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University Teaching Trust

Active Cycle Breathing

Technique (ACBT)

Respiratory Medicine
0161 206 5321

© G19042302W. Design Services, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, All Rights Reserved 2019.
Document for issue as handout. Unique Identifier: MED 20 (19). Review date: May 2021.
What is ACBT? Deep breathing exercises Forced expiration technique
This is a technique to help you The cycle consists of: This is an exercise to help you also known as Huff
clear phlegm from your chest. make better use of the lower Huffing, also known as the
Breathing Control
Coughing alone can be tiring parts of your lungs and loosen forced expiratory technique
(also called tummy breathing) helps to remove phlegm better
and unproductive. Active Cycle any phlegm.
of Breathing uses different Breathing control is a part of the than coughing. It is less tiring
l Relax in a comfortable
depths of breathing to move cycle to allow rest. It is advisable than coughing.
position, with your head,
phlegm from the small airways to practice this exercise when l Take a half breath in
neck and arms well
at the bottom of your lungs feeling relaxed and in control in
supported and shoulders l With your mouth open
to larger airways near the top order to use it effectively.
dropped squeeze the air forcefully
where they can be cleared more l Relax in a comfortable out of your lungs, as though
easily with huffing/coughing. l Breathe out gently
position, with your head, you are steaming up a mirror
Active Cycle of Breathing can neck and arms well supported l Try to make sure that your before wiping it clean. Your
be performed in sitting, lying and shoulders dropped neck and shoulders stay tummy muscles should tighten,
or postural drainage positions. relaxed but your throat muscles
l Rest one hand on your tummy,
At first you should start in the l Take a long deep breath in, should stay relaxed. The huff
keeping shoulders and upper
sitting position. slowly through your nose if must be long enough to
chest relaxed and allow your
Active Cycle of Breathing should hand to rise gently as you comfortable, if not, through move the phlegm up from
only be carried out following breathe in. (If you imagine your mouth. At the end of smaller, deeper airways into
demonstration and instruction air filling your tummy like a the breath in, hold the air in the larger, higher airways. If
by your physiotherapist. balloon this may help) for 2-3 seconds it is too short it won’t be as
General Rules l Sigh out gently through the l Let the air out gently
l Follow this with breathing
mouth through your mouth
l Try to maintain a good control until you have your
breathing pattern with l Ensure shoulders remain relaxed l Repeat 3 - 4 times then rest breath back
relaxed shoulders and neck
l Over a few seconds, gradually l Repeat
l Try to breathe in through increase depth of breathing l As phlegm moves into larger
your nose and out through
while staying relaxed breathing tubes take a deep
your mouth. Breathing out
breath in. Another huff or a
should be slow, like “sighing
cough will then clear them
out”. This minimises any
1 © G16110105W.
G19042302W. Design Services, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust,
All Rights Reserved 2017.
2019. Document for issue as handout.
20 (19).
May 2019.
When do I stop? Other things which may
Keep doing the cycle until you help?
A full cycle consists of:
have done two cycles without l If you use a bronchodilator/
Breathing clearing any phlegm OR until inhaler medication use it
Huff x2 Control you are tired. before you do your exercises
l Drink plenty of clear water
How often should I do l Always clear your chest in the
Deep Breathing them? morning. A hot drink may
Control help you if you wake feeling
3-4 Breaths If you spit up phlegm every
day then you will need to
clear your lungs daily. Your l Clear your chest before you
physiotherapist will advise you eat
Deep Breathing Breathing on how many times a day you l If your phlegm changes
3-4 Breaths Control should be clearing your chest. colour take a sample to your
Use this method instead of just doctor
coughing when you feel that l If you have any questions
The number of times/breaths may vary depending on how you have phlegm to clear from about your chest condition
breathless you are or on the amount of phlegm. your chest. contact your doctor, nurse or
If you cough up phlegm only physiotherapist
occasionally then you may
use the technique only when
Contact number
needed for example when you
have a chest infection. If you 0161 206 5321
have an infection you will need
to do the cycle several times a respiratoryphysio@srft.
day to clear the phlegm.

3 © G19042302W. Design Services, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust,

All Rights Reserved 2019. Document for issue as handout.
Unique Identifier: MED 20 (19). Review date: May 2021.
© G19042302W. Design Services
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
All Rights Reserved 2019
This document MUST NOT be photocopied
University Teaching Trust
Information Leaflet Control Policy:
Unique Identifier: MED 20 (19)
Review Date: May 2021

For further information on this leaflet, it’s references and sources

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Salford Royal operates a smoke-free policy.

For advice on stopping smoking contact the Hospital Specialist Stop Smoking Service on 0161 206 1779

This is a teaching hospital which plays an important role in the training of future doctors. The part
patients play in this process is essential to make sure that we produce the right quality doctors for all
of our futures. If at any time you would prefer not to have students present please inform the doctor
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