Food Defense Mitigation Strategies Database: Personnel

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Protecting and Promoting Your Health

Food Defense Mitigation

Strategies Database
* It is the responsibility of the owner, operator or agent in charge to choose the strategy
or combination of strategies that are most effective and appropriate for their facility. Some
strategies listed within the database are meant to be implemented in conjunction with
other strategies or in tandem with other food defense policies and procedures. Choosing and following strategies
within this database does not constitute compliance with any FDA laws, regulations, or guidance. For information
about food defense measures or policies that are recommended for an effective food defense environment please
see the category titled General Information.

Implement a check in/check out procedure at security or reception areas that includes
verification of proper identification, screening equipment and relinquishment of prohibited
Implement a human resources policy that includes vetting candidates prior to hiring
Implement a policy for employee resignation or termination that includes the
relinquishment of all items used for access to the building including badges, keys, codes,
uniforms, etc.
Implement a policy for handling suspect persons, items and events including changes in
employee health or behavior
Implement a policy for protection of sensitive information (e.g., computers, food defense
plans, schematics) and periodically modify instituted security measures such as
passwords, keys, access cards, and codes
Implement a policy for random security checks of personnel, equipment and processes
Implement a policy for updating and maintaining accurate records (e.g., personnel files,
training records, food defense plan documentation, emergency response contacts)
Implement a policy to prohibit employees from removing from the premises company-
provided gear that could be used to gain unauthorized entry into the facility
Implement a policy to restrict access to locations, equipment and operations and
periodically modify instituted security measures such as passwords, keys, access cards,
and codes
Implement a visitor policy which requires proper identification, escorts and adherence to
rules regarding restricted access
Implement an inventory management system for products, ingredients, materials, and
chemicals or potential contaminants
Implement emergency response procedures including preventing security breaches
during evacuation
Maintain an up-to-date list of emergency contacts for food defense events and make it
available to personnel
Prohibit personal items from production, storage or other restricted areas
Train appropriate personnel on proper implementation of the food defense plan and
conduct periodic retraining at appropriate intervals or when changes have been made
Train personnel on food defense awareness and conduct periodic retraining

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Train personnel to recognize and report suspect items or events to the appropriate
contacts and conduct periodic retraining
Use personnel (e.g., guards, supervisors, trusted employees) to monitor perimeters,
entry/exit points, locations and operations

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