons kick out a lot of fragments
along with the blast (these that don’t have an asterisk
after the “E”) – and it is both possible and likely that
a character will be hit by more than one fragment.
Each additional success counts as an +2D added to
114 base damage, limited to +100% of maximum.

A grenade of 4E damage would normally do only 4D

damage – if the attacker scored two added successes, so HITTING SPECIFIC TARGETS
the attack does +4D damage, for a total of 8D damage. It is far more difficult to hit specific targets with
artillery fire than it would seem if you base the
If the attacker had rolled three successes, they would not chances the example of Hollywood movies. It
be allowed to add +6D, as that would exceed the base
damage of 4D ... the maximum they can do is 8D.
really is somewhat random. Even extended and
heavy barrages can take hours and thousands of
shells to destroy most of the targets within a
defined are.
Weapons that rely on blast only to damage have an
asterisk (*) after their “E” and only ever do base dam-
age (no Additional Successes can be applied), and only
Sometimes, however, time simply is too short. The
next option is to increase the number of batteries
FAT rather than DAM. firing at the target. Each doubling of the number
of batteries, reduce the difficulty by one level.
A flash-bang grenade of damage 4E* does only 4D of
damage no matter how many extra successes are rolled.
Which can still hurt and, in the right circumstances, kill.
Thus, if two batteries were firing at the one target
area, the chance of a specific target being hit in any
given turn would require an Incredible difficulty
task check. If four batteries were firing, the
Just being in the blast radius does not mean you will difficulty would drop to Extreme, and so on.
be hit (or hurt) by the blast/shrapnel. In the target hex
normal defensive dodge chances apply against blast Even this is not particularly realistic, but works well
and fragmentation attacks, but for each doubling of
range, you add -1 DIFF to dodge/other defensive bonus.
enough for a role playing game level of somewhat
cinematic reality.
A character with Dodge/3 would be -3 DIFF at 0-1 hexes,
-4 DIFF at 2-4, -5 DIFF at 4-8, -6 DIFF at 9-16 etc.
(or weapon crew) and those made by the crew of the
firing weapon by firing at map co-ordinates.
If they were behind cover that gave a -5 DIFF bonus to This rule applies only to Indirect Fire called in and
their defence, then it would count as -5 DIFF at 0-1 hexes, controlled by an observer with some sort of commun-
as -6 DIFF at 2-4, -7 DIFF at 4-8 etc. ication link to the crew(s) of the firing weapon(s).

Cover bonuses often have specific limitations – for ex- Even with modern technology, indirect fire at map refer-
ample, if the explosion was an air burst, being in a ences is only slightly better than blind fire.
foxhole directly below would provide no cover bonus.
To have a useful effect beyond harassment requires huge
amounts of ordnance – way beyond the amounts likely
INDIRECT FIRE available to characters in a typical RtA campaign.
These are attacks made (often, but not always) by crew
served weapons against an area (individual targets Details for handling the effects of such attacks are
within the area are attacked more or less incidentally). provided elsewhere as part of the Encounter rules, since
they are treated mechanistically.
Some modern rounds made it possible to target specific
things – however, such smart munitions were quickly Indirect Fire called in by an observer (typically called
expended early in the 3WW. Production was never able a Forward Observer, or FO) and has two components –
to catch up – and the factories manufacturing the smart the skill of the observer (accuracy of fire) and the skill
rounds were largely destroyed during the Exchange. of the crew (rate of fire and speed of response).

If such rounds still exist, they are a closely held resource COMMUNICATIONS LINKS
used only in the most unusual and important instances – For Indirect Fire to be possible the FO must have a
that is, when the GM deems it appropriate (which should working commo link to the firing weapon(s).
be very rarely).
Normally two-way, but if the FO has a working
Those firing an indirect fire weapon generally cannot transmitter (how would they know if they couldn’t
see the target they are firing at – as it is often well receive?) they could call fire and correct based on visual
beyond any distance at which they could see anything observations. Dodgy but doable.
at (either because of distance or blocking terrain).
It doesn’t matter what sort of link they are using – but it
There are two sorts of Indirect Fire attacks – those needs to be close to real time (GM’s discretion). Radio. 115
controlled by a spotter within visual range of the Telephone. Telegraph. Semaphore Flag. Heliograph.
target and also in communication with the firing unit Any or all of these.
SPOTTING Light: 1-2 minutes (15-20 rounds).
A FO needs to be able to see a target or the area where Medium: 1-4 minutes (8-12 rounds).
the target is known or suspected to be. That is, within Heavy: 2-6 minutes (10-12 rounds).
visual range (see The Sensory World).
The number of rounds fired is for the whole battery, not
Since you’re firing at an area it really doesn’t matter all per gun in the battery. Suppression is achieved only once
that much if you can see a specific target therein. If you the minimum time period has passed. Artillery is not a
fire long enough, you’ll hit it by random chance. quick fix in role-playing level combat.

Of course, the size of the targeted area compared to the For Light Artillery suppression will take 10-20 combat
size of the target(s) within will have a bearing on how turns. Medium Artillery will require 10-40 combat turns
long (and how many rounds – or tons of rounds) it will and Heavy Artillery will require 20-60 combat turns.
take to be certain it is destroyed.
How many role playing level combats last that long? Not
Being able to see the target enables you to call in target many at all. Of course, RtA is somewhat different, and
corrections to reduce the size of the impact zone of the long engagements could occur – and you can always
shells and therefore increase the chance of one of them invoke the Variable Combat Turn Length optional rule!
actually hitting the specific target you are aiming at.
The chance of actually hitting (randomly) a specific
FIRING SHEAF target inside a sheaf using suppression fire is at Imposs-
When a battery (typically 4-6 tubes) fires at an area the ible DIFF unless the FO improves accuracy.
fall of shell (the smallest achievable dispersion) is
often a rectangle longer than it is wide. This is called Unless the FO can see tangible result from a hit, they will
a sheaf. Artillery can achieve sheaf sizes as follows – have no way of knowing whether the desired target has
actually been hit or not. This can have significant game
· Light (75-105 mm): 50-75 x 100 meters. effects depending on the actual circumstances.
· Medium (>105-155 mm): 100 x 100-150 meters.
· Heavy (> 155 mm): 130-150 x 100-150 meters. Within the sheaf, when suppression has been achiev-
ed, all movement is at a penalty of +2 DIFF, plus a
These are the most compact areas that such weapons can further +1 DIFF for each additional hex.
target. The shells could also be fired at larger areas, but
to lesser immediate effect. If a character begins or ends a turn in the open, there
is a chance they will be caught by the barrage – make
SUPPRESSION a Movement task check at Hard difficulty to avoid it.
Within the firing sheaf, it takes a set amount of time,
depending on the caliber of the firing weapons, to At that point they roll dice equal to their Defence
suppress any significant targets. (Missile) value. This is subtracted from the dice the
explosion does – the remainder is the amount they are
Suppression is not the same as destruction. It simply attacked with (armour might provide protection).
means that, whatever the targets are – infantry in fox-
holes, pillboxes, tanks in the open or dug in – they will A character with Defence (Missile)/4 would roll four dice,
be unable to function while the fire continues. for an average result of 21. Against an artillery round
with of 24E damage, this would mean that they would be
Assuming a standard battery, the time to suppress subject to (24 - 21) = 3D worth of damage.
targets (and the number of shells fired) within the
battery’s sheaf of fire varies by caliber – CALLING FIRE
The FO needs to know where the initial rounds fall.
This depends partly on their skill and partly on that
of the gun commander.

A FO makes a Forward Observer check vs. the range

from their position to the target’s centre at the DIFF in
the Spotting table (see The Sensory World). The Gun
commander makes an Indirect Fire Weapons check at
Extreme DIFF (the actual range doesn’t matter).

Both Successful: If both characters are successful, then

116 the sheaf is centered on the target point.

Only FO Successful: If only the FO is successful, extra

successes may be added to the gun/battery CO’s total.
If this brings his total up to a “success” level then the
sheaf is still centered on the target point.
Yes. The FO can hold the hand the gun commander to a
degree. Even the best gun commander isn’t very likely to
make their roll initially, not against Extreme DIFF, so the
role of a good Forward Observer is vital.
If the gun commander’s roll still fails, then the sheaf
hits randomly short/long and or left/right, by an
distance equal to the length or width of the sheaf size MELEE ATTACKS
multiplied by the successes it was short by. These are attacks using Melee weapons (commonly
Knives, Bayonets [attached to a Rifle or not], Riot
A Light Artillery CO who fails the Indirect Fire check by
two would be off by 100-150 meters left/right and/or
Sticks, Clubs and improvised weapons) and do a base of
1D + HLT Bonus + Weapon Damage Value + Attack
100-200 meters short/long. Type Bonus (or penalty).
Mostly it won’t matter exactly where the rounds fall – A character with HLT/3 using a Knife in a Slashing
the important thing is that they’re not falling where they
are expected to. If it is important to determine exactly
Attack would do 1D base + 1D HLT + 1D Weapon - 1D
Slashing = 2D Damage and add +2D to their attack roll.
where they fall, use a D6 roll against a hex grid to
determine direction and determine distance randomly as Extra damage from Additional Successes may be added
a proportion of actual distance on by the roll of 1D. as per the normal rules.

Only Gun Commander Successful: The sheaf hits ran- MELEE ATTACK TYPES
domly, short or long, left or right, by a distance equal
to double the length or width of the sheaf size multip-
Melee weapons can attack and inflict damage in
several different ways, with differing effects –
lied by the number of successes it was short.
· Entangling. -1d Skill, FAT Only*. With Whip skill.
It doesn’t matter how good the gun/battery) commander Impaling. -2d Skill, +4D DAM. With Pole Arm Skill.
is, if they’re getting a bum steer from their FO they don’t Piercing. -1d Skill, +2D DAM. With Fencing Skill.
have much chance of hitting. Any successes they achieve · Slashing. +2d Skill, -1D DAM.
can’t be used to “buy up” the FO’s dud roll to a success. · Stabbing. +0d Skill, +1D DAM.
· Standard. +1d Skill, +0 DAM.
Both Fail: Target? Where’s the target? The fall of shot
is way off and may, depending on the circumstances, * Entangling attacks also subtract -1 from HLT for
be invisible to the observer. Whatever, both need to try Athletics/Move and -1D to Attack/Skill rolls for each
again, but there is no penalty for doing so. point inflicted for the next Action Phase.

Because of the distances between the firing weapons MULTIPLE SHOTS
and the target there is a time delay between firing and Weapons that do not have Autofire or Burst* fire capa-
round(s) impacting. For high angle, relatively short bility and have a ROF (Rate of Fire) of M (Multi-fire)
range, weapons such as mortars assume 3 seconds per may fire up to six rounds in a single Action (and this
klick. For field artillery, assume 1½ seconds per klick. may be in addition to Burst or Autofire).

These are averages. Short of consulting military range * Weapons that have a Burst Fire value may also fire
tables (which provide a multitude of variables for to all Multiple (single) Shots even if they do not have a M
sorts of factors), your guess is as good as mine. value. Weapons that have only an Autofire value may not
fire multiple single shots.
If fire needs to be corrected (it isn’t initially on target)
each “correction” requires at least the original “flight This sort of attack may be used in one of two ways –
time” plus a variable amount to re-target – a number
of Combat Turns equal to the successes the gun comm- MULTIPLE ROUNDS AT ONE TARGET
ander failed their initial roll by (at least one extra). Each extra round fired at the same target in the same
action either increases the attack dice (+1D) or the
This is where having a skilled gun commander is of great damage dice (+1D) for each pair of rounds. 117
importance. The FO can get them on target (eventually),
the speed at which he can is limited by gun CO skill. A weapon with a M (Multi round) Rate of Fire gains up
to +3D for either attack or damage dice (+1D for the Distance depends on the distance it was intended to be
1st-2nd, +1D for the 3rd-4th and +1D for the 5th–6th rounds). thrown and the amount the roll was failed by. For
each success less than required, it is 1 meter short, 2
You can’t split the extra dice between attack and dam- meters long or 2 meters left or right of the target.
age, it’s all committed to one or the other.
People throwing grenades are very careful to not throw
The downside of this sort of attack is that the firing short – it is difficult to throw them far enough to be safely
character adds +1 to the weapon’s recoil for the next outside the blast zone.
attack they make for each extra +1D of bonus. The
firing character may negate this recoil penalty only by
foregoing an attack in their very next phase. UNARMED COMBAT
This applies to characters using the Brawling or
This addition to recoil will cause even weapons that do Martial Arts Skills without weapons (if using weapons of
not have a recoil rating to temporarily acquire one. A any sort they use the standard Melee Combat rules).
weapon with Recoil/0 and a +3D bonus for multiple
shots, has Recoil/3 for a second attack. BRAWLING
Characters with the Brawling Skill may make several
The six round maximum applies for the whole combat different types of unarmed combat attacks –
turn – so if a character fires off more than one round
a Pulse they need to take this into account. · Grapple. +2 Skill. No damage. Special.
· Kick. -1 Skill. +1 DAM, +1 FAT.
MULTIPLE BULLETS AT MULTIPLE TARGETS · Parry. +0 Skill. No damage. Special.
For every two rounds fired an additional target may · Punch. +0 Skill. +1 FAT.
be attacked – for a maximum of three added targets.
Grapple. This is an Opposed action. If successful the
No bonus is gained, merely the chance to attack more subject has been immobilised and the grappler may
than one target in a single action. An additional target inflict HLT (plus HLT Bonus) dice on a Brawling/+1
for the 1st-2nd , two targets for the 3rd-4th rounds and three check each following Action until the target is uncon-
targets for the 5th-6th rounds. scious, dead or breaks free. The target is at -1 Skill
break free (which requires a Contested STR action).
However, +1 is added to Recoil for each additional
target attacked (even for weapons with Recoil/0). Immobilised characters cannot move or attack, only
attempt to break free.
The first target is attacked at Recoil/0, the second at
Recoil/1, the third at Recoil/2 and the fourth at Recoil/3. Parry. Parries block any Unarmed Combat attacks as
a Resisted Task. Successes vs. DIFF 4 are added to the
DIFF of any Brawling attack against them till their
THROWN WEAPONS next Action Phase – this is halved (round fractions
Thrown weapons that miss normally just miss – how- down) against Martial Arts attacks.
ever, sometimes it is important to know exactly where
the thrown object has landed. BRAWLING AND ATHLETICS
Characters with Athletics and an appropriate sub-skill
Think Grenades and other Explosive weapons – they may use it to oppose a Grapple or to attempt a Parry.
can still do damage even if they miss! Depending on the sub-skill this may be at no penalty
(Skill +/-0) or Skill/-1 to -2. It will never offer a bonus.
Roll 1d6 to determine the directionality of the miss
compared to a standard hex grid. MARTIAL ARTS
Characters with Martial Arts Skill may make a variety
of attacks or moves –

· Block. +1 Skill. No Damage. Special.

· Hold. +2 Skill. No Damage. Special
· Kick. +0 Skill. +3 split between DAM/FAT.
· Punch. +0 Skill. +2 split between DAM/FAT.
· Sweep. +2 Skill. No Damage. Special.
· Throw. +2 Skill. +1 DAM, +1 FAT. Special.

118 Block. A character adds Skill (plus bonuses) to their

Active Defence against any Melee attack against them
until their next Action. May be an Interrupt action.
If the Block is successful, the character may make an
instant free Martial Arts move against the attacker but
with no bonus applying against a Martial Arts attack
(normal bonuses apply against a Brawling attack).

For example, a successful Block followed by a Throw

would not get the normal +2 Skill bonus for that attack
if the attack had been a Martial Arts attack. If the attack
had been a Brawling attack, the bonus would still apply.

Hold. This is an Opposed action. Success means the

subject is immobilised and the grappler may inflict
HLT (plus HLT Bonus) dice on a Martial Arts +1 check · Close: Wide corridors and spacious rooms, high
each following Phase even if they do act on that phase ceilings, +1 DIFF.
until the target is unconscious, dead or breaks free.
The target is at -1 Skill in all attempts to break free if
· Cramped: Narrow corridors, closet-like rooms, low
ceilings, +2 DIFF. Missile weapon range is halved.
using Martial Arts, or -2 if using Brawling.
Rounds fired by missile weapons travel in a ballistic arc
Immobilised characters cannot move or attack, only (indeed, Indirect Fire weapons are design to fire on
attempt to break free. unseen targets by doing just that) – and to reach their
maximum range need to be aimed so that this drop is
Sweep. Against characters with no Brawling or Martial
Arts this is an attack against Active or Passive Defence.
taken into account.
Against Brawling it is an Opposed action vs Brawling -2 Depending on the weapon and the range involved the
and against Martial Arts it is an Opposed action. top of this arc may be higher than the ceiling of a long
tunnel or corridor – and this could easily apply to long
If successful, the target is knocked prone and the
attacker may make an immediate free Kick or Punch
ranged direct fire weapons, not just indirect fire ones.
Attack against the target’s Passive Defence. At GM discretion, some weapons (mostly those intended
for Indirect Fire) may not be able to fired at all under
Throw. Against characters with no Brawling or Martial some circumstances (being inside a large cavern, say,
Arts this is an attack against Active or Passive Defence. would probably prevent a standard Mortar being used …
Against Brawling it is an Opposed action vs Brawling -2 at least in the normal way).
and against Martial Arts it is an Opposed action.
If successful, the target is thrown* and knocked prone. This is based on how much is behind hard cover
The attacker may choose to remain adjacent to the (AP/explosive rounds may penetrate and still hit!).
target or stay where they are. If they move, they may
make an immediate free Kick or Punch Attack against · ½ Cover: About half of the target’s body is covered
the target’s Passive Defence. (from the waist, up or down), +1 DIFF.
· ¾ Cover: About ¾ of the target’s body is covered
* The attacker may choose to have the target remain in (head, shoulders, upper chest), +2 DIFF.
the hex they were attacked in or spend Additional Succ- · Head Only: Only the target’s head and neck are
esses to throw them further … 1 meter for each AS applied. visible, +3 DIFF.

This is based on how much of the target is behind
These include environmental and weapon related fac- visual cover (no armour rating, but blocking vision).
tors plus situational modifiers the GM determines.
· Half (½) Cover: Half of the target’s body is covered
ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS (from the waist, up or down), no protection.
These are factors inherent in some aspect of the phys- · Three Quarter (¾) Cover: ¾ of the target’s body is
ical environment of the battlefield. Those listed below covered (head, shoulders, upper chest), +1 DIFF.
are merely a representative guide for the GM. · Head Only: Only the target’s head and neck are
visible, +2 DIFF.
Combat in where the space for using melee weapons Reduced penalties for soft cover assume the firer knows
(possibly some missile weapons – mostly rifles and it is soft cover – targeting where they believe the hidden 119
longarms) is restricted or where low ceilings interfere body part(s) actually are. If they don’t know, then they
with the firing arc of missile weapons. suffer the Hard Cover penalty until they figure it out.
FIRING INTO MELEE Roll again at the same chance that applied to the
A melee is any combat/situation where there is an original target. If this alternative target is missed,
active confrontation going on between two or more then the shot is not re-targetted per this rule (that
combatants/participants within Point Blank range (5 is, only one target shift applies).
meters) of each other.
Where the GM and players are using a looser representat-
“Point Blank–5 meters” means that the participants are ion of movement and positioning, the GM will need to
within 5 meters of at least one other person. That is, a use their best judgement as to what may occur and when
group is regarded as “In Melee” if all are within at least and where a PC or NPC may or may not be in a melee.
5 meters of at least one other participant.
An “active confrontation” simply means that there are at There are five range bands – Point Blank (PB), Short
least two opposing sides involved – and that one or more (S), Medium (M), Long (L) and Extreme (E) – and these
of those involved have been attacked or have made an vary according to weapon or attack type.
attack against one or more others in the current situation
(the one that triggered the move into Combat time). · Point Blank: -1/+2/+3 DIFF *.
· Short: +0 DIFF.
· Firing INTO Melee: -2 DIFF *. · Medium: +2 DIFF
· Firing IN Melee: –4 DIFF or x2 Range DIFF **. · Long: +4 DIFF.
· Extreme: +8 DIFF.
* Firing INTO Melee is where the attacker is firing at a
target in Melee but is not themselves in melee, either * At Point Blank range, the modifier is -1 DIFF if the
the same one or another unconnected one. attacker is un-meleed.

** Firing IN Melee is where the attacker is firing out of If the attacker is meleed (i.e. is being attacked by Hand
Melee while they are in melee. -4 DIFF applies at Point Weapons or similar), the modifier is +2 DIFF if the
Blank and Short range while x2 Range DIFF applies at weapon is a Pistol or PDW/Machine Pistol or +3 DIFF if
Long and Extreme (or greater) range. it is a SMG, Carbine or Longarm (Rifle, LMG or similar).

It doesn’t matter whether their target is meleed or not, Firearm use in close combat is generally a very bad idea.
only whether they are. If an attacker is within PB range (5 meters) anything
larger than a Pistol or PDW/Machine Pistol goes way
Continual jockeying for advantage (or to avoid disad- down. SMGs, Carbines, Rifles, Shotguns and LMGs or
vantage) and are not predictable by anyone using a similar are worse than useless for aimed fire as they are
ranged attack into such a situation. easily knocked off target by anyone in the vicinity.

The participants may (and do) move at any time, often If the target is within Point Blank range and they aren’t
without the least warning or predictability – just enough meleeing the attacker, then the -1 DIFF modifier applies.
for even an aimed and ranged shot to miss completely.
Worse. That “missed” shot may well hit someone else in This will usually be when the target is non-reactive (an
the melee. A “friendly” target, even. inanimate object, or someone being attacked from be-
hind – which may attract further modifiers).
· Missed Shots: When an attack, either into or in
melee misses, there is a chance that an unintended Note: Firing into Melee penalties also apply.
target will be hit. If using a hex grid for movement
and positioning, any target within (success short- Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Range Penalties apply
fall meters) is a potential target. to all types of Attacks by all missile weapons that have a
Range Value in their data block.

The combat rules assume attacks are being directed at
roughly human sized targets. If the target is actually
bigger or smaller, they will be easier or more difficulty
to hit, all things being equal.

Smaller Targets. Use the Cover (Hard) or Specific

Target DIFF values as the basis for determining what
120 DIFF applies.

For example, if the target is a large sized Dog (similar to

a Labrador or Alsatian), it is approximately the size left
unprotected by ½ Cover, so it is subject to +1 DIFF. On
the other hand, if it is a porthole only slightly bigger
than a human head, it counts as a Specific Target: Head
and is subject to +3 DIFF. a
Larger Targets. Whether a bonus applies to attacks
against larger than human targets or not depends on
the purpose of the attack.

If it is to hit the target somewhere, then the full bonus

applies – on the other hand, to hit a specific part of the
target, only part of the bonus (or none at all) may apply.
Note (Alternative): The bonus is determined by length of
· Horse. Roughly 2 x Human. -1 DIFF.
· Car. Standard sedan. -2 DIFF.
the Aim Action, character Stance (Upright, Kneeling,
Prone) and weapon Stabilisation (Braced, Improvised
· Truck. Small-Medium-Large. -3 DIFF.
· Locomotive. Or Trailer-Truck. -4 DIFF.
Mount/Bipod, Tripod, Gyroscopic or Computerised).
Anything larger than a Locomotive and you’re almost
certainly aiming at a much smaller specific part of it.
The weapon is so finely constructed it grants a bonus
to either the Skill Level (+N(s), where N is the bonus) or
Sometimes, depending on range and target size, the GM
may determine that you hit automatically … somewhere!
Damage Dice (+N(d), where N is the bonus – which
drop off at the rate of -1D per range band).
A variety of factors can reduce visibility and affect
Typically, the limit is +2, anything more is either
bleeding edge tech, extreme craftsmanship or magic.
chances of hitting – assuming the target can be seen in
the first place (see The Sensory World). Missile weapons are normally limited to Skill Level bon-
uses, the ammunition they fire, however, may have a
· Light Smoke/Mist/Heavy Rain: +1 DIFF. Damage Die bonus. This would mean that they could,
· Heavy Smoke/Fog/Torrential Rain: +2 DIFF. theoretically, have +2(s) and +2(d).
· Dawn/Dusk: +2 DIFF.
· Full Moon: +4 DIFF. Melee weapons can combine both in the one weapon but
· Moonlight: +6 DIFF. are normally limited to a total bonus of +2 (i.e. they
· Starlight: +8 DIFF. could have +2(s) or +2(d) or +1(s) and +1(d).
· Total Darkness: +10 DIFF
These effects can be cumulative – during a Torrential Firing multiple rounds can cause a recoil penalty (see
downpour at Dusk, the penalty would be +4 DIFF. Autofire, Burst Fire and Multiple Shot). The following
Technology can reduce penalties. A searchlight, where it values are the most common for personal weapons –
is pointing; or an IR Scope within its range (see the Gear
Book and any relevant item descriptions). · Recoil 1: Heavy caliber handguns or carbines
firing pistol caliber rounds, +1 DIFF.
WATER OBSTACLES · Recoil 2: Rifles, Assault rifles, and light/medium
Attacks made in or under water are at a disadvantage, machine guns, +2 DIFF.
even for weapons designed to be used underwater. · Recoil 3: Heavy machine guns, +3 DIFF.
· Strength. Subtract HLT from the recoil as well.
· Waist Deep Water: +1 DIFF.
· Underwater: Missile weapon range is reduced to STABILITY (MISSILE WEAPONS)
20% of normal (if possible to fire at all), +2 DIFF. This indicates how well stabilised a weapon is against
the recoil of firing it.
These are factors inherent to construction or design of · Level One (+1): The weapon can be (or may have
a weapon, usually superior materials or methods. to be) fired by bracing the firing hand/grasping it
with two hands, for -1 DIFF and recoil -1.
One combat turn spent aiming at a specific target Typically be a handgun fired by bracing the firing
gives a +1D bonus to the attack roll. More bonus dice hand with the off hand, but could also be a machine 121
may be gained up to the weapon’s Stability Rating for pistol or SMG fired by grasping it with two hands.
additional turns.
· Level Two (+2): The weapon can be (or may have The penalties are cumulative and in addition to any
to be) fired by bracing it against the shoulder, for that might apply because of the normal damage rules.
-2 DIFF and recoil -2.
· Hand or Foot: +4 DIFF. Instant impossible HLT
Shoulder fired weapons are normally long arms check to see if anything held is dropped and -2
(rifles and the like) and generally require the use of Skill using it; -2 to HLT for movement if hit in Leg.
two hands as well as being shoulder braced.
These penalties are cumulative and are additional to
· Level Three (+3): The weapon can be (or may have normal damage or fatigue rules.
to be) fired from a mount for -3 DIFF and recoil -3.
For Example, a PC decides to try to shoot the Pistol
The weapon has an integral mount or is designed for out of an NPC’s hand (+4 DIFF) at Short Range (+0
a tripod, fixed, or vehicle mount. The weapon may DIFF) for an overall +4 DIFF. The same shot at
require two hands and/or shoulder bracing to be used. Extreme Range (+8 DIFF) would be at an overall +12
DIFF to hit.
These are factors inherent in some aspect of what the Optional Rule (PCs Only): If such a roll isn’t success-
weapon’s user is doing or what the target is doing. ful, but would have been if there was no specific
targeting, count as a successful normal hit).
Firing a weapon while moving reduces accuracy in If the target area is hit, and if it is not covered by the
proportion to the speed. body armour being worn, then the character gains no
protection at all from that armour.
· Walk/Crawl movement adds +1 DIFF.
· Run movement adds +2 DIFF. · Armour Defeating Attack (Personal Amour): Aimed
· Climb movement adds +3 DIFF. at “defeating personal armour” is at +1 DIFF per
point of armour negated. If successful, the AV (FAT
QUICK DRAW and DAM) is reduced and penetrating damage is
A weapon capable of being drawn and fired in the one doubled.
one Pulse Action of the Quick Draw Action, does so at
+2 DIFF for this first attack. If the target is wearing Kirasa C Armour (3 FAT, 5
DAM) a PC can decide to try and hit a relatively less
READY WEAPON armoured part of the body. If he chooses to negate 3
A weapon not capable of being drawn and fired as a Armour, that would add +3 Diff to the attack Check,
Quick Draw Action must be readied – firing in the same but would negate all FAT and 3 of 5 DAM protection.
action attracts a +4 DIFF for this first attack.
A weapon normally doing 6D DAM would do 12D
SPECIFIC TARGET DAM if the attack were successful.
Attacks are normally non specific as to where they hit.
However, a character can target a specific body part – · Armour Defeating Attack (Structural and Heavy
Armour): Allows an increase of +10% PEN (a mini-
· Arm or Leg: +2 DIFF. Instant difficult level HLT mum of +1 PEN) to the base PEN of the weapon for
check to see if anything held is dropped and -1 each +1 DIFF applied to the attack roll.
Skill using it; -1 to HLT for movement if hit in Leg.
This sort of modest increase can be the difference
The penalties are cumulative and in addition to any between a marginal AP round penetrating or not.
that might apply because of the normal damage rules.
It is based on the reality that even the strongest arm-
· Head: +3 DIFF. +3D to damage dice. Character our is not strong everywhere – that it has flaws which
suffers an immediate -1 DIFF to all skill checks. can be specifically targetted and exploited.

Players often come up with some particularly unex-
pected and/or off the wall idea that they wish to apply
to a combat (or other crisis) situation for which –

· No specific Skill covers the situation and/or no

122 other situational or non-Skill bonus applies, and
there is a reasonable chance of a benefit from
whatever the Player(s) have come up with.
· A specific Skill and/or other situational or non- ADDITIONAL FACTORS
Skill modifier does exist, but … There is no possible way that these rules can cover
every possible situation that you, as GM, or your
… the Player(s) have come up with something that players will be faced with.
seems likely to bypass, undercut, ignore or get
around it and, despite not meeting all the formal, In most cases you will be able to see that one of
rule driven, qualifications and limits that seem to
apply, is still likely to offer a reasonable benefit.
the existing modifiers gives some idea of what
modifier should apply – but in other cases the
situation will be so off the wall that you’ll initially
No matter how comprehensive a role playing game is, it
really doesn’t (and, realistically, can’t) cover all the
be stumped. e
bases, and, if examined moderately closely, doesn’t fit Don’t be. Simply use the task difficulty descript-
what is likely possible in the “Real World” ™ at anything ors as a basis on which to estimate the stand alone
even vaguely close to a 1:1 correspondence. difficulty of that specific element of the task – that

It’s likely that there will be instances where there could

is, how much difficulty it would add (or subtract)
if it were the only modifier ... and that’s your
be modifiers applicable that aren’t even thought of in
any of the “official” rules.
are likely to occur rarely, or relatively so – if they are
And, of course, anyone who’s been a GM for any role
playing group for any length of time will be well and
likely to happen a lot then, hopefully, there is a specific
existing bonus/penalty that applies … and if there isn’t?
truly aware that players (routinely, it seems) come up
with all sorts of suggestions that simply don’t … fit.
Create it!
In both cases you can simply say “Nope. Not allowed
under the rules!” no matter how unrealistic …
The modifiers listed in the sections above are in no
way intended to be definitive or limiting – they are
As you’ll either know, or soon discover, Players are
simply those that are most likely to be encountered by
characters during the course of regular combat.
damn good, and persistent, at coming up with Real Life
™ examples to support their contentions and make your No, these modifiers are not the same thing as the ones
adherence to the “But. It’s. The. Rules.” line … silly). discussed in the above section, “A Cunning Plan …”,
though they may be suggested by the Players (and, if
Or you can accept it and go with the flow … within they are, then the usual warning about the GM being the
broad limits. final arbiter of what is or isn’t still applies, of course!

If Player(s) do come up with some sort of plan that is Other modifiers may, as needed, be applied to reflect
likely to have a real game effect, then there’s absolutely any specific circumstances not otherwise covered.
no reason at all to automatically reject it.
Non-combat Modifiers may be easily extrapolated from
That’s not the same as automatically accepting any- these though, of course, the lack of life and death stress
thing they suggest. You are still the final arbiter. But – and extreme time pressure in most noncombat circum-
be flexible. stances should be taken into account, which will make
them considerably easier than may seem to be the case.
Use DIFF codes to help determine what sort of modif-
ier should apply, based on your assessment, as a result As a general guideline, you should probably at least
– typically this will be in the range of 1-6, either bonus halve the difficulty for a non-combat task that is similar
or penalty, rarely more than that … and mostly in the to a combat one – unless it really has a similar potential
1-3 range. life-threatening cachet, of course!

These don’t stack with other ‘cunning plans’ - you’re A FINAL NOTE …
being generous allowing one! Real combat, whether melee or missile, is, based on
first hand accounts, very much different from the way
If the players have a series all aimed at modifying the it is presented in the rules of any Role Playing Game
same event, then combine all of them into one effective – and RtA is no exception.
plan – and the 1-6 modifier range.
The facts stack up – the chance of hitting anything you
The idea is to reward ingenuity. But don’t let the players actually aim at in missile combat, assuming you are
run roughshod over you. actually aiming at anything, are way lower than is 123
likely in these rules. Lots of rounds get fired down
Also, this applies to one off situations or situations that range, for sure, but very very few hit.
COMBAT MODIFIERS & RANGE TABLE Very few gamers would find a realistic Combat Hit
Chance rule to be acceptable, so all RPGs allow Hit
Basic DIFF (unless otherwise stated) Average (3) Chances on Combat to be closer to those achievable in
Firing INTO Melee -2 DIFF non-stress (competition or practice) situations.
Firing IN Melee -4 DIFF
Reality is that the chance of hitting is, depending on the
Point Blank Range -1/+2 DIFF exact circumstances, probably no more than 20% of
Short Range (all Ranged Attacks) +0 DIFF what is depicted, if that much.
Medium Range (all Ranged Attacks) +2 DIFF
Paradoxically, close range firefights tend to be just as
Long Range (all Ranged Attacks) +4 DIFF inaccurate as longer range ones, at least in the initial
exchange of fire – and it is not uncommon for everyone
Extreme Range (all Ranged Attacks) +8 DIFF
on both sides to fire off an entire weapon load and hit
Close Space/Cramped Space +1/+2 DIFF … no-one. And, as often as not, any hits that are achieved
½ Cover (Hard Cover) +1 DIFF are by accident and may not even be on the actual target
(assuming there was one).
¾ Cover (Hard Cover) +2 DIFF
Head Only (Hard Cover) +3 DIFF Another thing is the reality that most people, even
those with military or paramilitary training, don’t fire
¾ Cover (Soft Cover) +1 DIFF
a lot in a combat … they take cover and hold fire, or
Head Only (Soft Cover) +2 DIFF fire blindly and randomly from cover.
Light Smoke/Mist or Heavy Rain +1 DIFF
This is especially so after the first exchange of fire and
Heavy Smoke/Fog or Torrential Rain +2 DIFF where a character is not close (within a meter or two
Dawn/Dusk +2 DIFF at most, often less) to someone else – if they’re alone,
they may fire some random rounds blindly, if that, but
Full Moon +4 DIFF
mostly remain under cover. Only if they’re with
Starlight +8 DIFF someone else do they typically fire at every opportunity.
Total Darkness +10 DIFF
You can’t force PCs to behave like this. Some do, most
Waist Deep Water +1 DIFF don’t – and it’s usually up to GM discretion as to how
Underwater (Missile Weapons) +2 DIFF active any NPCs are. Mostly erring on the side of
insanely risk taking.
Aim (Missile) per Pulse -1 DIFF
Recoil 1 +1 DIFF That’s just two of the more (or less) obvious issues –
Recoil 2 +2 DIFF but, in general, keep in mind that all RPG combat is
much more heavily influenced by Hollywood than by
Recoil 3 +3 DIFF real life!
Stability 1 -1 DIFF
Stability 2 -2 DIFF
Stability 3 -3 DIFF
Attacker is Walking/Crawling +1 DIFF
Attacker is Running +2 DIFF
Attacker is Climbing +3 DIFF
Quick Draw +2 DIFF
Ready Weapon +4 DIFF
Specific Target: Arm/Leg +2 DIFF
Specific Target: Head +3 DIFF
Specific Target: Hand/Foot +4 DIFF
Horse/Car (Size) -1/-2 DIFF
Truck/Locomotive (Size) -3/-4 DIFF
Armour Defeating Attack +1 DIFF*
124 * +1 DIFF/point of armour to be negated for Personal or
per +10% PEN (min +1) for Heavy/Structural Armour
The following examples hopefully make it clear how
the combat process works. They use the two sample
Characters, Jane Smith (the SAS Sniper) and Brian
Jones (the War Correspondent) going up against
various Cardboard Characters from Modern Encounters
(Core Rules, Book #3) – e
Jane and Brian have been separated from their
embedded unit and are, if not exactly lost, don’t know
exactly where they are in the jungle of the Niger Delta
region of Nigeria (where the Biafran Campaign is set).
As they move as carefully through the heavy foliage as Since she has HLT/5 (Reaction Speed +1) vs CUN/4,
possible, Jane hears the sound of some voices ahead – the choice is easy – she takes 6AD, which are used as
male voices, so she motions for Brian to take cover
behind a fallen log while she readies her P-90 SMG
regular Action Dice in a Surprise turn during which
the Scout cannot react.
(preferring it over her Lee Enfield Sniper Rifle in the
closer terrain of the Jungle). So, she opens fire using Firearms/2 (the P90 counts as
a Pistol), HLT/5 (the governing Attribute) and +2s for
About 50 meters ahead, she spots a local in a Nigerian
Army uniform, with a Boko Haram brassard, armed
P90 = 2 + 5 + 2 = 9D. e
with an AK-47 come into view around a corner of a
jungle trail.
She decides to spend the whole 6P on one attack – so
she adds +6AD, bringing her total to 15D, but decides
to expend only 1 Single Target Autofire Burst (and 10
Jane has a MNA/6 and, so she can perform 6 1P rounds of ammo), for +5D bonus – bringing her total
Actions in a Combat Turn, if she so desires. to 20D!

The Boko Haram Scout is ex-Nigerian Army (see Stat The target is at 50 meters, which is Medium Range (+2
Block below) and has a MNa/3, and so can perform DIFF) and with basic Passive Dodge +2 DIFF added to
only three Actions per Combat Turn. the base Average DIFF (3), for a total of DIFF/7, making
the Task Code 20D7.
Surprise is a Resisted Task between the two – Jane
heard the Scout (or his fellows) coming, and so makes Jane rolls 8 successes, which means she has scored a
an Observation (Stakeout) Check – CUN (4) + Check hit – and has an Additional Success to spend.
Number (4 + 1 = 5) = 9D which is, as it is not otherwise
specified, vs Average DIFF, so the Task Code is 9d3. The P90 does 4D + 1D at Medium Range and decides
to use the Additional Success she rolled to do +1D DAM
Jane rolls 4 Successes, which means the BH Scout (few BH soldiers wear Body Armour in the heat and
must roll his Scout Check against DIFF 4. He has humidity) which means her total damage dice = 6D.
Mental/3 + Scout/6 = 9D, for a Task Code 9D4 and
rolls only 3 Successes, failing … which means Jane has Since the Scout has no armour, her attack does an
taken him by surprise, which gives her CUN or HLT automatic 6 points of damage and a further point for
Ambush Dice. each roll of 8+. She rolls two successes, for +2 damage,
or a total of 8 points.
Mental 3 Phys/MNA 3 (3/2/2/2/1) The Scout subtracts 2 points for his Passive Defence/2
– and takes 6 points, which wipes off all 3 points of
Primary Skills Flesh Wounds, the two points of Minor Wounds and one
Rifle/8; Bayonet/6, Scout/6; Survival/4, Environ point of the two Major Wounds.
Knowledge (Tropical Jungle)/4, Concentration/4
This means that he will suffer from a +2 DIFF penalty
Secondary Skills to all actions from that point, but is still in the fight.
Unarmed Combat/5; Fire & Move/3, Medic/3; 125
Drive/3, Streetwise/3, Sentry/3 The Surprise turn being over, things revert to normal
– and the BH Scout may now act (or try to) and
chooses to perform a Defence (Missile) Action, spending But the action (or the part that we’re dealing with)
4 Action Dice/4P, which will add +4 DIFF to any isn’t over yet. Remember Brian? He’s taken cover
attacks directed at him for the entire turn and is behind a log, a pretty big one as it happens, which the
applicable immediately. The downside is that he will GM allows is Hard Cover (Head Only), or +3 DIFF to
not be able to take a second Action until the 5th Pulse target … which is fortunate, as another Boko Haram
of the turn (4 AD = 4 seconds). Scout has appeared to one side, about 10 meters off!

Jane can also act, and chooses to fire another burst at Neither has surprise, but Brian, being a Civilian, has
the Scout – Firearms/2 + HLT/5 +2s for P90 = 2 + 5 + a required minimum 2AD/2P spend, a -1d penalty to
2 = 9D, but only a 1P Action, for +1D = 10D. any Action Dice spent, and an MNA/3 while the BH
Scout has MNA/3 but no other penalties.
Again, she uses a Single Target Autofire Burst (and 10
rounds of ammo), for +5D bonus – bringing her total The Scout decides to take a Defence (Missile) Action for
to 15D! 3AD, adding +3 DIFF to attempts to hit him and tying
him up for the first three Pulses of the Combat Turn.
The target is at 50 meters, Medium Range (+2 DIFF)
with +4 DIFF from the Defence (Missile) Action added Brian decides he will also take a Defence (Missile)
to the base Average DIFF (3), for a total of DIFF/8, Action, in this case for 3 AD (Pulses) also, which will
making the Task Code 15D8. add only +2 DIFF (remember the 1d penalty because
he’s a civilian).
Jane rolls 5 Successes, which isn’t enough to hit the
frantically dodging Scout. This means that the BH Scout can act again before
Brian does – and he decides to take a careful shot,
For her next Action she decides to spend 3 AD (3P) aiming for +2 AD (2P) with his AK-47.
aiming, which adds +3D for the time and +3D for the
Aim, bringing her total to 21D, and making the Task He has HLT/3, Rifle/8 and +2 AD for 13D, and
Code 21D8 and rolling on the 4th Pulse of the turn. decides to do a Single Target Autofire Burst for +10D =
23D. He is at Short Range (+0 DIFF) for the AK, but, as
She rolls nine Successes, for +1 Additional Success. noted, Brian is behind Hard Cover so you add +3 DIFF
for that as well as +2 DIFF for his Defence (Missile)
Damage is 4D + 1D (Medium Range) for the P90 and Action to the basic Average DIFF of the shot, for DIFF/8
she (again) uses the Additional Success she rolled to do and a Task Code of 23D8 and acting on the 5th Pulse.
+1D DAM = 6D total.
The Scout rolls 9 Successes, for +1 Additional Success.
Since the Scout has no armour, her attack does an The AK-47 does 6D Dam, and the Scout adds +1D for
automatic 6 points of damage and a further point for his Additional Success for 7D. Brian, however, is
each roll of 8+. She rolls two successes, for +2 damage, wearing Kevlar Tactical Armour with Medium Ceramic
or a total of 8 points. Inserts (5 FAT, 7 DAM) and a PASGT Helmet (3 FAT, 3
DAM). The Scout didn’t take the additional Diff for
The Scout subtracts 2 points for his Passive Defence/2 aiming specifically at the Head, so his shot actually
– and takes 6 points, which wipes off all the remaining takes Brian in the Body Armour.
Major Wound, the next 2 Serious Wounds and the one
Disabling Wound, leaving 2 points of damage left – The 7D done by the shot is equal to 7 DAM AV, so the
which means the NPC Scout is dead. Scout rolls 7D, and needs to roll 7+ to do 1 FAT, or a 0
to do an additional 1 FAT or 1 DAM on a reroll of 0.
All before he took a single shot! His roll scores 3 x 7+ and one 0, which, amazingly,
rerolls as a 0 for 3 FAT, 1 DAM.

Remember, however, that Brian gets to subtract his

Passive Defence/2 from the attack, so it reduces to only
2 FAT damage, the rest being stopped by the Body
Armour and a little luck.

Brian better hope Jane comes to his aid, and soon!

Vehicular Combat – combat situations where one or
both parties, attacker and/or defender, is a vehicle
works slightly differently to standard combat.

The important differences are modifiers applying to

the Combat Rolls and some clarification of basic
combat procedure as it relates to vehicles. The stand-
ard Combat Resolution procedure as described in the
Game System chapter is followed. s
Turns are still 6 Pulses (Seconds) long (unless you use Vehicle movement is based on the Driver’s (or Pilot’s)
the Variable Combat Turn Length optional rule).
Ground scale may need to be increased. Considerably.
Action/Reaction. s
If you’re mixing character and vehicular movement,
Combat with a vehicle mounted weapon is done on
the basis of the Gunner’s (there may be more than one
then ground scale becomes a major problem. If you if there is more than one weapon) Action/Reaction.
use the standard one meter character level scale, then
the vehicles will whizz across the map. This applies for PC run vehicles and will likely mean the
A vehicle travelling at 60 kph will move 100 meters in a
vehicle moves and shoots on different phases. For NPC
vehicles, the following rule may be more appropriate
six Pulse combat turn – that’s likely right across the map even if you don’t use it for the PCs.
in one turn with the normal one meter ground scale.
Alternately, the vehicle crew may opt to all act together
If you’re using the suggested ten meter vehicle level on the Vehicle Commander’s phase.
scale, then characters will rarely move more than four
hexes and, most likely, only move one or two. Crew members still purchase their actions separately,
and may have a different amount to expend. The only
Four hexes for a character is a four minute mile (24 kph) difference is that those that have actions left spend them
and not sustainable for much more than four minutes – together.
40 Combat Turns – and not while carrying a nominal
combat load of weapon and ammo, for example. AMBUSH AND SURPRISE
The standard rules apply – though circumstantial
It may be best, if combining character and vehicular modifiers will be different for vehicles attempting to
movement to use a more abstract system. set/detect an ambush will obviously be much different
to modifiers for characters attempting the same thing.
Most experienced players and GMs are used to running
abstract combat where they simply use modifiers and ACTIONS
mental imagery to keep track of what is happening. All are the same except for –

One solution is to treat combat as a modified Opposed DEFEND (MISSILE)

Task – one that is both simultaneous (as Opposed Tasks This is based on the skill of the vehicle’s Driver. An
are normally) and also a Multi-Stage Task. Active Defend (Missile) action is based on them immed-
iately spending an action to make a Driving check at
Instead of a series of many Combat Turns, each with the beginning of the Combat Turn.
little character but, potentially, lots of vehicle move-
ment, treat the whole situation as a series of stages Drivers best keep Actions reserved for movement and
with the character attempting their actions versus the dodging – and nothing else. Leave the weapons to the
vehicle attempting to do what its crew wishes it to do. crew (unless the weapons are fixed facing or autonomous)

This is a somewhat cinematic setup, but it makes the The number of successes that they make is the penalty 127
completion of a relatively unusual situation quicker and to any attack actions directed at the vehicle for the
easier to handle for all involved. whole of the combat turn!
A Passive Defend (Missile) action adds +1 Diff to the · Half (½) Cover applies to vehicles that are only
attack roll for each point of Drive Skill committed to half exposed. For turreted vehicles, that means
the defence for one attack only. they are hull down with only the turret showing.

These points are subtracted from any other Driving This is generally the best that Soviet/Russian tanks
checks made by the driver for the rest of the Phase. can achieve (see below).

A character with Drive/3 commits two points of skill to a · Three Quarter (¾) Cover applies to vehicles that
Passive Defend, which adds +2 DIFF to the attack roll. are only ¼ exposed. For turreted vehicles, they
However, for the rest of the Combat Phase they make must be hull and turret down, with only the main
Driving task checks as if of Drive/1 skill. weapon and part of the turret showing.

The vehicle’s Handling is an upper limit to the bonus Only western Main Battle Tanks can get this bonus
that can be applied, no matter what the Driver rolls. and still be combat ready – Soviet tanks are much
squatter and, if they wish to take this bonus, they
A vehicle with Handling/3 can never have more than a cannot also use their main gun (though they could
+3 Active Defend Missile Bonus regardless of how many use the Commander’s or Gunner’s machinegun).
successes the Driver may achieve, for example.
· Head Only Cover applies only if 90% of the vehicle
ATTACK FACTORS is covered. For turreted vehicles, and only those of
These remain mostly the same – with the differences western design, it applies where they leave only the
noted below. Commander’s or Gunner’s external MG exposed.


This normally applies only if Vehicles are firing at The same changes apply as for Hard Cover, above.
Characters (and only for the PCs) or if Vehicles/crew
served weapons are firing on other Vehicles. MOVEMENT
Movement causes penalties to attack rolls made by
Vehicles are big. Characters aren’t. Even so, there are vehicular mounted weapons as well as to personal
modifiers for target size – but these are separate from weapons fired from within or on a moving vehicle.
Cover modifiers.
Unlike character level combat, the speeds of both the
Vehicle vs vehicle? Size penalties usually cancel out. attacking vehicle and the defending vehicle are taken
Crew Served Weapons? They’re generally fairly big, or into consideration.
somewhat less accurate than personal weapons, so opp-
osing vehicles get the benefit of hard cover. Speeds are categorised by the GM as Very Slow, Slow,
Medium, Fast, or Very Fast based on their estimation
Where characters are firing on vehicles with personal (see the Collisions rule).
(i.e. non crew served) weapons it does not apply for the
vehicle under most circumstances. · Very Slow: no penalty.
· Slow: add +1 DIFF.
Vehicles are big. For them to get a Hard Cover bonus · Medium: add +2 DIFF.
they would have to have the same proportion of their · Fast: add +3 DIFF.
body/hull under cover to qualify. · Very Fast: add +4 DIFF.

Note: Hard Cover can still be penetrated by weapons Penalties for movement are equal to the sum of the
with enough damage capacity. In fact, if the weapon penalties for the speeds of the attacking vehicle and
used can, then apply the Soft Cover modifiers instead. defending vehicle.

An M-1 Abrams moving at Medium speed (+2 DIFF) fires

at a Russian T-72 moving at Fast speed (+3 DIFF) – the
total penalty that applies to the M-1’s attack roll against
the T-72 (and vice versa) is +5 DIFF.

This is why you have Stabilised weapons – so you can

fire while on the move and, to a slightly lesser extent, fire
at targets that are moving. Note that, even if a vehicle is
128 noted as having stabilisation, that doesn’t necessarily
mean that it is working … especially as the 3WW contin-
ues and spares run short (or out).
Unlike attacks directed against persons (or creatures) it
is important to know where the round hits.

This is represented by the AVs for Turret-Hull Front,

Side, Rear, Top and Bottom but further differentiat-
ion is needed to determine what might be hit extern-
ally or, if the attack penetrates, internally.
When a hit is scored roll on the table below to
determine where it hit. The effects of the hit will vary If the hit is to the engine area, it is automatically a
according to whether it penetrates any Armour (of
whatever sort) the vehicle might or might not have.
feed hit, if it is to the tank area, there is a 50:50
chance of either being hit.
· Armour Not Penetrated: Effects are limited to A hit on the fuel feed causes engine damage, but
externally carried cargo or passengers in the the “appropriate effect” will be for the engine to
location hit as per the standard damage rules. stop running or, if the Driver makes a check at the
current engine damage penalty, to lose 20% of its
· Armour Penetrated: The effects detailed in the
following subsections are applied.
speed capability per damage level for lack of fuel.
A hit on the fuel tank causes fuel loss, 20% of the
Engine hits are from from Front or Side facings, Fuel
base fuel capacity (not of the current fuel contents
– so, if it isn’t full, it will drain dry quicker) of the
are from Side or Rear facings. From a purely Side
facing, there is a 50:50% chance of either being hit.
tank is lost over what the GM deems an approp-
riate time period (depending on the dramatic
needs of the scene, 1D liters every 1D time periods
This assumes that the engine is front mounted, as it is in randomly) for each level of damage.
most non-armoured vehicles and even in some non-turret-
ed armoured vehicles. The more damage the quicker the tank drains (the
rate may be increased to xD liters per xD time periods,
If the engine is rear mounted, then a Front Facing and length of the time periods reduced as desired).
Engine/Fuel hit will hit the Cargo Area instead. A Rear
Facing Engine/Fuel hit to a rear mounted engine will Some vehicles may have more than one fuel tank
have a 50% chance of being to either Engine or Fuel. and, if so, then this has an effect on only one of them.

· Engine Hit: If the Engine is hit, it takes damage If the fuel tank is hit by an incendiary round there
separately from the vehicle according to its Struct- is a chance that it will actually set the fuel alight!
ure. Effects directly on the Engine are assessed
separately from generic Structure effects. Despite what Hollywood movies suggest, fuel doesn’t
automatically explode when the fuel tank is hit. In
If the damage inflicted exceeds the engine’s rated fact, fuel tank explosions are quite rare (which is not
structure, then the remainder will “blow through” the same as impossible).
and and the weapon’s damage is applied to harm the
driver/passengers or controls, as appropriate. The chance of the Fuel Tank’s contents being set
alight is 20% + 1 % per damage point by incendiary
· Fuel Hit: A Fuel hit does not necessarily mean a hit rounds (the chance is 5% + 1% per damage point
on the fuel tank – it may be a hit on the engine’s for an explosive round) but may be reduced by 10%
fuel feed (or the fuel pump etc.). for each success made in a Driving task check at
Difficult level by the vehicle’s driver.
1-2 Engine or Fuel If the tank is set alight, it will continue to burn, doing
3D damage/liter to anyone caught inside and possib-
3-4 Crew/Controls/Passengers
ly spreading to locations adjacent to the fuel tank
5-6 Running Gear/Suspension location every 1D time periods.
7-9 Cargo Area 129
If the round does enough damage to destroy the
10 Special Equipment vehicle in one shot then there is a base 50% chance
(increased by 10% for every extra success beyond RUNNING GEAR/SUSPENSION
the minimum required) that a fuel tank containing This is a hit on either the wheels or tracks (Running
petrol or aviation fuel will catch alight and actually Gear) of a vehicle or the mechanical arrangements on
explode “real soon” (at GM’s discretion, based on which they are mounted (Suspension).
the dramatic needs of the scene).
Both of these (Running Gear and Suspension) have
After a “suitable interval” such a fire will spread and (like the vehicle’s Engine) a separate Structure rated
engulf the vehicle (based on the GM’s assessment of separately from overall Structure.
the dramatic needs of the scene – 1D time periods).
· Wheeled Vehicles: If hit from the front or rear, there
For diesel, ethanol, or methanol, the chance of such is a 60% chance that the wheels are hit and a 40%
a catastrophic fire is a base 20%, increased by 5% for chance that the suspension is.
each additional success beyond fuel tank destruction.
If hit from the side, there is an 80% chance the
CREW/CONTROLS/PASSENGERS wheels are hit and a 20% chance the suspension is.
If the hit was scored against the front, then either the
occupant(s) of the front seat (80%) or the vehicle · Tracked Vehicles: If hit from the front or rear, there
controls (20%) are hit. is an 80% chance the tracks are hit (if they are,
there is a 60% chance the running gear is hit as
Which of the front seat occupants are hit is determined well) and a 20% chance that the running gear is.
randomly, depending on number and round effect.
If hit from the side, there is an 80% chance the
If the Vehicle Controls are hit (affecting Handling) – running gear is hit (if it is, there is a further 50%
and if there is a front/roof mount weapon there is a chance the tracks are hit as well) and a 20% chance
50:50 chance the Weapon be hit instead. From Left or that the tracks are hit.
Right facing who/what is hit will depend on the nat-
ionality of the vehicle. · Damage to Wheels/Tyres (Standard Vehicles): If a
wheel suffers more damage than it is rated for,
The UK and Australia, for example, have the driver on then it is knocked out.
the Right, most other countries have them on the Left
(though foreign designed and/or manufactured military If the damage is less than twice the rated Structure,
vehicles mostly remain on the Left hand drive even so). it represents a flat tyre that may easily be changed
– more than twice the rated damage, however, has
If it is the Driver’s side, there is a 60% chance the driver a flat 50% chance of destroying the wheel itself,
is hit and a 40% chance that the Controls are. If it is which will require replacement of the whole unit.
the Passenger’s side, there is an 80% chance a passeng-
er is hit and a 20% chance that the Controls are. Most vehicles carry a spare wheel/tyre unit which
makes the destruction of the wheel somewhat moot –
Note: In some vehicles the engine is front mounted and but spare tyres are more common than spare wheels
may protect the passengers/driver. If so, treat a Crew or in the supply chain and destruction of the wheel is
Passenger (but not Control) hit as an Engine hit – unless much more problematic in the chaos of the 3WW.
the damage inflicted is so much that it blows through.
If the wheel/tyre was destroyed by an explosion,
If the Rear facing is rolled, the Cargo Area is hit. any excess damage (any damage in excess of the
amount that would destroy the wheel/tyre) blows
If the engine is rear mounted it will come completely (or through to attack the rest of the vehicle.
almost) between the cargo and rear facing.
For front tyres, this will be split, 50/50, between
engine and the driver or front passengers; for rear
tyres, it is split between the cargo and passengers
(for a vehicle with a front mounted engine – see
Engine/Fuel and Cargo Area for alternatives).

A four wheel vehicle which has a single tyre/wheel

knocked out suffers a mobility impairment.

For standard vehicles, knocking out either of the

130 powered wheels renders it immobile and hitting
the unpowered wheels limits maximum speed to
20 kph for short distances (at GM discretion).
If a moving vehicle suffers such a hit, the driver needs
to make an immediate task check at +1 DIFF per 10
kph of speed over 20 kph that the vehicle is moving
at or lose control (though not forward momentum)
and, if they fail a second Driving check (at no
penalty due to speed, however), the vehicle crashes.
How far a vehicle can travel on its rims is entirely in
the gift of the GM – and should be based on the
dramatic needs of the situation. Not particularly far,
however – klicks rather than tens of klicks.
If two tyres/wheels are knocked out, the vehicle is · Track Hits: If a track suffers more Structure than
rendered completely immobile. it is rated for, some links are damaged and the

And an immediate Driver check at +1 DIFF per 10

track is “thrown”, immobilising the vehicle. s
kph of speed over 20 kph that the vehicle is moving
at – failure indicates the vehicle as crashed (though
If one track is intact, the vehicle can, theoretically,
slew around in a circle, and go, effectively, nowhere.
not instantly lost all forward momentum, of course). A generous GM might allow such movement to grant

· Damage to Wheels/Tyres (4WD Vehicles): A four

a +1 DIFF to an attacker’s attempt to hit it. Or not. s
wheel, 4WD, vehicle is rendered immobile only if
one tyre/wheel from each pair of powered pair is
Tracks and tracked vehicles more vulnerable than
wheeled ones to mobility kills? On the face of it, yes!
knocked out, which would, otherwise it is able to But they can take more damage in the first place.
continue at a maximum speed of 20 kph for a
limited distance (at GM discretion). Of course, replacing those few damaged links on a
· Damage to Wheeled Vehicles with More than Four
track is one hell of a lot easier than finding a new tyre
or tyre/wheel combo if you don’t have one.
Wheels: Vehicles with more than four wheels/tyres
suffer variable effects. To balance that, it is a lot harder and more physical
a job (and, not coincidentally, takes more time) than
Those with more than one tyre/wheel on the same simply replacing a wheel/tyre.
side of an axle (such as heavy trucks) treat the hit
as if it were to one combined wheel/tyre (the rated Of course, the sort of damage that a tracked vehicle
damage is based on this assumption) and the can likely take and still survive to be repairable is
effects are as for a single wheel/tyre being destroy- also a hell of a lot more than the typical wheeled
ed if enough damage is done for that to be the case. vehicle can take! Swings. Roundabouts.

Vehicles with 2+ axles and/or more than four · Track & Running Gear Hits: If the running gear is
wheel/tyre units suffer slightly different effects dep- hit, and suffers more
ending on which axle is hit.
Structure that it is rated for, then there is an 80%
If on the frontmost or rearmost axle, effects are as chance that one of the roadwheel units is destroyed
for a standard four wheel vehicle. and a 20% chance that either the drive sprocket or
the return wheel are destroyed (50:50 from the side
If on the middle axle(s), there is only a 20% reduct- aspect; return wheel from the front aspect and
ion in speed and a loss of one level of effective drive sprocket from the rear aspect) and, in any of
suspension regarding terrain effects and an addit- these instances, there is an 80% chance that the
ional one level of Handling. track will be damaged and “thrown” as well.

The speed and suspension effects apply once, but Both the roadwheel (or return wheel, or drive
Handling reduction applies once per wheel/tyre sprocket) and the track will need to be replaced for
unit lost from such middle axles. the vehicle to be fully mobile.

· Suspension Hits (Wheeled Vehicles): Hits on a Tracked vehicles normally carry at least one spare
wheeled vehicle’s suspension which destroy it (that road wheels – and, since they are intended for com-
is, which cause more Structure than it is rated for) bat, there tend to be more of these in the supply
have the same effect as if the attack had knocked chain, making availability slightly higher (compared 131
out all wheels/tyres on that axle and, at the very to scrapping the vehicle – since tracked vehicles,
least, will require extensive repairs to correct. especially armoured ones, are very expensive).
How well can tracked vehicles run with one
roadwheel destroyed? It depends ... TURRETED VEHICLES
When a turreted vehicle is hit, roll on the table below
On the actual placement of the road wheel ... but, to determine where it is hit. The effects will vary
at best, don’t plan on going very fast (no more than according to whether it penetrates any Armour (or
10 kph) or on maneuvering at even that speed. whatever sort) the vehicle might or might not have.

If the return roller is destroyed, the track is auto- · Armour Not Penetrated: The effects of the round
matically thrown even if not also damaged, and are limited to externally carried cargo or passen-
the vehicle simply cannot run. gers in the area hit per the standard damage rules.

The same applies to a disabled/destroyed drive · Armour Penetrated: The effects detailed in the
sprocket – the vehicle immobilised. following subsections are applied.

Replacing either of these is the job for an Engineer Hull: The Vehicle’s Hull is hit. Roll again on the Hull
Vehicle at the very least. Hit Table below.

A very generous GM might allow a crew with the right Hull/Turret: There is a 50:50 chance of hitting either.
spares to improvise something – but it will be much
harder to do and will take a lot of extra time. Turret: The Vehicle’s Turret is hit. Roll again on the
Turret Hit Table.
This may be an actual cargo area, a dual purpose Equipment: One item from the vehicle’s Special
cargo/passenger area or the main passenger area of a Equipment is hit.
pure passenger vehicle (there is still a 20% chance that
the small cargo area in a passenger vehicle will be hit VEHICLE HULL
instead of the main passenger area). ENGINE OR FUEL
See above.
Who or what is hit depends on seating or cargo
stowage arrangements and should be determined ran- CREW/CONTROLS/PASSENGERS
domly based on the direction of attack. See above.


One item from the vehicle’s Special Equipment is hit. See above.
If the vehicle’s armour is not penetrated, then which
item of equipment is damaged depends on which CARGO AREA/AMMUNITION
facing, Front, Side, Rear, Top or Bottom is hit. This may be an actual cargo area, a dual purpose area
or the main passenger area (there is still a 20% chance
Any externally stowed gear/equipment at those locat- the the small cargo area of even a pure passenger
ions will be hit randomly – from Front or Rear facings vehicle will be hit).
there is a 20% and from the Side facings there is a 40%
chance that the vehicle’s Running Gear will be hit Alternately, it may be the ammunition stowage in a
directly, having an effect on Handling. pure combat vehicle or passenger/combat vehicle with
a large caliber gun (or internally/externally mounted
If the armour is penetrated, then there is a chance that ATGMs) in or on the turret.
an item of internally mounted Special Equipment will
be damaged instead, randomly determined by the GM There will be some large caliber rounds in the turret of
(or based on the dramatic needs of the scene). major combat vehicles, but most will be in the hull.

· Cargo/Passenger Area: Who or what is hit depends

on the seating/cargo stowage and should be deter-
mined semi-randomly depending on the direction
from which the attack comes.

· Ammunition Stowage: With an ammunition stow-

age area the effects will be potentially quite differ-
ent. A straight kinetic energy hit will simply destroy
132 some of the rounds.

However, an incendiary or explosive round has the

potential to start a fire ... and, if this happens, then
there is the chance that some or all of the remain-
ing ammunition could explode.
Again, Hollywood reality is much different from
actual reality – ammunition does not automatically
explode even when hit by incendiaries ... if anything,
they tend to burn and cook off other rounds.
However, most modern combat vehicles have what is
called wet stowage for ammunition stored in the hull.
The rounds are stored in slots that are surrounded by
fuel (normally diesel, and quite hard to set alight) · Large Caliber Weapons: If the weapon is 20 mm
and, if a hit there, the diesel douses any immediate caliber or larger, damage is done as if it had the
threat of it catching alight and exploding. vehicle’s structure and, if not destroyed, any
damage penalty applies to repair rolls on it.
Even where a fire has gained hold, or if the vehicle
doesn’t have wet stowage (or they’re really low on · Small Caliber Weapons: A weapon smaller than 20
fuel), there is usually a delay between hit and explos- mm caliber is automatically destroyed.
ion – 1D time periods if a random factor is desired.
· Crew Served Weapons: If the weapon has a gunner
When an explosion occurs, it includes 1D x 10% of
remaining ammunition in the area and the damage
and/or loader then they are attacked as well.
will be equal to 1D x 5% of the damage rating of the · Side Attack: then the Gunner is attacked if from
round multiplied by the number of exploding rounds. the left side and the Loader if from the right side. e
One item from the vehicle’s Special Equipment is hit
· Front Attack: there is a 50% chance that one or the
other is attacked and a 50% chance both will be.
if it is stored/mounted/operated from inside the hull,
perhaps on the way through the armour (see above). · Rear Attack: the entire turret crew will be attacked.


MAIN WEAPON A secondary weapon (chosen randomly if more than
The vehicle’s main weapon is hit. This will automatic- one) is hit. It will be damaged/destroyed as per Main
ally knock the weapon out, and may destroy it. Weapon above. If the weapon is currently manned, the
crewperson manning it will also be attacked.
1-6 Hull CREW
The round explodes in the turret and attacks all of the
7 Hull/Turret
crew. In most vehicles the driver will be in the hull and
8-10 Turret won’t be directly affected.
10 Equipment
TURRETED VEHICLE HULL HIT TABLE Any ready ammunition stored in the turret will be hit.
Effects will be similar to the Hull area Ammo hit – but
1-3 Engine or Fuel
it isn’t wet stored (modern vehicles don’t store ammo
4-6 Running Gear/Suspension there ... or only with special provisions).
7 Crew/Controls/Passengers
· Small Caliber Rounds (i.e. rifle/machinegun): A hit
8-9 Cargo Area/Ammunition simply destroys some or all of the ammunition,
10 Equipment perhaps only the ready use stuff.

TURRETED VEHICLE TURRET HIT TABLE · Main gun rounds: As per Vehicle Hull. If there is
1-3 Main Weapon provision for a “blow off” cover on ammo storages
area the explosion, if any, will blow outwards,
4 Weapon
venting the force and ensuring that, at least, the
5-7 Crew vehicle survives even if the turret crew doesn’t!
8-9 Ammunition 133
Allow the crew to attempt to Bail Out before the
10 Equipment explosion on a Difficult Athletics Check.
One item from the vehicle’s Special Equipment is hit The two vehicles involved in a chase use their chase
if it is stored/mounted/operated from inside the turret, points as the start value – and each turn thereafter the
perhaps on the way through the armour (see above). drivers make a Driving check as a Resisted task.

C The difference between the check results (as an abso-

HASES lute number) is added to the chase point total of the
Chases are handled abstractly – so it is easy enough to “winning” driver for that turn as a cumulative total.
modify the following rules to suit your take on what is
involved/needed in the process. The faster of the veh- · If, at any time, the difference between the total
icles involved will win – if it were run in a straight line. Chase Points of the two parties are reduced to zero
Of course, this is rarely the case – which is where other or less, then the chase is over – for 10 + 1D Combat
factors has an impact. Turns – and the pursuing driver can get as close to
the target vehicle as they desire, as noted above.
The two parties to the chase gain one chase point for After the 10 + 1D Combat Turns are up, assuming
each of the following factors – that the target vehicle is still operational, add up the
Chase Points for each again and, if the difference is
· Per point of Vehicle Handling (as modified by within the parameters for starting a chase, start again.
damage, load and other factors)
· If, at any time, the difference between the total
· Per full 10 kph of maximum speed (as modified by Chase Points of the two parties exceed twenty
damage, load and other factors) points, then the fleeing vehicle has managed to
escape. For the moment, anyway.
· Per point of Suspension greater than that required
by the terrain in which the chase occurs If the fleeing vehicle is absolutely faster than the
pursuing vehicle you have a “stern chase” – as long
· Per point of skill the driver has in Driving skill. as the purser wishes to continue, they can ... they just
can’t catch up. In effect, they are following the
From this they lose one chase point for the following – fleeing vehicle’s dust (or can see it in the distance).

· Per point of Suspension less than that required by Only if some other factor(s) intervenes will there be a
the terrain in which the chase occurs. chance to restart the chase, e.g. if the fleeing vehicle
is slowed down further by entering a different terrain
With this information you can determine whether a type that would not slow the pursuing vehicle.
chase is possible or not.
Of course, the fleeing driver can attempt to lose the
· If the difference is less than or equal to (10 + pursuit by other means ... speed isn’t everything.
Terrain Value), there is a chase.
Getting temporarily out of view and then leaving the
· If the difference is greater than (10 + Terrain pursuer at a crossroads where they have to make a
Value), there is no chase – the vehicle with the choice – perhaps the wrong one – is a classic ploy.
higher total escapes or catches its target.
Note: Given the length of the Combat Turn, you may
Of course, “catching” the vehicle merely means the decide that, to escape, the required difference bet-
pursuit vehicle gets as close as they want – ram it, ween the two parties be higher than twenty points.
even – or stay within missile range. Their choice.

Vehicle data in from the Vehicle Chapter is described
below in terms of procedure and game effects.

These are averages (they vary according to speed, load,
terrain and other factors). These are optional rules –


If a vehicle is running at less than full speed, fuel
consumption is reduced.
· At 80% of maximum speed it is 70% of base rate.
· At 40% of maximum speed it is 25% base rate.
· At 10% of maximum speed it is 5% of base rate
If a ground vehicle is running with up to half its rated
load fuel consumption is as listed, Otherwise –
· At 51-75% of maximum load, +10% consumption.
· At 76-100% of maximum load, +25% consumption.
· At 101+% of maximum load, +50% consumption.
… AND TERRAIN · Handling is the total number of bonuses they can
If a ground vehicle is running on – apply to any missile attack roll made by the vehicle.

· Highway/Paved Road = basic fuel consumption. This is the total number of characteristic dice and
· Graded Dirt or Gravel Road = +10%.
· Unimproved Dirt Road/Track = +20% (+30% if wet).
other bonus effects that the gunner (or other shooter)
can expend over the course of the entire turn – partly
· Cross Country with 4WD = +20% (+40% if wet). representing the vehicle’s stability and partly time.
· Cross Country without 4WD = +50% (+100% if wet).
Note: For stabilised weapons the limit is per attack.
Using fuels other than Petrol/Gasoline, Diesel, or
Aviation Fuel has an effect on fuel consumption – STRUCTURE
· Internal Combustion engine burning Ethanol
How destroyed is a destroyed vehicle? For a game
setting where the availability of spares for the maint-
triples basic fuel consumption.
· Internal Combustion engine burning Methanol
enance and repair of existing vehicles is problematic,
these questions are vitally important.
quadruples basic fuel consumption.
· Steam Engines/Diesels burning Ethanol doubles In reality, most “destroyed” vehicles are actually rep-
basic fuel consumption. airable. More often than not all “destroyed” means is
· Steam Engines/Diesels burning Methanol triples “not currently operational.”
basic fuel consumption.
· Steam Engines burning charcoal/coke use 1 kilo So, how destroyed destroyed is is a vital question.
per liter of petrol and takes up 50% more space.
· Steam Engines burning wood use 2 kilos per liter A vehicle’s structure is a rating of how much excess
of liquid fuel and takes up twice the storage space. damage it can take before it is ... well, really destroyed.
· Biodiesel is treated as diesel in all ways.
Not good for anything but scrap – and maybe not even
that if it’s not easy to move to the scrap merchant!
This is a measure of how responsive the vehicle is to PROCEDURE
the control system installed under normal conditions. Allocating Structure: Vehicles allocate Structure
This may be affected by other factors, including – similarly to the way in which characters allocate HLT.

DEFENCE There are five grades – Scratched, Dinged, Battered,

· Handling is an absolute limit to the ability of the Crunched and Disabled (see table opposite) and the
driver to use a Defend (Missile) action while driving. vehicle’s structure is allocated downwards from
· Handling is the total levels of modification the Scratched to Dinged, one point per grade, until all
driver can apply to defending against any attacks, grades have at least one point.
either as an active or passive defensive action.
If there are additional Structure left over, the
This is the total number of actions and dice the driver procedure is repeated until all the points are allocated.
can expend over an entire turn – there is only so
much the vehicle do, no matter how good the driver. A vehicle with 18 Structure has – Scratched/4, Ding-
ed/4, Battered/4, Crunched/3 and Disabled/3.
· Handling is an absolute limit to the ability of the When all of a vehicle’s Structure has been crossed off, 135
any crewperson on the vehicle to add bonuses to it is totally destroyed – just a pile of twisted and
their attack rolls while aboard. blackened metal (and other less pleasant things).
Structure Damage: The amount of Structure damage Performance: Roll for each 10% penalty to see
done two things. Firstly, the round has to penetrate the whether Speed is reduced or Fuel Consumption is inc-
vehicle’s armour for any effect to occur. Secondly, the reased (any reduction or increase is based on the base
effect depends on the type of round – value, not the currently modified value).

· Explosive Rounds: Do (Damage)/20 (round fract- There is a 50:50 chance each 10% penalty will apply to
ions nearest) dice of structure damage. one or the other. For a Dinged vehicle a 20% penalty
applies – roll twice, once for each 10% unit.
A HE round doing 36E damage would do 36/20 =
1.8, round to nearest = 2 points. Repair: Penalties listed apply to the DIFF of repairing
a vehicle under the Breakdown rules. They also modify
· Depleted Uranium Penetrators: Do (Damage)/10 the chance of it breaking down (see Breakdown in the
(round fractions up) dice of structure damage. Logistics section of the Gear Book/Section).

An APFSDSDU round doing 80A does eight (8) points You not only have to repair specific damage, but the
of structure (depleted uranium is pyrophoric – it overall level. You can get by repairing that bad transmis-
spontaneously combusts at room temperature for a sion – but the twisted chassis means it’s under continuing
secondary incendiary effect). stress and will break down more frequently than it should.

· Standard Penetrators: Do (Damage)/20 (round Spares: When scavenging a “destroyed” vehicle for
fractions nearest) dice of structure damage. spare parts, the amount that can be stripped is equal
to – (1D x Remaining Structure), round fractions down.
A standard APFSDS round doing 60A does three (3)
points of structure. Vehicles which have a rated Structure of greater than
nine (9) are treated as if they have Structure/9 until
The number of dice inflicted are then rolled, and each their remaining Structure is reduced to less than nine.
die that exceeds the Structure value of the vehicle
inflicts one point of structure. Just because a vehicle is heavily constructed does not
mean that it has more components! It mean those
Vehicles that have a rated Structure of greater than components are more likely to survive it being damaged!
nine (9) are treated as if they have Structure/9 for the
purpose of this rule. A Mechanic can strip out one unit of spares for each
success they make at Average Difficulty (however, this
Yes, Structure acts just like Armour in this aspect. is modified by the Repair Modifier from the Structure
Damage table, opposite).
There are several levels of game effects resulting from A vehicle with 6 remaining structure points has 10-60
Structure damage. units of spares. A Mechanic who makes an Average check
with three successes could strip out three units of spares.
Crew Rolls: Any Driving roll made by the character
driving the vehicle is at a penalty for Dinged, Battered If the mechanic doing the stripping is using an Engin-
and Crunched damage grades (see the table below). eer Vehicle or a workshop facility the base amount of
spares is multiplied by a factor of ten (10).
Rolls made by other crew-members are at -1D less (no
penalty at Dinged, -1D at Battered and -2D at Crunched). The same vehicle will yield 100-600 spares if stripped by
a mechanic using an engineer vehicle or workshop.
The assumption is that it is less difficult for other crew to
act inside the vehicle (eg firing its weapons) than it is for Suspension: At Dinged, Battered and Crunched dam-
the driver to wrestle with the effects on steering etc. age grades, there are penalties applied to the vehicle’s
Suspension (see the Table opposite).

This is a measure of how well a ground vehicle is
capable of travelling over specific types of terrain.

136 There are five generic terrain types in the D10 system
– Extreme (5), Rough (4), Off Road (3), Standard (2) and
Restricted (1). These have the following game effects –
Specialised running gear is required to operate on this
terrain – and, indeed, that the vehicle may not be able
to operate on any other sort of terrain.

A Locomotive’s suspension is designed to run on rails –

and rails of a specific gauge and weight.
Likewise, a Formula One racing car has such a specialis-
ed suspension it is limited to specially paved surfaces –
even normal urban roads limit its effectiveness.
STANDARD (2) This type of suspension allows the vehicle to traverse
The vehicle has a ground based suspension, usually quite rough terrain, even in adverse conditions, and
wheeled, that allows it to travel on all types of roads as
well as allowing some limited off-road capability.
provides a limited capacity to go over (even through)
some obstacles at reduced speed.
An example would be a standard Passenger Sedan. Such Most Tanks and APCs fall into this category. They can
a vehicle is optimised for travel on hard surfaced roads travel over, around, or even through quite rough, rocky,
but is capable of operating on gravel or unsurfaced
roads under normal conditions (in adverse conditions –
broken or wet terrain with varying degrees of difficulty
– usually limited to being slowed down.
such as wet weather, this reduced – often considerably.
It even has a limited off-road capability as long as the Such vehicles are capable of going almost anywhere
terrain is firm and relatively flat. However, if it attempts
to traverse any sort of rough off-road terrain, it generally
that a pack or riding animal can, though not necessar-
ily at any great speed.
finds it difficult to travel far.
These are usually specialised exploration vehicles and
OFF ROAD (3) tend to be optimised for use in a single type of adverse
The vehicle’s running gear, still normally wheels, terrain ... though there can be some crossover. For
enables it to traverse gravel and unsurfaced roads example, a Snowmobile could be used on sandy terrain
normally and also to travel off road into moderately almost as well as on snow.
rough terrain, though at reduced speeds.
This is your typical SUV or Urban 4WD. Its suspension If a vehicle is traversing terrain that is of a higher
is better than a Sedan’s, but is not intended for extended rating than its Suspension, then these effects apply –
rough terrain usage – especially in adverse conditions
where, at best, it will be able to crawl along at a very · Handling: A penalty of +1 DIFF per point of
slow speed and maneuver around significant obstacles difference applies to all Handling checks made by
(as long as this is actually possible). its driver, in addition to any other penalties.

ROUGH (4) · Combat: A penalty of +1 DIFF per point of differ-

This normally represents tracked vehicles, though a ence applies to all Combat checks made by a crew
few very specialised wheeled vehicles might fall into member in addition to any other penalties.
this category.
If the vehicle has a stabilised weapon system, then
STRUCTURE DAMAGE PENALTIES this penalty does not apply. Otherwise it applies to
Scratched +1 DIFF/-10% both weapons mounted on the vehicle as well as to
any personal weapons of the crew or passengers.
Dinged -1D/+2 DIFF/-20%/-1S/+1W
· Speed: The vehicle’s maximum speed is reduced by
Battered -2D/+3 DIFF/-30%/-2S/+1W a cumulative 50% per level of difference.
Crunched -3D/+4 DIFF/-40%/-3S/+1W
The driver may attempt to keep moving faster, but
Disabled +5 DIFF/-50% must make a Driving check at a +1 DIFF per 10%
beyond that reduction they wish to keep moving at.
xD penalties apply to Crew Rolls. +x DIFF penalties
apply to Repair rolls. -xx% penalties apply to Perform-
ance. -xS penalties apply to Suspension. -xW penalties
Such rolls need be made only every 10 Combat 137
Turns as long as the vehicle moves in basically a
apply to Wear (and are cumulative). straight line – with no real deviation.
If the driver is attempting to maneuver as well, the than infantry. Cavalry are somewhat less con-
check will be required every 1D Combat Turns. strained, but still have it rough in comparison to
infantry … unless they ditch their horses somewhere
If the driver fails this roll or if the vehicle is driven else (which is what Mounted Infantry does).
directly into a terrain type that would reduce its
speed by 100% or more, then they must make an · Hitting a Moving Target is DIFFICULT. OK, it’s
instantaneous check at the penalty noted above or somewhat easier if it is a big target like a vehicle,
the vehicle uncontrollably decelerates to a stop. or a horse and rider, but it is still difficult. Espec-
ially if you’re using heavy/artillery weapons and
Then, unless the Driver makes a second Driving they’re mounted on a vehicle themselves.
check (at no penalty due to speed), the vehicle
either bogs or crashes (at the GM’s discretion, · Hitting a Target whole YOU are moving is Diff-
based on the actual situation). icult, too. Modern MBTs have main gun stabilisat-
ion to assist, which reduces, but doesn’t eliminate,
If a vehicle is traversing terrain that is of a lower rating the problem; lighter combat vehicles may have
than its Suspension, then the following game effects such systems – APCs and the like rarely do.
Regardless, as the 3WW progresses – and even
· Handling: A straight penalty of +1 DIFF applies to more so after ‘The Exchange’, such systems will
all Handling checks made by its driver, in addition often be out of commission on many, perhaps
to any other penalties. most, vehicles and increasingly difficult to find
spares for.
· Combat: A penalty of +1 DIFF applies to all Combat
checks made by a crew member in addition to any · Sitting inside a big, armoured, vehicle SEVERE-
other penalties. LY restricts your visibility. So you may not see
that hiding infantry guy with the short range AT
These penalties do not change per level of difference weapon – or the firing of a longer range AT missile
– they are flat rate penalties. (if any are left) – and only become aware of it when
it hits (or, if you’re really lucky, explodes nearby).

ABSTRACT NATURE OF THE RULES If you’re slightly less lucky, it hits, but the armour
Even more so than Personal Combat, Vehicular rules does its job. After that it’s a slippery slope – it
are only meant to be an approximation of the real causes a mobility or weapon kill, or it sets the
world – not a Tank Crew or Driving and Servicing vehicle alight and you have barely enough time to
MOS/Manual. So, if you know they don’t match up bail out and become infantry … or you have no
well with the real world (or even if you only believe that time and all and … well, you get the idea.
they don’t) feel free to modify them as you see fit.
Some things for you to consider, however – · Modern AT Weapons are very effective. They
may not always be able to penetrate the frontal
The Last Cavalry Charge was in WW2, and wasn’t armour of your vehicle, but you can be damn sure
really a Cavalry charge (depending on whether you that they can penetrate it somewhere, or that they
think it was the Poles or the Russians who staged can damage some of the exposed equipment.
it) – they were really Mounted Infantry more than
Cavalry – and there’s several reasons for that. Hell, even an incendiary weapon (even the time
Reasons that also applies to armoured (or any) honoured Molotov Cocktail) dropped on your
vehicles, too … engine deck will cause, at the very least, nasty
problems and, possibly, a mobility kill.
· Vehicles are BIG Targets. They have a much
harder time finding a place to hide or take cover In short – vehicles don’t make you invulnerable, reg-
ardless of the rules herein. So, as GM, if the PCs want
to play fast and loose with reality – drop it on them
from a great height and watch them cry when their
precious vehicle is turned into a blazing pile of scrap!

This section provides rules for all those aspects of the
physical world that occur from time to time and for
which more detail than provided elsewhere.
Most of the rules covered below are subjective and rely
on the GM’s estimation of factors not easily quantifiable.
The GM may consult with the players in relation to these
factors, or not, as they decide – but their decision is final.

There are three basic types of armour that can be
encountered in RtA – Light, Structural and Heavy. Structural Armour can be damaged/penetrated by
any type of damage except Blast Only explosions.
This is armour normally worn by characters – though
it may be incorporated in light vehicles, it is usually
This is the sort of armour carried by vehicles or
treated as structural armour where that is the case. applied to structures and which is specifically design-
ed to resist penetrating attacks.
It includes rigid armours that generally protect against
DAM and FAT, and flexible armours that may protect
against both, or only against FAT.
Heavy armour lasts. As long as it isn’t penetrated it
provides full protection. It doesn’t ablate in the way that
Personal Armour can be penetrated by any type of
structural armour does.
damage except Blast Only explosions (see Explosions). Heavy Armour ratings have the suffix “H” after their
value e.g. 5H indicates 5 points of Heavy armour.
Armour Piercing rounds are generally less effective
against Personal Armour as it is too light to trigger the
main effect – though such rounds generally do so much ASPHYXIATION
damage through simple kinetic effects (which is what From time to time characters will be exposed to situat-
is represented by standard damage) that it is rather ions where the atmospheric pressure is too low to
moot that the “extra” is lost. allow normal oxygenation of the blood (Decompress-
ion) or where the supply of oxygen needed for normal
This is typical of body armour worn through the ages – breathing is cut off (Asphyxiation).
anything from tanned hides to ballistic vests, from metal
breastplates to ceramic inserts for ballistic cloth. The end result of both circumstances are identical –
unconsciousness followed by death, though the route
STRUCTURAL ARMOUR taken to get there varies.
This actually isn’t intended to be armour – it’s just that
the nature of the material (thickness, angle, whatever) ASPHYXIATION & SLOW DECOMPRESSION
provides some protection. This is normally a slow process, and the character will
need to make HLT checks on a regular basis and at a
It also tends to be ablative in nature – worn away by gradually increasing penalty to avoid, firstly, losing
until, eventually, it ceases to provide any protection consciousness and, ultimately, death.
(see Armour in The Physical World for details).
The time period between each such check will depend
Structural Armour ratings have the suffix “S” after on the speed with which pressure is lost or the relative
their numerical value e.g. 5S would indicate five lack of oxygen in the atmosphere (or the degree to
points of Structural armour. which the character’s breathing is interfered with).

This is the protection you get from a brick wall – sure, · A very slow leak may require a HLT check only
it’ll provide some protection, but, Hollywood aside, don’t every minute or so while a very fast leak may
expect it to remain intact in a full-on firefight. require one every Combat Turn (6P/6 seconds).
It isn’t necessarily worn away physically, but the protect- The initial check is at Easy difficulty, but +1 DIFF
ive effect is gradually compromised. applies cumulatively for every additional check.
· A success indicates that there is no additional · An immediate Concentration check at the same
effect, while a failure causes a cumulative +1 DIFF penalty is required to remain conscious. Immed-
to all other skill checks being made and a -1 to iately lose one point of either CUN(ning), APT(it-
either CUN, APT or DED, chosen randomly each ude) or DED(uction), chosen randomly and make
time. further checks each following Combat Turn.

· If any of these abilities is reduced to zero, then the This will most commonly be when pressure is lost at high
character must make an immediate Concentration altitude – access to Space vessels not being common even
check at the current penalty to remain conscious. before The Exchange ended manned space travel!

· When all three abilities reach zero or less, then the

character automatically loses consciousness and ATHLETICS
starts to take actual damage each further turn they This covers the character’s ability to run, jump and
fail a HLT and Composure check until they die. lift heavy weights – and anything else that might be
covered by this attribute rather than by specific skills.
This rule can be used to represent such things as All distances are in meters and all weights in kilo-
drowning (unless the character has gills, of course) as grams for the following.
well as loss of pressure equally well.
Note: In some circumstances the low pressure will not be A character can move the distances indicated in the
enough to cause death but may be low enough to event- Athletics (Movement) Table over the page, depending
ually cause brain damage. on the exact nature of the movement. Characters
move at a speed based on their current Health score
This is not recommended as a rule for player characters! with no requirement for any task check.

Likewise, low pressure may simply mean that characters Option: A character can attempt to move faster, but must
will reach a certain GM specified penalty level and go no make a HLT Check (at current HLT) against the
further or, perhaps, simply lose consciousness for an difficulty indicated on the table.
extended period of time – until their body becomes
accustomed to the lower partial pressure of oxygen . Option: If player characters are competing with each
other or with NPCs, they should roll HLT dice and move
CATASTROPHIC DECOMPRESSION a number of meters equal to the number of successes.
Sometimes characters will be subjected to a rapid and
complete loss of pressure/atmosphere – which works JUMPING
rather differently from gradual decompression. Characters can jump a horizontal distance equal to
their walk movement rate from a standstill, or double
· An instant HLT check at Hard or worse difficulty. that with a running start as a base.

· Success in that roll means the character uses the Characters may make a vertical jump equal to their
Gradual Decompression rule, but with a time period crawl/climb movement rate from a standstill or one
of one combat turn between checks. level higher with a run up.

In both cases, the distance a character can jump may

be increased by making a HLT task check.

Jump distance may be modified by a variety of factors –

for example, making a horizontal jump from a higher to
lower point is easier than one made from two points at
the same level or from a lower point to a higher one.
Likewise, Vertical jumps may be easier where there is a
surface with hand or footholds against which they are
made. The value of these factors are up to the GM.


Characters may make an Athletics check (costing 1
FAT) and use Additional Successes to increase their
speed, +1 line per Additional Success.
A PC with HLT/4 and Athletics (Run) CN/4 will norm-
ally run 30m per Combat Turn (spread over 6P).
To run faster requires an Athletics (Run) Check (4 + 4) =
8D vs. DIFF 4, costing them 1 FAT for the attempt. Each
Additional Success adds +1 step to the character’s
effective running speed. So, if they roll +2 steps, they
could run 40 meters for that turn. a
A character can lift the weights indicated on the
Athletics (Weightlifting) Table below automatically. The
first value can be carried indefinitely at no FAT cost,
if this is exceeded they must spend 1 FAT for each hour
(or part thereof) that they carry the greater weight.

Option. If the character rests for 10 minutes per hour

while carrying more than the lower weight, they may
make an Average DIFF HLT Check – if successful they do
not spend the additional FAT point.


Phase for +4 or more. After the Check ‘expires’, an-
other Check (and more FAT) must be spent.
Characters may make appropriate Athletics check
(costing 1 FAT) and use Additional Successes to inc- A character of HLT/3 can lift and carry 80 kilos. If they
rease the weight they can carry, +1 line per Additional
Success and at an additional 1 FAT per line.
wish to lift/carry 120 kilos that would be a DIFF/4 task
and would cost 1 FAT for the Check. If they have
Athletics (Weightlifting) CN/3 they would roll 3 + 3 = 6D
A successful Check ‘lasts’ for 15 minutes for +1 Line,
5 minutes for +2 lines, 1 minute for +3 and 1 Combat
vs. Diff 4. Each Additional Success adds +1 step to their
Weight capacity and costs an additional 1 FAT.
If they rolled 1 Additional Success, they would be able
to carry the 120 kilos, but it would cost them 1 FAT for
the Check, 1 FAT for carrying greater than half the new
1 2 15 1 2
weight line and 1 FAT for the +1 line adjustment = 3 FAT!
2 3 20 2 4
They would also have to roll again in 15 minutes if they
3 4 25 3 6
were still carrying the excess weight.
4 5 30 4 8
5 6 35 5 10
6 7 40 6 12 Burns may be Superficial, Moderate or Deep depend-
ing size and intensity, exposure, and protection.
7 8 45 7 14
Classification is subjective and at the GM’s discretion
8 9 50 8 16
· Superficial Burns do 1D damage. Typically caus-
9 10 55 9 18
ed by short exposure to an ordinary wood/coal fire.

ATHLETICS (WEIGHTLIFTING) TABLE · Moderate Burns do 2D damage. Typically caused

HEALTH/DIFF CARRY CAPACITY by extended exposure to an ordinary fire or shorter
exposure to a liquid or gas fuelled fire.
1 25/45 kg
2 30/60 kg · Deep Burns does 3D damage. Typically caused by
long exposure to a liquid or gas fuelled fire.
3 40/80 kg
4 55/105 kg If the wounding effect is continuing then the damage
progresses in degree – from Superficial to Moderate
5 70/140 kg after two consecutive turns and from Moderate to
6 95/185 kg Deep after two consecutive turns.

7 125/245 kg · White Phosphorous: Does superficial damage the

8 165/325 kg first two combat turns, moderate damage the next 141
four, and deep damage for succeeding turns until
9 220/435 kg the round’s burn time is exhausted.
White phosphorous burns underwater and cannot be Passengers may, if they are aware of the upcoming
extinguished by smothering it in sand – removing it collision, make a HLT roll as well (or relevant skill roll,
is the only sure way of stopping the damage. such as Athletics) and take the best result of the two.

· Flamethrower: Does superficial damage the first A character who is asleep, or facing the wrong direction,
combat turn, moderate damage for the next two or not otherwise aware of any impending collision has to
and deep damage for any succeeding turns until rely on the skill of the driver to minimise damage.
the round’s burn time is exhausted.
If a (character) passenger becomes aware of an impend-
Flamethrower fuel can be doused in water or smoth- ing crash, they may prepare on their own.
ered with sand unlike white phosphorous.
· Very Slow Collisions: Involve only a single vehicle
· Napalm: Does superficial damage the first combat moving very slowly and hitting a stationary object.
turn, moderate damage the next, and deep damage
each succeeding turn until burn time is exhausted. Expected character damage is 2D. It is an easy task
to reduce this to zero. Failure increases the charac-
Napalm cannot be doused with water, but can be ter damage to 4D.
smothered with sand. Unfortunately, if the smother-
ing attempt is not done carefully, it can actually Expected vehicle damage is 1 Structure point. It is
spread the fuel and increase the damage done. an average task to reduce this to zero. Failure
increases this to ½D Structure.
Such an attempt requires a Hard DIFF check and, if
failed, increases the damage done by one grade This is basically a fender bender. The GM may rule
instantly (or by +1D if already at deep burn level). that the characters take no damage at all unless there
is some “unusual” circumstance.
· Other Flame Weapons: A Welding Torch does
deep damage but is a single turn attack. · Slow collisions: Involve two very slow vehicles
moving in opposite directions or a single slow
A “Dungeon” Torch or a flaming brand does moder- vehicle hitting a stationary object.
ate damage but is also a single turn attack.
Expected character damage is 4D, but it is an
This determination is at GM discretion, as usual. average task check to halve this (extra successes
reduce by 1D each). Failure increases character
damage by +1D per success the roll is less than that
COLLISIONS required.
Collisions are rated as Very Slow, Slow, Medium, Fast
or Very Fast categorized by the GM based on his Expected vehicle damage is ½D Structure. It is a
judgement of the situation. hard task to reduce this to one (1) point. Failure
increases this to 1D+1 Structure.
If the character is the Driver of the vehicle, they make
a Drive check to determine the success of all of those · Medium collisions: Involve two slow vehicles
on board to avoid or reduce damage. moving in opposite directions or one at a medium
speed hitting a stationary object.
Even though it may be their failure of driving skill that
resulted in the collision in the first place, a skilled (or Expected character damage is 6D, it is a hard task
lucky) driver can do something to minimise the impact, to halve this (extra successes reduce it by 1D each).
and this benefits all those aboard the vessel. Failure increases the character damage by +2D per
success the roll is less than that required.

Expected vehicle damage is 1D+1 Structure. It is a

difficult task to reduce this to ½D points. Failure
increases this to 2D+1 Structure.

· Fast collisions: Involve two medium speed vehicles

moving in opposite directions or one moving at a
fast speed hitting a stationary object.

142 Expected character damage is 8D, and it is a diffic-

ult task to halve this (extra successes reduce this by
1D each). Failure increases the character damage
by +3D per success the roll is less than that required.

Expected vehicle damage is 2D+1 Structure. It is

an unlikely task to reduce this to 1D points. Failure
increases vehicle damage to 3D+1 Structure. a
· Very Fast collisions: Involve two fast vehicles mov-
ing in opposite directions or one moving at very
fast speed hitting a stationary object.
Expected character damage is 12D, but it is only a main difference being that there is more uncertainty
difficult task to halve it (each extra success reduces involved in Combat than for any other means.
it by 1D). Failure increases the character damage
by +4D per success the roll is less than that required. In Combat an attack does Base DAM or FAT equal to the

Expected vehicle damage is 3D+1 Structure. It is

Damage dice, but you also roll the Dice and do added
DAM or FAT, depending on the result.
an extreme task to reduce this to 2D+1 points.
Failure increases damage to 4D+1 Structure. GENERAL PROCEDURE
The amount of damage dice rolled depends on exactly
· Personal Armour: Rigid armour provides 1D of
protection, regardless of its value. Soft or Padded
what type of attack inflicted it – s
Armour provides 2D regardless of its actual value.

· Vehicle Armour: Vehicles with Structural or no

· Hand to Hand Combat (including Martial Arts)
does a base 1D, plus attack type, plus dice for HLT
armour suffer full Structure damage as indicated. bonus (HLT/3-4 = +1D, 5-6 = +2D; 7 = +3D). Base
Damage is always FAT damage, with additional
Vehicles with Heavy Armour suffer Structure
damage one grade less than that listed – two grades
less if hitting a vehicle without Heavy Armour.
point of FAT on an 8-9 or a point of DAM on a 0.

For example, if a HtH attack does a total of 4D DAM

this means it does 4 FAT as the base, and rolls 4D with
Objects (especially big, stationary ones) if inher- each die rolling 8-9 doing +1 FAT or +1 DAM on a 0.
ently tough, are treated as Heavy Armour.
· Melee, Archery and Thrown Weapon attacks use
For example, a solid granite cliff wall or a steel dice equal to the weapon’s Damage Rating plus
reinforced concrete pillbox would qualify – but a HLT bonus (as above) for DAM or FAT (or both).
standard wooden frame house, or even a standard
wooden framed brick house, would not. The GM is · Firearm attacks use the dice listed for the weapon
the final determinant of whether it applies or not. (see the Gear Book) as modified by attack type (see
the Combat section).
· Heavy and Light Vehicles: If one vehicle involved
in a collision is substantially heavier than the · Other Damage may be caused by a variety of
other, the lighter of the two vehicles suffers from a factors detailed The Physical World rules.
one grade increase in Structural damage.
Damage Dice: Unless otherwise specified, 1D = 1
The GM determines if the mass difference is “signific- Damage Point with the possibility of more.
ant” or not, at his discretion.
· Other Factors: The GM may apply other modifiers Damage inflicted depends on four things … Armour,
as he sees fit. Passive Defence, Health and Luck –

For example, airbags or seatbelts reduce damage by · Passive Defence: Subtract the character’s Passive
-3D and reduce the difficulty of the task check to Defence value from any damage inflicted.
halve damage by one level.
· Armour: See Armour Piercing Attacks in Combat.

COMBAT DAMAGE · No Armour: If the character (or vehicle) is not

Characters (and other items in the game) may suffer protected by armour, they automatically take one
damage from many causes – This section applies point of DAM or FAT per die and also roll the dice, 143
specifically to Combat-related Damage, which works for an additional point of DAM or FAT for each 8+
differently to Damage inflicted by other means. The result (final DAM is reduced by Passive Defence).
· Character Health: If the character has Health/4+, DISEASE DATA
subtract 1 from DAM and 2 points from FAT. Diseases need to be rated in four areas – Mode of
Infection (how it infects you), Check Interval (how long
Changed characters subtract a further 1 DAM or 2 it takes to hurt you), Effect Duration (how long it sickens
FAT and roll 1D for an added 1 DAM or FAT on 8+. you) and Disease Strength (how much damage it does).

Mutable characters subtract a further 2 DAM or 3 MODE OF INFECTION

FAT and roll 2D, and an added 1 DAM or FAT on 8+ Disease causing agents may be ingested (swallowed
on either dice. with food or drink), inhaled (breathed in as an aero-
sol), injected (piercing the skin through a bite, punct-
Note: The Mutable bonus is instead of the Changed ure or cut) or contact (touching the bare skin).
bonus, not in addition to it.
Some are only effective in one mode, and protection
· Luck: Each point reduces damage by one full against that protects against them (aerosol diseases can
grade (not just one point). be protected against with a gas mask and suitable filters)
– but many diseases are effective in more than one way.
If a character has more than one point in the damage
grade they have suffered, then all points are fully CHECK INTERVAL
“protected” by the expenditure of a Luck point. This is the expected time delay between each HLT
task check against the onset of the disease’s effect(s).
For example, a character with Health/5 would have Most diseases have a check interval of at least an hour,
wound points as follows – Flesh/3, Minor/2, Major/2, perhaps several, and possibly a day ... or more (see
Serious/2, Disabling/1. If they took five points of individual disease descriptions for specifics).
damage, that would cross off Flesh/3 and Minor/2,
leaving a Minor wound. It is likely the Check Interval prior to onset of the disease
will be longer than it will be after its onset (this will be
If they expended a Luck Point they would wipe off detailed in disease descriptions). Once a crisis occurs a
the Minor/2 leaving them with Flesh/3, for a Flesh character can go down much faster than they sickened
wound overall. Two Luck points would wipe out both – pretty standard for most diseases.
Minor/2 and Flesh/3 for “just a close shave!”
Note: Luck may only be spent on DAM just inflicted – Once the character has become infected (see Mode of
not already suffered, except for Minor/Flesh wounds Infection) the effects of the disease have a finite durat-
which may be wiped if no higher damage remains. ion during which they act against the character’s HLT.

HEALING DAMAGE · Mild Disease: (1D x 3) check intervals.

See the Damage & Wounds section of the Health rules · Standard Disease: (1D x 6) check intervals.
below, for details on how this process works. · Infectious Disease: (1D x 12) check intervals.
· Plague & Bio agents: (2D x 12) check intervals.

DISEASES Check Interval varies according to specific Disease.

“Diseases” include all viruses, bacteria, fungal and
other infections – not just those that cause damage DISEASE STRENGTH
and which may kill a character directly (even non- Is the relative “effectiveness” of the disease applied
lethal conditions can have interesting game effects). over the Effect Time for the Effect Duration.

· Common Diseases: Normally non-lethal even with

no treatment. DS/1-3.
· Uncommon Diseases: Can be lethal without
treatment. DS/4-6.
· Scarce Diseases: Often lethal without treatment.
· Rare Diseases: Commonly lethal without treat-
ment. DS/9-12.
· Artificial (Biowarfare) Diseases: Designed specif-
ically to be lethal even if treated. DS/13+.

Diseases initially work against HLT – and progress to
do damage or their special effects only when it is
overcome. Disease Strength is a cumulative penalty to
HLT checks each Check Interval for Effect Duration.
Failure: If task check fails, then application of dam-
age (if any) and special effects begin immediately. a
If you feel nasty, add +1D to any damage for this first
application of damage for every success less than the
required amount the check was failed by – representing
unforeseeable natural factors. e
Success: If the task check succeeds, nothing happens
until the next Check Interval (assuming there is still
time left in the Effect Duration).

If you feel generous, reduce disease strength (for the next

Most diseases have some special symptoms – the des-
check only) by one (1) for every additional success. cription will include any of relevance.
DISEASE EFFECTS For example – “Rashes: appear over upper chest and
Once a character has failed their HLT check they are
subject to listed damage and/or special effects that the
back and itch abominably” or “Cough: a dry, wracking,
cough with bloody sputum in around 60% of cases.”
disease causes. This depends on the type of disease –
· Biowar Plagues: Acts on HLT for Effect Duration ELECTRIC SHOCK
– directly reducing (for purposes of the disease
process check as well as for all other purposes) it by
Electric Shock effects depend on strength of current –
divided into five Current Levels – Light Household (3),
Disease Strength per Check Interval. Heavy Household (4), Light Industrial (5), Medium
Industrial (6) and Heavy Industrial (7).
If a check is failed, or at HLT/0, the character goes
into a coma or delirium. At this point a HLT check Characters may be wearing insulated armour or cloth-
(at current HLT) is allowed to throw off the disease. ing, which has Insulation ratings (IR) on the same
scale as the Current Levels above.
Success: The character falls into a healing sleep
that lasts (36 – Current HLT) hours. On waking Normal clothes provide IR/1-3 based on thickness etc.
they are Exhausted and recover from that normally. Rubberised clothes provide IR/3-5. Fully insulated
clothes such as used by linesmen dealing with overhead
Failure: Each failed check results in damage equal high tension lines provides IR/6-7 as long as it is earthed.
to the disease’s Disease Strength.
Metallic Armour generally provides no protection unless
· Normal Plagues: Acts similarly to Biowar Plagues insulated, but is normally worn over padded clothing
except that the HLT check made to throw off the with IR/2-4 – which may be sweat soaked (for IR/1) if it
disease after they have failed a check or reached has been worn for any length of time.
HLT zero (0) is at base HLT.
Modern ballistic cloth or ceramic armour is non-cond-
· Sub-lethal Diseases: Acts as Normal Plagues uctive and provide IR/4-6 – except when wet or sweat
except that the HLT check to throw off the disease soaked, when IR/1-2 might apply at best.
or reached HLT zero (0) is at base HLT + 3 and the
recovery sleep period is (12 - HLT) hours. PROCEDURE
An electric shock occurs when (CL - IR) is greater than
· Average Diseases: Acts against Fatigue initially – zero (0). A HLT task check must be made at a penalty
when a character reaches Prostrated level they start equal to (Current Level - Insulation Rating).
to act against HLT as per Sub-Lethal Diseases.
The GM needs to determine what factors might allow (or
· Debilitating Diseases: Acts as Average Diseases prevent) an electric shock from being suffered – it is
but do not progress to HLT DAM – they increase pretty much an either/or thing.
FAT recovery +1 step for each step over Prostrated.
Success means they are not hurt, but may be stunned.
Personalising the effects can be done by changing Make a second check at the same base penalty at the 145
effect duration. A Debilitating disease could cause first, but reducing this penalty by one (1) for each
FAT damage with an Duration of days not hours. additional success. If they succeed, they aren’t stunned.
A character with HLT/3 and wearing light clothing of EQUIPMENT DAMAGE PENALTIES
IR/1 is exposed to Heavy Household current (CR/4), he
rolls 3D vs the DIFF 3 and succeeds! They aren’t hurt. Scratched +1 DIFF/-10%

Failing the stun check means they are stunned for a Dinged -1D/+2 DIFF/-20%/+1W
number of combat turns equal to the shock rating. Battered -2D/+3 DIFF/-30%/+1W

For the first turn, a -3D penalty applies; for the second, Crunched -3D/+4 DIFF/-40%/+1W
-2D, and for all following turns until it wears off, -1D.
Disabled +5 DIFF/-50%
Now they need to roll again to see if they are stunned. +x DIFF apply to repair rolls. -xD apply to any roll
This time they’re less lucky, and their 3D roll vs the DIFF made using the item. -xx% apply to operational
3 check fails. They are stunned for three combat turns. performance. -xW apply to Wear (and are cumulative).

Failing the check means the character suffers damage

equal to the modified numerical shock rating. EXPOSURE
Characters may be exposed to the elements which can
A character wearing clothing of IR/1 is hit by a Heavy directly (and indirectly) impact on their health. When
Household (4) shock. Shock/3 applies and they fail their this is the case, consult the following rules –
HLT check – so they take 3D damage.
Characters who are shocked are automatically stunned Cold temperatures have one of eight Cold Ratings –
for a turns equal to twice the numerical shock rating, Cool Temperate (1), Cold Temperate (2), Winter (3),
Heavy Winter (4), Arctic (5), Arctic Winter (6), Blizzard
In the above example, the character would be stunned (7), Extreme Blizzard (8).
for six combat turns.
Clothing is rated for its Protection Level (PL), normal-
ly 1-7 – and this is subtracted from the actual Cold
EQUIPMENT DAMAGE Level to determine the effective Cold Level..
Equipment, like Characters and Vehicles, is not auto-
matically destroyed with one hit. To represent this, Clothing effective enough to protect against Extreme
they are rated for Armour and Structure. Blizzard levels doesn’t exist as such – you actually need
physical barriers between you and the weather.
Equipment has an armour rating of 0-9, most often on Other factors affect the Cold Level as well –
the personal armour scale,which protects the structure
in the same way personal armour protects HLT. · Wetness: If the character or their protective cloth-
ing is wet, add +1 (unless it is resistant to wetness).
This is listed in the Equipment chapters. If an item · Wind Speed: +1 For every 20 km/h of wind speed.
has more than Structure/1 this is distributed in the
same way as for human HLT. · Head Protection: If the Head/Face is not covered
with clothing of the same PL as Cold level, add +1.
Points are distributed one at a time, down, to all grades
except Disabled until all have the same number, then · Wind Protection: If protected from the wind, even
start again and repeat until all points are allocated. if not inside a structure, subtract -1.

For example, Structure: 3 would give Scratched/2, Ding- · Layering: If more than one layer of the same PL
ed/2, Battered/2, Crunched/1, Disabled/1. of clothing is worn, subtract -1.

· Sleeping bags or tents: If of the same PL or one

PL higher than clothing worn inside, subtract -2.

When (Cold Level - Clothing PL) is greater than zero (0),
a HLT task check is required at variable time intervals
and difficulty levels listed on the table over.
Each time the task is failed, the character loses one
point of HLT to hypothermia.
· Warmth: HLT may be regained moving to where
the effective Cold Level is zero or less – one point
of HLT is regained every 5 minutes of rest there.
Alternately, a sleeping bag of a Cold Rating sufficient
to prevent further hypothermia checks acts in the
same way for every 15 minutes spent inside.
· Hot Food: HLT is regained by eating hot food (a
mug of coffee/soup) – giving instant recovery of one
(1) HLT, but may only be utilised once every hour. Arid (5), Desert (6), Hot Desert (7) and Extreme Desert.
Other conditions may modify effective Heat Rating –
When HLT reaches zero (0), the character is dying –
but they may be revived by making a first aid task · High Humidity: When the local environment is
check (at Hard difficulty) combined with placing them
in a warm environment and giving them hot food.
humid, subtract -1 (to a minimum of HR/1). s
It is not enough to warm them and feed them hot food at
· Non-Desert, Non-Tropical: When the environ-
ment qualifies, subtract -1 (to a minimum of HL/1).
HLT/0 or less – they need medical care as well. The
reverse is true – medical care is fine, but unless hot food
and warmth is provided, it isn’t enough, either.
· Clothing: Add the Cold Protection Level of any
heavy clothing to the heat level.
It is not only possible, but likely, that effective cold level · Head Protection: If the character does not have a
will be higher than Extreme Blizzard (8). hat or other head protection, add +1.

EXTREMES OF HEAT · Winds: If caught in a dry desert wind/sandstorm,

Heat is divided into eight Heat Ratings – Warm Temp-
erate (1), Tropical (2), Hot Tropical (3), Arid (4), Hot
add +1. Otherwise, the Wind Chill effect (see Ext-
remes of Cold) applies, reducing Heat Level.
COLD LEVEL CHECK INTERVAL/DIFFICULTY · Shade: If there is no shade whatsoever, effective
1 HLT x 30 minutes, Simple Heat Level is +1.

2 HLT x 20 minutes, Easy PROCEDURE

3 HLT x 15 minutes, Average When (Heat Level + Clothing PL) is greater than zero
(0), a HLT Check is required at the intervals and
4 HLT x 10 minutes, Hard
modifiers listed unless the character has been able to
5 HLT x 5 minutes, Difficult consume the amount of water listed (see table).
6 HLT x 2 minutes, Unlikely
Each time the task is failed, the character loses one
7 HLT minutes, Extreme point of HLT to heat stroke.
8 HLT/2 minutes, Incredible
· Water: If less water is available than the minimum
9 1 minute, Impossible
(see table opposite) characters may work normally
for that portion of the day the amount represents.
1 HLT x 60 minutes, Simple When HLT reaches zero (0), the character is dying –
2 HLT x 30 minutes, 2/4/6 Easy but may be revived by a First Aid task check (at Hard
difficulty) combined with giving them plenty of water.
3 HLT x 20 minutes, 4/6/10 Average
4 HLT x 15 minutes, 7/8/12 Hard Yep. Water is the prime treatment. If you have enough
5 HLT x 10 minutes, 10/10/15 Difficult you won’t have to check. If you don’t, then you’ll suffer.
6 HLT x 5 minutes, 15/15/20 Unlikely You simply can’t live very long without water.

7 HLT x 2 minutes, 20/20/20 Extreme A character regains a point of HLT for each 1-3 liters
8 HLT minutes, Incredible of water they are provided with and an hour of rest.
9 HLT/2 minutes, Impossible
If you want to get nasty, you can have characters suffer
Water consumption is in liters per day and the from heat stroke (gain levels of FAT instead of DAM until 147
format x/y/z where x = no exertion, y = normal they fall unconscious) if they don’t have salt tablets and
activity and z = strenuous activity yet have plenty of water!
Falling damage is rated as Low, Medium and High Tired Flesh Wound –
based on the GM’s judgement. Rolls are against
Stretched Minor Wound +1 DIFF
Health or relevant skill (e.g. Athletics).
Winded Major Wound +2 DIFF
· Low Falls: Are those someone could expect to
jump without great or, possibly, any damage. Exhausted Serious Wound +3 DIFF
Prostrate Disabling Wound –
Expected damage is 2D, but it is an average task to
halve this (extra successes can reduce it to zero). The number of dice which a character can use for a
Failure (of any degree) increases the damage by task roll is reduced when fatigued or injured (see above).
+1D per success the roll is less than that required.
· Medium Falls: Are those where serious (but not Fatigue represents excessive effort which wears down
certainly fatal) injuries are be expected. a character, causing them to tire. Fatigue can also
result from blunt trauma and physical strain.
Expected damage is 6D, and it is a difficult task to
halve this (extra successes reduce the damage by A character has one point in each of the five grades
-1D each). Failure increases the damage by +2D per plus additional points equal to their Health distribut-
success the roll is less than that required. ed amongst the first four grades (Tired to Exhausted) –
one point per grade from Tired down, until all have
· High Falls: Are those where almost certain death two points, then repeat until all points are allocated.
would be expected.
A character with HLT/3 would have Tired/2, Stretch-
Expected damage is 12D, and it is an extreme task ed/2, Winded/2, Exhausted/1, Prostrate/1.
to halve this (extra successes reduce the damage by
-1D each). Failure increases the damage by +3D per Likewise, a character with HLT/6 would have Tired/3,
success the roll is less than that required. Stretched/3, Winded/2, Exhausted/2 and Prostrate/1.

· Armour: This normally provides no protection As soon as one point from each grade is ticked off, any
against falls. penalties apply – but progression to the next grade
requires all the points for the current grade be ticked off.
However, depending on the GM’s determination,
they may allow a character wearing cloth or When a character has sustained five grades of Fatigue
padded armour 1D of armour effect, but. they fall unconscious. If they receive any more fatigue,
it is applied as Injury.
· Other Modifiers: It is possible to survive falls even
from great heights ... thousands of feet, in fact. Fatigue has an effect on all die rolls and task checks a
character makes except in combat, where they are
Onto/into something soft(ish) and – in game terms, pumping enough adrenaline to overcome fatigue eff-
expending one hell of a lot of Luck! Still, it is possible. ects – until after combat when it wears off!

HEALTH Fatigue recovers at a rate equal to a character’s Health
Health is a measure of a character’s current current (Stamina) + 5 every day, with proper rest.
physical condition. There are two types of Health
which are measured in these rules – Fatigue (FAT) and If a more graduated rate is required, recover one level of
Damage (DAM). Both have five grades of severity. Fatigue for each hour of sleep or two hours of rest (no
Fatigue inducing activity). Fatigue gets you in the end.


Damage represents the character’s physical well being
and can result from lacerations, breaks, and burns.

Characters get one point in each of the five grades plus

additional points equal to their Health distributed
148 amongst the first four grades (Flesh to Serious wound).
This is done as follows – 1 point/grade until all have
two points, then repeat until all points are allocated.
HLT/3 gives Flesh/2, Minor/2, Major/2, Serious/1,
Disabling/1; while HLT/6 would give Flesh/3, Minor/3,
Major/2, Serious/2 and Disabling/1.
As soon as all points for the current grade are ticked
off, the effects apply.
When a character has sustained five grades of Damage
(down to Disabling), they normally fall unconscious
and are disabled (some Quirks may modify this result). e
GM’s may allow characters to make a Concentration roll
to remain conscious and semi-active on a turn by turn
basis if it suits the dramatic purposes of the plot. The maximum number of points that may be recover-

If a character receives any more damage after being

ed in a single week is equal to the wounded character’s
Health (Toughness) attribute.
reduced to Disabled, the character may die (see Death).
Note: Points are recovered from the current wound level.
Damage only affects die rolls made relating to Health
and Cunning attributes. A character with HLT/3 with a Major wound, and no
medical assistance will recover 3 points per week.
Damage recovery is based on the level of damage taken. Since they have Flesh/2, Minor/2, Major/2, Serious/1,
Disabling/1 – in the first week they heal 2 Major and 1
Flesh Wounds: A character recovers Health (Tough-
ness) points per day.
Minor Wounds, leaving 1 Minor and 2 Flesh wounds. e
Each success in a Technician (Paramedic or Nursing) or
When a character goes beyond the Disabling Wound
Medical roll at Average Difficulty heals a point inst- level, they will eventually die – unless some form of
antly (but only one attempt may be made). medical intervention is provided after a number of
minutes equal to (1D + HLT) – with each additional
Minor Wounds: A character recovers half their Health wound they suffer beyond this point reducing their
(Toughness) points per day (fractions are rounded up). remaining potential life span by one (1) minute.

Each success in a Technician (Paramedic or Nursing) or STABILISATION

Medical roll at Hard Difficulty increases this by one Someone with medical skill can attempt to stabilise the
point, to a maximum of double Health (Toughness). “dead” character – which requires at least a Technic-
ian (Paramedic or Nursing) roll at Difficult level.
Such a roll may be made every [24 - (Healer’s Skill
Level + Wounded Character’s Health)] hours. The penalty for being “dead” doesn’t get any worse –
you can’t be deader than “dead,” though, as noted, your
Major Wounds: A character recovers Health (Tough- remaining life span can be shortened by further damage.
ness) points per week.
The stabilisation roll keeps them barely alive. If the roll
Each success in a Medical (Surgery or Veterinarian) roll exceeds the minimum successes required, each extra
at Hard Difficulty will heal an extra point over the success increases “life” by one minute as long as the
week, up to double their Health (Toughness). Nurse or Paramedic remains in attendance

Serious Wounds: A character recovers half their “Attendance” is defined as reasonably close proximity,
Health (Toughness) points per week. and with no more than their Skill Level in patients).

Each success in a Medical (Surgery or Veterinarian) roll If the roll is a bare success (i.e. rolls exactly the req-
at Hard Difficulty heals an extra point over the week, uired number), then the character’s life span remains
up to the character’s Health (Toughness). unchanged – and further rolls will be required every
turn to continue to work on them.
Disabling Wounds: Damage at this level may only be
recovered as a result of medical treatment by a char- Even though stabilisation may be kept up indefinitely,
acter with Medical (Surgery or Veterinarian) skill. Each the GM may rule the process will require the expenditure 149
success in a Medical (Surgery or Veterinarian) roll at of medical supplies – which are almost certain to be in
Hard difficulty heals one point per a week. finite supply.
When such supplies run out, then further dice penalties
may apply, or the the Difficulty level of the task increases. MOVEMENT (STRATEGIC)
Strategic movement is normally in kilometers/hour,
SURGERY and is used to for travel times over long distances.
A stabilised character may only be returned to “life” –
to Disabled level health – by a successful Surgery roll. Terrain and vegetation will modify the base rate, as
This requires a Medical (Surgery or Veterinarian) roll at will the type of suspension the vehicle has – and this
Difficult level – and suffers from the same penalties is determines how many hours of travel it takes to
that a stabilisation roll would. cross a map hex (or map grid) rather than how many
kilometers are travelled in an hour.
Failing the roll does not necessarily mean the patient
dies – however, it extends the surgery by a time period FOOT AND MOUNTED MOVEMENT
and increases the Difficulty of the roll by one grade. A Vehicle movement rates (in kph) are as listed in the
disaster (failing the task check by four [4] steps or Gear Book. Foot and Mounted rates are shown below.
greater) means the character dies on the operating table. These rates assume 10 minutes rest per hour, 8 hours
sleep per day, and one full day of rest every week.
Once a character has been successfully operated on, NORMAL
they are still not out of the woods – they need to This is combined with hunting, foraging, or searching
remain in intensive care for a number of days equal to with many rest periods. Travel will for 8 hours per day
([7 + Dice Penalty] - Health [Toughness]). (32 km/Foot, 48 km Mounted). This rate may be
maintained indefinitely.
A character with HLT/4 and a -3D penalty would need
to be in intensive care for ([7 + 3] - 4) = six days. FAST
Continual movement with little or no rest beyond the
This requires the attendance of a Paramedic or Nurse standard ten minutes per hour, though for only 8
making a Average task check each day – failure means hours per day (40 km Foot or 64 km Mounted). This
that the intensive care period is extended by a day. cannot be maintained without loss – formed units
begin losing 2D% of their number every two (2) days
A Disaster (i.e. failing the check by four (4) steps or (these will catch up on the rest day).
more) means more Surgery is required (as above) and
that the intensive care period is re-started again (and, PCs on foot must make a HLT check at +1 DIFF
of course, the patient runs the risk of dying again). (cumulative) every two (2) days to maintain this.

The availability (or lack) of equipment or supplies, or Mounted PCs make the check every four days if they
access to facilities will have a direct impact on the bonus can obtain remounts at least every two days, otherwise
or penalty dice applicable to any of these rolls. \ they make the check every two days but at no penalty
to the check for the first two days.
It may also increase the Difficulty level – only very
unusual equipment would reduce the Difficulty level). FORCED
Continual movement with little or no rest for at least
FINAL RECOVERY 10-12 hours per day (60-72 km Foot or 120-144 km
Only once the character has managed to survive the Mounted), and may cut the rest day in a week as well.
intensive care period do they start to recover normally
– at the rate of one (1) point of Health per day – and This rate cannot be maintained without loss, either –
slowly recover to full health through the previously formed units lose 1D% on the first day, then (1D% +
described mechanisms. 1%) per six hours on the second, per four hours on the
third, per two hours on the fourth, and 1D% per hour
on the fifth and succeeding days.

If a weekly rest day is missed, the rate goes up by +1%

each period. Stragglers will catch up after half the
number of days that have passed since they have
fallen behind. PCs on foot make a HLT check at +½D
DIFF initially, with an additional +1 DIFF per day after
the first.

150 Success means that they are able to achieve the rate
for the whole day, while failure indicates that they can
maintain it only for 2D hours.
PCs who are riding and who can acquire remounts
every two days will reduce this penalty to that apply-
ing for Forced rate.
These rates are based on military manuals, which ass-
ume they apply to formed bodies of troops. Individuals
and small parties should be able to improve on these
rates considerably.
Rates may be doubled for short periods at the cost of an
immediate HLT check at the end of the period at an +1D Two days of Light = Medium, 4 days of Light or 2 of
DIFF to whatever penalty currently applies. Medium = Heavy. Each Heavy Snow day adds
+0.25 to the Heavy Snow penalty (no upper limit).
Unlike a board game or computer game, which rate
how many hexes a unit or individual can move per
These effects subside to their minimum values
(until the thaw, whenever winter ends, mainly) at
turn, in the D10 system the hexes are used simply to
indicate where specific terrain/vegetation types are.
the rate of -0.1 per day without snow.
ATV/Track represents a generic tracked vehicle. Wheel
indicates a wheeled vehicle (motor and animal drawn).
“Poisons” include all elements, chemicals and drugs
Half-tracked vehicles operate as Wheeled vehicles unless
that have a negative effect on the human body – not
just those that cause damage and kill directly.
their driver makes an appropriate Driving Check every
hour of movement. POISON DATA
Poisons are rated in four areas – Mode of Operation
Hexes represent time in the d10 System rather than
distance – so a party might take several turns (days,
(how it poisons you), Check Interval (how long it takes
to poison you), Effect Duration (how long it poisons you)
hours, or whatever) to cross a single hex ... depending and Poison Strength (how much damage it does to you).
on their current movement rate.
To use the TEC, cross-reference method of travel with Poisons may be ingested (i.e. swallowed with food or
terrain and a multiplier is found – this is multiplied by drink), inhaled (breathed in as an aerosol or gas),
hex scale to give the effective distance, which indicates injected (piercing the skin through a bite, puncture or
the time a character or party will require to cross. cut) or may act on contact (touching the bare skin).

WEATHER EFFECTS Some poisons are only effective in one mode, and pro-
Weather also effects the movement rates in the TEC. tection against that can protect against them (a gas mask
vs inhaled poisons, for example).
· Wet Weather: Wet weather tends to slow every
form of movement down. The effect on Tracks, However, many are effective in more than one way
Roads and Highways is detailed in the table above. (nerve poisons work in all the listed modes and Mustard
Gas is similar, though it works less well in some modes).
Streams and Rivers become impassable except at
Fords (which take on the “No Ford” penalty) in CHECK INTERVAL
extended periods of Light or Medium rain, or a This is the expected time delay between each HLT
single period of Heavy rain. task check against the onset of the poison’s effect(s).

All other terrain adds +0.25 for Light, +0.5 for · Natural poisons: One Minute.
Medium and +0.75 (or higher) for Heavy Rain. · Synthetic poisons: One Combat Turn.
· Nerve poisons: One Phase.
· Snow: When cold enough, rain becomes snow.
Snow has the same effect as rain, but accumulates. Yes, every phase whether the poisoned character is
acting or not! Nerve poisons are nasty!

Normal Fast Forced There can be considerable variation and medical

treatment can extend the duration.
Foot 4 5 6 151
For example, restricting blood flow for snake/spider bites
Mounted 6 8 12
or using an atropine autoinjector against nerve agents.

Terrain Type ATV/Track Wheel Foot Mounted

Clear/Flat x 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.0

Clear/Rough x 1.0 x 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.0

Clear/Hills x 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 x 2.5

Clear/Mountains x 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.5 x 3.0

Light Vegetation/Flat x 1.25 x 1.5 x 1.25 x 1.25

Light Vegetation/Rough x 1.5 x 1.75 x 1.5 x 1.25

Light Vegetation/Hills x 1.75 x 2.25 x 1.75 x 1.5

Light Vegetation/Mountains x 2.0 x 2.5 x 3.0 x 3.5

Woods/Flat x 1.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.75

Woods/Rough x 1.75 x 2.5 x 1.75 x 2.0

Woods/Hills x 2.0 x 3.0 x 2.0 x 2.5

Woods/Mountains x 2.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 x 3.0

Forest/Flat x 2.0 x 3.5 x 2.0 x 2.5

Forest/Rough x 2.5 x 4.0 x 2.5 x 3.0

Forest/Hills x 3.0 x 4.5 x 3.0 x 3.5

Forest/Mountains x 3.5 x 5.0 x 3.5 x 4.0

Jungle/Flat x 3.0 x 5.0 x 3.0 x 4.5

Jungle/Rough x 3.5 x 5.5 x 3.5 x 4.0

Jungle/Hills x 4.0 x 6.0 x 4.0 x 4.5

Jungle/Mountains x 4.5 x 6.5 x 4.5 x 5.0

Dense Jungle/Flat x 4.0 x 6.5 x 3.5 x 5.5

Dense Jungle/Rough x 4.5 x 7.0 x 4.0 x 6.0

Dense Jungle/Hills x 5.0 x 7.5 x 4.5 x 6.5

Dense Jungle/Mountains x 6.0 x 8.0 x 5.0 x 7.0

Marsh/Flat x 1.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 x 4.0

Marsh/Rough x 2.0 x 4.0 x 2.5 x 5.0

Ice/Flat x 1.0 x 2.0 x 1.0 x 1.5

Ice/Rough x 1.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 x 2.0

Ice/Hills x 2.0 x 3.0 x 2.0 x 2.5

Stream/Ford +0.5 no effect +1.0 +0.5

Stream/No Ford +1.0 no effect +1.5 +2.0

Terrain Type ATV/Track Wheel Foot Mounted

Ferry (average Stream) (1) +2.5 no effect +2.0 +2.5 a

River/Ford +2.0
as other terrain in hex

no effect +5.0 +2.5

River/No Ford +2.0 no effect prohibited +2.5 e
Ferry (average River) (1) +5.0 no effect +5.0 +5.0

River/Bridge as other terrain in hex

Track (2) -10% no effect -20% -30%

Road (3) as clear terrain with no vegetation y
Highway (4) as clear terrain with no vegetation halved
(1) This assumes an average width river or stream.
(2) Loses all benefits during wet weather and for a variable period after.
(3) If “All Weather”, keeps this bonus even in wet weather. Otherwise, treat as Track.
(4) Always “All Weather”, keeping bonus unless weather side-effects physically block the road.
EFFECT DURATION Success: If the task check succeeds, nothing happens
Once the character has been poisoned (see Mode of
Operation) the effects of the poison have a finite durat-
until till Check Interval (if any Effect Duration is left).
ion during which they act against a character’s HLT. If you feel generous, reduce strength (for the next check
There are three levels of persistence, which determine only) by one (1) for every additional success.
the likely duration of the negative effects –
· Low Persistence: (1D x 3) check intervals. Once a character has failed their HLT check they are
· Standard Persistence: (1D x 6) check intervals. subject to appropriate damage and/or special effects.
· High Persistence: (1D x 12) check intervals. This depends on the type of poison –

POISON STRENGTH · Standard Poisons: Act on HLT for the remaining

Is the relative “effectiveness” of the poison per dose Effect Duration – reducing it by Poison Strength per
applied over the Effect Time for the Effect Duration. Check Interval. When HLT reaches zero (0), the
character goes into a coma or delirium. At this
· Natural poisons (most animal or plant toxins) point a base HLT check is allowed to throw off the
have a PS of 1-3, +1 for each extra dose. effects of the poison.
· Synthetic poisons (most non-natural, non-nerve
agents) have a PS of 4-6, plus 1-3 for each extra Success: Recovery starts.
· Nerve agents are the most lethal, with a PS of Failure: Poison strength becomes damage dice and
7-10, plus 3-7 for each extra dose. continues until the Effect Duration ends.

PROCEDURE If the character survives, they awaken from the

Poisons initially work against a character’s HLT – and Coma (20 - HLT) minutes, but will be at Exhausted
do damage/special effects only when it is overcome. fatigue levels (which will recover normally).
Poison Strength is a cumulative penalty to HLT checks
every Check Interval for Effect Duration. · Paralytic Poisons: Acts on FAT – Poison Strength
acting as FAT dice per Check Interval. When
Failure: If task check fails, then application of dam- reduced to Prostrate the PC is paralysed (but can
age (if any) and special effects begin immediately. breathe), which lasts for Effect Duration minutes.

If you feel nasty, add +1D to any damage for this first Once this duration has passed, recovery will occur 153
application of damage for every success less than the as normal for Fatigue and the character will be
required amount the check was failed by. able to move again once they recover to Exhausted.
· Soporific Poisons: Act on DED, treating it as if it
were fatigue for the purpose of this rule. When the
penalties accrue (per the equivalent Fatigue level),
they apply to all skill use, regardless of whether it is
physical or mental in nature.

When the character’s mental “fatigue” reaches

Prostrated levels, the lapse into a deep sleep. This
drug induced sleep will last for Effect Duration in
hours (initial, not reduced).

When the affected subject has slept for this period,

their sleep becomes normal, and they can be
woken (or wake of their own accord) normally.

· Corrosive Poisons: Cause wounds as a White Phos-

phorous Incendiary (see Burns) with a Burn Time
equal to Effect Duration.

· Catabolic Poisons: Act as Corrosive poisons and,

if they spreading, as a Standard poisons as well.

· Irritant Poisons: Act against Fatigue but prevent

the recovery of any fatigue lost as a result of their
effects for (Effect Duration x 10) minutes.

Personalising the effects can be done by increasing

(or reducing) duration of any effects they might have.
For example, a special Soporific could causes drugg-
ed sleep for Effect Duration minutes.

Most poisons have some special symptoms – the des-
cription should include any of relevance.

An example might be – “Telltale pinpoint pupils, may be

accompanied by tremors or convulsions increasing in
strength till capable of breaking bones” or “Vomiting,
with bloody mucosa brought up in 60% of cases.”

This section provides rules for all those aspects of the
sensory world (hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch) that
occur from time to time. Weather Day Dawn Night
or Dusk
Twilight m
Most of the rules covered below are somewhat subjective
and rely on the Game Master’s estimation of factors that
are not easily quantifiable. You have been warned!
Light Rain
60 e
Heavy Rain 100 50 25 35
Mist 200 100 40 70
SPOTTING Fog 20 15 5 10
An important aspect of the game is determining what
the player characters can spot – that is, what they can
Light Snow 150 75 30 50 s
Heavy Snow 75 35 15 25
see, hear and smell.
Blizzard 35 15 5 10 y
SIGHT DETECTION Formed bodies of troops can be sighted at much greater
The tables indicate distances (in meters) at which an
Average DIFF task check could discern individuals as
ranges. s
Noise Level Wind . . .
· At between half and full listed range, the difficulty
is reduced to Easy.
· At less than half listed range, difficulty is Simple. Talking
Normal Move
20-50 *
15-25 *
10-20 *
5-15 *
· At every 20% greater than listed range, add +1 DIFF.
Stealthy Move 5-15 * 1-5 * 1-2
Large groups (formed bodies of troops, for example) can * Strong winds may drown out these sounds or reduce
be discerned at longer ranges, though individuals within detection range further.
the group will not be recognisable as such,
If the object being spotted is larger than an average Smell (1) Still Air Upwind (2) Downwind (2)
human being, they can be spotted at the same base Faint 2-20 10-20 Impossible
chances but at greater ranges – especially if moving.
Strong 20-50 75-100 1-10
A cavalryman would be visible at much greater range Pungent 50-150 100-200 10-20
than an infantryman because they are mounted on a Smoke 20-100 50-150 5-15
horse, typically 4-5 times bigger than a man by itself,
(1) These listed ranges may be increased, perhaps
Likewise, a Motorcyclist will be visible at much greater markedly, at the GM’s discretion.
distances than a standing or walking man because the (2) If the wind is strong enough, the smell may be
observer’s attention will be drawn to the movement. completely dispersed.
the dust cloud their movement kicks up, even if they are
If they are smaller than the average human being, then technically speaking not in a direct line of sight.
spotting range will be similarly reduced.
If the object is camouflaged or actively attempting to The ranges assume sounds within the normal human
remain concealed, then the ranges at which these base hearing range – though, with technological aids, it
chances will apply will be much reduced. may be possible to detect sounds not normally audible
to humans.
The absolute maximum spotting distance is, of course,
line of sight – which will be determined entirely by Sounds – loud ones – can be detected at very consider-
local conditions. able distances. For example, before the introduction of
counter-battery radar to detect the location of enemy 155
However, under some local conditions it may be possible artillery concentrations, armies used extremely sensitive
to determine the presence of groups of men or vehicles by sound sensors to detect the sounds of firing artillery and,
through a process of triangulation, trace back where the limiting the effectiveness of their senses according to
firing was coming from. realistic external factors.

No, it wasn’t very accurate, but modern technological Characters may be at one of four Awareness levels –
aids allow for the detection of conversation at very
considerable distances through the combined use of · Basic: Occupied performing another task. All
extremely sensitive microphones and digital signal pro- spotting is at +4 DIFF.
cessing to clean up the sounds into recognisable speech.
· Average: Not engaged in any specific activity. All
SMELL DETECTION spotting is at +2 DIFF.
The least expected method of detection – humans have
a poor sense of smell compared to most mammals, but Most characters will be at this level of semi-oblivious-
we can make use of it under limited circumstances. ness most of the time unless there is a damn good
reason not to be (and ruthlessly resist player claims
For example, during the Vietnam war, communist forces that their character would be more alert than this!)
could often detect the presence of US forces because of
the slight scent to the soap they bathed with. · High: The character is in a situation where they
would likely be more attentive than average.
US Special Forces quickly learnt this, and stopped
bathing several days before going into the field – where If there is any doubt, require a Difficult Concen-
they were often able to detect the presence of communist tration Task Check to activate (and, every (5 + CUN)
guerillas by the smell of the fish sauce they used to minutes) and maintain.
flavour their boiled rice.
When activate, a character at this level of aware-
If more than one sense could be used, then the one ness allows checks at unmodified DIFF.
with the best chance of spotting should be used. The
GM may increase its base chance of detection. This requires beyond normal concentration.

Technology may also increase spotting range. A pair of Players will want you to believe that their characters
4x Binoculars increase visual spotting range by x4 – but are at this level of alertness all the time.
at the expense of a restricted arc of vision.
No. They’re not.
Players would have their characters at full alert 24/7 Not in anything like “real life.”
if they were allowed – but characters have no reason to
behave this way. Require a Concentration check at significant
penalties whenever in doubt – most likely when the
Awareness deals with this problem in a realistic way by players insist that one isn’t needed.

· Combat: If the character has very recently been in

combat, are currently in a combat, or it likely they
will be in a combat situation “real soon now” then
this level of awareness applies.

If there is any doubt whatsoever, require an

Extreme difficulty task check to activate this level
and require a further roll every (5 + CUN) Combat
Turns to maintain it.

When activated, this awareness level allows checks

at -1 or -2 DIFF.

This should be strictly limited to periods where the

character is involved in combat (and short periods
after it has ceased), otherwise you should be ruthless
in enforcing the task check requirement.

Experience is the only way in which a character can
improve (or acquire new) Skills or acquire new Talents
– through Skill Use and through Role Playing.
Characters gain experience in two main ways
Skill/Task Checks can result in gaining experience in
two ways – s
· Whenever a character makes a successful Task
Check at Hard Difficulty (DIFF 4) or better they are
awarded one (1) experience point.

· A character also gains one (1) experience point for

any roll that scores four or more zero (0) results. be made for groups that make the combat process
and description entertaining.
This total may be achieved with re-rolls of previous
zero results. · Avoiding combat by good role playing is worth one
or two (1-2) points, applied to any non-Combat Skill
This occurs instantly such a Check is made or such a
success is scored and is applied only to the skill in
(in any combination) used.
which it was made (space is provided on the character This is awarded for each discrete instance of such
sheets for this to be recorded). good roleplaying – not for a single extended use.

EXPERIENCE & ROLE PLAYING So getting past the sentry on the camp’s outskirts by
During each game session (a single night or after- bluffing and then avoiding detection by patrols in-
noon’s play), a character should be granted EPs for – side are two discrete instances. Taking several turns
to bluff a sentry is only one instance.
· Defeating an opponent in a one-on-one combat
gives zero to three (0-3) points which are applied to · Entertaining Role Play during a game session is
any Combat Skill used in the process. worth one to three (1-3) points, which may be
applied to any Skill used in the session.
The amount of points awarded depends on the
how difficult it was (for a complete pushover, feel Any player action that brings a smile (even a wry one
free to award nothing at all) and, of course, how as they thwart your careful plans) to your face or
entertainingly the player described their charact- which makes you think – “Hey! That was neat!” is
er’s role in the denouement. what you award this for.

This is not merely an award to the character who gets It may be awarded more than once per character in
in the killing blow. To get this award the character a session, but the maximum award over a whole
must have done all the damage (Option: They must session remains three (3) points.
have done more than 50% of the damage).
At the end of a completed scenario or mission (which
· Corporate Defeat of an opponent in a small scale will often require several game sessions) characters can
combat gives zero to one (0-1) points to any Combat be granted experience points for the following –
Skill used in the process.
· Heroic Actions performed during the scenario are
All participants in the despatch of the chosen enemies worth one to three (1-3) points for any skills.
gain this award.
This does not mean the character has to have been
In general, there should have been at least one heroic every single second of the game – but that the 157
enemy for each of the friendlies actively involved for overall, overwhelming, thrust of their actions have
any award to apply at all and the award should only been heroic. GM’s determination as always, of course.
· Success in achieving mission goals (which may be Players often end up doing things that you, as GM,
either personal or corporate) is worth one to five despite all your careful planning, find so off the wall
(1-5) points distributed between any skills. The that you never even considered them.
award depends on the DIFF of the success achieved.
When they manage this successfully, reward them!
Saving a small hamlet or single family would, all
other factors being equal, qualify for one point, while
saving an entire region would likely qualify for five. SPENDING EXPERIENCE
There are two ways that Experience may be spent in
Likewise, defeating an enemy patrol might be worth the D10 system – to permanently increase skills or as
one or two points, depending on strength. a temporary boost to any game roll in the form of Luck.

On the other hand, blowing the bridge that denies EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS
passage (or otherwise holding them up – think Ther- The general rule for experience is that it costs twenty
mopylae and the 300 Spartans) to the entire enemy (20) experience points to –
army could be worth five points.
· increase Skill by one (1) level unless the new level
· Unusual Success in using skills or equipment in would exceed the Governing Attribute, in which
unexpected (and entertaining!) ways to achieve the case the cost is doubled to 40 Experience Points.
mission’s goals can be worth one to three (1-3) · gain a new Skill at level two (2).
points distributed between any skills.
This is a surprising the hell out of the GM award. It is not normally possible to increase a character’s
Ability score – however, if the GM does allow it, it costs
USING AND ABUSING EXPERIENCE I [10 + (10 x New Ability level)] skill points.
In more than thirty years of designing and playing
Role Playing Games, I have found that one of the key That is, a character with CUN/4 wants to increase it to
problems for any game system can be the way it CUN/5 – this would cost [10 + (10 x 5)] = 60 Skill Points.
handles of experience.
Characters who have the Changed or Mutable Quirks are
If you normally run one-shot adventures, it is not the only characters who should ever be considered for
normally a problem. Likewise, if your campaigns such an increase in Road to Armageddon.
tend to last no longer than a year or so, systems
generally work fine. THE LIMITS OF EXPERIENCE (OPTION)
One major problem with role playing games is that skill
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t problems – advancement has become far too fast and easy.
merely that they don’t raise their ugly head(s) until Characters advance far quicker than anything normal
you have a long running campaign world. mortals could achieve in comparable amount of time.

When you do, you rapidly find that the characters This inevitably results in games that have to become
that your players started out with all too rapidly ridiculously high powered – to levels that are quite
become ... Unbelievable. simply fantastic simply to retain some challenge

They accrue (depending on the system) far more Some games have had to create “epic” levels to do this –
ability/characteristic and skill increases than anyone but they aren’t the only ones with the problem.
could be reasonably expected to achieve (or actually
has achieved) in several lifetimes. In the D10 system, this is partly negated by the (likely)
heavy usage of experiential luck which, I believe, more
accurately represents real life. YMMV.


It is still possible characters will advance too quickly. It
is highly recommended advancement be limited by one
or more of the following mechanics –

Limit improvement to (DED) Levels of non-physical and

(HLT) Levels of physical skills per game year.
It is harder to increase one’s academic skills vs primarily
physical ones, so possibly reduce non-physical skills
advancement to (Deduction - 1) a year.

Characters are required to confirm any Level Up by

rolling (Desired Skill Level) or greater on 1D+2. Failure
means half the EPs are lost, and no increase. a
Yes, this limits the maximum level to Level/8, though,
modifiers can increase this for practical purposes.
Characters are absolutely limited to a maximum Skill
Level equal to their underlying Ability Level.
If you have Ability/4, then you cannot advance beyond
Level/4 in a skill governed by that ability. USING AND ABUSING EXPERIENCE II

The EP cost of increasing a Skill Level beyond the

One popular game system has had to “solve” this
problem by creating “Epic” levels for characters who
relevant Ability Rating is doubled to forty (40) points per
level for each additional level beyond.
can handily defeat demigods (maybe even gods)
without raising t a sweat. y
This is common during an an extended campaign – and
can be safely ignored if you run linked adventures not
This is barely believable in a fantasy campaign – in
anything else, it is simply ... silly.
intended to last beyond a few months.
In real life there is a “topping out” effect – each t
If none of the above “problems” seem problematic to measurable increment of improvement becomes
you, then feel free to completely ignore these suggestions
– you’ve paid the money, you get to make the choice!
harder and harder (and takes more and more time) to
achieve – but few games manage to handle this
L UCK This is one reason why the D10 system uses
Experience as Luck – beyond a certain point it is
Luck does not govern any skills. Instead, you spend
Luck points in order to increase the success chances of simply more sensible to take experience and use it to
any Task (see Task Resolution) or to decrease Damage directly fuel die rolls rather than convert it to extra
(see Combat) from combat or other effects. level of skill or ability.

There are two different sources of Luck – the Ability, It is also one of the reasons why the “Limits of
rolled in character creation, and experience points. Experience” optional rule has been provided.

Experience spent as Luck represents minor variations in Use it or not at your choice
causality and is should be widely used during the game.
a vehicle about to be totalled and you want to save
Ability Luck represents major changes in causality – your precious hide!
requiring expenditure of Luck Ability points!
· Reduce Damage, if spent immediately on the
damage being inflicted (see pg. # 128).
Characters may expend experience to buy additional · One extra “free” action during their turn.
dice for Task Checks, buy off damage, gain a free
action or to modify the attack value of some weapons. · Changes the damage rating of a standard damage
Each point of Luck purchases – weapon to armour piercing damage for one attack.

· +1D added to any roll before the check is made. Allows standard weapons to do full rated damage to
structural armour (but not vs Heavy Armour).
Note: some Quirks and Techniques count each
purchased die as +2D for a Task check. · Reduces the PEN(etration) Value of Armour Pierc-
ing or HEAT rounds by 1d x 5% of the base value.
· +1 DIFF to any attack roll directed at them or the
vehicle or structure that they occupy. Most modern AP and HEAT rounds can penetrate all
except the front hull armour of modern tanks at any 159
This may prevent an attack from hitting – sometimes reasonable range – so this option allows the crew
better than reducing damage done, eg if you’re inside (any/all) to increase their chance of surviving that
surprise first shot – but they’ll soon run out of LCK · Lazarus (1): A character may negate completely
in an extended engagement unless they use cover and any combat or damage effects that would result in
overwatch just like modern tankers do. their death.

EXPENDING EXPERIENCE AS LUCK They remain down and unconscious until combat is
The amount of experience a character may expend on over – everyone is sure they are dead – but are found
a single die roll is determined by their Luck ability. to be merely Disabled (as per the Wound). This may
also be used by a vehicle crew to seem to KO the
· A character may expend a number of experience vehicle, while leaving it merely with a serious Break-
points up to their (Current Luck Ability x 2) over a down (which may be repaired under the normal rules).
whole Combat Phase
· Beans ‘n Bullets (1): A character finds more of the
A character with Current Luck/3 could spend up to vital resource (ammo, medicines, food ... whatever)
six (6) extra dice over their Combat Phase. If they can they thought they’d run out of – half of what they
perform only three (3) Actions, then those dice would had originally.
have to be split any way desired amongst those three
(and if they were all spent on the first Action, bad What counts as “originally” is up to the GM – mostly
luck if they’re needed later in the turn!) it will be what the character had at the beginning of
the encounter during which they call on the ability.
· Any experience expended as Luck must come from
a skill which has the same governing attribute as the If the encounter has been an extended one, the GM
skill it is used to modify. may choose to take the amount available from a more
realistic point during the event (remembering that
If you want to increase hit chances with Firearms spending Luck like this is a major commitment and
(Handgun) while in combat situation, it is governed should get a commensurate reward).
by Health, so you can’t use experience from Science
(Physics), governed by Deduction. If used again in the same situation (e.g. a few turns
later/same battle), they get half of what they got the
Alternatively: Allow it to come from any Skill, but first time ... and so on. This isn’t a magic cornucopia!
charge two experience points per actual Luck Dice if
taken that way. · Golden BB (1): The weapon that a character is
using temporarily disables any one item (vehicle,
So, using Science (Physics) experience for a combat weapon ... whatever) being used by the enemy for a
application would cost 2 experience for 1 die of luck. variable time in a way that requires some risk by
the crew to fix.
Note: for the limits to the amount of experience that
can be expended per Combat Turn, base it on the This applies even if the weapon could not normally
number of dice if using this alternate rule, rather do damage to the item.
than the number of experience points.
Roll 1D, and add to LCK – the result is the number
of turns that the item will remain out of action.
Characters may expend Luck Ability (Permanent Luck) The damage is not permanent. Somehow the weapon
points to change causality in major ways, and this will has managed to jam or otherwise disable some key
allow them to do one of the following – system you would think could not be affected.
Depending on the weapon and circumstances, this
may have other effects decided by the GM.

For example, jamming your spear into the running

gear of a tracked vehicle might, barely conceivably,
jam the track ... but the spear would be destroyed.

· It Was Just A Flesh Wound, Honest! (2): A char-

acter may negate damage effects that would result
in their death.

They remain down and unconscious until combat is

160 over (possibly longer – perhaps until someone of their
party examines the “body” – everyone is sure they’re
are dead) and are found with a mere Flesh Wound.
It may be used by a vehicle crew to seem to KO the
vehicle, while leaving it merely with a minor Break-
down (which may be repaired under the normal rules).
· Duh! Oh! (2): A character may “discover” that the
one vital item of equipment they don’t have with
them was actually packed with their gear (by
mistake, or they forgot).
This is limited to items that the character owns, but
didn’t bring with them (or, for military missions, items
that they could have been issued with, but didn’t
specifically ask for).
It should be an item that could fit, un-noticed (based
on the GM’s determination), into their backpack or
The possibilities described in this section are very
powerful – and are meant to be. After all, the player
the cargo bay of their vehicle. is making what amounts to a long(ish) term reduction
to a key Ability.
The GM has the final disposition as to whether what
they want is possible (remembering, always, that this
is a major commitment of the character’s resources).
You may decide, however, that this lends too much of
a cinematic feel to the game – and there is some
· Murphy’s Law (2): The weapon a character is
justification in feeling this way.
using disables any one item (vehicle, weapon ... However, trust me when I say that realism in role
whatever) used by the enemy. playing games is over-rated. At best, RPGs merely
attempt to seem real in areas players don’t have
Even if the weapon couldn’t normally damage it. The
effect lasts until combat ends or until fixed.
much emotional involvement – how far you can
throw a grenade, how good a Researcher you are ...
they can live with bad odds, and bad die rolls here.
It’s out of action, not necessarily damaged. Perhaps
repairable – in time. Maybe it can be repaired on the When it comes to the survival of their favourite
spot, but the repairs will involve exposure to enemy character? Then its different. Most RPGs either
fire. Or it may be that the repairs cannot be made overestimate the survivability of human bodies
unless the item is removed from combat. GM’s choice! against damage or underestimate the effects of even
small arms fire on their survival ... mostly both.
All sounds pretty good, eh? Well, there is a downside –
the more you spend, the more you give the GM to use The d10 System tries to be not too obviously un-
against you! See NPCs and Luck, below. realistic, and backs this up with Luck Ability as a
desperation last resort.

NPCS AND LUCK you’re presenting the GM with a monkey wrench for
Non-Player characters mostly don’t get any Luck (see later use against you.
the Non-Player Characters section), except …
Of course, avoiding death may well be worth it!
When PCs expend any Luck Ability, then the GM takes
an equal amount of Luck. This is done on a 1:1 basis,
for each point of Ability Luck spent. REGAINING LUCK ABILITY
Luck Ability (Permanent Luck) is regained at GM’s
NPCS AND LUCK USE discretion, granted any time for good role playing,
What can NPC’s use Luck for? The same things as are achieving goals, or positive reinforcement for selfless acts.
mentioned in Luck Ability, above.
Note: Some Techniques modify the way in which Luck
However, since they generally don’t get experiential may be used and/or regained, refer to the Character
Luck, a GM may (at their option) convert Ability Luck Creation chapter for details).
to experience Luck at the rate of 10 experience point
equivalents per point converted and these may be used Such awards may replenish a character’s Luck Ability,
by any of his NPCs (until expended or until the end of but may not increase it beyond their starting level.
the scenario, whichever comes first). There are also other ways of getting it back to normal. 161
If you’re are in a big enough hole to need to use this, · A character can replenish one (1) point of Luck
Ability by expending twenty (20) experience points A FINAL NOTE
minus Current Luck Ability (20 - Current Luck). Experience based Luck and Permanent (Ability) Luck
is there to be used. It should not be hoarded – and GMs
This experience may come from any combination of should encourage players to use it by making it plain
skills. Yes, it is easier to regain Luck if you’re lucky. that not using it will have serious consequences.

The more you’ve spent, the more costly to regain. Players who behave the way they usually do in Role
Playing Games in RtA and who don’t use that Luck –
There has to be a down side to its wide utility that will well, they will die.
make characters very careful in making decisions as
to whether they need to use it or not. Don’t hesitate to let them die.

· A character can increase initial Luck Ability above That’s the reason for the suggestions about Troupe
start level by spending twenty (20) experience and Play – if (when) the inevitable happens, the player can
rolling greater than (Current Luck + 1) on 1D. simply pick up where they left off with another mem-
ber of the Troupe … who should be brought in at
The experience points are lost if the roll fails. Such a approximately the same overall skill and experience
roll is very risky the higher your Luck is. Which won’t level as the deceased character was.
stop some players – especially if they rolled a low
initial Luck. It may even be worth it.

The maximum possible Luck is Luck/9 – requiring a

roll of ten (10) exactly on 1D. Risky. Like I said.


It is not normally possible to increase a Character’s
Starting LCK – certainly not by any of the mechanistic
means described above.

Increases are entirely in the gift of the GM, and should

be exceedingly rare – they should represent the ach-
ievement of some major personal goal by a Character
or their participation in a major mission or series of
missions that successfully alter the outcome or flow of
the campaign.

Gaining +1 to initial LCK would be astonishing –

gaining +2 would be the result of something earth
shatteringly significant. Gaining +3 is unheard of.


Deduction Ability 29
A Final Note 52 Deduction Based Skills 70
Abilities – Character Creation 28 Deduction Based Techniques 79
Abilities & Focuses 30 Disadvantageous Quirks 43
Abstract Nature of the Rules 138 Diseases 144
Actions 106 Distance & Travel 101
Actions & The Action Pool 102
Action Pool 102 –E–
Actions & Time 101
Advantageous Quirks 32 Electric Shock 145
Ambush and Surprise 105 Equipment Damage 146
Aptitude Ability 29 Exposure 146
Aptitude Based Skills 69 Experience and Luck 157
Aptitude Based Techniques 76 Experience as Luck 159
Are Skills always Necessary? 98 Experience (Gaining) 157
Armour 139 Experience (Spending) 158
Asphyxiation 139
Athletics 140
Attack Types 110 –F–

–B– Failure (and Success) 95

Falls 148
Backgrounds 26 Focuses (& Abilities) 30
Basic Combat Example 125
Burns 141 –G–

–C– Gaining Experience 157

Game System 91
Campaigns 6 GM Created Skills 72
Careers 54 GM Created Techniques 82
Careers as Skills 54 Ground Scale (and Time) 121, 127
Careers – Character Creation 54
Character Creation 23 –H–
Character Creation – Abilities 28
Character Creation – Careers 54 Health 148
Character Creation – Quirks 32 Health Ability 28
Character Creation – Skills 66 Health Based Skills 66
Character Creation Examples 87 Health Based Techniques 73
Characters 24 Hit Location 129
Chases 134
Collisions 142 –I–
Combat Damage 143
Combat Modifiers & Range Table 124 Index 162
Combat Resolution 101
Combat/Crisis Modifiers 119 –L–
Command Ability 29
Command Based Skills 72 Luck 159
Command Based Techniques 80 Luck Ability 30
Cunning Ability 29 Luck Ability (Regaining) 161
Cunning Based Skills 68 Luck (and Experience) 157
Cunning Based Techniques 75 Luck (and NPCs) 161
164 Luck (as Experience) 159
–M– Travel 101

Military Units/Troupes 83
Troupe Play
Troupes (Military Units)
Movement (Strategic) 150
Multinational Ranks 85 –U– n
–N– Using & Abusing Experience I
Using & Abusing Experience II
NPCs and Luck 161 Using Luck Ability 160

–O– –V–
Operational Data 134 Vehicular Combat 127
Other Skills 72 Vehicular Rules 127

–P –
What Critical Failure Represents 96
Passage of Time, The 101 What Failure Represents 94
Physical World, The 139
Poisons 151
Purchase Costs & Basic Rules 32


Quirks acquired during Careers 54

Quirks – Character Creation 32


Ranks (Multinational) 85
Reaction Roll/Actions 127
Regaining Luck Ability 161
Road to Armageddon, The 9


Sensory World, The 155

Skills and Specialisations 66
Skills – Character Creation 66
Skills (GM created) 72
Specialisations (and Skills) 66
Spending Experience 158
Spotting 155
Success & Failure 95


Task Resolution 93
Task Types 97
Tasks & Task Checks 92
Techniques 72
The Passage of Time 101
The Physical World 139
The Road to Armageddon 9
The Sensory World 155
The Three Way War 1
Three Way Warm The 1 165
Time 101, 127
Techniques (GM Created) 82
Farm, Forge and Steam is a campaign design aid for GMs who want a realistic and
logical background. It provides information and guidelines for key areas of campaign
design including -

· Population distribution and growth

· Diseases and Demographics
· Food sources, productivity and supply
· Transport effects
· Technology effects
· Magic effects
· Common design faults and mistaken assumptions.

If you are designing a new campaign world, or overhauling an existing one (whether commercially published or
home brew), then you can't go far wrong by using FFnS to ensure that the whole creation hangs together.

Farm, Forge and Steam is usable with any game system, as it is a meta product ... it provides the underpinnings
for the campaign without affecting the actual game system.

The “rules” that are detailed in Farm, Forge and Steam are general ones, not universal mathematical formulae
(though some of them come with mathematically applicable data), and enable you to provide broad and
medium level application for your campaign.

Farm, Forge and Steam is available as an eBook download from at and is
currently an Electrum Pick for popularity.

RRP: eBook, US$9.99.

What would you do if you found yourself suddenly – and permanently – cut off from
everyone and everything you ever knew? Thrust into an alien society lacking the
accoutrements of the modern world? Where you are faced with a potentially deadly
struggle to merely survive?

One of the more popular tropes of modern day Science Fiction deals with that very
question – moderns being displaced in time and, sometimes, in space (or dimension) as
well ... where they find that they are faced with the awful (and aweful) reality of the past
or, equally, an alternate dimension where history and technology has not progressed the
same way as it has in our version of reality.

Typically the displaced will find themselves faced with a need to change things – perhaps for their own comfort,
perhaps from a sense of altruism (or, more than likely, from a desire to become wealthy and powerful beyond
any dreams of avarice), or, most likely, because they find themselves faced with a threat to their very survival.

Displaced (Book #1: Lost in Time and Space and Book #2: Survival and Rebirth) is intended to provide a solid
structure for a GM and players to build their own campaign world on.

Using the tools and information provided herein you will be able to structure a realistic background in which
they can stage their adventures and get their chance to fight the good fight against tremendous odds ... and, of
course, also get a chance to become wealthy, respected, and powerful.

Road to Armageddon is available as an eBook download from at

RRP: eBook, US$11.99

Most fantasy role playing games use elements of the middle ages in their background ...
but provide little or nothing in the way of real background ... and what they do provide
is generally anachronistic or wrong. Orbis Mundi is intended to bridge that gap.

The first chapter, Hard Times, covers Medieval and Feudal Government, Law and
Justice. The second chapter, Hard Money, deals with Money, Coinage, Prices,
Economics and Guilds. The third chapter, Hard Knocks, provides information on
Medieval Life, Serfdom, Living Conditions, and Legal Status and Rights (including
Women's rights).

The last chapter, The Market, is an extensive annotated Price List for goods likely to be
available during the later middle ages, specifically the 14th and 15th centuries. From Alchemetical Supplies to
Missile Weapons, from Armour to Libraries ... and much, much, more.

If you think your favourite FRPG has a background that is the most accurate representation of the middle ages
since the Middle Ages, then Orbis Mundi is not for you. If you don’t care about historical accuracy in even the
slightest respect, then Orbis Mundi is not for you.

If you do care about historical accuracy, and historically accurate prices and, for example, wish to understand
why Longbows do not cost more than Longswords and much more, then Orbis Mundi is for you.

Orbis Mundi is available as an eBook download from at

RRP: eBook, US$9.99.

Audace ad Gloriam – Boldly to Glory – is the sentiment expressed in the motto of the
Terran Federation’s Interstellar Scout & Survey Service, and is the premise for this

Detailed in this book are a wide variety of items that may be of use to Explorers and to
anyone who finds themselves in a survival situation – which includes everything from
power sources through von Neumann Machines, from Clothing to Optics, from
Firefighting to Vacuum sealing equipment, from Tools to Weapons – Survival to Utility
Vehicles , and even transportable Bases.

All of the equipment is described in terms that makes its main uses obvious, and, where
necessary, basic rules keyed to the popular 2d6 based resolution system are provided ...

... Are YOU prepared to go Boldly to Glory?.

Audace ad Gloriam is available as an eBook download from at

RRP: eBook, US$9.99

T he dogs of war have been loosed – the world is facing down nuclear and biological
Armageddon between the West and two ruthless power blocs aiming at nothing less
than total victory and the complete emasculation and/or destruction of anyone who
opposes their cultural dominance.

The struggle between these blocs has been going on for years, but has only recently become
a hot war ... normally called the Three Way War in the west, the Anti-Imperialist War in the
Russo-Japanese alliance and the New Jihad in the Islamic states ... and a nasty one.

Rationing is commonplace, consumer goods in short supply or, in some cases, completely
unavailable ... even the militaries of the nations involved have begun to suffer from the
inability of their damaged national economies to build the needed equipment for their
expanding war efforts (or, indeed, even to repair or replace damaged equipment).

I t is against this background that your campaign will be set, and in which your players
will be running the characters that they create using this rule booklet. They will have
the opportunity to defend their nation and its allies and to oppose the fanatical plans
of the opposition ...

Can they do enough to make a difference?

T his book covers the Core Rules – for Character creation, combat, and for almost all
the actions that Characters are likely (and unlikely) to be faced with during the
course of a game.

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