Waste Managemen-WPS Office

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Restoring Earth

In our society, all of us have different obligations in terms of protecting our

surroundings. As we can all see, a lot of people are using plastic, papers, and metals,
that can cause harm in human or even in an innocent animal's health when it is not used
in an accurate way or disposed in a wrong manner either. Some people burns their
garbage to lessen their garbage waste without knowing how harmful it is to our ozone
layer and in our surroundings. Burning garbage and not using the proper disposal of
waste can cause danger in our own health, in our environment and also in our oceans,
lakes, rivers, and even small ponds, and soil.

For me, I could say, the bigger papulation the higher the pollution. All of us
did mistakes in throwing waste or plastic wrapper anywhere even we know that is
wrong. Although, we have lot of time to make it right by just throwing our waste in the
proper disposals. Instead of throwing and burning our waste and garbages, we can make
a compost pit for the biodigradable waste, and for the plastics or glass bottles we can
sell it to earn money. For the non-biodigradable we can place it on the garbage bags, and
wait for the sceduled day of collecting the trash. People can avoid the pollution of waste
not only in our country but also in the whole world. Waste or garbage can be recycled by
simply making it reusable again like for an example, Plastic Trashes can be used to make
plastic chairs and tables and other furniture made by the used plastics. Waste polution
can also cause polution in water, air, soil and it also have different effects in our society
or in our health. If we're not gonna do this nobody will. It's better to save our Mother
Earth before it's too late and we all know that. We all know the consequences to that.

Me, you and even a kid can do a little thing just to be safe from the outcome
that is to come if we let garbages scatter all around and fill the Earth. All of us can stop
this by simply not throwing garbage anywhere and using eco bags instead of plastics.
Use proper segregation. Recycle things that can be recycled. If we can stop the bad
effects of our neglecting actions, all of us can live safe and happy in our lovely Earth. The
Earth and the home that the God has blessed us with. Are you just gonna stand there
and let our home rot? Or you gonna be one of the forerunners of the saviors of the

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