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Professional Education

Educ. 7 & 9 Assessment in Learning with FS 5

6. Students are required to have portfolios to be able for the teacher to see the student’s level of
performances. Through this portfolios the teacher can tract whether a student is doing well in the
lessons or if the student needs more help in understanding it. Also, portfolios makes the students
work a lot more easily and it gives the student a chance or time to do future works. Portfolios may
also be used to compare achievements across classrooms or schools.

7. Class Recitation Scoring Rubric

GRAMMAR Used correct grammar 5
ORGANIZATION OF Express the point in a clear
IDEAS arrangement of ideas based on the given 15
flow of information
The presenter (student) used a clear voice
precise pronunciation of terms so that the
PRESENTATION audience 15
can clearly hear the presentation
The audience clearly understood the
information 15

8. Formative tests given to students at the end of the lesson is an effective way in improving the
students’ learning. Through this test the teacher will be able to see if the student has understood the
lesson or not. This will help the teacher in identifying who among the students need help in
understanding the lesson and who are those that excel.

9. Teachers should understand the multiple intelligence of students to be able for the teacher to
know which way of teaching best fits the students. Through this, the teacher will also be able to get
the student’s attention and interests. Teaching and learning will be a lot easier.

10. Teachers must employ assessment methods that are considered with standards to be able to see
uniformity in following the standards and also, students’ assessment is an essential part of teaching.
Good teaching cannot exist without good student assessment. Also these serves as a guide for
teachers in identifying their needs for professional development in assessing students.
Educ. 5 Curriculum Development with FS 4

4. Some possible problems or challenges in implementing the curriculum in the classroom are the
lack of facilities. There are tracks that require tools and equipment to enable the students to
perform with ease but there are schools that lack tools and equipment that might affect student’s
learning. In terms of premises, there are classrooms having a lot of students especially in public
schools. A classroom full of students won’t be conducive for learning. Also, lack of textbooks and
other learning materials adds to the problem.

5. The key to overcome the restraining forces in implementing the curriculum is to decrease or
eliminate these forces. As a teacher, I must accept the changes in the curriculum with a positive
attitude. Change is constant so we must adhere to it. I should be confident enough to face the
challenges that may come and come up with solutions that will not only benefit me but the students,
the school and the community as well. As a teacher, I must be open-minded and patient. Also, it is
of great help to work hand in hand with colleagues, superior, parents and the people in the
community. Materials supply is very much needed so as HUMAN support.

6. Experiential learning has a lot of benefits for the learners. Students will give more interests if
teachings pertains to the “real world.” As they interact with the information, it becomes real to
them thus making the learning more interesting. This kind of learning also enables the students to
be creative that will make them come up with the most fulfilling solutions on hands-on tasks.
Through experiential learning, the learners are able to understand better because they are able to
analyze well, they can easily express their thoughts and ideas regarding the lesson being tackled.
Also, the students are able to value mistakes. In experiential learning, there are trial and errors and
the students are able to identify which idea works and which one does not. The students come to
realize not to be afraid in making mistakes because they are able to learn and improve through it.
Experiential learning also boosts every learners’ confidence. Students are emotionally engaged,
whenever they find out the results of their hard work has paid off they experience gratification and
pride. Learning by doing also helps every learner be prepared in facing the REAL LIFE.
Students work more effectively when they are together, as a team, giving ideas to be able to achieve
common goals. They learn real life leadership skills, critical thinking skills and develop a change-
adept attitude.

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