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Tests and Maintenance


New, altered, extended or replaced plumbing shall be left uncovered and unconcealed until it has been tested and
approved. Where such work has been covered or concealed before it is tested and approved, it shall be exposed
for testing.


Equipment, material and labor required for testing a plumbing system or part thereof shall be furnished by the
installing contractor.


15.3.1 General
New plumbing systems and parts of existing systems that have been altered, extended or repaired shall be
tested as prescribed hereinafter to disclose leaks and defects only when required by the Authority Having

15.3.2 Exceptions
a. When required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, where an existing concealed sewer or drain is reused
as part of a new or renovated drainage system, the line shall be traced to its point of termination and shall be
tested to determine that:
1. 11 is connected to the proper drainage system, such as sanitary or storm,
2. It will withstand a leak test, and,
3. It is free-flowing and not restricted. -


15.4.1 Rough Plumbing

a. Except for outside leaders and perforated or open jointed drain tile, the piping of plumbing drainage and
venting systems shall be tested upon completion of the rough piping installation by water or air and proved
watertight. The Authority Having Jurisdiction may require the removal of any cleanout plugs to ascertain if
the pressure has reached all parts of the system. Either of the following test methods shall be used.
1. The water test shall be applied to the drainage system either in its entirety or in sections after rough
piping has been installed. If applied to the entire system, all openings in the piping shall be tightly closed,
except the highest opening, and the system filled with water to point of overflow. If the system is tested in
sections, each opening shall he tightly plugged except the highest opening of the section under test, and each
section shall be filled with water, but no section shall be tested with less than a I 0-foot head of water. In
testing successive sections at least the upper 10 feet of the next preceding section shall be tested, so that no
joint or pipe in the building (except the uppermost 10 feet of the system) shall have been submitted to a test of
less than I0-foot head of water. The water shall be kept in the system or in the portion under test for at least
15 minutes before inspection starts; the system shall then be tight at all points.
2. The air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor testing apparatus to any suitable opening and
after closing all other inlets and outlets to the system, forcing air into the system until there is a uniform gauge
pressure of 5 pounds per square inch or sufficient to balance a column of mercury 10 inches in height. This
pressure shall be held without introduction of additional air for a period of at least 15 minutes.

15.4.2 Finished Plumbing

a. When the rough plumbing has been tested in accordance with section 15.4.1, a final test ofthe finished
plumbing system may be required to insure that the final fixture connections to the drainage system are gas-
b. After the plumbing fixtures have been set and their traps filled with water, their connections shall be
tested and proved gas and watertight. A final smoke or peppermint test shall be required. except in the case
of a previous on site-inspected water or air tested system. If a smoke or peppermint test is required, the
following test methods shall be employed:
1. A smoke test shall be made by filling all traps with water and then reintroducing into the entire system a
pungent, thick smoke produced by one or more smoke machines. When the smoke appears at stack openings
on the roof, they shall be closed and a pressure equivalent to a one-inch water column shall be developed and
maintained for the period of the inspection.
2. Where the Authority Having Jurisdiction, due to practical difficulties or hardships, finds that a smoke
test cannot be performed, a peppermint test shall be substituted in lieu thereof. Such peppermint test shall be
conducted by the introduction of two ounces of oil of peppermint into the roof terminal of every line or stack
to be tested. The oil of peppermint shall be followed at once by ten quarts of hot (I40T) water whereupon all
roof vent terminals shall be sealed. A positive test, which reveals leakage, shall be the detection of the odor of
peppermint at any trap or other point on the system. Oil of peppermint or persons whose person or clothes
have come in contact with oil of peppermint shall be excluded from the test area.

Comment: The smoke or peppermnint tests on the finished plumbing can be waived by the Authority
Haring.lurisdiction when they are considered to be unnecessary. However, the finished plumbing tests
should be performed if the installation appears to be improper or there is the odor of sewer gas.


The building sewer shall be tested by insertion of a test plug at the point of connection with the public sewer,
private sewer, individual sewer disposal. or other point of disposal. It shall then be filled with water under a head of
not less than 10 feet. The water level at the top of the test head of water shall not drop for at least 15 minutes.
Where the final connection of the building sewer cannot reasonably be subjected to a hydrostatic test, it shall be
visually inspected.
a. Upon completion of a section or the entire water supply system, it shall be tested and proved tight under a
water pressure not less than the working pressure under which it is to be used or 80 pounds per square inch,
whichever is greater.
b. For metallic pipe and where the Authority Having Jurisdiction determines that providing potable water for the
test represents a hardship or practical difficulty, the system may be tested with air to the pressures noted above, as
allowed by the pipe manufacturer.
c. For plastic pipe, testing by compressed gas or air pressure shall be prohibited.
d. Piping shall be disinfected after testing per Section 10.9.


Where there is reason to believe that the plumbing system of any building has become defective, it shall be sub-
jected to test or inspection and any defects found shall be corrected.


15.8.1 General
The plumbing and drainage systems shall be maintained at all times in compliance with the provisions of this

15.8.2 Exception
Existing plumbing installed under prior regulations or lack thereof, may remain unchanged unless immediate
hazards to health, life, or property are evident.

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