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♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

General Principles of Taxation only in the responsibility of the legislature

which imposes the tax on the constituency
I. Definition of Taxation who are to pay it (Mactan Cebu International
Airport Authority v. Marcos)
- City of Milwaukee v. Milwaukee STC
- Power by which the sovereign raises - The power of taxation is sometimes called also
revenue to defray the necessary expenses the power to destroy. Therefore, it should be
of government exercised with caution to minimize injury to
- Way of apportioning the cost of the proprietary rights of a taxpayer. It must
government among those who in some be exercised fairly, equally and uniformly, lest
measure are privileged to enjoy its benefits the tax collector kill the "hen that lays the
and must bear its burdens golden egg". (Philippine Health Care
- Its purpose is to provide funds or property Providers, Inc. Vs. CIR)
with which to promote the general welfare
and protection of its citizens - it is inherent in the power to tax that a state
- Includes every charge or burden imposed be free to select the subjects of taxation, and
by the sovereign power upon persons, it has been repeatedly held that 'inequalities
property, or property rights for the use and which result from a singling out of one
support of the government and to enable it particular class for taxation, or exemption
to discharge its appropriate functions, and infringe no constitutional limitation (Sison v.
in that broad definition there is included a Ancheta)
proportionate levy upon persons or
property and all the various other methods - It is so unlimited in force and searching
and devices by which revenue is exacted in extent that courts scarcely venture to
from persons and property for public declare that it is subject to any restrictions,
purposes except those that such rests in the discretion
of the authority which exercises it (Tio v.
- Mactan Cebu International Airport Videogram Regulatory Board)
Authority v. Marcos
- Since the law granted the press a privilege,
- The power to tax is an incident of the law could take back the privilege anytime
sovereignty and is unlimited in its range, without offense to the Constitution. The
acknowledging in its very nature no limits, reason is simple: by granting exemptions, the
so that security against its abuse is to be State does not forever waive the exercise of
found only in the responsibility of the its sovereign prerogative. (Tolentino v.
legislature which imposes the tax on the Secretary of Finance)
constituency who are to pay it
- Taxation is a destructive power which - Taxation is no longer envisioned as a measure
interferes with the personal and property merely to raise revenue to support the
for the support of the government existence of the government. Taxes may be
levied with a regulatory purpose to provide a
II. Characteristics of Taxation means for the rehabilitation and stabilization
of a threatened industry which is affected with
1) Comprehensive - It covers persons, public interest as to be within the police power
businesses, activities, professions, rights and of the state (Caltex v. COA)
3) Plenary - - It is complete. Under NIRC, the
2) Unlimited - The power to tax is an incident of BIR may avail of certain remedies to ensure
sovereignty and is unlimited in its range, the collection of taxes. Taxes, being the
acknowledging in its very nature no limits, so lifeblood of the government, that should be
that security against its abuse is to be found collected without unnecessary hindrance,
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

every precaution must be taken not to unduly - It is a necessary burden to preserve the
suppress it State’s sovereignty and a means to give
the citizenry an army to resist aggression,
4) Supreme - It is supreme insofar as the a navy to defend its shores from invasion,
selection of the subject of taxation is a corps of civil servants to serve, public
concerned, but it does not mean that it is improvements for the enjoyment of the
superior to the other inherent powers of the citizenry, and those which come within the
State State’s territory and facilities and
protection which a government is supposed
III. Theories in Taxation to provide

1) Lifeblood Theory 3) Benefits-Protection Theory – taxes are

what we pay for a civilized society – we
- Taxes are what we pay for a civilized pay, the government protects
society. Without taxes, the State would be
paralyzed (CIR v. Algue) - Taxes are what we pay for a civilized
society. Without taxes, the government
- Taxation is an essential attribute of would be paralyzed for lack of motive
sovereignty and the lifeblood of every power to activate and operate it. Hence,
nation are doctrines well-entrenched in our despite the natural reluctance to surrender
jurisdiction. Taxes are the government's part of one’s earned income to the taxing
primary means to generate funds needed authorities, every person who is able must
to fulfill its mandate of promoting the contribute his share in the running of the
general welfare and well-being of the government. The government, for its part,
people and so should be collected without is expected to respond in the form of
unnecessary hindrance. (CIR v. PSPC) tangible and intangible benefits intended to
improve the lives of the people and
- In matters of taxation, the government enhance their material and moral values
cannot be estopped by the mistakes, errors (CIR v. Algue)
or omissions of its agents for upon it
depends the ability of the government to 4) Symbiotic Relationship Theory –
serve the people for whose benefit taxes taxpayers and the government have
are collected. (CIR v. Nippon) reciprocal obligations: the taxpayer to pay
taxes and the government to provide
- Collection of taxes cannot be curtailed by protection and benefits
injunction or any like action, otherwise the
State shall be crippled in dispensing the IV. Nature of Taxation
needed services to the people and its
machinery gravely disabled. Thus before 1) Attribute of Sovereignty
you can protest a tax, you must first pay
the tax. - The power to tax is an attribute of
sovereignty. It is a power emanating from
- Taxes are construed strictissimi juris necessity. It is a necessary burden to
against the taxpayer because of the preserve the State's sovereignty and a
lifeblood doctrine. means to give the citizenry an army to resist
an aggression, a navy to defend its shores
2) Necessity Theory – The exercise of the from invasion, a corps of civil servants to
power to tax emanates from necessity. serve, public improvement designed for the
Without taxes, the government cannot enjoyment of the citizenry and those which
fulfill its mandate of promoting the general come within the State's territory, and
welfare and wellbeing of the people. facilities and protection which a government
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

is supposed to provide. (Phil Guaranty v. Exceptions:

1. Taxing power of local governments
- The power to tax "is an attribute of
sovereignty," and as such, inheres in the “Each local government unit shall have the
State. Such, however, is not true for power to create its own sources of revenues and
provinces, cities, municipalities and to levy taxes, fees and charges subject to such
barangays as they are not the sovereign; guidelines and limitations as the Congress may
rather, there are mere "territorial and provide, consistent with the basic policy of local
political subdivisions of the Republic of the autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges shall
Philippines." (Batangas City v. PSPC) accrue exclusively to the local governments.”
(Sec. 5, Art X of the 1987 Constitution)
- The power of taxation, being an essential
and inherent attribute of sovereignty, 2. When allowed by the constitution
belongs, as a matter of right, to every
independent government, and needs no “The Congress may, by law, authorize the
express conferment by the people before it President to fix within specified limits, and
can be exercised. (FDCP v. Colon) subject to such limitations and restrictions as it
may impose, tariff rates, import and export
2) Legislative quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other
duties or imposts within the framework of the
- Taxation is a power that is purely legislative national development program of the
and which the central legislative body cannot Government.” (Sec. 28 (2), Article VI of the
delegate either to the executive or judicial 1987 Constitution)
department of the government without
infringing upon the theory of separation of 3. Administrative Implementation
powers. The exception, however, lies in the
case of municipal corporations, to which, said - There is no undue delegation provided that
theory does not apply. (Pespsi v. Municipality the law lays down and the standard and
of Tanauan) fixes the policy. (Cervantes v. Auditor
- the general principle against delegation of
legislative powers, in consequence of the Tests in determining whether delegation of
theory of separation of powers is subject to legislative power is valid:
one well-established exception, namely:
legislative powers may be delegated to local a. Completeness test – Law is complete in itself
governments — to which said theory does not and sets the policy to be executed
apply — in respect of matters of local concern.
(Pepsi v. Butuan) b. Sufficiency of Standard Test – Congress must
fix the standard, the limits of which the delegate
- Taxes are a grant of the people who are must conform to in the performance of his
taxed, and the grant must be made by the functions
immediate representative of the people, and
where the people have laid the power, there it - A delegating law must be complete in itself,
must remain and be exercised (CIR v. Fortune setting forth the policy to be carried out and
Tobacco) fixing the standard to which the delegate had
to conform in the performance of his functions
3) Non-delegable (Maceda v. Macaraig)

- The delegation of power to tax would - Administrative regulations cannot amend or

violate the principle of separation of powers revoke the law. A revenue regulation that
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

withdraws or modifies a tax credit granted by

law is void. (CIR v. Central Luzon Drug) - A taxpayer cannot refuse to pay his tax when
called upon by the collector because he has a
- A revenue regulation that imposes tax upon a claim against the government body. Taxes are
tax-exempt entity effectively amends the law not in the nature of contracts thus there can
and thus encroaches upon the legislative be no set-off against demands for taxes levied
authority of Congress. Such regulation is void. for general or local governmental purposes.
(Secretary v. Lazatin) (Francia v. IAC)

- The legislative does not abdicate its functions Taxes may not be subject to setoff or
when it describes what job must be done, who compensation because:
is to do it, and what is the scope of his
authority. A distinction has rightfully been a) Taxes are not ordinary obligations
made between delegation of power to make governed under the Civil Code
the laws which necessarily involves a b) Taxes are based on legal impositions, not
discretion as to what it shall be, which contract, debt or judgment
constitutionally may not be done, and c) The government and the taxpayer are not
delegation of authority or discretion as to its creditors and debtors of each other
execution to be exercised under and in
pursuance of the law, to which no valid 5) It is not political in nature
objection can be made. (ABAKADA Guro Party
list v. Hon. Executive Secretary) - Internal revenue laws are not political in
nature. A law once established continues until
- A municipal corporation does not have the changed by some competent legislative
inherent power of taxation. Its charter or power. It is not changed merely by change of
statute must plainly show an intent to confer sovereignty. (Hilado v. CIR)
that power. If not the municipality cannot
assume it. 6) Subject to Constitution and Inherent
The power to tax when granted to a province
is to be construed in strictissimi juris. Any I. Inherent Limitations (PINES )
doubt or ambiguity arising out of the term
used in granting that power must be resolved 1. Public Purpose
against the province. Inferences, implications,
deductions – all these – have no place in the A tax is considered for public purpose if:
interpretation of the taxing power of a 1. It is for the welfare of the nation and/or for
province. (Icard v. City Council of Baguio) greater portion of the population;
2. It affects the area as a community rather
- The power of a province to tax is limited to than as individuals; and
the extent that such power is delegated to it 3. It is designed to support the services of the
either by the Constitution or by statute. government for some of its recognized
(Pelizloy v. The Province of Benguet) objects.

- It is the power to tax that may not be - An inherent limitation on the power of
delegated. Under the “no let principle”, the taxation is public purpose. Taxes are exacted
appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of only for a public purpose. They cannot be
RPT, cannot be delegated to any private used for purely private purposes or for the
person. The collection however, may be exclusive benefit of private persons. The
delegated to a private individual. reason for this is simple. The power to tax
4) It is not the contract between the State exists for the general welfare; hence, implicit
and its citizens in its power is the limitation that it should be
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

used only for a public purpose (PPI v. Taxpayer’s suit

- The right to tax depends upon the ultimate a) Public funds derived from taxation are
use, purpose and object for which the fund is disbursed by a political subdivision or
raised. It is not dependent on the nature or instrumentality and in doing so, a law is
character of the person or corporation whose violated or some irregularity is committed;
intermediate agency is to be used in applying b) The petitioner is directly affected by the
it. The people may be taxed for a public alleged act. (Landbank v. Cacayuran)
purpose, although it be under the direction of
an individual or private corporation. - The interest of taxpayers in the lawful
(Bagatsing v. Ramirez) expenditure of public money sufficiently clothes
them with that personality to litigate the
- The only benefit to which a taxpayer is validity of the decrees appropriating said funds.
constitutionally entitled for what he pays is The Supreme Court has the discretion to
the enjoyment of privileges of living in an entertain them or not (Sanidad v. Comelec)
organized society established and safeguarded
by the devotion of taxes to public purpose. - A taxpayer need not be a party to a contract to
(Gomez v. Palomar) challenge its validity. Parties suing as taxpayers
must specifically prove interest in preventing
- Money raised by taxation can be expended the illegal expenditure of money raised by
only for public purpose and not for the taxation. (Jumamil v. Café)
advantage of private individuals.
- The expenditure of public funds by an officer of
The test of the constitutionality of a statute the State for the purpose of administering an
requiring the use of public funds is whether unconstitutional act constitutes a misapplication
the statute is designed to promote the public of such funds which may be enjoined at the
interest, as opposed to the furtherance of the request of a taxpayer. (Pascual v. Secretary of
advantage of individuals, although each Public Works)
advantage to individuals might incidentally
serve the public. (Pascual v. Secretary of Citizen Suit
Public Works) - Rule whereby any Filipino citizen in
representation of others, including minors,
- Taxation may be used as an exercise of police or generations yet unborn may file an
power. The protection of a large industry action to enforce rights or obligations
constituting one of the great sources of the under environmental laws
state’s wealth and therefore affecting the
welfare of a portion of the population of the Requisites of citizen suit
State is affected by public interests as to be a) Actual or threatened injury to the petitioner
within the police power of the sovereign (Lutz because of the statute or act complained of
v. Araneta) b) Injury is fairly traceable to the challenged
- Public purpose of a tax may legally exist even c) Injury is likely to be redressed by a
if the motive to impose the tax favor one over favorable action (Tolentino v. Comelec)
another. It is inherent in the power to tax that
a State is free to select the subjects of 2. Non-delegability (same as in nature)
taxation. Inequities which result from a
singling out of one particular class for taxation
or exemption infringe no constitutional 3. Exemption of the Government
limitation (Ferrer v. Bautista)
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

- Under the Real Property Tax Code, real privilege outside the taxing district (CIR v.
property is classified for assessment purposes Marubeni)
on the basis of actual use, which is defined as
"the purpose for which the property is - The test if taxability is the source, and the
principally or predominantly utilized by the source of an income is that activity which
person in possession of the property." produced the income. The source of an
income is the property, activity or service that
Real property owned by the Republic of the produced the income. For the source of
Philippines is exempt from real property taxes income to be considered as coming from the
except when the beneficial use of these Philippines, it is sufficient that the income is
properties are granted, for consideration or derived from activity within the Philippines
otherwise, to a taxable entity (LRTA v. CBAA) (Commissioner v. BOAC)

- Government instrumentalities are agencies Within Outside

not integrated within the department Income Taxes
framework of the government. Resident Citizen ✓ ✓
Instrumentalities that are not GOCC’s are Non-resident Citizen ✓ x
exempt from the payment of real property Overseas Contract Worker ✓ x
taxes except when the beneficial use of these Aliens ✓ x
properties have been granted to a taxable Domestic Corporations ✓ ✓
entity (MIAA v. Parañaque) Foreign Corporations ✓ x

Characteristics of government instrumentalities: Within Outside

1) Not integrated within the department Transfer Taxes
network Citizen ✓ ✓
2) Vested with special functions or jurisdiction Resident Alien ✓ ✓
by law Non-resident Alien ✓ x
3) Endowed with some, if not all, corporate
powers *basis of transfer taxes is the RESIDENCY of the
4) Administering some special fund taxpayer
5) Enjoying operational autonomy, usually
through a charter Within Outside
Business Taxes
4. International Comity Citizen ✓ x
Alien ✓ x
- Involves the interplay of tax laws and
reciprocity between nations *basis of business taxes is the destination
principle doctrine and cross-border doctrine
- A resolution passed in the First National Tax
Association stated that “The principles of Destination Principle Doctrine – goods and
international and interstate comity require services are taxed only in the country where they
that the same property should not be taxed are consumed
by two jurisdictions at the same time.”
Cross Border Doctrine – No VAT shall be imposed
5. Territorial Jurisdiction or Situs to form part of the cost of the goods destined for
consumption outside the territorial border of the
- An excise tax can be levied by the taxing taxing authority
authority only when the acts, privileges or
business are done or performed within the
jurisdiction of the taxing authority. Like
property taxes, it cannot be imposed on a
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

II. Constitutional Limitations - Exemption from taxation is not favored and

never presumed. It must be strictly construed
1. Due Process Clause against the taxpayer. Proof is necessary to
demonstrate that there is compliance with the
“No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or constitutional provision allowing an
property without due process of law, nor shall any exemption. (Province of Abra v. Hernando)
person be denied the equal protection of the
laws.” – Sec. 1, Art III of the 1987 Constitution - The taxpayer must prove that a tax is
confiscatory otherwise the presumption that
Substantive Due Process – The law must be the law passed was valid will prevail (Churchill
reasonable and must be for a public purpose v. Concepcion)
- When there is a claim of breach of the due
Procedural Due Process – There must be no process and equal protection clauses, there is
arbitrariness in the assessment and collection; the need for proof of such persuasive character as
prescribed rules must be followed before would lead to such a conclusion. Absent such
assessment and collection a showing, the presumption of validity must
prevail. (British American Tobacco v.
- A tax regulation that is oppressive, arbitrary, Camacho)
unreasonable and confiscatory is void for
being violative of due process (Villegas v. Hiu Rational Basis Test – Legislative classification is
Chiong Tsai Pao Ho) valid, provided that it is rationally related to
achieving some legitimate State interest
- A revenue measure does not violate the due
process clause on the mere allegation of Side topic: Creditable Withholding Tax
arbitrariness by the taxpayer. There must be
a factual foundation to such unconstitutional Creditable withholding tax is a tax withheld which
taint. When nothing is taken that is not due, can be claimed as a tax credited from the amount
there is no confiscation of property thus no of income taxes to be paid later on.
violation of due process. (CREBA v. Exec Sec
Romulo) In the event that the tax withheld turns out to be
higher than the tax to be paid, the taxpayer can
- Double taxation is not violative of due claim a refund.
process. The argument against double Illustrative Example:
taxation may not be invoked where one tax is
imposed by the state and the other is imposed Kiwi rents out a building for 100,000 a month to
by the city. There is nothing inherently Melon. Rentals are subject to 5% withholding tax
obnoxious in the requirement that license fees (WHT). Assume that Kiwi’s income is purely from
or taxes be exacted with respect to the same the rentals of the building.
occupation, calling or activity, by both the
state and the political subdivisions thereof. Rentals Due 100,000.00
(City of Baguio v. De Leon) Withholding Tax (5%) (5,000.00)
Amount received by Kiwi 95,000.00
- Administrative rules that substantially
increases the burden of those governed are in The 5,000 WHT is not pocketed by Melon. Melon
the nature of a legislative rule. The agency has to remit this amount to the BIR monthly.
must at least accord those directly affected the
chance to be heard and inform them before the Gross income for the year is 1,200,000. Income
new issuance is given the force and effect of tax due based on TRAIN rates would be 250,000.
law. The due observance of the requirements At the end of the year Kiwi’s income tax payable
of notice, hearing, and publication should not would look like this:
be ignored. (CIR v. MJ Lhuillier)
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

Income tax due 250,000.00 Side topic: Minimum Corporate Income Tax
Creditable withholding tax (60,000.00) At the 4th year of operations of a corporation, it is
Income tax payable 190,000.00 taxed by the higher of the normal corporate income
tax rate of 30% or the minimum corporate income
The withholding tax is treated as an advance of tax (MCIT) of 2%.
income taxes to be paid at the end of the taxable
year. Gross Sales
(Cost of Goods Sold)
Assume that Kiwi rented out the building to Melon Gross Income
for only 2 months. Kiwi did not have any other Allowable Deductions
income for the year. Taxable Income

Based on TRAIN rates, Kiwi is not liable for any The normal corporate tax is computed by
income taxes for the year. Kiwi can claim a tax multiplying the rate of 30% to the taxable income.
refund for the 10,000 withheld by Melon. The MCIT is computed by multiplying 2% to the
Gross Income.
Ratio*: On the side of the government, CWHT is
good because it helps ensure payment by taxpayer. Any excess of MCIT over the normal tax is carried
The government matches the tax remitted by the forward and credited against the normal tax for
withholding agent to the income declared by the the succeeding 3 years.
MCIT is not a tax on capital but a tax on income,
In connection to the lifeblood theory, CWHT making it constitutional. It is imposed on Gross
ensures a steady stream of revenue. Since income Income which is computed by deducting the Cost
taxes are computed based on annual income, of Goods Sold from Gross Sales. Cost of Goods
government operations would be hindered if it only Sold represents the capital spent in arriving at the
collected taxes at the end of each taxable year. sale. (CREBA v. Romulo)

On the side of the taxpayer: It eases the burden of Illustration: Kiwi Corporation
paying by matching the timing of collection of taxes
to the timing of receipt example. Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Normal Tax - 100.00 400.00
To illustrate: MCIT 100.00 200.00 100.00

Kiwi receives a salary of 50,000 monthly. The Tax payable 100.00 200.00 400.00
withholding tax would be 6,666.75. Based on her Excess MCIT 100.00 300.00 -
income of 600,000 for the whole year, she would
be liable to pay 80,000 in income taxes. In the given example, Kiwi Corp. paid the MCIT for
the 4th year and the 5th year. At its 6th year of
Because her employer properly withheld from her operations, the normal tax was higher than the
salary, Kiwi does not have to pay anything by the MCIT.
end of the year. Assuming there was no withholding
tax system in place, Kiwi would have fully received Kiwi Corporation’s income tax payable is
the 50,000 every month but would have to pay the computed as:
80,000 in one go. Not everyone would have the
foresight to set aside such an amount especially Income tax due 400.00
after the Christmas section. Less: MCIT
Year 4 (100.00)
*this section on ratio is the opinion of daga, if proven wrong… Year 5 (200.00)
n_nV Income tax payable 100.00
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

Side topic: Rules on publication 5. BIR Rulings – official position of the Bureau
to queries raised by taxpayers relative to
GR: All laws are required to be published in full. interpretation of tax laws
This is to satisfy the requirement of due process.
2. Equal Protection Clause
1. Municipal Ordinances Requisites of a valid classification:
2. Internal rules and regulations i. The classification is based on substantial
3. Letters of instruction issued by distinctions
administrative supervisors on internal rules ii. It is germane to the purpose of the law
and guidelines iii. It is not limited to existing conditions only
4. Interpretative regulations regulating only iv. The classification applies equally to all
the personnel of administrative agency members of the same class

XPNs to the XPNs: Administrative rules and - The equal protection clause means that no
regulations require publication when: person or class of persons shall be deprived of
the same protection of laws enjoyed by other
1. The purpose is to implement or enforce persons or other classes in the same place in
existing laws pursuant to a valid delegation like circumstances. (Commissioner of Customs
2. The rules are penal in nature v. Hypermix Feeds Corporation)
3. It diminishes existing rights of certain
individuals - The standard of equal protection is satisfied if
the classification or distinction is based on a
Side topic: BIR Issuances reasonable foundation or rational basis and is
not palpably arbitrary. (ABAKADA Guro Party
1. Revenue Regulations (RRs) – issuances List v. Purisima)
signed by Sec. of Finance upon
recommendation of CIR. Specifies, - The test to determine if the requirement of
prescribes or defines rules for effective equal protection is satisfied is whether or not
enforcement of NIRC the law applies equally to all persons, firms and
corporations placed in similar situations.
2. Revenue Memorandum Orders (RMOs) – (Kapatiran v. Tan)
issuances providing directives or
instructions and guidelines for the - Between equality and uniformity, uniformity is
implementation of the programs of BIR in preferred* (Tan v. Del Rosario)
all areas except auditing
- The requirement on equal protection is satisfied
3. Revenue Memorandum Rulings (RMRs) – when the same treatment is applied to the same
rulings, opinions and interpretations of the class* (ABAKADA Guro Party List v. Honorable
CIR of provisions of tax code. May be Executive Secretary)
issued even without precedent. BIR Rulings
cannot contravene RMRs, otherwise they *ayon sa discussion ni sir n_nV
are void.
3. Uniformity and Equality of Taxation and
4. Revenue Memorandum Circulars (RMCs) – Progressive System of Taxation
issuances by the CIR that consolidate the
BIR’s position on certain issues of law or “The rule of taxation shall be uniform and
administration for the guidance of the equitable. The Congress shall evolve a progressive
public system of tax” – Sec. 28 (1), Article VI, 1987
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

- Uniformity means that persons similarly people, and at all times. (Churchill v.
situated must be taxed similarly Concepcion)

- Uniformity does not call for perfect uniformity Side topic: Value Added Tax (VAT)
or perfect equality; reasonable classifications do
not violate the uniformity and equality of VAT is a tax on consumption, levied on the sale,
taxation (Sison v. Ancheta) barter, exchange or lease of goods or properties
and services in the Philippines and the importation
- Equality and uniformity of taxation means that of goods into the Philippines.
all taxable articles or kinds of property of the
same class be taxed at the same rate. The GR: VAT is imposed on the seller, not the buyer
taxing power has the authority to make XPN: Importation
reasonable and natural classifications for
purposes of taxation. To satisfy this But who pays for VAT? Essentially it is the buyer or
requirement it is enough that the statute or the end consumer. The seller collects VAT and
ordinance applies equally to all persons, forms remits it to the BIR.
and corporations placed in similar situation.
(Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance) This is because VAT is an indirect tax. An indirect
tax is a tax that may be passed on to another
- Administrative concerns may provide a individual.
legitimate, rational basis for legislative
classification. Thus, a classification freeze The amount of VAT payable is computed as:
provision which imposes a different tax base
depending on the date of introduction of a Output VAT
product in the market has been held to be valid (Input VAT)
because it simplified tax administration and VAT payable
eliminated potential abuse and corruption in tax
collection (British American Tobacco v. In simple terms, Output VAT is VAT that which you
Camacho) pass onto others. Input VAT is that which was
passed onto you.
- An ordinance exacting tax upon all motor
vehicles operating within a City which does not In cases where the Input VAT paid exceeds Output
distinguish those operating privately from those VAT, the taxpayer may file for a tax refund.
for hire, or those registered in Manila from those
who occasionally come to Manila, violates the 4. Non-impairment of Contracts
rule on equality and uniformity (Association of
Customs Brokers v. Municipality Board) “No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall
be passed” – Sec. 10, Art. III, 1987 Constitution
- VAT is admittedly regressive because it is
imposed on persons regardless of income. It is In taxation contracts refer to those which are
still valid because the Constitution’s mandate entered into with the government. There are two
is simply to evolve a progressive system of kinds:
taxation. It does not prohibit a regressive
system. (ABAKADA Guro Party List v. Ermita) I. Without consideration – refer to franchises
and tax exemptions which are not
- A tax is uniform when it operates with the same contractual in nature. The non-impairment
force and effect in every place where the clause does NOT apply
subject of it is found. Different articles may be
taxed at different amounts, provided the rate is II. With consideration – those entered into by
uniform on the same class everywhere, with all the government in its private capacity.
When the government acts in its private
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

capacity, it sheds its cloak of authority and 5. No imprisonment for non-payment of poll
immunity. Thus the non-impairment clause tax
“No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-
- Where the exemption was granted to private payment of a poll tax” – Sec. 20, Art III, 1987
parties based on material consideration of a Constitution
mutual nature, which then becomes contractual
and is thus covered by the non-impairment - Poll tax refers to cedula or residence tax
clause of the Constitution. (MCIAA v. Marcos) - For purpose of a taxpayer’s suit, payment of
cedula is sufficient
- The legislature of a State may, in the absence - The protection against imprisonment applies
of special restrictions in its constitution, make a only to non-payment of poll taxes. People may
valid contract with a corporation in respect to be still imprisoned for non-payment of other
taxation, and that such contract can be kinds of taxes when provided for by the law
enforced against the State at the instance of the
corporation. (Casanovas v. Hord) 6. Freedom of religion

- The Local Government Code withdrew all the “No law shall be made respecting an establishment
tax exemptions existing at the time of its of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
passage with respect to local taxes like RPT. The The free exercise and enjoyment of religious
existing legislative policy is against the revival profession and worship, without discrimination or
of “in lieu of all taxes” clauses. The non- preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious
impairment of contract clause cannot be test shall be required for the exercise of civil or
invoked because no right was violated. political rights.” – Sec. 5, Art. III, 1987 Constitution
*congress can grant, congress can revoke*
(RCPI v. Provincial Assessor of South Cotabato) a) Pre-activity measure – taxing of an activity that
BEFORE it is done; tax as a means of regulation
- The grant of taxing powers to local government here is equivalent to censorship thus it is an
units under the Constitution and the LGC does abridgement on the freedom of religion
not affect the power of Congress to grant Ex. Requiring of permit before you can sell
exemptions to certain persons, pursuant to a bibles
declared national policy. The legal effect of the b) Post activity measure – taxing of an activity
constitutional grant to local governments simply AFTER it is done; it is considered a tax on a
means that in interpreting statutory provisions commercial activity thus freedom of religion
on municipal taxing powers, doubts must be cannot be invoked
resolved in favor of municipal corporations. Ex. Imposition of VAT on the sale of bibles
(City Government of Quezon City v. Bayantel)
Religion – profession of faith to an active power that
- The "in lieu of all taxes" clause in a legislative binds and elevates man to its Creator
franchise should categorically state that the
exemption applies to both local and national - The constitutional guaranty of the free exercise
taxes; otherwise, the exemption claimed should and enjoyment of religious profession and
be strictly construed against the taxpayer and worship carries with it the right to disseminate
liberally in favor of the taxing authority. (Smart religious information
Communications v. City of Davao)
- Any restraints of such right can only be justified
- Claims for tax exemption must be based on like other restraints of freedom of expression on
language in law too plain to be mistaken. It the grounds that there is a clear and present
cannot be made out of inference or implication. danger of any substantive evil which the State
(Quezon City v. ABS-CBN) has the right to prevent
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

- A license tax imposed and collected as a in life or otherwise lessening the burden of
condition to the pursuit of activities whose government
enjoyment is guaranteed by the Constitution is
as potent as the power of censorship which Test of Charity – whether or not an enterprise exists
must be struck down. (American Bible Society to carry out a purpose reorganized in law as
v. City of Manila) charitable, as opposed to it being maintained for
gain, profit or advantage
- VAT is not a license tax imposed on the exercise
of a privilege. It is imposed on the sale, barter, Proprietary – private; maintained and administered
lease or exchange of goods or properties or the by private individuals or groups with a government
sale or exchange of services and the lease of permit
properties purely for revenue purposes. Its
imposition cannot be construed as an Non-profit – no net income or asset accrues to or
abridgement of the freedom of religion. benefits any member or specific person, with all the
(Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance) net income or asset devoted to the institution’s
purposes and all its activities conducted not for
7. Freedom of the press profit

“No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of Directly – in a direct way, without anything
speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right intervention; not through secondary indirect means
of the people peaceably to assemble and petition
the government for redress of grievances.” – Sec. Actually – truly in fact
4, 1987 Constitution
Rationale for tax exemption: Charitable institutions
- VAT is not a tax on the press itself but rather on provide for free goods and services to the public
the commercial activity of the press. The which would otherwise fall on the shoulder of the
publisher of a newspaper has no immunity from government. The loss of taxes by the government
the application of general laws. Like others, he is compensated by its relief from doing public works
must pay equitable and nondiscriminatory taxes which would have been funded from the
on his business. (Philippine Press Institute v. appropriations from the treasury
8. Tax Exemption of Properties for Religious, - What is meant by actual, direct and exclusive
Charitable and Education Purposes use of the property for charitable purposes is
the direct and immediate and actual application
“Charitable institutions, churches and personages of the property itself to the purposes for which
or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non- the charitable institution is organized. It is not
profit cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and the use of the income from the real property
improvements, actually, directly, and exclusively that is determinative of whether the property is
used for religious, charitable, or educational used for tax-exempt purposes; it is the ACTUAL
purposes shall be exempt from taxation.” – Sec. USE of the property (Lung Center v. Quezon
28(3), Art. III, 1987 Constitution City)

Exclusive – possessed and enjoyed to the exclusion - The making of profit does not destroy the tax
of others; debarred from participation or exemption of a charitable, benevolent or
enjoyment; synonymous to solely educational institution. Needless to say, every
responsible organization must be so run as to at
Charity – a gift, to be applied consistently with least, insure its existence, by operating within
existing laws, for the benefit of an indefinite the limits of its own resources, especially its
number of persons, either by bringing their minds regular income. In other words, it should always
and hearts under the influence of education or strive, whenever possible, to have a surplus.
religion, by assisting them to establish themselves (Hospital de San Juan de Dios v. Pasay City)
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

application, and private bills, shall originate

- What is exempted is not the institution itself but exclusively in the House of Representatives, but the
the lands, buildings and improvements actually, Senate may propose or concur with amendments.”
directly and exclusively used for religious, – Sec. 24, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution
charitable or educational purposes. The tax
exemption covers property taxes only - To begin with, it is not the law — but the
(Commissioner v. Court of Appeals) revenue bill — which is required by the
Constitution to "originate exclusively" in the
- If real property is used for one or more House of Representatives. It is important to
commercial purposes, it is not exclusively used emphasize this, because a bill originating in the
for the exempted purposes but is subject to House may undergo such extensive changes in
taxation (Lung Center v. Quezon City) the Senate that the result may be a rewriting of
the whole … At this point, what is important to
- Use of the property for incidental and necessary note is that, as a result of the Senate action, a
purposes for religious, charitable and distinct bill may be produced.
educational purposes is covered by exclusive
use. (Bishop of Nueva Segovia v. Provincial What the Constitution simply means is that the
Board of Ilocos Norte) initiative for filing revenue, tariff, or tax bills,
bills authorizing an increase of the public debt,
- The lease of a floor of a school to a marketing private bills and bills of local application must
company was not incidental to educational come from the House of Representatives on the
purposes and is therefore not exempt from RPT theory that, elected as they are from the
(Abra Valley College Inc., v. Aquino) districts, the members of the House can be
expected to be more sensitive to the local needs
- Charitable institutions are not ipso facto entitled and problems. (ABAKADA v. Ermita)
to a tax exemption. The requirements for a tax
exemption are strictly construed against the - It is the BILL, not the law, which must originate
taxpayer because an exemption restricts the exclusively from the House of Representatives.
collection of taxes necessary for the existence - The constitution requires that the initiative
of the government. (CIR v. St. Luke’s Medical come from the House or Representatives
Center) because, being elected by their own districts,
they are expected to be more sensitive to the
- Proprietary non-profit educational institutions local needs and problems. The Senate, on the
and proprietary non-profit hospitals are subject other hand, are expected to approach these
to a 10% preferential tax rate provided that problems from the national perspective.
they are proprietary and non-profit. A charitable
institution does not lose its tax exempt status 10. Concurrence of majority of ALL the
for engaging in not-for-profit activities. These members of Congress for the grant of a tax
activities are subject to income tax. (CIR v. St. exemption
Luke’s Medical Center)
“No law granting any tax exemption shall be passed
- Idle land is taxable because what is required is without the concurrence of a majority of all the
ACTUAL, direct and exclusive use. If its use can Members of the Congress.” – Sec. 28(4), Art. VI,
be passed off as incidental then it may be tax 1987 Constitution
*ayon sa discussion ni sir n_nV - An exemption granted by a Presidential
Proclamation and not by law is invalid (John Hay
9. Must originate from the House of Peoples Alternative Coalition v. Lim)
- This requirement also applies to tax amnesty. A
“All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills tax amnesty is a general pardon by the State of
authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

its authority to punish those who violates a

revenue or tax law. (Republic v. IAC) “The Congress may, by law, authorize the
President to fix within specified limits, and subject
11. Every bill shall embrace only one subject to such limitations and restrictions as it may
which shall be expressed in its title – Sec. impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas,
28(4), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution tonnage and wharfage dues, and other duties or
imposts within the framework of the national
- It is the bill which becomes a law that is development program of the Government.” – Sec.
required to express in its title the subject of 28(2), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution
legislation, not the law itself.
- Fix is the operative word. Such delegation
12. Congress shall evolve a progressive must be by law and comply with the
system of taxation – Sec. 28(1), Art. VI, 1987 completeness test and the sufficiency of
Constitution standard test

- A progressive system of taxation is one where 15. Tax exemption of non-stock, non-profit
an individual pays taxes in proportion to his educational institutions
income. The higher his income, the higher his
taxes. This is in line with the ability to pay “All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit
principle wherein a tax must be imposed in educational institutions used actually, directly, and
proportion to his ability to pay exclusively for educational purposes shall be
exempt from taxes and duties. Upon the
- Direct taxes are to be preferred and indirect dissolution or cessation of the corporate existence
taxes, as much as possible, should be of such institutions, their assets shall be disposed
minimized of in the manner provided by law.

- VAT is admittedly regressive because it is Proprietary educational institutions, including

imposed on persons regardless of income. It is those cooperatively owned, may likewise be
still valid because the Constitution’s mandate entitled to such exemptions, subject to the
is simply to evolve a progressive system of limitations provided by law, including restrictions
taxation. It does not prohibit a regressive on dividends and provisions for reinvestment.”
system. (ABAKADA Guro Party List v. Ermita) – Sec. 4(3), Art. XIV, 1987 Constitution

Revenues – amounts earned by a person or entity

13. Presidential veto from the conduct of business operations. It may
refer to the sale of goods, rendition of services or
“The President shall have the power to veto any
the return of an investment. In taxation, it is a
particular item or items in an appropriation,
component of the tax base in income tax, VAT and
revenue, or tariff bill, but the veto shall not affect local business tax
the item or items to which he does not object.”
- Sec. 27(2), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution Assets – tangible and intangible properties owned
by a person or entity from which the person or
GR: A veto of a bill is a veto in its entirety
entity may derive income or use to generate
XPN: In vetoing appropriation, revenue or tariff
income. The fair market value of a real property is
bills, only those objected to will be vetoed a component of the tax base in RPT

Kinds of veto: - The constitutional provision covers non-stock,

a) Pocket veto – Veto of the entire bill non-profit educational institutions and exempts
b) Item veto – Veto of particular sections them from income tax, RPT, donor’s tax and
only; applies to ART bills only
customs duties because the provision speaks
14. Delegated authority to the President to
of “all revenues and assets”
impose taxes
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

- The test to determine the exemption is the use great an abuse is manifested as to destroy
of both revenues and assets. These must be natural and fundamental rights which no free
used actually, directly and exclusively for government could consistently violate, it is the
educational purposes (CIR v. DLSU) duty of the judiciary to hold such an act
unconstitutional. (Sison v. Ancheta)
- To avail of the exemption, the NSNP taxpayer
must factually prove that it used actually, V. Purposes and Objectives of Taxation
directly and exclusively for educational
purposes the revenues or income sought to be 1. To Raise Revenue
exempted. (CIR v. DLSU) 2. Regulatory

- While a non-stock, non-profit educational - Taxation may be made the implement of the
institution is classified as a tax-exempt entity state's police power (Lutz v. Araneta)
under Section 30 (Exemptions from Tax on
Corporations) of the Tax Code, a proprietary - Taxation is no longer envisioned as a measure
educational institution is covered by merely to raise revenue to support the
preferential tax rates under Section 27 (Rates existence of the government; taxes may be
of Income Tax on Domestic Corporations). levied with a regulatory purpose to provide
means for the rehabilitation and stabilization of
- The portion of the NIRC taxing NSNP’s for a threatened industry which is affected with
income from for-profit activities, regardless of public interest as to be within the police power
its disposition, was declared void for being of the state (Caltex v. COA)
contrary to the constitutional provision
- Vehicle registration fees were originally
16. Supremacy of the National Government imposed in the exercise of the State’s police
to the Local Government power. However, as vehicular traffic exploded in
number, the registration of vehicles was found
- Even with the principle of local autonomy, it is to be a very convenient way of raising revenues.
inherently noxious and self-defeatist for local From being “registration fees” they have
taxation to interfere with the sovereign become “taxes” (PAL v. Edu)
exercise of functions. (MIAA v. CA)
3. Promotion of General Welfare
- The power of LGU’s to tax was granted by the
national government, thus it cannot tax the -INSERT OTHER STUFF HERE-
national government
17. Judicial power to review Legality of Tax
1) Taxation v. Police Power v. Eminent
“The Supreme Court shall have the power to Domain
review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on
appeal or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of As to purpose: The purpose of taxation is to raise
Court may provide, final judgments and orders of revenue in support of the government, whereas the
lower courts in: purpose of police power is the promotion of general
welfare, while the purpose if eminent domain is to
(b) All cases involving the legality of any tax, facilitate the taking of private property for public
impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty purpose.
imposed in relation thereto”
- Sec. 5, Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution As to exercising authority: Both taxation and police
power are exercised by the government or its
- While taxation is said to be the power to political subdivision, whereas eminent domain is
destroy, it is by no means unlimited. If so
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

exercised by the government or public service As to who may impose: Taxes are imposed by the
companies and public utilities. State while toll fees are imposed by private
As to limit of amount: Taxation is not limited as to
amount imposed while police power is limited to the As to purpose: Taxes are imposed to raise revenues
cost of regulation. In eminent domain it is the while toll fees are imposed to reimburse the costs
owner who is paid the fair market value of his and maintenance of the property used
As to basis: Taxes are based on the State’s
As to non-impairment of contracts: The non- sovereign power while toll fees are demands of
impairment clause does not apply unless the tax proprietorship.
exemption given is for a consideration. Contracts
may be impaired by police power or eminent 4) Tax v. License Fees
As to basis: Taxes are levied in the exercise of the
As to benefits received: There is no direct benefit taxing power while license fees emanate from
received in taxation and police power while in police power.
eminent domain, the person directly benefits from
the payment equivalent to the fair market value of As to purpose: Taxes are imposed primarily for
the property taken. revenue while license fees are imposed for
2) Tax v. Debt
As to limitation on Amount: Taxes have no limit as
As to basis: Taxes are based on obligations based to the amount while license fees are limited to the
on law while debts are based on obligations based reasonable costs of regulation.
on contract or judgment.
As to effect of non-payment: Non-payment of taxes
As to Effect of Non-payment: Failure to pay taxes does not make the business illegal but may be
other than poll taxes may result in imprisonment ground for criminal prosecution. On the other hand,
while failure to pay debt cannot result in non-payment of license fees would make the
imprisonment. business illegal.

As to Mode of Payment: Taxes are generally 5) Tax v. Penalty

payable in money while debts are payable in
money, property or service. As to nature: Taxes are civil liabilities while
penalties are punishments for the commission of a
As to imposing authority: Taxes are imposed by crime.
public authority while debts are imposed by private
individuals. As to purpose: Taxes are intended to raise revenue
while penalties are designed to regulate conduct.
As to Assignability: Taxes are not assignable while
debts are assignable. As to imposing authority: Only the government
may impose taxes while penalties may be imposed
As to Payment: Taxes are generally not subject to by the government or private individuals.
compensation or set-off while debts may be
subjected to compensation or set-off. 6) Tax v. Special Assessment

3) Tax v. Toll As to subject: Taxes are levied on persons,

properties, income, businesses and privileges while
special assessments are levied only on land.
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

As to liability: Taxes are personal liabilities of the the government to raise revenue for
taxpayer while special assessments cannot be Governmental needs
made a personal liability of the person assessed.
b) Special or Regulatory – tax levied for
As to basis: Taxes are based on necessity and special purposes (ex. To benefit the sugar
partially on benefits while special assessments are industry such as in the case of Lutz v.
based solely on benefits. Araneta)

As to purpose: Taxes are imposed to support the 3) As to who bears the burden
government while special assessments are imposed
as contributions to the cost of public improvement a) Direct Tax – taxes wherein both the
incidence and the impact of taxes fall on the
As to why imposed: Taxes are imposed regardless same person
of public improvement while special assessments
are imposed because public improvement benefits b) Indirect Tax – tax where the liability falls
the land and increases its value. on one person but the burden may be
shifted or passed on to another, not as a tax,
As to when imposed: Taxes are regular exactions but as a part of the purchase price
while special assessments are exceptional as to
time and locality. 4) As to graduation or rate

Classification of Taxes a) Proportional – tax rates are fixed in a flat

tax base, such as in amounts or in
1) As to subject matter percentage)

a) Personal, Capitation or Poll – taxes of a b) Progressive or graduated – tax rates or

fixed amount upon all persons of a certain amount increases as the amount of income
class within the jurisdiction of the taxing or earning to be taxed
authority, regardless of their property,
occupations or business engaged in c) Regressive – tax rate decreases as the
amount of income or earning to be taxed
b) Property Tax – taxes assessed on all increases
property or all property of a certain class
within the jurisdiction of the taxing power 5) As to Taxing Authority

c) Excise or Privilege – taxes that are a) National Tax – those levied by the National
imposed on the manufacture, sale, or Government, through Congress, and
consumption of commodities within the administered by the BIR or the BOC
country, and upon the license to pursue
certain occupations and upon corporate b) Local or Municipal – levied by the LGU’s,
privileges through their respective Sanggunians, and
administered by the local executive
d) Customs Duties – taxes collected on goods government through the local treasurer
that are entering the country or services
delivered by nonresidents to residents 6. As to basis of amount

2) As to purpose a) Specific – tax of a fixed amount imposed by

the head or number or by some standard of
a) General, Fiscal or Revenue – taxes weight or measurement; it requires no
collected for general or ordinary purposes of valuation other than a listing or classification
of the objects to be taxed
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

b) Ad valorem – tax based upon the value of Sales 3,000,000

the articles subject to tax. It requires the Cost of Sales (1,500,000)
intervention of assessors or appraisers to Gross Income 1,500,000
estimate the value of such property before Allowable Deductions (500,000)
the amount due can be determined Net Taxable Income 1,000,000
Multiply by rate 30%
J. Double Taxation Tax Liability 300,000

GR: Double taxation is not prohibited in view of the If the law would treat the discount to senior citizens
lifeblood doctrine as a TAX credit, then Kiwi would only have to pay
XPN: Direct double taxation, because of its 100,000 (liability of 300k less tax credit of 200k)
confiscatory nature
If the law would treat discount to senior citizens as
Kinds of Double Taxation a tax deduction, then:

1) Indirect duplicate taxation – Double taxation Sales 3,000,000

in the broad sense. Two or more pecuniary Cost of Sales (1,500,000)
impositions are levied on a subject matter. This is Gross Income 1,500,000
NOT prohibited Discount to Seniors (200,000)
Allowable Deductions (500,000)
2) Direct duplicate taxation – It is taxing twice Net Taxable Income 800,000
a subject matter, for the same purpose, by the Multiply by rate 30%
same authority, within the same jurisdiction, during Tax Liability 240,000
the same period, with the two taxes being of the
same kind or character. This is prohibited Treating it as a tax credit would be more
advantageous for the taxpayer. However, the
Schemes to avoid double taxation choice does not belong to the taxpayer. It must be
provided by the law itself. (Based on CIR v. Central
1) Tax credit – deduction from tax due Luzon Drug)
2) Tax deductions – deductions from gross
income International Juridical Double Taxation
3) Tax reduction – reduction in applicable rate - The imposition of comparable taxes in two or
4) Tax exemption – not subjected to tax more states on the same taxpayer in respect of
5) Tax Treaties – in line with reciprocity the same subject matter and for identical
Illustration tax credit v. Tax deduction
Approaches to avoid IJDT:
Kiwi Corporation operates a drug store. Kiwi
granted 20% sales discount to qualified senior 1. Territorial based system – foreign source
citizens. The total sales discounts granted to income is normally exempted from domestic
seniors totaled 200,000. taxes
2. Imposition of tax on the worldwide income
Assuming that Kiwi’s sales is 3,000,000, Kiwi’s cost of their individual citizens and residents and
of sales is 50% of Kiwi’s sales, and allowable domestic corporations
deductions of 500,000 then:
Case Doctrines on Double Taxation

- Both a license fee and a tax may be imposed on

the same business or occupation, or for selling
the same article, this not being a violation of the
rule against double taxation. (Compania
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

General de Tabacos de Filipinas v. City of parties based on material consideration of a

Manila) mutual nature, which then becomes contractual
and is thus covered by the non-impairment
- An argument against double taxation may not clause of the Constitution (MCIAA v. Marcos)
be invoked where one tax is imposed by the
state and the other is imposed by the city. (City - Exemptions from taxation are highly disfavored
of Baguio v. De Leon) in law, and he who claims exemption must be
able to justify his claim by the clearest grant of
- Regulation and taxation are two different organic or statute law. (Meralco v. Vera)
things, the first being an exercise of police
power, whereas taxation is not. Double taxation - A tax exemption is not to be presumed and that
is not prohibited in the Philippines (Serafica v. if granted, it is to be most strictly construed.
City Treasurer of Ormoc) (CIR v. A.D. Guerrero)

- Where one person pays the tax for another, the - Tax exemptions certainly cannot be granted by
person so paying the tax may recover the tax if implication or mere administrative regulation.
it represents an overpayment (Hawaiian Phil v. Thus, when an exemption is claimed, it must
CIR) indubitably be shown to exist, for every
presumption is against it, and a well-founded
K. Exemption from Taxation doubt is fatal to the claim. (CIR v. Solidbank)

1) Classifications - Tax exclusions are likewise strictly construed

against the taxpayer. The phrase “in lieu of all
a) As to source: taxes” applies only to national taxes and not to
1. Constitutional – self-executing local taxes unless explicitly stated (Smart v.
2. Statutory / Ordinance – granted by City of Davao)
the legislature.
GR: Revocable - A tax exemption is effectively a social subsidy
XPN: If granted for a consideration. granted by the State because an exempt
(Non-impairment clause applies) institution is spared from sharing in the
expenses of government and yet benefits from
3. Treaty / Executive order them. Tax exemptions for charitable institutions
4. Contractual should therefore be limited to institutions
beneficial to the public and those which improve
b) As to Manner social welfare. A profit-making entity should not
1. Express – explicitly exempted by the be allowed to exploit this subsidy to the
statute detriment of the government and other
2. Implied – those that fall outside the taxpayers. (CIR v. St. Luke’s)
scope of the taxing provision
- A tax amnesty, much like a tax exemption, is
c) As to scope never favored nor presumed in law. The grant
1. Total / Full – absolute of a tax amnesty, similar to a tax exemption,
2. Partial must be construed strictly against the taxpayer
and liberally in favor of the taxing authority.
Cases Doctrines on Tax Exemption (CIR v. Philippine-Aluminum Wheels)

- Taxation is the rule and exemption therefrom - Exemptions from taxation are construed in
the exception, the exemption may thus be strictissimi juris against the taxpayer and
withdrawn at the pleasure of the taxing liberally in favor of the taxing authority (Esso
authority. The only exception to this rule is Standard v. Acting CIR)
where the exemption was granted to private
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

M. Escape from Taxation - A Non-VAT taxpayer is exempt from VAT. As

an exempt VAT taxpayer, it is not allowed any
Forms: tax credit on input VAT previously paid.
(Contex v. CIR)
1. Tax Shifting – transfer of the burden of
taxation RATE Program (Run after Tax Evaders)
2. Tax Capitalization or Amortization - Program of the BIR to identify and prosecute
3. Tax Transformation high profile tax evaders
4. Transfer Pricing - Under RATE, the non-declaration of correct
5. Resorting to Tax Haven – Tax havens are expenses is an indicia of fraud; under this
places without tax impositions presumption, up to 50% of expenses may be
Ex. Cayman Islands disallowed*
*sabi sa lecture assuming tama naalala ko n_nV

6. Tax Deferral
7. Tax Shelter – enactments of congress which II. PRESCRIPTION
protect taxpayers from the payment of tax
- is a means for a taxpayer not to pay tax Prescription
Ex. Minimum wage earners
1. Acquisitive – acquisition of rights through the
8. Doctrine of Equitable Recoupment – a tax lapse of time
refund not filed within the prescriptive period can 2. Extinctive – extinction of rights through the
be offset against a current tax liability; not lapse of time; prescription in taxation refers
applicable in the Philippines to extinctive prescription

9. Tax Avoidance – minimizing or lessening the GR: The right to assess and collect taxes is
tax payable through lawful means imprescriptible
XPN: When provided by law
10. Tax Dodging or Tax Evasion – use of illegal
means of escaping taxation General Rule: The right to assess must be
exercised within 3 years from the day the return
Elements - ESC was actually filed or the last day of filing of the
1) End to be achieved – the payment of tax return, whichever is LATER (Sec. 203 of NIRC)
lesser than what is due
2) State of mind of being evil or in bad faith Exceptions:
3) Course of action or failure of action which
is unlawful (CIR v. Estate of Benigno Toda) 1) False or fraudulent return, or failure or
omission to file taxes
Cases - Applicable period is 10 years

- PEZA registered entities are exempt from False return – deviation from the truth,
internal revenue laws and regulations. This usually because of mistake, carelessness or
exemption covers both direct and indirect ignorance
taxes. No taxes, local and national, shall be
imposed on business establishments operating Fraudulent return – intentional or deceitful
within the ecozone. (CIR v. Seagate) entry to evade the taxes due (Aznar v. CTA)

- “In lieu of all other taxes” clause must be 2) Waiver of statute of limitations in
construed according to the intent of the writing
legislature. (PLDT v. CIR) - Prescription period is extended until the
period agreed upon
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

Requisites of waiver (RMO 14-2016) Quarter Individual Corporation

a. The waiver is executed before the 1st May 15 July 15
expiration of the prescriptive period 2nd August 15 October 15
b. Date of execution is specifically 3rd November 15 January 15
indicated in the waiver 4th April 15 April 15
c. Expiry date of period agreed upon
should be specifically stated in the 2) Withholding taxes
d. The waiver is signed by the taxpayer Final withholding taxes & expanded withholding
or his duly authorized representative tax – last day of the month following the close
of the taxable quarter
3) Suspensions of running of the statute
of limitations Quarter Deadline
- Prescriptive period is tolled by the grant 1st April 30
or acting upon by the BIR of a request 2nd July 31
for reinvestigation 3rd October 30
4th January 31
Forms of protest:

1. Request for reinvestigation – plea for re- Withholding on compensation – 10th day of the
evaluation of an assessment on the basis of following MONTH
newly-discovered or additional evidence that a XPN: December – filed on the 15th day of
taxpayer intends to present January; Return must be annualized

2. Request for reconsideration – plea for re- 3) VAT and Percentage taxes
evaluation of an assessment on the basis of - Filed on the 25th of the month following
existing records without need of additional the close of the quarter (Sec. 114 & Sec.
evidence (BPI v. CIR) 125 of NIRC)

4) Taxpayer is out of the country Quarter Deadline

5) Taxpayer cannot be located 1st April 25
6) Issuance of warrant of distraint or levy 2nd July 25
3rd October 25
Deadlines for filing of taxes (Under TRAIN) 4th January 25
- For purposes of prescription, the reckoning
point is the deadline for the filing of the ANNUAL Doctrines on prescription
- Taxes are the lifeblood of the government. One
1) Income taxes of the exceptions to the doctrine is where the
taxpayer has shown a clear and unmistakable
For individuals – 15th day of the 2nd month right to refuse or to hold in abeyance the
following the close of the taxable period payment of taxes, such as on the ground of
For corporation – 15th day of the 4th month prescription (Talento v. Escalada)
following the close of the taxable period
XPN: 4th quarter – April 15. Return filed must be - The law on prescription, being a remedial
annualized measure, should be liberally construed in order
to afford protection (CIR v. Goodrich)

- Falsity or fraud, as exceptions to the period of

prescription, must be proved (CIR v. Goodrich)
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

- The act of requesting a reinvestigation alone - The waiver of the statute of limitations does not
does not suspend the period. The request mean that the taxpayer relinquishes the right to
should first be granted, in order to effect invoke prescription unequivocally, particularly
suspension. (CIR v. United Salvage and where the language of the document is
Towage) equivocal. (CIR v. FMF)

- The BIR has three years, counted from the date - The law prescribing a limitation of actions for
of actual filing of the return or from the last date the collection of the income tax is beneficial
prescribed by law for the filing of such return, both to the Government and to its citizens; to
whichever comes later, to assess a national the Government because tax officers would be
internal revenue tax or to begin a court obliged to act promptly in the making of
proceeding for the collection thereof without an assessment, and to citizens because after the
assessment. In case of a false or fraudulent lapse of the period of prescription citizens would
return with intent to evade tax or the failure to have a feeling of security against unscrupulous
file any return at all, the prescriptive period for tax agents who will always find an excuse to
assessment of the tax due shall be 10 years inspect the books of taxpayers, not to
from discovery by the BIR of the falsity, fraud, determine the latter's real liability, but to take
or omission. advantage of every opportunity to molest
peaceful, law-abiding citizens. (CIR v. Stanley
When the BIR validly issues an assessment, Works)
within either the three-year or ten-year period,
whichever is appropriate, then the BIR has - A waiver signed by an unauthorized company
another three years, or five years if in case of representative is invalid (CIR v. Kudos Metal)
false or fraudulent return, after the assessment
within which to collect the national internal - A taxpayer is estopped from questioning the
revenue tax due thereon by distraint, levy, waiver executed if it had impliedly admitted the
and/or court proceeding. The assessment of the validity of the waiver through partial payment
tax is deemed made and the three-year period of an assessment issued within the extended
for collection of the assessed tax begins to run period (RCBC v. CIR)
on the date the assessment notice had been
released, mailed or sent by the BIR to the - If the taxpayer files an amended return, which
taxpayer. (BPI v. CIR) is substantially different from the original
return, the period of prescription of the right to
- Estoppel applies against a taxpayer who did not issue the deficiency assessment should be
only raise at the earliest opportunity its counted from the filing of the amended return,
representative's lack of authority to execute two and not the original return (CIR v. Phoenix
waivers of defense of prescription, but was also Assurance Co.,)
accorded, through these waivers, more time to
comply with the audit requirements of the - Actual fraud, not constructive fraud, is subject
Bureau of Internal Revenue. Nonetheless, a tax to the 50% penalty surcharge. For the
assessment served beyond the extended period surcharge to apply, it must be intentional fraud,
is void. (CIR v. Transitions Optical Philippines) consisting of deception willfully and deliberately
done or resorted to in order to induce another
- Section 203 of the NIRC prohibits two acts after to give up some right. Fraud must be proven by
the expiration of the three-year period: First, an the government. (Aznar v. CTA)
assessment for the collection of the taxes in the
return, and second, initiating a court proceeding - Negligence, whether slight or gross, is not
on the basis of such return. Thus, a prescribed equivalent to fraud with intent to evade taxes
tax return cannot be used as a basis for a (Aznar v. CTA)
complaint of tax evasion (Republic v. GMCC)
♥ TAXATION NOTES ni daga ♥

- A waiver of the statute of limitations is a

derogation of the taxpayer's right to security
against prolonged and unscrupulous
investigations and thus, it must be carefully and
strictly construed. The BIR cannot hide behind
the doctrine of estoppel to cover its failure to
comply with RMOs issued by the BIR itself (CIR
v. PDI)

- When there is a showing that a taxpayer has

substantially underdeclared its sales, receipt or
income, there is a presumption that it has filed
a false return. As such, the CIR need not
immediately present evidence to support the
falsity of the return. The 10-year prescription
period applies if the taxpayer fails to overcome
that presumption (CIR v. Asalus)

- A FAN or FDDA that doesn’t explicitly state that

the applicable prescriptive period was the 10-
year period is still valid if it makes reference to
the PAN which states that the 10-year period
applies. It is sufficient that the taxpayer is
substantially informed of the legal and factual
bases of the assessment enabling him to file an
effective protest (CIR v. Asalus)

- Fraud is a question of fact and must be alleged

and proved I the lower courts. (CIR v. Ayala

- In the absence of express statutory provision,

the right of the government to assess unpaid
taxes is imprescriptible (CIR v. Ayala Securities,
referring to improperly accumulated earnings

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