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Roll number - 1928103



Rise in pollution is going to be one of the

major problem in coming years if not
controlled. If pollution is not controlled now
then it can destroy/degrade our sources of
living like water, air and sound too.

When look upon controlling this major issue

of pollution, we should look towards a well
asked question that is what is giving rise to
the pollution?The answer is straight.
According to surveys, the growth of
industrialization plays a major role in
degrading water and air quality and sometime
sound too. Dumping wastes in the water
bodies pollute the water and ejecting the
smoke(mainly CO2) in the air degrades the air
quality which is ready to be inhaled by us.


It will be a matter of shock if we come to

know that India ranks the third in the list of
World’s most populated country by WHO.
As in the picture below, there are 15 cities in
India in the list of 20 most polluted cities
across the globe.

Air pollution is one of the most serious and

dangerous issues of the World, which directly
challenge to the global environment as well as
the thread to the living beings. Normally, pure
air consists, 78.084% of Nitrogen (N2),
21.946% of Oxygen (O2), 0.934% of Argon (Ar),
0.0397% of Carbon dioxide (CO2), 0.00182%
of Neon (Ne), 0.0005% of Helium (He) and
0.0002% of Methane (CH4). When this normal
situation of air changed due to the existence
of harmful gasses like, carbon monoxide (CO),
nitrogen oxides, any hydrocarbon gases,
sulphur-di-oxide (SO2), hydrogen sulphide
and some greenhouse gases including extra
carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane or
other dust particles (mainly un-burnt carbon,
lead, cement and asbestos), smokes, and
many more, then the air become polluted,
which are seriously disturbances on the global
eco-system and environment.
Air pollution have many natural sources like
fungi, volcanic eruptions, animals, green
plants etc.
Some of the man made sources are like
automobiles, industries, power plants,
domestic wastes etc.
India is at the third position in air pollution
after China and United States.
Nowadays air pollution in India is a very
serious issue due to traffic jams in big cities
like Mumbai and Delhi.


Most of the Indian big industries

produce a large scale of polluted liquid
emission which is normally wash out
through a canal into river. A recent
report describes that around 29,000
million liters of liquid dirt are produced
daily in India whenever there have a
capacity of 6,000 million liters per day.
Directly or indirectly river is the main
source of water. There have lots of rivers
in India which are vastly polluted day by
day due to lack of management by
government. The most harmful
elements which mainly polluted the
river water are organic waste, sediment,
mineral, nutrient, toxic chemical and
many more.

Industrial wastes ejection in the banks

of river is a major cause of the water

Noise pollution is also very common in

India due to negligence of government.
There have rule in the country to not
exceed the normal range (65 decibel) of
sound to control the sound pollution.
But, no one follow this rule and
government also not strict about this.
People rampantly use loudspeakers,
mikes or any sound system without
rules of govt. some other reasons of
sound pollution are the noise of
industries and vehicle.

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