Technology in Education: Running Head: I

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Running head: Technology in Education i

Synthesis of Research on the Challenges Associated with Integration of Technology in



Technology in Education ii


This paper presents a review of the challenges associated with the integration of technology

in education. Currently, technology is advancing so rapidly that every productive sector must

come up with effective mechanisms of incorporating it in their system. Consequently, society

is swayed to a belief that students must develop the technological skills for them to be

competent in society i(Rom and Jain, 2016). This has purposefully forced teachers to

incorporate the technological techniques in the instructional process for the to meet the

world’s changing paradigm. Under this research, advancement of the integrated technology to

education, significance of the integrated technology to education and the challenges

associated with integrated technology in education is studied. From the research, it is found

out that IT covers the whole instructional and assessment processes in education. However,

challenges such as computer illiteracy and inadequate ICT gadgets slows the revolution

process in some areas with late civilization.

KEYWORDS: Technology Integration, Educational Technology, Learning Technology,

Technology-enabled assessment, Instructional technology, and Educational policy.

Technology in Education iii

Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... ii
Chapter One: Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1
Background Information ..................................................................................................................... 1
Research Question/Problem statement................................................................................................ 2
Research Question/Problem description ............................................................................................. 2
Importance of IT in education............................................................................................................. 3
Challenges associated with IT in education ........................................................................................ 7
Chapter Two: Literature Review............................................................................................................. 9
Chapter Three: Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................... 10
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Recommendation .............................................................................................................................. 11

Technology in Education 1

Chapter One: Introduction

Background Information

Technology in the current world has taken over manpower resource as most of the

activities are nowadays computerized. Some of the researches have shown that there are

certain countries that are looking into using robots to performs some of the duties that are still

lying in the hands of man ii(Tondeur, Braak, Siddiq and Scherer, 2016). However, most of the

office duties such as filing, computation, and analysis have been completely taken over by

computers. This has, in turn, reduced manpower utilization rendering most people jobless. In

a counter-attack to this, it is believed by majority of the members of the society that without

technological skills, one cannot effectively compete in the world market.

This has consequently made most of the youths and some adults to seek the skills and

knowledge as one survival security tool in society. Since most of the duties in the society

have been influenced by the advancement in technology. Communication is one big aspect of

living that has been engulfed with technological integration. Communications through mobile

phones is another aspect where advancement in technology has taken control over and it is

upon an individual to conforms to the dynamics of technology. Almost everyone across the

globe today communicates using mobile phones, watch news through the televisions and

listen to radios among other Information and communication technology gadgets iii(Ryan and

Bagley, 2015). People have to lean to operates these ICT gadgets conditionally without any

form of hesitation. However, without basing only on mobile phones and the televisions,

banking is another sector where everyone witnesses the importance of technological

advancement in the world. In today’s society, one has not to travel all the way to a banking

Technology in Education 2

facility in order to deposit or withdraw some cash. All these facilities have been embedded in

our mobile phones and can be performed while sitting at home. Therefore, this paper takes

look into the penetration of this integrated technology in the education sectors iv(Webster,

2018). This is achieved through broadening the research by finding out the advancement of

the research into the education sector, the significance of the use of integrated technology in

the sector and the challenges associated with the IT in education.

Research Question/Problem statement

The question/problem to be solved by this research is the challenges associated with

the use of integrated technology in education.

Research Question/Problem description

Integration of technology basically refers to the use of the Information and

Communication technology equipment in the education sector. These Information and

Communication technology equipment includes the use of computers, internet, mobile

phones, CCTV Cameras, Televisions, radios, and iPad among other gadgets in facilitating the

instructional processes v(Rom and Jain, 2016). Through incorporation of the equipment, we

arrive at educational technology, which is the use of the ICT materials in education activities.

Most of the educational process has been technologically integrated, for example, use of ICT

in the instructional process through instructional technology and use of the technology-

enabled assessments. There are several ways that technology has been integrated into

education. However, the question of whether everybody is effectively and efficiently

conversant with the programs must be asked. These ICT gadgets need to be operated properly

to perform the various tasks they are earnt for, but that cannot happen when one is illiterate

on its operations. This thereby shortlists us with one challenge facing the integration of

technology in education. Besides, there are certain schools that are still not able to afford

Technology in Education 3

some of these technological gadgets thus making their use in such schools limited. Hence,

there is need to define and solve the challenges associated with the use of integrated

technology in education. Thus, these research papers provide reviews on the underlying

challenges associated with the use of IT in education and their possible solutions.

Advancement of education by the research

This research remains quite vital to the advancement of the field by researching on the

side-lines that some schools to completely embrace the technological growth. The research

provides us with the insights of the challenges facing the sector and preventing it towards

fully implementing IT in its process. Through the research, appropriate corrective measures

can be put in place to ensure full implementation of IT in the education sector. It is quite

unfortunate that up to today where it is perceived that technology is everywhere, some areas

are still side-lined. Majority in the society cannot accept that education sectors still

experience challenges when regards to the integration of ICT despite of the sector comprising

of the larger number who are educated. Therefore, with such an assumption, the education

sector would continue staggering behind hence this research acts as a reminder to such cases

that exist within our society. Moreover, it also enlightens some people who might have not

started using the ICT tools in the instructional process that there are areas where the tools are

used in different departments for different purposes. This can, in turn, triggers an individual

to borrow the same idea and implement in his or her country. In addition, the research also

identifies challenges faced in the implementation process and their possible ways of solution.

Therefore, this research plays an important role in the advancement of the education sectors.

Importance of IT in education
In the today world, the day-to-day activities require the input of technology to

maximize the output and minimize production. This theorem is the same in the field of

Technology in Education 4

education. If in a situation where an individual is not tech-savvy, the individual has higher

likelihood of struggling to ensure the success story of his or her pathvi (Tondeur, Van Braak,

Ertmer and Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2017). Recently, technology has advanced greatly to higher

levels and has taken any field, including classrooms for the purposes of education. This is the

major reason why most of the institutions should opt to incorporate Information Technology

in the current education set up, to ensure maximum utilization of the advantage of technology

in the field of education. Therefore, it is important to raise the question, “Why is technology

important in the field of education?”

To begin with, the use of technology in the classrooms necessitates both the students

and teachers to finding new pathways to the solution systems of the difficult existing

questions in their daily lives. This is because of new trends in education such as the ability to

use Google services in research works. In addition to that, technology is also important in the

creation of better and improved syllabus systems, materials of learning, evaluation materials
and other future related services and products in the field of education (Kelley and

Knowles, 2016). It is therefore important enough to integrate technology in the field of


To add on that, education also necessitates the innovation of new practical aspects of

syllabus such in the field of chemical sciences and modern Physics, which purely uses the

concept of technology to impart knowledge to students. Moreover, technology also increases

safety in data storage systems in schools and an overall guarantee of the safety of students.

Data management of students and the ability to analyze the students’ performance and make

necessary reports and recommendations about students is an input of technology. In addition,

the training programs of teachers apply the knowledge of technology in order to offer quality

services to students in the end viii(Saettler, 2018).

Technology in Education 5

In many countries, most curriculums used the Competency-based systems, where

innovative skills and creativity are highly upraised. The input of technology is an inspiration

to students to become more innovative and creative, thereby making the students to become

successful in their professional and career walk. In the processes of giving and receiving

systematic education in the classroom, technology plays a vital role to ensure that this

happens. Moreover, the integration of technology enables learners and their tutors to connect

globally with internet services.

Integration of technology into education has helped improve the accuracy level in the
education system (Domingo and Garganté, 2016). For instance, programs in computer

languages such as Java help to provide accurate mathematical solutions accurately, with ease

and shortest amount of time possible. This saves a lot of time in the education sector,

allowing for the performance of other activities. Through this, we say that the knowledge of

computers through the internet is providing veracity to students.

Social media platforms such as twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. are sites for social

interaction. Teachers and other educators use these technological platforms for teaching

social sciences and socialism x(Spector 2015). In Facebook, What Sapp etc. administrators

such as teachers can form groups in such media platforms and invite students to join . Such

groups can, therefore, act as sites for learning, where teachers can post a question easily for

students to tackle, irrespective of the geographical mobility between the two parties involved.

However, many concerns must be taken into account to ensure that there are no illicit

activities that take place in such media-otherwise the administrator can decide to allow only

specific contents for discussions in the group.

Technology has transformed education to higher limits. There is improved speed and

accuracy with which students can now get access to the information they require. In

Technology in Education 6

connection to this, it is sufficient to note that currently, universities provide online programs

at the degree level, masters, doctorate, and Ph.D. Educators are currently in a position to

teach as many students as possible through platforms such as blogs and YouTube. In

connection to that, there are also the necessary educational tools available in the online

platforms to enable education through the internet. Still with the application of internet

services, students have the ability to engage themselves in online debates, online classes,

participating in many forums and interview, etc. The student today, through the use of

technology to make and earn money online, as passive sources of income while studying at

the same time.

Visualized communication technology is a very important and beneficial form of

delivery to the students. Information display to students through infographics, smart arts,

color and slides enables students to learn actual data and information xi(Spector, 2015). In

many institutions today, there are many cases of corruption. Through the integration of

technology, it will be easy enough to reduce the level of corruption. In addition, the education

stakeholders (parents, teachers, government, etc.) and students are able to monitor progress of

students through technology.

There is also the possibility of future robotic education. This can seek to handle the

problems of shortages of educators because robots will be interacting with students as well as

teaching them. Precisely, it is worth noting that it is easy for individuals to succeed in their

education life because of the ease and flow of information through internet. This is because

students are in an easy position to Google assignments and print out presentable data. There

is also improvement in research work. Therefore, it is enough to say technology has brought

about many positive changes in education and therefore need to be established filly.

Technology in Education 7

Challenges associated with IT in education

As with the evolutionary changes in the education sector, there has been the

enhancement of technology in the sector. Technology came with both the negatives and the

positives. Among the negative impacts include less involvement in activities, technical

challenges, a distraction from the classroom among many others.

Saettler, (2018) argues that some of the challenges facing IT in education are bounded

to the administration and management of the institution. He adds that poor administration and

management approaches cannot allow the implementation of such programs as the funds

channeled to it being misused, misappropriated or misallocated. This thereby leaves the

institution with little money to channel towards the IT program but fails since the installation

cost is quite high. He says that under such leadership’s teachers are not freely allowed to

exchange ideas and works under frustrations. In this condition of work none would be willing

to go extra mile. Spector (2015) adds that availability of funds contributes a lot towards the

incorporation of the materials within the institution. This will determine the availability of

complimentary social amenities such as roads, network lines, and power supply.

The introduction of technology in the classroom set up poses a major challenge to the

education of teens. Technology has the ability to disrupt teen students from their normal

classroom work and put more attention on the technology part, within the environs of

learning (Domingo and Garganté, 2016). Teens and many other students have the freedom

and the opportunity to access social media networking sites and access to free video games

that tempt students to spend a lot of their time in such. As such, students tend to stay away

from their daily planned activities. These distractions interfere with the overall concentration

of students and thereby lowering the performance of such students. Reduced academic

performance hampers overall progress of students and lowering their success potentials.

Technology in Education 8

Another problem associated with technology in the classroom set up is the

technicality of the systems of technology. Normally, technology might at some time fail

because of the existence of some technical difficulties. Lack of knowledge to use computers

may easily lead to breaking down and thereby increasing costs. In relation to this, during the

repair of such equipment, students will experience delayed service delivery. From this aspect,

we may consider that technology can at some point never be time-saving due to the pending
circumstances in hand (Wiziack and dos Santos, 2016). Otherwise to avoid such time

wastage, teachers must always be prepared with back up manuals during their lessons in

order to be reliable enough by the students.

Technology, for instance, in the field of mathematics reduces errors while improving

accuracy and time-saving. However, using of computer knowledge and programs to tackle

mathematical and other subjects’ problems will deny the students the opportunity to develop

and apply basic skills in math, literacy, and communication. It is worth noting that all these

skills are vital day to day lives and extends to the career lives of individuals. Exclusivity in

using computer programs such as grammar check, plagiarism check, and scientific calculators

enables faster completion of tasks and assignments without the manual knowledge of how to

handle such mathematical functions.

Students have different rates of understanding. This applies to the understanding of

knowledge in computers through the inputs of technology. There are a lot of students who

have poor knowledge of technology while other students are quick enough to grasp such
technological knowledge (Harper and Milman, 2016). Given this, some of the students are

normally left behind during class presentations and thereby not doing well in their academic

performance. This will always have an average downfall performance in any institution.

Technology in Education 9

Lately, cyberbullying has been on the increase at an alarming rate. This is because of

the awareness that students have achieved. Through learning of IT and programming,

students have developed the trend of hacking into other people’s account to access

information of varied nature. This has also led to a lot of scam messages that intensify the

security status of many individuals. To add to this, technology-based system of education

also offers a wide range of insecurity in the assessment of students. Moreover, with relation

to this, there are many instances where the exams databases are hacked creating a possible

leakage in exams thereby lowering the qualities of assessment offered to students in a

particular country.

Another burden of technology comes with its financial costs. Most of the institutions

are never well equipped with enough finance for purchasing technological equipment such as

computers and modern internet connections xiv(Webster, 2018). It, therefore, deems necessary

to be careful and thoughtful while introducing technology in the education sector, or else the

future generation will remain with educators who view technological developments as

nothing else other than the overpriced education distraction tools but not as the important

teaching and learning materials. It is therefore very clear that technology has a positive side

and the negative sides of it. In view of the positives, care must be taken to ensure that there

are minimal negatives.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

Authors of other related articles have also argued on the importance and challenges

associated with the use of IT in education systems. Martínez, Rivera, and Duță (2015) point

out that integration of technology in education has expanded the sectorxv. As a result of the

advancement in technology, teaching and learning can occur from anywhere. Learning is no

longer primarily based on written materials. Learning through the telecommunication

Technology in Education 10

platforms also allows the tutor and the learner to interact more flexibly. In addition, learning

facilitated by the ICT tools is concrete, enjoyable and retainable than oral learning. From the

same ICT tools, there are also videos that supplement the learning. Other researchers such as

Kruss, McGrath, Petersen, and Gastrow (2015) have also postulated that learning facilitated
by the ICT tools is more student-centered and self-directed that the other methods. The

duos also added that integrated instruction facilitates creativity in learning as the learners are

allowed to critically think during the instructional process. This kind of learners is again

exposed to variety of online sources thus having higher learning opportunities from the free

online programs. However, another group of researchers comprising of Harper and Milman

(2016) shows that these students learning online are exposed to certain unhealthy websites

and get imposed to immorality at a tender age.xvii Kelley and Knowles (2016) also added that

lack of capitals, inaccessibility, and illiteracy are some of the hindering factors towards

getting involved in ICT education.xviii

Chapter Three: Conclusion and Recommendation

Integration of ICT tools in education has expanded the sector besides making the

sector flexible for learning activities. The researches done recently have shown that majority

of learning institution have adopted the instructional technology and technology-based

assessments. The use of the instructional technology in teaching and learning makes the

process itself enjoyable besides availing numerous digital resources for the learners to choose

from. The learning becomes flexible as one can learn from wherever location he or she likes
as the physical instruction is minimised (Domingo and Garganté, 2016). The learning also

is more of learner-centered as it is the learner that does a lot of the researches. Unfortunately,

Technology in Education 11

there are some areas that still experiences a blackout in terms of technological advancement.

These kinds of institutions face challenges that arise from within themselves and from the

administration and management of those institutions.

In order to solve some of these challenges, the following recommendations are vital for the

institutions experiencing such problems.

i. The state should ensure an equivalent distribution of resources to all parts within its

jurisdiction to ensure that there is accessibility, capital and some complimentary

amenities such as electricity xx(Ciampa, 2017).

ii. Technological education should be provided by the state to such areas and people be

encouraged to seek for ICT literacyxxi (Bryan, Moore, Johnson and Roehrig, 2015).

iii. Provisions of several workshops aiming at training teachers on the operation of some

common and most vital ICT gadgets like computers xxii(Anglin, 1995).

iv. Supporting the education curriculum with the ICT related information so that teachers

be proficient with the skills and knowledge of the gadgets.

v. Sensitization on the importance of ICT integration in education processes

(Alexander and Vladislav, 2015).

vi. Proper channeling of funds meant for the institution’s technological advancement by

the administration and management xxiv(Akçayır and Akçayır, 2017).

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Technology in Education 12

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measurement. Computers & Education, 94, 134-150.

Webster, T. E. (2018). On Being Earnest: The Importance of Engaging With Technology in

Education. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning

and Teaching (IJCALLT), 8(4), 1-12.

Technology in Education 17

Wiziack, J. C., & dos Santos, V. D. (2016, June). Incorporating technology into education

processes: Proposal for an extension of the “Technology, pedagogy, and

content knowledge” framework by applying integrated cognitive

competencies. In 2016 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and

Technologies (CISTI) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

Appendix 1: Acronym and definition of terms

ICT- Information and Communication Technology

IT- Integrated Technology

Education Technology- The use of the ICT gadgets in education

Instructional Technology- Using the ICT gadgets in the instruction process

Technology-enabled Assessment- Assessments facilitated by the technology

Appendix 2: The Research Outline

Title ……………………………………………………

Abstract ………………………………………………..

Table of contents ………………………………………

Introduction ………………………………………………

Background Information ………………………………………

Research Question …………………………………………………..

Technology in Education 18

Description of the Research Question ……………………………..

Advancement in education by the research ………………………

Importance of IT in education ………………………………………

Challenges Associated with the IT in education ………………………………

Literature Review ……………………………………………………

Conclusion ………………………………………………………

Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………………



Appendix 1 …………………………………………………………………………………

Appendix 2 ……………………………………………………………………………………


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