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Explication of Law in the united States of America &


Commerce- The Law Merchant 'Lex Mercantoria' is the key legal ‘operational software’

which is being used today against you, your business, your finance, your church, your

travel, banking, home repairs, real estate, investments, everything! It is like fly paper.

Once you touch it, you can’t get rid of it very easily. We flies get ‘lured’ onto the paper

and we unknowingly become ‘merchants’ in whose world everything is regulated

according to contract (written or 'presumed'). Such regulations have no allowance for

individual rights or the constitution, other than what the contract, or the Law Merchant

provides for. This is why it ‘seems’ like you don’t have any rights anymore. It’s because

you don’t! You are living in the regulated ‘merchant’ world. People (the entire country)

are completely missing this essential element. All, I repeat, 'ALL' efforts on national and

statewide elections are a complete waste of time and money. It doesn't matter who 'the

warden' is! You are still a prisoner and you don't understand 'the rules'! Mayb with hard

work and a lot of fundraising you can elect a 'nice' warden who is sympathetic to your

need for an extra 30 minutes free time in the courtyard, BUT YOU ARE STILL A

PRISONER of the law merchant and you have no rights under the 'system' of law

merchant,so quit demanding them! Quit expecting the elected and unelected trustees of

the corporate democracy in Washington, D.C. to follow the constitution for the united

States of America! They are not involved in that organization! They work for

the UNITED STATES. If you don't know the difference, you have some studying to do!

Explication of Law in the united States of America &
The union of states created the federal government and as the ‘creator’ of the federal

government, the ‘created’ (feds) should be serving the states. Is that the case today?

Something is seriously wrong here. Things are upside down and backwards and must be

corrected. It’s up to the people to take action. Because of this 'upside down' situation, the

people, their property, their liberty and their futures are at risk. Our mission is to mitigate that

risk by using advanced concepts, tools and strategies in both the domestic and international arenas.

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