Charge On Gas Bubble

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Interracial electrical properties of electrogenerated

N. P. B R A N D O N : ) , G. H. K E L S A L L
Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2BP, UK

S. L E V I N E , A. L. S M I T H
UniIever Research, Port Sunlight Laboratory, Wirral,Merseyside L63 3JW, UK

Received 14 November 1982

Electrophoresis measurements on bubbles of electrogenerated hydrogen, oxygen and chlorine rising

in a lateral electric field, are reported. In surfactant-free solutions, all bubbles displayed a point of
zero charge of pH 2-3, i.e. they were negatively charged at pH > 3 and positively charged at pH < 2.
The bubble diameter and electric field strength dependence of the electrophoretic mobilities, coupled
with bubble rise rate measurements, indicated that the gas-aqueous solution interface was mobile,
such that classical electrophoresis theory for solid particles could not be applied. Adsorption of anionic
or cationic surfactants, in addition to modifying the apparent bubble charge, also tended to rigidify
the bubble surface, so that at monolayer coverage the bubbles behaved as solid particles.

Nomenclature T absolute temperature (K)

u electrophoretic mobility (m 2 s -I V -1 )
c electrolyte concentration (tool m -3) v electrophoretic velocity (m s-1 )
d bubble diameter (m) e electrolyte permittivity (F m-1 )
E electric field (V m-1 ) r/ electrolyte viscosity (N m -2 s)
g gravitational constant (9.807 m s -2) 12 surface concentration (mol m -2)
no ionic number density (m-a) k Debye-Huckel parameter (m -1 )
q charge density [(~, m) C m-2 ] p electrolyte density (kg m-3 )
Q charge [(/~, m) C] p' gas density (kg in -3 )
r bubble radius (m) f zeta potential (V)
R universal gas constant (8.314 J mot -1 K -I )

1. Introduction face is not in doubt. However, in the (apparent)

absence of such species, the mechanisms of charge
The effective charge density and electrical poten- separation are less clear, but presumably involve
tial resulting from charge separation of gas-liquid the adsorption/negative adsorption of electrolyte
interfaces is of importance in fine particle flo- ions, especially H+/OH -. A simple electrolyte
tation, thin solution film formation, bubble which increases the surface tension of the air
coalescence and the evolution of gas at electrodes, water interface must be negatively adsorbed.
the technological consequences of which are wide Unequal negative adsorption of oppositely charged
ranging. ions such as H+/OH - will lead to charge separation
When the solution contains ionic surfactants, and the development of an electric double layer.
the origin of any charge at the gas-liquid inter- Various authors [1-8] have centrifuged
*Paper presented at the International Meeting on Electrolytic Bubbles organized by the Electrochemical Technology
Group of the Society of Chemical Industry, and held at Imperial College, London, 13-14 September 1984.
:)Present address: BP Research Centre, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex TW16 7LN, UK.
0021-891X/85 $03.00 + .12 9 1985 Chapman and Hall Ltd. 485

bubbles to the axes of rotating horizontal cyl- solutions to remove residual organic acids and
inders containing suitable electrolytes, and bases, respectively. The whole system was kept
measured the bubble migration velocity in an under purified nitrogen including the receiver,
applied field, taking this electrophoretic mobility from which water was drained into two mixing
as a measure of the interfacial charge. Others vessels, to which 'Aristar' grade (BDH plc) reagents
[9-11] have measured the Dorn potential of were added. A high ionic strength electrolyte was
rising bubble swarms, and two groups [12-14] prepared for the bubble growth cell (Fig. 1)
have electrogenerated oxygen bubbles at wire and a more dilute solution (< 1 m o l m -3) for
electrodes, measuring the electrophoretic mobil- the electrophoresis cell (Fig. 2).
ities of the rising bubbles in a horizontal electric As even this grade of commercial electrolyte
field. All authors have observed substantial elect- may contain surfactants, sodium sulphate, which
rophoretic mobilities, corresponding to a negative was used for much of the work, was heated to
charge at neutral pH, though the absence of red heat to decompose organic impurities and
adventitious anic~lic surfactant has not always sealed into a glass ampule, which subsequently
been convincing. was broken inside the apparatus. Finally, all
The work reported here attempted to infer electrolytes were purged with swarms of electro-
the nature of the charge separation at gas-solution generated bubbles from a pair of auxilliary Pt
interfaces from measurements of electrophoretic electrodes in each cell, and any residual surfac-
mobilities as a function of pH in simple surfactant- tants, which would have been concentrated at
free electrolytes, to which cationic and anionic the gas-electrolyte interface, were swept over
surfactants were added in subsequent experiments. a wier [ 15]. Some anodic oxidation of the surfac-
rants may also have been responsible for the
2. Experimental details decrease in contamination levels with time.

2.1. Electrolyte preparation 2.2. Cyclic voltametry

Surfactant-free water, a prerequisite for this work, Standard electrochemical instrumentation speci-
was prepared by distillation, before being passed fied elsewhere [16, 17] was used to obtain cyclic
through columns of anionic (Duolite A101D) voltamograms of a platinum microelectrode, as
and mixed anionic/cationic (Zerolit DMF) a semi-quantitative means of assessing the level
exchange resins, then through activated charcoal, of contamination by adsorbed surfactants [18].
followed by redistillation from alkaline potassium Calibration voltamograms were obtained in surfac-
permanganate and acidified potassium dichromate tant-free electrolytes, to which known concen-




/ o cm 5

Fig. 1. Electlochemical cell for

~T bubble growth at microelec-
trodes. (Labelling as for Fig. 2.)

K measured at the top of the column using a cali-

brated microscope. Two Pt electrodes were sealed
into the base of the column to enable the effect
C of bubble cleaning of the electrolyte to be studied.
/ D a
A l
2.4. Electrophoresis

The lower cell, shown in Fig. 1, was used to deter-

mine the growth kinetics and departure diameters
of bubbles generated at vertically mounted micro-
electrodes, details of which are given elsewhere
[16, 17]. Bubbles were transferred into the
H// upper cell (Fig. 2) using a glass tap into which
a small recess had been drilled.
Two Roband Varex 60-5 power supplies
0 cm 5
.-_1 i r connected in series were used to apply up to 120 V
Fig. 2. Electrophoresis cell: A, screw cap for electrode between two electrodes, palladium-plated Pt
adjustment; B, Pt wire sealed into glass; C, 30 X 20 mm (hydrogen) in millimolar sodium sulphate electro-
Pt/Pd,Ha or Ag/AgC1electrodes; D, Optical flat; E,
Rubber seal; F, PTFE seal; G, 3 mm bore PTFE tap to lytes and Ag/AgC1 in millimolar potassium chloride
drain; H, Ball and socket joint; I, Pt foil purging elec- media, reversible electrodes being used to prevent
trodes; J, Glass flange; K, Electrolyte inlet; L, Tap with gas evolution. To enable the applied field to be
drilled recess; M, 3 mm bore PTFE tap to vent; N, Refer-
ence electrode; O, 3 mm bore glass T tap; P, Counter maintained across the electrolyte with minimal
electrode; Q, Luggin probe; R, 2 ml syringe barrel; S, current flow (< 2 mA), the pH range was restricted
Working electrode sealed in glass; T, Syringe plunger; to 2 - 1 2 . Bubble deflection was studied using a
U, Hydrogen (or oxygen) inlet.
microscope, TV camera, video recorder and
Latterly~ high purity dodecyltrimethyl-
trations of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDoS) or
sodium dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide ammonium bromide (DoTAB, Kodak plc) and
(DoTAB) were subsequently added. By compari- sodium dodecylsulphate (SDoS, BDH plc) surfac-
tants, the gas-liquid adsorption isotherms for
son of these data with those obtained in electro-
lytes thought to contain adventitious surfactants, which were known [19], were added to the above
an estimate of the level of contamination could electrolytes. All experiments were carried out
at 295 -+ 2 K and a pressure of 101 +- 2 k N m -2.
be made.

2.3. Bubble rise rates 3. Results and discussion

The rise rate of bubbles in electrolytes was found 3.1. Cyclic voltametry
to be sensitive to the level of surfactant contami-
nation, surfactant adsorption at the gas-solution The effect of SDoS additions on cyclic vol-
interface inducing surface tension gradients, tamograms of a Pt electrode in 0.1 kmol H2SO 4
rigidifying the bubble surface, and so lowering m -3, are shown in Fig. 3. At low potentials the
the rise rate. hydrogen adsorption desorption peak currents
Single bubbles were produced electrolytically decreased with increasing surfactant concen-
and transferred via a modified tap to the rise tration, and at higher potentials the oxidation of
rate apparatus, consisting of a 40 mm diameter platinum occurred at more anodic potentials,
glass column to which two silicon photodiodes though with the passage of more charge in its
were clamped 0.1 m apart. The rise rate was formation and reduction. This is in approximate
measured by detecting the bubble's interruption agreement with the results of Conway et al. [18],
of the light from a fibre optic source on a digital whose surfactants were adventitious and so of
storage oscilloscope. The bubble diameter was unspecified nature and concentration.

§ 0"20

0.16 //~

%§ -JJ d 6
\ 0-12 /
~§ (3C

b2 0"08

u f-.

~o o!2 o'4 0'6 o!8 11o 1'2 114 0008" 2b0 ~'00 & 8b0
Potenfiat / V v SHE Bubble Diameter / p m
Fig. 3. Effect of SDoS surfactant concentration on Pt Fig. 4. B u b b l e rise r a t e in p u r i f i e d w a t e r c o m p a r e d w i t h
cyclic v o l t a m o g r a m s at 0.1 V s -~ in 0.1 k m o l H 2 S O 4 m -3 . t h a t p r e d i c a t e d in s u r f a c t a n t - f r e e w a t e r . - . - Re < 1,
- - s u r f a c t a n t - f r e e , - - - - - - 10 -3 tool SDoS m -a , - - 50 < R e < 800, L e v i c h [20], - - M o o r e [21],
..... 1 tool SDoS m -3. o e x p e r i m e n t a l results.

3.2. Bubble rise rate electrogenerated at auxilliary electrodes in each

cell, the electrolyte purity improved with time,
The rise rate of bubbles was found to be particu- attaining the quality of 'as purified' water after
larly sensitive for detection of surfactant con- about 3 h (Fig. 7). The same purity enhancement
tamination in electrolytes. Fig. 4 shows a com- was achieved by prior heating of solid electrolytes
parison of bubble rise rate in 'as distilled' water (Na2SO4 or KC1).
with that predicted theoretically for surfactant- 0.20
free water, for which Levich [20] gives:

1_ r2 g(p _ p,) for Re < 1 (1)

V = 3rl 0'16

1 r2g(p
v = 9r/
_ p,) for 50 < Re < 800 (2) T~
\ 0"12
where p is the density of the liquid of viscosity
7?, and p' is the density of the gas bubble of
radius r. While the experimental data gave good 008
agreement (Fig. 4) with these theoretical equations,
a better fit (i.e. the experimental data lay just
below the theoretical curve) for Re > 50 was
obtained with Moore's curve [21], obtained by O.Ot~
expansion of the Levich model to allow for
boundary layer perturbation.
However, addition of electrolyte introduced 0.00 200 /+00 600 800
surfactant contamination, as indicated by the Bubb[e DiQmefer/pm
decrease in bubble rise rate (Fig. 5 and 6), allowing Fig. 5. B u b b l e rise r a t e in 0.1 k m o l N a 2 S O 4 m -3 +
for the small increase in electrolyte viscosity. s u l p h u r i c acid. o s u r f a c t a n t - f r e e , 9 0 . 0 0 1 , u 0 . 0 1 , 9 0 . 1 ,
By purging the electrolyte with a swarm of bubbles o 1 k m o l H 2 S O 4 m -3 .

0.20 0.20

0-16 0.t6

"- 0.12 \aJ 0.12
0'0~ 0.00

0.0/, 0-04.

0.00 200 400 600 800 o-oc 2~o ,.'oo 6'oo ~oo
Bubb[e Diameter / p m BubNe Diameter / ~m

Fig. 6. B u b b l e rise r a t e in 0.1 klTlol N a 2 S O 4 m -3 , o surfac- Fig. 8. E f f e c t o f D o T A B s u r f a c t a n t o n b u b b l e rise r a t e .

t a n t - f r e e , plus 9 0 . 0 1 , [] 0.1, 9 1 k l n o l N a O H m -3. v 1 , * 1 0 - ' , o 10 -2 , 9 10 -3 , n 10 - 4 , 9 10 :s tool D o T A B
m -3 , e s u r f a c t a n t - f r e e 0.01 k m o l N a 2 S O 4 m -3 .

Fig. 8 illustrates the sensitivity of bubble rise

rate to very low concentrations of surfactant tant contamination, respectively. However, follow-
(> 10 -s molm-3). Comparison of this with the ing bubble cleaning the levels of surfactant
data in Figs. 6 and 7, showed that molar sodium impurities decreased to the equivalent of < 10 -s
hydroxide and sulphuric acid introduced the mol DoTAB m -3 .
equivalent of 10 -1 and 10 -2 molto -3 of surfac-
3.3. Bubble electrophoretic mobility measure-

3.3.1. Surfactant-free electrolytes. Figs. 9 - 1 1

show the influence of pH on the electrophoretic
'~E 0.16 !
mobilities of electrogenerated hydrogen, oxygen
and chlorine bubbles, respectively. All the gases
o 0.12 displayed a point of zero charge at pH 2 - 3 , in
approximate agreement with the value of pH 1 - 2
2 proposed previously [7] for nitrogen bubbles,
indicating an independence of the type or source
of the gas. That the negative bubble charge dis-
played at pH > 3 could be reversed rather than
merely reduced to zero at pH < 2, removed any
0"04 remaining doubts that the bubble charge was
due to surfactant contamination. However, the
reasons for preferential adsorption of OH- at the
gas-solution interface are not immediately
0'0( 200 4-00 600 8'00
Bubble Diameter /pm apparent.
Fig. 12 shows that the electrophoretic mobility
Fig. 7. E f f e c t o f b u b b l e c l e a n i n g o n b u b b l e rise r a t e in
0.01 k m o l N a 2 S O 4 rn -3 + 1 k m o l N a O H m -3 , 9 3,
was linearly dependent on bubble diameter over
2, 9 l , o 0 h p u r g e , e p u r i f i e d w a t e r . the pH range 4 - 1 0 , which is not predicted by

-11[ -9








pH Fig. 11. Effect of pH on the electrophoretic m o b i l i t y
of chlorine bubbles in 1 mol KC1 m -3 , o 150 #m,
Fig. 9. Effect o f pH on the electrophoretic m o b i l i t y 9 100 ~m, ~ 30 ~zm diameter.
of hydrogen bubbles in I mol NazSO 4 m -3 , o 200 ~m,
9 120 btm, a 30 ~m diameter.

separation around the bubble through either:

classical theory for the electrophoresis of solid
particles [22]. This reflected the mobile nature i. hydrodynamic flow induced by a vertically
of the gas-liquid interface, which produced charge rising bubble,
ii. polarization of surface charge by the hori-
11 zontal electric field.

T>-9 -12
% ,'T-

o 1



+31 ~ 6 8 10 189 o~ ~; 1~o 1~o 2,1o

pH Bubble Diameter/ pm

Fig. 10. Effect of pH on the electrophoretic m o b i l i t y Fig. 12. Effect of bubble diameter on the electrophoretic
of oxygen bubbles in 1 111o1Na~SO 4 m-3, o 180 #m, m o b i l i t y of oxyge n and hydrogen bubbles in 1 mol
9 100 gin, D 30 ~m diameter. Na2SO 4 m -3 at pH 4 ( , ) , 6 (=), 8 (*) and 10 (o).

A linear dependence of electrophoretic mobility -10

on diameter has been predicted for charged
mercury drops, which also exhibit a mobile
interface. A theoretical treatment of bubble x
electrophoresis, adapted from that for mercury
drops, will be published later [23].
In the extreme hypothetical case in which
field (E)-induced polarization results in the
surface charge (Q) concentrating at a point, the
electrostatic force (EQ) would act against a
viscous drag force, which for bubbles with a
mobile interface at Re < 1, is 21rd~v [20]. Then 2

the electrophoretic velocity would be given by CLJ

v = qEd/3~ (3)

where q is the initially uniform charge density on i i i

t0-2 10-~ 1
the bubble of diameter d in a solution of viscosity
Concentration / m0[ rn-?
r/, so that the electrophoretic mobility (u = v/E)
would vary linearly with bubble diameter, as Fig. 14. Influence of electrolyte concentration on the
electrophoretic mobility of 100 #m hydrogen bubbles
observed experimentally (Fig. 12). at pH 6.9. 9 Na2SO4, DNaC104 , o NaNO3 .
Fig. 13 shows a non-linear dependence of
bubble electrophoretic mobility on electric field bubbles in both 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 electrolytes. Elect-
strength, which was attributed to polarization rophoretic mobilities decreased with electrolyte
of the bubble surface charge density distribution. concentration [c] due to a reduced diffuse layer
This interpretation is in contrast to the hydro- thickness, the charge density being assumed to
dynamic argument offered in the case of a spinning remain constant [22]. Electrophoretic mobilities
electrophoresis cell [8]. Extrapolation of the curve were greater in a 1 : 1 electrolyte, in which a
in Fig. 13 to zero field strength gives an expected more extensive diffuse layer is obtained [22].
electrophoreticmobility of 3.5 x 10 -8 m 2 s -1 V -1 , To confirm that results were not being influ-
which represents the contribution made by bubble enced by the experimental design, glass spheres
rise-induced hydrodynamic effects to the charge of known diameter ( 4 0 - 1 2 0 gin) were deflected
density distribution, and is the dominant effect by the electric field as they fell between the
for field strengths < 18 kV m -1 . electrodes. Their electrophoretic mobilities
Fig. 14 shows the effect of electrolyte con- showed no diameter dependence, as expected for
centration on the electrophoretic mobility of solid particles. The glass spheres were then crushed
and their electrophoretic mobilities measured by
conventional microelectrophoresis [22]. Good
agreement was obtained between the two tech-
niques, and with values reported in the literature,
~-~ so validating the experimental procedure for

3.3.2. Surfactant-containing electrolytes. Experi-
ments were carried out to reverse the charge on
a bubble in a solution at a given pH, by the addition
of an oppositely charged surfactant. Interpolation
Field gfrength / kV m-I of the results allowed the concentration of surfac-
tant required to give zero electrophoretic mobility,
Fig. 13. Effect of electric field strength on the electro- and by inference zero charge, to be determined.
phoretie mobility of 100 #m hydrogen bubbles in 1 mol
Na~SO4 m -3 at pH 6.8. Figs. 15 and 16 describe the results obtained


"7 0
~-12 ]
"" +4

kG i'
O ~a

+16 I

i i i i i i

10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-~ 1 0

DoTAB s / mo[ m-3
16~ 70~ 163 10-2 1001
Fig. 15. Effect of DoTAB surfactant concentration on SDoS Concentration /m0t rrr3
the electrophoretic mobility of 100 ~zm hydrogen bubbles
in 1 mol NaNO 3 m -3 at pH 10.5 (o), 6.9 (o) and 2.4 (~). Fig, 16. Effect of SDoS surfactant concentration on
- - - - - - electrophoretic mobility calculated from G o u y - the electrophoretic mobility of 100 #m hydrogen bubbles
Chapman Smoluchowski Equation 5, using independent in 1 molNaNO~ m -3 at pH 2.4 (e) and 6.8 (o). - - - cal-
adsorption isotherm data [19], and assuming a uniform culated as for Fig. 15.
charge density distribution.

with a cationic (DoTAB) and anionic (SDoS) of 2.8 x 10 -1~ tool m -z, was required to bring
surfactant in miJlimolar sodium nitrate. Fig. 15 the bubble electrophoretic mobility to zero at
shows that DoTAB concentrations o f 4 x 10 -3 pH 2.4. The surface charge density was then:
and 8 x 10 -3 mol m -3 were required to neu-
q(2.4) = + 27 #C m -2
tralize the initial charge on the bubble at pH 6.9
and 10.5, respectively. Extrapolation of the Fig. 17 summarizes the influence of solution
adsorption isotherm for DoTAB at the w a t e r - pH on both the charge density (q) o f a stationary,
vapour interface [19] gave corresponding surface unpolarized g a s - l i q u i d interface and the corre-
concentrations (P) of: sponding zeta potentials ~"calculated from [22] :

1`(6.9) = 4.8 x 10 -9 tool m -2 q = (4noze/k)sin h ( z F f / 2 R T ) (4)

I'(10.5) = 9.6 x 10 -9 tool m -2 If the Smoluchowski equation:

though it should be noted that I" will be slightly u = e~l~ (5)

higher in a millimolar electrolyte than in water.
were to be applied to the calculated zeta potentials,
The bubble surface charge density can then be
then it would predict electrophoretic mobilities
calculated at pH 6.9 and 10.5 as:
of only + 0.03 to - 1.0 x 10 -8 m 2 s -1 V -t in
q(6.9) = -- 0.46 mC m -2 a clean system. These are much lower than the
value o f + 1 t o - - 10x 10 -8 m 2 s -1 V -1 observed
q(10.5) = -- 0.93 mC m -2
over the same pH range (Figs. 9 - 1 1 ) . This illus-
The bubble charge at pH 2.4 was obtained trates that theories derived for solid particles
using the same procedure, but required an anionic cannot be applied to gas bubbles.
surfactant (SDoS) to reverse the charge. Fig. 16 Figs. 15 and 16 also illustrate the influence of
shows that a bulk concentration o f 2 x 10 - 4 the rigidifying effect o f surfactant adsorption
m o l m -a , corresponding to a surface concentration at the bubble interface, on the bubble electroph-

bubble electrophoretic mobility was independent

-12 of the electric field strength, in contrast to the
non-linear dependence observed in a clean system
(Fig. 13). This is further evidence for the immo-
bility of the gas-liquid interface with monolayer
surfactant adsorption.
-8 -006
~-6 -~
_0,04~ The authors thank the Science and Engineering

~ Research Council (SERC) and Unilever Research

plc for the provision of a CASE research student-
U ship for NPB.
-2 References

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on the bubble surface and hence reduced electroph- [ 16 ] N.P. Brandon and G. H. Kelsall, J. Appl. Electro-
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