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Appendix 1

Year Level: Year 4 Time:1:40 - 2:40 Date: 25/10/19 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Areas :
Design and Technologies / Science

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum Science knowledge helps people to understand
the effect of their actions (ACSHE051)
Design and Technologies
• considering how materials including solids
Recognise the role of people in design and liquids affect the environment in
and technologies occupations and explore different ways
factors, including sustainability that impact on the • deciding what characteristics make a
material a pollutant
design of products, services and environments to
meet community needs (ACTDEK010) The class previously buddy bump read before
(as you’re reading, when you have read up to a
o examining the suitability of a service or
part you feel comfortable reading, gently bump
everyday system and proposing arms with the person next to you to signal them
improvements, for example a water saving to continue on reading)
system for a bathroom at home
Students have created brainstorms
Students have made whole class checklists
Natural and processed materials have a range of
physical properties that can influence their use
o considering how the properties of materials
affect the management of waste or can lead
to pollution

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
Comprehending competence creative behaviour Social understanding
texts through thinking competence
listening, Inquiring – Social
identify explore awareness -
reading and
and organise contributing to
viewing and helping the
and ideas

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia Developing the knowledge, skills and
values that influence people to act in
ways that contribute to more sustainable
patterns of living.

Proficiencies:(Mathematics only)

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Identify the key aspects of the Design Brief, as a class, creating a checklist with these aspects.
• Create a brainstorm of all recyclable materials within their local community, individually in their
STEM workbooks.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Create the Design Brief for students - Whilst buddy bump reading, the teacher
- Design Brief enlarged to A3 reminds students that they only have to read
- Source a larger piece of presentation paper from what they are comfortable with reading - no
the store room student is forced to read if they do not wish
- Open the video and allow it to load before lesson to. It is also reinforced that the classroom is a
to avoid lag time safe and caring environment.
- Bookmark the page for the website so it is easily
accessible. - Lower ability students whilst brainstorming
must include 10 different resources, with aid
from the class brainstorm done prior to refer
back to. If students are unable to write, they
can draw pictures to display the objects.

- Higher ability students whilst brainstorming

will be encouraged to categorise the recycling
objects into categories of their choice. This
will prompt higher order thinking of different
connections between objects.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)
Time Motivation and Introduction: Resources/
1:40 1. Ask all students to quietly make their way down to the mat and Align these with the
make one big circle. segment where they
2. Count down from 10 for all students to be seated on the mat. will be introduced.
3. Ask students to tell the class one thing they know about recycling.
Go around the circle until all students have an opportunity to
4. Teacher reveals the Design Brief (DB) to the class. A3 Design Brief
5. Teacher holds up the DB so that all students can see what it looks
6. Teacher tells the students what parts have been included on the
DB (Introduction, Brief, Generating Designs, Project
Specifications, Project Management, Evaluation, Presentation,
7. Teacher reads out the introduction of the DB to students. Teacher
is to read the introduction in an excited and engaging tone, so that
the students are interested in what the DB is.
8. The teacher asks the students what they think they might have to
9. The teacher tells the students they are going to buddy bump read.
Teacher reminds students to only read what they feel comfortable
with reading, and remind students that the class is a safe and
caring environment, free from any judgement.
10. Class buddy bump reads the DB.
11. Whilst students are reading the teacher puts up a large piece of Large piece of pare
paper for the checklist.
12. After reading the DB teacher asks students what they think they
1:55 will need to include in the DB. Teacher tells students that this is
the beginning of their project and if necessary they will be able to
add to the checklist in future lessons.
13. Teacher writes up the checklist, using the students ideas.
Possible ideas:
- school recycling system
- whole school targeted
- inform and education school on recycling
- design ideas
- inform the principal and propose the new system
- implement the system
- present to the school and the end of term assembly
14. Teacher tells students that the checklist will stay up in the
classroom so that during the design and production processes, the
class can check off what they have done and still see what is
required of them.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

Questions): Interactive TV
1. Teacher tells the students that before they start designing their http://
systems, they need to first understand what recycling is and what
materials are recyclable and what materials are not. home#!/media/30438/
2. Teacher plays the video “How does recycling work?” recycling-household-
3. Teacher asks students questions about the video - What did you items - 5 minutes
find out? What did you find interesting? Is it hard or easy to

Time Resources/
4. Teacher reminds the students of the website that they talked about at
the end of the video. https://
5. Using the teacher computer connected to the interactive TV, the
2:10 teacher opens up the pre saved webpage. .au/ - recycling
6. Teacher asks students what the postcode for their school is. website from the
7. Teacher types in the schools postcode to show what materials are video
recyclable in their area.
8. Go to the recyclable materials and scroll to this screen for students
to see.

9. As a class, read aloud the accepted recyclable materials in the area.

Encourage the whole class to participate in the reading of the
materials. Point directly to the words as saying the word.
10. Tell students that they are to go back to their desks and copy down
these materials into a brainstorm in the STEM workbooks.
11. Teacher demonstrates on the white board what the brainstorms will
look like. Recyclable materials (HEADING) in the middle within a
cloud. Teacher writes 3 examples around the cloud. Remind
students that they need to write all the recyclable materials.
12. Teacher asks students if there are any questions.
2:20 13. Teacher dismiss students according to their school factions.
Teacher informs students that they will have 10 minutes to complete
their brainstorm.
14. Teacher puts a 10 minute timer on the interactive TV. Make sure the
timer does not cover the recyclable materials screen. Interactive TV - timer
15. Whilst students are working, teacher walks around supervising
students and assisting where possible.
Note: provisions for students at educational risk. Lower ability
students need to have at least 10 materials (written or drawn),
higher ability students need to categorise as an extension task.

Time Resources/
16. With one minute remaining, tell students that they have one minute References
left to complete their brainstorms.
2:30 17. When the timer goes off, students are to place their STEM
workbooks on the teachers desk, open to the page their brainstorm
is on.
18. Teacher asks students to pack away everything on their desks
ready for the end of the day and meet on the mat as quickly as

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

1. Students sit on the mat quietly.
2. Teacher asks students to tell the person one reason they are
excited about their class project.
3. Teacher asks students to feedback to the class.
4. Teacher reminds students that the project will happen over the
term and if successful could keep going for the remainder of the

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

1. Teacher tells students, if they have any ideas they think of in
regards to the project, write them down and make sure they share
it with the class during morning meetings.
2. Final school bell will go at 2:40pm, teacher says good afternoon to
2:40 students and students are dismissed.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be

Students will be assessed on the objectives against a checklist
(Appendix 1). Students’ success for this lesson will dependent on if
they have met the objectives.
• Identify the key aspects of the Design Brief, as a class,
creating a checklist with these aspects.
• Create a brainstorm of all recyclable materials within their
local community, individually in their STEM workbooks.

Appendix 1
✓✓ Excellent ✓ Very Good ~ Satisfactory * Developing X Not Evident a Absent
Student Name Objective 1 - Objective 2 - Overall spelling and
Engages in class Includes all grammar
discussion and recyclable materials
contributes to the in their brainstorm.
class checklist

Last Name, First Name



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