Part of Body

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Part Of Body

Mouth : we usually use our mouth to eat, meal that eaten by us will be chewed in our
mouth to make it smaller and easy to be swallowed. Italso make our digestive system
work easier. Oher than that, we also use our mouth to speak and to breath1,2

Brain : part of body that responsible to control our prime body process2

Eye : the function is to see anything in the world

Ears : without ears we can’t hear some good or bad voice and our day will be very quite.

Nose : we use our nose to breath and smell many scent around us. Some part of nose is
protect by filter many strange and damage for our body from air like germ and dust.

Hand : the function are to hold and do many activities and we can use it to feel many

Eyebrow : eyebrow also has an important function for our body, it is to protect our eye
from sweat that flow from our forehead

Eyelash : it aslo has some function to protect our eye from dust.

Liver is an organ to processing nutrients absorbed from the small intestine and cleans
the blood.

Tongue very useful because it can taste food or drink and helping when human speak.
Lungs human has two lungs is right lung and left lung. In the deep of lung be found
alveoli it means that in alveoli happened exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide. Lungs is
include in our respiratory system

Daftar pustaka

1. Rettner Rachael. The human body : anatomy,facts & function [internet]. Eropa : Rachael
Rettner ; 10 Maret 2016 [ 10 maret 2016 ; 5 Maret 2019]. Dari :
2. sridianti . 29 fungsi organ tubuh manusia bagian dalam [ internet ]. Indonesia : sridianti ; 6
januari 2019 [6 januari 2019 ; 5 maret 2019] . dari :
Foot is the most important anatomical part of the body to balance
the weight and transmit weight of the body to the ground.

Kidney, the function of kidney is filtrat the blood.

Knee has limited movement and is designed to move like a hinge.

knee or patella is a thick, round bone that will jointed with the thigh bone
(femur). Its function is to wrap and protect the knee joint.1

The intestines are a long, continuous tube running from the stomach to
the anus. Most absorption of nutrients and water happen in the intestines. The
intestines include the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum.2

The function of legs is propup the body.

There are many functions of stomach one of them is protecting the

digestive system
Food needs to be broken down and chewed before entering the
digestive system so that our body can easily absorb nutrients from them.
In addition Teeth can help us pronounce accurately.3

The main heart function is pumping blood throughout the body. As

a means of transportation in the body, blood is carried by nutrients and
oxygen needed by the body's organs, while transporting waste substances

Th= Neck, the functions of neck is look toward by turning the head.


1. Hoffman M. Picture of the knee [Internet]. web MD. 2018 [cited 2019 Mar 6]. Available from:

2. Hoffman M. Picture of the Intestines [Internet]. web MD. 2018 [cited 2019 Mar 6]. Available

3. Club T. The functions of theeth [Internet]. Thooth Club. 2016 [cited 2019 Mar 6]. Available from:

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